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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-12-08 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco called the workshop meeting of the
City Commission to order on Monday, December 8, 2008, at 9:30 a.m. in conference
room 105, at Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88t' Avenue, Tamarac, FL.
PRESENT: Mayor Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, Vice Mayor Patricia Atkins -Grad,
Commissioner Pamela Bushnell, Commissioner Diane Glasser, and Commissioner
Harry Dressler.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Miller, City Attorney Goren, Deputy City Manager
Cernech, and City Clerk Swenson.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco led the pledge of allegiance and congratulated
Commissioner Glasser on her reelection as State Committeewoman for the Democratic
1. Item No. 6(g) on the consent agenda. (TR11528) Accepting a grant award and
executing a grant agreement pending legal review between the South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD) and the City of Tamarac for the Indoor Plumbing
Retrofit Project in the amount of $27,000, providing for a $30,000 match in local funds
from Utilities Department staff time, for a total project cost of $57,000. Laboratory
Manager Oney and Special Projects Coordinator Gresek appeared. Special Projects
Coordinator Gresek gave a presentation. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad asked how the
constituents get the funds and Lab Manager Oney explained the process.
Commissioner Bushnell asked if this is only for residential customers and if the city has
considered funding homeowner association clubhouses, because the residents use
these facilities. Special Projects Coordinator Gresek explained the grant allows for
funding for restaurants for water saving devices. Lab Manager Oney said the city would
look into applying funding to homeowner associations for clubhouses. Lab Manager
Oney explained as of yet we are only funding homes with individual water meters so we
can quantify the savings. Commissioner Dressler questioned how this year's water
usage compares to last year and Lab Manager Oney said usage has dropped back to
the level of the early 90's; 5.5 million gallons per day. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco
reminded everyone we are still deemed by the SFWMD to be under drought conditions.
2. Item No. 6(i) on the consent agenda. (TR11436) A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida accepting an Emergency Medical Services
grant in the amount of $62,943.75 from the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of
Emergency Medical Services for Automatic Chest Compression devices and to enter
into an Agreement for purchase of Chest Compression devices; authorizing the
appropriate City officials to execute a project Agreement and subsequent agreements, if
necessary, pending legal review and approval between the Florida Department of
Health and the City of Tamarac; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and
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providing for an effective date. Division Chief Moral, EMS Division Chief Sheridan,
Special Projects Coordinator Gresek, and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz
appeared. Division Chief Moral and EMS Division Chief Sheridan gave presentations.
Commissioner Bushnell questioned how a situation would be handled should a person
not be in a movable condition and EMS Division Chief Sheridan explained in a traumatic
event, because of the compression force of the band, it would not be used on a person
with internal wounds or who is hemorrhaging. All patients will be moved, eventually, to
the nearest hospital. Commissioner Bushnell questioned how one would know if the
device is working and EMS Division Chief Sheridan explained the measurements of
pulse and carotid artery. Commissioner Bushnell asked if the mechanism shuts off
automatically and EMS Division Chief Sheridan explained how the device works.
Commissioner Glasser confirmed the device shown today is the actual size and it
operates on batteries. Commissioner Glasser asked if the equipment would also be
placed on engines and EMS Division Chief Sheridan said it is not being placed on the
engines. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said the statistics are amazing and Tamarac Fire
Rescue is wonderful. This year they have brought forward much new equipment to
save lives and Tamarac is on top of things.
Commissioner Dressler left the room at 9:50 a.m. and returned at 9:51 a.m.
Commissioner Bushnell asked if five units are enough and EMS Division Chief Sheridan
explained their use on transport equipment. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco spoke of the
time she performed CPR on her husband 18 years ago and the fact that equipment has
changed so much over the years. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the
downside to the equipment and EMS Division Chief Sheridan said there is a downside
to using it on a traumatic patient. Additionally, there is limited reuse of the bands.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned the sequence of events for AED's, CPR, and
the Chest Compression device and EMS Division Chief Sheridan explained. Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco asked when we would get the equipment and EMS Division Chief
Sheridan said he anticipates the first of the year.
3. Item No. 6(c) on the consent agenda. (TR11531) A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to
execute an Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Florida Medical Training
Institute (FMTI) to allow Emergency Medical Services (EMS) students an opportunity to
participate in a Student Ride Along program on Tamarac Fire Rescue vehicles to
receive education and training in an EMS student preceptorship program for a three-
year period upon the execution of the Agreement; providing for conflicts; providing for
severability; and providing for an effective date. Division Chief Moral, EMS Division
Chief Sheridan and Special Projects Coordinator Gresek appeared. Division Chief
Moral gave a presentation.
