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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-24 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes7525 Northwest 88 Avenue
Tamarac, YL 33321-2401
There will be a Special Meeting of the City Council on Thursday, October 24,
1991, at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room #1 of City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue,
Tamarac, Florida.
The City Council will consider the following items:
1.COUNCIT, REyiEW of the status of the request for payment of legal bill
by Attorney Andrew L. Siegel regarding Bernie Hart.
Discussion was held with no formal action taken.
2. approving a waiver to the sign
ordinance for 10,001 Monster Video and Music located at 8197 N.
University Drive in WALGREENS WOODMONT SHOPS to increase the total
letter height from 20-inches to 30-inches.
3 a MOTION io azPR0VZ the transfer of $13,191.00 from Contingency
Account #001-872-588-975 to Streets and Roads Other Contractual
Services Account #001-411-541-340 to provide funding for curbing
on Woodlands Boulevard (Bid #91-12).
b. awarding Bid #91-12 in the
amount of $13,191.00 to Continuous Curbing, Inc., for construction
of concrete curbing around all medians in the center of Woodlands
Boulevard from Commercial Boulevard to Banyan Lane.
4. C'OUNCIL REVIEW of the proposal by Municipal Administrative
Services (MAS) Consultants for all franchise agreements in Tamarac.
Discussion was held.
City Manager authorized to prepare bid documents to go to bid for auditing of
franchise agreements.
5. a, approving transfer of a
special exception permitting the operation of a restaurant from
Theodore Jaffe d/b/a Rascals III to Hillsboro Property Management,
Inc., d/b/a Terry's Famous Deli in Building #1 of the GARDEN MALL
at 7111 W. Commercial Boulevard. Petition #62-Z-91
b'#6164 approving transfer of a
special exception permitting on -premises consumption of
alcoholic beverages from Theodore Jaffe d/b/a Rascals III to
Hillsboro Property Management, Inc., d/b/a Terry's Famous
Deli in Building #1 of the GARDEN MALL at 7111 W. Commercial
Boulevard. Petition #63-Z-91
5a;+��-4� 5.a. APPROVED RESOLUTION R-91-193-PASSED
6• MOTION 19 A.PZROYZIthe purchase of one (1) Ford E-350
Superwagon Van under the 1991 State Contract in the amount of
$16,659.00 for the Social Services Division.
APPROVED with the condition that due to the emergency, the City Manager is
authorized to check locally for the same type of vehicle at a better price.
7'Rego-releasing a cash bond in the
amount of $150.00 posted by Ultra Security & Alarms, Inc., for
installation of burglar alarms in the City (tabled on 10/9/91).
8• PUBLIC PARTICIRATTQN - Any member of the public may speak to any
issue which is on this meeting notice. Speakers will be limited to three
minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty
(30) minute aggregate time limit for this item, and speakers are
encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their
The City Council may consider such other business as may come before it.
All meetings are open to the public.
In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be
available to the public at the City Council meeting.
Carol A. Evans
City Clerk
City Council Special Meeting
Page 1
REVISED 11/25/91
CALL TO (?spy$: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on
Thursday, October 24, 1991 at 9:00 a.m, in Conference Room #1 of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest $$,Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
Mayor Norman Abramowitz
Vice Mayor Dr. Larry Bender
Councilwoman Diane Glasser
Councilman Henry Schumann
Councilman Irving Katz
John P. Kelly, City Manager
Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager
Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney
Carol A. Evans, City Clerk
Karen Jackson, Secretary
1. COUNCILREVIEW of the status of the request for payment of
legal bill. by Attorney Andrew L. Siegel regarding Bernie
Discussion was held with no formal action taken.
City Attorney Ruf introduced Attorney Andrew L. Siegel,
representing former Mayor Bernie Hart.
V/M Bender said Council is looking for guidance and interpretation
of documents received regarding this issue.
