HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-09-26 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1990 CALL TO .ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on Wednesday, September 26, 1990 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers. MEDITATION AND _PLEDGE _Or ALLErMZANCEL Mayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Moment of Silent Meditation for the service men and women overseas. Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Bruce Hoffman Councilman Dr. Larry Bender Councilman Henry Schumann ABSENT AM RXCM=-- Councilman Henry Rohr ALSO ____PRE SENT John P. Kelly, City Manager Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Karen Jackson, Secretary 4. a. authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a tri-party agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Florida Power & Light Company to access electricity for bus shelters from FDOT light poles along University Drive and State Road 7. TABLED * V/M Hoffman NOVED to TABLE , SECONDED by * C/M Schumann. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 4. Items listed under Consent Agenda, Item 4 are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a. NOT14N TO AD922 ' R- Reso. 65876 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a tri-party agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Florida Power & Light Company to access electricity for bus shelters from FDOT light poles along University Drive and State Road 7. Page 1 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ P.ty Clark b. MOTIgp_Tq APPROVE the minutes of the following City Council meetings: i 1) 9/12/90 - Regular Meeting 2) 9/17/90 - Special Budget Public Hearing XN4R A X&___Qr ACTION! PROVED j C. MOTION TO APPROVE a model sales facility for SPRING MOUSE APARTMENTS, 5700 Rock Island Road, Building 10,Units 391, 393 and 394, for a six-month period from 9/26/90 to 3/26/91 (tabled on 9/12/90). SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED $pg*nparing/Utilitias d. MOTION TO , MYX Change Order #1 to the contract with Man -- Con, Inc., providing for a 60--day extension to the completion date of TUW Project 89--37, Stormwater Drainage Retention Area, as excavated material from this project will to used on TUW Project 89-42, Canal Culvert Drainage Pipe Extensions; the new contract completion date is 11/23/90. AqR,fl_X$ OF ACTION: APPROVED e. MOTION TQ=MRAMM Change Order #1 to the contract with Man - Con, Inc., providing for a 60-day extension to the com letion date of TUW Project 89-42, Canal Culvert and Drainage ipe Extensions, as a result of difficulties experienced in matching the existing piping with available piping being produced; the new contract completion date is 11/16/90J AYNOPSTA PF ACTION: APPROVED f. MOTION_ To,APq)tT Ter4p. Reap, #,5077 releasing a cash performance bond in the amount of $2,000.00 posted by D.R.D. Enterprises posted to guarantee completion of Bid #90-7, Excavation and Disposal of Slaked Lime Sludge and Detrittis from COLONY WEST COUNTRY CLUB Canal. AYNOP$7�ft OF ACTION: RESOLUTION NO. R-90-211-PASSED APPROVED * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Consent Agenda with the exception of Item 4.a. which was tabled, SECOND$D by C/M Bender. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Mayor Abramowitz said he wanted to TABLE Item 1 temporarily. He announced the City was expecting Governor Bob Martinez and Sheriff Nick Navarro momentarily at which time he would recess the meeting to welcome them to the City of Tamarac. 2. R4WNTATION by City Manager Kelly of a plaque to RUSSELL DIADONE, Utilities West, for exceptional safety performance. RYNPPSXP OF 4rTTON: PRESENTATION made. City Manager Kelly presented the plaque to Russell Diadone for his exceptional safety performance in the line of duty and expressed the City's appreciation. Page 2 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ n 3. STATION by City Manager Kelly of a five --year service award to MADELINE CAMPONOVO. PRESENTATION made. 0 City Manager Kelly read the recognition of the five years of service to Madeline Camponovo, who worked in the offices of the City Manager, Planning and Finance Departments. Mayor Abramowitz asked City Manager Kelly to ask Staff to remain to welcome Governor Bob Martinez and Sheriff Nick Navarro. 