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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-19 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes6-. 7525 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321-2401 TELEPHONE(305)722-5900 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETINGS FOR FISCAL July 31, 1991 YEAR 1991/92 The following Budget Workshop Meetings will be held in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida: City Manager Budget Message Revenue Review Millage Summary D-ivision 105 City Council 106 City Attorney 110 City Manager 178 Economic Development Di Y3.'q J S2a 112 City Clerk 712 General Services 713 Telecommunication 115 Finance 501 MIS 502 Central Stores - Purchasing 872 Non Departmental Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Grand Opening Public Services Administration Complex L= 142 Community Development 227 Building Department 235 Code Enforcement 223 Fire Department 226 Ambulance Services Division 178 Personnel Department 607 Social Services Board Safety Advisory Board 704 Insurance Administration 705 Insurance Operations 709 Insurance Claims 739 Insurance Loss Reserve AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER POLICY OF NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF HANDICAPPED STATUS 2; a_m_ to 12.00 no2a Division 220 Police Services 167 Charter Board 170 Public Information Committee 181 Consumer Affairs Board 183 Veterans Affairs D iMi sion 405 Public Works Administration 407 Grounds Maintenance 191 City Hall Operations 193 General Government Buildings 222 Police Building 411 Streets/Roads 417 Canals Drainage 2 : 00 a _m to 12:0.0 n2on Division 550 Recreation Activities 552 Multi --Purpose Recreation Center 555 Park Facilities 503 Fleet Services Division 155 Engineering 413 Street Lighting Utilities All meetings are open to the public. Carol A. Evans City Clerk CAE/nr City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 1 CITY OF TAMA AC CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1991 CALL TO O,EDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on Wednesday, August 19, 1991 at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room #1 of City Hall. PRES„ENT Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilman Irving Katz Councilman Henry Schumann Councilwoman Diane Glasser John P. Kelly, City Manager Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager Mary Blasi, Finance Director Thelma Fagelbaum, Deputy Finance Director Michael Couzzo, Director of Public Services Peter Procopio, Utilities Operations Manager Muriel R. Davis, Charter Board Chairwoman Karen Jackson, Secretary POLICE SERVICES BUDGET (Page 38) C/M Katz asked if there are two people in the Identification Department and City Manager Kelly said Nancy Glasgow is charged to the Personnel Department budget. Mayor Abramowitz asked how many school crossing guards there are and City Manager Kelly said there are eleven. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there is sufficient amount of school crossing guards where they are needed and City Manager Kelly said, yes. C/M Katz referred to Item #220, Pension Contributions. He asked why the amount has been lowered from $86,000 to $2,800 and Ms. Blasi said that is the amount that the City had to contribute to the Pension Fund on behalf of the BSO officers who decided to remain with the City's Pension Fund rather than the BSO Pension Fund at the time of the BSO switchover. Ms. Blasi said the $2,800 represents the City's contribution for Mary Falor's portion and it is hoped that the City will not have to contribute this year on behalf of BSO. Assistant City Manager McDermott said there are Police officers remaining who do contribute to the City's Pension Fund. Ms. Blasi said this will be based on the contribution that BSO will give to the City. C/W Glasser asked if the City should budget for this if there is any possibility of this. V/M Bender said the BSO contribution to the Pension Fund is greater than what the City is contributing. He said one of the benefits was that the employee would not have to contribute the 5% due to the BSO contributing enough. C/M Katz asked how many employees are involved with the BSO Pension and Ms. Fagelbaum said approximately thirty. V/M Bender said the decision was made by the Police Officers at the time of the switchover to BSO based on their ages. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 2 Ms. Blasi said this year the City had budgeted $45,000 which included Ms. Falor. She said the State has allowed an increase for this year which will reduce the amount the City will need to budget. Discussion was held regarding the Pension budget. C/M Katz asked if this will be addressed under the Fire Department budget and City Manager Kelly said, yes. C/M Schumann referred to Item #470, Printing and Binding, and asked why the amount has doubled and City Manager Kelly said there were new forms Printed for parking tickets and other items. CHARTER BOARD ( Page 21) C/M Katz said there was discussion in the past about transferring the Charter Board Secretary to another department and City Manager Kelly said the City Clerk had requested that Belle Vitrofsky be transferred under her supervision to be able to utilize her services when the Charter Board is not present. Chairwoman Davis said the Charter Board wants to retain Ms. Vitrofsky. She said there will be a Charter Board member present daily beginning in September. She said she feels the Secretary is gainfully handling work that needs to be done in the hours she is present. City Manager Kelly requested that in the event that Ms. Vitrofsky is available to handle other duties, she do so and Chairwoman Davis agreed. C/M Katz asked about the benefits for the Secretary and City Manager Kelly said she is included in the temporary employees category. V/M Bender referred to Item #306 where the Charter Board had requested $3,000 and the City Manager suggested no money be budgeted. He asked what this money was for. City Manager Kelly said the money was originally for the Carla Coleman Study. V/M Bender asked what the purpose was for the $2,000 and Chairwoman Davis said she had requested a $2,000 budget be granted for the Charter Board to do some studies. V/M Bender asked what kind of studies and Chairwoman Davis said it would be for whatever studies the Council wanted. Chairwoman Davis said part of the Charter Board's duties is to do studies for the Council. V/M Bender asked if there are studies that the Charter Board has a legal responsibility for and City Manager Kelly said he felt that the Charter Board should request the money from Council at the time the studies are to be made. Chairwoman Davis said these studies would be done by the Charter Board and possibly with the help of an outside source. V/M Bender said he feels the Charter Board should take a more active role in making some changes in the Charter. He said there were suggestions made by Carla Coleman to purge any information that is currently in the Charter which is in direct conflict with the State. He said the Charter Board may need an outside assistant to handle this. Mayor Abramowitz said he feels the main objective of the Charter Board is to review the Charter and develop ideas to amend it to be beneficial to the City V/M Bender said there is a lot of work that has to be accomplished. He said he does not feel there is anything wrong with budgeting funds to handle this. Chairwoman Davis said she had previously done a study of the educational system in Tamarac. She asked if Council would appropriate the money at a later time if the Charter Board requests it for a study. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 3 Mayor Abramowitz said there is money that can be spent for the appropriate purposes. Chairwoman Davis said she would like half of the money left in the budget because she would like to do some type of study. C/M Katz said he wants the Charter Board to have the opportunity to do what they need to do. He said he feels there should be money budgeted for the purposes being discussed. Chairwoman Davis said she would like to do something constructive. City Manager Kelly recommended leaving $1,000 in the account and V/M Bender agreed. Morton Winter, Charter Board member, said he feels there is a lot of work to be done and requested that $2,000 left in the account. He said the Charter needs to be reviewed and returned to the way it should be. C/M Schumann said the Charter was reviewed by Carla Coleman less than one year ago and no actions were taken on the recommendations. Chairwoman Davis said there were proposed amendments made to Council by the Charter Board based on Carla Coleman's recommendations. Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Board had made 5 or 6 recommendations of which Council implemented four. Chairwoman Davis said the Charter Board proposed four amendments in November, 1990 and Council did not agree to any of them. Discussion was held regarding this. C/W Glasser said she feels Council should give the Charter Board the latitude of being able to do some studies and suggested $1,000 be budgeted. All agreed with the $1,000 amount. Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Board could provide a very valuable service to the City if it does what it is supposed to do. C/M Katz said the items that had been recommended were items that the Charter Board members did not agree to themselves. City Manager Kelly said he does not want to be placed in the hot box for either this item or the legal services. Mayor Abramowitz said the Council should take the heat. He said the recommendation is for $1,000. City Manager Kelly said he will bring these expenditures to Council. Chairwoman Davis asked if the temporary Secretary will be receiving the 5% increase and City Manager Kelly said, yes. Walter Rekuc, resident, said there is a 2.2 million dollar error in the Revenue Account. STREET LIGHTING #413 (Page.63) City Manager Kelly said he will be supplying Council with a report which identifies where the latest street lighting has been installed and where it is projected in the future. He said there were 80 lights replaced and 83 are under construction. He explained where the lights will be placed next. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there is money set aside for the resurfacing of the roads and City Manager Kelly said that has nothing to do with this item. C/M Katz referred to Item #435 and asked if this is for the fuel consumption and City Manager Kelly said, yes. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 4 C/M Katz asked if the figure will decrease due to not needing as many lights and Kline Jones, City Engineer, said FP&L is bringing the lighting up to the proper standards and there will be no decrease in the number of lights. C/M Katz said there is a latitude that FP&L afforded between 150 and 300 feet. Mr. Jones said FP&L is proposing to go into the existing poles and replace the light fixtures with no cause for rewiring. C/M Katz asked the length of the arms and Mr. Jones said they will change the arms, if necessary, and there are some lights that are on short light poles which need to be replaced. C/M Katz asked if the City will need to increase the amount of poles due to the increase in lumins and Mr. Jones said, no. TAPE 2 UTILITIES (Page 14R) Ms. Blasi said rates are not going to increase for water or sewer for Utilities East or West. Mayor Abramowitz said the City has the equipment to input the consumption of water. He said he has seen bills that are absolutely astronomical. He asked if the meter readers are actually reading the meters. Peter Procopio, Utilities Operations Manager, said the computers are supposed to show inaccuracies. V/M Bender asked if there is a safety factor programmed into these computers so that the computer will not allow a faulty reading to be accepted. Discussion was held regarding the porta-processors. C/M Katz asked if there is a charge to the developer hooking into the fire hydrants for water and Mr. Procopio said there is an ongoing meter exchange program which is covered under Item #360. Mr. Procopio said the City is constantly changing at least 1,500 meters every year. He said at least 240 meters are changed if the meters are not working properly. C/M Katz said it has been proven in his building where the meters are sized improperly to accommodate the building size. He said the reading is affected by upgrading the size of the meter. Mr. Procopio said the meter should be sized for the number of people or units that it is going to serve. Discussion was held regarding accurate meter sizes. Mr. Procopio said there was a time when the Utilities in the City was owned by the people developing the City and now it is up to the City to straighten this problem out. C/M Katz said he does not show a line revenue for the City. item for this particular charge as Ms. Blasi said there are approximately 1,006 meters in Utilities East and there is revenue budgeted under Utilities West for approximately 15,000 meters. She said there have been no meter fees charged for Utilities East historically. Mr. Procopio said Utilities East is a smaller system than Utilities West. C/M Katz said the City does have an ongoing procedure where the meter is changed when the volume is not received and Mr. Procopio said, yes, and there is a charge to the person receiving the change and it comes in under Miscellaneous Revenues. Further discussion was held regarding these charges. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 5 V/M Bender said there is some industry interested in coming into the City to manufacture computer chips. He said the City currently has a water capacity that the City can handle. He said the water is currently used and goes down to the sewers to be disposed of. He asked if the City can make the provisions for that water to be reprocessed and reused. Mr. Procopio said the City does not have the treatment facilities to treat wastewater but the City can manufacture water. V/M Bender asked if the City can protect itself so that water does not get wasted without drilling more wells. Mr. Procopio said this would have to be a site specific situation. V/M Bender said if it is legally possible for the City to make a proposition to incoming industry to recycle the water they are using, it would save the City a lot of money. He requested that the Utilities Department research this option. C/M Katz said he understood that the County has a recycling system. Mayor Abramowitz said it it going to be mandatory in the near future by withholding the ability to build unless a recycling system is available. Discussion was held regarding this. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there is a charge for the installation of the second meter and Mr. Procopio said, yes, for irrigation purposes. C/M Schumann referred to Item 393-627, Turn -on, Turn-off Charges. He asked why there is a jump from $1,500 to $22,200 and Ms. Blasi said this should have been entered on Item 393-626, Commercial Wastewater Charges and Late Charge Fees should be 11011. She said there are four lines that the total should be moved up on. C/M Katz asked if the City takes into consideration the indigent people and Ms. Blasi said the Finance Department issues numerous notices prior to turning off the water. She said the Finance Department never waives a fee because they are not authorized by Council to do so, but do give them an agreement to sign for a payment plan of so much per month to be paid. Mayor Abramowitz said Social Services does help with these people. City Manager Kelly said Tony Morton is present with a porta-processor to demonstrate. He said one of the questions that Council has is whether the porta-processor is programmed to flag a reading that is too high and Mr. Morton said it is set up to.flag a reading that is too high or too low. City Manager Kelly asked if the porta-processor is set up so it knows each account and Mr. Morton said, yes. He said it knows the normal consumption and it will flag the reading whether it is too high or too low and it is re-entered and is accepted the second time. Mr. Morton said on numerous occasions, there have been high consumptions of water. City Manager Kelly asked if the account that has been flagged is registered back at the office for a followup check and Mr. Morton said it will give an indication that there was an unusually high consumption. C/M Schumann asked how much higher or lower it has to be in order to be flagged and Mr. Morton said approximately 2,000 or 3,000 gallons. Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED and RECONVENED this meeting at 10:30 a.m. with ALL PRESENT. UTILITIES WEST OPERATING FUNDS (Page 15R) Mayor Abramowitz said there has been a drastic reduction on meter fees and Ms. Blasi said everyone is not charged for replacement. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 6 Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City has the ongoing replacement meter program and Mr. Procopio said, yes. Assistant City Manager McDermott said the State is cutting back on their grant funding. C/W Glasser asked what. Item 364-410, Surplus Equipment, is and Mayor Abramowitz said any time that there is surplus equipment, the Departmen Head must come before Council to declare it surplus. C/W Glasser asked why there is a negative figure and Ms. Blasi said the City received credit off of what the City is purchasing. She said the City traded in surplus for new meters. Discussion was held regarding the meters. C/M Schumann referred to Item 361-000, and asked what is giving the City the seven -fold increase in interest income and Ms. Blasi said the Council has been in -tune to showing what money there is and where it is going. Ms. Blasi said in prior years, the interest income had been recorded in subsidiary funds of the Utilities West Fund, such as the Bond Reserve Fund, the General Reserve Fund and the Renew and Replacement Fund, of which all of these interest income funds can be used for the Operating Fund itself. She said it is very confusing to Council and Staff when this money is spread over the various funds in the Budget. She said she has consolidated all of the interest revenue from all of these funds and placed it into a single fund. She said the Finance Department has Bond Covenant calculations,to make sure that the City is within the legal regulations required. C/M Katz referred to Item 386-429 and asked where this money is transferred to and Ms. Blasi said the Utilities West General Reserve Fund. She said if those monies are in excess of what is required by the bond covenant to be set up, the City can transfer monies from this Fund to Utilities West Operating Fund to balance the budget. She said the City needs $392,000 at present to balance the Utilities West budget. C/M Katz referred to the City's operating costs and the Administration billing to Utilities East and West. He said he feels that the City is subsidizing this and, if there is'a surplus, they should be paying their fair share. Ms. Blasi said the City is having a Consultant come in today to do a cost allocation. TAPE 3 Ms. Blasi said that during the preliminary review, the Consultant believes that the City is only charging Utilities West for it's General Fund services and Utilities East. C/M Katz said the City should be able to recover any subsidizing that the City may be doing, even if it reflects a negative cash flow to that account and Ms. Blasi agreed. C/M Katz said if the City is subsidizing the Utilities Department and the Utilities Department has a surplus in defference to the rest of the people in the City, then they should be paying their fair share of the costs of operating in the City. Mayor Abramowitz said the Utilities Department does pay for services performed by other Departments in the City and C/M Katz said they do not pay enough. C/M Katz said the City is increasing the ad valorem tax to compensate for something where there are thousands of dollars sitting, which does not make sense. Mayor Abramowitz said the Utilities Department is not an ordinary department. He said it is going to cost millions of dollars for the Storm Water Retention Program. He asked what is intended to incur this money. City Council Budget Workghop.Meeting 08/19/91 Page 7 C/M Katz said he feels the Utilities Department should pay their fair share. C/M Schumann asked what happened to the carry-over funds of $281,000 and Ms. Blasi said this is the amount of purchase orders that were left at the end of Fiscal Year 1989/90 and the Budget Ordinance reads that any encumbrances at the end of the year are reappropriated and carried over to the new Budget. She said any money that is left in Utilities West at the end of the Fiscal Year in excess is transferred to the General Reserve Fund of Utilities West. C/M Schumann asked where the $281,108 is showing in the Budget at present and Ms. Blasi said the $209,662 represents the purchase orders at the end of the year. She said there are extra items that are reappropriated to the Budget because they are encumbered at the end of the year. V/M Bender asked where the money comes from to pay for these purchase orders and Ms. Blasi said the money comes from the Utilities west Operating Fund. Ms. Blasi said the money has been encumbered for the purchase orders. She said the City needed $504,780 for the amended budget for 1990/91. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the money is there and Ms. Blasi said, yes, this is a bookkeeping procedure. C/M Schumann asked what the total equity transfers are and Ms. Blasi said an equity transfer is a transfer of money from one fund to another. She said it is transferring money from the Utilities West General Reserve Fund to the Utitities West Operating Fund. She said there are monies in the Utilities West General reserve Fund reflected on the line item. She said this line item is showing the transfer of those funds into the Operating Fund to balance the budget. V/M Bender asked how much is in the General Reserve Fund and Ms. Blasi said there is $1,300,000 that can be used to balance the Utilities West budget which are funds that are not restricted by bond covenants. C/M Schumann questioned the Fund total of $9,749,193 and Ms. Blasi said Utilities East and West are separate. Further discussion was held regarding the fund totals. Ms. Blasi said the previous Finance Director, Ken Burroughs, had proposed that a rate increase would have to be due because the way that the bond covenants read, there is a calculation that the City must have certain operating revenues that will equal 110% of the bond service charges including the interest and principle. She said in this calculation, the surplus funds cannot be included from previous years. She said the City does have the funds to balance the budget; therefore, the rates should not be increased. C/M Katz asked if the City must keep in reserve double or triple the amount of operating costs of the Utilities West and Ms. Blasi said the City is required to keep two months of operating revenue in the Utilities West Operating Fund in cash. She said the City has a Bond Reserve Fund in which there is $2,459,000 and the City is required to keep $500,000 in the Renewal and Replacement Fund for any major repairs for operating purposes. BOND SERVICR SUND (Page 18R) Ms. Blasi said this is the Bond Service Fund which is where the interest income is being kept to pay the bonds. She said the City is permitted to transfer portions of the Sewer CIAC Bond money into the Service Fund, which is $387,000. C/M Katz said there are many companies that are changing their lending institutions because of the reduction in interest or other situations. He asked if the City has investigated whether it pays to go through the motions of recasting and Ms. Blasi said she has briefly researched this. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 8 Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City would have to go for another bond issue to pay off the existing bond and Ms. Blasi agreed. She said this would have to be researched for the cost savings involved. UTILITIES WEST CIAC FUND (Page 20R) Mayor Abramowitz asked if everything that can be done is being done and City Manager Kelly agreed. C/M Katz asked if the City has money in the income State Pool and Ms. Blasi said the Finance Department has been divesting a lot of the City' investments from the State Pool into other investment vehicles to earn a higher rate of return. C/M Katz asked who manages these investments and Ms. Blasi said the Finance Department does. She said Thelma Fagelbaum, Sherri Bauer, and herself, along with the members of the Investment Advisory Board have been making their recommendations. Ms. Blasi said the Investment Advisory Board meets once a month and reviews all of the investments. She said the City had divested $5,000,000 from the State Pool into a two year CD paying 8.25% interest. Further discussion was held regarding this. UTILITIES WEST SQUARE ONE DEBT SERVICE FUND (Page 21R) Ms. Blasi said every year there is money transferred into this fund. She said this will be the last year that money will have to be transferred into this fund. She said the City currently owes 1.8 million dollars to Broward County for reserve capacity in their Wastewater Treatment Plant. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there is anything that Tamarac can do to eliminate paying Deerfield Beach and Pompano Beach and Mr. Procopio sai not until the final payment for the Square One Debt Service. Mr. Procopio said Tamarac is paying Deerfield Beach for transportation and Pompano Beach for treatment which will be paid off in February or March of 1992. UTILITIES WEST CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REPLACEMENT FUND (Page 22R) Ms. Blasi said this fund was required to be set up by a grant received in the Utilities West Fund. She said the City must contribute so much into this fund to be used for Capital improvement Replacement until it reaches a certain cap. Mr. Procopio said the City received a DER Grant and the City has to put money in which cannot be used unless DER approves it to be used for that particular reason. UTILITIES WEST SEWER CIAC BOND FUND (Page 23R) Ms. Blasi said this fund represents the sewer portion of the CIAC Fund. She said she has budgeted for the interest income in the Utilities West Operating Fund and the resources estimated to be available at the end of the year will be $541,840. Mayor Abramowitz asked if this is a conservative or optimistic figure and Ms. Blasi said it is a realistic figure. C/M Katz asked what the City can use the CIAC money for and Ms. Blasi said the Sewer CIAC Bond money can be used for the Square One debt, wastewater treatment, part of the debt service that relates to sewer improvements and for the lease treatment capacity charges. C/M Katz asked if the City receives enough every year to pay for this and Ms. Blasi said not necessarily, but the City has enough accumulated over the years which has been paying for it. Discussion was held regarding this. C/M Katz asked if the City has the money for retention ponds and Mr. Procopio said there is sufficient well water for any expansion that may occur. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting`' 08/19/91 Page 9 Mr. Procopio said the agreement with South Florida Water Management District states that the City has a permit to drill six new wells by 1994. He said this year the City will drill two and design the next two and possibly install the final two by the following year. He said there are times that the City's current wells are not up to par. C/M Katz asked about the lightening arresters and Mr. Procopio said the wells are direct and have phase monitors on three of them. Mayor Abramowitz said the SFWMD can rescind this agreement at any time and he suggested these be completed as soon as possible. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Ms. Blasi said the main reason for the big jump in solid waste disposal fees is because of the increase that took place on June 1, 1991, from Southern Sanitation. Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED and RECONVENED this meeting at 11:20 a.m. with ALL PRESENT. UTILITIES EAST OPERATING FUND (Page 114) C/M Katz requested a list of lift stations for Utilities East and West and the electrical demands for the lift stations. He said there are 70 lift stations and four generators throughout the City. Mayor Abramowitz suggested a workshop be held to discuss this. PURCHASING (Page 114) Mr. Couzzo said there is a slight adjustment based on the water charge by Fort Lauderdale of a 4.8% increase, which will affect this account to be adjusted upwards by $560. ENGINEERING SERVICES Item #318 C/W Glasser said there were no monies appropriated previously and now there is a recommendation of $5,000. Mr. Couzzo said he is recommending a rate study be conducted on the east and west side. He said this would be the Utilities East contribution to the rate study based upon the water restrictions. C/M Katz asked if the City.depreciated entirely and Ms. Blasi said the City does not have to budget depreciation for budgetary purposes. C/M Katz referred to Item 527-089, and asked if this is the grant for the flouridation and Mr. Procopio said the City buys water from Fort Lauderdale and there are items for grout and other items. PROPERTY TAX SUBSTITUTE (Page 115) Ms. Blasi said this is what Utilities East pays to the General Fund, which is a substitute instead of paying property taxes. She said the customer billing services and Utilities maintenance charges are chargebacks to Utilities west for customer billing and the labor in Utilities West that is used to do the repairs on the lines in the lift stations in Utilities East. C/M Katz asked if the City is shortchanging the people in Utilities West by billing to Utilities East. TAPE 4 Mr. Procopio said Utilities West has its own water system whereas Utilities East uses water from Fort Lauderdale. He said every lift station is changed over in Utilities East. He said the manpower has been tied up with Utilities West installing sewer lines and sanitary lines which restricted manpower to handle situations in Utilities East and West. C/M Katz said if Utilities West is subsidizing Utilities East, their rate structure should account for it and Ms. Blasi said it does. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 10 UTILITIES WEST OPERATING (Page 11,9) Mr. Couzzo said the Deputy Utility Engineer is currently the Operations Manager and Ms. Blasi said this was only a title change. Mayor Abramowitz asked about the temporary employees and Mr. Couzzo said that is the Secretary who works 20 hours per week. Ms. Blasi said there ate no personnel changes in Utilities West, only some transfers within the division. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the electricity doubled due to the new complex and Mr. Couzzo said, yes. C/M Katz asked if the City can place a couple of generators in the new facility to reduce the electric bill and Mr. Procopio said there is a generator on the premises. C/W Glasser asked if the employees are part of the new rearrangement with the management positions and Mr. Couzzo said, yes. C/W Glasser asked if there is a COLA increase involved and City Manager Kelly said, yes. C/W Glasser said there was a situation in one of the budget workshops where Council withheld the COLA increase. She said she feels all of these situations should be handled the same. City Manager Kelly said discussion was held during the reorganization and the City has blanketed the COLA increases. He said Mr. Couzzo is the only one impacted by this. C/M Katz said half of Mr. Couzzo's salary is budgeted from the General Fund and the other half from Utilities and City Manager Kelly agreed. C/M Katz asked what the City does with the General Fund that reflected the increase at the time and C/W Glasser said it is handled in a proportionate manner. Mayor Abramowitz said the indication was that there was to be no COLA increase for a six month review and C/W Glasser said that was interjected afterwards. C/W Glasser said that in view of the fact that Mr. Couzzo was getting such a substantial increase, there would be no COLA at this point and Mr. Couzzo and City Manager Kelly had agreed. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there is no COLA at present but there is a six month review and City Manager Kelly agreed. Further discussion was held regarding this. Mayor Abramowitz suggested a meeting be held to further discuss this. V/M Bender referred to Item #420, Postage and asked what the $1.00 is budgeted for and Ms. Blasi said that is just to keep that line item open for future transfers. Mayor Abramowitz referred to Item #559E, Fleet Maintenance. Mr. Couzzo said this is for direct operating expenses. Mayor Abramowitz asked what account was charged and Ms. Blasi said it is under unclassified. UTILITY WEST OPERATING FUND -WATER TREATMENT (Page 123) Mayor Abramowitz referred to. Item #305, Special Supplies and Services and Mr. Couzzo said this is to eventually eliminate the perimeter of Australian Pines and replace them with a different type of planting material. City Council Budget Workshop. Meeting, 08/19/91 Page 11 Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City will handle the situation with the sludge ponds and Mr. Couzzo said there is $45,000 allocated to Account #4UE and it is hoped to be completed this fiscal year. Mr. Couzzo recommended that there not be any funding budgeted for this purpose in the new budget. He said there is a need to designate $35,000 in Account #4UF to rectify the sludge conditions. He said a sludge pond is needed and is a bi-product of the treatment of the water. C/M Katz said he feels that part of the overflow problem is that the City does not eliminate the sludge fast enough. Mr. Couzzo said the City is currently going out to bid on this and as of October 1, 1991, the City's contractual obligations are completed with this contractor. C/W Glasser referred to Item #462, Building Repairs, and asked what the $7,500 is for and Mr. Couzzo said it is for the existing building at 61st Street. Mr. Procopio said there are roof problems and exterior cracking. C/M Schumann referred to Item #340, Other Contractual Services. Mr. Procopio said this is for service contracts and the biggest item is the mandated outside services required by the State for verification of the lab reports. He said another service contract is for a telemetry unit that the City has on certain stations that tell the meter that there is a problem at one of the sewage pumping stations. V/M Bender referred to Item 440, Rent/Lease Equipment. He said there is a minus of $118 in 89/90 and it is up to $2,200 in 91/92. He asked what this is for. Mr. Procopio said the 8 million dollar accellator went out last year and the City had to rent equipment to handle the emergency. He said this money is for any emergency situation like this and also $1,080 is for the copy machine. V/M Bender asked what the minus $118 was and Ms. Blasi said it could have been for a rebate. C/M Katz asked if the City has considered increasing the voltage in the motors to reduce the electrical costs and Mr. Procopio said there are four locations which have 480 horsepower motors and the rest have 230 horsepower motors. C/M Katz requested a list of motors and generators that the City has. V/M Bender suggested a cost effective study be done on this. Further discussion was held on this. Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED and RECONVENED this meeting at 1:05 p.m. with ALL PRESENT. TRANSMISSIONS AND DISTRIBUTION #364 (Page 127) Assistant City Manager McDermott said Council will be discussing the Enterprise Funds. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the health insurance is 15% higher and City Manager Kelly said this COLA must be included which is 5%. C/M Katz asked if the City has separate funds for manufacturing and distribution of water and Mr. Couzzo said the City has separate expenditures on accounts. C/M Katz asked if the City has any more transide pipe and Mr. Procopio said there is a lot of transide piping in the system. Mayor Abramowitz referred to Item #670 and asked what this increase is for and Mr. Couzzo said this can be adjusted to $36,000. Ms. Blasi said what was budgeted in previous years was for major capital improvements under an operating account. She said the capital items City Council Budget Workshop Meeting. 08/19/91 Page 12 should be budgeted under the 11600" accounts rather than under an operating account. Mayor Abramowitz asked about the reconnect and City Manager Kelly said Coral Springs has not moved ahead with their end of the funding, which means that the funding from Tamarac would not be connected at this time. He questioned whether Tamarac should fund it in this budget. C/M Katz said there is no reason for Tamarac to budget for this in this year's budget if Coral Springs does not and all agreed. Mr. Procopio said the last discussion he had with the Engineer for Coral Springs Industrial District was that they were putting it in this year's budget. Mayor Abramowitz suggested a letter be sent to Coral Springs to find out if they have budgeted for this. Further discussion was held regarding this. C/W Glasser asked what Item 6HF is and Mr. Couzzo said this is to provide water to the Woodlands Water Main from Rock Island Road to Woodlands to handle fires. Mayor Abramowitz said Bob Foy, former Director of Utilities/Engineering, had stated that there is insufficient water pressure in the area to fight fires in Woodlands and the Woodlands Clubhouse. Mr. Couzzo said this water would travel west on 44th Street and then travel north into Woodlands. V/M Bender asked if the pumper generates enough pressure for the water to fight the fires and Mr. Procopio said the line sizes are too small and are restricted. V/M Bender asked if this is approved, would $152,000 be able to be utilized in this budget year and Mr. Procopio said, yes. C/M Katz asked if the Woodlands area has its own special taxing district for police and firemen and Mayor Abramowitz said, no. CUSTOMER SERVICE (Page 131) Assistant City Manager McDermott said this includes the Billing Department and comes out of the Utilities Operating Fund. C/M Katz asked if there is a breakdown of billing by Utilities East or Utilities West and Ms. Blasi said Utilities East is charged a fee from Utilities West for customer billing. V/M Bender referred to Item #140, Overtime, and asked why there is $100 budgeted and Ms. Blasi said sometimes people will come into the office regarding their water being turned off at 5:00 p.m. and the employees remain at work to handle this. TAPE 5 Mayor Abramowitz asked if consideration has been given to cutting back on the postage bills and Ms. Blasi said the City currently gets a bulk rate on Utility bills. She said she would check into it. C/M Katz asked if the Records Clerk position could be done as a temporary position instead of part-time to avoid paying for benefits an Ms. Blasi said the only benefits this person receives is $650 for Benefit Option. WASTE WATER COLLECTION #367 (Page 134) Mayor Abramowitz asked if an employee was added and Ms. Blasi said an employee was transferred from Engineering. C/W Glasser asked if there is any paid vacation involved and Ms. Blasi said that there is a paid annual leave. C/M Katz asked about the space in the new Public Services facility that was allotted for the Crew Foremen. He said it is not necessary to make City Council Budget Workshop Meeting' 08/19/91 Page 13 it too comfortable for them to remain in the office when they need to be out in the field. Mr. Couzzo said there are four Forem4n sharing the same office and the Purchasing Department was allocated a lot of that space. C/M Katz referred to Item #502, Repair Video Equipment and Jet Router, where $10,000 is allocated and on Item #6PC, Jet Router Rehab, where $35,000 is allocated. He asked what the difference is between these two items. Mr. Couzzo said the City has an existing jet router assigned to the Utilities Department where the router is mounted to the truck. He said the truck itself is in good condition. He recommended that the whole jet routing feature be reconditioned to make the truck and the routing unit worth more than $35,000. He said the tank needs to be replaced, the pump needs to be rebuilt and the hoses are worn. Mayor Abramowitz asked how much this would be new and Mr. Couzzo said the trailer mounted unit would be $35,000. Mayor Abramowitz asked if it will be worth refurbishing and Mr. Couzzo said it would give greater capacity and a greater hose size. C/M Schumann asked what a jet router is and Mr. Procopio said the jet router has a lot of pressure and a nozzle which cleans the sewer system out. He said after it is cleaned out, the next natural process is to video camera any possible leaks for repair. Mr. Couzzo said the camera goes in and photographs the interior of the pipe and reveals where there is infiltration. He said every time the City takes water in the system that is not processed through the household, commercial or industrial, the City must process and pay for each gallon. He said with this infiltration, the City is processing water that should not be processed by the City. He said the only way to solve this is to be able to locate where the infiltration is occurring and seal the damaged pipe. Mr. Couzzo said the City currently has a similar vehicle that is 10 or 15 years old which is in constant need of repair. He said the $10,000 in another account is for repairs to this truck to allow the City the benefit of a backup. Mr. Procopio said this is a cost effective situation as to whether the liner is sufficient. He said contractors are requesting permission to dig up the street to install new liners. C/M Katz asked if anyone gave consideration to closed circuit television monitors to detect where the infiltration is occurring. Mr. Couzzo recommended that the City change from Flexiprobe camera system to an updated piece of equipment to be financed over a period of three to five years. He said this unit is similar to the unit the City currently has costs $130,000 to $190,000. He recommended a budget of $150,000 for this piece of equipment. He said this unit allows the camera to go through, locates and isolates the leak, and there is a self-contained sealing unit to correct the leak immediately. He said the sealant follows the camera through the sewer lines. Ms. Blasi said the fund currently has money in it. She suggested that the unit not be financed at a rate higher than the investment. V/M Bender suggested budgeting only the money that is needed for the year. Ms. Blasi said it should depend on the interest rate. Mr. Couzzo said he was advised by Cues Equipment not to finance through them. Ms. Blasi said that for $100,000, it is not necessary to get a loan when the City has the availability for the funds. City Manager Kelly asked what trade offs are being discussed. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 14 Mr. Couzzo said Item #502 should drop the jet router cost and should be enough for the repairs to the old equipment. He said this would allow for two trucks to be operating. City Manager Kelly asked if the Department will need the $10,000 budgeted for the miscellaneous electrical and mechanical repairs for things like the hoses, cables, nozzles and other items and asked if this was for the jet router. Mr. Couzzo said it is not for the jet router. He said $35,000 will be for the complete refurbishing of the jet router. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the Flexiprobe will be removed and Mr. Couzzo said it will be a self-contained mobile video sealing truck and the $35,000 does not apply to this. Mayor Abramowitz asked if Council wants to have this financed or pay for it all at once at a cost of $150,000. C/M Katz said the City purchased a pumper and received a deferred payment interest free for one year. C/M Schumann asked if there is any competition in the field of this particular piece of equipment. Mr. Procopio said he cannot say that, but he does not feel that all of the equipment is put together in the same type of truck. He said it is possible to purchase the equipment in different parts. C/M Schumann asked if this comes with a truck and Mr. Couzzo said, yes. Further discussion was held regarding this unit. Ms. Blasi said the $150,000 should be budgeted and Council agreed. Assistant City Manager McDermott said a new line item will be set up an identified as the Mobile Infiltration Unit and remove the 6PD item. C/M Katz referred to Item #656. Mayor Abramowitz said there are four lift stations which are identified by the number. He asked what the $3,200 is for and Ms. Fagelbaum said she would find out. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City has enough capacity with the County if the City were to up the use of the water dramatically and City Manager Kelly said, yes. Mr. Procopio said the City has 7.04 million gallons of water capacity with Broward County and the present consumption of water is approximately 5.6 million gallons. He said the City is getting infiltration which has used a bit of the City's capacity. C/M Katz said if the City increases the capacity of the water supply by 8 million, the City should have almost the entire amount for recovery on the waste water. Mr. Procopio said the City has to pay for it whether or not the water is used. C/M Schumann referred to Item #442, Lease Treatment Capacity Fees. He asked who the City is leasing these facilities from. Mr. Procopio said Deerfield, Pompano and a piece from Broward County which costs the City approximately one million dollars. He said the City will be paying the Square One Debt Service in February, 1992, for the 7.04 million gallons and the City will own the capacity. Discussion was held regarding the final payment. UTILITIES WEST BACKCRAARGES TO UTILITIES EAST Ms. Fagelbaum said the Finance Department backcharged Utilities East for all of the work done by Utilities West for Utilities East. She said Mr. Procopio kept records of all this work and duplicate these records for City Council Budget Workshop Meeting; 08/19/91 Page 15 the Finance Department in order to backcharge by work order. She said it was determined by Ms. Blasi that this was a waste of personnel time and is currently charging Utilities East one flat rate based on experience. City Manager Kelly said the County has discussed purchasing the Utilities Department. UTILITIES WEST OPERATING FUND -UNCLASSIFIED Ms. Fagelbaum said Ms. Blasi combined all of Utilities West charges. Mayor Abramowitz asked about the administrative charges and Assistant City Manager McDermott said that is what is being charged at present and a cost allocation study is being done. Mayor Abramowitz asked if this year's cost allocation was based on past performance and Assistant City Manager McDermott said this is being done based on previous years. Ms. Fagelbaum said the information on the lift stations for the $3,118 is for the replacement of a pump for one of the lift stations. UTILITIES WEST BOND SERVICE FUND (Page 142) C/M Katz asked if there are transfers of funds being done in lieu of taxes to balance the budget.. Ms. Fagelbaum said it is required by the Bond Covenant to transfer, in lieu of taxes, equal to 2% of the prior period's operating expenditures. Ms. Blasi said that is the amount that Utilities West pays the General Fund for fees in lieu of taxes. She said there is a separate past due fund that is required by the Bond Ordinance, C/M Schumann asked if Item #950 is the Square One Debt Service that the City is going to pay off and Ms. Blasi said the amount of money that is necessary to pay it off is being taken from the Sewer CIAC Fund and the interest revenue that the City has accumulated from the Square One Debt Fund is sufficient to pay off the lien. She said the $42,000 on the next line item is the money for the Grant Replacement Fund that needs to be set up. TAPE 6 UTILITIES WEST BOND SVC.FUND/CLASSIFIED WATER/SEWER SVCS. (Page 145) Ms. Blasi said this is the principle,and interest payments that the City makes on the Debt Service for Utilities for the year. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City has the right to call these bonds and Ms. Blasi said the City does, but not at the present time, otherwise the City would have to pay a huge penalty. She said the City can call them in 1993 or 1994 without penalty. Mayor Abramowitz requested the interest rate information and Ms. Blasi agreed to gather this information for Council. Herman Gross, resident, said there is a possibility that some of these securities can be bought on the open market. C/M Katz asked if the debt service from the Utilities is separate from the General Fund and Ms. Blasi said there are two for the General Fund with the general obligation bonds which are backed by tax revenues and there are two Utility revenue bonds which are backed up by Utility revenues. V/M Bender asked what the total obligation is and Ms. Blasi said on the Utilities West Operating Revenue Bonds, the 1985 bond has a balance of $11,615,000, the 1986 has $11,890,000 and the General Obligation Bond for the General Fund, the 1986 has 4.9 million dollars and the 1987 has 2.3 million dollars. UTILITIES WEST BOND SERVICE FUND (Page 147) City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 16 There was no discussion regarding this account. CIAC (Page 149) Ms. Blasi said the Water Treatment does not require an allocation this year. City Manager Kelly said the is an obligation for Tract 27 Waste Water Collection gravity sewer system. C/M Katz asked if the City is going to do anything with Land Sections 6, 7 and 8 and Mr. Procopio said only if something develops in those sections. C/M Katz said it may make it easier if the City is going to put something in prior to the start of development. Mr. Procopio said from McNab Road to Commercial Boulevard on Nob Hill Road, there is a 16 inch water main ready to go. He said if somebody needed sanitary facilities, they would need to put in their own gravity system and then the City would have to install a lift station to get that into force. Mayor Abramowitz said to place infrastructure in Land Section 7 at the present to have it wait is not necessary. UTILITIES WEST/CIAC LEASE TREATMENT CAPACITY FEES (Page 152) Mayor Abramowitz said Items 932 and 950 in the previous year had $385 and $225 allocated to them. He asked if these items have been budgeted in another area because the recommendations read zero. Ms. Blasi said for the Bond Service Fund, the money was transferred out of the Sewer CIAC Fund this year. She said Sewer CIAC and CIAC are the same except they are segregated between water and sewer. (Page 153) C/M Katz said this is a lot of money for a Contingency Account and Ms. Blasi said that is the remaining balance in the CIAC Fund. Ms. Blasi said if there is a big project that comes up, Staff can go to Council and request a transfer. V/M Bender asked if this is part of the carryover and Ms. Blasi said, yes. C/M Katz asked if the City can prepay on the Bond and Mayor Abramowitz said this money needs to be for new construction. BOND SERVICE AND SINKING BOND (Page 160) Ms. Blasi said this is the Sewer CIAC's contribution to the Bond Service Fund and Debt Fund for the year. Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED and RECONVENED this meeting at 2:30 p.m. with ALL PRESENT. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION BUDGET (Page 54) Mayor Abramowitz asked if there has been a position changed or eliminated and Ms. Blasi said the Department is down one half of a position which is Mr. Couzzo's position. C/M Katz asked if the Office Manager is the one that received the promotion and Mr. Couzzo said, yes. C/M Schumann asked if the Operations Manager position is still available and Mr. Couzzo said, yes. C/M Katz asked if the automobile allowance is for Mr. Couzzo and Mr. Couzzo agreed. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 17 OFFICE EQUIPMENT-#641 (Page 56) City Manager Kelly said the Laser Jet Printer for $1,599 can be removed from the budget. (Page 57 ) Mayor Abramowitz said there are six men cutting seven million square feet of grass. He said every year he hears the same complaints of capital improvements. He said every year during the budgetary process there have been statements regarding the sale of the old City Hall and the purchase of capital equipment. He suggested that the City give the Public Works Department the opportunity to have the proper manpower and equipment in order to do the work. Mr. Couzzo said Line Item #643 requests the equipment. He said this Item is based on the direction by the City Manager for no additional personnel and the minimal amount of equipment needed. Mayor Abramowitz said Staff has the ability to request equipment through the Council and it would then be left for Council to make the decision. C/W Glasser requested an inventory of equipment that Public Works has and a list of employees and the amount of work that needs to be done and Mr. Couzzo agreed to provide this information. Mr. Couzzo said the City has received a piece of equipment through the agreement with the Broward County School Board for the utilization of the Multi -Purpose Center. Mayor Abramowitz said the direction of Council is that the requests for equipment be brought to Council for approval regardless of the City Manager's recommendation in this particular instance. C/M Katz referred to 4RB (Page 58). He said the City has an agreement with Lauderhill regarding sharing the expense of Commercial Boulevard. Mr. Couzzo said in the agreement that was executed with Lauderhill, the City was given the responsibility for ongoing maintenance. He said their part of the agreement was to execute the contract for beautification improvements and manage the contract and Tamarac did 90% of the work. Mayor Abramowitz said the State came in after Tamarac did the work and the State said it was done incorrectly and not per the Plan. He said the arrangement was that Lauderhill would get the grant and manage the money and Tamarac was to do the maintenance. He said the State came in after the planting was done and said it was not done properly and needed to be redone. Discussion was held regarding the grant. Assistant City Manager McDermott said this was a three-way matching grant of which Lauderhill paid cash money and Tamarac supplied $30,000 in -kind services. C/M Katz referred to 4RX. He asked about the $50,000 for the xeriscape and Mr. Couzzo said the 4RX is for beautification throughout the City. C/M Katz said the City appropriated $10,000 last year for additional costs to the Public Works budget for grass cutting and Assistant City Manager McDermott said this is under Co --compliance. Mr. Couzzo said the only thing that fund is used for is if the City has to contractually hire someone to handle a Code violation on a private piece of property such as dumping. He said the charge for this would come out of this account and the money would be reimbursed by the private property owner who has been cited. C/M Katz said there is no other way to accommodate getting the areas cleaned up. He asked if the City can reduce the amount of work to be done and the amount of money being spent if the City pursued the citation process. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 18 Mr. Couzzo said the off -the -road violations do not take in the expenses that are incurred by the Department through using the City's personnel and equipment. He said a time and materials invoice is issued to Code Enforcement who turns it over to the Finance Department for collection. He said this is not part of the $10,000. MATERIAL #467 (Page 58) Mr. Couzzo said this is for 200 yards of top soil in the amount of $2,600 and for 6,000 square feet of sod at a cost of $804. Discussion was held regarding the lawn maintenance. C/M Katz asked if the City personnel could handle the Tree Farm without Abbe Hoctor, assuming that she was not with the City and Mr. Couzzo said it is to the City's advantage to have her assisting with it; however, the answer is, yes. Mayor Abramowitz said plants are worthless without the proper irrigation. He asked if it would pay to have two employees to do nothing but irrigation and Mr. Couzzo said, yes, Plantation has eight employees doing this. Assistant City Manager McDermott said irrigation material costs a lot of money. Mr. Couzzo said he will supply a complete report to Council. TAPE 7 C/M Katz said Lakes of Carriage Hills has one maintenance man to repair and upgrade the lawn systems. STREETS AND ROADS (Page 60) C/M Katz asked if there would be a problem with the Union if the City went with temporary summer employees for roadwork and Mr. Couzzo said the City has not had a problem with this in the past three years. Mr. Couzzo said they are strictly here to help during the summer months when the schedule is off due to the rains, high temperature point and other situations. Mayor Abramowitz asked what account the gasoline and diesel was placed under and Mr. Couzzo said it is going under Fleet Maintenance. Mayor Abramowitz asked how the maintenance on the fleet is going and Mr. Couzzo said having full maintenance responsibility makes it a great deal easier. Mayor Abramowitz asked if it pays to use privatization on the smaller roads and Mr. Couzzo said it would probably be difficult because of the variety of services to be done and the various times and quantities that they are done. He said the City only has one 3-man crew to handle all of the asphalt repair work in the City. V/M Bender said there is a new piece of equipment available that is completely automated that does .nothing but repair. He said this piece o equipment allows for a single crew member to handle the entire piece. H said it cuts the holes, fills it and does all repairs. Mayor Abramowitz said most of the work that needs to be done is small. Mr. Couzzo said the City Engineer is reviewing all work during the repairs. City Manager Kelly referred to. Item #340. He said this money was allocated for a street sweeper industrial waste service. He said the $500,000 that was proposed to Council, with $15,000 to come on a once a month basis, can be eliminated. He said it was proposed in the Budget Message that if the City sold the old City Hall and the City receives $500,000 for it, and included in the recommendations was $15,000 for a street sweeper service. Further discussion was held regarding this. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 19 City Manager Kelly said the Public Hearing date was sent down for September 4, 1991, but changed it to September 5, 1991; however, the School Board has theirs on September 5, 1991. He said no municipality can hold their Budget Public Hearings at the same time as the School Board. Discussion was held regarding the meeting schedule. Mayor Abramowitz suggested that the Council meeting be changed to Wednesday, September 11, 1991 at 9:00 a.m. and hold the Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 11, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Blasi said the trim notices will have to be remailed, which will cost approximately $15,000. She said the City must comply to the trim notices. Mayor Abramowitz requested that the City Manager resolve this and contact Council as soon as possible. CANALS AND DRAINAGE (Page 64) Mayor Abramowitz asked the type of Code specifications regarding the dumping of grass into the canal and Mr. Couzzo said this is a violation and a misdemeanor. Mayor Abramowitz said he feels the fact that there is a violation of grass dumping into the canal should be advertised very strongly. C/M Schumann said the City currently has a $50,000 outside contract and there is a proposal to eliminate this contract and have three aquatic crew members, one as a crew leader and one as a specialist. He asked who is going to handle the work and Mr. Couzzo said the crew will do the work, including the crew leader. Mr. Couzzo said the crew leader will function as the lead person on the boat and will probably operate the boat. He said the crew leader will set the schedules and supervise the mixing and the distribution of the chemicals. He said both crew members will actively be working on canal maintenance. C/M Schumann asked how much more this will cost the City than it currently does and Mr. Couzzo said the two new people will cost the City approximately $40,000 and the chemicals will cost $15,000, which means it is $55,000 versus the current $50,000. He said Council should take into consideration that the $50,000 is on a contract that is three years old and is up for competitive bidding at the present time. He said Margate is currently paying $54,000 annually to maintain 200 acres and Tamarac has 526 acres. C/M Schumann asked where the other two maintenance workers will go and Mr. Couzzo said it is hopeful that the two current maintenance workers will become the two aquatic specialists. He said Administration had asked the personnel if they would voluntarily take the testing and become certified to handle the chemicals. He said they took the tests and all of the instruction necessary and also were trained by the Coast Guard in safe boating procedures. C/M Schumann asked what these two employees were doing before this was proposed and Mr. Couzzo said they did a variety of functions including some canal maintenance. Further discussion was held regarding canal maintenance. Mr. Couzzo said $2,625 can be deducted from Item #643 and Ms. Blasi said that figure changes to $3,780. CITY HALL OPERATIONS .