City Attorney Ruf said Attorney Siegel had requested information
in his letter dated October 4, 1991, in which he indicated that
former Mayor Hart had forwarded to City Manager Kelly certain
bills for payment and there is a suggestion in his letter that to
date, there has been no response from City Manager Kelly or from
Council as to when payment will be forthcoming. He said the final
paragraph in the letter advises the City that if within three
weeks of the date of the letter, the City has not rendered a
specific decision to reimburse former Mayor Hart for the expenses
for which he is claiming reimbursement, there would be no
alternative but to seek legal remedies against the City and those
specific individuals who have deprived former Mayor Hart of his
rights under the color of Law.
City Attorney Ruf said Attorney Siegel's letter also states that
he will request that the court enter judgement not only for legal
fees and costs but for all consequential and punitive damages
suffered as a result of the non-payment, together with attorney's
fees related to the suit itself.
City Attorney Ruf said the City is currently one day away from the
three weeks that is suggested in the letter. He said he has
provided to the members of Council, some case laws and Attorney
General's opinions, the Case Law from the Florida Supreme Court,
the Case of Thornberg versus the City of Waldon Beach, Supreme
Court of Florida, dated October 11, 1990 and also the case of
Chavez versus the City of Tampa, dated March 16, 1990. He said he
does not know whether there are any later cases that would
distinguish the decisions in those two cases.
City Council Special Meeting
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City Attorney Ruf said legal fees for the Defense of Claims before
the Ethics Commission of the State are reimburseable. He said he
has found no case where these fees were reimbursed to a person who
was found to be guilty by the Ethics Commission nor a case where
there has been prepayment of fees before an ultimate decision by
the Ethics Commission. He said it seems clear from the Case Law
that this is a Common Law claim and is not a claim under the
Statutes since it is not a civil action. He said he feels that a
cautious Council might wait until the final determination by the
Ethics Commission before it acted on this request.
C/W Glasser said she understood that a City official working in
that capacity would be protected for legal fees as long as that
person is working in the capacity of the office.
City Attorney Ruf said there is a two -prong test involved. He said
the first part of the test is that they are working in the office
and he feels that former Mayor Hart passed the first test. He said
the second test is that he has to have been performing a public
C/W Glasser said there are currently some cases within the County
which are more serious and legal fees have been paid. She said in
this case, she understood that there was a cable in the Mayors'
office for a long time and the cable company had noticed that
former Mayor Hart did not have the television on and was asked how
he was monitoring the reception. She said the purpose of having
the cable was to insure the proper signals. She said she
understood that former Mayor Hart had stated that the television
bothered him when it was on because he had a lot of work to be
done and then it was suggested to him that perhaps the same cable
would be installed into his home so that when he had some free
time, he could watch and monitor that signal. She said she feels
that this would then be considered as him working within the
pervue of his office.
C/M Katz said whatever the Ethics Commission decided had gone to
an Appellate Court for the determination of Law. He said
regardless of what the Ethics Commission decides, the Appellate
Court decision would prevail as against what the Ethics Commission
decided. He asked if the City can recover whatever payment is made
towards his legal fees if the Council decided that they were going
to pay former Mayor Hart's legal fees until such time that it went
to Appellate Court and the Court decided that he was in violation.
City Attorney Ruf said he feels that the City may be able to bring
an action but whether it is recoverable is something that cannot
be answered at the present time. He said he would need to do more
research regarding this.
V/M Bender said he understood that during the Hearings
documentation was given and the Hearing Officers from the Ethics
Commission were recording all of the data that was just presented
by C/W Glasser. He said he feels that all of the facts have been
reviewed and investigated by the Ethics Commission and it is up to
them to render a decision based upon their findings. He said he is
looking for some information from the Ethics Commission to
conclude this at the present time.
C/M Schumann asked if there is anything in Case Law which reflects
a payment being made as a result of a guilty verdict and City
Attorney Ruf said he has not found any, but that does not mean
that there are none.
C/M Schumann asked if there is any Case Law regarding prepayment
prior to a verdict and City Attorney Ruf said he is aware of the
fact that people have had their legal fees prepaid, even in Ethics
situations. He said the newspapers indicated that there was a
prepayment of an Ethics investigation regarding a Mayor in an
adjoining City. He said he is familiar only from the press with
what has been indicated of hundreds of thousands of dollars paid
City Council Special Meeting
Page 3
prior to the criminal investigation; however, he does not know of
any Case Law of an Ethics Commission investigation where a
municipality prepaid the legal fees.
C/M Schumann asked what liability would a Council person place
upon themselves for a positive vote prior to a verdict in the
event that the verdict goes against the respondent. City Attorney
Ruf said some taxpayer could bring an action against the City and
against a Council person for inappropriate expenditures of public
funds, which is the only cause of action he is aware of that might
be available. He said this would be to recover the public funds
since there is no damage aspect to this type of lawsuit.
C/W Glasser asked if it is an appropriate expenditure. She said
she would not like to know that she would not be protected by the
City if a lawsuit was brought against her while she was on Council
and she made some decision that, in her view, seemed to be right
and others thought was not.
City Attorney Ruf said she would absolutely be provided with a
defense if a lawsuit was brought against her and there is a
presumption of correctness of any action that she might take for
the expenditure of public funds.. He said he feels that the
expenditure of public funds in this case requires a two -prong
test, the finding that former Mayor Hart was acting in his
official capacity and that some public purpose was served.
Mayor Abramowitz said Council had been told in a previous meeting
and City Attorney Ruf has reiterated his opinion that Council do
nothing until the case is judicated. He said he feels that every
City official has the right for protection. He said he received a
phone call from the Acting City Attorney that the case will be
heard on Friday, October 25, 1991, and the indication that Council
has received from City Attorney Ruf is to wait for the case to be
judicated. He said if the ruling is overturned, then the problem
has dissipated. He said he is not making any judgement other than
the City Attorney giving his opinion.
C/W Glasser said at the last meeting, the City Attorney had also
said that it was in the perview of this Council to pay the bill or
not. She asked if she is protected as a City official making any
type of decision that, in her mind is correct, and in the minds of
others, is incorrect.
City Attorney Ruf said in the past, City officials were protected
beyond reproach; however, it is getting more difficult for public
officials to make decisions which are not questioned by one side
or the other. He said he feels that if the City official is
following the recommendation or advice of the City Attorney, the
City official is automatically exhonorated from any personal
C/W Glasser said sometimes the Ethics Commissions have reversed
that even when the City Attorney issued his opinion.
City Attorney Ruf said this is an evolving area of the Law. He
said where the municipalities had absolute insulation from
liability fifteen years ago, it is an evolving area. He said when
the five members of Council make a Legislative decision, that
decision goes to court with a presumption of correctness, which is
what the separation of powers is all about. He said the courts
normally will not overturn any decision that the Council makes
unless it is absolutely baseless, arbitrary and capricious.
Andrew Siegel, Attorney representing former Mayor Hart, said this
is an attempt to make sure that former Mayor Hart receives
competent legal representation and, in order to be able to do
that, attorney's fees must be paid. He said this is an attempt to
get these bills paid on an ongoing basis because former Mayor Hart
is entitled to have his fees paid as would any other member of the
Council should anything like this happen to them.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 4
Mr. Siegel said there is precedence with another City and the
School Board about the amount of money paid out in attorney's
fees. He said he does not feel that $100 per hour, which the law
firm of Boreth and Glasser are charging, is unreasonable. He said
the fact that the County Commission has paid fees on behalf of the
County Commissioner, who is tied up in the Board investigation,
has not yet come before the Ethics Commission.
Mr. Siegel said the Port Everglades individual Commissioners have
had their legal fees on an ongoing basis. He said the City of
Lauderhill has had its Council members' legal fees paid on an
ongoing basis. He said this is an involving issue and there are no
cases that say that he is not entitled to reimbursement. He said
he is requesting that former Mayor Hart be reimbursed at the
present time for his legal fees so that he can continue to have
attorneys represent him in this ongoing matter.
