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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-09 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCity Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1991 CALL To ORDER` Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to Order on Wednesday, January 9, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. g„RESENT Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Bruce Hoffman Councilman Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilman Henry Schumann Councilman Henry Rohr John P. Kelly, City Manager Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Karen Jackson, Secretary City Manager Kelly said one of the City employees, previously in the Public Works Department, has gone to Saudi Arabia. He said at a recent Council meeting, monies were approved to extend for 30-days additional benefits in pay. He said Council has consented to approve the continuation of his benefits. He said shortly after being called to duty, his wife had a baby. He read a letter from Alfonso Arteche, Sergeant in the Florida National Guard dated December 24, 1990. Mayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silent Meditation for the men and women overseas. ************************************************************************ 1. a. PRESENTATION by Tamarac Athletic League. b. PRESENTATION by Mayor Abramowitz of a proclamation designating the week of January 19-26, 1991 as "JAYCEES MEEK". Presentations were made. 1.a. Mayor Abramowitz said a little over a year ago, a story was printed in the Sun Sentinel regarding a fire in a warehouse in Pompano Beach. He said the particular interest in Tamarac was that all of the equipment, uniforms, and hats for the T-Ball League of the Tamarac Athletic Federation were destroyed in that fire and they were not insured. He said he received a call from Sam Goren, attorney, who is very involved with the Tamarac Athletic Federation. He said the City of Tamarac has no right to get involved in anything of a private nature and discussion was held regarding help for the children of the League. He said he has been asked to present two plaques to two people who stepped forward and replaced all of the equipment for the Tamarac Athletic Federation. He asked the people who were responsible to make the presentation. Mayor Abramowitz introduced Sam Goren, attorney; Russ Thompson, President of Tamarac T-Ball League; Mark Hine, Vice President of Tamarac T-Ball League; and Bill George, Manager of the Tamarac Athletic Federation. He asked the children from the Tamarac T-Ball League to join him in the front of the audience. Mr. Thompson presented a plaque to Helen Hamilton on behalf of Leadership Housing. He said there are 240 children in the League who want to express their appreciation for the support of City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 2 Leadership Housing. He expressed his appreciation for the equipment that was replaced. Mr. Thompson presented a plaque to Ellen Kubeck, representa Continental Cablevision. He said Continental Cablevision n donated money to the Tamarac Athletic Federation, but offer produce a commercial to help the Tamarac Athletic Federatio money. He said fortunately, it was not necessary to make t commercial due to the citizens of Tamarac donated money at Fourth of July picnic in 1990. He expressed his appreciati Continental Cablevision and all of the citizens in Tamarac. Mayor Abramowitz presented a proclamation to John Leiderman behalf of the Tamarac Jaycees. v f n y 0 re i e e, lo� Mr. Leiderman expressed his appreciation. He said he approach Mayor Abramowitz with the idea of starting the Jaycees in Tama one year ago. He said the Tamarac Jaycees began with 22 membe and, at present, there are 59 members. He invited everyone to visit the Jaycees at one of their meetings on the first and th Wednesday of the Month at the Seagrill Restaurant and Bar. V/M Hoffman suggested adding this item by Consent. 0. MOTION XQ ACr.EPT $150 donation from the Ziuta and Joseph ks on Foundation to be deposited in a special account for the S er ices Board for the purchase of a new Social Service van. ized by Consent. See Page 10 for Final Action. C/M Rohr MOVED to AGENDIZE this item by Consent, SECONDEDIb C/M Schumann. E: ALL VOTED AYE P�$LIC PARTICIPATION - Any member of the public may speak t issue which is not agendized for public hearing at this meetin . Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item a d'a public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign 4F in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. Terry Hobmeier, resident, expressed her appreciation for the beautification of NW 108 Terrace and the corner of 71 Place. said she attended the Fair Housing Act Town Hall Meeting and requested information regarding the Fair Housing Act. Mayor Abramowitz asked that Ms. Hobmeier contact him on Thursday, January 10, 1991, and he will give her all the information s e needs regarding this. Eleanor Smerling, resident of the Boulevards of Tamarac, askad i there is any progress in obtaining an Ordinance to keep peop e from parking on their front lawns. V/M Hoffman said he has asked the City Attorney to prepare t el documentation