4. Item 6(e) on the consent agenda. (TR11532) A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate City officials to
execute an Agreement between the City of Tamarac and Emergency Medical Sciences
Academy (EMSA) to allow Emergency Medical Services (EMS) students an opportunity
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to participate in a Student Ride Along program on Tamarac Fire Rescue vehicles to
receive education and training in an EMS student preceptorship program for a three-
year period upon the execution of the Agreement; providing for conflicts; providing for
severability; and providing for an effective date. Division Chief Moral, EMS Division
Chief Sheridan and Special Projects Coordinator Gresek appeared. Division Chief
Moral gave a presentation.
5. Item No. 6(d) on the consent agenda. (TR11520) A resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the City of Tamarac Legislative
Agenda for the 2009 Legislative Session; Directing the City Clerk to send a copy of the
City of Tamarac Legislative Agenda for the 2009 Legislative Session to the Broward
County Legislative Delegation and the Broward County Board of County
Commissioners for consideration. Assistant City Manager Phillips and Management
Analyst 1 Campbell appeared. Assistant City Manager Phillips gave a presentation and
Management Intern Campbell gave an overview of the items on the legislative agenda.
Commissioner Dressler offered an amendment to the legislative agenda and offered
into the record a letter to all legislators from Senator Atwater and Representative
Sansom (a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as part of these
minutes) wherein they basically caution the various cities not to ask for money.
Commissioner Dressler said his amendment is to encourage the delegation to work on
state and federal levels with the focus on mass transit in Florida, not on infrastructure,
which is defined as more highways. Commissioner Glasser said even the cities should
make extensive use of the League of Cities and continue to ask for things they need.
Some day the electorate will wake up and find we are not getting our fair share.
Commissioner Dressler confirmed his amendment is basically a policy decision
regarding our asking the state legislative delegation, the BLC and the FLC to address
reality and to encourage administration looking to spend historic amounts of money on
infrastructure on state and city levels for fiscal stimulus, to deal with the crisis they
created. Florida does not need more roads; we need mass transit. The funding is
ancillary and this is a policy statement. Commissioner Dressler said he agrees with
Commissioner Glasser and the City Attorney that just because people say do not ask
for money we should not demure. Commissioner Glasser said the new leadership is
interested in getting people back to work and there is no better way than working on
transportation. There will be big changes after January 20 and that is why we can not
let go, things will change. They want to put people back to work, but we still have to ask
for what we need and eventually we will get it. After discussion, the Mayor and City
Commission agreed to have a separate resolution drafted in support of Commissioner
Dressler's transportation initiative.
6. Item No. 6(h) on the consent agenda. (TR11534) A resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving the acquisition and installation of
telecommunications equipment to key water treatment facilities for telemetry system
integration; authorizing budget amendments for proper accounting purposes;
authorizing an expenditure for an amount not to exceed 137,100, providing for conflicts;
providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. Information Technology
Director Sucuoglu, Water Plant Superintendent Harvey, and Purchasing/Contracts
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Manager Glatz appeared. I.T. Director Sucuoglu and Water Plant Superintendent
Harvey gave presentations. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said this is a big savings to the
7. Item No. 8 on the regular agenda. (TO2170) Motion to adopt Ordinance on first
reading _ ._ding creating Chapter 14.5 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Tamarac to be
called "the Tamarac Dangerous Intersection Safety Act"; and new Sections 14.5-1
through 14.5-15 providing for intent and definitions; establishing an enforcement
program within the City; authorizing the City to permit and implement the use of
unmanned cameras/monitoring devices for red light infractions; providing enforcement
procedures, including notice, appeal hearings, penalties, imposition of administrative
charges and collection; providing for exceptions; providing for codification; providing for
severability; providing an effective date. City Attorney Goren appeared and gave a
presentation. Commissioner Bushnell questioned who would determine if there is a
need for these cameras, or how many are needed. City Attorney Goren explained this
ordinance will bookmark the process for future action. Commissioner Dressler,
Commissioner Glasser, Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad, Commissioner Bushnell and Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco said they are in favor of bookmarking.
8. Item No. 6(f) on the consent agenda. (TR11508) A Resolution of the City of
Tamarac, Florida, to receive the draft recommendations on affordable housing
incentives report prepared and presented by the Affordable Housing Advisory
Committee and having delivered its report, will continue reviewing incentive strategies
and finalize recommendations fulfilling its responsibility; providing for conflicts; providing
for severability; and providing for an effective date. Community Development Director
Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree appeared. Community Development
Director Bramley gave a presentation and Housing Administrator Bauldree gave a
report on the committee.
Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad left the room at 10:40 a.m. and returned at 10:44 a.m.
City Attorney Goren left the room at 10:42 a.m. and returned at 10:45 a.m.
Commissioner Dressler left the room at 10:45 a.m. and returned at 10:55 a.m.
Commissioner Bushnell questioned the census track numbers and Community
Development Director Bramley explained they are geographical areas identified by the
census. Commissioner Bushnell questioned possible liability to the city where there are
private streets. City Attorney Goren explained that the BSO has arrest power
throughout the city; however, they may not be able to patrol private streets to enforce
traffic violations without an agreement with the association. Commissioner Dressler
confirmed there is no language in conflict with open space. Commissioner Dressler
complimented Community Development Director Bramley and Housing Administrator
Bauldree for their high level of professionalism and congratulated City Manager Miller
on the quality of his staff.
9. Item No. 7 on the regular agenda. (TR11507) A resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing the appropriate city officials to
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approve the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation report (CAPER FY 2007-
2008) for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD's) Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs for HUD's fiscal year 2007-2008; Case No.
20-MI-08; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective
date. Community Development Director Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree
appeared and gave presentations.
10. Item No. 6(b) on the consent agenda. (TR11523) A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, appointing members to the City's
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee; directing city staff to take any and all action
necessary to effectuate the intent of this resolution; providing for conflicts; providing for
severability; providing for and effective date. Community Development Director
Bramley and Housing Administrator Bauldree appeared and gave presentations.
11. Item No. 6(m) on the consent agenda. (TR11530) A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida approving the purchase of Performance
Management and Employee Development Software, as well as ancillary maintenance
and support services from Halogen Software, Inc., and authorizing the appropriate City
officials to execute an agreement utilizing a Greater Jacksonville Aviation Authority
agreement for a total not to exceed $33,032.30 which includes the initial software
acquisition and ancillary maintenance and support; approving funding from the
appropriate account; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for
an effective date. Human Resources Director Swanson, Management Intern Campbell,
and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Human Resources Director
Swanson gave a presentation. Commissioner Dressler expressed concern over the
objectivity of the data that goes into the software and asked if the system would
accommodate input from the employee. Human Resources Director Swanson said it
would. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco questioned implementation timeline and
Management Intern Campbell said we will migrate to the system in April but will not use
it for an evaluation until a year from then. Commissioner Dressler spoke of this is
connection to the long term strategic plan of the city, business planning for all
departments and that it ties in to that which is set by the Mayor and City Commission.
City Manager Miller agreed the Mayor and City Commission sets the vision for the
community and once each year the executive team recommends to the Mayor and City
Commission the strategic plan to get to that vision. The strategic plan may get changed
at a retreat held with the Mayor and City Commission and then the staff gets its
marching orders for the next year. We put together a business plan and budget and
allow for the evaluation of employees against all that to make sure the Mayor and City
Commission's vision gets achieved. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad spoke of information in the
backup that we have until December 13 to save money on the software, and she hopes
everyone agrees to approve the resolution. This will be a much faster way to get things
done and time is money. Commissioner Bushnell asked if this is a one time cost and
Human Resources Director Swanson explained the item is a one time cost, but there is
still an annual maintenance cost involved; however, we will own the system and host it
on our server. Commissioner Bushnell noted supervisors and employees will be able to
make comments all year through the software and questioned if they have the ability to
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see each others' comments. Human Resources Director Swanson explained it is like
keeping notes on a notepad or a word document; however, they will not be able to read
each other's comments unless they are given the opportunity to read them.
Commissioner Dressler expressed his concern for possible future claims and City
Attorney Goren explained this is only one tool of several and it will not subject the city to
liability any more or less than any other tool we have. If there are allegations of hostile
workplace or workplace violence, logging into this system is not the only source of relief.
Human Resources Director Swanson added these things are addressed at length
during orientation and at other times during the year. Human Resources Director
Swanson recognized Management Intern Campbell, Purchasing/Contracts Manager
Glatz and the IT department for their assistance in putting this purchase together.
12. Item No. 6(n) on the consent agenda. (TR11535) A Resolution of the City
Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida reassessing several aspects of the City's
relationship with Prestige Homes of Tamarac, Inc., as it relates to Sabal Palm. The
resolution authorizes the execution of a ground lease for a sales trailer on a portion of
property that the Prestige will be dedicating to the City. It further expresses the City's
support for a proposed change to the workforce housing requirements for the property
as set forth in the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants; and reaffirms a number of
Prestige Homes' obligations as detailed therein. Deputy City Manager Cernech
appeared and gave a presentation.