Mayor Abramowitz said there are three courses of action that can
be taken. He said he has requested a Special or Workshop Council
meeting for October 28, 1991, depending on the situation. He said
the Council has the opportunity to wait for the case to be heard,
as per the City Attorney's instructions, to take action to pay the
bill or to deny paying the bill.
C/W Glasser said this is based upon whether Council feels whether
former Mayor Hart should have legal coverage or not.
C/M Katz read into the record an exerpt regarding Patricia
Thornberg versus the City of Fort Waldon Beach, Items 1 and 2.
(Attachment 1) He said the Hearing Officer had not afforded former
Mayor Hart's attorneys an opportunity to access certain
information that could have been made available to them. He said
he does not know if any other City officials had received cable
service from Continental Cablevision.
C/M Katz continued to read into the record. He said at the Public
Hearing of the Ethics Commission, the charge was never proven that
he was not doing this in the performance of his office. He said he
feels that based on the Appellate Court decisions, if the City
expended the money for his attorney's fees at the present time and
the Ethics Commission upholds the decision that they have
preliminarily made and the Appellate Court stays with the
decision, a Motion for recovery would be available to the City.
City Attorney Ruf said he feels that is an option available to the
C/M Katz said he cannot see how he could personally serve and not
be afforded the same opportunity for legal defense that former
Mayor Hart should have been afforded.
C/M Schumann said he can understand what C/M Katz stated and also
that it says that it must be done in the performance of official
duties and serve a public purpose. He said he can see the official
duties but has not yet been convinced that it served a public
Mayor Abramowitz said he is uncomfortable with this and he has not
judged one way or the other. He said he -feels that every public
official should be afforded a legal defense. He said he would like
to see this overturned, then it would be an easy decision for
Council to make.
Former Mayor Bernie Hart said this is not a matter of waiting for
Friday because he will be there with his attorneys to press this
case towards the way they believe is correct. He said he will be
fighting a hiarchy in Tallahassee and if he does not succeed, it
will go to the Appellate Court. He said if necessary, it will go
to the State Supreme Court; therefore, this may linger on for
several years and he does not have the money to pay for a legal
defense for that length of time.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 5
Mayor Abramowitz said he understands but a legal interpretation
has been made for Council as to what they should do, which is to
wait for the determination of the Ethics Commission.
C/M Katz said the question that comes'up is if the Council is
denying former Mayor Hart the right to due process, he cannot
afford to pay the bills.
The following is a partial verbatim
as requested by C/W Glasser
10/24/91 City Council Special Meeting
V/M Bender: I'll make a Motion that we Table this.
Mayor Abramowitz: OK. I need a Second on the Motion. Hank?
Nothing? Alright, I'm going to Second that Motion. OK. Let me turn
the gavel over to Larry.
C/M Katz: He is the maker of the Motion. You can't turn it over to
Mayor Abramowitz: Well, I'm not going to be denied my vote"by you
or anybody else.
C/M Katz: I'm just stating protocol that how can you turn it over
to the maker of the Motion.
Mayor Abramowitz: OK. As Chairman of this Committee, I'll exercise
my perrogative, Mr. Attorney?
City Attorney Ruf: All I'm saying is that any member of this
Council is entitled to preside, if the Mayor or Vice Mayor cannot
preside, then any other member can preside and I would guess that
the senior member would preside, so let Hank preside.
Mayor Abramowitz: OK, win, lose or draw, we have a Motion and
Larry, let me ask, there is no discussion on a Motion, but this is
a very sensitive issue, I understand this. I personally feel that
we should take this up in the fastest possible order, as soon as a
determination is made. Would that be your feeling?
V/M Bender: Yea, you can put it back on as soon as it is
Mayor Abramowitz: Immediately, once we get a determination. Based
on that, I'm going to Second the Motion and I am going to call for
a vote on the Motion to Table.
City Clerk Evans: V/M Bender?
V/M Bender: AYE
City Clerk Evans: C/W Glasser?
C/W Glasser: I am going to ask the Attorney if I have a conflict
in voting on this.
City Attorney Ruf: I don't believe that you have a conflict unless
you have a direct financial interest in any of the parties who
might benefit from this.
