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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-28 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
WEDNESDAY, October 28, 1998
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting to order on
Wednesday, October 28, 1998, at 9:00 A.M. in the Commission Chambers of Tamarac
City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin, Commissioner John E.
McKaye, Commissioner Karen L. Roberts and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof
ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager, Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney and
Carol Gold, City Clerk
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Schreiber called for the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. PRESENTATION by Mayor Schreiber of a Proclamation recognizing November
as "National Epilepsy Awareness Month".
3. City Commission: Commissioner Roberts thanked Public Information Officer
Moore and staff for the City Government Day events.
Commissioner McKaye said he enjoyed the young people participating in City
Government Day.
Vice Mayor Mishkin thanked Mr. Moore and staff for City Government Day events. He
spoke of an article in last Sunday's SunSentinel Lifestyle regarding stroke therapy and
suggested that Fire/Rescue staff meet with Columbia University Hospital personnel to
discuss this. Vice Mayor Mishkin reported that Tamarac was host to a public hearing
sponsored by the Department of Elder Affairs. He noted that part of the eastern portion
of Tamarac is scheduled for the "Eastward Ho" redevelopment project and urged
Commissioner McKaye to pursue information about this project.
Commissioner Sultanof wished Commissioner Roberts a happy birthday. He
complimented the City on the meeting hosted for the Department of Elder Affairs.
Commissioner Sultanof complimented Parks and Recreation Director Margoles on
plans for Veterans Day and Public Information Officer Moore and Nancy Wilson for City
Government Day events. He reminded everyone that it is his or her civic duty and right
to vote.
Mayor Schreiber said that he found City Government Day very rewarding and
commented that he is not happy with Columbia University Hospital. He expressed his
opinion that too many items are placed on the Consent Agenda and the public does not
have the opportunity to address them. Mayor Schreiber addressed the selection of the
Finance Director and indicated he was opposed to this selection.
Commissioner Sultanof requested that workshops be further publicized. Stan Bernard,
Chairman of the Public Information Committee, agreed to place an article about City
Commission workshops in the next Tam -a -Gram to promote attendance.
4. City Attorney. City Attorney Kraft reported that the bonds for road paving
project have been validated.
5. City Manager. City Manager Noe asked to remove Item #6r, Temporary
Resolution #84301 appointing Margaret A. McGarrity as Director of Finance, effective
November 2, 1998, from the Consent Agenda. He reported the City Clerk's office
accepted 35 passport applications since the operation began. Mr. Noe reported that flu
shots will be rescheduled, the mammogram van will be available November 12" Parks
and Recreation has scheduled programs on "Relationships -Avoiding the Holiday Blues"
for November 10th at 9:30 a.m. and "Benefits of Exercise" for November 19" at 9:00
a.m. He said more applicants were needed for the congregate meal site.
Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved to remove Items
6r and 6o from the Consent Agenda. On roll call, Commissioner Roberts voted "yes,"
Commissioner McKaye "yes," Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes"
and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
6. Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof, moved for
adoption of the Consent Agenda, with the elimination of Items 6r and 6o. On roll call,
Commissioner Roberts voted "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes," Vice Mayor Mishkin
"yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
a. Minutes of the October 14, 1998 Commission meeting.
b. Temporary Resolution #8299, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
refund performance bond paid to the City in accordance with various projects on August
14, 1991 by Discount Auto Parts in the total amount of $12,280.00.
C. Temporary Resolution #8414, to authorize the appropriate City Officials to
accept a Bill of Sale Absolute from First Union National Bank, for water distribution
system improvements for the First Union National Bank Project, located on the
northwest corner of University Drive and McNab Road, for City ownership.
d. Temporary Resolution #8401, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
execute a maintenance agreement between the City of Tamarac and Physio-Control,
Inc., to provide maintenance for the Life Pak 12's at a cost of one thousand seven
hundred twenty-eight dollars ($1,728.00), for a two year period commencing June 7,
1998 and ending June 6, 2000.
e. Temporary Resolution #8366, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to refund
a performance bond paid to the City by McNab Associates, Ltd., in the amount of
f. Temporary Resolution #8398, authorizing appropriate City Officials to approve
a one-year extension of Bid No. 97-21 B entitled "Removal and Disposal of Lime
Sludge" issued to L.B. Trucking and Construction, Inc., for an amount not to exceed
g. Temporary Resolution #8424, authorizing the appropriate City Official to renew
Flood Insurance Policies for the City of Tamarac for the period of November 2, 1998
through November 2, 2001.
h. Temporary Resolution #8400, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
accept and execute a "Tamarac Water and Sewer Utility Easement" with Parkwood at
Colony West, Inc., for the Parkwood Colony West Project, located on the south side of
Lagos De Campo Boulevard between NW 84`" Terrace and South Colony Circle, to
allow legal access by City Utility Personnel for installing, maintaining, and operating the
Water Distribution and Sewage Collection Systems.
