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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-20 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,2004 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, September 20, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88 1h Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco. ABSENT/EXCUSED FOR CAUSE: Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Deputy City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Schreiber led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1 . ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT — MITCHELL CEASAR, LOBBYIST: Mitchell Ceasar, Lobbyist said it was a successful year and the City received three grants. We focused on more targeted areas, but this coming year will be a more broad focus. Mr. Ceasar reviewed the grants awarded and said we are on the edge of getting some very large grants for open land, to the tune of $1.5 million and $750,000. Mr. Ceasar said there are a significant number of grants pending and the potential for the coming year is phenomenal. Vice Mayor Sultanof thanked Mr. Ceasar for his input and keeping the Mayor and City Commission informed. Commissioner Portner asked how much money is left in the Broward County land grant and Mr. Ceasar said he believes there is about $15 million set aside for this cycle. Commissioner Portner questioned the Federal Courtyard project and City Manager Miller explained it is for the land between the library and the Tamarac Community Center. Commissioner Portner said there is a new representative in Tallahassee, Mr. Porth, and he hopes Mr. Ceasar has a good relationship with him. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke of annexation and asked what happened to the $400 million the County was supposed to set aside for infrastructure. Mr. Ceasar said he would look into it and report back to the Mayor and City Commission. 2. SEPTEMBER 22, 2004 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(m). INSURANCE RENEWAL — PROPERTY, GENERAL LIABILITY, AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE: (TR10533) Renewing Property, General Liability, Automobile Liability and Automobile Physical Damage lines of coverage with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust for a one (1) year period beginning October 1, 2004 at a cost of $502,546 and payment of any increase resulting from the annual premium audit. Human Resources Director Maria Swanson and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski appeared. Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski gave a presentation and spoke of rate increases. Commissioner Portner expressed September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop 1 concern at the increased costs and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski explained that our losses were down this year so we did not feel as much of an increase. Mayor Schreiber added that the Florida market is poor and very few companies want to write insurance here. Vice Mayor Sultanof said the rate increases are not because we had a bad experience chart, but rather the companies feather out their losses. b. Item No. 6(n). AWARDING RFP FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION, EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE AND CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION COVERAGE: (TR10534) Awarding RFP 04-27R, Workers' Compensation Insurance, Employer's Liability Insurance and Claims Administration with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust for a one (1) year period beginning October 1, 2004 at a cost of $459,476 and payment of any increase resulting from the annual premium audit. Human Resources Director Swanson and Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski appeared. Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski said a RFP was issued for the workers' compensation, employer's liability insurance and claims administration coverage. Our experience modifier went down this year. Vice Mayor Sultanof added that experience in Tamarac on compensation is localized, and asked if several companies were solicited. Risk/Safety Manager Tomaszewski said the RFP was sent to numerous vendors as well as being advertised, but this is a very narrow area. Only two out of the four responders were eligible. Mayor Schreiber said Workers' Compensation is the only insurance predicated just on the individual insured. Commissioner Portner expressed appreciation in the committee's involvement and the City's advice and questioned the point system. Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz spoke of the two major criteria; price (40%) and experience, qualifications and references (60%). C. Item No. 6(j). AMENDING PAY RANGES IN BARGAINING UNIT PAY PLAN: JR10550) Authorizing a three percent (3%) adjustment to the minimum and a three and one-half percent (3.5%) adjustment to the maximum of the pay ranges in the Bargaining Unit Pay Plan. Human Resources Director Swanson and Employee Relations Manager Cummings appeared. Employee Relations Manager Cummings gave a presentation and said there is no increase in salaries; this is for the pay plan only. Vice Mayor Sultanof confirmed that this is not for pay raises. Commissioner Portner confirmed that the fiscal impact will be for people hired after October 1, 2004. Commissioner Portner spoke of discussing increased salaries during the upcoming negotiations and Vice Mayor Sultanof said while he is in favor of this in principle; we must remain cautious and be fiscally responsible. City Attorney Kraft reminded the Mayor and City Commission that when the City goes to the table for negotiations, the Mayor and City Commission will then have the opportunity to meet with staff in an executive session for input. Human Resources Director Swanson explained that as of October 1, 2004 bargaining unit employees will receive a 3.5% increase. During the negotiations next summer we will evaluate the market and talk about what seems reasonable for the next contract. d. Item No. 6(l). APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE: (TR10551) Appointing five (5) regular members to the Public Art Committee; appointing two (2) alternate members to the Public Art Committee. Parks and Recreation Director September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop 2 Kathleen Margoles and Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips appeared. Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation and said staff made recommendations, based on the applications received, in relation to the categories set out in the Ordinance whereby the Public Art Committee was created. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned whether the members must live in the City, per the Charter, and Assistant City Manager Phillips said they must reside in or do business in the City, similar to the Economic Development Advisory Committee. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he preferred to make his own selections. City Manager Miller suggested going category by category in accordance with the Ordinance and asked for an expression of interest for each category. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned placing Mrs. Kram under the landscape architect category and said perhaps it would be more fitting to place her in the category of private citizen knowledgeable in community affairs. There was discussion about appointing members and City Attorney Kraft said there is an administrative process to follow. There is an existing applicant pool, and the applicants can be moved to different categories, but if the Mayor and City Commission choose to select people who did not apply for membership to the committee, they will be moving away from the ordinance. Assistant City Manager Phillips explained that some members may cross over into several categories. The following were the Mayor and City Commission's choices: Commissioner Portner: Lawrence Torn and Eleanore Kram for the category of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineer; Herbert Birken for the category of Private citizen knowledgeable in the field of Public Art, Education or Community Affairs; Herb Schneiderman for the category of Professional Artist; Tony Mijares for the category of Private citizen from the Development Community; and Elayne Weisburd and Janet Frank-Chudnow as alternates. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco: Lawrence Torn and Jesse Durko for the category of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineer; Elayne Weisburd for the category of Private citizen knowledgeable in the field of Public Art, Education or Community Affairs; Joan Hinden for the category of Professional Artist; Tony Mijares for the category of Private citizen from the Development Community; and Leo Kaplan and Eleanor Kram as alternates. Vice Mayor Sultanof: Lawrence Torn and Jesse Durko for the category of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineer; Elayne Weisburd for the category of Private citizen knowledgeable in the field of Public Art, Education or Community Affairs; Joan Hinden for the category of Professional Artist; Tony Mijares for the category of Private citizen from the Development Community; and Leo Kaplan and Eleanore Kram as alternates. Mayor Schreiber: Lawrence Torn and Jesse Durko for the category of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineer; Elayne Weisburd for the category of Private citizen knowledgeable in the field of Public Art, Education or Community Affairs; Herb Birken for the category of Professional Artist; Tony Mijares for the category of Private citizen from the Development Community; and Leo Kaplan and Eleanore Kram as alternates. In the final analysis, the Mayor and City Commission's selection as a whole was: Lawrence Torn and Jesse Durko for the category of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning, Engineer; Elayne Weisburd for the category of private citizen knowledgeable in the field of Public Art, Education or Community Affairs; Joan Hinden September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop 3 for the category of Professional Artist; Tony Mijares for the category of private Citizen from the Development Community; Leo Kaplan and Eleanore Kram as alternates. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested when the art project in front of the Tamarac Community Center is completed that Mr. Yellin be made an honorary member of the committee. Commissioner Portner questioned why Mr. Yellin did not submit an application for membership and said making Mr. Yellin an honorary member would set a precedent and he feels a process is needed. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said given that Mr. Yellin is the first and only citizen to come forward with a donation of art to kick-start the project, he should be the only honorary member, and anything else thereafter should be done by a process. Commissioner Portner said he did not agree, and if a process was to be instituted for one, it should be for all. Vice Mayor Sultanof suggested Mr. Yellin be honored at the ribbon cutting ceremony, and he agreed a policy is needed if the Mayor and City Commission were to institute honorary membership on committees. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of interest to make Mr. Yellin an honorary member of the Public Art Committee, and Commissioner Flansbaum- Talabisco and Mayor Schreiber said yes; Vice Mayor Sultanof and Commissioner Portner said no. There being a tie in the expression of interest, no action was taken. e. Item No. 7. APPOINTING VOTING DELEGATE TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES' ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING AT THE CONGRESS OF CITIES IN INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA: (TR1 0552) Appointing — as the City of Tamarac's Voting Delegate to the National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting at the Congress of Cities in Indianapolis, Indiana; appointing — as the City of Tamarac's Alternate Delegate to the National League of Cities' Annual Business Meeting at the Congress of Cities in Indianapolis, Indiana; directing the City Clerk to send a copy of this Resolution to the National League of Cities. Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber said he wanted to be the voting delegate. Vice Mayor Sultanof nominated Commissioner Portner as voting delegate and Mayor Schreiber as alternate voting delegate, with the caveat that whoever attends any meetings as a representative of Tamarac at any function provide the Mayor and City Commission with a comprehensive report upon their return. Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 10:40 a.m. and left the meeting. Vice Mayor Sultanof reconvened the meeting at 10:50 a.m. with the following in attendance: Vice Mayor Sultanof, Commissioners Portner and Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she agreed that whoever attends a meeting should bring back a written report to the Mayor and City Commission, and also suggested that voting delegates be alternated, depending upon who is attending the meeting in question. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco nominated Mayor Schreiber as voting delegate and Commissioner Portner as alternate voting delegate. Commissioner Portner said he was the only one who brought back reports to the Mayor and City Commission when he went on trips, and therefore, felt it appropriate that he be September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop 4 named the voting delegate. Vice Mayor Sultanof suggested pulling this item from the agenda until the October 13, 2004 meeting. All were in agreement. Commissioner Portner questioned Item 6(k) on the consent agenda, and said he disapproved of the installation of video equipment at intersections as he felt it was an invasion of privacy. AGREEMENT — REGIONAL ROAD CONCURRENCY — "TAMARAC MARKET PLACE PLAT": JR10545) Executing the "Regional Road Concurrency Agreement — County Project" between Broward County, Tamarac Showplace, LLC and the City of Tamarac for road concurrency relating to "Tamarac Market Place Plat" located on the southwest corner of McNab Road and Nob Hill Road (Case No. 4-AP-04). Vice Mayor Sultanof said the corner of McNab and Nob Hill has become very congested as Hiatus Road is now a funnel road. While he agrees with Commissioner Portner regarding privacy issues, he feels that in matters of life and death a certain amount of invasion of privacy must take place. The Marketplace will become more hectic with the addition of another restaurant, charter school and the CVS Pharmacy. Vice Mayor Sultanof asked BSO Chief Dugger if BSO could establish a strong zone in that area, and BSO Chief Dugger said it is regularly patrolled. Commissioner Portner questioned Item 6(p) on the consent agenda, in particular whether the City should have chosen the low bidder. CONTRACT AWARD AND AGREEMENT — LIME SLUDGE REMOVAL, HAULING AND DISPOSAL: JR10530) Awarding Bid No. 04-22B "Lime Sludge Removal, Hauling and Disposal" to DRD Enterprises, Inc. of Davie; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with DRD Enterprises, Inc. of Davie for Lime Sludge Removal; authorizing an expenditure of funds for an amount not to exceed $82,500.00 annually beginning October 1, 2004 through September 30, 2006, with two additional two-year renewal options. Commissioner Portner asked whether, at $60,000 less than the next highest bidder, DRD Enterprises would be able to properly fulfill the contract for the length of the contract, and referenced the recent issue in Hollywood. Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz said the contractor is the one we currently use and the cost differential is a result of overhead costs. Some of their equipment has been dedicated to Tamarac and is currently on -site. Commissioner Portner questioned the dumping locations and Utilities Director Gagnon spoke of permits that the contractor must pull to dump the sludge. Commissioner Portner questioned the de-escalation clause and the term of the contract. Utilities Director Gagnon said the increase is due to rising fuel costs; if fuel costs decrease then pricing may go down; and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz explained the contract is for a two-year period with renewal options. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned the ability of the contractor to sell the lime sludge rather than dump it, to which Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz replied he did not believe the contractor is making any money on our sludge. Commissioner Portner questioned item 6(q) on the consent agenda, and questioned the difference between D and F curbing. BID AWARD AND AGREEMENT — INSTALLATION OF TYPE "D" AND "F" CURB ON NW 57 TH STREET: JR10546) Awarding Bid No. 04-28B for the installation of Type "D" and "F" Curb on NW 57 th Street between University Drive and Pine Island Road to Florida Blacktop, Inc.; authorizing the September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop 5 appropriate City Officials to execute an agreement with Florida Blacktop, Inc., for the installation of Type "D" and "F" Curb on NW 57 th Street between University Drive and Pine Island Road; authorizing an expenditure of funds for an amount not to exceed $125,280.00 which represents a contract award of $115,280.00 and a project contingency of $10,000-00. Public Works Director Strain explained that D curbing is regular curbing, while F curbing has a spillway built into it. City Manager Miller extended an invitation to the Mayor and City Commission to the financial planning sessions scheduled for September 28 and September 29. Dee Lee, who has appeared on Oprah and other major television shows, will be the spokesperson. Commissioner Fortner said the National League of Cities proposed an American Dream session, to make quality housing more affordable. On September 30 there will be a Town Hall meeting at the Tamarac Community Center regarding affordable housing, and Commissioner Portner said he would like to have a meeting for Tamarac concerning the American Dream sometime in October. City Manager Miller said he would be happy to set it up if there is a consensus of the Mayor and City Commission. All were in agreement. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Vice Mayor Sultanof adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:00 a.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk September 20, 2004 City Commission Workshop 6