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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-08 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes7525 Northwest 88 Avenue
Tamarac, FL 33321-2401
October 2, 1991
There will be a Special Meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, October
8, 1991, at 1:00 P.M. in the Conference Room #1, Tamarac City Hall, 7525
N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
The Purpose of this meeting is:
1. DISCUSSION__AND POSSIBLE ACT = regarding the Ambulance
Discussion was held.
Agreement was made for Medics to continue operating under the old
contract until such time as new contract is signed and for the City to
pay Medics Ambulance Service for October under the terms of the old
2• regarding Southern Bell
cellular tower proposal.
Discussion was held and then TABLED.
3• 21=USSION AM POSSIBLE ACTION of purchase of one mobile
infiltration vehicle from CUES EQUIPMENT, sole source, in
the amount of $144,977.
4. the rejection of all bids received by the City
Clerk on September 27, 1991, for City Bid No. 91-11 annual
requirements: excavation, removal and disposal of water treatment
plant lime sludge.
Agendized by Consent and then APPROVED
Page 1
5. MOTION TO APPROVE Temn. Reno_ #6153 revising the rate for the
residential garbage collection and disposal fee.
Agendized by Consent and then APPROVED the revised monthly fees as
(a) curb service per unit
other than condominium ........ from 14.24 to 14.91
(b) dumpster service per
condominium unit..............from 7.16 to 7.50
City Manager was directed to draft a letter to the Attorney General
requesting guidance on the disposal companies regarding the residential
garbage collections.
6. RUBLIC PARTICIPATION -- Any member of the public may speak to
any issue which is on this meeting notice. Speakers will be
limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings.
There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this
item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the
City Clerk prior to their participation.
The City Council may consider and act upon such other business as may
come before it.
In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be
available to the public at the City Council meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to
appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter
considered at such meeting or hearing, he may need to ensure that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the
testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based.
(V,44�_t_ �'
Carol A. Evans
City Clerk
Page 2
City Council Special Meeting
Page 1
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on
Tuesday, October 8, 1991 at 1:00 p.m, in the Conference Room 1
1 of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
Mayor Norman Abramowitz
Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender
Councilwoman Diane Glasser
Councilman Henry Schumann
Councilman Irving Katz
John P. Kelly, City Manager
Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager
Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney
Peter Procopio, Utilities Operations Manager
Kline Jones, City Engineer
Alan Levine, Public Works Operations Manager
Vernon Hargray, Public Services Operations Manager
Karen Jackson., Secretary
1•121SCUSSION AND POSSIBLE AQTjQN regarding the Ambulance
Discussion was held.
Agreement was made for Medics to continue operating under the old
contract until such time as new contract is signed and for the
City to pay Medics Ambulance Service for October under the terms
of the old contract.
City Manager Kelly said the present agreement with Medics
Ambulance to provide service to the City of Tamarac expired on
September 30, 1991. He said Mr. Cohen is looking for direction as
to how he is to continue billing or not billing the City. He said
the present contract has increased from $88,000 to $100,000. He
said the County allows for a 4.6% increase, which held the
increase to $104,604 for the previous year. He said Broward County
granted an increase this year of 6.1%, which is a total of
City Manager Kelly said some of the options have been discussed
with Mr. Cohen which include eliminating the cap, decrease the
cost to the City, increasing the cap or hold the cost as is. He
said Mr. Cohen is willing to consider the $100,000 hold at
present; however, trade-offs need to be made. He said Mr. Cohen
has no base for operations within the City and is requesting that
a base be established.
Malcolm Cohen, President of Medics Ambulance Service, made his
presentation to Council. He suggested the $100,000 base be
maintained and the cap removed.
C/M Katz said Council can assume that there will be an increase of
calls of approximately 20% based on the number of elderly in the
City. He said the City reached the cap of $145,000 and asked what
the approximately dollar amount should be expected in the future.
Mr. Cohen said he estimates an increase of approximately 10% this
year which is approximately $165,000 and the City would receive
50% of the differential or $10,000.