on this and City Attorney Ruf said the documen ai is being prepared. Ms. Smerling said the deed restrictions in the Section she r s tell the people that there is to be parking of vehicles only o paved areas. She said there are a lot of new residents in tie Section who park on the lawn. V/M Hoffman said the City cannot enforce deed restriction fo various Organizations. He said if an Ordinance is passed, t City will be able to enforce it. 1`1 1 [1 Ms. Smerling said she has had a discussion with Alan Levine, City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 3 1 I Supervisor of Public Works, regarding a new resident in the area who is determined to plant trees in the median strips which belong to the City. She said Mr. Levine told her that she could purchase one bush and he would plant it. She said if one person plants a bush, all 250 residents of that area would want to plant one bush. She requested a letter from the City stating that there is to be no planting by any resident of trees or shrubs on City owned median strips. City Manager Kelly said he will address this matter promptly.. 3. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 3 are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a MOTION TO ARREM the minutes of the following City Council meetings: 1. 12/05/90 - Regular Meeting 2. 12/19/90 - Special Meeting Fl:il,4110)*IICM*)j=.T,40110),IR , b. Girl Scout Council Chapter 12, Article canvassers. a cookie sale from the Broward County from 1/25/91 through 2/9/91 and waiver of X, of the Code governing solicitors and c. releasing warranty Letter of Credit #3400 in the amount of $6,293.75 posted for public improvements for the TBC EQUITIMS project located at 7900 N. University Drive. 10);Plo • •+ FAVUZ0031 RESOLUTION R-91-2--PASSED d. accepting a 201x32' canal maintenance easement offered by LINE HAY CONDOMINIUM, INC., to allow access off of Westwood Boulevard East to existing city canal maintenance easement. RESOLUTION R-91-3-PASSED e. 1. MOTION TO_ACX= TUW Project 89-37, Stormwater Drainage Retention Area, as completed by Man Con, Inc. 2. HQTJQH TQ ACCEPT Final Release of Lien as submitted by Man Con, Inc., for TUW Project 89-37, Stormwater Drainage Retention Area. 3. MOTION TO APPROVE final payment in the amount of $14,145.00 to Man Con, Inc., for TUW Project 89-37, Stormwater Drainage Retention Area. APPROVED e. 1, 2 and 3 City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 4 4 f. MOTION TO ACCEPT donations from the following organi at to be deposited in a special donation account for use y City Fire Department: The Woodlands Golf Association, Inc. $500.00 Woodlands Homeowners Association 500.00 Womens Club/Kings Point of Tamarac 100.00 Mens Club of Kings Point Tamarac 100.00 g. J=JON_ TO APPROVE the attendance of City Manager Johi Kelly at the "Local Government Leaders Public Policy Forum II" being held 1/30/91 through 2/1/91 in Howey-Ir Hills, Florida. A V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE the Consent Agenda, SECONDED C/M Bender. ALL VOTED AYE MOTIQN TO ADOPT -To". Rgao. 45961 approving criteria for street lighting. RESOLUTION R-91-4-PASSZD City Attorney Ruf read Tamp. Rego. #5961 by title. C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Tamp. Rego. #5961, SECONDED V/M Hoffman. P b City Manager Kelly said the Tamarac Code requires that the C't approve the criteria that is being used by Florida Power and L Company throughout the City. He said Florida Power and Ligh Company is proposing to change the criteria for 9,500 watt lam lights from cobra style lamps to open bottom style lamps and t provide this at four specific intersections in the City. Mayor Abramowitz said he is going to recommend a workshop fo Council on this issue. He said there are six or seven diffe "ways to provide lumin lighting. He said this decision shoul brought before Council. City Manager Kelly said what the Mi referring to is another Agenda. Bob Foy, Director of Engineering/Utilities, said this is a housecleaning item to get the City's street light Resolution t match what Florida Power and Light Company is doing. He said prior fixtures were of a cobra style and the new fixture is an open bottom style. He said the street light matter is a lar e item that will be addressed separately. C/M Rohr asked if this new criteria will give more light fro t fixture and Mr. Foy said the same amount of light will come rc new type of fixture. )T : ALL VOTED AYE iy r Abramowitz RECESSED and RECONVENED this meeting at 7:30 p.m is Ls a 1 1 1 City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 5 6. PtrBLIC NZARTMr. - concerning a request by WARKZTPLACS AT TAMARAC for a limited parking waiver to allow the total amount of parking to permanently be 269 regardless of use and/or occupancy within the approved shopping center of 78,225 square feet. Petition #35-Z-90 (Public Hearing tabled from 12/05/90) SYNOPSIS C !I= TABLED at the request of the petitioner City Attorney Ruf read Tamp. Reno. #5942 by title. * C/M Schumann MOVED to APPROVE Tamp. Reno. #5942, SECONDED by * Mayor Abramowitz. Kelly Carpenter, Director of Community Development, said the applicant requested a Tabling of this item. She said the applicant has not asked for a time deferral. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to TABLE Item 6, SECONDED by C/M Rohr. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 17* PUBLjs HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp_ Ord_ #1520 on second reading amending Section 2-26 of the Code to increase candidates' filing fees for Mayor and Council Members to four percent (4%) of the yearly salary and to increase the filing fees for other elected City officials to $40.00 (tabled on 12/19/90). City Attorney Ruf read Tamp. Ord. #1520 by title. * C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Tamp. Ord. #1520, SECONDED by * V/M Hoffman. V/M Hoffman said in as much as the City is in the midst of the elective filing period, it would not be equitable to impose a change of filing fees at this time. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to TABLE Item 7 with no time certain, SECONDED * by C/M Rohr. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Finance 2'R artment 5. approving reorganization of the Finance Department (tabled on 12/19/90). RESOLUTION R-91-5-PASSED APPROVED City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reno. #5955 by title. * C/M Schumann MOVED to APPROVE Tamp. Reno. #5955, SECONDED by * Mayor Abramowitz. City Manager Kelly said as directed, he has been reviewing the City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 6 departments in an effort to cut costs without diminishing t e efficient delivery of quality services. He said Mary Blasi, Finance Director, has reviewed her department and has made recommendation the she feels will improve the quality of se vic and provide a net savings of approximately $26,000. He sal ti proposal does not impact any people in the Union. He said e feels this is a good move for the City and recommended appr va: Mayor Abramowitz said he is extremely concerned and has not ce things happening in the past three or four months that give hi cause to worry. He said with his knowledge of the City, 1990 the best year the City ever had regarding the providing of services. He said he has received numerous phone calls of compliments to the City regarding what has been done on Pin Island Road. He said the City has worked for years to do s me beautification and was not able to due to lack of funding. Mayor Abramowitz said his first concern is the citizens of Tamarac. He said the attitude and priorities within the City ze going to have to change. He said the City Manager has Burr un ed himself with a truly professional staff and has been instru to to do whatever can be done to reduce cost without the cutting Cr curtailing services. Mayor Abramowitz said there are only three or four alternatives and the first alternative is to cut services. He said Tama ac sister city to the south cut 26 people last year to balance their budget. He said that City is built out and they do not need thcse people. He said, fortunately, Tamarac is not in that position He said to the northeast, another sister city raised their ax to 56% or 65% last year. I ti Mayor .Abramowitz said the shopping center on McNab Road is ac n foreclosure. He said the sale of Scotty's Shopping Center fell through and the conversation is that Scotty's and Walgreens are looking to break their lease due to the present owner not providing services. Mayor Abramowitz said Tamarac's Electric Franchise Tax is dcwn'f r the first two months of this year $78,838.00. He said the Cily s Sales Tax Revenue is down $16,926.00. He said the Engineering' Fees are down $26,629.00 and the Building Department is dow $40,000.00 from last year for the month. Mayor Abramowitz said there are only two items on this Agen a.'; He said there are two or three ways the City can survive. He said the City is not going bankrupt or going broke. He said he ee the difference is that the City must begin to be careful. fe said it took Washington, D.C. six months to use the terrible "R" wo He said he would not want the City to have to use the "T" w rd Taxes. Mayor Abramowitz said this City, its citizens, its Council, it Staff, and its people need to recognize the fact that it is in He said the reorganization that City Manager Kelly is doing, i t a savings with no diminishing of services. He said this reorganization has a current savings of approximately $30,0 0 lei year. He said there is no firing of employees going on. He s i Tamarac is not letting people go. He said attrition, retir e t and people moving on to better jobs is what the reorganizat onii . Mayor Abramowitz said he feels that the key is to let the p know what the problem is. He said he has enough confidence people of Tamarac to understand that there is a problem. H he has been here where people do not want anything built in Tamarac. He said there is a 75-acre piece of land owned by Leadership Housing in the western portion of the City that City cannot receive any income from because Leadership Hous cannot build on it due to concurrency. Mayor Abramowitz said the economy is not going to allow construction in Land Section 7. He said the City has a p 2 City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 7 Mayor Abramowitz said there is afoot a contract to sell the old City Hall. He said this City has turned down four previous contracts for