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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-12-20 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
MOND", DECEMBER 20, 2004
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the Workshop Meeting of the City
Commission to order on Monday, December 20, 2004, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 105 of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Marc L. Sultanof, Commissioner Edward
C. Portner, Commissioner Beth Flansbaum-Talabisco, and Commissioner Karen L.
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Jeffrey L. Miller, Assistant City Manager Diane Phillips,
City Attorney Mitchell S. Kraft, and City Clerk Marion Swenson.
Mayor Schreiber led the pledge of allegiance.
Utilizing the City of North Miami Beach Bid Number 2001-10 for the asphalt and
concrete services in conjunction with the NW 53rd Street Drainage Improvement Project
in an amount not to exceed $30,210.00 to Arrow Asphalt and Engineering. Public
Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts Manager Glatz appeared. Public
Works Director Strain gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber questioned the completion
date of the project and Public Works Director Strain replied by the end of January. Vice
Mayor Sultanof thanked Public Works Director Strain and Purchasing/Contracts
Manager Glatz for utilizing piggy -back bids, thereby saving the city money.
REPORT (CAPER FY2003): (TR10594) Motion to approve Resolution authorizing the
appropriate city officials to approve the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation
Report (CAPER FY2003) for the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
(HUD)'s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs for HUD's Fiscal Year
2003; (Case No.19-MI-04). Community Development Director King gave a
presentation. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned CAPER and Community Development
Director King explained the acronym - Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation
(TR10603) Accepting and approving the City's Personnel Manual. Human Resources
Director Swanson and Assistant Human Resources Director Cummings appeared.
Human Resources Director Swanson gave a presentation and spoke of minor changes
made to the various sections of the manual. Human Resources Director Swanson said
the personnel manual is administrative in nature and 1988 language has been updated
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City Commission Workshop
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to provide for review/approval of the manual by the City Manager. Human Resources
Director Swanson said the manual applies to all employees, but if there is any conflict
with the collective bargaining agreements, then the agreements apply. Vice Mayor
Sultanof questioned the line of delineation between collective bargaining employees
and other employees, and Human Resources Director Swanson explained in any areas
where the same issue is covered in both places, the collective bargaining agreements
are the guiding factors for those employees. Commissioner Portner asked about pay
for employees on military duty and Human Resources Director Swanson explained our
policy provides for a supplement for the employees if their pay in the military is below
that which they would get from the City. If the military pay exceeds that which they
would get from the City there is no supplement but we do continue to provide their
benefits. Commissioner-Portner questioned the responsibilities of the Mayor and City
Commission and Human Resources Director Swanson said that is outlined in the
Charter. Commissioner Portner asked about grievance process as it relates to one
employee against another. Human Resources Director Swanson replied that depends
on the nature of the situation. Grievances are an employee's concern or issue with the
City as an employer, e.g., violation of contractual agreement. To address a grievance
the employee should go to the supervisor; from there it goes to the department director;
the final step is to the City Manager or his designee. If the employee continues to
pursue the grievance they may file for arbitration. Commissioner Portner asked if the
grievance can be settled before it gets to the City Manager and Human Resources
Director Swanson replied in the affirmative. Human Resources Director Swanson
recognized and commended Assistant Human Resources Director Cummings in her
handling of all discussions with the unions regarding the manual. Human Resources
Director Swanson said the employees and department heads worked very hard on the
manual over the years. Vice Mayor Sultanof questioned the disposition of the old
personnel manual and Human Resources Director Swanson said it would be archived.
City Manager Miller recognized and commended Human Resources Director Swanson
for a yeoman's job in coordinating the manual and added that by doing the manual in-
house the City saved about $50,000.
Commissioner Portner questioned Item 4(a), Investment Report, on the City
Commission Agenda, in particular whether the increase in the treasury yield was due to
the City's Investment Advisor, Kirkpatrick Pettis Capital Management. Controller
Nealon explained the increase has no direct bearing on the firm.
With regard to Item 6(c) on the consent agenda, Commissioner Portner questioned the
number of people on the waiting list and whether HUD funding has been cut. Item 6(c).
submission of the HOME Program Description to Broward County for the use of funds
through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program Consortium Fiscal Year
2005/2006 for the City of Tamarac's Minor Home Repair Program with an option to shift
funding into the First -Time Homebuyer Program; approving the federally required set -
aside of fifteen percent (15%) for Community Housing Development Organizations
(CHDOS) (Case No. 20-MI-04). Community Development Director King said there are
several hundred on the list, and explained funding was cut and our funding was reduced
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from $519,000 to $509,000. Commissioner Portner inquired how we can get more
money from HUD and Community Development Director King said funding is based on
the City's population, and calculations are made in Washington, D.C. When all of our
funding is allocated we refer people to the County and if the County has money left, the
residents are placed on the County's waiting list. At this time the County is above
capacity. The County's Community Development Division has been hired to assist us in
getting funding distributed to those on the list; there will be approximately $800,000
available to distribute over the next 6-7 months; we hope to assist 50 or more residents.
At this time some people on the list may have moved out of the City or no longer need
assistance. Vice Mayor Sultanof spoke of problems with Fannie Mae and the affect on
HUD, and confirmed that those on the list are first-time home buyers as well as those
who need repairs to their homes. Mayor Schreiber said it is a difficult situation to have
enough funding for all who apply; the City did a good job for United Way and perhaps
we can get some money from them for assistance; additionally we might want to look
into public/private partnerships. The City must be innovative. Vice Mayor Sultanof
added in addition to Mayor Schreiber's suggestions the City look into Jimmy Carter's
Habitat for Humanity Program, as renovations are included in the program.
Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco added she is on the United Way Allocation
Committee and she is available to assist. Community Development Director King said
we will explore all avenues. Commissioner Roberts questioned emergency repairs, in
particular for those who are not on the list. Community Development Director King said
these types of repairs are taken on a case by case basis, assessments made as to
whether they are life/safety issues, and funding is set aside for emergency assistance.
Commissioner Portner said he would like the Mayor and City Commission to consider
changing the election date from March to November, beginning with 2006. Local
elections bring out a minimum number of voters and he feels there would be greater
voter turnout in November. Commissioner Roberts said she wants to keep local
elections in March as there would be less competition for campaign contributions.
Commissioner Flansbaum-Talabisco said she would rather have seen this on the
agenda for discussion, as she is not prepared to talk about it today. Vice Mayor
Sultanof spoke about alternatives to voting only on Election Day — e.g., having 2-3 days
of voting, and added the Commission needs to be more prepared to discuss this matter.
Mayor Schreiber explained early voting is not within our control, we can only decide on
changing the Election Day date. Mayor Schreiber asked to have the matter of changing
the election date from March to November set for the next workshop agenda.
There being no further business to come before the Mayor and City Commission, Mayor
Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 10:10 a.m.
Marion Swenson, CMC
City Clerk
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City Commission Workshop
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