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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-25 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting to order on Wednesday, March 25, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. in Commission Chambers of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joseph Schreiber Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin Commissioner Karen L. Roberts Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ABSENT AND EXCUSED: Commissioner John E. McKaye ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney Carol Gold, CMC/AAE, City Clerk Phyllis Polikoff, Office Specialist PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Schreiber called for the Pledge of Allegiance. Tape 1 Mayor Schreiber introduced new City Clerk, Carol Gold. INTRODUCTION PRESENTATION by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation designating the week of April 6 through 12, 1998, as "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK". Mayor Schreiber presented the proclamation to Jeffrey Miller, Director of Community Development. 2. PRESENTATION by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation designating the month of March, 1998, as "PARKINSON'S DISEASE AWARENESS MONTH". Mayor Schreiber presented the proclamation to Ray Goldfinger who thanked the City for their efforts and cooperation. City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 2 3. PRESENTATION by Mayor Schreiber of a proclamation designating April 4, 1998, "TAMARAC DAY 1998". Mayor Schreiber presented the proclamation to Bert Anderson who thanked the City on behalf of Tamarac Day and invited everyone to attend the festivities on April 4. 4. PRESENTATION by Mayor Schreiber and City Manager Noe of Certificates of Retirement to the following employees: Diana Acierno Finance Allen Blumenfeld Building Patricia Marcurio City Clerk Brenda Stine Finance Mayor Schreiber and City Manager Noe presented Certificates of Retirement to those employees named above. Diana Acierno's Certificate was accepted by Stanley Hawthorne, Finance Director. 5. PRESENTATION by Mervin C. Timberlake, CPA, Financial Services Director, City of Boca Raton, of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting awarded by the Government Finance Officers Association for the ninth consecutive year to the City of Tamarac for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 1996. Mervin Timberlake presented the Certificate of Achievement to Stanley Hawthorne, Finance Director. Stanley Hawthorne commended members of the Finance Department staff for their efforts and assistance. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Any member of the public may speak to any issue which is not agendized for public hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. When an issue has been designated as quasi-judicial, public remarks shall only be heard during a quasi-judicial hearing that has been properly noticed for that matter. 1 I L 1 City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 3 Gil Narins, 10419 Clairmont Circle, addressed comments made by V/M Mishkin at the City Commission meeting held March 12, 1998, remarked about Comm. Roberts' data on the number of affirmative votes made at Commission meetings and referenced the status of a request made in July, 1997 regarding destruction of records in connection with former Internal Auditor, Lisa Strader. He commented on a March 12, 1998 article in The Forum with regard to the Mayor supporting residents, non-residents and "carpet- baggers" and that people were enraged. He said the people could use the power of recall in accordance with F.S.S. 100.361 and he would let the Commissioners know when they were right or wrong. REPORTS 7. City -Commission Comm. Sultanof said Gil Narins never attended Commission workshops, all Commissioners participated at the workshops with regard to Consent Agenda items and he commented on Mr. Narins' remarks. He said his office is always open to answer any questions and concerns and invited residents to his office to let him know of their concerns. V/M Mishkin extended condolences to Commissioner and Mrs. McKaye on the loss of a son, commented on Mayor Schreiber's position on development in the City and newspaper articles relative to an extension on blasting and getting rid of the BSO. He also requested a list of items proposed by Mayor Schreiber that the Commissioners rejected. Comm. Roberts spoke on voting for Consent Agenda items, wished birthday greetings to Comm. Sultanof, thanked Debbie DeCrane and Honey Pennachio for their assistance with regard to her recent incapacity and reminded everyone about attending the festivities on April 4, Tamarac Day. Mayor Schreiber addressed comments made by V/M Mishkin, noted campaign contributions made to V/M Mishkin and Comm. Sultanof by Medics Ambulance and read a letter from Value Dining Inc. commending staff with regard to a restaurant they proposed to construct. 8. City Attorney City Attorney Kraft - no report. 1 City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 4 9. Cily Manager City Manager Noe requested a workshop on March 30 and the Commissioners are to bring calendars concerning a date for the groundbreaking ceremony regarding Hiatus Road. He said the Fire Department was working with Parks and Recreation with regard to a senior safety program and the smoke detector give-away program would begin at Tamarac Lakes 1 and 2. He said Parks and Recreation was presenting a program concerning prevention through positive action on March 26, reminded everyone about events celebrating Tamarac Day on April 4 and referred to on -going sports programs, opening of the Teen Activity Center on March 30, packets for summer camp registration available on April 1, registration was scheduled on April 15for the spring senior program and Risk Management was sponsoring a Men's Wellness Seminar on March 27 which was open to staff and residents. CONSENT AGENDA 10. Items listed under Consent Agenda are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. M. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8169 awarding Request for Proposal 97-22R to Simplex Time Recorder Company for installation of an integrated security management system for City facilities and authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with Simplex Time Recorder Company, authorizing an expenditure not to exceed $263,400, authorizing the use of the United States Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $37,939 to reduce financing requirements and authorizing the use of a lease purchase plan in the amount of $225,461. REMOVED for discussion. See Page 7 for final action. n. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8172 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a lease purchase transaction under the terms of the Master Lease Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 1997 between Suntrust Bank, Central Florida, National Association, and the City of Tamarac in the amount of $263,400 for the purchase of an integrated security management system for City facilities, approving the lease purchase documents and required "negotiated sale" findings. REMOVED for discussion. See Page 7 for final action. City Manager Noe recommended removing Items 10.m. and 10.n. for discussion and Comm. Roberts MOVED to REMOVE Items 10.m. and 10.n. for discussion. SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. E City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 5 VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 10. f. MOTION TO ADOPT Tem . Reso. #8174 directing the City Manager and appropriate staff to initiate the process for constructing a Charter School in the City of Tamarac including preparation for an RPP for a Consultant as well as any other communication necessary. TABLED After discussion, Comm. Sultanof MOVED to TABLE, SECONDED by Comm. Roberts. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 10. a. MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the 3/11/98 regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED b. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8135 authorizing a four week consecutive period (August 3 — 28, 1998) during which the City Commission will not meet in 1998 pursuant to Section 4.06 of the City Charter. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-75 C. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8170 authorizing the appropriate City officials to approve the establishment of a new 401(a) money purchase plan for employees wishing to contribute 10% of their salary into the plan. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-76 d. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8171 approving a 401(a) money purchase retirement plan for the City Attorney through the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-77 e. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8176 authorizing the purchase from the Tamarac Chamber of Commerce of advertising space placement in the Tamarac Chamber of Commerce Business Directory in an amount not to exceed $15,550; authorizing the purchase of the Tamarac Business/Industry Development Brochure from Chamber Press Plus for an amount not to exceed $8,600; authorizing a budget transfer of $15,550 within the General Fund. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-78 City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 6 10. g. MOTION TO ADOPT Tem . Reso. #8147 authorizing the appropriate City officials to accept a warranty bond from Morrison Homes of Florida, Inc., for driveway repairs in the PLUM BAY PHASE 3 project necessitated by wastewater service line repairs. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-79 h. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8141 releasing performance bond #5865950 in the amount of $106,274 subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $32,044.64 posted for the water distribution and sewage collection system improvements installed for the PLUM HARBOR PHASE 3A/3B project located on the northeast corner of Nob Hill Road and Commercial Boulevard. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-80 i. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8137 releasing performance bond #5870849 in the amount of $56,039 subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $18,230.08 posted for the water distribution and sewage collection system improvements installed for the PLUM HARBOR PHASE 3C/3D project located on the northeast corner of Nob Hill Road and Commercial Boulevard. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-81 j. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. ,Reso. #8139 releasing performance bond #JT8925 in the amount of $63,517 subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $22,117.01 posted for the water distribution and sewage collection system improvements installed for the PLUM HARBOR PHASE 4A project located on the northeast corner of Nob Hill Road and Commercial Boulevard. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-82 k. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8140 releasing performance bond #JT8926 in the amount of $32,802 subject to receipt of a one-year warranty bond in the amount of $9,266.50 posted for the water distribution and sewage collection system improvements installed for the PLUM HARBOR PHASE 4B project located on the northeast corner of Nob Hill Road and Commercial Boulevard. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-83 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8155 awarding Bid 98-08B entitled Janitorial Services to Cleaning Systems, Inc., and authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with Cleaning Systems, Inc., for janitorial services with an annual expenditure in an amount not to exceed $74,700, approving a budget transfer of $34,800 from within the General Fund. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-84 City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 7 Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL of the Consent Agenda Items 10.a. through 10.e. and 10.g. through 10.1. with the exception of Item 10.f. which was TABLED and Items 10.m. and 10.m. which were removed for discussion on Page 4, SECONDED by V/M Mishkin. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 10. m. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8169 awarding Request for Proposal 97-22R to Simplex Time Recorder Company for installation of an integrated security management system for City facilities and authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with Simplex Time Recorder Company, authorizing an expenditure not to exceed $263,400; authorizing the use of the United States Department of Justice Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $37,939 to reduce financing requirements and authorizing the use of a lease purchase plan in the amount of $225,461. REMOVED for discussion on Page 4. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-85 Raj Verma, Public Works Director, made a presentation combining Consent Agenda Items 10.m. and 10.m. There was discussion and Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE n. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8172 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a lease purchase transaction under the terms of the Master Lease Purchase Agreement dated April 11, 1997 between Suntrust Bank, Central Florida, National Association, and the City of Tamarac in the amount of $263,400 for the purchase of an integrated security management system for City facilities, approving the lease purchase documents and required "negotiated sale" findings. REMOVED for discussion on Page 4. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-86 City Manager Noe referenced the cost and Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE END OF CONSENT AGENDA City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 8 11. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp_ Ord. 01784 on first reading amending Section 10-128 of the City Code, "Fire Protection", reducing the maximum distance between fire hydrants and Fire Department connections. APPROVED on first reading. Second reading and public hearing scheduled for Regular City Commission meeting, Wednesday, April 8, 1998, at or after 7:30 p.m., in Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Attorney Kraft read Rev. #2 of Temp. Ord. #1784 by title. V/M Mishkin MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof Fire Chief Budzinski made a brief presentation. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE PUBLIC HEARINGS - 9:30 A.M. 12. PUBLIC HEARING — MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1820 on second reading amending Chapter 9 of the City Code entitled "Health, Sanitation and Nuisances" by amending Article IV entitled "The Local Housing Assistance Program", Section 9-134 entitled "Establishment of Affordable Housing Advisory Committee", by deleting a portion of the text and by amending Section 9-135 entitled "Review and Approval of the Affordable Housing Incentive Plan", by deleting a portion of the text in Subsection (a) and by creating Subsection 9- 135(c) to provide for amendment of the plan within twelve months. APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-98-9 City Attorney Kraft read Rev. #3 of Temp. Ord. #1820 by title. Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. Mayor Schreiber opened and closed the public hearing with no discussion. Cindy Diemer, Code Enforcement Manager, made a presentation. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS L City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 9 QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING 13. QUASI-JUDICIAL — MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8150 issuing Development Order No. 305 and granting new development site plan approval to WALGREENS for the construction of a 15,930 square foot building located on the northwest corner of Commercial Boulevard and NW 64 Avenue. Case No. 44-SP-97. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-87 City Attorney Kraft read Temp. Reso. #8150 by title. Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. Jeffrey Fengler, representing the applicant, waived his quasi-judicial rights, made a presentation and thanked the City for their assistance. Jeffrey Miller, Community Development Director, read the findings of fact. Mayor Schreiber opened and closed the hearing with no discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 14.QUASI-JUDICIAL — MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8151 issuing Development Order No. 307 and granting new development site plan approval to ACTIVE SENIOR LIVING RESIDENCE, INC. ALF, for the construction of a 24,728 square foot, 72-bed assisted living facility (ALF) located east of the northeast corner of NW 57 Street and NW 91 Avenue. Case No. 49-SP-97. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-98-88 City Attorney Kraft read Temp. Reso. #8151 by title. V/M Mishkin MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof Richard Berrie, representing the owner, waived his quasi-judicial rights. Jeffrey Miller, Community Development Director, read the findings of fact. "1 City Commission Regular Meeting March 25, 1998 Page 10 Mayor Schreiber questioned the size of the rooms and Richard Berrie made a brief presentation. Mayor Schreiber opened and closed the hearing with no further discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE END OFQUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING With no further discussion, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 10:13 a.m. Carol Gold, MC/AAE City Clerk (L - Joe Schreiber Mayor CITY OF APPRO p AT NEEIING OF g I 1