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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-26 - City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes@x- ۥЪ� � � � � � � �� �� �� �� �� �-
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CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on Wednesday, June 26, 1991 at 9:00 a.m.
in the Council Chambers of City Hall.
Mayor Norman Abramowitz
Councilwoman Diane Glasser
Councilman Irving Katz
Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender
Councilman Henry Schumann
John P. Kelly, City Manager
Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney
Carol A. Evans, City Clerk
Karen Jackson, Secretary
MEDITATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of Allegiance followed
by Moment of Silent Meditation and prayer of thanks for the end of Desert Storm and for a healthy summer
for everyone.
General Administrative
5. b. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6094 declaring a tower and antenna equipment on
top of old City Hall as surplus property and authorizing the appropriate City officials to
proceed with disposition.
Removed for discussion. (See Page 6 for final action)
C/M Katz MOVED to REMOVE Item 5.b. from the Consent Agenda, SECONDED by C/W Glasser.
Community Development
6. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6041 removing deed restrictions relating to food and alcoholic
beverages at MAINLANDS CENTER placed on the property in 1978. (located on the northeast corner of
University Drive and NW 58 Street) (tabled on 5/22/91)
TABLED at the applicant's request.
C/M Katz MOVED to TABLE Temp. Reso. #6041 at the applicant's request, SECONDED by C/W Glasser.
Public Services
11. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6077 providing for the elimination of a maintenance
worker part-time position and a maintenance worker/assistant site director part-time, temporary
position within the Public Works Department and providing for the creation of a maintenance/fitness
coordinator position within the Public Services Department (tabled on 6/12/91).
TABLED at Staff's request.
C/W Glasser MOVED to TABLE Temp. Reso. #6077 at Staff's request, SECONDED by C/M Katz.
Community Development
7. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6056 approving SPRING HOUSE revised site plan for fifteen
multiple bay garages and a Restrictive Covenant restricting the use of the garages to vehicle
parking only. (located at the northeast corner of Commercial Boulevard and Rock Island Road)
(tabled on 5/22/91)
TABLED at the applicant's request.
C/M Katz MOVED to TABLE Temp. Reso. #6056 at the applicant's request, SECONDED by C/W Glasser.
1. PRESENTATION by City Manager Kelly of ten-year service awards to GLENWOOD KELLY,
Utilities Department, and RANDY CORRELL, Fire Department.
Presentation was made to Randy Correll by City Manager Kelly. Glenwood Kelly was not present.
City Manager Kelly presented Randy Correll with his award and Glenwood Kelly was not present.
2. PRESENTATION by the Tamarac T-Ball League of a donation in the amount of $1,000.00 towards
the construction of baseball dugouts at Field 4 of TAMARAC PARK.
Presentations were made.
Bill George, President of the Tamarac Athletic Federation expressed his appreciation on behalf of the
Challenger Handicapped League and presented a picture to Mayor Abramowitz on behalf of the City.
Russ Thompson, President of the T-Ball League, and Mark Hine, Vice-President of the T-Ball League,
presented a check in the amount of $1,000.00 to Mayor Abramowitz on behalf of the City to be used for the
dugouts on Field 4. Mr. Thompson expressed his appreciation to the City for helping the Tamarac T-Ball
League and presented plaques to the following:
Ed Doyle, Parks and Recreation Supervisor
Alan Levine, Public Works Supervisor
Mike Couzzo, Public Services Director
City Manager John Kelly
Mayor Norman Abramowitz
Mayor Abramowitz expressed his appreciation on behalf of the City Council.
4. PRESENTATION by the National Jewish Council of Women to the Alzheimers Family Center of a
donation in the amount of $750.00.
Presentation was made to representatives from the Alzheimers Family Center by representatives of the
National Jewish Council of Women.
Mayor Abramowitz said the National Jewish Council of Women, University Day Branch, had presented a
check of $750.00 to the City at the last Council meeting to be used towards partial scholarships to the
Summer Recreation Program. He said they are at this meeting to present a donation of $750.00 to the
Alzheimer's Family Center .
Shelley Reback, Executive Director of the National Jewish Council of Women, presented a check in the
amount of $750.00 to Hilda Shulman, representative of the Tamarac Alzheimer's Family Center.
