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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-11-26 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the Workshop Meeting of the
City Commission to order on Monday, November 26, 2007, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof,
Commissioner Edward C. Portner and Commissioner Patte Atkins -Grad, and
Commissioner Harry Dressler (via telephone conference call)
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, Deputy City Manager Michael C.
Cernech, Assistant City Attorney Julie Klahr and City Clerk Marion Swenson.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance and commented on the recent
stabbing of a BSO Deputy, Lisa DiSavino,
a. Item No. 6(e) on the consent agenda. AMERICAN RED CROSS
COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT: (TR11317) Executing a cooperative agreement
between the City of Tamarac and the American Red Cross providing for the use of the
Tamarac Community Center as a post event shelter in the event of a local disaster. Fire
Chief Budzinski gave a presentation and specified that hurricanes are not addressed in
this agreement. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned responsibility for the facility and Fire
Chief Budzinski said we will provide the normal insurance coverage as the facility will be
used for Tamarac residents. Commissioner Portner asked if the Salvation Army does
the same thing, what equipment will be used and the cost. Fire Chief Budzinski said
there may be some overlap but the Red Cross has the prime responsibility for disaster
shelters; the Red Cross will supply all that is needed and there will be no charge to
Tamarac or residents. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned using the Multi -Purpose
Center, and also asked if this agreement includes pets. Fire Chief Budzinski explained
the Multi -Purpose Center has not been looked at because of its proximity to the school,
and the Red Cross does not handle pets, but in the event of a local disaster Tamarac
would make provisions for pets through the Humane Society or local veterinarians.
Commissioner Atkins -Grad asked if people would be housed in the gym and Fire Chief
Budzinski explained that would depend on the number of people who need shelter.
b. Item No. 6(b) on the consent agenda. PURCHASE OF TWO 2 PAD -
WASTEWATER PUMP STATIONS: (TR11319) Purchasing two (2) pad -mounted fixed
electrical generators from Millennium Products utilizing the United States General
Services Administration Contract #GS-07F-0231 N in an amount not to exceed
$52,814.00; authorizing the appropriate budget amendments for said purpose and
approving funding from the appropriate budgeted Utilities CIAC and Operational
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Accounts. Utilities Director Gagnon and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz
appeared. Director of Utilities Gagnon gave a presentation. Vice Mayor Sultanof
confirmed the City would contract for installation, there are funds available for the
project and questioned piggybacking. Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz said the
generators were purchased through a GSA contract and this is a homeland security
item. Commissioner Atkins -Grad suggested selling the existing equipment on the
internet and Director of Utilities Gagnon said the existing pumps will not be taken out of
the building in which they are housed. Commissioner Portner questioned the age of the
existing pumps and the difference in KW. Director of Utilities Gagnon said they are 40
and the KW represents the efficiency of the motors we are going to be putting in, which
are more efficient so we can use a smaller generator. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco
inquired as to the cost to install them and Director of Utilities Gagnon said he did not
know at this time. Commissioner Dressler said in the future he would like to have that
information included in the presentation.
C. Item No. 6(f) on the consent agenda. RENEWAL OF CONTRACT AND
MAINTENANCE: (TR11320) Renewing the agreement with Prestige Property
Management and Maintenance, Inc. for grounds maintenance and landscaping services
for certain public rights -of -way and city parks; extending the agreement until December
8, 2010; authorizing the appropriate city officials to execute Change Order Three (3) to
the agreement for provision of said services on certain acquired and/or improved public
property; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes. Public
Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public
Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Commissioner Portner said we should have
been proactive and Public Works Director Strain agreed and explained the increase in
work and the fact that there is money in the budget but it was not put into the blanket
P.O. In the future the department will be more proactive and make sure the monies are
included in the blanket P.O.