C/W Glasser: Not directly to me, no, but you know where it goes.
City Attorney Ruf: I understand, but you don't. Are you, do you
work for the law firm?
C/W Glasser: No, I don't.
City Attorney Ruf: Do you get any benefit or any income from the
law firm?
C/W Glasser: No.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 6
City Attorney Ruf: Then I think that you are entitled to vote.
C/W Glasser: OK, No.
City Clerk Evans: C/M Schumann?
C/M Schumann: No.
City Clerk Evans: C/M Katz?
C/M Katz: No.
City Clerk Evans: Mayor Abramowitz?
Mayor Abramowitz: AYE. The Motion to Table fails by a three to two
vote. Now we need another Motion. We need to do something.
C/M Katz: I'm going to make a Motion that we authorize payment for
the legal bills that were submitted as of today.
Mayor Abramowitz: OK. Is there a Second?
V/M Bender: I'll second it, no, I don't want to do that.
Mayor Abramowitz: OK. Is there a Second? It dies for lack of a...
C/W Glasser: I'll second it.
Mayor Abramowitz: OK. Motion made and,Seconded, OK. Any discussion
on the Motion? None? Madam Clerk, call the roll.
V/M Bender: I just want to clarify the -Motion. That is for a
Mayor Abramowitz: Yes. Mr. Katz made a Motion to pay the legal
bills as presented by Mr. Hart. Is that your Motion, Mr. Katz?
C/M Katz: That's the Motion.
City Clerk Evans: C/M Katz?
C/M Katz: AYE
City Clerk Evans: C/M Schumann?
C/M Schumann: No.
City Clerk Evans: C/W Glasser?
C/W Glasser: AYE
City Clerk Evans: V/M Bender?
V/M Bender: No.
City Clerk Evans: Mayor Abramowitz?
Mayor Abramowitz: No. Motion fails.
(End of partial verbatim.)
Mayor Abramowitz requested that the Council be informed immediately of
the disposition of the Ethics Commission and requested further research
regarding the pros and cons of payment.
City Manager Kelly said he received a clarification from Susan Tillman,
Risk Manager, to the question regarding the letter that Attorney Siegel
sent to the City.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the Insurance Company feels that they are not
responsible for the bill and City Manager Kelly said that is correct.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 7
2. MOTION_ IQ ADOPT Temn. Reso_ #6165 approving a waiver to
the sign ordinance for 10,001 Monster Video and Music
located at 8197 N. University Drive in WALGREENS WOODMONT
SHOPS to increase the total letter height from 20-inches to
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6165 by title.
V/M Bender MOVED -to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6165, SECONDED by
C/M Schumann.
Assistant City Manager McDermott said this portion of the building
is higher.
C/M Katz said after Council had acknowledged that there was a need
and approved a sign waiver, the owner of the property denied them
having a sign because it would differ from what was approved.
Assistant City Manager McDermott said the shopping center owner
has approved the sign waiver.
3. a. MOTION 10 APPROVE the transfer of $13,191.00 from
Contingency Account #001-872-588-975 to Streets and
Roads Other Contractual Services Account #001-411-541-
340 to provide funding for curbing on Woodlands
Boulevard (Bid #91--12) .
b. awarding Bid
#91-12 in the amount of $13,191.00 to Continuous
Curbing, Inc., for construction of concrete curbing
around all medians in the center of Woodlands Boulevard
from Commercial Boulevard to Banyan Lane.
3.a. C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Item 3.a., SECONDED by
V/M Bender.
C/M Schumann expressed his concerns regarding bid rigging. He said
the bids range from $37,000 down to $13,000.
Mr. Couzzo said it is fairly common in the competitive bid
practice to see bids range in this manner and he does not know
what bid rigging is.
C/M Schumann said it is when 5 or 6 people get together and take
turns submitting the lowest bid.
City Attorney Ruf suggested that Council remain on the subject at
Mayor Abramowitz said there is a full report on the past work
experience of Continuous Curbing, Inc.
