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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-10-20 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutesa CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2003 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, October 20, 2003, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 881" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Commissioner Edward C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof. ABSENT (EXCUSED FOR CAUSE): Vice Mayor Karen L. Roberts. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, Assistant City Manager Michael C. Cernech, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Schreiber led the pledge of allegiance. 1. OCTOBER 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEMS: At Commissioner Sultanof's request, Mayor Schreiber moved out of the regular order of business on the workshop agenda and took up items No. 1(f), 2 and 3. f. Item No. 6(o). SUPPORTING CITY OF PLANTATION'S REQUEST FOR BUFFER WALL: (TR10273) Supporting the City of Plantation's request for the installation of a noise buffer wall, provision of an easement, use of right-of-way, and certain other improvements; authorizing the City Clerk to provide a copy of this resolution to each member of the Florida Department of Transportation's Florida Turnpike Enterprise, the Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization, the City of Plantation, and any other interested parties. Commissioner Sultanof explained that at the last MPO meeting he cast a vote to provide a resolution in support of both the City of Plantation and the Town of Davie's requests for sound walls along the Florida Turnpike, and asked that these items be placed on Wednesday's agenda. 2. UPDATE RE: METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION AND PROPOSED ROADWAY FEDERAL FUNCTION CLASSIFICATION: Commissioner Sultanof said at the MPO meeting cities were informed that the federal government was cutting funds for classification of collector roads and was placing this burden on Broward County, and asked for an investigation of whether we could latch on to funds provided by the federal government to get collector roads unblocked. 3. UPDATE RE: NON -EMERGENCY MEDICAID TRANSPORTATION: Commissioner Sultanof said he was informed at the last MPO meeting that the state plans to take away $3,700,000 from the County for non -emergency transportation, and • this burden would be given to the cities. Broward County had until the Il Wh to sign an agreement with the state to assume the above funds and take over the total package. October 20, 2003 City Commission Workshop 1 As of this time, Commissioner Sultanof said the County does not know what it is going to do, but the cities should not become involved in this County project. Tamarac is not in a position to pick up this item legally, insurance -wise or money -wise. City Manager Miller said that staff has prepared a resolution which would request the County to keep with its current responsibility for providing this transportation. If it is the commissions' desire, this resolution can be added to Wednesday's meeting. There was an expression of interest from the Commission to add the item to Wednesday's meeting. Mayor Schreiber moved back to the regular order on the agenda. a. Item No. 6(n). PURCHASE OF RESCUE VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT: (TR10244) Purchasing five advanced life support rescue vehicles with equipment utilizing Bid Award Announcement 03-04-0828 Specification #02 of the Florida Fire Chiefs' Association, Florida Sheriff's Association and Florida Association of Counties, from American LaFrance MedicMaster for rescue vehicles and equipment at a total cost of $918,480; authorizing the trade of three rescue vehicles. Chief Budzinski explained this is for the purchase of rescue vehicles which were approved during mid -year. This is the same company we purchased the original vehicles from in 1996. Mayor Schreiber asked how long before delivery and Chief Budzinski said the first vehicle is promised for April, in order to meet the requirements of the grant. Mayor Schreiber said a great job was done getting discounts and rebates, and Chief Budzinski added that we got a very high trade-in for the existing apparatus. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if we could assume the high trade-in was due to the condition of our vehicles, and • asked if our existing vehicles would stand us in good stead until April. Chief Budzinski said our older vehicles will be in reserve status until we receive our new vehicle(s), and it is possible that we did get such good value for our vehicles due to the maintenance program we have with Public Works. Commissioner Sultanof asked if we used all the piggy back bids we could, and Chief Budzinski said we did explore several options before settling on the Sheriff's Bid. Commissioner Partner questioned the figures and Chief Budzinski explained the discounts on the units. Commissioner Portner asked if mileage is a concern and also asked about the frame on the vehicles, due to discussions regarding speed humps. Chief Budzinski said the vehicles are structurally sound and it is not the frame that suffers from speed humps, but the components inside the vehicles and the medical equipment. b. Item No, 6(h). PURCHASE OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: (TR10251) Replacing obsolete computer equipment, purchase of network storage and backup systems, and purchase of application servers, utilizing State of Florida Contract #250- 000-03-1 in an amount not to exceed $150,000. IT Director Sucuoglu gave a presentation and said we intend to replace 60 existing PC's which are between 3.5 — 4 years old. We also need to increase our storage capacity, which we have not done for the past 6 years. Commissioner Portner asked about the status of computer donations and City Attorney Kraft said since that meeting, Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz has worked on an ordinance revising the code, which should be ready to present to the Commission at a future meeting. October 20, 2003 City Commission Workshop 2 C. Item No. 6(f). AGREEMENT — REMETERING FOR LEXINGTON ON THE GREEN APARTMENTS: (TR10272) Executing a Remetering Agreement with Tamarac Apartments, L.L.C., for the Lexington on the Green Apartments to allow remetering of the water service for the purpose of allocation of the direct cost of water and sewer service among multiple users subject to the terms of the applicable developer's agreement and in accordance with City Code Section 22-30, "Limitations of Use". Utilities Director Gagnon introduced Support Services Manager Wilder, Lori Donnelly, Regional Manager for Lexington on the Green Apartments, Ken Lowenhop, Attorney for Lexington on the Green Apartments, and David Canfield, Developer. Mr. Lowenhop explained that rents are governed by leases, and there have been capital improvements and renovations done to the building, which have set rents. Mr. Lowenhop discussed Tamarac's ordinance regarding remetering and the fact that people are