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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-23 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City
Commission to order on Monday, September 23, 2002, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Edward C. Portner, Commissioner
Gertrude Mishkin, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner Karen L.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft,
Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson.
City Manager Miller announced that Item 4 on the workshop agenda, Discussion of City
Commission Procedures, has been postponed and would not be discussed as part of
today's agenda.
RATE INCREASE: (TR9876) Increasing the single-family solid waste collection
services monthly rate from $16.36 to $16.56, effective October 1, 2002; authorizing an
increase in the purchase price of City logo bags from $1.29 to $1.31, effective October
1, 2002.
INCREASE: (TR9877) Increasing tipping fee to $0.063 per cubic yard and a Consumer
Price Index increase of 0.50% for residential multi -family solid waste collection services,
effective October 1, 2002. Project Manager (Solid Waste Recycling) D'Amato gave a
presentation on items 1(a) and 1(b) of the workshop agenda, as they are companion
items. Commissioner Roberts questioned the length of the contract for single family
solid waste collection, and spoke about North Lauderdale having twice weekly single
family curbside pickup as well as unlimited bulk pickup with each single family curbside
pickup for only $1.50 more than our new rates, and asked to look into amending our
contract. City Manager Miller said it would be reviewed. Commissioner Sultanof
suggested the population of North Lauderdale is much less than Tamarac's, which
could account for the difference in the contract. Commissioner Sultanof and Vice Mayor
Portner agreed that it warranted being looked into. Mayor Schreiber spoke about
Wheelabrator. Commissioner Sultanof questioned money the city gets for recyclables,
and Project Manager (Solid Waste Recycling) D'Amato said Tamarac gets a credit back,
called an avoidance of disposal fee. Commissioner Sultanof said Tamarac is one of five
cities in Broward County that is far above in recyclables, and asked what percentage we
get back. Project Manager (Solid Waste Recycling) D'Amato said she would research
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this information. Mayor Schreiber asked if every city in Florida recycles, and City
Attorney Kraft said it is a statutory requirement coming out of Tallahassee.
LEGISLATIVE SESSION: (TR9913) Approving the City of Tamarac Legislative Agenda
for the 2003 Legislative Session; directing the City Clerk to send a copy of the City of
Tamarac Legislative Agenda for the 2003 Legislative Session to the Broward County
Legislative Delegation and the Broward County Board of County Commissioners for
consideration. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips gave a presentation. Vice Mayor
Portner asked, regarding Exhibit A, page 1, why state attorneys and judges are exempt,
and City Attorney Kraft explained certain positions are more prone to unwanted
intrusions on their home life. Vice Mayor Portner asked about individual meters
referenced in Exhibit A, page 3, and Assistant to the City Manager Phillips said the
issue is not that it would be a bad regulation, but would stop development in process, so
Tamarac takes exception. Vice Mayor Portner questioned page 5, recognizing the
existing program of volunteer certification, and Utilities Director Gagnon explained that
field workers have been getting certification on a volunteer basis, and we would like to
see them grandfathered in along with the new requirements for certification. Vice Mayor
Partner questioned page 6, testing, and Utilities Director Gagnon said this rule has
outlived its usefulness in Florida. Commissioner Mishkin asked about the rain sensors,
and Utilities Director Gagnon explained that Tamarac has been allotted 34 sensors, and
has volunteers for them. Commissioner Roberts explained in order to be eligible they
cannot use canal water. Vice Mayor Portner asked about adding the sunshine issue,
allowing municipalities the same laws as legislators. After discussion, it was decided
not to add the issue at this time.
Renewing property, general liability, automobile liability, auto physical damage liability
and workers' compensation lines of coverage with the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust
(FMIT) with an effective policy date of October 1, 2002. Risk/Safety Manager
Tomaszewski gave a presentation and went over the background and renewal
information for these types of insurances, and explained that the increase in Tamarac's
property value, (which had not been calculated for some years), as well as the fact that
some lift stations had not been insured in the past, the increased deductible and general
insurance rate increases all accounted for the increase in costs to the city.
(TR9886) Exercising the renewal option to the existing lease agreement between the
City of Tamarac and Ramco-Gershenson Properties, L.P., for Satellite City Hall at
Sunshine Plaza in Tamarac, Florida for an additional three-year period. Assistant City
Manager Cernech gave a presentation. There was discussion about the roof repairs,
debris left in the parking lot, and claims put in by the city for damage due to the leaking
roof. Assistant City Manager Cernech said the facility does provide a nice presence on
the east side of Tamarac, and it is a positive marketing effort by the city. Commissioner
Roberts said she believed the money put into the rent would be better spent by putting it
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into a van that would go to the clubhouses on a set schedule. The van could also be
used for other events. Mayor Schreiber suggested a survey to find out whether people
in the areas that utilize the Satellite City Hall would benefit from a van or would prefer
the stationary building. There was discussion about the three-year lease, and the
window of opportunity to renew the lease. Mayor Schreiber asked for an expression of
interest to conduct a survey, and Commissioners Sultanof, Roberts and Mishkin said
they were in agreement. There was discussion about which areas to survey, and it was
decided the area from Rock Island Road east would be the most logical, as those were
probably the people who used Satellite City Hall the most. City Manager Miller said a
professional survey firm would be used. Commissioner Sultanof said he wanted to
know the cost of a van, including a driver, insurance and maintenance. Vice Mayor
Portner said the commission should not try to destroy something that has been built up
over the last few years. City Attorney Kraft said under the terms of the contract the
commission must make a decision now, as we are currently in the nine -month window.