C/W Glasser asked if the quali4ications and specifications are the
same and Mr. Couzzo said everything is exactly the same.
Mr. Couzzo said this firm did the curbing for the Public Services
Complex. He said this individual has a smaller firm than the
others and does not have the large overhead that some of the other
firms have; therefore, he is able to do it at a lower price. He
said this firm has done satisfactory and above satisfactory work
for the other agencies.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 8
City Manager Kelly said due to the economy, some firms will bid
low in order to remain in operation.
Mayor Abramowitz said this firm came in on the Public Services
Complex at a low bid and completed the work satisfactorily.
V/M Bender said the original bid came in at $12,950.76 and there
is a note of a miscalculation. He asked who did the miscalculating
and Mr. Couzzo said the bidder made a miscalculation and the
Finance Department and the Purchasing Department worked on the
correction based on the unit price versus the footage price.
Mae Schreiber, resident, asked if Council had approved a limit of
up to $10,000 for the curbing and Mayor Abramowitz said, no.
Mayor Abramowitz said it was approved by Council that the City
would do Woodlands Boulevard and Sabal Palm for $13,940, which was
three or four years ago. He said the prices have gone up in the
past few years.
Mr. Couzzo said there was an approximate estimate made of $1.00
per lineal foot. He said it is impossible to predict what the
prices will be in a competitive sealed bid package.
V/M Bender said he was under the assumption that this would not
exceed $10,000 when he voted at a previous meeting.
Harold Newman, resident, asked what the cost savings will be for
the City and Mayor Abramowitz said the estimate was that the City
would save $90,000.
C/M Katz said there is a differential between costs depending on
whether or not the truck remains on the job and Mr. Couzzo agreed
3.b. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6162 by title.
V/M Bender MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6162, SECONDED by
C/M Schumann.
4. COUNCIL REVIEW of the proposal by Municipal
Administrative Services (MAS) Consultants for all
franchise agreements in Tamarac.
Discussion was held.
City Manager authorized to prepare bid documents to go to bid for
auditing of franchise agreements.
V/M Bender said MAS submitted a proposal which he reviewed in
detail and discussed with Dr. Guy Rankin, representative for MAS,
as to its contents and the costs. He said there are two
alternatives in this proposal; either the funds are paid outright
for the audit or by a fee contingency of $25,000 per audit and a
25% contingency on money recovered.
V/M Bender said Dr. Rankin has agreed to reduce the contingency to
20% but had indicated that he would like the entire job given to
him which includes the audits of FP&L, Southern Bell, Continental
Cablevision and the Waste Management garbage collection.
V/M Bender said the City received an unsolicited proposal from a
new company called the Municipal Public Services, Taxes, and
Franchise Fees, which he also reviewed. He said this company was
organized in July, 1991, and does not have a work history. He said
Assistant City Manager McDermott contacted the company to find out
if they had done any franchise auditing and they said, no, but
some of their employees had.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 9
V/M Bender said he would like to get permission from Council to
renegotiate with Guy Rankin down to a point where the City gives
him two audits at a time to work on with the funds of $25,000 plus
a 20% contingency.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if it is mandatory that the City go out to
bid on this and City Attorney Ruf said it is not a requirement of
the State Statutes but he would research the Charter.
C/W Glasser said MAS was looking to utilize Griffith and
Associates on this. She asked how the City will know who MAS will
employ to do these audits and V/M Bender said Dr. Rankin will be
the Project Manager and he will be required to get individuals who
are competent and not use Griffith and Associates.
C/W Glasser said she would like to know�who will be doing the work
and what their work history is.
C/M Katz said he feels the City may receive a number of bids,
based on the one unsolicited bid. He suggested the City work up a
solicitation for bids for the same items prior to approving a
single franchise to do this work.
Mayor Abramowitz said Dr. Rankin has not done any work for cities
in Florida but he does have favorable recommendations. He said
whatever is done must be in the best interest of the City. He said
he would like to have the City Attorney's opinion regarding bid
requirements on this particular item.
