HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-20 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1990 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on Tues ay, March 20, 1990 at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers. MEDITATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silent Meditation. PRESENT: Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilman Bruce Hoffman Councilman Henry Rohr Councilman Jack Stelzer ALSO PRESENT: John P. Kelly, City Manager Alan F. Ruf, Interim City Attorney Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Pauline Walaszek, Secretary Mayor Abramowitz introduced Ilene Lieberman, Mayor of the City of Lauderhill, Dan Pearl, Mayor of the City of Sunrise and Jerry Resnick, Vice Mayor of the City of North Lauderdale. Mayor Abramowitz introduced members of the Charter Board, Muriel Davis, Zeke Feldman, Dr. Alfred Wald and Stan Bernard. 1. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #5734 declaring the results of the voting for Charter Board members in Districts 2 and 4. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: RESOLUTION R--90-82 - PASSED APPROVED declaring the newly -elected Charter Board members for two year terms to be: Isaac "Zeke" Feldman - District 2 Judith R. Kitograd - District 4 _ Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp.Reso.#5734 in its _ entirety. * V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #5734 , SECONDED by * C/M Hoffman. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 2. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #5735 declaring the results of the voting for Mayor and City Council Districts 2 and 4. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: RESOLUTION R-90-83 -- APPROVED declaring the newly -elected Mayor and City Councilmembers for two year terms to be: Norman Abramowitz - Mayor Henry C. "Hank" Schumann - District 2 Herman "Larry" Bender - District 4 Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5735 entirety. .r - - PASSED in its Page 1 CITY COUNCIL 3/20/90-pw I C/M Hoffman MOVED to APPROVE C/M Rohr. Temp. Reso. #5735 , SECO VOTE: 3. ALL VOTED AYE PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION by the City er . SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: PRESENTATIONS were given. Carol Evans, City Clerk, read a Certificate of Electio entirety and presented each newly --elected Charter Boar City Council Official with a Certificate of Election. 4. OATH OF OFFICE administered to the new City Counc Charter Board members by the City Manager. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: OATHS OF OFFICE were administered. City Manager Kelly administered the Oath of Office to Nym Norman Abramowitz. Mayor Abramowitz asked C/M Stelzer and his wife, Min S to join him in the front of the Chambers. 1� Mayor Abramowitz said C/M Stelzer has devoted many years serving the City of Tamarac. He said he and C/M Stelzer h seen several issues differently and he informed C/M St lze that there were a few things he was always aware of. He S C/M Stelzer was bright, articulate and, most important) everything he did and felt was done in the best intere t o the City. Mayor Abramowitz said he asked Min Stelzer to join the because there was no way a Councilman could do their j without the absolute support of his wife. Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council wished C/M Stelzer!, best of health, long life and everything he ever wanted. At this time, Mayor Abramowitz presented C/M Stelzer with plaque and thanked him for his many years of service f r t City. C/M Stelzer said he has been in Florida for 18 years and w he arrived, he immediately became involved in the politics the City. He said he had friends in every Department nd worked with him very hard for several years to get the Cit where it was. C/M Stelzer said when he first came to Tamarac it was a bedroom City. He said he worked under 5 Mayors and their own ideas. He said he remembered when the 201 Main Project was discussed and, finally, the City had the best sewer and water systems in Broward County. ch ct� e C/M Stelzer said when Walter Falck was Mayor, there we e discussions concerning a new City Hall. He said the C'ty moved from Rock Island Road to Pine Island Road and, final the City had a beautiful City Hall. C/M Stelzer said the Police Facility was discussed sev ra times and, finally, the Police Facility was built. He sat there was a lot of money available in the Recreation F ndl f ey as ad 1 1 Page 2 CITY COUNCIL 3/20/90-pw which was collected from the developers; however, it was not used for several years. He said staff worked very hard and the Multi -Purpose Complex was being built. He said the City has some of the best sporting equipment in Broward County. C/M Stelzer said he would like to see the Fire Department redesigned to match the City Hall and Police Facility. He said everything thought of was carried through. C/M Stelzer said there had to be quarterbacks to begin the game; however, if there were no receivers to carry the ball, the game could not be won. He said he reviewed several budgets and the City was in a very good financial position. C/M Stelzer said the City was growing and expenses were growing; therefore, money had to be spent and ways as well as means had to be sought to accomplish the projects needed in the City. C/M Stelzer said he had a wonderful time working for the City and he did not carry grudges. He said he was disagreeing with Mayor Abramowitz because he did not feel the City was being run properly. He said Mayor Abramowitz thought he owned the City and he only objected to Mayor Abramowitz discussing matters with the City Council before making decisions. C/M Stelzer said anything that Mayor Abramowitz has done was in the best interest of the City. He said he enjoyed his service with the City and he would provide advice to anyone; however, he would not tell them what to do. C/M Stelzer said he hoped the City continued in the direction it has been going. He thanked the residents and City Council for their support. Mayor Abramowitz said he asked Min Stelzer to the front. because it was not possible for a Councilman to succeed in office without the support of their wives. Mayor Abramowitz introduced the wives of the Councilmen, Arlene Rohr, Shirlee Hoffman, Faye Bender, Teddi Schumann and Claire Abramowitz. City Manager Kelly administered the Oaths of Office to the newly -elected Officials of the City Council. C/M Stelzer said 5 years ago, he informed Henry "Hank" Schumann that he was the only man in District 4 that he would like to fill C/M Stelzer's position. He said Councilman Schumann was very qualified and had the desire to do things. He said Councilman Schumann worked with the Charter Review Board and was very familiar with the Charter, served on the Code Enforcement Board and held a position with the Planning Commission. He said finally, Mr. Schumann was a member of the City Council and he said he was pleased to have supported Councilman Schumann. He wished Councilman Schumann the best of luck. City Manager Kelly administered the Oaths of Office to the newly -elected Officials of the Charter Board. 