HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-19 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1990 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to or er on Thursday, April 19, 1990 at 9:30 A M in the City Council Conference Room PRESENT Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Bruce Hoffman Councilman Henry Schumann Councilman Dr H Larry Bender Councilman Henry Rohr ALSO PRESENT John P Kelly, City Manager Alan F Ruf, Interim City Attorney Kelly Carpenter, Director of Community Development Pauline Walaszek, Secretary Mayor Abramowitz said representatives from Florida Power & Light were present and he asked Robert Huebner, Attorney for Florida Power & Light to introduce the representatives Robert Huebner, Attorney for Florida, Power & Light, introduced Al Hernandez Andy Maurodis and Katherine Langley Mayor Abramowitz said the City Manager asked that Kelly Carpenter Director of Community Development, make a presentation to the City Council He said after the presentation, Florida Power & Light could make their presentation Kelly Carpenter Director of Community Development thanked C/M Bender for his assistance with the Light Industrial and Special Utility Districts She said the City was in the position to bring forward utility and light industrial Ordinances which protected the City industrial uses and utilities Ms Carpenter said in 1989, staff submitted a light industrial amendment and they have been trying to come to an agreement on language concerning transformers and electric utilities in the light industrial district She said she felt that the language to be presented to the City Council was enforceable Ms Carpenter said the first three pages in'the packets set the stage concerning what the Land Use Plan allowed She said the next page was a special utility Ordinance and, after page 5, the light industrial language began Ms Carpenter said the Planning Commission recommended approval of this Ordinance She said the City Council heard this Item at its first reading and it was clear that the City Council was not pleased with the language She said staff and the Petitioner reviewed the matter further and came up with the Ordinance before the City Council Ms Carpenter said the Ordinance was scheduled for first reading at the April 25 1990 City Council Regular meeting Ms Carpenter said there was concern about Section 24-523(2) which stated, "Public and private utilities except that landfills, resource recovery facilities, transfer stations relay stations and power plants are not permitted " Page 1 4/19/90-pw Ms Carpenter said the language was changed to define what a transformer was and what were allowed industrial areas She said electric substations would not be permitted in industrial areas but transformers to serve industrial uses in the light industrial area would be permitted Ms Carpenter said the Ordinance was amended to state "Wastewater lift stations and electric transformers or devices designed to serve similar purpose with the primary voltage not exceeding 34KV, which are designed to serve only the uses allowed in the adjacent lands designated LI-1 " Ms Carpenter said there was concern on Page 4, above Section 3 She said the prohibited uses originally were, "Landfills resource recovery facilities transfer stations, relay stations and power plants " I Ms Carpenter said the Ordinance was changed to "Electrical generating plants " She said the definition was defined A n the special utility Ordinance as "the source of electric energy produced by hydro -electric thermal, nuclear or other types of generating plants " V/M Hoffman asked if a relay station was permitted and M$ Carpenter said the language was deleted because it did not mean anything V/M Hoffman asked if a transfer station was allowed and ME Carpenter said a transfer station pertained to garbage V/M Hoffman asked if someone could install something like whit was proposed west of the Sawgrass Expressway and Ms Carpenter said not in a light industrial zoning district. Mayor Abramowitz asked if the only thing allowed in the LI -1 District was to serve the LI-1 District and Ms Carpenter replied, yes Ms Carpenter said under prohibited uses, the language did not indicate that substations were prohibited V/M Hoffman asked why the language was not in the Ordinance and Ms Carpenter said staff felt that under permitter uses with the definition of electric transformers and devises designed, etc clearly described what was permitted She said the substation prohibition did not have to be listed She said she did not ob]ect to include the language because it would not change the intent of the Ordinance Ms Carpenter said if a parcel was designated industrial on the Land Use Plan, utility uses were permitted by the Plor She said as per the existing language in the Ordinances a substation could not be placed in the industrial zoning category however if Florida Power & Light wanted to put a substation in the land designated industrial they could apply for utility zoning not industrial zoning Mayor Abramowitz asked Ms Carpenter to inform the City Council about this matter Ms Carpenter said if a parcel of land was designated industrial on the Plan the Plan allowed utilities as a permitted use and zoning implemented the Plan She said the industrial district as it was currently written did not anticipate allowing substations in the light industrial district V/M Hoffman said the Ordinance did not say substations were prohibited He said what Ms Carpenter interpreted may trot be interpreted by other people He suggested that the Ordinance contain the fact that substations were prohibited 1 1 Page 2 4/19/90-pw Ms Carpenter said the intent was