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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-26 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the workshop to order on Monday, January 26, 1998, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joseph Schreiber Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin Commissioner John E. McKaye Commissioner Karen L. Roberts Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney Tim Hemstreet, Acting City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager Stanley Hawthorne, Assistant City Manager/Finance Director Jeffrey Miller, Director of Community Development Cindy Diemer, Code Enforcement Manager Mark Greenspan, Public Works Operations Manager Paul Gioia, Building Official Raj Verma, Public Works Director Bruce Abrahams, Fiscal Services Manager John Ralston, Management and Budget Officer Phyllis Polikoff, Office Specialist Tape 1 Mayor Schreiber said he spoke with Philip Needleman, Charter Board candidate for District 2, who rescinded his application and the City would not have a Charter Board election. 1. Presentation by Community Redevelopment, Inc. Jeffrey Miller introduced Marty Larsen, Early Johnson and Andrew Azebeokhai of the Community Redevelopment Associates of Florida, who made presentations concerning the SHIP and HUD Programs and said the City could receive grant money from the Federal and State government. Cindy Diemer made a presentation regarding improvements to Caporella Park and the SHIP program. City Commission Workshop January 26, 1998 Page 2 2. Space plan - presentation by Carr Smith & Public Works Mark Greenspan introduced Brian Mirson, Carr Smith & Associates, who made a presentation and suggested the Building Department relocate to a lease facility. He said Community Development and Risk Management would move to the area vacated by the Building Department. Paul Gioia made a presentation and concurred about relocating the Building Department and discussion followed. Mayor Schreiber requested a recess at 10:45 a.m. and the workshop reconvened at 10:50 a.m. with everyone in attendance. 3. Comm. Blvd. improvements — presentation by FDOT Raj Verma introduced John Krane, William Lewis and Gary Phillips, all representing the State of Florida Turnpike Department of Transportation Division, who made presentations. Tape 2 Messrs. Phillips, Krane and Lewis concluded their presentations. 4. 1 /28/98 Commission Agenda Items Mayor Schreiber referenced Consent Agenda Item 7.a. concerning the minutes and recommended revising Item 5.m. on Page 5 to indicate house bill, not tax bill. Mayor Schreiber commented on Consent Agenda Item 7.c. regarding the hold harmless agreement and discussion followed. Mayor Schreiber commented on Consent Agenda Item 7.h. and indicated the legislative aide should be for Comm. Sultanof. Mayor Schreiber referenced Item 11 concerning Temp. Ord. #1816, Bruce Abrahams made a presentation, and Discussion followed. V/M Mishkin questioned the qualifications regarding the candidate relative to Item 8 concerning the Florida Municipal Insurance Trust Board and discussion followed. 5. Traffic Signalization Financing Stanley Hawthorne made a presentation regarding funds collected from impact fees and discussion followed on publicizing for a public hearing. Tape 3 City Commission Workshop January 26, 1998 Page 3 Discussion continued and City Attorney Kraft and Mayor Schreiber recommended preparing an ordinance. 6. Charter Board referenda Mayor Schreiber commented on the Charter Board conforming to the same terms as the City Commission, having single member districts and eliminating the Charter Board. Discussion followed. 7. Quarterly Report John Ralston made a presentation and discussion followed. Stanley Hawthorne and Bruce Abrahams also made presentations. 8. Various reorganizations — Finance, Public Services Stanley Hawthorne discussed the Customer Service division, Purchasing, the early retirement program, HTE and a new Supervisor due to come on board in Customer Service. He said reorganizing the Finance Department was very successful. City Manager Noe began to comment on vacancies caused by the early retirement option and Mayor Schreiber requested that City Manager Noe stop making further comments. Discussion followed and Stanley Hawthorne further commented on the Customer Service division. ********************************************************************************** V/M Mishkin referenced personnel policies and recommended that employees identify themselves once a year when paychecks were distributed. ********************************************************************************** Stanley Hawthorne referred to the auditors report and advised said report would be distributed in February. Editor's note: Comm. McKaye left the meeting at 2:1 0 p.m. Tape 4 City Manager Noe commented on Mike Couzzo who supervised several departments, Vernon Hawthorne, Raj Verma and Ed Doyle. 1 City Commission Workshop January 26, 1998 Page 4 9. Volunteer Luncheon City Manager Noe requested dates for the volunteer and early retirement luncheons and the consensus of the Commission was March 16 for the volunteer luncheon. There was no date set for the retirement luncheon. There was discussion on the City paying for these two luncheons and whether or not to invite the Charter Board to the volunteer luncheon. 10. Reserving space in City Hall by outside groups City Manager Noe questioned who could hold outside meetings and who should approve outside meetings. He referred to Representative Stacy Ritter's recent meeting in Commission Chambers and discussion followed. Mayor Schreiber requested City Attorney Kraft research and report back to the Commissioners. ■■rrrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr� V/M Mishkin commented on the office staff in the Commission office and a consensus of the Commission was no less than two individuals. Discussion followed. ■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrr� 11. Early Retirement Report City Manager Noe suggested the City host a dinner instead of a luncheon for the early retirees and discussion followed. ■■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr��rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr�rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr� Comm. Sultanof referred to the Wackenhut security guard and security in other areas of City Hall as well as other City facilities. He commented on "Employee Only" signs and residents who walked through Commission offices. City Manager Noe referenced the date of his evaluation, noted that Ken Jenne was sworn in as Broward County Sheriff on that date and requested another date for the evaluation. Comm. Roberts commented on the Tamarac Bulldogs Volleyball/Basketball Team, meeting the Commissioners at the February 11 City Commission meeting and a proclamation relative to the Tamarac Bulldogs Volleyball/Basketball team. 1 1 1 City Commission Workshop January 26, 1998 Page 5 1 V/M Mishkin referred to Fire Chief Budzinski's memo concerning the number of transports and there was discussion to schedule a workshop to discuss the EMS fees and status of the fire rescue program. With no further discussion, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop at 2:38 p.m. zz 1� 'A' 2�� - Marcurio, CM /z�z---Paltricia Assistant City Clerk 1