the sale of City Hall because they did not feel that this is what they wanted in the City. He said a workshop meeting was held and Council gave these individuals the qualifications wanted for the City of Tamarac. He said the old City Hall building costs Tamarac every month for maintenance and it is not on the tax rolls. He said every day it is vacant, there is no income for the City. He said the City cannot make a park out of this property. He said there is a problem that needs a solution. V/M Hoffman said he agrees with the Mayor. He said the City must do many things to cut expenses and to increase the cash flow for the City. He said he is confident that the recommendations made by City Manager Kelly will be in the best interest of the City. V/M Hoffman said he received a three page letter from the Federation of Public Employees expressing their objections to the proposed reorganization of departments. He said he does not understand enough of the pros and cons to make a decision at present. He requested more time on Item 5 to get information from the Union and review the situation. He asked for a delay of a vote on this item until the next meeting. V/M Hoffman said he would like to receive information from the union because they go into detail of problems. He said he cannot understand their concerns; however, it may be possible that they may have some valid reasons for concern. He requested a Motion to Table after discussion is held. C/M Bender said City Attorney Ruf handled the negotiations with the Union. City Attorney Ruf said he feels the representative of the Union sent the letter to Council to acknowledge that this reorganization does not affect Union members. He said they acknowledged that they are not in a position to be a part of any decision making with respect to a compensation change for non -union employees. He said their main concern is that, as part of the City's collective bargaining process, the City committed itself to reviewing the job classifications, the minimum and maximum salary classifications, and incentive or merit pay propositions and indicated that the City would sit down with the Union in late spring. City Attorney Ruf said he feels what the Union is saying is that if the City gives increases to non -union employees, it sends an improper signal to the Union employees of the City who are hoping to be able to discuss a salary plan within the next few months. He said he understands the letter from the Union to be asking the City to wait until those discussions are held. He said they are concerned about the impact on the Union employees by giving increases to a certain group on non -union employees. Mayor Abramowitz said he objects to the terminology of giving increases. He said he has been told that certain people have been reassigned and have taken on additional duties which means when they did this plus what they are currently doing the savings in that department will be over $30,000 and for them doing the additional duties, they are getting some extra money. City Attorney Ruf said he feels he was asked to interpret the Union's position in their letter. Mayor Abramowitz said there is a difference between raises and compensation for taking on additional duties. City Manager Kelly said that is correct; however, City Attorney Ruf is answering the question that he was asked. C/M Rohr said he understands the position of the Union and he does not want to harm any Union employee. He said in response to the letter, he feels that what the Union is asking the City to do is to not do something that will eventually affect Union pay on certain classifications that might be considered. City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 8 City Manager Kelly said this does not affect any representa i the Union. C/M Rohr asked if Council is being asked to approve this in r to have an immediate savings to the City and City Manager K 11 agreed. City Manager Kelly said this is also to improve the morale of the Finance Department for people who are doing work that had been reassigned to them in October, 1990. He said there was an accountant position that became vacant due to promotions from within. He said that position is remaining vacant. He said t e additional responsibilities have been divided and reassigned a o g the balance of the people there, who are non -union people. He said they have been doing the work since October 1, 1990. a'd this has been delayed to accommodate the Union so that the Unicn people would not be impacted. He said the Union recognizes this and yet are still trying to flex and to posture with the City. e said the City did agree with the Union that the City would be looking at a new pay plan for all employees. City Manager Kelly said the City has hired a Personnel Coordlinatr who will have this project as a priority with a target date f April 1, 1991. He said she will have a draft package ready t which time a meeting will be held with the Union participant n the other employees. He said he has a responsibility to mo h City ahead in whatever department is needing it without imps t n the Union personnel. He said he will continue to make recommendations to try and streamline and make the City more efficient. He said this is