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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-08 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting to order on Wednesday, July
8, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in Commission Chambers of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th
Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Joseph Schreiber, Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin, Commissioner John E.
McKaye, Commissioner Karen L. Roberts and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof.
ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager, Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney,
Carol Gold, City Clerk
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Schreiber called for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Tape 1
1. PRESENTATION: Mayor Schreiber presented a proclamation to Mr. James
Smith honoring him for fifty years of service in scouting.
State Representative Debbie Wasserman -Schultz gave a report on this past
legislative session.
2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Marvin Seidel, 9645 N. Belfort Circle, addressed the
light installation at the fire station and the proposed senior and community
Joel Rosenblum, 8201 NW 85 Avenue, spoke of gang activities and a vendetta.
Bob Franklin, 4970 Sabal Palm Boulevard, acknowledged the beautification
efforts of the City and spoke of maintaining City property.
3. City Commission: Commissioner Roberts thanked Parks and Recreation for the
July 4th Celebration and reported the Tamarac Bulldogs' upcoming wrestling
match will take place on July 28, 1998.
Commissioner McKaye reported the sign has been erected at Caporella Park.
Commissioner Sultanof reported that Tamarac is in full compliance with the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and acknowledged Mr. Smith for his service to
the community.
Mayor Schreiber spoke of the success of the July 41h celebration and
congratulated the Tamarac Tomcats for winning the State competition. He
reported on meetings with the Sheriff and School Board Officials. 4
4. City Attorney_: City Attorney Kraft had no report.
5. City Manager: City Manager Noe reported the Chamber of Commerce wishes to
hold political events in the Commission Chambers, the City is co -sponsoring small
business workshops with the Chamber and four City firefighters were sent upstate to
fight the fires and two will more go next week. He also reported that the hiring of new
firefighters has been completed and that the City is in full compliance with the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Mr. Noe said he was proud of the July 41h event and
spoke of Parks and Recreation programming. He reported the City has received a
$75,000 grant for median beautification, that there were some Hiatus Road construction
problems and that a Veterans' Affairs Counselor will be available. He mentioned that
he wants to add two items to the regular agenda.
City Manager Noe requested the Commission remove items #6c, 6d and 6e from the
Consent Agenda. Commissioner Sultanof so moved, seconded by Commissioner
Roberts. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes,"
Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes."
Motion carried.
6. Vice Mayor Mishkin, seconded by Commissioner Roberts moved to adopt items
6a through 6n, excluding items 6c, 6d and 6e. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted
"yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner
McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
a. Minutes of the June 24, 1998 Regular City Commission meeting.
b. Temporary Resolution #8302, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
execute an Engineering Agreement with Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., to provide
preliminary design, final design, bidding services and construction administration
services for the construction of a two million gallon water storage tank and
associated necessary improvements at the Water Treatment Plant site for a
proposed amount not to exceed $198,800.00, and approve funding from the
appropriate Utilities Operational and CIAC accounts.
f. Temporary Resolution #8294 authorizing the appropriate City Officials
to release a Public Improvement Performance Bond in the form of an Irrevocable
Standby Letter of Credit #S960456 from SunTrust Bank, Miami, NA, in the
amount of $30,565.00 subject to the receipt of a one-year Warranty Bond in the 41
amount of $9,276.63 for the Water Distribution System Improvements installed
by Lennar Homes, Inc., for the Kings Point Commercial Plaza Project located on
the southeast corner of Nob Hill Road and NW 77" Street.
g. Temporary Resolution #8267, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
accept a Bill of Sale Absolute from Lennar Homes, Inc., for the Offsite Water
Distribution System Improvements installed for the Southampton Project, located on
the west side of Nob Hill Road between NW 80'h Street and NW 71" Place for City
h. Temporary Resolution #8325, authorizing the appropriate City Officials
to convey real property to Jinda Lwin as consideration for real property received
from Jinda Lwin to secure land for the ultimate construction of Hiatus Road.