that the utility district controlled substations She said this was done in the Special Utility District Ordinance by indicating that substations must be zoned utility V/M Hoffman asked if the City was rezoning property as residential to allow substations and Mayor Abramowitz said the Code was being changed because of this Mayor Abramowitz asked if the Comprehensive Plan allowed a substation and Ms Carpenter replied, yes, in utility Mayor Abramowitz asked if Ms Carpenter was discussing the LI-1 District Ms Carpenter said the Comprehensive Plan allowed several categories and one was industrial She said in industrial, utility uses were permitted She said the Plan also permitted utility uses in utility designations and after extensive research, she felt the best way to control the substations was to state that they were only permitted in utility designations She said this was why a special utility district was created Ms Carpenter said the more obnoxious utility uses such as, wastewater plants, water treatment plants and electric utilities should be put in a utility district She said the industrial Ordinance was silent on the language regarding substations however, if the language was read in conjunction with special utilities, it clearly indicated that any substations must be zoned utility V/M Hoffman asked if the language indicated anything regarding electrical generating plants and Ms Carpenter said electrical generating plants were prohibited V/M Hoffman asked if electrical generating plants were prohibited elsewhere in the Code and Ms Carpenter said the plants were prohibited in utility districts V/M Hoffman asked why the prohibition was in the Ordinance and Ms Carpenter said she wanted it in the Ordinance so it was clearly understood V/M Hoffman said he would like to add substations to this Ordinance so it would be clear Mayor Abramowitz asked if staff obaected to adding substations to the Ordinance and Ms Carpenter said she did not object to adding the language providing it was called an electric utility substation as defined in the special utility Ordinance Mayor Abramowitz asked if the amendment would be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and Ms Carpenter replied no Ms Carpenter said the City had the ability to permit uses and regulate them by the zoning Ordinance Mayor Abramowitz asked if the amendment would change the context and Ms Carpenter replied no Mayor Abramowitz asked Interim City Attorney Ruf if he objected and Interim City Attorney Ruf said he did not object however the representatives of Florida Power & Light obaected Robert Huebner, Attorney for Florida Power & Light said he did not object because it was understood that a substation would not be allowed in an LI-1 District The City Council AGREED to make this amendment Attorney Huebner asked if the Ordinance should read 35KV as opposed of 34KV and Ms Carpenter said the Ordinance should read 35KV Page 3 4/19/90--pw C/M Schumann said salvage yards were not listed as a prohibited use and he suggested that everything not listed should require a special exception permit Ms Carpenter said she believed that salvage yards had to be totally within an enclosed building and C/M Schumann said a salvage yard was something in the opens therefore, if the salvage could not be spread out in an area the salvage vas stacked Ms Carpenter said salvage yards were not on the list ofj prohibited uses and C/M Schumann said someone could get a special exception permit for salvage yards Ms Carpenter agreed C/M Schumann said he remembered the Planning Commission approved this Ordinance subDect to salvage yards being a prohibited use and Ms Carpenter said the Planning Cortmmi4sion discussed this however, it was not incorporated in theit Motion V/M Hoffman said this matter could be discussed on the first reading of the Ordinance He said there may be other concerns regarding the Ordinance Ms Carpenter said she did not brief herself on the content of the LI-1 for this workshop meeting She said V/M Hoff"n had concerns about why the application was pending fox R*4A for a utility substation She said the City's Zoning Code permitted substations and transformers in R-1C and R-1D zones She said this was carried through into the R-4A zone, which indicated that any use permitted in an R--1H or R-2 was carried over into the R-4A She said Florida Power & Light may have made the decision to apply for R--4A because host of the land was R-4A Ms Carpenter said technically the utility designation Of the Plan was intended to regulate utilities of such magnitude like substations She said staff felt that substations should be regulated by their own zoning district rather than be permitted as an accessory use in a residential district She said staff felt that abutting property owners should be able to look at a map and see it was zoned utility as opposed to R--4A and know that there was either an existing substation or a future substation planned on the site Ms Carpenter said staff was proposing a special utility' district which also implemented the Comprehensive Plan bi providing a zoning district for utility designations She said the City reviewed several Cities in Hroward County and other parts of the Country, reviewed State laws regulating utilities and met with the City's Engineering and Public Works Departments to see what type of performance standards they would approve, Ms Carpenter said staff reviewed the National Electric Safety Council standards that the Public Service Commission required Florida Power & Light to adhere to She said there was a lot of research and some of the data submitted by C/M Sender was incorporated into the Ordinance She said she felt that