i. Temporary Resolution #840$ authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
accept and execute a Blanket Public Safety Ingress/Egress Easement with Parkwood
at Colony West, Inc., for the Parkwood at Colony West Project, located on the south
side of Lagos De Campo Boulevard between NW 841h Terrace and South Colony Circle,
to provide proper access to the property for municipal services such as utility, canal, fire
and police protection, emergency and other public safety services.
j. Temporary Resolution #8416, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
accept and execute a "Tamarac Water and Sewer Utility Easement" with McNab J.V.,
for the McNab Marketplace (Winn Dixie) Project, located on the northwest corner of
McNab Road and University Drive, to allow legal access by City Utility Personnel for
installing, maintaining, and operating the Water Distribution and Sewage Collection
k. Temporary Resolution #8419, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
execute the agreement with Facilities Development (FD), Department of Management
Services, State of Florida, in the amount of $69,310.00 to provide project management
services related to the construction of the new senior and community center building;
authorizing Facilities Development to enter into agreements as agent for the City with
architects, engineers, contractors, not to exceed the project budget of $3,000,000.00,
subject to approval by the City Manager; approving an interfund transfer from the public
services fund account entitled "Architectural Services" to the General Capital
Improvements Fund Account "Architectural Services"; amending the General Capital
Improvements Fund Budget.
I. Temporary Resolution #8405, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
award the request for Letters of Interest (LOI) #98-L-32 and execute an agreement to
HBI Planning Services, Inc. to provide Development of Urban Design Guidelines for
Tamarac Commerce Park, for a cost not to exceed twenty-four thousand eight -hundred
and ninety dollars ($24,890).
M. Temporary Resolution #8420, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to
award Bid #98-35B to Edgewater Pavers and Precast, Inc., for the installation of
concrete pavers at the City Hall entranceway; authorizing an expenditure in an amount
not to exceed $10,572.36.
n. Temporary Resolution #8423, approving a request from St. Malachy Catholic
Church to waive all permit fees for their carnival; providing for conditions of approval.
P. Temporary Resolution #8284, authorizing the appropriate city officials to
execute a lease agreement between the City of Tamarac and IRT Property Company
for lease of 4,413 square feet of space for the relocation of the building department for
an annual amount of $57,060.12 which includes base rent, insurance and common
area maintenance; second and third year increases based on an annual increase not to
exceed 3%; and for cost of moving, renovation and build out of space as per approved
plans for an amount not to exceed $66,030.00.
q. Temporary Resolution #8431, amending the City's revised Personnel Manual
by adopting the Equal Employment Opportunity and Prohibited Discrimination Policy.
6o. Temporary Resolution #8428, approving a request from Tamarac Chamber of
Commerce to waive all permit fees for their carnival; providing for conditions of
Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved for adoption.
Commissioner Roberts noted that no one representing the Chamber of Commerce was
present and that the permitting should come before the event. Mayor Schreiber
requested the City Manager send a letter to the Chamber indicating that if this happens
again, the fee would not be waived. On roll call, Commissioner Roberts voted "yes,"
Commissioner McKaye "yes," Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes"
and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
6r. Temporary Resolution #8430, appointing Margaret A. McGarrity as Director of
Finance, effective November 2, 1998.
Vice Mayor Mishkin, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved for adoption. City
Manager Noe stated that he recommends Ms. McGarrity for the position of Finance
Director. On roll call, Commissioner Roberts voted "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes,"
Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "no."
Motion carried.
7. Temporary Resolution #8406, approving the request that the Broward County
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) delete the proposal of the designation of
McNab Road from University Drive West to the Sawgrass Expressway as an urban
expressway on the 2020 Needs Plan and keep McNab Road as an urban arterial
roadway; case No. 19-MI-98.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8406 by title. Vice Mayor Mishkin,
seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved for adoption. Community Development
Director Miller gave a presentation. Walter Coghlin, 4806 NW 49 Court, spoke of traffic
on Commercial Boulevard. On roll call, Commissioner Roberts voted "yes,"
Commissioner McKaye "yes," Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes"
and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
8. Temporary Resolution #8377, approving NationsBank for use of a Procurement
Card Program for small dollar purchases utilizing the state contract #973-120-97-1
effective October 14, 1998 through July 6, 2002.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8377 by title. Commissioner Sultanof,
seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved for adoption. Lynda Flurry,
Purchasing/Contracts Manager, gave a presentation. On roll call, Commissioner
Roberts voted "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes," Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes,"
Commissioner Sultanof "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried.
City Manager Noe announced the next regular City Commission meeting would be held
on Tuesday, November 10", at 7:00 p.m., because of the Veterans' Day holiday.
There being no further business, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 9:50 a.m.
Carol Gold, CMC/AAE
City Clerk