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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-12 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the workshop to order on Monday,
January 12, 1998, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall,
7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
Mayor Joseph Schreiber
Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin
Commissioner John E. McKaye
Commissioner Karen L. Roberts
Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof
Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager
Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney
Stanley Hawthorne, Assistant City Manager/Director of Finance
Tim Hemstreet, Assistant to the City Manager/Acting City Clerk
Thelma Fagelbaum, Treasurer - Pension Board Chairman
Cindy Diemer, Code Enforcement Manager
Kathleen Margoles, Parks and Recreation Director
Mark Greenspan, Public Works Operations Manager
Paul Gioia, Building Official
Phyllis Polikoff, Office Specialist
Tape 1
1. 3% Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) Retirement
Thelma Fagelbaum and Robert Sugarman, Attorney for the Pension Plan, made
presentations and recommended approval and agendizing this matter for the January
28, 1998 City Commission meeting. There was discussion and the City Commission
2. Community Center/Senior Center Funding (CDBG)
City Manager Noe recommended removing this item from the regular January 14,
1998 City Commission agenda and Cindy Diemer advised that the request was
complied with.
City Commission Workshop
January 12, 1998
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Discussion followed and Ms. Diemer made a presentation regarding the senior
center/community center and Mayor Schreiber suggested using the empty facility
adjacent to Tamarac Recreation Center for the senior center/community center.
Discussion followed regarding the lobbyist approved by the City Commission,
consultant referred to by Ms. Diemer, senior center/community center and Caporella
Tape 2
Ms. Diemer recommended making a decision regarding the consultant because there
were time constraints concerning the grant applications and discussion followed and
the Commissioners agreed to meet with the consultant to determine whether a
consultant was necessary. Further discussion followed regarding the senior
center/community center.
Mayor Schreiber requested a recess at 10:31 a.m. and the workshop reconvened at
10:42 a.m. with everyone present.
3. 1/14/98 Commission Agenda Items
Mayor Schreiber referred to Consent Agenda Item 5.j. concerning the agreement with
the Tamarac Athletic Federation and its effect on the challenger division of Little
League concerning fees. Kathleen Margoles made a presentation and said there is a
fee for non-residents and Little League paid no fees.
Mayor Schreiber commented on Consent Agenda Item 5.1. concerning settlement
offers and discussion followed to limit the amount to litigation matters only and the
Commissioners agreed.
Mayor Schreiber referred to Consent Agenda Item 5.m. relative to purchasing new and
replacement vehicles and Mark Greenspan made a presentation recommending
approval. Discussion followed and Vice Mayor Mishkin suggested donating the
vehicles to a welfare program.
Vice Mayor Mishkin referenced Consent Agenda Item 5.a. concerning the minutes of
December 10, 1997, and recommended amending the minutes to include
Commissioners' Roberts and McKaye in his report and their involvement with the
City Commission Workshop
January 12, 1998
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4. Code Enforcement Board Vacancies
There was discussion concerning submission dates on the applications and Vice
Mayor Mishkin requested Tim Hemstreet have the Assistant City Clerk update the
applications and advertise for candidates.
Tape 3
Vice Mayor Mishkin also referred to the Veterans Affairs Committee and questioned
the status of the monument at Veterans Park. Comm. Sultanof made a brief
5. Construction/Inspection Service — Building Department
Paul Gioia made a presentation. Discussion followed with regard to advising the
residents and Vice Mayor Mishkin suggested placing a notice in the Tam -A -Gram. Mr.
Gioia suggested including the notice with the water bill and the Commissioners
6. Constitution Revision Resolution
Mayor Schreiber recommended supporting the Florida League of Cities Constitution
Revision Resolution and the Commissioners concurred. City Manager Noe suggested
agendizing the resolution for the January 28, 1998 City Commission meeting and the
Commissioners agreed.
7. Telecommunications — Letter to State Legislature
Mayor Schreiber referenced phone calls to Tallahassee made by himself and Comm.
Sultanof wherein Mayor Schreiber was advised a scheduled meeting concerning
complaints was postponed to February, 1998.
8. Colorado Springs, Colorado — Transforming Conference
City Manager Noe recommended Tamarac becoming a sponsor for $5,000, the
annual conference was in June, 1998, and discussion followed. The
Commissioners agreed and City Manager Noe referred to the early retirement
program, changes in the City and recommended representation at the
City Commission Workshop
January 12, 1998
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City Manager Noe commented on honoring the employees who opted for the
early retirement program and recommended one luncheon in March and
discussion followed. City Manager Noe advised that retirees will be presented
with a certificate at the second City Commission meeting each month.
City Manager requested the status of his evaluation and discussion followed and
Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 1:00 p.m. was agreed upon for this.
City Manager Noe referred to the Florida League of Cities request for a
representative to their Florida Municipal Insurance Trust Committee. Discussion
followed and Vice Mayor Mishkin requested not to be nominated.
Comm. Sultanof said he was the liaison to the Veterans Affairs Committee and
requested a resolution to remove the alternates and include representatives of
the Order of Purple Hearts on the committee. Discussion followed and the
Commissioners agreed to remove the alternates and include the Order of Purple
Hearts on the committee.
Comm. Sultanof requested a legislative aide to assist him relative to the library
fund and discussion followed. Comm. Sultanof mentioned Scotty's Shopping
Center or Tamarac Market Place for a branch of the library.
Tape 4
Comm. Sultanof continued his discussion regarding Veterans Park and the need
for additional funds for benches. Mayor Schreiber suggested utilizing the lobbyist
to assist in obtaining funds and discussion followed.
Comm. Roberts discussed the Public Information Committee luncheon and City
Manager Noe suggested inviting the volunteers and liaisons.
Comm. Roberts discussed the A+ America program through Tamarac
Elementary School and discussion followed.
Vice Mayor Mishkin recommended reactivating the Annexation Committee and
discussion followed. Vice Mayor Mishkin recommended considering the
suggestions of the Redistricting Committee and discussion followed on
population versus one -person = one vote and Mayor Schreiber suggested
agendizing redistricting on a future workshop and requested City Attorney Kraft
provide a report to the Commissioners.
Comm. McKaye left the workshop at 12:10 p.m.
City Commission Workshop
January 12, 1998
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Vice Mayor Mishkin recommended sponsoring a charter school and City
Manager Noe said he was unable to discuss the matter at this time and
discussion continued.
There was discussion about the Pension Board and matters not addressed at
previous workshops. Mayor Schreiber suggested discussing the Pension Board
and other matters at a future workshop.
With no further discussion, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop at 12:15
Patricia Marcurio, CMC
Assistant City Clerk