the City would be benefiting from the content of the Ordinance She said the Ordinance laid out definitions of power generating plants and electric utility substations V/M Hoffman said he would like to hear what Florida Pc7wer & Light was planning at the substation in a utility district before the City Council considered the Ordinance Mayor Abramowitz said Ms Carpenter should give a presentation before the City Council heard from Florida Power & Light He said the main purpose of the meeting was to hear Florida Power & Light= however, he would like to hear staff's recommendation first Page 4 4/19 /90-pw Ms Carpenter read the permitted uses into the record and she said a site plan must be provided for electric utility substations and other public utility uses such as water, wastewater and drainage facilities, communication facilities, accessory uses and structures Ms Carpenter said the prohibited uses were parking or storage of trucks or other commercial vehicles other than for day to day activity required to service the site and unrelated to construction or repair activities occurring in Tamarac Ms Carpenter said staff did not want the zoning distract used as a vehicle or equipment storage area for activities that may not be related to City business She said such as landfalls, harzardous waste processing plants, resource recovery plants, transfer stations and power generation plants Ms Carpenter said the important part of the ordinance was the performance standards She said there were approximately 13 performance standards which governed the operation of electric utilities water , wastewater and drainage facilities, communication facilities and accessory uses She said the minimum site size was 1 acre and, when an applicant can demonstrate that a site of less than 1 acre is in the public interest and that a workable site of 1 acre or more is not available, the City Council may permit a site of less than 1 acre provided all performance standards are met Ms Carpenter said the primary motivation for the caviot was that a site less of than 1 acre may be permitted to accommodate the City's lift stations She said the City received easement sites of 30 by 30 and the one acre minimum in size was not possible Mayor Abramowitz asked if there may be a need for other 1 acre sites and Ms Carpenter said substations that would serve residential districts could be placed on 1 acre sites She said staff felt that the City's utilities should not be bound by this regulation She said this regulation was protecting the City Ms Carpenter said a landscape buffer consisting of hedges trees, berms or walls shall be installed to provide a visual screen She said any combination of hedges, berms or walls should be at least 6 feet in height at the time of installation in order to screen all the special utility plot from view from residential zoned or recreational zoned plots ,in the City of Tamarac contiguous to a special utility plot Ms Carpenter said any combination of hedges berms or walls shall be at least 4 feet in height at the time of installation in order to screen all the special utility plot area from view from contiguous non-residential zoned and non - recreational zoned plots in the City of Tamarac, contiguous to a special utility plot Ms Carpenter said when fences or walls were used as the visual screen hedges of 36 inches in height at the time of installation must be planted outside such fence or wall She said all landscaped provisions of Chapters 11 20 and 21 applied Mayor Abramowitz asked if the applicant could have 2 feet of each hedges berms and walls to constitute 6 feet and Ms Carpenter said this meant that the City or property owner may choose to place 50 feet of hedge, a wall and another 50 feet of hedge She said this provision allowed the developer to have a flexible design Page 5 4/19 /90--pw Ms Carpenter said paved areas and compacted lime rock areas may not exceed 70% of the site She said after researching this matter, she found that the performance standard Ordinances were allowing 70% of impervious areas in utility sues Ms Carpenter said all other areas shall be improved ands' maintained as landscaped areas, including grass and water areas She said any overhead lighting within a special utility area shall be oriented away from any other unrelated contiguous plot and shall conform with the lighting requirements of Section 24-579 She said the building coverage may not exceed 35%. setbacks shall not be less than 60 feet from all abutting residential zoned property and 25 feet from all other property lines provided that on any special utility site, three utility poles or towers for electric utilities may be placed within the setback Ms Carpenter said no setback requirement as to utility �oies or towers for electric utility shall apply to any property which carried the designation of utility on the Broward County Land Use Plan as of July 1, 1990 Ms Carpenter said the reference was to the Broward Countl Land Use Map because of the certification problems with the City's Land Use Map She said she was not sure that the City's Plan would be the valid on the date given Mayor Abramowitz asked if there were no setback requirements in the utility zones and Ms Carpenter replied no She said the provision indicated that there were setback requirements for any structure other than a pole Ms Carpenter said poles were allowed to be placed in the setback if the site was designated utility at this tine She said if the site was not designated until after July 1 1990 only three poles could be placed in the setbacks She said reference to poles was based on engineering requirements of the utility zones C/M Schumann asked if there was a