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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-13 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCity Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1991 ALLTO ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to Order on Wednesday, February 13, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. MEDITATION AND ZL=Z OF ALLEGIANC& Mayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silent Meditation for the men and women overseas. Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Bruce Hoffman Councilman Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilman Henry Schumann Councilman Henry Rohr John P. Kelly, City Manager Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Karen Jackson, Secretary 1. PRESENTATION by Mayor Abramowitz of a proclamation designating February 14, 1991, as "BLIND AND MOBILITY IMPAIRED PERSONS DAY". FINAL ACTION - Presentation was made to Joe Padwa and Bernie Rosenberg. Mayor Abramowitz introduced Don Terrell and the Champion TAF Baseball Team. Mr. Terrell presented the championship trophy to Mayor Abramowitz for the City of Tamarac, on behalf of the Tamarac Winter Baseball Atom Division County Champions. Mayor Abramowitz expressed his appreciation on behalf of the City. 2. PUB IC PARTICIPATION - Any member of the public may speak to any issue which is not agendized for public hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. Terry Hobmeier, resident of Isles of Tamarac, expressed her appreciation to City Manager Kelly, for the response to her request from January 9, 1991, regarding the notification of the Mature Driving Course given by the National Safety Council being placed into the February Tam -A -Gram. Ms. Hobmeier said the residents on NW 71 Place and NW 108 Terrace are infested with mosquitoes due to being close to empty lots. She said Mosquito Control has been contacted and she requested the efforts from Council to make mosquito control an ongoing procedure in this area. Ms. Hobmeier said the landscaping on NW 71 Place and NW 108 Page 1 2/13/91 ,ity Council Regular Meeting './13/91/KJ 'a e 2 Terrace needs watering. She said some of this landscaping is dying. She said someone has planted ficus trees and oleander: the median. She said she understood that the law states that one is permitted to plant their own landscaping in City media] She requested the landscaping be continued north to McNab ac NW 108 Terrace. Flo Ms. Hobmeier expressed her appreciation to C/M Rohr for hi efforts in having Barbara Janofsky, secretary to the City and Chairwoman of the Social Committee, starting a canned drive program for animals of the Humane Society of Broward Robert Thomas, resident of Isles of Tamarac, said the City ha four lane road on 81 Street from Nob Hill Road to Pine Island with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour with no homes or driveways. He said there are four lanes on 108 Terrace with speed limit of 25 miles per hour with no homes or driveways. said there are 27 homes on 71 Place with a speed limit of 3 per hour. He said there is also a problem with constructio vehicles and buses from Kings Point, such as SeaEscape and Grayline, coming through on 71 Place. Mayor Abramowitz said Council has permission to change that limit from 35 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour. He aske the President of the Isles of Tamarac contact City Manager in writing regarding this. He said there is a procedure th followed. He said the individual subdivisions have the rig request a change to 25 miles per hour. He said the request be made through the Homeowner's Association. He requested some police presence be made in this location. Mr. Thomas said there are two entrances to Kings Point. He if there is any way that the Planning Department or the Cit get the traffic diverted away from 71 Place onto Nob Hill R s e d h t e l t li t It m s has t Mayor Abramowitz said 71 Place is being widened for the rigit turn. He suggested that the President of the Homeowner's Association include this situation in the letter to City Ma a Kelly. Irving Katz, resident of Lakes of Carriage Hills, asked if h has been anything done regarding the annexation of Broadvie unincorporated areas contiguous to Lakes of Carriage Hills. City Manager Kelly said this site had been reviewed in the pa and recommendations have always been made against pursuing 't the perspective staffs involved. He said the City is hoping make the area more attractive to annexation in the future wit pilot program the City has with the BSO to provide coverage i that area without costing the City the necessary expenditur s police protection. He said it would