more likely to conserve water if they pay for it themselves. Commissioner Sultanof explained that he voted against this item at the last commission meeting because he did not have assurances from the owner that rents would not be raised merely due to the remetering, and he was concerned that the costs of remetering would be passed down to the tenants at the outset of the project and then rents again raised when the lease(s) expired. Mr. Canfield explained that the cost of the meters would be borne by the developer in the construction budget and not allocated to the residents. The only cost to the residents would be water usage. Commissioner Portner said it is not within the commission's purview to become a rent control board, and Commissioner Sultanof said that was not his intention. • d. Item No. 6(m). HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE RENEWAL -- AETNA US HEALTHCARE: (TR10261) Renewing the coverage for the City's health insurance program with Aetna US Healthcare for the plan year effective January 1, 2004; providing for premium rates changes; providing for the continuation of the current cost allocation of the health insurance premium between the City and employees; providing for a waiver reimbursement maximum. Human Resources Director Swanson gave a presentation and spoke of a 14.5% increase in costs for 2004. Human Resources Director Swanson spoke of the fact that the good news is that Tamarac's rates are average, however, the bad news is that the average happens to be high at this time. Mayor Schreiber asked if there are programs in place to keep employees healthy, and Human Resources Director Swanson explained we do have wellness seminars and a wellness fair. Human Resources Director Swanson added that lower co -pays sometimes encourage people to go to the doctor when it is not necessary. Commissioner Sultanof left the meeting at 10:10 a.m. Commissioner Portner asked if the State Insurance Commissioner has any control over costs, and Mayor Schreiber said the rates are controlled by a committee. Commissioner Portner asked whether it would not be better if all cities in Broward County got together and negotiated insurance as a group. Human Resources Director Swanson explained that Tamarac negotiates its own rates; and many cities would like to • have our rates. The cities with good experience usually are not interested in joining a group because based on claims from other cities the rates can be much higher than we October 20, 2003 City Commission Workshop 3 negotiate on our own. Additionally, due to the fact that we have several unions, we have our own structure for our plans. Commissioner Portner said he is concerned 40 about health costs going up. Mayor Schreiber said for general insurance, everyone is in the same boat, but for health insurance, many different factors come into play. No city wants to pay for other cities' claims. e. Item No. 6(k). RENEWAL OF DENTAL INSURANCE PROGRAM — AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY: (TR10266) Renewing the City's dental insurance program with Aetna Life Insurance Company effective January 1, 2004 with a rate increase of 4%; providing for the continuation of the existing cost allocation of the dental insurance premium between the City and employees. Human Resources Director Swanson explained the dental insurance will increase only 4%. There will be a change in the plan in that there will be a DMO/PPO plan and most dentists in the indemnity plan now will be in the PPO plan, which will result in less out of pocket expense for plan participants. Human Resources Director Swanson added there are two other items on the agenda — Life and Disability insurances, neither of which will change. Commissioner Portner questioned item 6(g) on the consent agenda. AGREEMENT — VOIDING WATER AND SEWER DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT FOR LAKES OF CARRIAGE HILLS SHOPPING PLAZA: (TR10222) Executing an agreement with New Life Fellowship Center Church of God, Inc., voiding the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with Commonwealth Savings and Loans Association of Florida for the Lakes of Carriage Hills Shopping Plaza located on the southeast corner of Bailey Road and • Rock Island Road; forgiving all delinquent guaranteed revenues in the approximate amount of $7,500; authorizing and directing the City Clerk to record said agreement in the Public Records of Broward County. Utilities Director Gagnon explained the property was never developed by the former owner but guaranteed revenues were paid to the city over the past 15 years, amounting to approximately $130,000. The property was sold to the church which is having a problem paying the monthly fees. If this item is approved, when the church does build on the property, a new developer's agreement and new contribution charges (CIAC's) at prevailing rates at the time of construction will be required. Commissioner Portner asked about the contract term in item 6(i) on the consent agenda. BID RENEWAL — PURCHASE OF AQUATIC_ ORNAMENTAL_ AND TURF HERBICIDES: (TR10262) Renewing Bid #03-01 B for the purchase of aquatic, ornamental and turf herbicides from Helena Chemical Company, Agro Distribution, LLC d/b/a Pro Source One, and UAP Timberland, LLC in an amount not to exceed $81,700 per year for the two-year term. Public Works Director Strain said this was an existing contract with a two-year renewal term; the term length was perhaps due to this being a part of an overall contract that was piggy backed. 4. DISCUSSION RE: ADVERTISING ON CITY BUSES: Commissioner Portner said he asked the City Manager to look into advertising on City buses to provide additional revenue to the City. Mayor Schreiber asked if there were any restrictions . since the buses are owned by Broward County and City Manager Miller said the City October 20, 2003 City Commission Workshop 4 L` • can place advertisements on the buses. City Manager Miller said he would like to have additional time for staff to look into this to make sure that administrative costs would not be more than would be realized from advertising. City Manager Miller also spoke about the wraps that the County buses use for advertising, and said these are not very attractive. Staff will explore the issue and get back to the Commission. Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned marketing and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Warner said it would be similar to the sponsorship program. Administrative Services Manager Maldonado said Tamarac is currently working in conjunction with Broward County and their marketing department for guidance. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips spoke of Government Day on Wednesday, and Public Information Officer Crockett gave an overview of the day with students from Piper High. Assistant to the City Manager Phillips added that children from Millennium Middle School would also be at the meeting for a student government swearing -in ceremony. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 10:45 a.m. Marion Swenson, CIVIC City Clerk October 20, 2003 City Commission Workshop 5