5. NOTION „TO —APPROVE the City Manager's appointment of Mary Blasi as Finance Director. SYNOPSIS OF ACCTION APPROVED City Manager Kelly said he is appointing Mary Blasi as the new Finance Director, effective October 1, 1990. He said she is a graduate of Notre Dame, is a CPA and has been the Finance Director in the cities of Dania and Hallandale and was highly regarded there. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Mary Blasi as the new Finance * Director, SECONDED by C/M Schumann. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 6. KQXZQN TO APPROVE the purchase of a stationary drainage engine from Reagan Equipment Company as a single source vendor at a cost of $27,750.00. ,• • •, OM= Mike Couzzo, Director of Public Works and Parks and Recreation, said this is a purchase of a stationary canal drainage engine for the C--14 canals. He said the City has a five year program of replacing the engines. He said the City has solicited bids from ten vendors and has received none. He said Reagan Equipment Company is the only company that has supplied this engine in the past four years. He said price has been negotiated with them and they submitted a proposal. He said he recommends approval. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE the purchase of a stationary * drainage engine from Reagan Equipment Company, SECONDED by * C/M Bender. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Page 3 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ RKS OUTIONS 7. MTXPN TO AWPT T"R, steno_ #5879 awarding Bid #90-24 to Allied Universal, Inc., at an estimated cost of $12,300.00 to provide chlorine supplies for Fiscal Year 1990/91. SXNOPSIS OF Ac,TXDIJ;. RESOLUTION NO. R-90-212-PISSED APPROVED City Attorney Ruf read To". Reno�A5,82A by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to ADOPT Tamp_ Agpq, #5978, SECONDED by * C/M Bender. i Bob Foy, Director of Engineering/Utilities, said the City has met all the Staff and Code requirements for the bidding of this item. He said this is the annual requirement for chlorine for the treatment of the City's water. He said about a ton and a half of chlorine is used every week and this order is needed to insute the supply for next year. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 8. VpTXal� TO ADOPT Tamp_ Reno_ #587-q awarding Bid #90-25 tc Jones Chemical Inc., at an estimated cost of $5,000.00 to provide hydrofluosilicic acid for Fiscal Year 1990/91. MUM QZ ACTION. RESOLUTION NO. R-90-213-PASSED APPROVED City Attorney Ruf read Tpmp, Reno_ #587P by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to ADOPT TorW_ Reno_ #AR71, SECONDED by * C/M Schumann. Bob Foy said this is the annual requirement for flouride for the treatment of the City's water. He said the City has met all the Staff and Code requirement for this. He said the City uses about 100 pounds of flouride every week and, as part of the Grant requirement, this is the last that was subsidized and he recommends approval. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 9. N6TIOH.. TO ADOPT Tewp _Mono _ #5980 awarding Bid # 90--2 6 t4� Allied Lime Company at an estimated cost of $130,000.00 to provide quicklime for Fiscal Year 1990/91. A'XNOPSIS , OF DICTION_ RESOLUTION NO. R--90-214-PA,LSSED APPROVED City Attorney Ruf read Tprp, )RRR2,A #,$BQ by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to ADOPT XAMp_ Xgan_ #5990, SECONDED by * C/M Bender. Bob Foy said the City uses two semi -truckloads of lime every week in the processing of potable water. He said this is the requirement for all of next year and all Staff and Code requirements have been met and he recommended approval. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Page 4 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ C] 1 10. MOTION TO AnopT Tamp_ Reno____#5884 revising the fee for residential garbage collection from $9.51 to $9.96 per month and for condominium garbage collection from $4.69 to $4.91 per month based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). RESOLUTION NO. R-90-215-PASSED r City Manager Kelly said in the garbage contracts for the City, it provides for two rate increases, one of which is based on the tipping fee which will not be seen until June 1, 1991. He said the one that will go into effect in October, 1990, is the one granted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index that was provided out of Atlanta through the month of June which was 4.6%. He said that percentage increase provides going from $9.51 on a single family home to $9.96 per month. He said the condominium increase will be from $4.69 to $4.91 per