have required the City t increase the contract with the BSO for the coverage of two ae zones had the City annexed this area. He said the control Ls registered with the City through Captain Michael Goldstein vi the unique approach to covering the area by the BSO with th s pilot program. He said the City is not going to aggressive y pursue annexation until the impact of this program is asses e Mr. Katz said there is a Code enforcement and beautificatio situation that will take years to correct in this area whic just as important as the policing situation. Julius Sompolinsky, resident, said the City has a Zoning Hear on February 20, 1991. He said the residents of the Isles o Tamarac on 71 Place have researched this and the people who b the inadequate road from 108 Terrace to Nob Hill Road are the people requesting this rezoning. Mayor Abramowitz said this zoning change is one of eight or ni that are being done specifically to comply with the Compreh ns Land Plan. He said he has heard rumors regarding two massive Page 2 2/13/91 CJ e I 1 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 3 projects to be built in that area. He said he researched this and found that it is absolutely not factual. He said the area being questioned is the area next to the Sawgrass Expressway which is not residential and is not being developed. He said there are many things in the City that are over 20 years old that need to be changed. He said there is nothing being built in this area. He asked that if rumors are heard to please contact someone in the City to ask questions. Mr. Sompolinsky said he had questioned the Planning Department and spoke with Mike Vonder Meulen who stated that Planned Apartments are going to be built in that area. Mayor Abramowitz said that area is not zoned for apartments. City Manager Kelly said he would check into this situation. Anthony Grimaldi, resident of Sunflower Heathgate, said it has been approximately one year since the beginning of the participation in the recycling program for single-family homes. He said the residents were promised containers to dispatch the merchandise for recycling and at present, the public does not know what is going on with this. Mayor Abramowitz requested that City Manager Kelly report on this situation. City Manager Kelly said the 40,000 recycling containers that are to be distributed among the five cities to the single-family units are being stored in Lauderhill and are waiting for a method of disposal. He said Council will have to approve an amended agreement between three of the five cities. City Manager Kelly said in review with the other City Managers, independent from Council, there has been some disagreement as to what is wanted to present to the perspective Councils. He said they are very close to an agreement for consideration, which provides for a method of distribution. He said Waste Management, Inc., has agreed that they will provide the vehicles and the City will have to volunteer a couple men to help Waste Management, Inc., with distribution. Mr. Grimaldi said the residents have heard something like this for the past four or five months and City Manager Kelly disagreed. C/M Rohr said the original contract was strictly for newspapers and individual homes. He said there was nothing in the contract specifying aluminum or glass pickup or for condominium pickup. He said Eric Soroka, City Manager of North Lauderdale, has been negotiating for the past three months with Waste Management, Inc. He said Mr. Soroka attended a Tamarac City Council Workshop meeting, at which he was given Council's feelings on the terms of the contract. He said Council gave Mr. Soroka the terms which could be agreed upon and he renegotiated with Waste Management, Inc. He said the five City Managers must determine, at present, if the new terms are agreeable by at least three cities to accept the new contract. He said it will be presented to the perspective Councils after three of the five City Managers agree. He said there is no way to develop a contract quickly that can be agreed upon by the other cities. Mr. Grimaldi said Wynmoor Village has been participating in a recycling program for approximately one year. Mayor Abramowitz said Broward County gave a grant of approximately $50,000 to one condominium as a test program. He said Coral Springs is doing the exact same thing as Tamarac, but instead of charging 76 cents, it is 90 cents. He said there is no one else to deal with besides Waste Management, Inc. He said the contract that was presented by Waste Management, Inc., to the cities, had no return to the City. He said Council informed Mr. Soroka that Page 3 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2V13/91/KJ Page 4 this was no good. He said the new proposal is that once c Point is reached after which the expenses are paid, the C'ty shares in the profit. Mr. Grimaldi said the Council has been telling the reside is recycling program will be getting under way for approxima eli year with no progress at present. C/M Rohr said Council can give the information to the pubic it is available. II Carl Alper, resident, said there has been a misconception previous City administrations which he feels has been car by their successors. He said several years ago, a previo Council of Tamarac, went to Tallahassee to receive a lect regarding the bringing in of industry and that industry w base, which meant that the City's induced industry would taxes per square foot and that homeowners would pay less. Mr. Alper said he felt the advice given at that time was w He said he feels that industry causes a greater burden to placed upon the municipality's shoulders. He said industr requires greater police and fire protection. He said fire detected earlier in homes that are occupied than in busine that are closed. Mr. Alper said the biggest polluters are industry. He sai cure for partially empty shopping centers would be the hou industry. He said Tamarac is a retirement community. He excerpt from a report from Calvin Beal, Senior Demographer United States Department of Agriculture. He said the hous industry causes the least amount of pollution. He suggest City concentrate on more homes rather than other industry the blighting shopping centers in the City. oy ie( s ( y le :ain ie )ne Len )n .y ax ire r s s h i g e d an o he n d It e o �h 1p Mary Seidel, resident of Kings Point, asked what progress aa made on the driving violators. He asked if there has been a further progress on the sale of the old City Hall and Mayo Abramowitz said, no. Mr. Seidel asked if there is any progress regarding workshops discuss the cable television problem within the City. C/M Be deferred this question to City Manager Kelly. City Manager Kelly said he has received a copy of the seiz re program and Ordinances from the Deputy Attorney in Portlan , Oregon. He said the City Attorney has been instructed to ra something that could be workable in this area. City Attorney Ruf said there is Legislation in this Sessio t address the issue of seizures. City Manager Kelly said C/M Bender has requested a worksho regarding cable television service. He said there are sev ra consultants that will be involved regarding this and the City in the process of setting up such a workshop. 3.'! Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item routine and the recommendation will be in the form listed below. If discussion item(s) will be removed from the Consent considered separately. 3 are viewed to be enacted by ONE MOT: is desired, then t Agenda and will be he en ,r 1 1-1 Page 4 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 5 a. MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the following City Council meetings: 1. 1/07/91 - Special Joint Meeting with the Charter Board 2. 1/09/91 - Regular Meeting 3. 1/23/91 - Regular Meeting FINAL ACTION: APPROVED b. XQJ1ON_TO APPROVE renewal of a model sales facility and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for SPRINGLAKE II (WESTLAKE VILLAS) for a six-month period from 3/22/91 to 9/22/91. •k UAVZIMOITANP�� C. MOTION TO„UPROVE renewal of a model sales facility and waiver of the 300-foot distance requirement for issuance of certificates of occupancy for SPRINGLAKE VILLAS (NORTHWOOD II) for a six-month period from 3/13/91 to 9/13/91. d. MOTION TO APPROVE renewal SPRING HOUSE APARTMENTS, 10, Units 391, 393 and 394, 3/26/91 to 9/26/91. -• r of a model sales facility for 5700 Rock Island Road, Building for a six-month period from e . 1. MOTION_ TO ADOPTJgMR . Reso .,_#5994 accepting a 6-foot Public Utility Easement offered by C&H Properties, Inc., for the TAMARAC PAINT & BODY/TOWING STORAGE FACILITY, 3800 NW 49 Street. 2 accepting a Partial Subordination of Encumbrance to Property Rights offered by Upscale investments, Inc., for the TAMARAC PAINT & BODY/TOWING STORAGE FACILITY, 3800 NW 49 Street. FINAL_-- ACTION: APPROVED e.1 and 2. RESOLUTION R-91-21 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-91--22 - PASSED f. 1, approving release of performance Letter of Credit No. P4419 in the amount of $5,565.50 posted for public improvements at the SUN BANK EAST project subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $2,713.73. 2• accepting a 6-foot Public Utility Easement for the SUN BANK EAST project. 3• accepting a 10--foot Drainage Easement for the SUN BANK EAST project. Page 5 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 6 4 !