City Council Special Meeting
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C/M Schumann asked if Medics Ambulance receives a subsidy from
Broward County and Mr. Cohen said Medics Ambulance receives $10
per call from Broward County in addition to what the City pays and
what is collected from Medicare.
C/M Schumann asked if Mr. Cohen would be willing to work with the
City in retaining the same base price but eliminating the cap and
Mr. Cohen said, yes.
C/W Glasser asked if there is anyone that reviews the records of
the pickups in Tamarac and Mr. Cohen said Fire Chief Ray Briant
has been doing this.
C/W Glasser said there have been complaints that some portions of
the records are missing.
Jill Medlin, Manager of Medics Ambulance, said the records are
delivered to the Fire Department by the second week of the
following month and the County receives them at this time.
C/W Glasser said these records should be reviewed throughout the
year and Mr. Cohen said the elimination of the cap is to have no
reason for the review.
Mayor Abramowitz said Tamarac is mandated by the County to utilize
Medics Ambulance Service. He said he understands that every trip
run by Medics Ambulance is .on review with Broward County and Mr.
Cohen agreed and said that the dollar amount is on a yearly
Mayor Abramowitz asked what is reported to Broward County and Mr.
Cohen said the log includes the total number of responded calls,
pickup location, response time, time the call went out, where the
patient was delivered and what unit responded to the call.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the financial aspect is totally
disregarded in this report to Broward County and Mr. Cohen agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if Broward County pays $10 per call, what
is received from Medicare is between Medicare and Medics Ambulance
and what is received from Tamarac is between Tamarac and Medics
Ambulance and Mr. Cohen agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if there would be a violation of Taw if
Medics Ambulance were to present incorrect reports to Broward
County and C/M Schumann said it would be fraud. Mayor Abramowitz
said these records are public and can be examined at any time by
anyone and Mr. Cohen agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz requested that the cap not be eliminated and held
as is and Mr. Cohen requested that the $165,000 increase in
subsidy be granted. Discussion was held regarding the amount that
Broward County pays Medics Ambulance and the records.
C/M Schumann asked if the contract with Broward County requires
Medics Ambulance to pick up.911 Emergency calls and Mr. Cohen
said, yes. He said whether or not there is a contract, Medics
Ambulance responds and transports to the hospital without asking
for money from the patient at the time.
V/M Bender referred to Section 6 of the contract and asked what
Medics Ambulance has done in way of maintaining records for the
City to have that show whether any extra money was received for
pickups because the City is supposed to share in this.
Ms. Medlin said the contract addresses an audit but it does not
state what type.
V/M Bender requested records showing how much money Medics
Ambulance receives from other sources.
C/W Glasser asked how quickly Medicare pays and Ms. Medlin said
Medicare pays from two weeks up to six months after the bill is
City Council Special Meeting
Page 3
submitted. Further discussion was held regarding payments of
Medics Ambulance bills from various sources. C/W Glasser requested
clarification of the current contract.
C/W Glasser asked what happens to the $10 that the County pays
Medics Ambulance and Mr. Cohen said that is separate from the
Tamarac contract.
V/M Bender referred to Section 9 in the contract regarding
recordkeeping. He said there should be records that protect the
City on reimbursements being received by Medics Ambulance. He said
the contract should include services and other information and
should be itemized.
Mayor Abramowitz OPENED Item 1 to the public for discussion.
Dorothy Gersh, resident, questioned a billing she received from
Medics Ambulance and Mr. Cohen said he would handle it.
City Manager Kelly said when he has received a complaint about a
particular billing in response to a 911 Emergency call, Mr. Cohen
has handled it appropriately.
Mr. Cohen said this contract is for Tamarac residents only, not
guests of residents.
C/M Katz referred to Page 3, Section 4.a., which states that house
guests or employees are obliged by this contract. C/M Schumann
said there is a conflict in the contract between Section 1.c. and
Section 4.a. regarding'house guests.
Assistant City Manager McDermott said one is the definition and
the other is the terms of the contract.
Joe Schreiber, resident of Kings Point,' expressed his concerns
regarding the regulations of the County to Medics Ambulance and
their obligations.
Mr. Cohen said Medics transported 2,100 Tamarac residents, but
received 4,300 in gross calls.
