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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-11-10 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2008 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the Workshop Meeting of the City Commission to order on Monday, November 10, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 105 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Patricia Atkins -Grad, Commissioner Diane Glasser, and Commissioner Harry Dressler. ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren, and City Clerk Marion Swenson. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance 1. NOVEMBER 12, AGENDA ITEMS: a. Item No. 6(c) on the consent agenda. ACCEPTANCE OF A LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATION FOR STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS: (TR11488) Accepting a Legislative Project Grant in the amount of $300,000 from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Facilities Funding; authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Project Agreement between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the City of Tamarac for funding in the amount of $300,000 towards improving the City's stormwater system; authorizing a cash match of $300,000 from the City's stormwater fund. Assistant City Manager Phillips and Public Works Director Strain appeared. Assistant City Manager Phillips and Public Works Director Strain gave presentations. Commissioner Dressler confirmed the $600,000 includes the $300,000 match and questioned disphasing of improvements. Assistant City Manager Phillips spoke about seeking additional stormwater contributions and Public Works Director Strain explained using the word "phase" keeps the door open for additional funding. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if the lobbyist is involved in getting this funding for us and Assistant City Manager Phillips explained Ron Book has been very active on behalf of Tamarac. b. Item No. 6(d) on the consent agenda. PURCHASE OF NEW SYSTEMS TO REPLACE OBSOLETE SERVERS AND PERSONAL COMPUTERS: (TR11514) Purchasing new computer equipment to replace obsolete servers, personal computers and peripherals, approving the disposition of the replaced computer equipment; utilizing GSA Schedule 70, U.S. Communities Contract # 250-001-07-ACS, and State of Florida Contract #250-040-08-1; authorizing an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $95,000. Information Technology Director Sucuoglu and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. I.T. Director Sucuoglu gave a presentation and Commissioner Dressler questioned the configuration of the PCs. I.T. Director Sucuoglu explained the need is for consistency and reliability of the system. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked about making a donation of the computers to local schools and I.T. Director Sucuoglu said this is included in the resolution, as well as a mental health facility that has expressed in interest in some equipment. Commissioner November 10, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 1 of 3 Bushnell questioned any provisions for city employees to purchase this equipment and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz explained they can bid on the equipment on line as it becomes available for sale. City Manager Miller commended I.T. Director Sucuoglu and the I I.T. staff on the phenomenal job they did over the weekend, moving the equipment out of City Hall to the new location on Nob Hill Road. C. Item No. 6(e) on the consent agenda. TRAFFIC MAGISTRATE CITATION PROGRAM — FUNDING: (TR11511) Urging the Legislature of the State of Florida to fully fund and sustain Broward County's Traffic Magistrate Citation Program; in the absence of full funding by the Legislature, urging the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, the Broward County Clerk of the Courts, the Broward Sheriffs Office, the Police Chiefs Association, all municipalities in Broward County and any other interested entity to collaborate to develop a mechanism to provide sufficient funding in order to continue with the Broward County Traffic Magistrate Citation Program; urging the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County and all municipalities in Broward County to consider imposing a surcharge on all traffic tickets issued within the county to assist with the full funding of the Traffic Magistrate Program; urging the above -referenced entities to join in this request for full funding of the Broward County Traffic Magistrate Citation Program; directing the City Clerk to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Governor of the State of Florida, the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, the President of the Florida Senate, all members of the State Legislature, the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, the Broward County Clerk of the Courts, the Broward Sheriffs Office, the Police Chiefs Association, and all municipalities located within Broward County. City Attorney Goren gave a presentation. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco moved out of the regular order of business on the agenda to t take up Item #3. 3. DISCUSSIONIUPDATE UNIVERSITY DRIVE EXTENSION: City Attorney Goren discussed the history of the proposed University Drive extension as well as the immediate status. There is a meeting scheduled for Thursday before the Broward County Commission and on Friday a meeting Is scheduled with all affected parties. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked who owns the land in question in Palm Beach County and City Attorney Goren said he believes it is Wayne Huizenga. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said some of the Broward County Commissioners are very vocal about this situation, while others have remained silent. Commissioner Atkins -Grad said this is more of a safety issue and City Attorney Goren said the engineers hired by the DOT agree with that. Commissioner Dressler said the process has been dramatically flawed and the public interest will be served if we can encourage the County to participate. Commissioner Glasser questioned why Deerfield Beach and Margate are not involved due to the impact on State Road 7 and the Indian reservation; if we get no relief with University Drive it will create many problems. Commissioner Glasser questioned whether she could lobby the County Commission and City Attorney Goren responded in one on one discussions it can be done. 2. DISCUSSION RE: $4.7 MILLION NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM N( SP); Community Development Director Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree ' appeared and gave presentations, discussing eligible activities and recommended activities November 10, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 2 of 3 (a copy of which is attached herein and incorporated as part of these minutes.) Commissioner Bushnell asked if the rehabilitation and first mortgage are combined, and questioned what would happen if a person defaulted. Housing Administrator Bauldree said they are two separate mortgages, and City Attorney Goren explained if the purchaser defaults on the first mortgage they also default on the second. Commissioner Dressler spoke of an article in the October volume of Governing Magazine, which addresses California's program wherein several lenders in affected communities agreed to the purchase of foreclosed upon properties at 12% below market value in order to attract purchasers. City Attorney Goren said there is no legal premise to address this, it is certainly a voluntary act for the banks/lenders and would be optional and set by their policy. Community Development Director Bramley explained from a Planning position, staff will work through the Chamber of Commerce and Public Information to ascertain local lenders to help with the program. Housing Administrator Bauldree said there are no adjustable or balloon first mortgages allowed under this program. Commissioner Dressler asked to what extent Southgate Gardens and Versailles are affected by foreclosures and Community Development Director Bramley said she would look into it. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked where the 15 day public notice period is advertised and Community Development Director Bramley said the website, public notice in the newspaper and hard copies. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco suggested contacting the Realtors Association, which is located in the Commerce Park, in particular the Executive Director Adam Saunders. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked how Tamarac's proposal compares to neighboring cities and Community Development Director Bramley said it compares very favorably. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco added the Mayor and City Commission are the best ambassadors for the program to get the word out to the residents and Community Development Director Bramley suggested waiting until the second round of neighborhood meetings, when we will have our plan in place. Mayor Flansbaum- Talabisco asked for clarification of the recommendations and Community Development Director Bramley said the NSP is for the neighborhood and the programs staff recommends will put families into abandoned and foreclosed homes. Community Development Director Bramley said staff would provide updates to the Mayor and City Commission when we reach milestones in the program, at least quarterly. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if there is a mechanism in place to welcome the new homeowners once the program is up and running and asked for tangible results as the program moves forward. City Attorney Goren said staff has put a lot of work into the program and the City Attorney's office is available to assist whenever needed. There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 3:45 p.m. Marion Swenson, CMC City Clerk November 10, 2008 City Commission Workshop Page 3 of 3 ,fl `l 4il,l It ��~ f�+\lL.>Irlll A. Establish financing mechanisms for purchase and redevelopment of foreclosed homes and residential properties; • i.e. Second Mortgages to financially assist homebuyers with the purchase of a foreclosed property. First Time Homebuyer Assistance B. Purchasing and rehabilitating homes and residential properties abandoned or foreclosed; • i.e. The City acquiring properties, rehabilitating them if needed and re -selling to homebuyers. C. Establishing land banks for foreclosed homes; D,Demolishing blighted structures; E. Redeveloping demolished or vacant properties i it Activity A: FINANCING MECHANISM Tier 1 : Down Payment / Subsidy Assistance This activity is to assist First Time Homebuyers with the purchase of a' foreclosed property. The financial assistance will be in the form of down payment / subsidy assistance to bridge the gap between the amount of the first mortgage provided by their lender and the purchase price. Scenario Household of 3 60 Max Home Citylean amount basedon% it wmud take to get(amdy tj into the me,age cost$164,W0 Tomoutc home. 11 (K�(��:`;tullr�n�rtJ%1G�f� lli�til�:;(ui 11t�la fl���%li if Il't��= Activity A: FINANCING MECHANISM Tier 1 : Down Payment / Subsidy Assistance TERMS: 30 Years Total Deferred loan No Interest Shared Equity Years 1.5 10% Shared Equity Not Prorated Years 6.10 5% Shared Equity Not Prorated Years 11-30 No Shared Equity 5% Prorated per Year Additional Option:, Extra $10K for City employees and Essential Personnel (Police, Fire, Teachers, Nurses) �\ Household of 3 Income: $ 31,500 Home Purchase Price: $164,000 First Mortgage Amount: $ 50,000 City 2nd Mortgage: $114,000 - Recapture amounts: Family leaves in: 3id year 100% Principal loan amount plus 10%equity Home Value $180,000 - ($16,000+ in equity) $114,000 + $1,600 7'h year 100% Principal loan amount plus 5% equity Home Value $185,000 ($21,000+ in equity) $114,000 + $1,050 20'h year Principal Prorated down 5% per year P. $57,000 p Ii',;Ll) 41h�� I'IrC jJ`) Activity A: FINANCING MECHANISM Tier 2 : Down Payment / Subsidy Assistance Et Rehabilitation This activity is the second tier to the down payment/first time homebuyer assistance in which the foreclosed home being purchased requires rehabilitation in order to bring the property up to current code/building standards. Maximum Loan amount : $60,000 TERMS: < $15,000.00 5 Years Years 1.5 Prorated 20% $15,000 - $40,000 10 Years Years 1.5 Not Prorated Years 6-10 Prorated 20% > $40,000 15 Years Years 1- 5 Not Prorated Years 6-15 Prorated 10%: Activity D: DEMOLITION OF BLIGHTED STRUCTURES This activity will address the need to demolish an abandoned or foreclosed property that exhibits objectively determinable signs of deterioration sufficient to constitute a threat to human health, safety, and public welfare. Scattered site locations as determined by Code Compliance Division, Building Department and Unsafe Structure Board. 25% of the total allocation and any recapture funds up to year 2013 must be spent on households with incomes of 50% LMI or below. ($1.2M) Priority must be given to areas of greatest need, areas must be defined based on the following: o Greatest % of foreclosures o Greatest % of homes financed by subprime mortgage related loans o Areas most likely to face significant rise in rate of home foreclosures Commission Workshop: November 10th As discussion for comments/input by Commission (changes must be made prior to Nov. 111h'15-day Public Notice period) 15-day Public Notice period: Nov. 11 - Nov. 25 Plan must be on City's Website and hard copies available at City Hatt for review, comments received must be included in Plan Commission Agenda -Approval: Nov. 261h Advertised as a Public Hearing Thanksgiving -City Hall closed: Nov. 27-28 DEADLINE for submission to HUD: Dec. 1°l All documents must be signed/executed and received at HUD by close of business Monday the 11l. II it Additional Staff The Housing Division will hire two full-time temporary people to process applications, work with realtors, lenders and closing agents, and facilitate the rehabilitation process. 8 hour Housing Counseling Each applicant who receives Down Payment/Subsidy Assistance must complete an 8 hour counseling certification. Realtor Services In order to accommodate 60.100 homebuyers. Services such as locating REOs, contacting bank/property management company, and facilitating the purchase process. Housing Seminar Once eligible applicants have been identified, City will host seminar to walk them through the process, do's and don'ts, g appropriate loans (City's lending requirements), and basic .� homeownership Q & A.