difference between utility site and a special utility site and Ms Carpenter replied no Ms Carpenter said based on the information staff had, it was not possible to design a substation facility for examplg where the utility poles were not 60 feet from the property line She said evidence was presented that if the poles were on a private easement, the poles could be on someone's backyard if they ran on the public easement and could bela't the right-of-way line Mayor Abramowitz asked who gave permission for this to occur and Ms Carpenter said this was how the franchise agreements were written She said poles could be placed on public rights--of-way in any fashion they wanted She said the City did not regulate where in the corridors the poles were tb be placed She said if a private easement was sold or given the poles could be placed in a person's backyard She said this was not usual practice; however, it could be done Ms Carpenter said the Ordinance may not seem restrictive however, it was more specific than what was allowed at this time She said the Ordinance applied to sites and not corridors She said the City was not trying to regulate the transmission line corridors or distribution corridors Page 6 4/19/90-pw Ms Carpenter said the building height should not exceed 30 feet and utility and communication towers shall not exceed 80 feet in height, the parcel was contiguous to lands in the City designated residential on the applicable Land Use Plan, until it was zoned a special utility zone She said in all other cases, utility and communication towers shall not exceed 130 feet in height and lightning rods shall be permitted over and above these heights Ms Carpenter said based on the information from the National Electric Safety Council as implemented by the Public Service Commission of Florida, 80 feet was the acceptable maximum size for utility poles for clearance purposes as they served residential areas She said 130 feet was the maximum acceptable to be able to cross expressways, interchanges etc C/M Bender asked if this provision allowed the use of 130 feet other than in this specific area and Ms Carpenter said towers of 130 feet could be put on a utility site, not adjacent to residential areas She said the Ordinance did not regulate corridors Ms Carpenter said the noise level of all permitted uses shall not exceed the maximum permissible sound level by receiving land use standards of the Broward County Environmental Quality Control Board (EQCB) She said this reference was made because the EQCB had a County wide Ordinance which controlled noise and was more sophisticated than the City's Ordinance She said this information was available in her office C/M Bender asked what the noise level would be and Ms Carpenter said it measured the sound at the receiving land use She said she would submit this information to the City Council after the meeting C/M Bender asked why the EQCB was referred to when the Ordinance pertained to the City and Ms Carpenter said staff felt that the EQCB Standards were more sophisticated and more enforceable than the City's Ordinance She said if there was a problem, Broward County had the right to enforce their environmental provisions in the City providing the City and County did not have a conflicting Ordinance V/M Hoffman said the City could be more restrictive than the County and Ms Carpenter said this was true; however, the City could not enforce the restrictions She said the City did not have the ability to test the conditions Mayor Abramowitz said Broward County had the right to set the standards He asked who would prevail if the City set more restrictive standards than the County and Ms Carpenter said the City's standard would prevail; however, the City would not be able to enforce the standards V/M Hoffman said the City should have the legal right to impose certain standards He said the enforcement was another concern Al Hernandez Representative from Florida Power & Light, said he worked at the County and according to Section 804 of the Broward County Charter, Broward County provisions took precedence when there were conflicting municipal conditions on environmental issues He said the new County Charter amendment gave the EQCB sole authority of these issues Mr Hernandez said he felt that EQCB standards would prevail County wide and Mayor Abramowitz asked Interim City Attorney Ruf to investigate this matter Mr Herandez said the EQCB Ordinance consisted of approximately 20 pages of regulations on noise He said EQCB Page 7 4/19/90--pw worked very hard to create the Ordinance Ms Carpenter said she had this Ordinance in her office Ms Carpenter continued reviewing the Ordinance She said emissions of particulate matter from all types of processes and equipment when measured at adjacent residential property lines and at property lines of any non -utility district within 200 feet were prohibited Ms Carpenter said vibration from all types of processes and equipment when measured at adaacent residential property lines and at property lines of any non -utility district within 200 feet is prohibited She said construction activity is excepted from this requirement Ms Carpenter said odors produced directly by or as a byproduct of utility facilities as measured at adjacent residential property lines or at property lines of any non - utility district within 200 feet are prohibited She said electric and magnetic fields emanating from any permitted use shall comply with all Florida Department on Environmental Regulations standards and regulations V/M Hoffman said Item 2 of the Ordinance referred to hedges berms and walls He asked why 4 feet was required when it was contiguous to a non-residential