Mayor Abramowitz said Fire Chief Briant reviewed all records from
Broward County.
Helen Rosen, resident, asked who pays the Tamarac 911 Emergency
Call bill if a person is on Medicaid and Mr. Cohen said Medicaid
would. Ms. Rosen asked to which hospital location the ambulance
would transport the patient and Mr. Cohen said the patient would
be transported to the closest medical facility.
Sy Bauer, resident, expressed his concerns regarding Broward
County's mandatory requirements of ambulance services for the
various cities. He agreed that there should be a reporting
requirement in the contract so that all information is available
when needed. He expressed his concern regarding the location of
the hospital to which a patient is being transported, based on
what is wrong with the patient and having the choice of hospitals.
Mr. Cohen said the patient has the right to ask the Paramedics to
leave and request their own facility which would be Against
Medical Advice (AMA). He said the protocol by the County and State
requires Medics Ambulance to transport to the nearest appropriate
facility on a 911 Emergency call.
Nathan Peretzman, resident, expressed his concerns regarding the
ambulance contract. He requested that Council Table this item and
hold a workshop meeting to further discuss the terms of the
Walter Rekuc, resident, expressed his concerns regarding the
increases, the number of 911 Emergency calls to Medics Ambulance
and their records.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 4
Mayor Abramowitz said Fire Chief Briant has told Council several
times that the ambulance records that are sent to Broward County
have been reviewed by him as well as various Staff members. He
said there are items that are of interest to the Council and the
City Manager which are not currently contained in the contract
which need to be addressed.
C/W Glasser said she would not want to put a person in jeopardy of
their health based on their lack of ability to pay. She said there
is unrest throughout the City by the residents regarding this and
in order to justify what the City is receiving, the City should do
an audit prior to renewing the contract with Medics Ambulance
Service. She said she feels a workshop meeting is in order to
further discuss the suggestions brought to the table in this
Mayor Abramowitz said City Manager Kelly was given specific
instructions this year to do an audit with Medics Ambulance
Service jointly.
City Manager Kelly said this audit is scheduled within the next
two or three weeks. He said he was alerted that the cap may be met
this year by Fire Chief Briant and Mr. Cohen. He said he had
alerted Mr. Cohen to not to anticipate any action at this meeting
until the opportunity was given to work out the differences in the
V/M Bender said there are concerns over two contracts which are
Broward County's and the City's contracts with Medics Ambulance.
He said he feels a definition and separation needs to be made
between the records of the City and County.
C/M Katz said he feels that the concern is not the number of trips
but what income develops due to these trips and how much will come
to the City. Mr. Cohen said he will continue the current service
under the present arrangement until the new contract is developed.
C/M Schumann MOVED to TABLE Item 1, SECONDED by V/M Bender.
C/M Schumann WITHDREW the Motion.
Mr. Cohen said Medics Ambulance Service will continue to operate
under the present system without billing the residents
differential, that the City of Tamarac will resolve this matter as
soon as possible and pay Medics Ambulance for the month of
October, 1991, the amount that the City paid Medics through the
month of September, 1991, which was under the old contract.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE this agreement, SECONDED by
C/M Schumann.
C/M Schumann MOVED to TABLE Item 1i SECONDED by C/M Katz.
Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED and RECONVENED this meeting at 2:30
p.m. with ALL PRESENT.
2, DZJ=J=X ANQ regarding Southern Bell
cellular tower proposal.
Discussion was held and then TABLED.
City Manager Kelly said in the past year the City has been
approached by representatives from Cellular Communications
regarding the feasibility of placing a cellular radio
communications tower in the City.
I ]
City Council Special Meeting
Page 5
Attorney Alan Gabriel, representing Bell South Mobility, requested
Council consider allowing them to locate a facility on the City
Utility Plant, adjacent to Kings Point Recreational Complex. He
made his presentation of the cellular communications system. He
said there is a hole in the coverage area for cellular phones and
the 150 foot freestanding antenna tower with a 325 square foot
unmanned equipment building would fill this hole and allow for
complete cellular phone communications in the area.