i. Temporary Resolution #8324, accepting the 1998 Florida Legislature
appropriation of $25,000 and authorizing a match from the City in the amount of
$25,000 to provide enhancements to the Veterans Memorial Park Project;
approving an interfund transfer from the General Fund to the Grants Fund in the
amount of $25,000; amending the Annual Grants Fund Budget of Estimated
Revenues and Expenditures in the amount of $25,000.
j. Temporary Resolution #8318, vacation of easements and rights -of -way
(R.O.W.) within the Woodmont/Bonaire Environmentally Sensitive Land (ESL)
IP located at NW 80 Avenue, north of McNab Road; specifically a Portion of
"Woodmont 74 and 75", according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book
108, Page 39 of the Public Records of Broward County. Case No. 4-P-98 MF#9-
k. Temporary Resolution #8320 authorizing the appropriate City officials to
execute an agreement between the City of Tamarac and the Woodlands
Homeowners' Association, Inc., a Florida corporation, to provide for maintenance
of public waterways within the Woodlands subdivision.
I. Temporary Resolution #8328, amending the salary for the Assistant City
M. Temporary Resolution #8305 authorizing the appropriate City officials to
purchase a Grounds Master 223 D riding lawn mower, from Hector Turf
Company, utilizing the General Services Administration (GSA) Contract #GS-
07F-8722D, at a cost not to exceed $13,586.47, approving funding from the
appropriate Parks and Recreation Operating Account.
n. Temporary Resolution #8329, authorizing the appropriate City Officials
to execute a supplemental agreement with the Federation of Public and Private
Employees (FPE); authorizing budgetary transfer of funds. 41
6c. Motion to Adopt Temporary Resolution #8298 authorizing the appropriate City
officials to execute an agreement with Bellsouth Business Systems to expand the
telephone system throughout the City at a cost of $31,862.20.
Levent Sucuoglu, Director of MIS, gave a presentation and addressed questions
Commissioner McKaye, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved for adoption. On roll
call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts
"yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
6d. Motion to Adopt Temporary Resolution #8290 authorizing the appropriate City
officials to execute an agreement with BellSouth Business Systems for the provision of a
Megalink and Megalink Channel Telecommunication Service (ML/MLCS) at a cost of
$1,561.09 per month for a period of 60 months; plus the cost of installation in the amount
of $5,559.50.
6e. Motion to Adopt Temporary Resolution #8289 authorizing the appropriate City
officials to execute an agreement with BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., for the
provision of twenty (20) non-consecutive direct inward dial (DID) numbers at a cost of
$224.20 per month plus the cost of installation in the amount of $630 already included in
the installation and monthly services charges of the Megalink/Megalink Channel Service
(ML/MLCS) Agreement.
Levent Sucuoglu, Director of MIS, gave a presentation on both items 6d and 6e and
addressed questions. Commissioner McKaye, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved
for adoption of 6d and 6e. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner
Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor
Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
Additional Items
City Manager Noe requested two items be added to the regular agenda. Commissioner
McKaye, seconded by Vice Mayor Mishkin, moved the Support for McNab Road
Widening be added as #13. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner
Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor
Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved the Grant 41
Request be added as #14. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner
Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor
Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
7. Motion to ado t TemporaU Ordinance # 1824, amending Chapter 7 of the
Tamarac Code entitled "Fire Prevention and Protection", Article 1, in general by adding
Section 7-1 entitled "Blasting Prohibited", providing for the ban on explosives within the
City of Tamarac on first reading. Tabled on June 24, 1998.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance #1824 by title. Vice Mayor Mishkin,
seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved for adoption on first reading. On roll call, Vice
Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes,"
Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
8. Motion to adopt Temporary Ordinance #1825, amending Chapter 12, "License
and Business Regulations", by amending Article II, "Occupational Licenses", by
amending Section 12-39, "Amount of Fee" to modify Occupational License Fees for the
classifications for Storage Facilities; establishing equity between license classifications
and license fees and establishing additional license classifications for the classifications
for storage/warehouses, and amending the language for insurance companies to
establish parity. Case No. 7-Z-98
toCity Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance #1825, revision #2, by title on first reading.
Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved for adoption. On roll
call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts
"yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
9. Motion to adopt Temporary Resolution #8331, approving a referendum
question for the acquisition and construction of a senior and community center to be
financed by general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,250,000 and
providing for the levy and pledge of ad valorem taxes to pay for the principal, interest
and other allowable costs of the general obligation bonds; providing that if the
referendum is approved by a majority of the electorate, then the City Commission shall
have authorization to pass, adopt, and approve additional resolutions or ordinances
providing for the acquisition and construction of the community center, the issuance of
the general obligation bonds and the levy and pledge of ad valorem taxes therefore.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8331, revision #1, by title. Commissioner
McKaye, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved for adoption. Parks and Recreation
Director Margoles gave a staff update. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes,"
Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes"
and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
10. Motion to adopt Temporary Resolution #8314, Issuing Revised Development
Order No. 193.1 and Major Revised Site Plan approval for the Evangelical Covenant
Church to allow the addition of a 3,618 square foot Sanctuary Building, and a Limited
Parking Waiver to reduce the number of required parking spaces from eighty-two (82)
to seventy-two (72). Case No. 9-SP-98-MF#39-76
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8314 by title and explained quasi-judicial
proceedings. Commissioner McKaye, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved for
adoption. Gary Foster, Contractor, Fred Grantham, Architect and Reverend David
Anderson waived their quasi-judicial rights. City Planner King gave a presentation and
addressed Commission questions. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and no one
wishing to speak; the public hearing was closed. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted
"yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye
"Yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
11. Motion to adopt Temporary Resolution #8315, issuing Revised Development
Order No. 241.1 and Major Revised Site Plan approval for McDonald's Restaurant to
allow the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new 4,053 square
foot building. Case No. 13-SP-93-MF#25-77
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8315 by title and explained quasi-judicial
proceedings. Commissioner Sultanof, seconded by Vice Mayor Mishkin, moved for
adoption. Gus Bustillo, representing McDonald's, waived quasi-judicial rights and
answered Commission questions. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and no one
wishing to speak; the public hearing was closed. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted
"yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye
"yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
12. Motion to adopt Temporary Resolution #8327, issuing Development Order
No. 308 and granting New Development Site Plan approval to the Media One Hub
Facility for the construction of a 1,024 square foot building, located at 8200 West
McNab Road; specifically Lot 10, Block 35 of the "McNab Commercial Subdivision No.
2" Plat, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 73, Page 28 of the Public
Records of Broward County, Florida. Case No. 17-SP-98-MF#1-98.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8327 by title and explained quasi-
judicial proceedings. Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Vice Mayor Mishkin, moved
for adoption. Bret Nein from CCL Consultants, representing the applicant, waived quasi-
judicial rights. Planner King gave a presentation and addressed Commission questions.
Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing and no one wishing to speak; the public
hearing was closed. On roll call, Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner Sultanof
"yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber
"yes." Motion carried.
13. Motion to Adopt Temporary Resolution #8340, expressing support for the
Broward County plan to widen McNab Road from University Drive to west of Pine Island
Road and related traffic changes; providing for conflicts.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution 8340 by title. Commissioner Roberts,
seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved for adoption. After discussion, roll was
called as follows: Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes,"
Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes."
Motion carried.
14. Motion to Adopt Temporary Resolution #8343, authorizing the appropriate
City official to seek grant funding from the Department Of Justice, Office Of Community
Oriented Policing Services, in the amount of $375,000 in order to provide funding for
salaries and benefits of five (5) new police officers over a three year time period.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8343, by title. Vice Mayor Mishkin,
seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved for adoption. After discussion, roll was
called as follows: Vice Mayor Mishkin voted "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes,"
Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes."
Motion carried.
There being no further business, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Carol Gold
City Clerk
�Z4Joe Schreiber