+" MOTION TO ADOPT Tamp- Reso. #591M accepting 5-foot Sidewalk Easement for the SUN BANK EAS project. a approving an Agreement and Covenant Running With The Land pe to to a dumpster enclosure which may encroach upon a drainage easement for the SUN BANK EAST project. (located at 3850 West Commercial Boulevard) 1"- ACTION: RESOLUTION R-91-23 - PASSED PROVED f.1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. RESOLUTION R-91-24 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-91-25 -- PASSED RESOLUTION R-91-26 - PASSED RESOLUTION R-91-27 - PASSED PROVED h. ROVED MOTION TO ADOPT Temfl,,,,._Reso _ ._15.981 releasing warrant,! Letter of Credit #15727 in the amount of $30,051.94 post e for water distribution improvements and warranty Lett rlo Credit #15728 in the amount of $25,422.71 posted for thd' sewer collection system improvements at KINGS POINT FAIRFAX III project. L RESOLUTION R-91-28 - PASSED MOTION TO APPROVE Change Order #10 to the contract wit Toro Engineering and Construction in the increased ambur $5,888.00 for various revisions to the TAMARAC MULTIPURPOSE CENTER and to increase the contract comp date by 39 days to 12/21/90; the previous contract am ur $1,471,006.00 and the new contract amount is $1,476,8 4. The funds will be taken from Account #330-652-572-624 Construction Costs. i• extending the 1 a� the temporary Public Works administrative offices at 1375 57 Street for three (3) months from 4/1/91 to 6/30/91 at existing monthly rental of $1,227.96 with the City's opt to extend the lease an additional three (3) months corune 7/1/91 if required. The monthly rental will be taken fr Account #325-193-519-441, Rentals & Leases: Land/Buil in L RESOLUTION R-91-29 - PASSED ROVED * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE the Consent Agenda, SECOZ * C/M Bender. V TE: ALL VOTED AYE CONSXDFRAT,X!?NS 4. MOTIQNa proposal from Southern Bell for a te_ system for the PUBLIC SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX i amount of $23,732.20. ;• e, * I C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Item 4, SECONDED by V/M Hof City Manager Kelly said this proposal is to provide the tel system, including equipment, for the Public Service Adminis 0 i f ion was for e L&A e 1 ve Page 6 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 7 Complex that is being built on Nob Hill Road. He said this complex will accommodate the Public Works Department and the Public Utilities Department. He said the City has dealt with the Rolm phone system, which handles the Municipal Complex and the price was bid at $20,491. He said there was some concern by individual members of Council about being premature in going out for this bid and whether or not the City would be satisfied with the service by Rolm. He said he was asked to pursue other avenues to be assured of the best price and quality of service. City Manager Kelly said Bob Foy, Director of Engineering/Utilities, and Michael Couzzo, Assistant City Manager, have come up with a good system in working closely with Southern Bell Company. He said the price quoted to the City is $23,732.20. He said the money is in place for this system. He said this is a better price than the Rolm System price because there is approximately a 20% price increase than what was originally quoted to the City by Rolm, which would put their price at $24,589.20. He said there is not a requirement to go out to competitive bid as much as being on a State bid due to this being regulated by the PSC. He said Staff recommends approval. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the fact that the City is deemed a large user makes a difference in the money. City Manager Kelly said this does help the City a great deal. He said the City is getting some monies rebated because of the recalculating of amounts of money the City paid which exceeded the threshold of what a large user would be paying. C/M Bender asked if this proposal covers service. City Attorney Ruf said this is a one-year service contract. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Building Dapsrtment 5. approving a $5.00 fee to be charged for each building permit issued when the cost of construction exceeds $2,500.00 in order to research and process a construction (mechanics) lien law statement to each property owner pursuant to Construction Lien Law effective 1/l/91, Florida Statutes 713.02. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-91-30 - PASSED APPROVED City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5969 by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5969, SECONDED by * C/M Rohr. City Manager Kelly said the State Law allows the City the opportunity to raise the fee to cover the City's cost of issuance for building permits that now exceed the cost of $2,500. He said this allows the City to research and process the Construction and Mechanics Lien Law Statement to the property owner. He said this is in compliance with the Florida Statutes. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Page 7 2/13/91 it Council Regular Meeting /1�/91/KJ ago 8 7 AIR a. MOTION TO APPROVE Addendum #11 to the engineering ag7 with Hazen and Sawyer in the amount of $107,550.00 to X for resident and general engineering service during construction of TUW Project 89-40, Water Treatment Plar Expansion Phase II. r b. MOTION TO ADOPT Temv. Reag. #5993 awarding bid #90 35 the amount of $1,236,207.00 to Utilities Services, Inc., construction of TUW Project 89-40, Water Treatment Plant Expansion Phase II. C. MOTION_ TO APPROVE a pre -negotiated sole source, tax o direct purchase contract to Infilco Degremont for the procurement of an 8 MGD type "NS" accelator clarifier tank with clarifier mechanism, walkways, platforms, har and all appurtenances in the lump sum amount of $279,8( for TUW Project 89-40, Water Treatment Plant Expansion II. ACTION: RESOLUTION R-91-31 - PASSED D 6.a, b and c. 6.a C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Addendum #11, SECONDED by C/M Schumann. City Manager Kelly said this project has been discussed for several years, was expected to cost approximately 2.2 millio dollars and the total bid is approximately 1.6 million dolla savings of approximately one half million dollars. s Bob Foy, Director of Engineering/Utilities, said this is a r q for approval of Addendum #11 to provide the engineering contra for the water plant design that was negotiated with only the provisions of the Florida Statute titled, "Competitive Negotiations for the Professional Services." He said this f e Hazen and Sawyer is based on hours of service provided at th established rate which will not exceed $107,550. He said this amount represents approximately 8.50 of the contract price t a for engineering construction service in the field. He said h City will diligently police this with Hazen and Sawyer and pro as much inspection service as possible to keep their service t the minimum to keep the rate less than the $107,550. Mr. Foy said all of the funding for this is coming from Impa t Bond Residual Fees. He said there will be money coming from t water and sewer rate structure of the residents. He said St f recommends approval because this is needed to build the acce a C/M Schumann asked if this is due to the Referendum that was passed in 1986. Mr. Foy said the Referendum was passed in 1986 authorizing t expenditure not to exceed 4.7 million dollars. He said this the balance of that money and will be under the 4.7 million mark. 2 Mayor Abramowitz said he is pleased that Council elongated t process by requesting as much information as possible and, a result, the City is receiving the best price for the job. H asked that this project be supervised as much as possible to money. ALL VOTED AYE City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5993 by title. V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5993, SE C/M Schumann. e i s e f 14 it 1 1 Page 8 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 9 Mr. Foy said this is a request to Council to approve a contract to the low bidder, Utilities Services, Inc., to construct Phase II of the Water Plant Expansion in the amount of $1,236,207. He said the need for the accelator has been discussed inumerously with Council. He said the capacity of the plant must be expanded from 12 MGD to 14.6 MGD for build out. He said it is necessary to build this at present since the two existing accelators are not repairable. He said one has gone out of operation three times in the past 20 months and the smaller one is not big enough to provide capacity for the City of Tamarac, even when water is borrowed from neighboring cities. Mr. Foy said the line handling facility is over 20 years old, worn out and needs to be replaced. He said the temporary polimer facility is under a temporary roof and does not meet Code. He said this facility is needed at present. He said all requirements of Staff and Code have been satisfied. He said the money is in place, which will come from Impact and Bond Residual Fees and no money will come from the rate structures. He said this will be a benefit to the rates because the City has included the rehabilitation of the existing accelators and, if they are not done, the rates will have to pick up the difference. C/M Schumann asked if Utilities Services, Inc. is fully qualified to perform this task. Mr. Foy said the City has dealt with Utilities Services, Inc., in the past