V/M Bender asked if the area being requested is near the City's
water tower and Mr. Gabriel agreed. V/M Bender expressed his
concern regarding the possibilities of a storm causing the tower
to collapse onto the water tower.
Jeff Ebahura, representative of Bell South Mobility, said their
towers are designed to withstand hurricane force winds and
designed to collapse upon itself.
V/M Bender said he is uncomfortable with having this tower next to
the water tower and asked how far Bell South Mobility is looking
to place their tower from the water tower and Mr. Gabriel said it
depends upon the City's desire.
V/M Bender asked what area is available in the City to place this
tower and City Manager Kelly said almost any area.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what the benefit is to allow Bell South
Mobility to place this tower in the City and Mr. Gabriel said the
proposal would either provide the City for the lease of
approximately 5,500 square feet of land and would provide the City
with either $10,000 annually or $20,000 of air time annually.
Mr. Gabriel said this arrangement has been made with the following
cities: Sunrise, Deerfield Beach, Cooper City, Hollywood, Boynton
Beach and Palm Beach. He said proposals are on the table for
Tamarac, Coral Springs and Broward.County.
Mr. Gabriel said due to technology changing so readily for them,
if and the City decides that they no longer want the tower, they
will either remove it or they will give it to the City for $100.
Discussion was held regarding the feasibility of locating the
tower further west and closer to the canal.
C/M Katz said Council is looking at a piece of the City which the
City is hoping to develop and Council does not want a prospective
buyer to come to the City and state that they do not want to buy
or lease a particular piece of property because the tower is
there. He said if he were willing to agree with the tower, he
would prefer to sell the property to Bell South Mobility in order
to have income to the property instead of leasing the property
where there would be no rateable. He said he would prefer the
tower be located far into the Everglades so as not to impair the
sale of property.
City Manager Kelly said the proposed tower site is a ballfield and
75 foot light fixtures surround the area.
Mr. Ebahura said he could request that his Engineer reduce the
height of the tower to bring it closer to the light fixtures
height and all agreed.
C/W Glasser asked if the FP&L power lines would cause interference
and Mr. Ebahura said they do at times which is why they would
prefer the tower be higher. Further discussion was held regarding
the height of various fixtures and structures.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 6
V/M Bender asked how far away this tower would be from another
tower and Mr. Ebahura said there is a facility at University
Drive, south of Sample Road in Coral Springs, one in Sunrise
Industrial Park and one in the western portion of Parkland along
the Sawgrass Expressway. Discussion was held regarding the
possible sites for this tower. '
V/M Bender MOVED to TABLE Item 2, SECONDED by C/M Schumann. -
3. DISCUSSION &ND XQSSIBLE ACTION of purchase of one mobile
infiltration vehicle from CUES EQUIPMENT, sole source, in
the amount of $144,977.
�•• •' •�
....R •
City Manager Kelly said Council had discussed the prospect of
purchasing this type of vehicle. He said Staff had the opportunity
to see a comparable vehicle at the Public Services Complex which
is within the price that was budgeted for the vehicle and is
available at this time.
Peter Procopio, Utilities Operations Manager, said this equipment
would be a great help to the City's Crew and will reduce
infiltration. He said this piece of equipment locates the leak and
seals it in the process. He said the truck and the equipment come
with a warranty.
V/M Bender asked who is equipped to service this vehicle and Mx.
Procopio said Cues Equipment has local representatives from which
the City can obtain the parts and maintenance.
V/M Bender asked if the City would need a service contract with
them and how much would it be and Mr. Procopio said the City has
not had a service contract for the current Cues equipment that the
City has.
Mr. Procopio said there is a one year new vehicle warranty
included and a maintenance contract would need to be budgeted for
Mayor Abramowitz said the infiltration is costing the City a lot
of money yearly and this is a good way to stop it.
C/M Katz expressed his concern regarding the current Cues
Equipment that the City has and the amount of time it was in need
of repairs and Mr. Procopio said the old piece of equipment passed
its life expectancy.
Mr. Procopio said the old vehicle is working and can be used for
backup for the new one.