Mayor Abramowitz expressed his appreciation for these donations.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Any member of the public may speak to any issue which is not agendized for public
hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings.
There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up
in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation.
Melanie Reynolds, resident, expressed her concern regarding the role of the government to protect the
rights of the people. She said the Council has the obligation to preserve those rights.
Ms. Reynolds said the PACT came into the City in 1986 and abolished the Beautification Committee, which
deprived the residents of their rights to know and have a voice in the kinds of signs and landscaping that
would become part of the City. She said the PACT ousted the City Manager and brought in City Manager
Kelly who changed the Boards and Committees in the Charter by inserting the City Manager. He said the
PACT did not make these changes by Referendum, thus the rights were taken from the people because only
the people can change the Charter.
Ms. Reynolds said when Mayor Abramowitz took office, he was advised by many people to remove City
Manager Kelly because he was taking away the rights of the people. She said she feels the Council has
forgotten that the sovereign power lies with the people. She said Council has the obligation to restore to the
people the rights that have been taken from them.
Nathan Peretzman, resident, said on June 19, 1991, he sent a letter to the State Attorney's office issuing a
complaint regarding City Manager Kelly and Mayor Abramowitz refusing to allow him to have access to the
Medics Ambulance records. He reviewed prior requests to Council and City Manager Kelly. He said he has a
memo dated September 13, 1988 referring to the ambulance contract from Fire Chief Briant. He said a three
page copy was sent to the Mayor and Council and City Manager Kelly and Page 2 states that before the
contract, there was a savings of $124,560.00 and after the contract $18,720.00. He requested an
explanation of these figures.
Anthony Grimaldi, resident of Sunflower Heathgate, expressed his concerns regarding the garbage rate
increase. He suggested the City do a survey to prove to Waste Management that there is less garbage
generated in Tamarac than what is being billed. He said he has complained about the individual single-family
homes that were penalized by $.76 for the recycling and were promised the containers which have not been
received by the residents.
Mr. Grimaldi said he feels nothing has been done by Council to protect the residents against Waste
Management. He said there is talk about a utility tax. He said he feels the residents are paying out money
and nothing is being done to protect them.
Mr. Grimaldi expressed his concern regarding the Council's discussion regarding a Pension Fund. He said the
Pension Fund needs to be merited.
C/M Katz said he has reviewed the Waste Management contract and has not found anything which allows
the increase of the tipping fee except on the anniversary date of the contract which is October 1. He said he
has requested documentation to show why or how Waste Management is entitled to it at the present time.
He said an additional item in the contract between the City and the County states that the City is entitled to
records for waste and measures that go to resource recovery. He said he is going to insist these be given to
the City.
Terry Hobmeier, resident of the Isles of Tamarac, said she has a no load hookup in her home by FP&L which
is hooked up to the air conditioning and the water heater and entitles the homeowner to a $9.00 credit in
the summer and $5.50 in the winter. She suggested the residents consider utilizing this service by FP&L.
Ms. Hobmeier requested that Council encourage the residents to start a food drive for the needy and
Ms. Hobmeier asked if there is a sprinkler system and xeriscaping by the Public Service Complex on Nob Hill
Mayor Abramowitz said he would check into that for her.
5. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 5 , are viewed to be routine and the recommendation
will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the
item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
City Clerk
5. a. MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the following City Council meetings:
1. 4/17/91 - Special Meeting
2. 5/28/91 - Special Meeting
b. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6094 declaring a tower and antenna
equipment on top of old City Hall as surplus property and authorizing the appropriate City
officials to proceed with disposition.
Removed for discussion. (See Page 1)
5. c. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6096 authorizing the sale of beer during the City's Fourth
of July celebration.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE the Consent Agenda, SECONDED by
C/W Glasser.
8. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6091 approving a site plan and Water and Sewer Developers
Agreement for the TRENT project. (located east of NW 108 Terrace, between NW 71 Place and NW 80
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6091 by title.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6091, SECONDED by C/M Katz.