and Hazen and Sawyer recommended the contract be placed with them. City Manager Kelly said there were eight good bidders on this project and the prices ranged from the $1,236,207, which is the lowest to $1,497,000. C/M Bender asked if this replacement updating the City's equipment includes the additional capacities of the future. Mr. Foy said this will cover Tamarac through build out. He said the only other thing to be provided for the Water Expansion Plant is four million gallons of storage capacity and six more raw water wells. He said the Clean Water Act has many provisions and he does not know the requirements at present. He said he expects the City will have to go from a chlorinating system to an ozone system in the future. Mayor Abramowitz said he takes pride in the knowledge that Tamarac has the best water in the business. He said last year Lauderhill had to purchase water from Tamarac. Mr. Foy said Lauderhill is borrowing water from Tamarac at present. He said he was not able to review the report thoroughly; however, they have used approximately two million gallons. He said the interconnects between cities are extremely important. Mayor Abramowitz said he has been named to the Water Board in Broward County. He said he will need a lot of information regarding this to protect the interest of Tamarac. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE * 6.c. C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Item 6.c., SECONDED by * C/M Schumann. Mr. Foy said this is a direct purchase by the City and will save the City the 6% sales tax. He said this is the price that was negotiated in 1987. He said the price was $12,000 more one year ago. He said Council had previously approved the sole source of this item in this amount and this is a request for authorization of the purchase. He said this is a part of the accelator and will Page 9 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/I13/91/KJ Pa4e 10 be purchased from Impact Fees and the Bond Residual Account there is no rate money involved. C/M Schumann asked if this equipment is state of the art. Mr. Foy said this is tried and true equipment and there is better treatment for the water than this. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 7.j MOTION TO ADOPT TeM2. Reso. #5989 awarding Bid #90-37 i amount of $18,911.00 to Ric -Man International, Inc., for TL Project 90-10A, Removal and Replacement of Existing 8-inch Sewer and to Furnish and Install Two (2) New 48-inch Diamet Manholes. RESOLUTION R-91-32 - PASSED ROVED City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5989 by title. V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5989, SE C/M Bender. no ,rr 7r tty Mr. Foy said this is a request for approval of a contract to thE low bidder, Ric -Man International, Inc., in the amount of $189 1 to replace a defective sewer in TUE. He said this is not m n from Impact fees. He said this is coming out of the rate structure for TUE. He said it is part of the infrastructure improvement that was recognized and voted on in a Council worXsop several years ago. He said he had mentioned this in Decemb r, 1990, when Council authorized the City to rehabilitate some s w rs in that area by putting plastic liners in the pipe. He said his is necessary to be done. He said money will need to be spent o the infrastructure at TUE over the next five years from $75,0 0 to $80,000 per year. He said the rate structure is set up and the e is not a present plan to increase rates. He said he feels thE current rate structure will create enough revenue to handle t i project. C/M Rohr asked if TUE purchases water from Fort Lauderdale. Mr. Foy said that area purchases their water from Fort Laud r a and Tamarac distributes it through its pipe. He said they arE Tamarac's meters, which are read by Tamarac and Tamarac cha g s the customers. He said the wastewater is collected in Tamarac' system. C/M Rohr asked if Tamarac sets the rates. Mr. Foy said Tamarac does not set the rates at the rate the C't pays for it, but Tamarac sets the rates charged to the Gust m 'r He said Fort Lauderdale's rates have been raised. 