month. He said this still ranks about the lowest in Broward County and in Fort Lauderdale, effective October 1, 1990, they will increase to $21.00 per month. He said on June 1, 1991, the residents of the City of Tamarac will see an increase of about $14.00 per month for single family units. He said the condos will increase another $2.36. Mayor Abramowitz said Council has no control over these increases. He said forgetting about the contract the City has with Waste Management, the City has about the lowest rates in Broward County. He said Waste Management has control over all garbage disposal. He said within the upcoming months, there will be a lot of articles in the newspapers regarding the fight the Broward League of Cities is having with Waste Management regarding their fees. C/M Bender said there is a two year obligation left of the five year contract. City Attorney Ruf read Tamp_ Reno__#5884 by title. * C/M Bender MOVED to ADOPT Tamg_ Reno. #5884, SECONDED by * V/M Hoffman. ►101 T9 F � 4 qW141-41 MIWAJ#� 11. MOTION TO ADOPT Tamp_ Reno_ #5881 awarding Bid #90-14 for group health insurance to Humana Health Care. RESOLUTION NO. R-90-216-PASSED APPROVED City Attorney Ruf read Temp_Re20___#5881 by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to ADOPT ,emn_ Reso_ #5881, SECONDED by * C/M Bender. Susan M. Tillman, Risk Manager, said the City entertained competitive bids for health insurance, and presently has the Humana Health Plan. She said through competitive bidding the City might be able to find lower prices. She said five companies bid on the health insurance but the motion has been made to renew with the Humana Health Plan. She said it was the only plan that carried the present coverages everyone seemed to want. Page 5 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ Mayor Abramowitz said that this plan and anything regardin insurance is in current negotiations with the two unions i k-he City He said these plans have been presented to the unio s and they are working with the City Ms Tillman said a survey was done with eleven other Browa d cities which have all received increases between 0% and 98 and the City of Tamarac's increase came in at about 26 VOTE ORD T VANCAA P1 MMUn4y -pevd 110mont ALL VOTED AYE 12 FOT;rON TO WPT-ffenT, 9r4 #1516 on first reading to a tablish occupational license tax classifications and fees for time hare joint ownership apartment units SIXIIP,P"S _01F APTXQ)R APPROVED on first reading Second reading and public hearing wil be held on Wednesday, October 10, 1990, at 10 00 A M City Attorney Ruf read To*p Prd Jlj�_fi by title * V/M Hoffman MOVED to ADOPT Temp {Xd #153,4, SECONDED y * C/M Bender Kelly Carpenter, Director of Community Development, said th s is a proposal to ammend the fee schedule for occupational licenses in the City to include a provision for the licensing of time-slLare units She said time-shares are the joint ownership or the lease of vacation property to which the principals occupy the pro erty individually for set periods of time She said occupaticna licenses as proposed in this Ordinance will be required by the individual owners, brokers and realtor salesmen She said Section 24-434 of the Code of Ordinances in Commercial uses waould allow this and will allow time-share in the City's residential districts She said occupational licenses would be as fall ws 1) For the owners of each unit per week, $20 00, 2) For the roal estate brokers a $200 00 licensing fee for each real estate, 3) For the realtor salesman a fee of $50 00 each, 4) For the time- share management and leasing offices also proposed to be occupational licensed She said Staff recommends approval VOTE ALL VOTE AYE Mayor Abramowitz announced that he does not want to go into the Public Forum due to expecting Governor Martinez He said h cannot go into the Public Hearing until 10 00 A M as recpized by law RFPgRT3 21 qa ty cgvnq*l Repp,t C/M Schumann - No Report C/M Bender said a recent article in USA Today stated that the U S Conference of Mayors, fearing a massive 1990 undercut in many of the U S cities is forming an attack team to pressure the Census Bureau and Congress to adjust the census numbers He said as of Friday, September 21, 1990, the most recent day the fiiade ures were available, about one of every six cities in the countryhad decided to challenge the 1990 Census He said that figure i expected to go higher He said the Census Bureau conceded tat there were errors made and he