Mike Vonder Meulen, Senior Planner, said this is a request by Lennar Homes for final site plan approval for
the Trent project. He said this final site plan approval is for a 305 unit residential complex in 8 buildings. He
said the site plan meets all minimum zoning code requirements and the surrounding land uses are
residential R-3 and R-3U. He said this site plan is consistant with all elements of the Comprehensive Plan and
the Planning Commission and Staff recommend approval.
C/M Katz said the amount of square footage is not mentioned for the two bedroom apartments.
Marty Riefs, Representative of Lennar Homes, said it is approximately 1,000 to 1,200 square feet.
General Administrative
10. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6093 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an
Addendum to Right- Of-Way Consent Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company pertaining
to the placement of six dry stormwater retention basins and drainage pipes on FP&L easement for
TUW Project 89-37, Southgate Stormwater Retention Area.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6093 by title.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6093, SECONDED by C/M Katz.
City Attorney Ruf said in June, 1990, Council approved a right-of-way agreement with FP&L which allowed
for the construction of water retention wells or facilities on the Southgate Boulevard right-of-way next to
the canal. He said the Risk Manager had some concerns about the insurance portions of Paragraph 13 and
this amendment reflects the agreement which has been reached between the City and the Attorney for
FP&L for a revision of Paragraph 13.
City Attorney Ruf said there are still some problems with Paragraph 12 which is being negotiated with FP&L
to come before Council at a later date. He said the City Attorney's office recommends approval of this
C/M Katz asked if the City expects to recoup the money for the construction of the retention pond and City
Manager Kelly said it must be done by the City.
Mayor Abramowitz said the developers must donate land or pay money for retention runs if they want to
develop a project. He said the City ran out of land for retention runs. He said he was pleased when the City
came to an agreement with FP&L to give the City the land along Southgate Boulevard to allow the City to
have places for retention. He said the City will close down if there is no retention.
Melanie Reynolds, resident, said it is written that this is the FP&L property; however, it is actually FP&L's
easement and is the City's property. She asked if this will interfere with a bike path if it is ever built.
City Attorney Ruf said the land is owned by the City and FP&L has an easement for that land. He said the
City had to access a right-of-way agreement with them because the City is intruding into the easement area.
He said the question of recreational facilities under powerlines is an area that has been dealt with by cities
for years. He said the catch basins are not so intrusive that the City would not be able to place a bike path
there, depending on safety factors under the powerlines.
Public Services
12. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6092 accepting the Tamarac Utilities West Annual Report of
Water and Wastewater System for Fiscal Year 1989/90 as prepared by Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6092 by title.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6092, SECONDED by C/M Katz.
13. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6095 establishing fees and conditions of use for the
RECREATION CENTER and MULTI- PURPOSE CENTER during Saturdays and Sundays between the
hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6095 by title.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6095, SECONDED by
C/W Glasser.
Mayor Abramowitz said there have been many requests for Saturday and Sunday meetings in the Multi-
Purpose and Recreation Centers. He said the Parks and Recreation Department will work out the fee
General Administrative
18. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1560 on first reading to amend Chapter 2 of the Code to
create an URBAN FORESTRY COMMITTEE in order to promote proper urban and community forestry
APPROVED on first reading. Public hearing and second reading will be held on Wednesday, July 10, 1991, at
or after 7:30 p.m.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Ord. #1560 by title.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Ord. #1560, SECONDED by C/M Katz.
City Manager Kelly said one of the purposes of establishing a committee is to move the City back to the
recertification as "Tree City USA". He said it will be a four-member committee of which two will be
appointed by Council and two by the City Manager. He said the purpose is to help the City step into
beautification. He said there has been a great concern about the improper pruning in the City. He said the
qualifications for the Committee members includes: horticulture, landscaping, forestry and ecology. He said
he feels this will be good for the City.
C/M Katz said there was an Ordinance he read regarding not licensing tree butchers. He asked where the
City stands in changing the Code and City Manager Kelly said that goes before the Planning Commission in
City Attorney Ruf said it will be heard by the Council in August.
Terry Hobmeier, resident of the Isles of Tamarac, said she has 12 years of experience in beautification and
would like to help if the Urban Forestry Committee meetings are held in the evenings.
Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED and RECONVENED this meeting at 10:00 a.m. with ALL PRESENT.
14. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6089 concerning a request by DR. PAUL
SADOWSKI for special exception to permit an animal clinic in Bays 16 and 17 of THE MARKETPLACE
AT TAMARAC, 6871 and 6863 W. Commercial Boulevard, which is zoned B-2 (Planned Community
Business). Petition #32-Z-91
Public Hearing held.
APPROVED subject to compliance with all local, County, State and Federal laws concerning disposition of
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6089 by title.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6089, SECONDED by C/M Katz.
Mr. Vonder Meulen said this is a request for a special exception for Bays 16 and 17 of the Marketplace at
Tamarac by Dr. Paul Sadowski to permit an animal clinic. He said Dr. Sadowski intends to move his practice
back to the City from Lauderhill. He said Staff has determined that there is sufficient parking on the site for
this use; however, there is insufficient parking to fill the entire shopping center with commercial uses. He
said this has been previously addressed by Council and still needs some work.
Mr. Vonder Meulen said Section 9-86 of the Code regulates noises considered nuisances to the surrounding
residential area. He said there are Code Enforcement actions that can be taken if the noise is not evaded;
however, Dr. Sadowski has assured the Staff and Planning Commission that all precautions will be taken to
reduce or eliminate the noise of an animal hospital.
Mr. Vonder Meulen said the site is zoned B-2, is consistent with the zoning regulations and is in compliance
with the Comprehensive Plan. He said Council may set conditions for their recommendation in regards to
health, safety and welfare of the residents. He said the Planning Commission recommended approval at
their May 5, 1991 meeting and Staff recommends approval.
Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with no response.
C/M Katz asked about provisions for refuse and medical trash and Mr. Vonder Meulen said bio-medical
waste is collected separately and is placed in separate containers and refrigerated trucks pick up the bio-
medical waste for disposal.
C/M Katz asked if this procedure is in the Code and Mr. Vonder Meulen said it is in the South Florida Building
Mayor Abramowitz said this may be applied as one of the requirements set forth as a condition.
City Attorney Ruf said he understands the Motion to be to comply with all requirements with respect to
C/W Glasser asked if there are other establishments of the same kind in the City and Mayor Abramowitz
said, yes.
Mr. Vonder Meulen said whether this is addressed in the South Florida Building Code or whether it is an
H.R.S. requirement, waste removal is required by Law for human and animal hospitals.
C/M Katz said he would like it as part of the Motion.
C/W Glasser asked how the noise will be reduced.
Dr. Paul Sadowski said the noise will be controlled by installing double insulation walls. He said he has had
an animal hospital in an office building on Commercial Boulevard with no problems. He said the medical
disposal will be done by BFI who disposes of all bio-medical waste and hazardous products.
15. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6090 concerning a request by PEBB
ENTERPRISES for special exception to permit a delicatessen in Bays 3 and 4 of POINT PLAZA
located at Nob Hill Road and Westwood Drive, which is zoned B-2 (Planned Community Business). Petition
Public Hearing held and then continued to City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 1991, at or after
7:30 p.m.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6090 by title.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6090, SECONDED by
C/W Glasser.
Mr. Vonder Meulen said this is a request for a special exception for a delicatessen at Point Plaza by Pebb
Enterprises. He said the shopping center is designated commercial B-2. He said the delicatessen falls under
special exception in the Code of Ordinances. He said this particular delicatessen is not a sit-down restaurant
but is a grocery store with a meat slicing delicatessen which was determined by Staff to fall under the same
rules and procedures for the special exception.
Mr. Vonder Meulen said they meet all of the requirements of being 100 feet from the nearest residential
area, have a six day per week waste collection and have plans for control in regard to elimination of
offensive odors. He said there was a parking study done for this shopping center and they do have adequate
parking. He said the Planning Commission recommended approval on June 19, 1991. He said Staff
recommends approval subject to any health, safety and welfare issues that Council may deem important.
Harold Newman, resident, asked why it is being called a delicatessen if it is a store and Mayor Abramowitz
said he cannot answer what the difference is between the two but both need a special exception.
Mr. Newman suggested this be Tabled for clarification.
