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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-02-23 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the workshop to order on Monday,
February 23, 1998, at 8:30 a.m. in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall,
7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
Mayor Joseph Schreiber
Commissioner John E. McKaye
Commissioner Karen L. Roberts
Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof
Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin
Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager
Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney
Stanley Hawthorne, Assistant City Manager/Finance Director
Tim Hemstreet, Acting City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager
Azita Behmardi, City Engineer
Mike Woika, Utilities Director
Kline Jones, Wastewater Manager
Scott London, Wastewater Superintendent
Raj Verma, Public Works Director
Michael Goldstein, BSO Captain
Phyllis Polikoff, Office Specialist
Tape 1
1. 2/25/98 Commission Agenda Items
Mayor Schreiber commented on Consent Agenda Item 7.c. regarding the agreement for
street sweeping and Azita Behmardi made a presentation.
Comm. Sultanof commented on Consent Agenda Item 7.d. regarding the agreement
concerning Mainlands Section 6 and discussion followed. Azita Behmardi made a
presentation and Comm. McKaye said the residents did not want to pay to maintain the
landscaping and structures and he would discuss the matter with the homeowners'
City Commission Workshop
February 23, 1998
Page 2
Comm. Roberts discussed Consent Agenda Item 7.g. concerning the Broward County
permit and Azita Behmardi said the amounts indicated were already agreed upon.
Comm. McKaye commented on Item 2, Staff Reports, and discussion followed on V/M
Mishkin's request to put Staff Reports at the beginning of the agenda. There was an
Expression of Interest and the Commissioners concurred.
2. Policy on wastewater service lines (utilities)
Mike Woika, Kline Jones and Scott London, made presentations and discussion
followed. There was discussion and the Commissioners said the policy was not in the
City's best interest because it would make the property owner responsible for damages
they were not familiar with. Discussion continued and Mike Woika said he could provide
further documentation to warrant his recommendation.
3. Boards and Committees - Vacancies
There was discussion and Mayor Schreiber said some terms would expire in March and
that City Manager Noe should wait for the City Commission to determine when to make
the appointments.
4. Process for rescinding a Commission action
V/M Mishkin was not present and there was no discussion.
5. Advertisement for Israel's 50t" year of independence
Mayor Schreiber and Comm. Sultanof recommended inserting an ad in the Sun Sentinel
and discussion followed.
Tape 2
Mayor Schreiber questioned the timeframe, zoning with regard to the cost and he
requested a consensus of interest to proceed with the advertisement. Commissioner's
McKaye, Roberts and Sultanof concurred with Mayor Schreiber who suggested
discussion at another workshop.
6. Advertising on city vehicles
Comm. McKaye said he opposed advertising on city vehicles and Mayor Schreiber and
Commissioner's Roberts and Sultanof disagreed. City Manager Noe said one vendor
was contacted who did not offer this type of advertising and Mayor Schreiber requested
data on projected generated revenue.
City Commission Workshop
February 23, 1998
Page 3
7. Sex offenders and predators
BSO Captain Michael Goldstein made a presentation and recommended a community
forum at Tamarac Elementary School involving parents of children who attended said
school. He said he would notify each neighborhood, go to the homes of the sexual
offenders because there were no sexual predators in Tamarac and then send letters to
all homeowner associations inviting them to the forum. Discussion followed and
Captain Goldstein suggested having the forum on March 9, 1 Oth or 12th and the
Commissioners concurred.
Raj Verma made a presentation concerning the present repaving and resurfacing
City Manager Noe commented on the Space Study with regard to moving the Building
Department to an outside location and changing the luncheon for the retirees to a dinner
on April 9. He said handicapped spaces would be moved closer to the front of the City
Hall and the Tamarac Band would be invited to play after the March 11 City
Commission meeting.
City Manager Noe suggested that staff make their presentations after the City Attorney
read the title of a legislative item and he referred to a study regarding the lights in the
rear parking lot of City Hall. City Manager Noe mentioned a request for qualifications
regarding the financial underwriter relative to the street resurfacing program.
Tape 3
With no further discussion, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop at 9:55 a.m.
Patricia Marcurio, CIVIC
Assistant City Clerk