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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-19 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321-2401 0 RECORD OF COUNCIL ACTIONS/DISCUSSIONS September 9, 1991 SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA There will be a Special Meeting of the City Council on Thursday, September 19, 1991, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 7525 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida, to hold public hearings on the final millage and final budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92. 1. AMOUNCE14ENT of percentage decrease in the proposed millage rate under the rolled -back rate necessary to fund the Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92. FINAL ACTION* Announcement was made. 2. PT7RT.TC_ HEARS on the final millage rate for Fiscal Year 1991/92. FINAL ACTIQN* Public Hearing was held. 3. on the final Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92. FINAL ACTIQN: Public Hearing was held. 4. MOTION, TO ADOPT TeMR._ Rigo. #6128 adopting a final millage rate for Fiscal Year 1991/92. FIN,hL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-91-164-PASSED APPROVED the final millage rate for Fiscal Year 1991/92 of 4.4603 plus the debt service of .5991 with a total of 5.0594 mils. 5. MOTION TO „MOPT TgMR. ResQ, #6129 adopting a final Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92. EINAL.-&QZLQN: RESOLUTION R-91-165-PASSED APPROVED the final Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92 of $38,943,132. All meetings are open to the public. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Council meeting. Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the city Council with respect to any matter consider,,d at such rreeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based Carol A. Evans City Clerk City Council Special Budget Public Hearing 9/19/91/KJ Page 1 CITY OF TAMAI2AC SPECIAL BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1991 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on Thursday, September 19, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Abramowitz called for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silent Meditation. Mayor Norman. Abramowitz Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilman Irving Katz Councilman Henry Schumann Councilwoman Diane Glasser John P. Kelly, City Manager Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Mary Blasi, Finance Director Karen Jackson, Secretary 1. ANNOUNCEMENT of percentage decrease in the proposed millage rate under the rolled -back rate necessary to fund the Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92. Announcement was made. City Manager Kelly said the tentative General Fund budget of $15,921,530 is $659,110 less than the current budget of $16,580,640. He said the Council has proposed a decrease of the current millage of 4.5818 mils to 4.4603 mils which is a 1.83% decrease in the rolled back rate of 4.5431 mils and a 2.7% decrease in the current rate. 2- on the final millage rate for Fiscal Year 1991/92. SYNOP,JIS OF ACTION; Public Hearing was held. Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED the Public Hearing with no response. 3. PUBLIC HEARING on the final Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92. SYNOPSIS QE—A=ON& Public Hearing was held. Melanie Reynolds, resident, said she was on the Charter Board in 1983, 1984 and 1985 and one of the functions of the Charter Board is to see that public funds are properly spent. She said she had suggested at that time that if it were legal, the City's expensive budget advertising should be reduced. She said a summary of the General Fund budget and the millage rate needed to support it, became the way Tamarac advertised. Ms. Reynolds said she feels the residents are given wrong information at budget time. She said the residents are to consider the millage rate and the General Fund only during this meeting. She said the General Fund Budget is not in proper form. She said the ad for this budget cost approximately $1,000; whereas, had it been advertised properly, it would City Council Special Budget Public Hearing 9/19/91/KJ Page 2 have cost a little over $200. She accused Council of misuse of public funds. Ms. Reynolds said Council cannot veto the vote of the people. She said Council would be vetoing the 1979 voters if Council adopts this budget by Resolution. Walter Rekuc, resident, expressed his concerns regarding the David M. Griffin Associates Report. He said there is an allocation of $95,602 for Historical Cost of Investments Use Allowance in the Griffin Report. He said there is an item in the report called Equipment Use based on a Historical Cost of $2,705,000, calculated use allowance of $180,000, and he could not find that in the budget. He said he feels these numbers are fictitious numbers and have no bearing on the budget. Mr. Rekuc said this report needs some further clarifications. He said the City Information Board was allocated to the Utility West, there is no service to the Utility West, but service is for the citizens of Tamarac. He said the City's Clerk allocation, based on the number of employees, are referenced to her recording and her filing system, which has no relationship to employees. He said he feels this is a fictitious report and that this is a fraud. Mr. Rekuc expressed his concerns regarding the various accounts. He said the Recreation Department has been recommended by a Public Accountant Firm to be a spin off from Public Services and suggested this be something that Council considers. Joe Schreiber, resident of Kings Point, commended Council on the budget and the reduction of taxes. Mayor Abramowitz said the decrease is important, but, on behalf of the Council, what is more important is that the City did not cut the services, but improved the services. C/M Katz said the City has Capital Expenditures of almost a half million dollars, which was not reflected on the old City Hall sale or anything else. He said this reduction came out of critical funds, cost saving measures were taken and these funds became available. He said the City cannot spend money that it does not have to spend. With no further response, Mayor Abramowitz CLOSED the Public Hearing. 4. MQTION TO ADOPT Temp_ esp. #6128 adopting a final millage rate for Fiscal Year 1991/92. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION RESOLUTION R-91-164-PASSED APPROVED the final millage rate for Fiscal Year 1991/92 of 4.4603 plus the debt service of .5991 with a total of 5.0594 mils. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6128 in its entirety. C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6128, SECONDED by V/M Bender. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 5. MOTION _TO__ADOPT Temp.__Reso. _#6129 adopting a final Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: RESOLUTION R-91-165-PASSED APPROVED the final Budget for Fiscal Year 1991/92 of $38,943,132. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6129 in its entirety. V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6129, SECONDED by C/M Schumann. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 0 [7 City Council Special Budget Public Hearing 9/19/91/KJ Page 3 C/M Katz said there was a newspaper ad for the City of Sunrise regarding a 39.1% increase in their budget and an item which reflected that they were charging more for their Building Department permits than what someone thought was legally allowed. He said the City of Tamarac had an ad in the paper which did not reflect that the City was going to have a decrease in the budget. ayor Abramowitz said it is against the law to specify a decrease. ayor Abramowitz expressed good health for the coming year. He said it is not easy for a Council member to sit on the dais and listen to people make statements that are correct or incorrect. He said every elected official knows that this is what must be done. With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meet 4 a 11:00 a.m. - NO MAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR ..� CITY OF TAM C CAROL A. EVANS APPR ED AT MEETIN OF g91 CITY CLERK "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $35.58 or $ .79"Ar eVerk copy to inform the general public, public officers and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac."