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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-23 - City Commission Regular Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the regular meeting to order on
Wednesday, December 23, 1998, at 9:00 A.M. in the Commission Chambers of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, FL
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Commissioner Karen L. Roberts and
Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof
ABSENT AND EXCUSED FOR CAUSE: Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin and
Commissioner John E. McKaye
ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager, Mitchell S. Kraft, City
Attorney and Marion Swenson, Assistant City Clerk
1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — No one from the public wished to speak.
Commissioner Sultanof, seconded by Commissioner Roberts moved to add
Temporary Resolution #8494 to the regular agenda as Item #9. Temporary
Resolution #8494, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a
contract for school crossing guard services within the City of Tamarac. On roll
call Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Mayor
Schreiber "yes". Motion carried.
2. City Commission: Commissioner Roberts wished everyone a Happy and
Healthy Holiday and New Year, and reminded everybody that school is out for
the holidays and to drive carefully.
Commissioner Sultanof wished everyone the best for the Holidays and a Happy
New Year. Commissioner Sultanof expressed his concern at Vice Mayor
Mishkin's illness, and wished him the best. Commissioner Sultanof said he was
glad to see everyone in attendance at the meeting, and asked the members of
the Presidents' Council to remind their organizations to attend the seminar on
long term care at City Hall on January 6, 1999 at 9:30 A.M..
Mayor Schreiber said this is the last meeting of the calendar year and the City is
in good shape. He wished everyone the best of Holidays and a Happy and
Healthy New Year.
3. City Attorney: City Attorney Kraft had no report.
4. City Manager City Manager Noe said the Fire Department conducted a
toy drive in conjunction with Tamarac Elementary School, and the City will hold
an event on January 7, 1999 at 11:30 A.M., at the Mainlands 9 Clubhouse, to
commemorate the beginning of the street repaving program. He said the
quarterly newsletter that the Commission approved this year will be mailed in
January. The City of Tamarac is hosting a meeting of the Tamarac Chamber of
Commerce at the Golden Corral Restaurant on February 2, 1999 at 7:30 A.M.,
and the City will give a short presentation at the meeting. City Manager Noe said
the City is planning an event to commemorate the first person who purchased a
December 23, 1998
home in Tamarac through the SHIP program. On behalf of the staff, City
Manager Noe wished everyone Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year.
5. Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof moved to
approve all items on the consent agenda. On roll call, Commissioner Sultanof voted
"yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried.
a. APPROVE the minutes of the December 9, 1998 Commission meeting.
b. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8486, awarding the purchase of uniforms from
Argo Uniform Co. G. N. based on the Tamarac Bid 99-02B, at a total cost not
to exceed fifteen thousand ($15,000.00); funding from the Fire Rescue Fund.
C. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION # 8445, approving Postal Center International,
Inc. for the citywide mailing services utilizing the Broward Governmental Co-
op RFP Contract #582-8053 effective September 7, 1998 through September
6, 2001.
d. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8379, authorizing the appropriate City
Officials to execute an agreement between the City of Tamarac and the
American Heart Association allowing Tamarac to become a Community
Training Center for the American Heart Association.
e. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8481, authorizing the appropriate City
Officials to refund Traffic Signalization Impact Fees paid to the City by
Sutter Construction Co., Inc. in the total amount of $10,000.00,
f. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8484, authorizing the appropriate City
Officials to refund traffic signalization impact fees paid to the City by
McNab Associates Ltd. in the total amount of $40,000.00.
g. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8487, authorizing the appropriate City
Officials to enter into an agreement with Broward County pertaining to the
maintenance of medians on Pine Island Road between McNab Road and
Commercial Boulevard.
h. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION_#8476 authorizing the design/build services
for the Caporella Park Florida Recreation Development Assistance
Program Grant Improvements by Recreation Design and Construction,
Inc., utilizing Broward County Agreement RLI #042095-RB in an amount
not to exceed $121,000.00, approving funding from the appropriate grants
fund account.
i. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION_#8466, authorizing the appropriate City
officials to purchase two sets of 8 row aluminum bleachers including
installation from Hunter-Knepshield Company, Inc., at a cost not to exceed
$19,504.10, utilizing the City of Jacksonville, Florida price agreement
December 23, 1998
contract for park and playground equipment, bid #SC-0400-98 approving
funding from the appropriate Parks and Recreation account.
6. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8479, authorizing the appropriate City
Officials to authorize the construction of Wastewater Pump Station #33 by a
Contractor of Archstone Communities, the Developer of The Cameron Gardens,
and to authorize the appropriate City Officials to repay Archstone Communities
for the project cost in conformance with the Water and Sewer Developer's
Agreement, as amended, from the Utilities Fund and CIAC Accounts for a total
project cost not to exceed $260,161; approving two budget transfers totaling
City attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8479 by title. Commissioner
Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof moved approval. Utilities Director
Woika gave a presentation. On roll call, Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes",
Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried.
7. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8461, approving a request from St.
Malachy Catholic Church to waive all permit fees for the construction of their
school extension; providing for conditions of approval.
City attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8461 by title. Building Official Gioia
gave a presentation. Commissioner Sultanof, seconded by Commissioner Roberts
moved to amend Temporary Resolution #8461 to waive $1,400.00 of the total fees
with the balance to be paid in full, and amend the whereas clauses to show the
motivation of the Commission to waive $1,400.00 of the total fees is because the
construction is for a school. On roll call, Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes",
Commissioner Roberts "yes", and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried.
Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof moved to approve
Temporary Resolution #8461 as amended. On roll call Commissioner Roberts voted
"yes", Commissioner Sultanof "yes" and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion carried.
8. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8467 approving a request from the
American Red Cross to waive all permit fees for their new resource center
location; providing for conditions of approval.
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8467 by title. Commissioner
Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof moved approval. Building Official
Gioia gave a presentation. On roll call Commissioner Roberts voted "no",
Commissioner Sultanof "no" and Mayor Schreiber "yes". Motion failed.
9. TEMPORARY RESOLUTION #8494, authorizing the City Manager to
execute a contract for school crossing guard services with an independent
contractor, to complete the contract period which expires on September 30,
1999. The contractor with a replacement contract will begin on or before January
4, 1999.
December 23, 1998
City Attorney Kraft read Temporary Resolution #8494 by title. Commissioner
Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Sultanof moved approval. On roll call
Commissioner Sultanof voted "yes", Commissioner Roberts "yes" and Mayor
Schreiber "yes". Motion carried.
With no further business, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the meeting at 9:20 a.m.