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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-10 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY HALL CHAMBERS TUESDAY, November 10, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting to order on Tuesday, November 10, 1998, at 7:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88" Avenue, Tamarac, FL PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin, Commissioner John E. McKaye, Commissioner Karen L. Roberts and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager, Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney and Carol Gold, City Clerk PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Schreiber called for the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. PRESENTATION by Mayor Schreiber to Mike Golfin of a Proclamation recognizing the Tamarac Tomcats. 2. PRESENTATION by Mayor Schreiber to students of Taravella High School of Certificates of Participation for City Government Day participants. 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Burt Schneider, 8016 NW 72 Street, Tamarac, FL, spoke on attendance at Commission meetings and traffic at the Winn Dixie on University Drive and McNab Road, and Mayor Schreiber responded. REPORTS 3. City Commission: Commissioner Sultanof addressed attendance at Commission meetings and said out of 29 cities in Broward County, 25 use a consent agenda format. Commissioner Sultanof said the Commission spends at least 2-3 hours at workshop meetings discussing upcoming agenda items, and the workshop meetings are open to the public. He requested City Manager Noe to instruct Public Information Officer Moore to get information out to the residents of Tamarac so they know they have the opportunity to come to meetings more than just twice each month. Vice Mayor Mishkin encouraged everyone to use their computers to view the agenda, which is on the Tamarac Website, Vice Mayor Mishkin said the traffic problem at the new Winn Dixie was not created by the City of Tamarac, but remedies will be attempted shortly. In the meantime, an easy way to exit Winn Dixie is to exit on University between the bank and Wendys. Commissioner McKaye said he is glad to see Captain Goldstein at the meeting. There has been a lot of talk about police not being visible in Tamarac, and any Association can feel free to contact Chief Goldstein and he will send the deputy that is on patrol in that particular area to speak at the Association's meeting. Commissioner Roberts said the Veterans Memorial looks great, and she reminded everyone that the Veterans Day parade will take place on November 111" at 9:00 A.M., and she will be riding with Belinda Woika. Commissioner Roberts made a presentation of a plaque to Tamarac Roller Hockey, and said she will continue this sportsmanship award every year as it is her way of giving something back to the organization. Mayor Schreiber congratulated members of the Presidents' Council on their attendance at City Commission meetings, and said the government belongs to the people and they are entitled to get answers to their questions. He explained that he felt the consent agenda is a little cumbersome and certain items should be explained. Mayor Schreiber reminded everyone about the Tamarac Veterans Day parade on November 11t', which is the first Veterans Day parade sponsored by the City of Tamarac. 4. City Attorney. City Attorney Kraft had no report. 5. City Manager. City Manager Noe said the Veterans Memorial will be completed by 9:00 a.m. on November 11', and congratulated Kathleen Margoles, Project Manager, Raj Verma, Public Works Director, Jim Berkman, Public Works Coordinator, and Public Works and Parks and Recreation crews for their work on the Memorial. City Manager Noe said it is a beautiful and stirring Memorial, and commended the Commission on the funds they approved on behalf of the Veterans. City Manager Noe said there was a slight change from discussions at the workshop regarding the General Obligation Bonds, and after discussion with Bond Counsel and the financial advisor, it was decided to distribute a Request for Proposals — Term Loan, and get bids back by the first meeting in December, as he felt that the Commission would prefer the competitive aspect of bidding rather than just one proposal. The item can be awarded at the first meeting of December and the loan can be closed during this calendar year. City Manager Noe said the Building Department's move is approximately three (3) weeks ahead of schedule, the safety day held at Mainlands Four was very successful, and the City received funds from the State for assistance rendered by the Tamarac Fire Department this summer. City Manager Noe said the parade would take place at 9:00 a.m. on November 11t" and the Memorial Dedication would take place at 10:00 a.m. The Annual 5K Turkey Trot will be held on Thanksgiving Day, and the fee is $15.00 if paid in advance and $20.00 the day of the race. City Manager Noe announced the various programs presented by the Parks and Recreation Department, said flu shots would be administered on Friday, November 13t" in the recreation center, and the Social Committee is sponsoring a food drive for needy families. He added that the security system is 95% complete and there was one change order for approximately $6,000.00. Badging of City Employees will begin in about 2 weeks, and there will be discussion of a security officer at a later date. Fire Station #2 plans should be approved on December 9t", and the resurfacing program should begin in mid December, thanks to Raj Verma's participation in negotiations on behalf of the City for this project. City 2 Manager Noe said that the Hiatus Road project is about 2-1/2 months behind, and the City met with Brian Mershon of Carr Smith to discuss the problem. Carr Smith underestimated the amount of mulch and the issue now is who will pay for the additional work involved. City Manager Noe asked to have Temporary Resolution 8447 and Temporary Resolution 8450 added to the agenda at the appropriate time during the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA 7. Commissioner McKaye, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof, moved for adoption of the Consent Agenda. On roll call, Commissioner Sultanof "yes," Commissioner Roberts "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes", Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes," and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried. a. Minutes of the October 28, 1998 Commission meeting. APPROVED b. Temporary Resolution #8347, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute a Hold Harmless Agreement between the City of Tamarac and University Hospital & Medical Center relating to University Hospital & Medical Center donating and administering one thousand (1,000) free flu shots to Tamarac residents and City employees at the Tamarac Recreation Center on