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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-10-07 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2002 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, October 7, 2002, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Edward C. Fortner (arrived at 10:15 a.m.), Commissioner Gertrude Mishkin, Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof, and Commissioner Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. 1. OCTOBER 9, 2002 AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item 6(j). LOBBYING SERVICES: (TR9907) Executing an Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Mitchell Ceasar, P.A. for Lobbying Services. Mr. Ceasar said this was a good year and thanked Assistant to the City Manager Phillips and city staff for their efforts in obtaining grants for the city. Mr. Ceasar asked for an increase to put him on a par with the other lobbyist recently hired by the city. After discussion, it was decided to increase Mr. Ceasar to $30,000 and revisit the matter at mid -year. b. DISCUSSION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Item 6(g). LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES - SOUTHGATE LINEAR PARK: (TR9918) Accepting Task Authorization No. 03-01 L with Glatting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Lopez and Rinehart, Inc., to provide landscape architectural services related to the planning and design of the Southgate Linear Park, per the existing agreement with Glatting, Jackson, Kercher, Anglin, Lopez and Rinehart, Inc., for landscape architectural continuing services; authorizing an expenditure not to exceed $30,000.00; approving funding; approving all necessary budget transfers. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles introduced Mary Becht, Director of Broward County Cultural Affairs Division, James Shermer, Grants Administrator and Ray Olivero, artist for the new Tamarac branch of the Broward County Public Library. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles gave a presentation on establishing a public art program for Tamarac. Ms. Becht gave a presentation and Commissioner Sultanof confirmed that Tamarac communities would have involvement in the project. Ms. Becht said Tamarac is the first recipient of this very fine arts program in Broward County, and Mayor Schreiber asked how much money Tamarac would receive. Ms. Becht said $15,000 for the design. There was discussion of the linear park and Commissioner Sultanof spoke of the possibility of incorporating a band stand into the park. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles clarified that the information brought to the commissioners today is for the entire city, not just for Southgate Park, Mayor Schreiber said funding might be available through October 7, 2002 City Commission Workshop 1 the U.S. Conference of Mayors Art Committee, of which he is a member. Mr. Olivero spoke of the process and the design. Vice Mayor Portner arrived at 10:15 a.m. Commissioner Sultanof asked if recyclable materials are incorporated in the concrete benches and Mr. Olivero responded in the affirmative. Special Projects Coordinator Perron gave a presentation on grants, and said Westwood 24, Westwood 23 and Sanibel have agreed to partner with Tamarac on the project. Special Projects Coordinator Perron spoke of four public meetings, a volunteer art committee and a committee for Southgate Linear Park and said design aspects need to be completed by August 2003. Vice Mayor Portner asked if Tamarac received funding yet and Special Projects Coordinator Perron said we are in the process of negotiating the agreement. Vice Mayor Portner questioned the "as -need" basis in regard to Temporary Resolution 9918, and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said after the tasks are completed, anything extra would be on an as -need basis, and there would be an extra charge. Vice Mayor Portner asked how other areas in Tamarac would get involved and whether Caporella Park is being considered. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said there will be advertised public meetings and spoke about developing policies and guidelines. Mayor Schreiber mentioned a fountain in the lake between the Tamarac Community Center and the new library. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles asked for an expression of interest from the commission for staff to develop a public art policy. Commissioner Roberts, Commissioner Sultanof, and Mayor Schreiber agreed. Mayor Schreiber asked what would be put in the park and Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said that is part of the process and the city would accept input from the community. City Manager Miller thanked the representatives from Broward County. Mayor Schreiber called for a recess at 10:40 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:50 a.m. with all commissioners in attendance. C. Item 6(d). PURCHASE OF WATER METERS — SUNSTATE METER & SUPPLY CO.: (TR9915) Purchasing water meters from Neptune Technology Group, Inc., via their local distributor Sunstate Meter & Supply, Inc., utilizing the City of Pompano Beach Bid Number H-14-00, entitled "Water Meters" for a maximum annual cost not to exceed $110,000.00 for the purpose of replacing and installing new water meters; approving funding from the appropriate Utilities Operational account. Utilities Director Gagnon gave a presentation and said Support Services Manager Wilder and