C/M Katz MOVED to TABLE Item #4, with the condition that the
City Attorney and V/M Bender draw up the specifications for an
advertisement to bid for this type of procedure.
V/M Bender said the average charge is $45,000 to $50,000 for this
type of service. He said MAS has been recognized by ICMA, the
League of Cities and other such organizations. He said this has
been informally advertised by meeting notices which are public
C/W Glasser SECONDED the Motion.
City Manager Kelly requested clarification by Council.
Mayor Abramowitz said he would never give a company one job at a
time. He said he feels it would be more attractive to a bidder
with four or five contracts in the offing.
V/M Bender suggested this be bid for the four items in two steps.
Discussion was held regarding various ways to go to bid.
City Manager Kelly said a proposal will be drafted for final
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE going out to bid, SECONDED by C/W
5. a. MOTION TQADOPT TeMR. Rego. #6163 approving
transfer of a special exception permitting the operation
of a restaurant from Theodore Jaffe d/b/a Rascals III to
Hillsboro Property Management, Inc., d/b/a Terry's
Famous Deli in Building #1 of the GARDEN MALL at 7111
Commercial Boulevard. Petition #62-Z-91.
City Council Special Meeting
Page 10
5. b. approving
transfer of a special exception permitting on -
premises consumption of alcoholic beverages from
Theodore Jaffe d/b/a Rascals III to Hillsboro
Property Management, Inc., d/b/a Terry's Famous
Deli in Building #1 of the GARDEN MALL at 7111 W.
Commercial Boulevard. Petition #63--Z-91
5.a. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6163 by title.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6163, SECONDED by
C/M Schumann.
C/M Schumann asked what the hours would be and the applicant said
it would be open daytime and evenings.
5.b. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6164 by title.
C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6164, SECONDED by
C/M Schumann.
6. MOTION TOAPZROVE the purchase of one (1) Ford E-350
Superwagon Van under the 1991 State Contract in the amount
of $16,659.00 for the Social Services Division.
APPROVED with the condition that due to the emergency, the City
Manager is authorized to check locally for the same type of
vehicle at a better price.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE Item 6, SECONDED by C/M Schumann.
Mayor Abramowitz said there is only one van left under State
Contract. He said now that the Social Services Department has
enough volunteers, there are not enough vehicles. He said he has
contacted the auto dealers in the area requesting donations of
used vehicles for a tax deduction. He said he received one
positive response from an auto dealer. He said a letter has been
drafted by Assistant City Manager McDermott to inform him of the
use of the vehicle requested. He said he would like to direct
Staff to locate and purchase a vehicle with this amount of money
without having to wait a long period 'of time.
Assistant City Manager McDermott said there is one van available
at a dealership in Orlando which is ready for delivery. She said
the City can have this van if Council approves it by issuing a
purchase order today. She said there will be a new State Contract
next month.
C/M Katz asked who is paying for delivery of the new van and
Assistant City Manager McDermott said she did not know.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if someone would contact a couple of local
agencies in order to get a better price that the one in Orlando
and City Manager Kelly said there would be no problem doing this.
Assistant City Manager McDermott said the State Contract requires
that a Ford van be purchased; however, the City is looking for a
15 passenger van no matter what make it is, at the lowest possible
City Council. Special Meeting
Page 11
City Attorney Ruf said the Council can authorize in the Motion,
that the City Manager has the right to make the deal if he can get
a better price due to the emergency.
7. MOTH X TO ADOPT Tema_ Reno. , if143 releasing a cash bond
in the amount of $150.00 posted by Ultra Security &
Alarms, Inc., for installation of burglar alarms in the City
(tabled on 10/9/91).
City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6143 by title.
C/M Katz MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6143, SECONDED by
C/W Glasser.
C/M Schumann asked if the City Attorney checked on this and City
Attorney Ruf said there is an affidavit indicating that there are
no bankruptcies filed.
Assistant City Manager McDermott said the Personnel Department
checked with Tallahassee and the Broward County Bankruptcy Court
and the firm involuntarily dissolved for failure to file a 1989
Annual Report on October 15, 1989.
