HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-08 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the workshop meeting of the City
Commission to order at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 8, 2009, in Room 105, Tamarac
City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, FL.
PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Patricia Atkins -Grad,
Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, and Commissioner Harry Dressler
ABSENT: Commissioner Diane Glasser
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, Assistant
City Manager Diane Phillips, and City Clerk Marion Swenson
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance and
took a moment of personal privilege to announce that on Saturday she, along with
Congressman Alcee Hastings, were each presented with an Appreciation Award for Service to
the Community, from the AFL/CIO. Commissioner Dressler said the first thing Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco did when she received the award was to thank her colleagues.
Commissioner Bushnell said on Monday Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco shared the award with
everyone who attended the Mainlands 1 & 2 Labor Day Barbecue. Mayor Flansbaum-
' Talabisco said four years ago when she decided to run for Mayor, she promised everybody
she was going to turn the page and Tamarac would be in the forefront of communities and
viewed with a different set of eyes than in years past. With the help of her colleagues, past
and present, we have achieved that and she received this award on behalf of everybody in the
City of Tamarac as well as all staff in City Hall. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said we are all very
proud and it is a fine team.
1. Item No 6 0) on the Consent Agenda. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FEE
WAIVER: (TR11682) Designating KSM Electronics, Inc.'s relocation to the Westpoint Centre at
the Tamarac Commerce Park as an economic development project of the City of Tamarac;
approving an economic development permit fee waiver not to exceed 15% of the total building
permit fees up to $10,000; authorizing the appropriate City Officials to take all necessary
actions to effectuate the intent of this resolution. Public & Economic Affairs Officer Berns
appeared and introduced Steve Benjamin and Mel Zucker, Co -owners of KSM Electronics.
Public and Economic Affairs Officer Berns gave a presentation and discussed economic
development and residential development and the benefits of economic development to the
City of Tamarac. Mr. Benjamin discussed the number of jobs that would be created and Mr.
Zucker discussed the type of manufacturing that would be done in Tamarac. Commissioner
Bushnell said she can see no reason to be anything but thrilled that they are occupying space
in Tamarac. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said it will be a wonderful addition for the City of
Tamarac and welcomed the company to Tamarac. Commissioner Dressler welcomed the
company to Tamarac and spoke of his involvement in the Economic Development Foundation
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City Commission Workshop
September H, 2009
both in Coral Springs and in Tamarac. Commissioner Dressler spoke of the tax base and the
job opportunities that would be created by KSM. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said one of the
keys to ongoing success for a municipality is economic development and commercial '
redevelopment. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she hoped KSM would join the chamber of
Commerce and the Kiwanis Club, and added Tamarac is all about team effort and
partnerships. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if it is expected people will relocate to
Tamarac due to the jobs that will be created and Mr. Benjamin said some people would
relocate to Tamarac. Commissioner Dressler suggested the Human Resources person from
KSM contact our Community Development Department for information regarding federal funds
available to assist in financing the purchase of a home for new home buyers. City Attorney
Goren added state law authorized what we are doing with regard to allocation of public funds
for new businesses. This is also addressed in the City Code and is applied on a case by case
basis. City Manager Miller thanked Public and Economic Affairs Officer Berns for his efforts on
behalf of this project, as well as the Butters family for the good clients they have brought to
Tamarac over the years.
2. Item No. 6 (h) on the Consent Agenda. REQUESTS FOR WAIVER OF FEES AND IN -
from the Tamarac Chamber of Commerce for waiver of room rental fees for their health
business expo, and waiver of all fees, and the provision of in -kind support for the Taste of
Tamarac event. Parks and Recreation Director Warner gave a presentation. Commissioner
Dressler spoke of the advertising value to the City. Commissioner Bushnell asked how many
people are expected to come to the Taste of Tamarac and Director of Parks and Recreation
Warner said the event has been pushed back to November 14 to allow for attendance by the '
snow birds, and we expect over 1,000 visitors. Commissioner Bushnell spoke of the Kiwanis
welcome booth at the event and the opportunity to support the census. Commissioner
Bushnell suggested the use of Twitter and the blast emails to inform everyone of the event.
Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said people always say the Taste of Tamarac is one of the best
events the Chamber puts on for us. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked the Chamber to
include Veterinarians in the Health Expo, and spoke of a new restaurant in Tamarac, Taurus
Steak House, which should also be invited to join the Taste of Tamarac. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco said November 14 is Jack Talabisco's birthday and she will contribute a sheet cake
in his honor. Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said the Taste of Tamarac will be held
on November 14, 2009 and the Health Expo will be held on January 27, 2010.
3. Item No. 6 (b) on the Consent Agenda, NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT PROJECT -
TRAN CONSTRUCTION, INC.: (TR11676) Authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
execute an Agreement with Tran Construction, Inc., for the construction of the NW 50th
Avenue Neighborhood Enhancement Project, beginning at West Commercial Boulevard along
the east side of NW 50th Avenue continuing to the south side of NW 50th Street terminating at
Rock Island Road in accordance with Bid No. 09-10b, for an amount not to exceed
$129,748.00 from the appropriate accounts; authorizing budget amendments as needed for
proper accounting purposes. Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager
Glatz appeared and Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco confirmed it would be safe to state at the next meeting of Mainlands 6 that
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September 8, 2009
construction would begin this fall, and confirmed the community is prepared for the minor
destruction that will go on during construction. Public Works Director Strain said the contractor
is required to maintain one-way traffic at all times and restore two-way traffic when they are not
4. Item No. 6 (g) on the Consent Agenda. FY2010 FMIT INSURANCE RENEWAL:
(TR11681) Authorizing the renewal of General Liability, Automobile Liability, Automobile
Physical Damage, Workers' Compensation, and Property lines of coverage with the Florida
Municipal Insurance Trust (FMIT) for a one (1) year period beginning October 1, 2009 at a cost
of $1,017,282 and payment of any increase resulting from the annual premium audit. Human
Resources Director Swanson and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski appeared. Risk/Safety
Manager Tomaszewski gave a presentation. Commissioner Dressler asked how many cities
participate in the FMIT Pool and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski said she would find out.
Commissioner Dressler complemented Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski on her efforts as
this is immensely complicated and difficult to negotiate. Commissioner Bushnell thanked
Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski for her efforts with regard to this complicated project. Vice
Mayor Atkins -Grad applauded Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski on the job she did
negotiating the insurance for the city.
5. Item No. 6 (d) on the Consent Agenda. APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 -
STRAIGHTLINE ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. (TR11680) Authorizing the appropriate City
Officials to approve Change Order No. 2 to the Agreement with Straightline Engineering
Group, Inc. for the renovation of the boat ramp at Veterans Park for an amount not to exceed
' $48,584 from the appropriate accounts; authorizing budget amendments as needed for proper
accounting purposes. Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz
appeared. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation and informed the Mayor and City
Commission that we cannot start on the project until we receive the money, which should be
around October 1st
Commissioner Dressler left the room at 10:25 a.m. and returned at 10:28 a.m.
6. Item No. 6 (c) on the Consent Agenda. SHIP ANNUAL REPORTS: (TR11678) Approving
the Annual Report for the State Housing Initiative Partnership for FY 2006/2007 and
the Interim Reports for FY 2007/2008 and FY 2008/2009. Community Development Director
Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree appeared. Community Development Director
Bramley said she would like to discuss Item 6(c) separately and then discuss items 6(e) and
6(f) at one time. Housing Administrator Bauldree gave a presentation on item 6(c).