staff did a yeoman's job on this project. Mayor Schreiber asked how the meters are ordered, what the difference in performance is from the old to new meters, and the life expectancy of the new meters. Utilities Director Gagnon said they are replaced based on which meters are the worst, and Support Services Manager Wilder said the life expectancy is 7-8 years. Mayor Schreiber asked how many meters are in the city, and Support Services Manager Wilder said about 18,500. Utilities Director Gagnon said after replacement of the meters he hopes to get on a 10-year replacement schedule. Vice Mayor Portner asked if the $110,000 is a locked -in figure, and Utilities Director Gagnon said it is a bid figure. Commissioner Sultanof asked if the new meters are digital, and October 7, 2002 City Commission Workshop 2 questioned their accuracy. Utilities Director Gagnon said they are not remote read meters but they are more accurate than the old meters. Mayor Schreiber asked if the revenue to the city has increased since installation of the new meters, and Utilities Director Gagnon said it is hard to tell since last year we suffered a drought. Commissioner Mishkin asked about the cost and life span of remote read meters, and Utilities Director Gagnon said they are more expensive and have a shorter life span. d. Item 6(i). AWARD OF BID 02-26B HIGH SECURITY FENCING - FENCE MASTERS INC.: (TR9914) Awarding Bid 02-26B, "High Security Fencing", and executing an agreement with Fence Masters, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $110,975.00, for the installation of high security fencing at the City of Tamarac Water Treatment Plant. Utilities Director Ray Gagnon introduced Purchasing/Contracts Manager Flurry and Water Plant Superintendent Harvey. Utilities Director Gagnon discussed Utility Security Procedures and the EPA Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Act of 2001. Mayor Schreiber asked if the fence is able to be climbed, and Water Plant Superintendent Harvey said it is made of 1" mesh. Commissioner Sultanof asked if federal funds are available since this is a federal government directive, and Utilities Director Gagnon said funding is available for cities of over 100,000 or less than 35.000. Commissioner Sultanof asked about FEMA monies and whether we were able to piggyback on this item. Utilities Director Gagnon said it is possible this would be covered by FEMA in the event of a catastrophe, and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Flurry said we were unable to piggyback for this particular fencing. Vice Mayor Portner asked if the Wackenhut guard would be retained after installation of the fence, and Utilities Director Gagnon said the guard has already been discontinued, since other precautions were taken and threat to the plant has been abated. Vice Mayor Portner asked whether someone could stand a ladder in the ground to climb over the fencing and questioned the viability of electrifying the fence. Utilities Director Gagnon said it would be very expensive to electrify and the liability would exceed the benefit. e. Item No. 6(n). FIRST UNION CUSTODY AGREEMENT: (TR9919) Executing a supplemental agreement to the existing agreement between the City of Tamarac and First Union National Bank as authorized by City of Tamarac Resolution 2001-289, for an institutional custody agreement. Finance and Policy Officer Williams gave a presentation and introduced Andy Nelson, Vice President of Institutional Trust Service for Wachovia Bank. Mr. Nelson gave a presentation and an overview of services. Commissioner Roberts asked about the cost and Finance and Policy Officer Williams said by putting $3 million into a money market account the fees, which would be about $100.00 per month, would be waived. Commissioner Sultanof asked about interest earnings for the $3 million, and Mr. Nelson confirmed the money would earn interest. Commissioner Roberts asked where the $3 million was held before this, and Finance and Policy Officer Williams said it was distributed among various accounts. There was discussion about interest bearing checking accounts for employees. Vice Mayor Portner asked where Wachovia is based, and Mr. Nelson explained that First Union purchased Wachovia, and Wachovia is based in Charlotte, NC. Commissioner Roberts asked whether use of First Union checks would be allowed after the turnover, and Mr. October 7, 2002 City Commission Workshop 3 Nelson said employees would be able to use First Union checks, and there would be no change to the account numbers, f. Item No. 6(o). SUPPORTING THE CONTINUATION OF THE BROWARD COUNTY FIRE RESCUE TASK FORCE: (TR9920) Supporting the continuation of the Broward County Fire Rescue Task Force, to develop a comprehensive plan to coordinate fire rescue services throughout Broward County and to prepare an Interlocal Agreement for fire rescue services, provided that the agreement be fair and representative of Broward County; supporting the development of cross jurisdictional dispatch protocols and the four (4) priority areas identified by the Broward County Fire Rescue Task Force; requesting additional detail prior to considering funding mechanisms; authorizing the City Clerk to forward a copy of this resolution to the Broward County Commission and the Broward County League of Cities. Fire Chief Budzinski gave a presentation and said this is similar to resolutions drafted by other communities, and explained the task force has not met since June. Commissioner Roberts said