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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-30 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321-2401 RECORD OF COUNCIL ACTIONS/DISCUSSIONS October 29, 1991 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA There will be a Special Meeting of the City Council on Wednesday, October 30, 1991, at 1:00 p.m., in Conference Room #1 of City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. The City Council will consider the following items: 1. MOTION TO ADOPT %a . Reso. #6166 approving a request to encroach five (5) feet into the utility easement at the rear of Lot 17, Block 43, Woodlands Section 6, 4814 Kumquat Drive, as requested by the estate of Seymour L. Yokel. FINAL ACTION: RESOLUTION R-91-195-PASSED APPROVED with the condition that if Continental Cablevision repairs or replaces their existing facilities, within that easement, they bear no responsibility for damage to the encroaching structure. 2. MOTION TO APPROVE, the elimination of the December 25, 1991, City Council meeting. FINAL ACTION• APPROVED 3. NOTION TO APPROVE the Request for Proposal for auditing of all City franchise agreements. FINAL ANION: APPROVED 4• authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Jehovahs Witnesses pertaining to the sale of the old City Hall. FINAL ACTION* RESOLUTION R-91-196-PASSED APPROVED 5• authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Letter of Agreement with Jeffrey L. Berkowitz, Trustee, regarding the old Public Works site. FINAL ACTT„QN+ RESOLUTION R-91-197-PASSED APPROVED with an approximate tax of $29,376.36. 6. PUBLIC PARTTCTP,&IJON - Any member of the public may speak to any issue which is on this meeting notice. Speakers will be limited to three minutes during this item and at public hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time limit for this itemr and speakers are encouraged to sign up in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation. The City Council may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it. All meetings are open to'the public. In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Council meeting. Carol. A. Evans City Clerk Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1991 Tape 1 CALL TO ORDER : Mayor Norman Abramowitz called the at 1:00 P.M. in Conference Room #1, City Hall. PRESENT : Mayor Norman Abramowitz Councilwoman Diane Glasser Councilman Henry Schumann Councilman Irving Katz ABSENT : Vice -Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender (arrived late) ALSO PRESENT : John P. Kelly, City Manager Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Phyllis Polikoff, Secretary meeting to order 1. MOTION TO ADOPT Tem . Reso. #6166 approving a request to encroach five (5) feet into the utility easement at the rear of Lot 17, Block 43, Woodlands Section 6, 4814 Kumquat Drive, as requested by the estate of Seymour L. Yokel. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION : APPROVED witfi the condition that if RESOLUTION R-91-195 PASSED Continental Cablevision repairs or replaces their existing facilities, within that easement, they bear no responsibility for damage to the encroaching structure. City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6166 by Title. Mayor Abramowitz said following the death of Mr. Yokel, a problem evolved that the house could not be sold unless there was a variance and all the necessary documents were complied with. City Manager Kelly said the address was 5713 Bamboo Circle. Ms. Susan Aaronson, family member to Mr. Yokel, said the address was incorrect. She said the correct address was 4814 Kumquat Drive. Mayor Abramowitz said the problem could be corrected. C/W Glasser asked if Lot 17 and Block 43 were correct and Ms. Aaronson said, yes. C/M Katz said Temp. Reso. #6166 came before the Planning Commission and nothing was said at that time. Mayor Abramowitz asked City Attorney Ruf if the address could be corrected verbally and City Attorney Ruf said, yes. City Manager Kelly said the applicants has requested an encroachment agreement. He said the existing deck and screened room encroached five feet into the Utility easement and by granting the encroachment, the applicants would be able to clear their title on the property and sell the house. He said all appropriate franchise, utilities and City departments reviewed the request and had no objections. City Manager Kelly said there was one stipulation with the cable company which stated that if the cable company had to repair or replace their existing facilities within the easement, they would not bear any responsibility for damage to the encroaching structure should it occur. He said he had correspondence from Continental Cable and Staff recommended approval. He said everything was in order. City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 2 * C/W Glasser MOVED to correct the address from 5713 Bamboo Circle to 4814 Kumquat Drive, SECONDED by C/M Katz. VOTE ALL VOTED AYE ..