A van can be considered down the road. There was discussion about the possible cost
of a bus, and Walter Coghlin, 4806 NW 49 Court, said one reason he felt there was less
traffic in the Satellite City Hall this year for utility bill paying is due to the TAPP program.
Mayor Schreiber said people are now able to get to city hall via the city's bus service.
There was discussion about language in the agreement regarding funding, and City
Attorney Kraft said governments have the right to spend money as they see fit.
Assistant City Manager Cernech suggested renewing the lease and giving staff the
opportunity to get the survey out to the people and bring back a firm proposal about a
mobile City Hall. Mayor Schreiber agreed. Commissioner Roberts said she did not
want a telephone survey, and Commissioner Sultanof suggested putting the survey in
with the water bills.
STRUCTURES: (TO1980) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first readies amending
Chapter 10, Article V, Division 5 entitled "Waterways and Marine Structures", Section
10-232, entitled "Bulkheads, Design Standards"; providing for the establishment of an
alternative to precast concrete panels. Assistant City Engineer Burgio gave a
presentation. Commissioner Sultanof spoke about a precast recyclable material which
is higher in density and has a longer life than concrete, and asked whether this has
been look into, and asked whether this comes within the confines of the Corps of Army
Engineers. Public Works Director Verma responded the proposed change in the
ordinance addresses alternate materials, and the Corps of Army Engineers is not
involved. Vice Mayor Portner confirmed that the alternate design standards would be
decided on a case by case basis, and the amendment is not for new development.
Mayor Schreiber asked if legal issues could arise from this amendment, and City
Attorney Kraft said while it is a legitimate concern, the amendment is a viable
Vice Mayor Portner asked what a lead agency is, with regard to Item 6(h), RENEWAL —
AGREEMENT FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES: (TR9855) Exercising the first renewal option
of the agreement between the City of Tamarac and Office Depot, Inc., effective
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December 1, 2002 through November 30, 2003, on behalf of the Southeast Florida
Governmental Purchasing Cooperative. Purchasing/Contracts Manager Flurry
explained the lead agency is the one that goes out to bid on behalf of the group,
develops the proposal and gets the information and solicits the proposals
Vice Mayor Portner asked, with regard to Item 6(I), if PFM is always on call for the
commissioners to answer questions. ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT — PUBLIC
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: (TR9895) Executing a third addendum to the existing
agreement between the City of Tamarac and Public Financial Management, Inc.,
exercising the option to renew financial advisor services for an additional year effective
October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. City Attorney Kraft explained that under
the terms of the contract, PFM is an independent contractor, not an employee of the
city, and the city is not liable for the activities of the organization. Vice Mayor Portner
said he is disturbed that while the city has competent staff, we employ an organization
like PFM. Assistant City Manager Cernech explained the benefit of getting an opinion
from a financial professional before making decisions that involve thousands of dollars,
and while city staff may have general information on certain topics, PFM has specific
information. There is a fiduciary responsibility to the city. Assistant City Manager
Cernech said PFM is on call, to take calls from staff.
Vice Mayor Partner asked what the previous price was for quicklime, with regard to item
6(m). AWARD OF BID 02-27B - CHEMICAL LIME COMPANY: (TR9902) Awarding
Bid #02-27B, "Furnish, Deliver and Discharge of Quicklime" to, and executing an
agreement with, Chemical Lime Company of Alabama, Inc. for a period of one year with
four (4) additional one-year renewal options, issued on behalf of the Southeast Florida
Governmental Purchasing Cooperative, Purchasing/Contracts Manager Flurry said it
has increased from $103 per ton. Vice Mayor Portner asked if this is an Alabama based
organization, and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Flurry said they haul the quicklime out
of Alabama, but their corporate offices are in Florida.
Vice Mayor Portner asked about the in -kind match in item 6(n). FIRE PREVENTION
GRANT THROUGH FEMA: (TR9894) Seeking grant funding from the Federal
Emergency Management Agency's Assistance to Firefighters — Fire Prevention and
Safety Program in the amount of $90,000 with a total estimated project cost of $153,253
for the purchase of a Mobile Fire Safety House and Enhancement of the Education
Generations Fire Safety Education and Outreach Program; authorizing a city match in
the amount of $63,253 to be allocated as $54,730 in -kind and $8,523 cash. Assistant to
the City Manager Phillips said this grant provides for a match of cash or in -kind. Our in -
kind match will be staff time (salaries).