she received a letter from the Broward League of Cities in which they asked Broward County to reconsider disbanding the task force. Mayor Schreiber questioned first responder, and Chief Budzinski said the most important thing is coordinating the communication system throughout Broward County. After that is done closest responder can be looked at. There was discussion about the closest unit responding on life threatening emergencies, and the possibility that a neighboring city running more calls into a sister city might want to be compensated. Chief Budzinski said redundant responses are being reviewed, Vice Mayor Partner questioned the number of fires in Tamarac, and Chief Budzinski said fire loss is very low, mostly single room fires. g. Item 6(q). WAIVER OF FEES — SAINT MALACHY CATHOLIC CHURCH: (TR9923) Granting a Waiver of Fees to the St. Malachy Catholic Church located at the northeast corner of NW 61 Street and University Drive to conduct a carnival and approve the sale of alcoholic beverages during the operation of the Saint Malachy Carnival beginning Thursday, October 17, 2002 and ending Sunday, October 20, 2002, providing that such approval is contingent upon obtaining the required permits and that all State inspections are obtained (Case No. 16-MI-02); providing for conditions of approval. Community Development Director King gave a presentation. Vice Mayor Portner questioned the sale of alcohol, and Community Development Director King said it was sold during one or two other carnivals, typically as an accompaniment for meals. Vice Mayor Portner asked if it was sold out of a kiosk, and Commissioner Sultanof said last time it was dispensed from a large van, and the church members kept a very tight control over the sales. Mayor Schreiber said he did not recall any incidents due to drinking. Commissioner Roberts said she is glad to waive the fees as long as they meet the permit and safety requirements. h. Item No. 7. AMENDING CHAPTER 11 - LANDSCAPING: (TO1977) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first reading amending Chapter 11 entitled "Landscaping", of the City of Tamarac Code of Ordinances, by amending Section 11-7(b) entitled "Maintenance Requirements",by amending Subsection 11-7(b)(9) entitled "Pruning October 7, 2002 City Commission Workshop 4 Generally°", by adding Sub -Section 11-7(b)(9)(d) (Case No. 21-Z-02). Community Development Director J. Christopher King gave a presentation and said this is consistent with DOT. Commissioner Roberts spoke of a situation in her area, and asked if there is a provision in the Tamarac code that speaks to the matter of tree trunks be kept clean so they do not look like bushes. Community Development Director King said this is called sucker growth, and the Tamarac code contains a provision in Section 11-7, wherein the property owner can be made to maintain the tree. Commissioner Roberts asked that the code enforcement officer in that area enforce the code. Vice Mayor Portner left the meeting at 11:45 a.m. Mayor Schreiber said after approval of this ordinance, the homeowners need to be notified of the amendment to Chapter 11 of the Tamarac code. i. Item No.16. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FEE SCHEDULE: (TR9850) Motion to approve Resolution amending the Community Development Department's Development Review Fee Schedule to sufficiently cover the increasing administrative costs involved in the processing of development applications for the City of Tamarac (Case No. 15-Z- 02). Community Development Director King gave a presentation and said this section was last amended in 1997. DMG, Consultants, reviewed the fees and staff has worked on this over the last six months, contacting various municipalities in the area. The new fee schedule covers salary increases and fees have been adjusted accordingly so that developers will now pay for staff time to process applications. Commissioner Roberts asked if site planning, (new major) is for developers only or also for residents. Community Development Director King said this is for new construction and is separate from minor revised site plans. Mayor Schreiber spoke of several increases which he felt were excessive, such as special exceptions, parking waivers, variances, hourly rates and zoning verifications. Community Development Director King said these are moderate compared to other municipalities. Commissioner Sultanof spoke of two developers who came into Tamarac and complained about a neighboring city's charges; Commissioner Sultanof said Tamarac is grossly under scale. Mayor Schreiber questioned the hourly wage of school crossing guards in item 6(m) on the agenda. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT - SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD SERVICES: (TR9916) Amending Resolution No. R-2001-312 authorizing an agreement between the City of Tamarac and Action Labor of Florida, LLC (a/k/a: Staffing Connection) for School Crossing Guard Services by changing the expiration date of October 31, 2002, as stated in Resolution No. R-2001-312, to September 30, 2003, which is consistent with the executed contract's expiration date (Case No. 15-MI-02). Community Development Director King said they are paid $7.65 an hour, and this is one of the lowest wages for school crossing guards. Community Development Director King explained this resolution simply provides for consistency with the contract. 