- * C/W Glasser MOVED to APPROVE Temp. Reso. #6166 SECONDED by C/M Schumann. C/M Schumann said Southern Bell indicated that if there was any damage to their facilities on the encroachment, the applicant would be responsible. He said this was similar to the statement from Continental Cable. He asked cif there was damage in the future, what the City's liability was, if any, for granting the encroachment. City Attorney Ruf said there would not be any. C/M Katz asked if anything was necessary from Woodlands Country Club pertaining to encroachment. He said he believed the deck and screened room encroached on the golf course and Mayor Abramowitz said the encroachment was just in the utility easements. Dina McDermott said the encroachment was a five-foot City utility easement along the rear of the lot. C/M Katz said after hearing the response from Mayor Abramowitz and Dina McDermott, that nothing was needed from Woodlands Country Club. City Attorney Ruf said the survey showed that the encroachment did not extend beyond the utilities. Mayor Abramowitz said for the record that V/M Bender came into the meeting. VOTE : ALL VOTED AYE 2. MOTION TO APPROVE the elimination of the December 25, 1991, City Council meeting. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED Mayor Abramowitz said the December 25, 1991 City Council meeting will fall on Christmas Day. * C/W Glasser MOVED to eliminate the December 25, 1991 City Council meeting, SECONDED by C/M Schumann. C/W Glasser said the meeting should be eliminated completely and if a meeting was needed, a Special Meeting could be scheduled. Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed. VOTE : ALL VOTED AYE 3. MOTION TO APPROVE the Request for Proposal for auditing of all City franchise agreements. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED * C/M Schumann MOVED to APPROVE the Request for Proposal, SECONDED by V/M Bender. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City was going out to bid and Din McDermott said, yes. He asked that the Council receive copies before anything was submitted and Dana McDermott said they were made a part of the packet for this Special Meeting. C/W Glasser asked if the City took on M.A.S. to do the garbage and Mayor Abramowitz said M.A.S. was the commercial franchise, and there was a big difference. Dina McDermott said the Proposal was to prepare an analysis in order to prepare contract documents for the new contract for commercial garbage haulers. C/W Glasser said "up to $6,000". Mayor Abramowitz said a meeting would be scheduled to discuss this because he needed more clarification on the report. \1 VOTE LJ City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 3 ALL VOTED AYE 4. MOTION TO ADOPT Tem \ Reso. #6167 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Jehovahs Witnesses pertaining to the sale of the old City Hall. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION APPROVED RESOLUTION R-91-196-PASSED City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6167 by Title. V/M Bender MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #6167 , SECONDED by C/M Schumann. C/M Schumann said the revised draft dated 9/19/91 was the final draft which the City and the Buyer had to sign and City Attorney Ruf said, yes. He said the buyer had already signed the draft. C/M Katz said he wished to stipulate that the Council would not reduce any fees because the Buyer was a charitable institution and religious organization. He said nothing should be deferred except by a variance or by Special Exception to anything other than was in the Code during the period of construction. He said he did not want the buyer to come back after approval of the sale of the old City Hall and request their construction fees be reduced because they were a religious institution. Mayor Abramowitz asked how anyone could be stopped from doing this. C/M Katz said he again wanted it stipulated that the Council would not reduce any fees so this would not happen. Mayor Abramowitz said Temp. Reso. #6167 was just on the sale of the old City Hall, and based on this, nothing was being given away. City Manager Kelly said this was correct. Mayor Abramowitz asked if anyone had made an application for a reduction of fees and City Manager Kelly said, no. Mayor Abramowitz said'he could not see how anyone could be stopped from corning in to request a, reduction and religious institutions came in almost every day requesting reductions but it did not mean that the City would give them anything. City Manager Kelly said that City Attorney Ruf had stated that the Staff had indicated what they needed to do. He said regarding the Council, there was nothing else hidden and the project was able to move through. He said the Buyer had met with Staff and was made aware of the Council's concerns and they understood that.. City Manager Kelly said for the record, the Buyer still had the opportunity to apply for waivers, variances and requests, etc. Mayor Abramowitz said he believed that C/M Katz said that this would be a condition on the approval of the sale of the old City Hall and C/M Katz said, no. C/M Katz said he wanted a stipulation to indicate that the City had not warranted that there would be any preferential treatment because of their religious organization. He said he had a list from Kelly Carpenter, the Building Department and the Fire Department. Mayor Abramowitz said the Council had the