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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-22 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting to order on Wednesday, October 22, 1997, at 9:00 a.m. in Commission Chambers of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT - Mayor Joseph Schreiber Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin Commissioner John E. McKaye Commissioner Karen L. Roberts Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, CMC, City Clerk Phyllis Polikoff, Office Specialist PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Schreiber called for the Pledge of Allegiance. Tape 1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Any member of the public may speak to any issue which is not agendized for public hearing at this meeting. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. When an issue has been designated as quasi-judicial, public remarks shall only be heard during a quasi-judicial hearing that has been properly noticed for that matter. Helen Sobel, 8605 NW 59 Place, commented on Social Services eliminating transportation to the Lighthouse for the Blind, fees for I.D. cards at the Multi - Purpose Center and proposed increases for Social Service transportation. City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 2 Nathan Peretzman, 6600 NW 57 Court, commented on water and sewer rates. Helen Garr, 9496 S. Belfort Circle, commented on the company transporting residents to the Lighthouse for the Blind. Abe Garr, 9496 S. Belfort Circle and Co -Chairman of Tamarac Committee for Good Government, suggested that City Commissioners identify themselves by name and voting district and the need for another school in Tamarac. Milt Siegel, David Silvergleid and Florence Roth, residents, commented on the blasting in Land Section 7. Marvin Seidel, 9645 N. Belfort Circle, discussed a traffic signal to slow traffic adjacent to Fire Station #1 on Pine Island Road and a petition from Kings Point to stop the blasting in Land Section 7. Bernie James, 9953 N. Belfort Circle, requested a turning light on Nob Hill Road and NW 71 st Place. Walter Coghlan, 4806 NW 49 Court, concurred with Helen Sobel about Social Services not transporting to the Lighthouse for the Blind, proposed increases in Social Services transportation and the blasting in Land Section 7. CONSENT AGENDA 2. Items listed under Consent Agenda are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by ONE MOTION in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. d. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8026 establishing Fiscal Year 1998 user fees for the Tamarac Social Services Transportation Program. REMOVED for DISCUSSION. See Page 5 for final action. e. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #7991 establishing Fiscal Year 1998 user fees for the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Department programs and facilities. REMOVED for DISCUSSION. See Page 5 for final action. Comm. Roberts requested Items 2.d. and 2.e. be REMOVED for DISCUSSION. Comm. Sultanof MOVED to REMOVE both for discussion, SECONDED by Comm. McKaye. City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 3 VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 2. a. MOTION TO APPROVE the minutes of the 10/8/97 Regular City Commission meeting. APPROVED b. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8027 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an Interlocal agreement with Broward County for the operating and capital costs of a temporary branch library in Tamarac. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-249 C. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8017 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Hold Harmless Agreement with Columbia University Hospital and Medical Center donating and administering 1,000 free flu shots to Tamarac residents at the Tamarac Recreation Center on November 6, 1997. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-250 f. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #7987 increasing and restructuring Building Department permit fees. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-252 g. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #7999 amending the Community Development Department development review fee schedule and establishing additional development review classifications and fees. Case No. 15-Z-97. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-253 h. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #7523 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute the First Amendment to the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with Bedding Barn, Inc., for the BEDDING BARN project located at 8201 W. Commercial Boulevard. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-254 4 City Commission October 22, 1997 Page 4 Regular Meeting 2. i. MOTION TO ADOPT Tem . Reso. #8013 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute Addendum 97-01 to the contract with Hazen and Sawyer to provide predesign, standard drawings, upgrade design, bidding services and construction administration services for the installation of electrical panels for Pump Stations 23, 31, 32, 20, 27, 34 and 35 as defined in the approved FY 96 and FY 97 Capital Improvement Program for a proposed amount not to exceed $52,000. in accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution R-96-163 and approve funding from the appropriate Utilities Operational accounts. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-255 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #7930 accepting a Quit Claim Deed from Broward County for County -owned property located in Tamarac acquired by the County by virtue of the property being delinquent ad valorem tax payment lands. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-266 k. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8011 authorizing the City Attorney to hire Vanessa T. Steinerts as Assistant City Attorney at a salary consistent with the annual budget of the City Commission. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-257 MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8031 appointing Stanley Hawthorne as Assistant City Manager/Finance Director effective October 22, 1997. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-258 M. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8022 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement with Mitchell Ceasar, P.A., as the City's lobbyist. (tabled on 10/8/97) APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-259 V/M Mishkin MOVED APPROVAL of Consent Agenda Items 2.a. through 2.m. with the exception of Item 2.d. which was removed for discussion on Page 2 and TABLED on Page 5 and Item 2.e. which was removed for discussion on Page 2 and APPROVED on Page 5 as amended to eliminate the portion of Section 2 pertaining to summer camp fees, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof, VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE LJ 1 1- 1 City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 5 2. d. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8026 establishing Fiscal Year It 1998 user fees for the Tamarac Social Services Transportation Program. REMOVED for discussion on Page 2. TABLED After discussion, Comm. Roberts MOVED to TABLE, SECONDED by Comm. McKaye. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE e. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #7991 establishing Fiscal Year 1998 user fees for the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Department programs and facilities. REMOVED for discussion on Page 2. APPROVED as amended to eliminate the portion of Section 2 pertaining to summer camp fees. RESOLUTION R-97-251 After discussion, Comm. Roberts MOVED to APPROVE as amended to eliminate the portion of Section 2 pertaining to summer camp fees, SECONDED by Comm. McKaye. VOTE: END OF CONSENT AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 9:30 A.M. ALL VOTED AYE 3. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1782 on second reading amending Chapter 7 of the City Code, "Fire Prevention and Protection", to reflect the actual services and responsibilities of the Fire Department and to change the name of the Fire Department to the Fire Rescue Department. APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-16 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #8 of Temp. Ord. #1782 by title. Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. David Silvergleid, Isles of Tamarac, commented on the fire rescue assessment. Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing with no further discussion. City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 6 VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 4. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1785 on second reading amending Section 24-580 of the City Code clarifying the requirements for fire access areas, fire lanes, speed controls and security devices. APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-17 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #9 of Temp. Ord. #1785 by title. Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. David Silvergleid, Isles of Tamarac, commented on the blasting in Land Section 7. Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing with no further discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 5. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1800 on second reading amending Section 10-47, "Site Plan Submission" of the City Code requiring the placement of road pavement markers and a note on the site plan. APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-18 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #4 of Temp. Ord. #1800 by title. Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. After discussion, Mayor Schreiber opened and closed the public hearing with no discussion. VOTE: Tape 2 ALL VOTED AYE 6. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION„ TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1801 on second reading amending Section 11-7 of the City Code, "Minimum Landscape Requirements," clarifying the placement of landscaping so as not to impede firefighting operations. APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-19 If 1 I 11 City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 7 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #2 of Temp. Ord. #1801 by title. Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Walter Coghlan, 4806 NW 49 Court, questioned the definition of minimum landscaping. Fire Chief Budzinski made a presentation. Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing with no further discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 7. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1802 on second reading amending Chapter 7 of the City Code, "Fire Prevention and Protection," creating Section 7-30 entitled "Fire Alarms." APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-20 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #5 of Temp. Ord. #1802 by title. Comm. Sultanof MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. McKaye. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Marvin Seidel, 9645 N. Belfort Drive, commented on the quick service. Mayor Schreiber commented on the necessity of a traffic signal adjacent to Fire Station #1 and closed the public hearing with no further discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 8, PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1803 on second reading amending Chapter 7 of the City Code, "Fire Prevention and Protection" creating funding sources, amending Section 7-29, "Fire Service Fees," and deleting Section 7-53, "Fire -Inspection Fees." APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-21 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #6 of Temp. Ord. #1803 by title. City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 8 V/M Mishkin MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. If Mayor Schreiber opened and closed the public hearing with no discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 9. PUBLIC HEARING - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1804 on second reading amending Chapter 7 of the City Code, "Fire Prevention and Protection", Section 7-28, "Fire Chief', by amending the responsibilities of the Fire Rescue Department Director/Fire Chief. APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-22 City Attorney Kraft read Temp. Ord. #1804 by title. Comm. Sultanof MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Roberts. Mayor Schreiber opened and closed the public hearing with no discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 10. PUBLIC HEARING — QUASI-JUDICIAL -- MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Ord. #1772 on second reading concerning a request by FOUNTAINS CORPORATE CENTER to rezone Parcels A and C together with a portion of a 106.00 foot right-of-way, from B-1 (Neighborhood Business District) and B-5 (Limited Business District) to B-2 (Community Business District), located on the south side of NW 57 Street, east of NW 63 Avenue and north of Commercial Boulevard. Petition #12-Z-95. APPROVED on second reading. ORDINANCE 0-97-23 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #2 of Temp. Ord. #1772 by title. Comm. Sultanof MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Roberts. Jim Brady, Attorney and owner, waived his quasi-judicial rights. Jeffrey Miller, Director of Community Development, made a presentation. Mayor Schreiber opened and closed the public hearing with no discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 9 It 11. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #7943 approving the service fees for medical transport, fire inspections, hazardous materials and fire alarms commencing November 1, 1997. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-260 City Attorney Kraft read Revision #6 of Temp. Reso. #7943 by title. Comm. Sultanof MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. McKaye. VOTE: QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING ALL VOTED AYE 12.QUASI-JUDICIAL - MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #8009 issuing revised Development Order No. 284.2 for the EXETER AT KINGS POINT project requested by Lennar Homes, Inc., for the construction of sixteen (16) buildings consisting of seventy (70) coach homes located on the southwest corner of NW 80 Street and Granville Drive. Case No. 36-SP- 97. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-97-261 City Attorney Kraft read Temp. Reso. #8009 by title. Comm. Roberts MOVED APPROVAL, SECONDED by Comm. Sultanof. Donna West, representing Lennar Homes, Inc., waived her quasi-judicial rights. Mayor Schreiber opened the hearing. Bernie James, Kings Point, questioned the ingress/egress on 80t" Street and Nob Hill Road. Abe Garr, 9496 S. Belfort Circle, commented on Lennar Homes splitting into two organizations and Donna West made a brief presentation. Mayor Schreiber closed the hearing with no further discussion. 1yfel0 =F 4 END OFQUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING ALL VOTED AYE City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 10 REPORTS 13. City Commission REVISION: REPORTS - Comm. McKaye Comm. Sultanof discussed the blasting in Land Section 7, agreed with residents who commented on the blasting and said the entire Commission was concerned. He requested City Manager Noe prepare a report for this Commission for October 24th, concerning the results of Friday morning's blasting. V/M Mishkin said the entire City Commission was concerned with problems in the City, commented on the hope to alleviate blasting in the future and wished a happy birthday to Comm. Roberts. Comm. McKaye said although he did not reside in District 3, he was concerned about the blasting and would support Comm. Sultanof. Comm. Roberts commented on the blasting in Land Section 7 and economic development to lower ad valorem taxes. She agreed with Marvin Seidel concerning a traffic signal adjacent to Fire Station #1 and advised that Red Ribbon Day would be celebrated on Friday, October 24t" at Tamarac Park. Mayor Schreiber wished happy birthday greetings to Comm. Roberts and suggested preparing an ordinance to prohibit blasting. 14. City Attorney City Attorney Kraft — no report. 15. City Manager City Manager Noe commented on the blasting, street repaving and the Comprehensive Plan. He said three new firefighter/paramedics were hired, Fire Prevention Week was held at Fire Station #1 and smoke detectors were given away at Mainlands 3, 4 and 5 on October 4. He advised that Parks and Recreation was sponsoring a Halloween Teen dance on October 24, a Tai Chi class began on October 18, the annual Turkey Trot would be held on Thanksgiving Day and the Thanksgiving food drive was scheduled from November 1 through November 26. He advised that Flu shots would be given on November 6 at Tamarac Recreation Center, the Lighthouse for the Blind was giving a class on October 28 and the Caregivers Resource Program would resume on November 21. Lastly, he advised that Camp, Dresser and McKee was designing a 2 million gallon storage reservoir on the Water Treatment Plant site. IF 1 Cl City Commission Regular Meeting October 22, 1997 Page 11 V/M Mishkin questioned the results of the telephone survey regarding the senior center or community center and City Manager Noe said the results were not complete at this time. Mayor Schreiber questioned whether a workshop was scheduled for Monday, October 27 and the City Manager said, no. 16. Adjournment With no further discussion, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 10:35 a.m. Carol A. Evans, CMC City Clerk .r� Joe Schreiber Mayor CITY OF TAB AIR C APPRO AT MEETING OF QV, U, L12 ,7 0