Mayor Abramowitz said the Petitioner has requested this be Tabled; however, once a Public Hearing has
been advertised, the public has a right to speak.
Terry Hobmeier, resident, said there are no other delis or grocery stores in this area.
C/W Glasser said this impacts Section 21 and there is an ingress/egress for this shopping center that impacts
Westwood Drive. She said there are 3 single-family homes that this interferes with. She said when this
shopping center initially started up in the City, there was a promise that there would be one food store and
at present, there are three restaurants. She said she feels this should be reviewed closely regarding safety
reasons. She said she would have no objection to this if the ingress/egress was switched to Nob Hill Road
because she feels there is a safety hazard there.
Mayor Abramowitz said he feels there are a couple items on the Public Hearing agenda that deserve a full
Council for consideration.
C/M Katz MOVED to TABLE Temp. Reso. #6090 to the Council meeting of July 10, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.,
SECONDED by C/W Glasser.
Community Development
16. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1536 on second reading concerning a
request by LEADERSHIP HOUSING, INC., to rezone a 2.202 acre parcel on the northeast corner of
McNab Road and the Sawgrass Expressway from R-3U (Row House) to B-l (Neighborhood Business) to
conform to the Broward County Land Use Plan. Petition #17-Z-91
Public Hearing held and then continued to City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 1991, at or after
7:30 p.m.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Ord. #1536 by title.
Mr. Vonder Meulen said this is a request by Leadership Housing, Inc., to rezone lands from R-3U to B-1 to
conform to the Land Use Plans. He said Staff recommends approval.
C/M Katz said at the last Council meeting, he expressed his views that he felt that business zoning did not
belong on this particular piece of property. He said he would like to recommend to City Manager Kelly that
he direct Community Development to take it back to the County and amend the Land Use Plan to change
the zoning to residential.
C/M Katz read the following:
"G.M. Davis versus Sam Sales
Number X29, District Court of Appeals of Florida, First District, August 6, 1975, 318 Southern Section,
Second 214.
This was a Motion for classification 1976, Plaintiff-Leadership agreed Exhibit A, Column A-R4A-12-1
The Reasonable Use of Property
The Florida Law has provided that government entities may regulate or limit the use of property of a private
owner on behalf of the general welfare of the citizens. Property owners may be required to sacrifice their
rights upon a substantial need for restrictions in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare. Good
sounding decisions are founded upon the need of the community.
The Courts have recognized that a balance test exists between a property owner's individual rights of
ownership versus the public interest in the property owned by the individual. For the greater benefit to the
public as a whole, private interests must sometimes be subordinated to the public good."
C/M Katz said he does not feel that the public good would be benefited by the adherence of the B-1 zoning
under the present conditions; therefore, he would like to request an amendment to the Land Use Plan to
change it to residential.
Terry Hobmeier, resident of the Isles of Tamarac, said the residents agree that this property should be zoned
residential. She said more stores are not needed within the City.
Mayor Abramowitz said an expression has been set forward that the absent Council members would like to
be present for the action on this item. He suggested a continuance of this item be held at the Council
meeting on July 10, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.
C/M Katz said the City is legally obligated to a time limit on this item. He requested that the attorney for
Leadership Housing, Inc., enter into the record a hold harmless and release of the time limit.
City Attorney Ruf said a Motion to Continue is an appropriate Motion.
Susan Motley, Attorney for Leadership Housing, Inc., said there is no objection for a continuation to the next
regularly scheduled meeting.
C/W Glasser MOVED to CONTINUE Item 16 to the Regular Council meeting on July 10, 1991 at 7:30 p.m.,
General Administrative
17. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1548 on second reading to amend Article II
of Chapter 12 of the Code pertaining to registration of certain persons operating within the City of
Tamarac pursuant to 166.0443, Florida Statutes.
Public Hearing held.
APPROVED on second and final reading.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Ord. #1548 by title.
City Manager Kelly said normally the Police Department maintains these records; however, the Personnel
Department maintains these records at present. He said this is regulating the people who are involved with
the serving or selling of alcoholic beverages to continue to register with the City of Tamarac by being
fingerprinted and photographed. He said this also expands to those that are providing investments, financial
advisors, and mortgage brokers to be included in this. He said Staff recommends approval.
Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearings with no response.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Ord. #1548, SECONDED by
C/W Glasser.
9. a. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6063 approving a plat entitled LAND SECTION 6 -
b. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6064 approving Development
Order #277 and associated documents for LAND SECTION 6 SOUTH PLAT.(located between
the Sawgrass Expressway and NW 108 Terrace,1347-feet north of McNab Road)
(tabled on 6/12/91)
TABLED 9.a. and 9.b. to City Council meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 10, 1991.
Mayor Abramowitz said Items 9.a. and 9.b. are to be TABLED due to Item 16 being CONTINUED to July 10,
C/W Glasser MOVED to TABLE Items 9.a. and 9.b., SECONDED by
C/M Katz.
3. PRESENTATION by Sunniland Bank of a donation in the amount of $2,000.00 towards the City's
Fourth of July celebration.
Presentation was made to Mayor Abramowitz on behalf of the City's Fourth of July celebration by Glenn
Meyers, President of Sunniland Bank.
Glenn Myers, President of Sunniland Bank, presented a check for $2,000.00 to Mayor Abramowitz on behalf
of the Tamarac Fourth of July celebration. He expressed his appreciation to Mr. Couzzo and the City Staff.
19. City Council
C/M Katz said he has spoken to City Manager Kelly and Assistant City Manager Dina McDermott regarding a
Development Volunteer Board to be started in the City. He said there are a number of empty stores in the
area and he would like to have some people with expertise who would be willing to serve on this type of
Board to find out why there are so many empty stores and possibly get some businesses back into the City.
C/M Katz said there is a serious drainage problem on Rock Island Road near Christine Lee's Chinese
Restaurant. He said Mr. Couzzo has contacted the County and this problem will be addressed. He said there
has been 40 feet of water from the right-of-way on Rock Island Road which is a dangerous situation.
C/M Katz said he has requested that Carol Evans, City Clerk, contact Kings Point and have the meetings and
notices placed on the Kings Point bulletin board for advertising purposes.
C/W Glasser said the Bermuda Club has been complaining for a long time that they do not have direct
access to a library because many of the people in that area have become elderly and are not driving. She
said the bus they are currently using is only used to go shopping or to the doctor. She said she has worked
out a program with the Mobile Library which will begin in mid-July.
C/W Glasser said there is a problem with the Redistricting Committee dealing with the precinct jurisdictions.
She said according to the Charter, the City cannot redistrict a community that has a split in precincts. She
said she has contacted Jane Carroll's office and it will be taken care of after the State Legislature meets for
20. City Manager
City Manager Kelly said in regard to the ambulance concerns expressed by Mr. Peretzman, he is in constant
communications with the State's Attorneys Office and a request has been made that Mr. Peretzman be
declared a public nuisance. He said Mr. Peretzman has been a source of irritation, aggravation and
harrassment to the City and has cost the City a great deal of money and Staff time in trying to express those
concerns. He said he would suggest to Mr. Peretzman that in order to expedite his concerns he direct them
to the proper source. He said Mr. Norman O'Rourke is no longer handling those types of issues and he
should contact Keith Schaeffer, who is doing that and perhaps they will be able to dismiss him as a public
nuisance much sooner if he directs his correspondence to the proper place.
Mayor Abramowitz said the ambulance service that the City provides is a service that the City gives to the
public which is designated by the County. He said the City of Tamarac had enough foresight and regard for
the people to provide a service to the residents. He said Mr. Peretzman appears and complains at every
meeting. He said Mr. Peretzman has had every opportunity to examine the ambulance records. He said the
City has spent untold thousands of dollars in all of the departments trying to provide and satisfy his
Mayor Abramowitz said the Code forbids him from being involved in administrative matters and all
correspondence should be through the City Manager. He said he plans to poll the Council and have a
Referendum asking the residents if they want the City to continue the ambulance service. He said if the
residents vote it down the City will save a hundred thousand dollars. He said the ambulance service is a
service the City provides.
With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting at 10:40 a.m.
"This public document was promulgated at a cost of $154.17 or $3.43 per copy to inform the general public,
public officers and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of
City Council Regular Meeting
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City Council Regular Meeting
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