same list. Mayor Abramowitz asked if anyone had made representation to the Buyer that they would get any type of preferential treatment. C/M Katz said he saw many religious organizations come to the City and ask for reduction of fees. Mayor Abramowitz said, generally, he would vote for it. C/M Katz said the City had a Code and if a variance was requested by the Buyer, they would have to go to the Board of Adjustment like anyone else. He said the consideration would not be based on whether or not they were a religious organization but that they conformed to the Code. City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page -4 VOTE : Mayor Abramowitz said C/M Katz was talking about a variance when Item 4 related to the contract. He said C/M Katz believed that as a condition of the contract, the Council was bound not to give any other considerations. He said he misunderstood C/M Katz's impression. Mayor Abramowitz said if anyone had made representation to the Council, he was not aware of it. C/W Glasser said the City Hall was sold at a very nominal cost. Shg asked if a precedent had been set whereby a Buyer would be able to get lower permit fees or no permit fees. C/M Katz said there was no warrant or stipulation that the Buyer wquld be granted any dispensation because they were a religious organization. C/M Schumann said there was nothing in the contract to indicate this. C/M Katz said he wanted this included as part of the record. Mayor Abramowitz said he saw religious organizations come to the City and first be turned down and then have their requests granted. He said it was not as a right. He said precedents meant nothing. He said the Buyer had every right to petition Council for a variance. C/M Katz said the petitioner went to the Board of Adjustment for a variance and not the Council. Mayor Abramowitz said the petitioner did not need a variance to request that fees be lowered. He said the petitioner needed a variance to do away with something. C/M Katz said he was talking about a variance relating to construction and not the cost of fees. He said if the petitioner went to the Board of Adjustment, he did not go to the Council and the petitioner had to do what everyone else did. Mayor Abramowitz asked C/M Katz if he meant that if the petitioner went to the Board of Adjustment, Council would not have to grant the variance and C/M Katz said, no. Mayor Abramowitz said the law gave everyone the right of petition. C/M Katz said there was nothing implied or warranted and he wanted this made part of the record. V/M Bender said there was nothing in Item 4 which touched upon a variance. He said what C/M Katz discussed could possibly come up in the future but this was not addressed now. C/M Schumann said this had no relevancy to the contract. 4V"-flW1iyQ:3QWX4 5. MOTION TO ADOPT Temp. Reso. #6168 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute a Letter of Agreement with Jeffrey L. Berkowitz, Trustee, regarding the old Public Works site. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION : APPROVED with an approximate tax of $29,376.36 RESOLUTION R-91-197 PASSED City Attorney Ruf read Temp. Reso. #6168 by Title. V/M Bender MOVED to Adopt Temp. Reso. #6168 , SECONDED by C/M Schumann. Mayor Abramowitz asked what Mr. Berkowitz was buying and what. he was paying. He said there was a conflict regarding fees and asked what the disposition was. City Manager Kelly said the original contract was approximately $2,750,000 which was divided into Phases I and II. He said Phase I covered Lots 6 through 15 and Phase II covered Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 which were 100 feet by 300 feet and came to 120,000 square feet, a little less than three acres. He said Phase I was closed at a cost of $1,900,000 and this figure was reduced to almost $1,800,000. He said the balance of $850,000 was being applied to Phase II. He said Mr. Berkowitz put $85,000 down in an escrow account for Phase II and over time, the escrow account was increased to $98,000. v/ City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 5 City Manager Kelly said the City was obligated under the terms of the contract to pay the taxes on the property until the property could be used. He said the property was a "gas fill" and it. is now free and clear. He said the approximate pro -rated taxes for the rest of the fiscal year through October 2nd is $29,376.36. City Manager Kelly said the Council was asked to allow Mr. Berkowitz to deduct $29,376,36 from the $98,000. He said Mr. Berkowitz would pay the taxes now rather than come back in the future after the City found out all the taxes. He said if the City deducted the $29,376.36, he would release the balance to the City. He said $98,000 less the $29,376.36 and C/M Schumann said the figure was approximately $61,000 to the City. C/M Schumann said the City still owned the property and that is why the City was obligated to pay the taxes. He said the City would still recoup the balance in the escrow account. VOTE ALL VOTED AYE Mayor Abramowitz said Mr. Berkowitz already started to build on the property. Mayor Abramowitz said that the Council did not advertise for a Workshop after the Special Meeting. He said