d. Item No. 6(g) on the consent agenda. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH
a boat ramp installation agreement between the City of Tamarac and the City of North
Lauderdale. Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation and said the City of
Tamarac will get an easement from North Lauderdale. Vice Mayor Sultanof confirmed
there is no cash involved and the easement will provide safeguards for both the City of
Tamarac and North Lauderdale. Commissioner Partner confirmed North Lauderdale
would have no involvement in the maintenance, cost or use of the boat ramp.
e. Item No. 6(h) on the consent agenda. AWARDING BID #07-32B AND
Awarding Bid #07-32B and executing an agreement with Intrastate Construction
Corporation for the construction of the City of Tamarac Dog Park at Southgate
Boulevard for an amount not to exceed $649,742.00; approving funding in the amount
of $649,742.00 from the appropriate accounts. Public Works Director Strain, Director of
Parks and Recreation Warner and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared.
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Public Works Director Strain gave a presentation and said completion would be 240
days from the Notice to Proceed. Vice Mayor Sultanof said he hopes the community
appreciates the fact that we are putting in a first class dog park, which is part of the CIP.
Commissioner Portner expressed concern over the timing of the dog park, given the fact
that some services were cut. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco responded this was
discussed at length during the last workshop meeting, and added the bond money must
be used or we will have to return it. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she received a lot
of positive feedback from the community, and this will be more of a family and animal
park rather than just a dog park. Commissioner Atkins -Grad spoke of Waters Edge
Park, which she hopes to see constructed at some time in the future, and because of
the fact that there were no firm numbers for the Waters Edge Park it was put on hold.
Commissioner Dressler said there will always be those who oppose any initiative, but
the community supports this project, and it is included in the Strategic Plan and Capital
Improvement Projects. Commissioner Portner questioned how long we have to use the
money and Financial Services Director Chapman said we must use it by December
2008. Commissioner Atkins -Grad added with rising construction costs, if we put off this
project it may cost us more in the future.
f. Item No. 6(i) on the consent agenda. PURSUING AND SUPPORTING THE
GREEN LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM: (TR11326) Pursuing measures to
become a "Green Local Government" through improved environmental performance,
using criteria and standards developed by the Florida Green Building Coalition, and
encouraging the legislature and Governor to support the Green Local Government
Program. Community Development Director Bramley gave a presentation. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said she sits on the Green Initiative Committee and Tamarac is a
cutting edge city in this program; she would like the program to be submitted to the
Conference of Mayors as a best practice.
g. Item No. 7 on the regular agenda. CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE
EVALUATION REPORT— (CAPER FY2006-2007): (TR11313) Motion to approve
Resolution approving the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER
FY2006-2007) for the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)'s
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs for HUD's fiscal year 2006-
2007; Case No. 19-MI-07. Community Development Director Bramley and Housing
Administrator Bauldree appeared. Community Development Director Bramley gave a
presentation. Commissioner Dressler said given the higher numbers of foreclosures,
how much of this money can be put toward helping people maintain the outer
appearance of their homes, which impacts on property values. Community
Development Director Bramley said it is appropriate to use the money for code issues;
and when a code officer cites property, they also leave information regarding our
rehabilitation programs. Commissioner Dressler said he would like staff to research
abating fines if someone who is cited for code violations qualifies for the rehabilitation
Economic Affairs Officer Berns gave a presentation and said the new logo will not
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replace the City Seal, and showed the Mayor and City Commission two versions of the
logo. The Mayor and City Commission discussed the colors and the new wording "The
City for Your Life". Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said it is important to remind people
that the branding campaign is part of the strategic plan. City Manager Miller spoke of
discussions held at the Commission Retreat as well as the Economic Development
Foundation's participation in branding. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked if the
Chamber of Commerce could piggy -back on this campaign and City Manager Miller said
Chamber people have been involved. Commissioner Portner said he preferred a
different shape to the logo as well as different lettering style. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco asked staff to bring back a version of the logo with different lettering for the
Mayor and City Commission's review in December. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked
for an expression of interest for design version 1 or design version 2. The Mayor and
City Commission all were in agreement to go with version 1, (the version without the
palm tree and stick figures).