C/M Schumann asked why the vehicle that was looked at in September
was not purchased and Mr. Procopio said Staff looked at the
vehicle and then had to come back to the City with the report and
get permission from Council to purchase it.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many people in the City are able to
handle this equipment and Mr. Procopio said six or seven.
C/M Schumann said he understood that this was to be purchased at a
substantial savings to the City and Mr. Procopio said this is a
$27,000 savings to the City and the dealer needs to be notified
today in order to receive this price.
Discussion was held regarding the Staff capabilities to handle
this equipment.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 7
C/M Katz said he would like to know how much it would cost to
repair the old truck, cost of a maintenance agreement, and how
much time is needed for servicing of the equipment.
City Manager Kelly said Staff cannot make these types of
C/W Glasser said Council needs to depend on Staff to supply the
proper information. She said she feels Staff should have been
given authority to do this in order to prevent this type of
situation arising.
Mayor Abramowitz said he cannot give anyone the right to purchase
this without informing Council and having final approval by
C/W Glasser said Staff had supplied Council with all of the
information prior to looking at the vehicle and the purpose of the
trip was to be sure it was the proper equipment needed.
Mayor Abramowitz said no one can make this type of commitment
other than Council.
C/M Schumann suggested a fax be sent to bind the City to a
particular deal like this.
City Attorney Ruf said Council can authorize a purchase contingent
upon the City Attorney's approval of the terms of the contract.
V/M Bender asked if the $150,000 was budgeted to purchase this
equipment and City Manager Kelly agreed.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE the purchase of this equipment,
SECONDED by C/W Glasser.
Walter Rekuc, resident, expressed his concern regarding the
ability of personnel to handle this equipment and the availability
for parts.
V/M Bender said Cue Equipment will include the parts and service
manual on the unit.
4. MQTION TO APPE= the rejection of all bids received by the
City Clerk on September 27, 1991, for City Bid No. 91-11
annual requirements: excavation, removal and disposal of
water treatment plant lime sludge.
Agendized by Consent and then APPROVED
City Manager Kelly said these bids did not come within the City's
budgetary requirements.
C/M Katz asked if the City's advertising contains the fact that
the vendor at present has the equipment on the project and that
whoever gets the contract will need to bring in their own
equipment and Mr. Procopio said it is part of the bid spec that
they need to bring in their own equipment.
C/M Schumann.
C/M Katz asked if the City is going to have a similar situation as
the overflow of the dam in Colony West where the City would be
responsible for desludging the area or can the City hold the new
contracted vendor responsible for an overflow.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 8
Mr. Procopio said Colony West was an unfortunate situation. He
said the City is in violation of State Agency requirements that
the sludge must come out of the pond. He said it is the
responsibility of Staff to be sure that whoever gets this contract
is in compliance. Discussion was held regarding this problem and
the possible solutions which include the requirement of a
performance bond.
Mr. Procopio said at present there is a pile of lime next to the
pond which needs to be removed. He said it takes time to bid a
project in order to handle the current buildup of sludge.
City Manager Kelly said he has the authority to accept Staff's
recommendation to declare it an emergency and to advise Council.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the current vendor is not performing
properly and City Manager Kelly agreed.
Mr. Procopio said this is a timed element and one contract cannot
be cancelled and then go out to bid for another.
C/M Schumann asked how the vendor was able to begin the work
without the performance bond and Mr. Procopio said the City had
one invalid bid.
C/M Katz asked if Staff has surveyed other cities regarding this
and Mr. Procopio said as a way to find a solution to this problem
that could be ongoing for a month or two, it was checked with
Broward County who would bid it out and there may be a possibility
that the City could piggyback onto that contract. He said this
would cause the situation of the contractor having a performance
bond with the County and not the City. Further discussion was held
regarding this.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if it would be cost effective for the City
to own the equipment and do it and Mr. Procopio said it would be
expensive with the drag line and the City would also need a fleet
of trucks.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE Item 4, SECONDED by V/M Bender.
5. revising the rate
for the residential garbage collection and disposal fee.
Agendized by Consent and then APPROVED the revised monthly fees as
(a) curb service per unit
other than condominium ........ from 14.24 to 14.91
(b) dumpster service per
condominium unit..............from 7.16 to 7.50
City Manager was directed to draft a letter to the Attorney
General requesting guidance on the disposal companies regarding
the residential garbage collections.