70TE : ALL VOTED AYE establishing a fee in amount of $45,500.00 per retention acre for equivalent retain areas when it is not feasible for a developer to satisfy on s storm water retainage requirements pursuant to Code Section 10-223(b)(1). RESOLUTION R-91-33 - PASSED 10M City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5997 by title. V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5997, C/M Rohr. 1 1 LJ� Page 10 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 11 City Manager Kelly said at present, the City is charging $35,000 per acre to a developer that needs to have this drainage area. He said the developer purchased this drainage area from the City and the price was estimated to be appropriate at $45,500. He said Staff has approached Council in the past and is looking through the FP&L easement that the City has to try to utilize that area for the drainage retention area and then, sell that to the prospective developers who are not able to do it on site. Mayor Abramowitz said the City has been forewarned that the City will have to shut down if the City does not have more retention area. He said Council has been very astute in negotiating with FP&L the right to a large amount of retention area that the City did not pay for. He said the City paid no money for this area and is now able to sell it at this price. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Fire Deapartment 9. awarding Bid #90-36 in the amount of $30,021.00 to Matrx for the purchase of two (2) sets of Hurst Power Units (a/k/a Jaws of Life). RESOLUTION R-91-34 - PASSED City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5992 by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5992, SECONDED by * C/M Bender. Ray Briant, Tamarac Fire Chief, said the Fire Department budgeted $15,000 in last year's budget to replace the Jaws of Life. He said the City had an opportunity to send a grant into the State of Florida for matching funds which was successful. He said the State is matching another set of Jaws of Life for the City. He said this is two sets of Jaws of Life for the price of one. He said they are state of the art and are approximately 20 pounds lighter than the old ones. He said the success of the grant depended on the facts that the City submitted. VOTE: 9171 •.,, _ - ALL VOTED AYE 10. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso_ #5991 urging the Broward County and the Florida League of Cities to support a bill to clarify and modify the requirements to be met in order to comply with the definition of "Housing For Older Persons" as it relates to housing for persons 55 or older. RESOLUTION R-91-35 - PASSED R .0 -1 City Attorney Ruf deferred the reading of Temp. Reso. #5991 to C/M Rohr. C/M Rohr read Temp. Reso. #5991 by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5991, SECONDED by * C/M Schumann. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Page 11 2/13/91 :ity Council Regular Meeting ?/13/91/KJ 'ante 12 11 IPA MOTION TO ADOPT TeM9, Reso- #5990 authorizing the apprc City officials to execute an Agreement between Broward Coun The Northwest Cities for Third Year Recycling Grant Program maximum amount of $200,554.00. 0 r TE RESOLUTION R-91-36 - PASSED City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5990 by title. V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5990, S C/M Bender. City Manager Kelly said this is the third year agreement wh the distribution of money by Broward County to the five mem group called the Northwest Cities in the amount of $200,554 said all that is provided is that each of the five cities a this agreement, sign off on the interlocal, and work among themselves as to how the agreement is to be implemented. H the cities are a little behind on the last agreement, which be coming before Council shortly. ALL VOTED AYE City Council C/M Schumann - No Report. C/M Rohr requested a concensus on a Resolution supporting t location of a major league baseball franchise in South Flor He read the Resolution. pri ~y�i cr s Mayor Abramowitz said every City Council has passed this Resolution and requested this be prepared for a Special Cou c meeting to be scheduled. $ENSUE OF OPINION: ALL AGREED C/M Rohr read a memorandum from Eric Soroka, North Lauderdale Manager and negotiator for the Five Cities. He said the month December was the first time the recycling participation rat exceeded 60% and represents the highest participation in the program since the beginning. He said the average amount of newspapers that were recycled increased to 694,000 pounds m nt which is up 9,000 pounds compared to the prior report. He Jai the overall is 7,131,041 pounds of newspapers which were diver from the landfill and wastestream and recycled. C/M Rohr said the City will be involved in the return of olc p books. He said the program will run from March 1, 1991 thr ug April 15, 1991, in coordination with Broward County. He s id City is setting up areas for drop off and the condominiums vil drop the books at their clubhouses. He said the old books it picked up a few days after the new books are delivered. He sa the old books will be picked up and transported to the U.S. Gy; Company in Orlando. C/M Rohr said there were 16,000 Christmas trees that did not 9 the landfill. II C/M Bender - No Report. V/M