5. APPOINTMENT OF VICE -MAYOR by the City Council for a one-year term. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPOINTED Councilman Bruce Hoffman as Vice Mayor. * V/M Bender NOMINATED Councilman Bruce Hoffman as Vice * Mayor, SECONDED by C/M Rohr. Page 3 CITY COUNCIL 3/20/90-pw VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 6. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #5736 authorizing sign tur for bank accounts at Sun Bank/South Florida, N.A. �YNOPSIS OF ACTION: RESOLUTION R-90-84 -- PASSE APPROVED. i Interim City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #5736 by tit e.11 C/M Rohr MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso._#5736 , SECONDED y, V/M Hoffman. r i VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Mayor Abramowitz asked the Councilmembers if they would address the audience before Adjournment. C/M Schumann thanked the City Council and all of the of public spirited citizens of the City, who gave him thei of confidence. He said he looked forward to an upbeat, productive and exciting Council. He thanked C/M Stelze however, he realized that it would be tough to fill C/M Stelzer's position. He said he would do his best for t C/M Rohr said as one of the Senior members of the Counc congratulated the newly -elected Councilmembers. He sai been a proud and privileged time in his life to serve a Councilmember for Tamarac. He said he believed the res were very fortunate to have the type of people that hav and would be serving the City. He said the Mayor was r elected which indicated that the residents were satisfi all of the things that have been accomplished within th few years. C/M Rohr said he felt that anyone serving the residents received a personal satisfaction and the work was very i He said he did not consider himself a politician but he considered himself a Statesman. C/M Rohr said he would be remiss in not mentioning his feelings about C/M Stelzer. He said he served three ye C/M Stelzer and they had difference of opinions; howeve City was very fortunate to have someone like C/M Stelze said he hoped that when he reached C/M Stelzer's age, h have the control of his faculties as C/M Stelzer. He s Stelzer was a pleasure to have around and it was too ba health and the Charter limitations would not allow C/M to continue. ik r vo IM h it a eAt bee wi pas �tor er$ rs' t wo id tb tel to y• as h e, al th d M r C/M Rohr said he and his wife, Arlene, wished C/M Stelzer well and many years of happiness in the future. C/M Bender thanked the residents for taking their time to Vcte and register a 45% participation. He said Tamarac had thel largest percentage of voter turnout in Broward County. He id that during his next two years in office, he would work hate to improve services and the life style of the residents. He thanked the residents for their votes of confidence. V/M Hoffman congratulated Mayor Abramowitz, C/M Bender nd'( Schumann for their victories. He said it was a well de erne personal victory for each of them; however, it was a victor) for the entire City Council because it proved that the residents appreciated the fact that this City Council c ula work together for the public interest. He said the voters' wanted the City to continue along the same path as they ha*( been in the past few years. He said the people also re lice that this City Council could come to terms on matters w'th6t fighting. M I Page 4 CITY COUNCIL 3/20/90-pw 1 1 1 V/M Hoffman said the residents felt this way when they elected their Charter Board members. He said the two people elected had very reasonable views and wanted to work to make Tamarac a better place. V/M Hoffman said he felt that the true winners of the election were the residents of Tamarac. He said he and C/M Stelzer did not agree on many items; however, even though he may not have agreed with C/M Stelzer, he always respected his opinions and the way he arrived at his conclusions. He wished C/M Stelzer good luck and good health and he asked that C/M Stelzer visit the City often. V/M Hoffman thanked the residents for their votes and said the City Council would do their best for the residents. TAPE 2 Mayor Abramowitz announced that refreshments would be served after this meeting in the atrium. Mayor Abramowitz said he was overwhelmed with the election. He said he was informed several months before the election that he would be voted for; however, his concern was in having a City Council who could disagree without tearing the City apart. He said it was a pleasure, privilege and honor to be part of the City Council. Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council did not agree on everything; however, when they made their decisions, they had to vote on what they felt was right for the City. He said he would have to thank approximately 99% of the people in the Chambers for helping him in his campaign. He thanked everyone who worked very hard during his campaign and said he held no grudges against those people who did not support the newly - elected officials. He thanked the residents and said he would do the best he could for the City. City Manager Kelly said it was a joy for staff to go through this campaign. He said staff was not pressured during this election, which made the operation of the City run smoothly. City Manager Kelly said C/M Stelzer was the only Councilman that he swore at and threw out of his office, which he regretted and apologized. He said C/M Stelzer stated that he was entitled to be angry. He said he was very fortunate to be able to deal with the City Council and express himself without the Council taking offense. He said he respected the City Council for the way they respected staff, most particularly, C/M Stelzer. City Manager Kelly said C/M Stelzer has participated greatly in the budget process and provided staff with guidance on how to sell their budget proposals to the City Council. He said C/M Stelzer indicated that he would be available for advice and he informed C/M Stelzer that he would come to him for advice. He thanked C/M Stelzer very much. with no further business, Mayor meeting at 11:00 A.M. , _9 CAROL A. EVANS, CITY CLERK ramowitz ADJOURNED this ABRAI%OWITZ, MAYOR _;4` --_ NJ "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $44.61 er $6.07 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac." CITY OF TAMARAC APPR VED AT MEETING OF Wil l 9p Page 5 City Clerk CITY COUNCIL 3/20/90-pw