important for the personnel in the Finance Department, is a cost savings for the City and it do s n t impact the Union personnel. C/M Rohr said he feels the City is not doing anything to hur h Union personnel. He said they are not in line to get an immd'a e raise at present until the reclassification. He said he doe o know why this is felt so strongly on the part of the Union because, technically, there is no question that the Union ha of say in non -union jobs. He said when the total re-evaluation begins, which will take several months to accomplish, the Ci yi will be having to pay more money and not be able to institut better system in the Finance Department and City Manager Kel y, agreed. Mayor Abramowitz said for the first time in the history of Tamarac, the City has signed a three year contract with the n'ic He said this was done to have peace and tranquility in the ty. He said he has discussed Union affairs with the City Attorne . said the Staff of the City is great. He said there is anoth r department that is ready for reorganization that could save h City approximately $25,000 or $30,000 per year without demin s i the services. He said the reason for the reorganizations is t stop and prevent layoffs. He said the City has not laid off a single employee. He said City Manager Kelly handles the reorganization. V/M Hoffman read a paragraph from Page 3 of the letter from he. Union, "This was a negotiated process between the City and tie Federation. For the City to grant, on a piece meal basis, riisos to non -represented employees and bypass the represented empl)yee. appears to be a deliberate move to discredit the Federation.' asked for an explanation of that Paragraph. City Attorney Ruf said he cannot explain what Donna Fisher means by this. V/M Hoffman said that is the reason he would like to have mo e information to clarify this, so he can vote with a clear understanding. City Attorney Ruf said in the time he has been with the City t City has done everything possible to work with the Federatio . City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 9 C/M Schumann asked if the City had been in a discussion with the Union for the City not to do what is now being done. City Attorney Ruf said he feels that since the City has agreed to hold discussions with the Union in April regarding a possibility of a new pay plan for the City, that it is their recommendation that the City hold off on non -represented employees a few months until all employees are moved; however, the City has not agreed to that. He said he feels that the Federation acknowledged in their letter that the City has the right to do this. C/M Bender said he feels that raises are given to individuals who are in a particular position where there is no change of duties and get a raise based upon the cost of living or merit; and increases are given due to an increase of duties and a reclassification of their position as a result of elimination of other positions. He said these are two distinctly different things. He said the City is not giving raises, the City Manager has reclassified positions and deleted positions which were surplus and dispursed the duties among the reclassified positions, for which they are entitled to get extra compensation. City Attorney Ruf said his observation is that these are reclassifications and these people have assumed additional responsibilities. C/M Schumann asked if the salary automatically increases when a party goes from Chief Accountant to Deputy Finance Director. Mary Blasi, Finance Director, said, yes. She said that happened on October 1, 1990 and it either happens at the beginning of the pay plan or 5%, whichever is greater. C/M Schumann asked what would the 5% be. Ms. Blasi said the City is eliminating a professional accountant position and those duties have been distributed to the Paymaster, and she will be asking the Council to make an Accountant Paymaster and some of the Paymaster duties will be delegated to a Senior Accounting Clerk who works in Payroll. She said other duties that the Accountant did, will be delegated to the Chief Accountant and the Deputy Finance Director. She said the 5% increase is basically the minimum increase that is given for any type of reclassification. C/M Rohr asked if this entails three positions and Ms. Blasi said it is four people out of 22 people in the Finance Department of which three are professional positions. VOTE: V/M Hoffman - NAY C/M Sander - AYE C/M Rohr - AYE C/M Schumann - AYE Mayor Abramowitz .. AYE Mayor Abramowitz said he does not know of a person in the room that would want to do any Union bashing. He said what disturbs him is knowing what has to be done in order to keep the City alive. He said City Manager Kelly and City Attorney Ruf are the negotiators and anything that the City can do to get along with the Union, other than anything that may be detrimental to the City, they do so. V/M Hoffman asked if he would be out of order if he contacted the Union representative to get clarification of her intent in this letter. He said he is still disturbed by the letter and will contact Donna Fisher and ask for an explanation. City Attorney Ruf said he would not be out of order. City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 