Hoffman said there are people that are trying to move i to this area with Adult Entertainment. He said the City of Su ri is currently having a problem. He said Tamarac has an Ordi an regarding Adult Entertainment. He requested that the City Attorney review this Ordinance to assure the City can enforce Ordinance if in fact, some of these operators want to open t1op �e d y C a n s s 1 Ll 1 Page 12 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ Page 13 or bottomless bars in the City of Tamarac. EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: ALL AGREED Mayor Abramowitz asked City Attorney Ruf to review this Ordinance and City Attorney Ruf agreed. C/M Schumann said the Navy League is looking for pocket books or any books to be donated to the crew of the U.S.S. Lady Gulf that was commissioned at Port Everglades in 1987. He said the Tamarac Library will find ways to send these books to the crew of the U.S.S. Lady Gulf and requested that everyone donate books to this cause. He said the U.S.S. Lady Gulf is heading to the Persian Gulf and is Broward County's own. Mayor Abramowitz said he would like to disclose some facts and figures from the past couple months. He said the following figures are from 1989 - 1990: 1) the City is down in building permit revenue in one area $24,713 and in another area, $36,072, 2) the City is down 50% in valuation of real estate, 3) the City's Certificates of Occupancy have dropped dramatically; however, the inspection rate has increased while the revenues have reduced dramatically. He said the rationale is that the building inspectors now have the opportunities to do qualified inspections. He said City Manager Kelly has tried very hard in the past months to do a reorganization within the City by cross --training people. He said there is a recession and he is pleased that this administration and this Council did not wait to recognize this situation and took action early. Mayor Abramowitz said he wants City Manager Kelly to continue this program. He said the City does not want layoffs. He said other cities have laid off entire departments to meet their budget. He said the City is not replacing anyone that leaves. He said renumeration is deserved by the employees that have increased their responsibilities. He expressed his appreciation regarding this. 13. City Manager City Manager Kelly said he has met with every department in the City, as well as the Union representatives, advising them of the situation the City is in and urging a cooperative effort. He said he is pleased with the positive effort to make the necessary changes. He said people have willingly accepted the additional responsibilities and volunteered for cross -training. He said the more valuable and the more things that can be done by an employee, the better job security for that employee. City Manager Kelly said Council advised the Administration to research the purchase for needed vehicles. He requested authorization to negotiate the price of a dump truck which was priced at $28,000. He said an opportunity has risen for purchase of a dump truck with only 30,000 miles in prime condition at the price of $12,000. He said Mike Couzzo, Assistant City Manager and Director of Public Works and Parks & Recreation, is looking for the best prices to provide the necessary vehicles. Mayor Abramowitz said the truck being discussed is the asphalt truck which is in poor condition with 130,000 miles on it. City Manager Kelly said they are researching the possibility of Chevy GEO's for the Building Department, which get great mileage. City Manager Kelly said Council will be receiving a Natural Gas proposal from the City of Sunrise. He said there are some terms that will need to be reviewed and this is generally acceptable. He said a workshop will be scheduled for discussion. He said this is a Natural Gas proposal with Sunrise to go into Land Section 7 to service the area east from Pine Island Road west to the Sawgrass Expressway and north to McNab Road. He said an expansion Page 13 2/13/91 City Council Regular Meeting 2/13/91/KJ P4ge 14 will be considered if this works well. He said natural ga environmentally cleaner, safer and more efficient. He sai will also be a revenue generator for the City. With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this at 8:20 p.m. ipAw4t, a RMAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR ROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK his public document was promulgated at a cost of $127.60 or.$ c py to inform the general public, public officers and employee recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the C Tamarac." V CITY OF TAJ COVED AT MEETING OF City ing r I- I 1 Page 14 2/13/91