November 13, 1998, or any subsequent date in the event of cancellation. RESOLUTION R-98-326 G. Tem ora Resolution #8422 authorizing the appropriate City Officials to renew Basic Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage with Met Life at the present rate the City pays for Insurance coverage for City of Tamarac employees; effective December 1, 1998. RESOLUTION R-98-327 d. Temporary Resolution #8409, to authorize the appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a Public Utility Easement with Parkwood at Colony West, Inc., for the Parkwood at Colony West Project, located on the south side of Lagos De Campo Boulevard between NW 841h Terrace and South Colony Circle, to allow a legal access by Public Utility Personnel for installing, maintaining, and operating various Public Utility Systems. RESOLUTION R-98-328 e. Temporary Resolution #8397, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with Parkwood at Colony West, Inc., for the Parkwood at Colony West Project located on the south side of Lagos De Campo Boulevard between NW 841h Terrace and South Colony Circle, for 16 residential water and sewer building connections, one non-residential building connection and one irrigation connection; requiring 19.5 ERC's for water and 17 ERC's for sewer; requiring the payment of $57,900.00 in CIAC Fees — Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement. RESOLUTION R-98-329 f. Temporary Resolution #8321, authorizing appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with Mobil Oil Corporation, for 3 the Mobil 02-NPG Project, located on the northeast corner of Nob Hill Road and Commercial Boulevard, for one water and sewer building connection, one irrigation connection and one dumpster connection requiring five (5) ERC's for water and three and one-half (3.5) ERC's for sewer; requiring the payment of $13,300.00 in CIAC fees. RESOLUTION R-98-330 g. Temporary Resolution #8427, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a First Amendment to the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with McNab Joint Venture for the McNab Marketplace (Winn -Dixie) Project, located on the northwest corner of University Drive and McNab Road, changing the legal description of the project site. RESOLUTION R-98-331 h. Temporary Resolution #8425, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a "Release of Easement" for the McNab Marketplace (Winn Dixie) Project Water and Sewer Utility Easements located on the northwest corner of McNab Road and University Drive, due to a change in the location of the water and sewer infrastructure during construction. RESOLUTION R-98-332 i. Temporary Resolution #8399, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute a supplement to the agreement between the City of Tamarac and Harward Technical Enterprises, Inc. (HTE), for a report generator program at a cost of $4,835.00. RESOLUTION R-98-333 END OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved to add Temporary Resolution 8447 to the agenda as Item #11, and Temporary Resolution 8450 as Item #12. On roll call, Commissioner Roberts voted "yes", Commissioner McKaye "yes", Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes. Motion carried. 8. Temporary Resolution #8415, to authorize the appropriate City Officials to accept and approve a proposal from Government Services Group, Inc. ("GSG"), to develop a Utilities System Improvements Assessment Program for the northern half of Land Section 7 in the amount of $27,600.00. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8415 by title. Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof, moved for adoption. Utilities Director Woika gave a presentation. On roll call, Commissioner Roberts voted "yes," Commissioner McKaye "yes," Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes," Commissioner Sultanof "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes." Motion carried. RESOLUTION R98-334 9. Temporary Ordinance #1830, first reading, amending Chapter 16, Pensions and Retirement, Article 111, Pension Plan, Section 16-191(a)(4), participation, to provide Administrative Category Employees the option to participate or not participate in the Tamarac Employees Pension Plan. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Ordinance #1830 by title on first reading. Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved for adoption on 4 first reading. City Manager Noe gave a presentation. On roll call, Commissioner McKaye voted "yes", Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. 10. PUBLIC HEARING — Proposed Use of the payment under Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. Mayor Schreiber opened the public hearing. Wally Coghlan, 4806 NW 491" Court, questioned the use of these grant funds. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Schreiber closed the public hearing. Mark Greenspan made a presentation. 11. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8447, supporting the efforts of the Broward League of Cities and the City of Coconut Creek to aid victims of Hurricane Mitch in Honduras and Nicaragua; providing for a donation of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars and encouraging City Employees to donate certain items to be transported to the affected countries; authorizing the appropriate budgetary transfers of funds. City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8447 by title. Vice Mayor Mishkin suggested removing medication from Exhibit "A". Commissioner Sultanof questioned where the money was to go and Assistant City Manager Hemstreet responded. Vice Mayor Mishkin, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to remove medication from Exhibit "A". On roll call, Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Commissioner McKaye "yes", Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "no". Motion carried. Vice Mayor Mishkin, seconded by Commissioner Roberts, moved to approve Temporary Resolution #8447, as amended. On roll call, Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", Commissioner McKaye "yes", Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. RESOLUTION R98-335 12. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8450, supporting the efforts of Hollywood Fire/Rescue and Beach Safety Department to aid victims of Hurricane Mitch in Honduras; providing for a donation of fire rescue equipment to the Honduran Fire Service. City Attorney Kraft read Revision #1 of Temporary Resolution #8450 by title. Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner McKaye, moved for adoption. On roll call, Commissioner Roberts voted "yes", Commissioner McKaye "yes", Vice Mayor Mishkin "yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried. There being no further business, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Carol Gold MC/AAE City C k r JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR CITY OF TAARARAC APPROVED AT MEEnNG OF 61