Development Director Bramley gave a presentation and said according to the MPO,
FDOT and the City's traffic engineer, the impact to Tamarac would be de minimus.
There would be a positive impact to Tamarac if the extension goes through as it would
relieve traffic on U.S. 441, which is currently operating at capacity level, and it would
increase travel choices for Tamarac residents. The impact to the Commerce Park
would provide for another north/south avenue for owners and guests of the Commerce
Park to go north to Palm Beach County. Staff recommends the Mayor and City
Commission support the extension of University Drive to Glades Road. Commissioner
Portner said he is disappointed that Parkland puts itself first before the interests of
residents. Vice Mayor Sultanof said 18 of 19 members of the MPO voted to extend
University Drive to Glades Road. Commissioner Dressler spoke of Tamarac joining as
an affected party or an intervener. Assistant City Attorney Klahr said there was a
meeting last week to discuss where this matter is going and no resolutions have been
arrived at yet. Tamarac does not meet the criteria to be considered an affected party.
However, City Attorney Goren is in the process of gathering information to provide to
the Mayor and City Commission, and while no action can be taken at today's meeting,
the matter will be addressed at Wednesday's Commission meeting.
Flansbaum-Talabisco and Assistant City Attorney Klahr appeared. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco said this ordinance dovetails into the recently approved procedures
ordinance. This ordinance will impart the right way to conduct ourselves and give us the
rules of the road, as well as give residents comfort in the fact that these rules are
codified. This ordinance will become part of our legacy. Assistant City Attorney Klahr
spoke of some changes that will be made to the ordinance to extrapolate officers from
the existing code. Assistant City Attorney Klahr spoke of Chapter 112 of the Florida
Statutes regarding the Code of Conduct for Public Officials and said the statutes
delineate the minimum standards that elected officials and public officers are required to
hold themselves to; a memorandum from City Attorney Goren was previously distributed
explaining why the Mayor and City Commission can adopt something more stringent
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than the Florida Statutes. Commissioner Dressler questioned what is more stringent in
this ordinance than state requirements and confirmed we are preserving the ability at a
future time to make the Tamarac ethics code more restrictive. Assistant City Attorney
Klahr said what we currently have is more restrictive, but we are also providing for
additional mechanisms for the Mayor and City Commission to address other issues,
e.g., the provision in the ordinance that will allow the commission to censure another
commissioner who fails to follow the rules, which is not provided for in the Florida
Statutes. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco read into the record the following WHEREAS
clauses from the instant ordinance, which clauses delineate the commissions' belief:
"WHEREAS, this Code of Ethics will serve as a valuable reference guide for all those in
whom the public has placed its trust; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City
of Tamarac has determined that the enactment of a City Code of Ethics is in the best
interests of the citizens of the City of Tamarac, protects the integrity of City government,
fosters public confidence in the actions of the City, and will assist in ensuring that the
City's elected and appointed officials abide by the highest ethical standards." Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco asked for an expression of interest to add this ordinance to
Wednesday's agenda and all were in agreement.
Commissioner Portner asked the Mayor and City Commission to extend an invitation to
former Washington D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams to speak to the Mayor and City
Commission regarding selling or leasing city assets. Commissioner Portner suggested
the Mayor and City Commission consider selling or leasing City Hall and relocating to
57th Street.
Commissioner Atkins -Grad left the room at 11:22 a.m. and returned at 11:25 a.m.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would like staff to provide information regarding
leasing city assets and asked City Manager Miller to place this on a future workshop for
Vice Mayor Sultanof addressed a memorandum from City Attorney Goren which was
received this morning regarding Business Tax Receipt Reclassification and Rate
Structure Revisions. Assistant City Attorney Klahr said the memorandum was
informational, should the City choose to go that route. Staff has made no decision to do
anything at this time.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 11:35 a.m.
Marion Swenson, CND
City Clerk
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