the agenda stated, "City Council may consider such other business as may come before it,,. He asked if the meeting was open for discussion on any item and City Attorney Ruf said Council could MOVE to agendize any item. Mayor Abramowitz said this would only be for discussion and not for voting. City Attorney Ruf said Council could agendize a discussion, if they desired, with a three -person vote. Mayor Abramowitz said he received a memo from City Attorney Ruf pertaining to three items from the Charter Board on proposed Charter Amendments. C/M Schumann said he received the memo. He said there was nothing on the agenda and he did not review it. V/M Bender asked the date for the return of the Proposal with regard to Item 3 "Request for Proposal for auditing City Hall franchises". He said the documentation he had was blank. He asked what the time frame was and City Manager Kelly said this had not been resolved. Dina McDermott said her recommendation was for 15 days from the date it was advertised. City Manager Kelly said he needed to get authorization from Council today. V/M Bender said it would be at the most two weeks. Mayor Abramowitz asked if Council wanted to give out-of-town people an additional two weeks and Dina McDermott said it would be from the date it was advertised. C/M Katz asked if this item was advertised in trade journals and Dina McDermott said this was advertised in the Miami Herald and the Sun Sentinel. She said a list of companies who were available to the City would be advised that the City was advertising in the newspapers, etc. She said the companies would be sent the bid package. Mayor Abramowitz said he had a book in his office which he thought listed all trade organizations in the Country. He said he could give the book to Dina McDermott. He said 'people who were not from South Florida should get opportunity to submit a Proposal. C/W Glasser asked if another Special Meeting or a Workshop was scheduled during the week and Mayor Abramowitz said, no. C/W Glasser said Fridy, November 1 was the final date to apply for the position of City Attorney. She said a plan should be put together on how to review the applications to appoint the Attorney. Mayor Abramowitz asked if a Committee was selected to put together a short list. City Manager Kelly said there was no set procedure because it varied with every Council. �1 � City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 6 Mayor Abramowitz asked what procedure was used for appointing a Department Head and City Manager Kelly said he did that. He said the procedure he used for selecting a Finance Director was like using a Consultant because it took the City Manager off the hook. He said the Consultant's recommendation could also be rejected. He said he asked Finance Directors from neighboring municipalities to sit on a panel and review the applications. He asked them to narrow the applications down to two or three. He said the panel would then make their recommendations based on two or three applicants and the City Manager would intereview these applicants. He said he used this procedure when he hired Mary Blasi. City Manager Kelly said this is one option that the City Council had available and Council could recommend attorneys or he could recommend attorneys to sit on a panel. He said about 24 applications had already come in and there were still a few more days left until November 1. City Manager Kelly said Council had to determine what procedure to use. C/W Glasser said Council was intelligent enough to be able to hire the Attorney. She said there was an Attorney on Staff to assist. Mayor Abramowitz said that Council was not bound by whoever made the recommendation. Mayor Abramowitz said Council should use both options and then compare the results. He said it did not cost the City anything because the members of the panel volunteered their time. Mayor Abramowitz said one criteria was that the applicants had municipal experience and, if they did not have municipal experience, it did not matter how great they were, he would not cast his vote for them. C/W Glasser asked Mayor Abramowitz if he reviewed the applications and he said, yes. She said the applicants explicitly indicated that they had municipal experience. He said if the applicant did not indicate this, he put it on a "no pile". C/W Glasser said Mayor Abramowitz could make his own judgement. V/M Bender said there should be separate steps that Council should take. He said Council should independently review the applications that have been submitted and independently select who was qualified. He said Council should meet again and review what was done. He said if Council ended up with two or three qualified applicants, Council could go to Step 2, which was doing it both ways. He said many applications were excluded. Mayor Abramowitz said he did not suggest that the Council not make an independent evaluation. He said each Council member should make their own judgement. He said it would make for Council to do both. He said he did not know who City Manager Kelly would select for a panel. V/M Bender said it was a waste of time to have an independent panel make their selections when Council would be making the