7. Item No. 6 (e) on the Consent Agenda. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY
FUNDS FY2005/2006: (TR11685) Approving the Interlocal Agreement between the City of
Tamarac and Broward County to provide for the City of Tamarac to be designated as a
subrecipient for the HOME Consortium and for disbursement of $64,273.55 in HOME funds for
Fiscal Year 2005-2006. Community Development Director Bramley and Housing Administrator
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September8, 2009
Bramlee appeared. Housing Administrator Bauldree gave a presentation on items 6(e) and
8. Item No. 6 (f) on the Consent Agenda. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY '
CONSORTIUM FUNDS FY2006/2007: (TR11686) Approving the Interlocal Agreement
between the City of Tamarac and Broward County to provide for the City of Tamarac to be
designated as a subrecipient for the HOME Consortium and for disbursement of $111,670.20
in HOME funds for Fiscal Year 2006-2007.
Warner and Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Probert appeared. Director of Parks and
Recreation Warner said people who participate in our programs think very highly of the
programs, but we need to get the word out because there are not enough people participating.
Director of Parks and Recreation Warner showed the Mayor and City Commission the C D.
Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad left the room at 10:35 a.m. and returned at 10:38 a.m.
Director of Parks and Recreation Warner thanked Assistant Parks and Recreation Director
Probert for the many hours she spent putting the presentation together and also thanked
Public and Economic Affairs Officer Berns for his assistance. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco
said she remembers the discussions regarding the dog park and the branding campaign, and
after all this time, she cannot imagine being without either of these two programs. She is very
proud of what this Commission and the past Commission have achieved. In these times when '
money is so tight for families, we have all this available for the community, and she could not
be prouder. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested providing the C D to the Tamarac Dollar
Theater, and Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Probert said she has been in contact
with them and she will follow up soon. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad suggested showing the film at
every district meeting. Commissioner Dressler said he is astounded at the many disparate
types of activities that occur during one calendar year, and the efficiency of the way they are
presented to the community. Commissioner Dressler said he does not think people are fully
aware of the complete range of services we offer. Commissioner Bushnell said this
commission and the former commission had the foresight to bring so many programs to all of
Tamarac, and she will educate the east side of Tamarac on what is available for them. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said the Mayor and City Commission would like to know where the C D
is being presented so they can participate and Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said
after the first public hearing on the budget he is going to present the C D to the Woodlands
Community. Commissioner Dressler said the end of October would be a good time to present
it to the Woodmont Community. City Manager Miller suggested showing the C D at the NW
Council of Elected Officials' meeting on September 14, and all were in agreement.
Division Chief Sheridan appeared and distributed the presentation (attached hereto and
incorporated herein as part of these minutes). EMS Division Chief Sheridan gave a
presentation on the pandemic and seasonal flu. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad questioned whether it
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September 8, 2009
is safe to get the seasonal flu shot at well as the H1 N1 shot and EMS Division Chief Sheridan
said it is safe to get both at the same time. Commissioner Bushnell spoke of the number of
' people attending the Taste of Tamarac event and handling food, and suggested that hand
sanitizers be placed at the doorways to the event as well as the doorways to the Tamarac
Community Center. Commissioner Dressler spoke of the H1N1 and seasonal flu as well as
the outbreak of flu in the 1950's, and spoke of his concern regarding our business plan for this
year, should the outbreak cause many people to stay home from work. EMS Division Chief
Sheridan spoke of our continuity of operations plan (COOP), and our need to continue to
provide services. As the season peaks people will be told to stay sheltered in place and
contact their primary physician, and we will look at alternative staffing patterns, in particular for
fire vehicles and staff. Interim Fire Chief Moral said the COOP is universal for any type of
emergency. We are planning and policy driven, through our City Manager's office.
Departments need to look at alternatives to keep providing services; we are projecting the flu
will touch 80% of our population. Commissioner Dressler questioned legislation regarding
quarantine, and EMS Division Chief Sheridan said legislation is already out there but it does
not work for the H1 N1. Commissioner Dressler said we are not at the worst case scenario yet,
but people should be prepared and take precautions. Commissioner Dressler questioned the
city's position if someone comes to work with flu like symptoms. City Manager Miller said we
have just set a policy at the last executive team meeting; if someone comes to work exhibiting
those types of symptoms they are to be sent home immediately. We will promulgate an official
policy and word has already been gotten out to all departments throughout the organization.