City Attorney Ruf said the petition from Staff is due to putting
so much Staff time into it.
8. RUBLIC PAUICIPATION - Any member of the public may speak
to any issue which is on this meeting notice. Speakers will
be limited to three minutes during this item and at public
hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time
limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up
in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation.
Mayor Abramowitz OPENED and CLOSED Public Participation with no
Mayor Abramowitz said there will be a Council meeting on Monday,
October 28, 1991 at 9:00 a.m, regarding the Council vacation
schedule and the Christmas meeting.
C/M Katz said he would like Council to consider medians being
dedicated to the City. He said there is a median in the City that
was contracted with the developer that the Association would be
responsible for maintenance. He said the Association wants to
dedicate the median to the City. He requested a legal opinion as
to the procedure necessary for this.
With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this
at 10:30 a.m.
� .. ' ... ` MAYOR
"This public document was promulgated at a cost of $128.78 or
$2.86 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and
employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City
Council of the City of Tamarac."
"ATTACHMENT 41, &TOBER 24 , 1991
NIeDON:' LD, Justice, concurring.
1 concur on guilt and comment on the
1-rialty. In order to sustain a sentence of
death when a jury recommends life the
facts suggesting a sentence of death
should be so clear and convincing that vir
tualiv no reasonable Berson could, differ.
Tcddcr v. State, 322 So,2d 969 (Fla.1975).
This is a stern test.
The existence of one or more mitigating
factors does not necessarily preclude a jury
override. The sentencing judge must look.
at the totality of the aggravating and miti-
gating circumstances to determine 'whether
the jurors' recommendation was reason-
able. The existence of discernible mitigat-
ing circumstances is strong evidence that it
was. There are some cases, however,
where the aggravating circumstances are
so overwhelming that it is unreasonable to-,,
recommend life even when there are one or '.
more mitigating factors. The test to be
applied by the judge is whether the facts
are such that the jury's recommendation is
reasonable and not whether the judge
would reach the same conclusion. The ben-
efit of any doubt on the reasonableness of
a recommendation of life must he given the
It cannot be said in this case that the
facts suggesting death are so clear and
convincing that virtually no reasonable per-
son could differ. I therefore agree that
the sentence of death must be vacated.
Patricia THORNBE R, et al., Petitioners.
BEACH, Respondent. '
No. 71194.
ney's fees incurred while defending them-
selves against various lawsuits arising
from dismissal of city officials. The Cir-
cuit Court, Okaloosa County, Erwin Fleet,
J., awarded portion of claimed fees, and
appeal was taken. The District Court of
Appeal affirmed in part and reversed in
part, 544 So.2d 230. On review, the Su-
preme Court, McDonald, J., held that: (1)
city council members' successful action to
enjoin recall petition arose out of perform-
ance of their official duties and served pub-
lic purpose, entitling members, under com-
mon law, to reimbursement of attorney's
fees from city; (2) statute governing
awards of attorney's fees to public officials
is not intended to replace common-law rem-
edy completely, and is not exclusive mecha-
nism authorizing award of attorney's fees
tq public officials defending against litiga-
tion arising from performance of their pub-
lic duties; and (3) council members were
prevailing parties entitled to reimburse-
ment for attorney's fees in civil rights ac-
tion brought by police chief after members
voted to discharge him.
Decision approved in part and disap-
proved in part.
1. Officers and Public Employees ",a
Public officials' entitlement to attorney
fees incurred while defending themselves
against litigation arising from performance
of their official duties while serving public
purpose arises independent of statute, ordi-
nance, or charter.
Z Officers and Public Employees 0*10C
For public officials to be entitled to
representation at public expense, litigation
must arise out of or in connection with
performance of their official duties and
serve public purpose.
Supreme Court of Florida. oi,. 3. Municipal Corporations 4-163
Oct. 11, 1990, City' council members' successful ac-
tion, to enjoin recall petition arose out of
performance of their official duties and
City council members brought action served public purpose, entitling members,
against city for reimbursement of attor- under common law, to reimbursement of
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