10 MI 01 MOTION TO AQC= $100 donation from the Ziuta and Joseph Jami Akston Foundation to be deposited in a special account for the Social Services Board for the purchase of a new Social Service van. dined by Consent on Page 2 and ACCEPTED. IS Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager, said the City has r a $100 cash donation from the private foundation of Ziuta a Joseph James Akston Foundation from Palm Beach, Florida. S part of her duties and responsibilities is grant writing, sponsorship and trying to obtain additional funding sources from budgeted items or try to fund budgeted items from priv donations. She said there have been approximately 250 Lett mailed to private foundations throughout the State and this first donation received. V/M Hoffman MOVED to ACCEPT from the Akston Foundation to to the ultimate purpose of a Social Services Van, SECONDED C/M Schumann. ALL VOTED AYE City Council C/M Schumann - No Report C/M Rohr asked Council for a Resolution stating that Tamara supports the proposed amendment to the Fair Housing Act as by Michael Brudney, Esquire, of Becker and Polikoff. He recommended that the City forward the recommendation to the Broward League of Cities. He said he spoke with ex -Mayor F he is in agreement and will discuss this with all of the ci Broward County. He said he will forward the Resolution to Florida League of Cities and, if possible, will try to invo National League of Cities. C/M Rohr said it is a great idea for Tamarac to be the firs propose this type of activity. He said the City was instru in the Constitutional Convention recall vote, which all of cities in Florida were behind, and the vote was repealed. he feels this will get the same type of reaction. He said everyone in the country is involved in this. He said the F Housing Act is something that people do not understand and causes people to spend a lot of money and time with court proceedings. C/M Rohr suggested that the City Attorney write a Resolutio Support which can be forwarded to the Broward League of Cit who will proceed from there. Mayor Abramowitz said the City held a Town Hall Meeting reg the Fair Housing Act. He said he has received many phone c from people who were happy the information was clarified to by Michael Brudney. ce d d e d as+a: to rs iste 3p�l iyr, It n c , e n e e t 'e t n a eI �a''d i r 0 s, On � :SSION OF INTEREST: C/M Schumann - IRS V/M Hoffman - YES C/M Bander - YES C/M Rohr - YES. Mayor Abramowitz - YES C/M Rohr said there is going to be a recycling of old phone Dock He said this will be from March 1, 1991 to April 15, 1991. ie said there was a meeting on January 3, 1991 and this involves al the cities in Broward County. He said Tamarac will have two d o off places, one at Caporella Park and the other at the Tamarac Utilities Plant on 61 Street. He said he does not feel this w 1 be very convenient for a lot of people. He said he would li e City Council Regular Meeting 1/9/91/KJ Page 11 add the Sunshine Plaza on Commercial Boulevard and the Shopping Center near Kings Point. Mayor Abramowitz said he should work it out with Dina McDermott. C/M Bender said a comment was made regarding a reduction in the franchise fees in electric utilities. He said he has been concerned regarding franchise fees. He said he had done a lot of investigative work with the franchise fees of the City. He said he has found no record of an audit ever being made by the City on any of the franchise agreements. He said he is highly suspicious that the City is getting it's fair share of franchise fees. He said he has found errors of improper addresses being used, franchise fees going to the wrong City and other similar errors. C/M Bender said the City is getting an independent auditor in the near future and requested this be a priority. He said he feels this audit will show whether or not the City is receiving what is due. He said before the City raises taxes or looks for additional money elsewhere, the City should find out what money is already due and receive the money due. V/M Hoffman - No report. Mayor Abramowitz said he received a call from the South Florida Water Management District and, as of January 21, 1991, Phase I of water conservation goes back in effect. He said Tamarac was very careful to cite people who did not observe the water conservation program. Mayor Abramowitz said on New Year's Eve, the BSO had a DUI sweep. He said under normal conditions on New Year's Eve, they could have reached approximately 20 arrests; however, this year, there were only three DUI arrests in Tamarac. He said the death rate in the State of Florida went down dramatically over this New Year's. V/M Hoffman asked what the status of the possible Ordinance regarding the confiscation of vehicles of people caught driving in Tamarac without licenses or having suspended licenses. City Attorney Ruf said this Ordinance is in preparation. 9( City Manager Report - None With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting at 8:30 p.m. 4 NORMAN ABRAMOWITZ- MAYOR CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $129.22 or $2.87 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac." ;�' `� . � tlI'A!�!Ai%. SAC APPRO ' "D AT MEETING OF City Clerk 1 1 11