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco left the room at 11:30 a.m. and returned at 11:32 a.m.
Commissioner Bushnell said she is thrilled to go over the turnpike and see progress
being made on the property and she is also pleased about the lease agreement; pay as
you go is also a good idea. She also hopes the city will hold forth to the communities
that supported the project. With regard to affordable housing, the biggest problem she
can see is the 15 years the owner must hold the property before selling and making a
profit. Commissioner Bushnell said she supports getting rid of that proponent and
recommends support of the resolution. Commissioner Dressler confirmed the lease
back on a portion of the property at Rock Island Road and Commercial Boulevard is for
a sales trailer and confirmed the time frame for the payments. With regard to the sound
wall barrier, this was raised by the County Commission but is included in our covenants.
As to the affordable housing element, with the exception of perhaps three locations, the
entire city of Tamarac falls under affordable housing. We need to find a developer to
come in and build upscale housing. Vice Mayor Atkins -Grad said she is excited and
thrilled with the situation on Rock Island Road and it will be looking very beautiful. She
is looking forward to seeing the development. Commissioner Glasser said times have
changed since Prestige first came into the City and things are on a downslide now.
Commissioner Glasser said she is happy to see everybody from all sides
accommodating each other and is also happy to see the new commissioner from District
1 totally involved in this project. Also, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco and Vice Mayor
Atkins -Grad live close to that area and it will be a nice project for the east side of town.
Commissioner Bushnell confirmed the traffic calming measures are still included in the
documents. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she is supportive of this and is happy to
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see everybody around the table also supportive. She is delighted to be working with
Commissioner Bushnell on this and noted Commissioner Bushnell has seen the item
from both sides. Additionally, Commissioner Bushnell always does her best to
represent her residents. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she has been in touch with
some of the presidents in District 1 and the deal Prestige made with the residents will be
honored. The sound wall issue is important, and she understands if the pay as you go
matter had been on the table three years ago it would have been supported. With
regard to affordable housing, Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco said she hopes a few years
from now the Mayor and City Commission can talk about the values going up. The
corner lot at Rock Island Road and Commercial Boulevard has been very controversial
and it is an eyesore. She is delighted Prestige will fix it up. Mayor Flansbaum-
Talabisco said she recalls driving over the turnpike and looking at the property and
seeing a road and lake put in and she is happy to see progress. Deputy City Manager
Cernech thanked the City Attorney and his staff, Community Development staff, and
Public Works and Utilities staff for help on this agreement. City Attorney Goren added
this did not happen overnight; it has been worked on for a period of time and required a
number of steps to get to this point today. Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked how the
county would understand that this is what we want, and City Attorney Goren explained
the resolution will alert them. Deputy City Manager Cernech said we will determine if
conversations between the Mayor and City Commission and County are needed.
Shawn Chait explained we will need to communicate with the County Commission and
Mayor Flansbaum-Talabisco asked Mr. Chait to speak with Deputy City Manager
Cernech, who, will in turn, communicate with the Mayor and City Commission.
13. Discussion regarding resolution in support of amendments to the Florida Statutes
to increase mortgage holders' responsibility for delinquent condominium, co-operative,
and homeowner associations fees, regular assessments and special assessments on
units in foreclosure and on foreclosed units. Commissioner Dressier appeared and
gave a presentation and said we need to support legislation that would encourage
support of amendments to the Florida Statutes and communicate our support to the
BLC, FLC, and U.S. Conference of Mayors. There was an expression of interest by all
to add this item to the consent agenda for Wednesday.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Flansbaum-Talabisco adjourned the workshop meeting at 12:10 p.m.
Marion Swenson, CIVIC
City Clerk
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Jeff Atwater Ray Sansom
President of the Senate Speaker of the House
of Representatives
TO: All Legislators
FROM: Senate President Jeff Atwater and
House Speaker Ray Sansom
SUBJECT: Community Budget Issue Request System (CBIRS)
DATE: November 18, 2008
In light of the fiscal challenges our state is facing and our need to focus efforts on
solutions to balance the state's budget, we will not be opening the Community
Budget Issue Request System (CBIRS) this year. We also hope to avoid
creating unrealistic funding expectations in our communities given the further
declining state revenues.
We look forward to working together with you during this biennium in seizing the
opportunities and tackling the great challenges that lie ahead.