Vice Mayor Portner asked about beautification on Prospect Road on the east side of
Tamarac, with reference to item 6(u). URBAN FORESTRY GRANT: (TR9893)
Submitting an application to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services for an Urban and Community Forestry Grant in the amount of $10,000,
providing for a match of $16,650 and a total project cost of $26,650, for a median
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enhancement tree planting project on Southgate Boulevard between Pine Island Road
and Nob Hill Road; providing for a Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement between
the City and the Department of Agriculture in the event the grant is awarded. Public
Works Director Verma explained that there was money allotted by Broward County for
beautifying the area Vice Mayor Portner spoke about, but Broward County is still
struggling with comprehensive language in the agreements with several cities.
Tamarac would like to get as much money out of Broward County as it can, rather than
spending its own money for the beautification. To date we have not gotten the money
promised by Broward County; however, an agreement needs to be entered into first.
Vice Mayor Portner suggested contacting the Broward County Commissioners, and City
Manager Miller said Public Works Director Verma is pursuing this. City Manager Miller
said the County has taken too long on this project, and he wrote a letter to County
Administrator Desjarlais, who did encourage some movement in the project. Vice
Mayor Portner said he would call the County Commissioners, and Public Works Director
Verma said he would get information on the project to the commissioners.
Commissioner Mishkin asked about Lagos de Campos, and Public Works Director
Verma said stormwater issues need to be addressed first. Commissioner Roberts
asked about Phase IV of the roads timetable, and Public Works Director Verma said
Phase IV -A is already submitted and IV-B has not gone out to bid yet.
Vice Mayor Portner asked if the new fee structure in item #7 would have one combined
fee in place of the two fees previously charged. AMENDING CHAPTER 21 -
SUBDIVISIONS: (TO1979) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending
Chapter 21 entitled, "Subdivisions", Article II, "Platting", Division 6, "Delegation
Request", Sec. 21-97 entitled, "Purpose" by deleting Sub -Section 21-97(d) eliminating
the requirement of two (2) separate fees for each category of Plat; providing for
codification. Community Development Director King said it would; this ordinance is to
clean up the fee schedule and reduces redundancy in the code.
2. DISCUSSION - SPEED HUMPS: Public Works Director Verma gave a
presentation and discussed the various types of humps, fire department concerns
regarding response time, and costs. There was discussion about private streets being
allowed to install speed humps, and the legality of them doing it in light of the fire
department's opposition. City Attorney Kraft said private streets have site plan issues
that come into play. Vice Mayor Portner asked if speed humps actually slow down
traffic, and Public Works Director Verma said they do. Vice Mayor Portner asked about
the time delay difference between speed humps and speed bumps for fire vehicles, and
Chief Budzinski said they are both obstacles, and while they cause approximately a 20
second delay, bumps are more destructive to the apparatus. Assistant Director of
Utilities Doherty spoke about speed humps in the Town of Davie. Mayor Schreiber
asked for an expression of interest to install speed humps on an experimental basis in
an area, and Commissioner Roberts said she would like to have it done in her area, and
based upon placement, the speed humps may not interfere with the fire department
entering the neighborhood. Mayor Schreiber suggested before moving forward the
commission get a cost analysis, and asked Public Works Director Verma to provide the
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information. Commissioner Roberts asked if grant money is available, and BSO Chief
Dugger said he did not know of any. Public Works Director Verma said he would come
back with a report in January or February.
MIDDLE SCHOOL: Parks and Recreation Director Margoles gave a presentation and
said Millennium Middle School had asked for assistance in their baseball program; the
original request was for Tamarac to line and drag the fields. The fields do not have
lights, which would prohibit play in the evenings. The city is in the process of drafting an
interlocal agreement for use of the fields. Tamarac has been asked to assist Millennium
Middle School in acquiring a grant for lights for the ball field, and in return, Tamarac will
use Millennium Middle School for the summer camp program.
Commission Procedures. Discussion postponed at the request of City Manager Miller.
Commissioner Sultanof said he would like the commission to reconsider the Milano's
Bakery item. City Manager Miller said a meeting was held with all parties last week,
and they are to meet again this Thursday. He believes they will reach an agreement.
City Attorney Kraft said a motion for reconsideration would have to be placed on
Wednesday's meeting, and the time for a hearing on the underlying matter could be set
down then.
Commissioner Roberts said she received a letter from the American Legion Post 265,
and they did not meet in September. Commissioner Roberts said she was under the
impression the commission agreed to give them a $500 grant in the FY03 budget, but it
has not yet been done. City Manager Miller said if there is an expression of interest, he
would make sure it was taken care of; all were in agreement to give American Legion
Post 265 $500 in the FY03 budget.
There being no further business to come before the city commission, Mayor Schreiber
adjourned the workshop meeting at 12:05 p.m.
Marion Swenson, CIVIC
City Clerk
September 23, 2002
City Commission Workshop
Revised 9/24/02