district and 6 feet when contiguous to a residential district He suggested the regulation be 6 feet Ms Carpenter said this was an option at the City Council's discretion however the notion was that residential uses were more harmed by non -like uses being adaacent to them{ She said the idea was to prescribe a larger or higher buffer to protect residential uses and non-residential uses did not need as much of a buffer V/M Hoffman said if someone built an industrial park they should be entitled to the same protection as residential areas Mayor Abramowitz said he was concerned with the residents not being satisfied with receiving more protection than the industrial areas Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City Council objected tc changing the non-residential hedges berms and walls being 6 feet Ms Carpenter said she did not obaect to the change however, the notion was to provide more protection to residential areas than to non-residential areas V/M Hoffman said less protection was not being provided by making the residential and non-residential areas equal i Mayor Abramowitz said all areas should have 6 feet buffe�s and the City Council AGREED Ms Carpenter said the City received a statement of non- compliance from the Florida Department of Community Affairs on the Land Use Plan She said most of the 14 pages in the comment had to deal with items that she considered minor amendments She said there was one manor matter to deal with which was the conflict between the City and County Land Use Plans Ms Carpenter said the City provided for a 5 acre utility site west of the Sawgrass Expressway and north of Comn er0lal Boulevard, which was part of the conservation substation site for which Florida Power & Light received approval fron the Governor and Cabinet on April 12, 1990 Ms Carpenter said the County Land Use Plan provided for approximately 30 acres of utility site at that location She said the South Florida Regional Planning Council and the State of Florida found the City in non-compliance for failure to conform with the County Land Use Plan She said the City 1 11 Page 8 4/19/90-pw would need to amend the Land Use Plan to indicate a site of equal size to the County's Land Use Plan Ms Carpenter said staff anticipated having a stipulated agreement going to the County by the end of May 1990, and amending the Land Use Plan in June or July, 1990 Mayor Abramowitz suggested this matter be discussed during the City Council meeting City Manager Kelly said the provision of the Ordinance indicated that the buffer must be at least 4 feet high He said sometime the areas needed a 4 foot high buffer for Police and Fire control He said the City Council may want to reconsider this amendment because they could always increase the buffer if needed V/M Hoffman asked why it would be easier for the Police to look into an industrial area rather than a residential area and City Manager Kelly said once someone was inside, the Police could not see them V/M Hoffman said this could not be done in a residential area Mayor Abramowitz said he did not disagree with making the areas more beautiful; however he objected to areas not being beautified He said Ms Carpenter was aware of the City Council's concern regarding beautification He asked if the difference of 4 or 6 foot presented a problem for the developers and Ms Carpenter replied no Interim City Attorney Ruf said the rezoning request by Florida Power & Light has been on the City Council agenda for several months He said if the special utility district passed both readings Florida Power & Light would be asking for a rezone to SU as opposed to R-4A He said staff determined by the reading of the Code that this was permissible He said the City Council may find that once the SU Ordinance was approved, a rezoning request would be made Mayor Abramowitz said since the Comprehensive Land Plan requirement he realized that there would be several changes in land and development He said the City was trying to put Tamarac into the 21st Century by providing changes He said the zones had to be identified so there were no problems in the future Attorney Huebner said when the City Council approved the SU Ordinance he would be requesting a rezoning to the utility zone He said when this matter was started, there was no utility zone available and the only code that would allow the requirements was R-4A TAPE 2 Attorney Huebner said there may be questions regarding lines coming out of conservation substations He said the lines would come from the Sawgrass Expressway and Commercial Boulevard and proceed on the south side of Commercial Boulevard to Nob Hill Road south Attorney Huebner said there would be a future line heading north on the west side of the Expressway in the present corridor north and then, east to the Southgate Boulevard corridor He said these were the only two new additional lanes He said there would be no lines coming through Tamarac Mayor Abramowitz said on the south side there would be nothing in the limits of Tamarac He said the lanes would run through the City of Sunrise and Attorney Huebner said the lines came across the Sawgrass Expressway be on the southeast portion of the site He said the lines would have to angle across to get to the south side of Commercial Boulevard Page 9 4/19/90-pw Mayor Abramowitz said he wanted the record to indicate that the lines would be west of the Sawgrass Expressway in the corridor and proceeding north to Southgate Boulevard, then within the present corridor going east Attorney Huebner said the line going north was intended fcr future growth He said he did not know when this line would be needed or installed Mayor Abramowitz said there was a