C/M Schumann.
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6153 by title.
C/M Schumann MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6153, SECONDED by
C/W Glasser.
City Manager Kelly said the Finance Department needs to have
Council acceptance prior to sending out the billings. He said the
City Council Special Meeting
Page 9
previous sizeable increase that the City received was based on the
tipping fee being increased by Broward County and did not include
the cost of living which is also part of the contract. He said the
cost of living figures were not available at the time that they
sent out the initial rates. He said the determination has been
made that the cost of the CPI index that is referred to in the
contract was 4.7% from June, 1990 through June, 1991.
City Manager Kelly said the City received notification from Waste
Management that they were going to be increasing the City's rates
by 4.7%. He said the 4.7% impact to a single-family home would
raise the rate from $14.24 to $14.91 effective October 1, 1991. He
said the current rate for a condominium is $7.16 and the increase
would be to $7.50. He said this is part of the contract and is not
a negotiable item.
V/M Bender asked how many years are left on the five year contract
and City Manager Kelly said this is the last year.
Mayor Abramowitz said City Manager Kelly has been instructed to go
out for bid for the next contract.
City Manager Kelly said letters have been sent out to the various
vendors asking if they would be interested in bidding for the
City's garbage service. He said this increase does not include the
recycling program.
Mayor Abramowitz said Tamarac is one of the cities with the lowest
garbage rates.
V/M Bender said he feels the City should send a letter to the
Federal Government regarding this. He said he feels there is an
Anti -Sherman Act violation.
City Manager Kelly said a letter was sent to the Florida League of
Cities to Walter Falck. Discussion was held regarding the letter
sent out.
V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE preparation of a letter to the
Attorney General asking for guidance regarding this, SECONDED by
C/M Katz.
City Manager Kelly said the contract expires on September 30,
City Attorney Ruf said the City is obligated by contract to
approve this increase.
C/M Schuma.n MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6153, SECONDED by
C/M Katz. i
V/M Bender expressed his concern regarding the curbing in
Woodlands. He said on July 10, 1991, Council voted to approve the
curbing to be done in Woodlands. He said an Invitation to Bid to
do this work was printed in.the newspaper on October 6, 1991. He
said in discussing this with -Mr. Couzzo, he found that no money
was budgeted for this project.
Mayor Abramowitz said Mr. Couzzo had estimated the cost to be
approximately $10,000 for this work.
City Manager Kelly said Lauderhill has offered to use their
equipment and provide their lead person to aid in the operation of
the equipment. He said to buy the cement is $5,700 plus the labor
cost for City personnel to do it.
V/M Bender asked why this was not budgeted when it was approved in
July, 1991.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 10
Mayor Abramowitz said Council had originally approved this item in
1988; however, Woodlands had some problems and the contract was
never signed. Discussion was held regarding the history of this
City Manager Kelly said it was determined in the bid process that
the prices are higher than they were expected. He said the City
has the offer from Lauderhill as an option and V/M Bender
suggested the offer be received in writing from Lauderhill.
C/M Katz said Assistant City Manager McDermott, City Attorney
Carsky and he had been working on a proposed Ordinance restricting
parking of commercial vehicles in a commercial district and
requested that it be agendized for the City Council meeting on
October 23, 1991.
Mayor Abramowitz agreed and requested the response from the BSO be
included in the backup for that meeting.
C/M Schumann expressed his concern regarding the condition of the
roofs within the City. He requested that Code Enforcement enforce
the Ordinance regarding the repainting of roofs.
City Manager Kelly said the Code Enforcement Department is
enforcing the Code as much as they can but are detered by the rain
which is causing mildew on the roofs.
6. PUBLIC PARTjCIPATTON - Any member of the public may speak
to any issue which is on this meeting notice. Speakers will
be limited to three minutes during this item and at public
hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time
limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up
in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation.
There was no public participation.
with no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting
at 4:06 p.m.
"This public document was promulgated at a cost of $201.38 or
$4.48 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and
employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City
Council of the City of Tamarac."
City Clerk