We are taking every precaution we can; our restrooms are appropriately outfitted, posters are
going out to the departments, as well as written material to the employees. It is our intention to
remain open and keep our key functions going, and we are as prepared as anybody can be
under the circumstances. Commissioner Dressler spoke of hand washing and confirmed the
sanitizers are second in effectiveness to washing with soap and water. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco said she would like to see Commissioner Bushnell's suggestion implemented at the
Tamarac Community Center and the Aquatic Center.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:20 a.m.
Marion Swenson, CMC =
City Clerk
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City Commission Workshop
September 8, 2009
Preparing the
City of Tamarac
Pandemic and Seasonal Flu
City of Tamarac Commission
September 8, 2009
Preparing For The Flu
This presentation is intended to provide basic
• information to help the City of Tamarac prepare and
implement a response to pandemic, seasonal flu,
the novel H 1 N 1 influenza and any other
communicable disease.
Presentation guidelines were developed by the
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
Florida Department of Health, and Cities Readiness
Initiative (CRI)
Influenza (The Flu)
The flu is a contagious, respiratory infection
caused by influenza viruses.
Flu can be mild to severe, and at times can
lead to death.
How Flu Spreads1 &.1 - 4
�f Person to person from coughing
and sneezing within 6 feet
4 To 4obje1:ts with flu viruses
en touching your
e �...,., lmuth
Con tacf avith infected people
4 Beginning 1 day before their
symptoms start and up to 7 days after
they become sick
Stop the Spread of Flu
Stay home if you are sick' 11116kAp.
Avoid close contact with people
who are sick. ► �.
».. Cover your nose and mouth-
7 , with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Stop the Spread of Flu
Wash your hands often.
Don't touch your eyes.. nose & moutr
Get lots of sleep, be physically active, manage
stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy
Seasonal & H1N1 Flu Symptoms
Fever (over 100 degrees F)
Dry cough
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Body aches
Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
(more common in children)
,/Vaccination = Flu Prevention!
Seasonal Flu = 1 shot
H1N1 Flu = 2 shots, each one 21 days apart
About 2 weeks after flu vaccinations, antibodies
�••• develop that protect against influenza infection.
Flu vaccines are virus specific and do not protect
against other flu -like illnesses caused by non -influenza
When To Get Vaccinated?
As soon as the vaccine becomes available
Throughout the influenza season
Peak influenza season often occurs in
••µ' January and later
Seasonal Flu Vaccination
Priority Groups
' Children aged 6 months up to 191" birthday
- s Pregnant women
" People 50 years of age and older
'. • People with certain chronic medical conditions
People who live with or care for those at high risk such
as health care personnel
_' Household contacts and less than 6 months of age
•N••• Priority Groups For H 1 N 1 Flu
1. Pregnant women
2. Household contacts and caregivers
for children younger than 6 months
of age
3. Health care and emergency medical
services personnel
•jPriority Groups For H1 N1 Flu
4. People between the ages of 6
months through 24 years of age
5. People ages 25 through 64 years
of age who are at higher risk
because of chronic health
�• disorders or compromised immuq
\4.•- systems
What's the City Doing
Maintain close contact with Department of Health
a Mass Prophylaxis Program and dispensing Strategic
National Stockpile assets for the H1 N1 Flu
•- Review and Implement City Policies and Plans
• Community Partners and Alternate Dispensing Sites
\t Protecting employees, citizens and those at high -risk
• Vaccination or prophylactic medication
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
.,'* What's the City Doing
Communicate accurate and timely information to
employees, residents, business owners and visitors
n •,, 9 City homepage has links to key flu information sites
• Practice good basic hygiene and prevention strategies
• Promote preparing a Disaster Supply Kit (7 days minimum)
' • City Communications Group (PSA's and literature)
" Operational coverage when key staff are sick
• Planning for different levels of reduced staff
Questions and Answers
H1N1 Virus