determination. Mayor Abramowitz said he did know if he was qualified to make a determination. V/M Bender said Mayor Abramowitz stated that one qualification was that the applicant had to have municipal experience. Mayor Abramowitz said it was possible there was an applicant who was very qualified but who did not have municipal experience. He said no one graduated from law school with municipal experience. C/M Schumann said many applicants did not meet the requirements of the ad. He said they were not qualified because they did not have five years membership in the Florida Bar because they just graduated from law school. C/W Glasser suggested that each Council member independently review the applications and make a list of five people. She said Council would then go back to the table and go from there. Mayor Abramowitz said this sounded fine. City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 7 �J Mayor Abramowitz said he would not mind getting assistance from the experts. He said Council did not have to take their recommendations. He said Council should do their own He said it would be a coincidence if a panel decided on the same five applicants that Council selected. C/W Glasser said it would be a coincidence if each Council member selected the same five people. V/M Bender said he was not adverse to, putting a panel together. He said if this is what Council wanted to do, the Council would have to set the standards. Mayor Abramowitz said it was possible an applicant could send in a resume from a law school that Mayor Abramowitz was not familiar with. He said he was not qualified to determine that this was a qualified applicant. Mayor Abramowitz said Council should review the applications independently. He said he would not mind having expert advice because Council will make the decision. Mayor Abramowitz asked again what the final date was for submitting the applications and Dina McDermott said, November 1. City Manager Kelly said Council should allow them up to 5:00 P.M. Friday evening on the postmark. C/W Glasser said Council should wait until the middle of next week to start reviewing the applications. V/M Bender asked what would happen if the Council member came up with a number of less than five applications and Mayor Abramowitz said the maximum number of qualified, recommended applications was five. Mayor Abramowitz asked that City Manager Kelly provide a complete list of all the applicatations received. City Manager Kelly said he would have the list for Wednesday afternoon. Mayor Abramowitz said City Manager Kelly should make sure that Council has the resumes from all applicants. C/W Glasser said City Manager Kelly's office had given Council a list of the applications up to that date. She said a current list should be forthcoming with everyone who had applied. She said this list would be compared with the first list to make sure that all resumes were accounted for. Mayor Abramowitz -said he had no problem with this. C/M Schumann said he spoke said he was to give Dr. Wald did have was not correct. information. today with Dr. Wald. Mayor Abramowitz some information but the information he He said George Platt had the correct V/M Bender asked what this discussion was about and C/M Schumann said Woodlands wanted to close off one entrance into their development which might stop some burglaries. He said possibly two streets were involved. He said Dr. Wald wanted to know the Legality as to whether his section had to get permission from the entire Woodlands Association to do this. He said Dr. Wald wanted to know if his section could close off, this street. , Mayor Abramowitz said George Platt worked on this. He said Mr. Platt had the legalities from Broward County and the State. He said he would request Mr. Platt send this information to C/M Schumann to give to Dr. Wald. City Attorney Ruf said Woodlands had a Legal Committee and possibly Dr. Wald could contact them for advice. City Attorney Ruf said he spoke with V/M Bender today to review all the financial recommendations from the Charter Board. He said he hoped to have proposed drafts on all the sections. He said Council might want to schedule a. Special Meeting or Workshop for next week City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 8 to discuss this. Mayor Abramowitz told C/M Schumann that he agreed with City Attorney Ruf on the matter of Woodlands and this had to be discussed at an open meeting. He said the legal determination was that Woodlands wanted to qualify under the Safe Neighborhood Act. He said at that time, if the street was closed off and people were stopped from using the street, Woodlands had to own the street, even if they did pay taxes. He said the City would turn over that street to the Woodlands. Mayon: Abramowitz said at that time, Woodlands wanted to close off all the streets and if they did this, the City would not take any responsibility for the streets or sewers, etc. C/M Schumann asked about the Fire Department and Mayor Abramowitz said there would be none. He said Woodlands would have to sign an individual contract with the City for the use of the Fire Department and Police Department. He said if Woodlands prohibited the rest of Tamarac's people