feels an adjustment should to to compensate for these errors He requested that Council give direction to City Manager Kelly to prepare and transmit a le ter to the Census Bureau requesting that the City of Tamarac, Population estimated by the Census Bureau to be 44,192, be Page 6 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ 1 1 1 adjusted upward by 15%. He said this request is necessitated by the fact that it is essential that the City receive its fair share of annual revenue sharing funds from both the State and Federal Government. Council agreed and Mayor Abramowitz instructed City Manager Kelly to prepare a letter protesting the census count and to indicate a request of a 15% upgrade on the count. V/M Hoffman - No report. 22. Citx MaA300X Z2RQitA 23. City Manager Kelly - No Report City Attorney Ruf - No Report Mayor Abramowitz introduced reporters Ron Dawkins, of the Miami Herald, and Trevor Jensen, of the Sun Sentinel. He said he had been brutalized by the newspapers regarding an incident which happened in the City and he said he has been upset about this. He said every television channel and every newspaper received a phone call regarding a merchant's statement that the City of Tamarac was undemocratic because they would not let him fly an American flag on top of his roof. Due to a visit by Governor Bob Martinez and Sheriff Nick Navarro, Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED the meeting at 9:30 A.M. 1. PRESENTATION of a plaque to KEN BURROUGHS, Finance Director, on his retirement. PRESENTATION made by Governor Bob Martinez. Mayor Abramowitz RECONVENED the meeting at 10:00 A.M. He said he received a call that the Governor wanted him to escort him around Tamarac. He said the Council meeting was scheduled and he was asked if the Governor could visit during the meeting. He expressed his appreciation that the Governor came to Tamarac. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED the Public Hearing at 10:00 A.M. 13. a. MOTION TO LWJ= Affidavits of Publication and Posting for Petition #21-Z-90 b• on second reading concerning a request by Ralph E. Lee, Jr., and Joanne Lee to rezone lands in the west half of Tract 9 of Land Section 7, on McNab Road west of Nob Hill Road, from R-4A (Planned Apartments) to LI-1 (Light Industrial) to Conform to the City Land Use Plan and the Broward County Land Use Plan. Petition #21-Z-90 ORDINANCE NO. 0-90-36-PASSED a. ACCEPTED AFFIDAVITS b. Public Hearing held. APPROVED on second and final reading. * a. V/M Hoffman MOVED to ACCZJT Affidavits of Publication and * Posting for. J&M2. Ord #1515, SECONDED by C/M Bender. VOTZ : ALL VOTED AYZ City Attorney Ruf read by title. Page 7 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ b. C/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE XjW_ Ord_ #1515, SECONOED by V/M Hoffman. Kelly Carpenter said this is a rezoning Petition #21-Z-90 by Ralph E. Lee, Jr, and Joanne Lee. She said this is an application to rezone property which is currently zoned R-4A (Residential) to LI-1 (Light Industrial). She said the property is located south of McNab Road and will have frontage On McNab Road. She said it is west of the alignment for Hiatus Road and does not have access onto Hiatus Road. She said the property is approximately 7.42 acres and is designated industrial on both the Tamarac and County Land Use Plans. She said the surrounding land uses are the following: north -neighborhood business and single family north of McNab Road, east -industrial, south -industrial and west -industrial; although all the rezonings have not been accomplished. She'said the Planning Commission recommended approval of this rezoni�g and Staff supports the rezoning to bring this property into conformance with the City and County Land Use Plans. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with no response. VOTE: GppaVAX AdmininjErAt4Vq ALL VOTE AYE 14. PVBLXC,_ Z iR1NG - NOTTON TO ADOPT TpRR, 9rd_ 41508 on � second reading to approve a non-exclusive franchise agreement withIALL SERVICE REFUSE for commercial garbage and trash collection.; ,QYNOPPXtS OF ACTIONI ORDINANCE NO. 0-90-37-PASSAD APPROVED on second and final reading. Public Hearing held. City Manager Kelly said this is the second reading on all the non- exclusive franchise agreements for commercial garbage collection. He said each franchisee pays to the City a cash bond and $15C,00 renewal fee. He said all franchisees have done so, except for Industrial Waste Services, which will do so later in the day. He said the rates were increased this year. He said the bonds are in place and the services are operating, except for Larry O'Connor, who does not operate in the City but does pay his renewal and bond fees every year. He said the minimal cash bond for anyone doing business in the City is $2,500.00. City Attorney Ruf read Tpgp, Ord. Q1AQQ by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE TapR, Ord_ #1,SLQ8, SECONDED by * C/M Bender. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED the Public Hearing. Anthony Grimaldi, resident of Heathgate, asked the fee amount of the required. City Manager Kelly said the fee for All Service is a $5,C00,00 cash bond. He said the cash bond that they post is a minimum of $2,500.00 or the equivalent of three months revenues. He said there is a renewal fee of $150.00 and the cash bond is $5,000,00. Anthony Grimaldi asked if this money is presently posted with the City. City Manager Kelly said all are, except for Industrial Waste Services which will pay later in the afternoon. Mayor Abramowitz CLOSED the Public Hearing with no further' response. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Page 8 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ 11 FJ 1 1 i 15. P21LIC on second reading to approve a non-exclusive franchise agreement with BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES OF FLORIDA, INC., for commercial garbage and trash collection. sYNopsxs Off' ACTXQU; ORDINANCE NO. 0-90-38-PASSED APPROVED on second and final reading. Public Hearing held. V/M Hoffman said there had been complaints regarding Browning - Ferris Industries violating the City's Ordinance regarding the time of commencement of service. He said City Manager Kelly has discussed the Ordinance with Browning -Ferris Industries and they apologized and will comply with the Ordinance. City Attorney Ruf read Temg-Ord_ 41510 by title. * C/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE mn- Qrd_ 41510, SECONDED by * V/M Hoffman. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with no response. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 16. PUBLIC SEARING -_ MOTION TO ADOPT Tom_ Ord_ 41511 on second reading to approve a non-exclusive franchise agreement with COUNTY WASTE, INC., for commercial garbage and trash collection. AXNQZAIA 2Z ACTION: ORDINANCE NO. 0-90-39-PASSED APPROVED on second and final reading. Public Hearing held. City Attorney Ruf read j'emn_ Ord_ 41511 by title. * C/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Tames_ Ord_ 41511, SECONDED by * V/M Hoffman. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with no response. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 17. ZJZJJL _=ARING __- MOTION TO ADOPT Tg, Ord_- 41509 on second reading to approve a non-exclusive franchise agreement with INDUSTRIAL WASTE SERVICES, INC., for commercial garbage and trash collection. �YNOPSXS__OF ACTION: ORDINANCE NO. 0-90-40-PASSED APPROVED on second and final reading subject to payment of bond in the amount of $1,650.00. Public Hearing held. City Attorney Ruf said to enter "contingent upon payment of fee" into the motion and read T2. Ord. #1509 by title. * V/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE Tame¢_ #1509 subject to * payment of bond, SECONDED by C/M Bender. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with no response. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 18. PtMLTC HEARING - on second reading to approve a non-exclusive franchise agreement with LARRY O'CONNOR SANITATION SERVICES for commercial garbage and trash collection. ORDINANCE NO. 0-90-41-PASSED APPROVED on second and final reading. Public Hearing held. City Attorney Ruf read TES, Ord_ #1512 by title. Page 9 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ * C/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE T"y_ pfd, #1P12, SECONDED by * V/M Hoffman. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with 2io response. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 19. FRAUC BAARING - ?9R'IQW TQ MQPT, Tagp ` Ord- #1513 on second reading to approve a non-exclusive franchise agreement with SOUTHERN SANITATION SERVICE for commercial garbage and trash collection. AYNOPSI$ �Q)r -AQTION! ORDINANCE NO. 0-90-42-PAS SCD APPROVED on second and final reading. Public Hearing held. City Attorney Ruf read T&vp_ Ord_ OAX3 by title. * V/M Hoffman DROVED to APPROVE Tegp_ prd_ #19", SECONDED by * C/M Bender. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with, no response. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE QR� PUBLIC FORUM 20. OPEN PUAAXr- FORUM Melanie Reynolds, resident, said she wanted to clarify a statement made at the Public Hearing on September 25, 1990. She said she was talking about the Code Enforcement Department and Mayor Abramowitz was talking about the Code Enforcement Board, which is a legal entity. Melanie Reynolds said there were oversized advertisements in the newspaper which cost over $2,000.00. She asked when Council stet to appropriate this money for these advertisements. Mayor Abramowitz said he would research this and would let her know. Melanie Reynolds asked when Council authorized the issuance of a special edition of the Tam -A -Gram that was asking for voter approval for the various Referendum items which cost between $600 and $1,200. Mayor Abramowitz said he did not see anything in that issue that was anything other than information. He said it was brought before the Public Information Committee, written by the City Manager and was edited and approved by the Public Information Committee. He said he felt it was a non -political article. City Manager Kelly said it did not ask for voter approval on my of the items and they were very careful in preparing the article. Melanie Reynolds asked when Council decided on the car for City Manager Kelly and the lease of a car for Assistant City Manager McDermott. City Manager Kelly said Assistant City Manager McDermott's dar lease was approved at a regularly scheduled meeting when her salary was increased by $5,000.00 and, at the same time, the car was authorized by Resolution. Anthony Grimaldi, resident of Heathgate, said there was a Resolution passed this morning increasing the garbage fees. He suggested surveying the garbage being picked up. Page 10 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ Mayor Abramowitz said it states in a five year contract how much the increase will be. V/M Hoffman said that this is one of the best contracts held by the City, and when it expires, there will be a tremendous increases in garbage fees. Anthony Grimaldi said there should be a survey done to prove to Waste Management that there is less waste than what they say. Mayor Abramowitz said he and Dennis Urbanski, Head of Waste Management, have been debating the prices. He said there is a continuous battle between the Broward League of Cities and Waste Management, He said he was the only City Representative that voted not to allow Waste Management to bring garbage in from Monroe County. He said they are going to charge Monroe County less money than they charge the residents of Broward County. He said the Mayor of Coconut Creek and others have since reversed their decision and are opposing it. He said the County Commission gave them permission to reverse their decisions and the County Commission is trying to make a decision. Mayor Abramowitz said there is nowhere else to go to take the garbage besides Waste Management. He said Waste Management is buying control in all waste removal facilities. Anthony Grimaldi said to try to negotiate with them. He suggested the City create a garbage business of their own. Mayor Abramowitz said Deerfield Beach's garbage removal is $21.00 per month to their residents and the City of Deerfield Beach pays $1.4 million to subsidize their Garbage Department. He said they are one of the few cities that has their own Garbage Department. Anthony Grimaldi said Waste Management needs to be fought. Mayor Abramowitz said next year, when the contract is to be renegotiated, public hearings should be held with Waste Management present. V/M Hoffman said he was Sanitation Commissioner in Long Island years ago and, at that time, each home paid three times as much as the residents of Tamarac are paying Waste Management presently. Mayor Abramowitz ended the meeting by wishing a very healthy and happy New Year to his Jewish and non-Jewish friends and neighbors. With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting at 10:30 A.M. CAROL A. EVANS, CITY CLERK "This public document was promulgated at copy to inform the general public, public recent opinions and considerations of the Tamarac." _WA& rD ORMAN ABRMOVITZ, MAYOR cost of $101.26 or- $2-,Al per officers and employees .of - City Council of the City of CITY OF TAMARAC APPR ED AT MEETING City Clerk Page 11 City Council Regular Meeting 09/26/90/KJ