(Page 31) Mayor Abramowitz referred to Other Contractual Services and Mr. Couzzo said that is for a $20,000 item to clean, seal and paint the City Hall Complex. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the roof is going to be cleaned and Mr. Couzzo said that was just done. GENERAL GOVERNMENT BUILDING (Page 34) City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 20 Mr. Couzzo said this is for the Public Service Complex, some work at the Fire Station, some for the Recreation Center and the restrooms at Veteran's Park. He said the City's Electrician and Carpenter are budgeted out of this account. Mayor Abramowitz asked if there was a change in personnel because there were five and Mr. Couzzo said during the past year, the City's Electrician retired and a► previous Electrical Inspector from the Building Department has been transferred to the Public Works Department and is currently the City's Electrician. Mayor Abramowitz referred to the increase in the health insurance and Ms. Blasi said three employees are on the family plan and two are single. POLICE BUILDING (Page 41) Assistant City Manager McDermott said BSO pays rent for the facility. Mr. Couzzo said $5,000 is allocated under Other Contractual Services for the painting and sealing of the BSO facility. City Manager Kelly said the City received a good price by including this building along with the City Hall. FLEET SERVICES REVENUE (Page 27R) Ms. Blasi said the Social Services van and the fire vehicle were transferred. Mayor Abramowitz asked where the preventive maintenance fees were transferred and Ms. Blasi said the City no longer is doing the maintenance on BSO vehicles and the City staff does the preventive maintenance on the City fleet. FLEET SERVICES (Page 175) Mayor Abramowitz said he had signed a check for a part-time County employee and Mr. Couzzo said the Fleet Services Department is trying to catch up and this employee will not be needed by the end of September. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City is completely servicing the fleet and Mr. Couzzo said the Department has greater control over the fleet at the present time with better compliance. TAPE 8 Mr. Couzzo said the Department is not showing down time on the vehicles. Mayor Abramowitz asked how the changeover is working and Mr. Couzzo said there is cross utilization of equipment that did not occur in the past and there is no longer the feeling of competitiveness. City Manager Kelly said he has received letters from employees that were in favor of the change, who, in the past, were very negative people. C/M Katz asked how many people have the keys to the gasoline and diesel. tanks and Mr. Couzzo said the City is on a Gasboy Dispensing System. He said each individual is issued a card and it is monitored by the card code. C/M Schumann asked if that person's card can be used to fill up their personal vehicle and Mr. Couzzo said there are ways to monitor this. He said the number of gallons per vehicle are tracked and it will kick out certain things and additional restrictions can be installed. City Manager Kelly said BSO uses the same system. C/M Katz asked if the City has a parts and tool crib monitor and Mr. Couzzo said the Purchasing Department is responsible for all inventory items based on requisition. C/W Glasser referred to Item 473, Auto Repairs and Parts. She asked what the increase is for and Mr. Couzzo said there is $35,000 to repair the City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 21 ladder truck, $5,000 to repair the pumper and $6,000 to repair the Seagrave. C/M Schumann referred to Item 302 with tires and Ms. Blasi said Item 302 is all of the tires except for the fire truck tires. C/M Katz referred to Item 288, Tools Allowance. He asked why the mechanics do not come in with their own tools and Mr. Couzzo said the City requires the mechanics to bring their own tools to the job. Ms. Blasi said there is nothing budgeted for tool allowance and Mr. Couzzo said there are four mechanics and they should have a $150 allowance each for replacements. Mayor Abramowitz referred to Item 59C, Page 177. Mr. Couzzo said this is for Purchasing and Central Stores, which is an indirect operating expense. Ms. Blasi said Paul Nash is now in the Purchasing Department to handle the inventory and garage parts. C/M Katz asked how the City accounts for license plates and registration and Mr. Couzzo said the Purchasing Department handles the renewals and the Fleet Services Department is assisting in the emissions inspections. C/M Schumann asked if the City pays for the City plates on the vehicles through the DMV and Ms. Blasi said the Purchasing Department handles this but it is subsidized out of Item 306, Special Supplies and Services. Mr. Couzzo said the $9,000 for a gas analyzer can be removed from Item 643, Computer Equipment. City Manager Kelly said it was budgeted for the City to do its own emissions testing, but it was found that only the State can do it. PARKS ]PACILITIES (Page 74) Mayor Abramowitz asked what the City's position is in permitting the use of, jet"skis on the C-14 Canal and Mr. Couzzo said the C-14 Canal is under the jurisdiction of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the BSO. Mayor Abramowitz asked .if the City can request that a sign be posted stating that it is not allowed and Assistant City Manager McDermott said the City needs to be very careful how,any signage is used prohibiting the use of the C-14 Canal due to the grant received for Veteran's Park. Mr. Couzzo said the Risk Manager was asked to check into the liability and the Park. City Manager Kelly said the SFWMD is equally concerned about these liabilities. Mayor Abramowitz commended Alan Levine for his responses to complaints by the residents. C/M Katz asked how many parks there are in the City and Mr. Couzzo said they are as follows: Caparella Park, Wildlife Park, which are passive parks and Veteran's Park, the Sports Complex and Tamarac Park, which are active. C/M Schumann asked what is meant by a passive park. Assistant City Manager McDermott said the State is very specific on the recreation facilities and define the parks by the certain facilities that are on the premises. She said the Tamarac Sports Complex is an active park because it has playing fields and Caparella Park has a couple of park benches, walking and trees, which classifies it as a passive park. City Council Budget Workshop Meeting 08/19/91 Page 22 C/M Katz referred to Item 643, Machinery and Equipment. He asked what the $18,600 is for and Mr. Couzzo said $7,000 can be deleted, which was for the two dugouts on Field 5, but the Finance Department said this money can be utilized from the Parks and Recreation Impact Fee Fund. He said the rest of the money is for a combination football/soccer goal post, two field drags to drag the baseball field clay, which leaves $6,600 budgeted for this account. C/M Katz referred to Item 440, Rent/Lease Equipment. He asked what the $800 per day is for and Mr. Couzzo said a crane is annually rented for two days to do repairs on the lights or netting. He said one of the mail reasons for this account is for the rental of the portable toilets at the Sports Complex. Further discussion was held regarding this. V/M Bender referred to Item 220, Pension Contributions. He said the number of employees was increased from 12 to 13, but there is a $6,000 increase in the Pension Contribution. Ms. Blasi said out of the 12 employees that the City originally had, 4 of those did not get any Pension, so there are 8 employees that were receiving Pension and now there are 9. She said there is a 20% increase in the Pension plus the 1% of salary. Mr. Couzzo said regarding the electricity agreement with the School Board, the City funded the money but will get reimbursed for half of the electicity consumption costs. Mayor Abramowitz said the original contract was that they were going to pay 50% of the Multi -Purpose Center until they found out that there was only one meter which encompasses the entire Complex. With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting at 4:05 p.m. CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK - "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $456.44 or $10.14 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac." 1.1