from using and gaining entry to the street, the street became private, even though they did pay taxes. V/M Bender said many residents of Woodlands objected to this because they would have to travel great distances if the streets were closed. C/M Schumann said Dr. Wald wanted to know if his section could close off the street by themselves or did they have to go to the entire Woodlands Association. C/M Katz said he attended a Board of Director's meeting at the Lakes of Carriage Hills where he heard about burglaries, vandalism, etc. He asked if the Council person of each particular district could be given a printout of what was happening in that particular district as far as BSO was concerned. He said unless someone brought something to his attention, he did not know what was happening in his district. City Manager Kelly said BSO would not break down incidents by district. He said he received a daily log and he could copy this and send it to the Council. C/M Katz asked what it would take to dedicate a median to the City. City Manager Kelly said Kelly Carpenter prepared a memo on the procedure and provided it to the Lakes of Carriage Hills. C/M Katz said Kelly Carpenter provided an agreement between the original developer and the City indicating that their Association would maintain the median. He said he wanted to know how to get. Kelly Carpenter out of the contract and dedicate the median to the City and it would be the City's responsibility to maintain, if the City desired. Mayor Abramowitz said $15,000 was put aside in the budget for the hiring of a street sweeper and City Manager Kelly said, no. City Manager Kelly said $15,000 was part of the $500,000 from the sale of the City Hall. He said a wish list was given to Council that if the City got the $500,000, this was one item the City recommended. C/M Katz said the street sweeper was on a contract basis and City Manager Kelly said, yes. Mayor Abramowitz said he received numerous complaints about the condition of the streets. He said based on his conversation with City Manager Kelly, the street sweeper was asking for $15,000 and this would be money well spent. He said the grass was being cut but the City did not have the manpower to clean up afterwards. City Manager Kelly said to do this, the money could first be taken from the Contingency Fund. He said two public hearings would have to be held to amend the budget to accept the additional $525,000 and then decide what would be done with it. Mayor Abramowitz said many people might also object to accepting the money. V/M Bender said the street sweeper would cost $15,000 per year and City Manager Kelly said it was probably less than that. V/M Bender asked if the City could use the money in the Contingency Fund and City Manager Kelly said this was also one option. City Council Special Meeting 10/30/91/PP Page 9 V/M Bender said the City did not have to wait for the money to come from the sale of the City Hall and the City should go ahead and hire the street sweeper. Mayor Abramowitz said he agreed and this should have been done many years ago. V/M Bender asked if this should be put on the agenda and Mayor Abramowitz said, yes. C/M Schumann asked if a contractor should be contacted and Mayor Abramowitz said someone had already submitted a bid for less than $15,000 per year. V/M Bender said it was $1,000 per month. Mayor Abramowitz said the contractor should specify what would be swept and how often he would sweep. ape 2 Mayor Abramowitz said he would be sworn in at the first meeting of the Department of Elder Affairs in Tallahassee on Thursday morning. He said he would be at a meeting on Friday morning in Fort Lauderdale. He said Friday morning, Senator Bob Graham's staff, Senator Connie Mack's staff and Congressman E. Clay Shaw's staff will be in City Hall to interview candidates for the selection to West Point and Annapolis. C/W Glasser asked if the applications had already been presented and Mayor Abramowitz said, yes, and this was their selection process. He said people were coming in from all parts of Florida. Mayor Abramowitz said Congressman Harry Johnson was sponsoring City Manager Kelly's former Secretary Mimi Reiter's grandson for West Point. Mayor Abramowitz said Conference Rooms 1 and 2 were allocated and Council Chambers will be the waiting room. He asked if another area could be utilized as a waiting room instead of the Council Chambers. City Manager Kelly suggested the Council Conference Room and Mayor Abramowitz said, yes. Mayor Abramowitz said he would be at the City/County Liaison Committee on Friday but he would be at City Hall later on Friday. He asked that notices be put up to indicate, "NO FOOD", "NO SMOKING", "NO BEVERAGES", etc. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION : Mayor Abramowitz opened and closed the Public portion of the meeting with no response. Mayor Abramowitz adjourned the meetin at 1:50 P.M. OR ABRAMOWITZ- �. MAYOR - a CAROL A. EVANS -- CITY CLERK "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $198.36 or $.15.26 per copy to inform the general public, public officers and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac". CITY OF TATUARAC AP�VEDMEETiIVG �OFI__ 9 I City Clerk