2. DISCUSSION — PROPERTY OPTIONS: Parks and Recreation Director Kathleen Margoles and Community Development Director J. Christopher King gave an update on land acquisition and prospects for recreational uses and open space. October 7, 2002 City Commission Workshop 5 Commissioner Sultanof asked if paddle boats were being considered, and questioned the liability. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said non -motorized boats were discussed, and there is always a risk involved with sports activities. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles spoke about the acquisition of the Lennar property, and negotiations to purchase five acres of the Caporella property, possibly for an aquatic center. Community Development Director King spoke about alternate locations for the pool, and identified nine vacant properties in Tamarac. There was discussion of the ball fields, and the redesign of Tamarac Sports Complex. Mayor Schreiber and Commissioner Sultanof questioned the need for a second roller hockey rink. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles spoke of the focus groups' survey to discern their needs and said the rink was used primarily by non-residents. There was discussion of non- resident fees, and discussion of the use of land 30%/70% (open space) requirements for the grant, as well as the fact that the new scenario gives the ability to use all four ball fields at once, plus allowing the use of fields five and six for football and soccer. Mayor Schreiber suggested asking the County Commission to waive the 30%/70% requirement and make it 70%/30%. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said it was presented to the land conservation board, but they did not support it. Mayor Schreiber suggested the elected officials contact representatives, and Commissioner Sultanof suggested the lobbyist get involved. There was discussion about non-resident use of the programs, and perhaps raising the non-resident fees. Mayor Schreiber spoke about corporate participation, and encouraging them to support the sporting events to meet increased costs. Commissioner Sultanof said the Chamber should look into this. Commissioner Mishkin questioned the new design expansion and asked if this would make a difference as to where the pool was built. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said we would only do this if we put the pool at Tamarac Park. Commissioner Roberts said a skate park would be a better use of the land. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles summed up the options available: (1) continue negotiations with Island Park Property; establish a deadline and build the aquatic center; (2) build the aquatic center at Tamarac Park and redevelop Tamarac Sports Complex. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board asked for a role in understanding the information so they would be in a position to advise the commission, They are meeting Tuesday and they will have the opportunity to make recommendations. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles said she would come back to the commission with their recommendations. City Manager Miller said Vice Mayor Portner requested Items 3 and 6 on the workshop agenda to be moved to the next workshop to be held on October 21, 2002. 3. DISCUSSION — ACQUISITION OF MONTEREY GOLF COURSE PROPERTY: Discussion of acquisition of Monterey Gold Course Property. At Vice Mayor Portner's request this item was postponed until the October 21, 2002 workshop meeting. 4. DISCUSSION — MAIL SERVICE: Commissioner Roberts said she mailed a letter to a resident on September 25' and it was returned to her on September 30`h. She was informed the mail scanner picks up the return logo from the envelope, and she is disturbed that we are paying for this. After discussion and explanation from City Clerk October 7, 2002 City Commission Workshop 6 Swenson regarding the hand-written send to address and the proximity to the return address, Commissioner Roberts said she would purchase her own stamps. Mayor Schreiber suggested a conversation with the mail service to see if an adjustment could be made to the scanner. 5. DISCUSSION — GUN LOCKS: Commissioner Roberts said the Community Council received 1,000 free gun locks, and in speaking to BSO she was told they were tested by the range master, and while it is a good, functional lock, BSO did not sanction it. Commissioner Roberts suggested giving the locks to another city for distribution. Mayor Schreiber asked City Attorney Kraft to explore the law and come up with a reasonable way to utilize the locks where there is no liability to the city. City Attorney Kraft said there are always going to be liabilities when dealing with guns. City Attorney Kraft suggested encouraging people to go to a recognized gunsmith and purchase an appropriate lock. Commissioner Sultanof asked where the locks came from and Commissioner Roberts said the organization does this across the country. Mayor Schreiber suggested checking with the Sheriff to find out if the locks can be used, or whether we should give them to someone else who can use them. City Manager Miller said he would look into this and identify an alternative for the commission. 6. DISCUSSION — CITY COMMISSION PROCEDURES: Discussion of City Commission procedures. At Vice Mayor Portner's request, this item was postponed until the October 21, 2002 workshop meeting. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 12:45 p.m. MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK October 7, 2002 City Commission Workshop 7