statement made by Attorney Huebner which he would like clarified He asked if Attorney Huebner and Florida Power & Light would certify what was discussed at this meeting and Attorney Huebner replied, yes Mayor Abramowitz said a guarantee by certification would please him by indicating that the lines of the substation would not go through the center of Tamarac once the City Council approved the Ordinance C/M Bender asked if the lines would be in existing corridcrs on Southgate Boulevard He asked if additional poles were needed Attorney Huebner said the lines would be in the existing corridors however new poles would be installed in the existing corridors C/M Bender asked if the corridor was wide enough and Attorney Huebner replied yes V/M Hoffman asked how high the poles would be and Attorney Huebner said the poles would be approximately 80 feet high C/M Bender said the voltage would be lower and Attorney Huebner said the lines would be equal to the existing lines which was 230KV C/M Bender asked if the existing poles were more than 80 feet and Andy Maurodis, Representative from Florida Power & Light, said he did not review the size on Southgate Boulevard, however the existing poles west of the Sawgrass Expressway were 85 feet tall and set in the ground approximately 10 feet C/M Rohr asked if additional lines would cause more rays and C/M Bender said more rays could or could not be present C/M Rohr asked how the rays could be determined He said he felt the exposure would be double what was presently being emitted C/M Bender said doubling the voltage did not mean that the electric magnetic field was being doubled He said there could be different currents at certain voltages He said he took readings at Tarevella High School and he agreed that the substation was safe after taking readings He said this matter would be a concern for Coral Springs He said this was why he wanted to know how much voltage and current would be in the area to determine if the electric magnetic Melds would change C/M Bender said Florida Power & Light may be contacted frcm the City of Coral Springs regarding the current from the additional poles Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council was recently info# ed by Attorney Huebner what was intended for the area Ee said he wanted to make sure that the presentation by Florida Power & Light would occur He said he did not want to be tcld,cne thing and then be surprised after City Council's action Cn a matter Mayor Abramowitz said he would like the actions by Florida Power & Light to be certified and filed in the City Page 10 4/19/90--pw V/M Hoffman asked how the Southgate Boulevard corridor be used He asked if there would be any additional lanes in the existing corridor north and south into the City of Tamarac Mr Maurodis said the corridor was 180 feet wide and there would be H-frame structures He said on Southgate Boulevard the structures were on the south portion of the corridor and there was approximately 90 feet available on the north side of the corridors therefore the additional line would be placed in that area Mr Maurodis said the lines would travel north from the substation and then east, north of Southgate Boulevard and leave the City of Tamarac in that corridor He said the existing corridor in the City would be used Mayor Abramowitz said the lines would not go south from the existing lines He asked how far east the lines would go and Mr Maurodis said the lines would parallel the same circuit to the Broward substation near the landfill C/M Bender suggested Florida Power & Light consider using the new poles that would reduce the MF and Mr Maurodis said he did not know about these poles C/M Bender suggested Mr Maurodis meet with him after the meeting and he would inform him of this matter C/M Rohr asked if Florida Power & Light would submit the comments in writing and Mayor Abramowitz said he recently stated that he wanted to have the information in writing Mayor Abramowitz asked how long the plans would take and Mr Maurodis said the Planning Department had a 10 year plan He said the substation had a limitation of how many lines could be taken out because of the lack of property at the site He - said there was room in the north corridor for two circuits wh-l(ib was double the existing lines Mr.-Maurodis said there were two existing circuits leaving the substation going south and there was a third circuit on a single pole line crossing the Sawgrass Expressway in Sunrise He said this circuit needed to be brought in from Sunrise going down Commercial Boulevard He said this was a total of 8 circuits and the capacity with the current technology would be put at the substation Mayor Abramowitz said the City worked very closely with Attorney Huebner who was very honest He said there was no question as to the City not wanting the substation, however, he knew that Florida Power & Light could do what was needed but minimize the damage to the City He said Florida Power & Light could hide what was being done Mayor Abramowitz said he visited the site for the substation and there were large trees on the east portion of the property He said he wanted Florida Power & Light to do what they could to minimize the exposure He said the City was concerned about the tax base impact and beautification of the site He said the City Council wanted to view a plan that Florida Power & Light worked on to minimize the detrimental affect to the City V/M Hoffman asked if the proposed substation would be larger than the existing substation on Southgate Boulevard and Mr Maurodis said the proposed substation would have taller structures Mayor Abramowitz said on 44 Street the substation was beautified and he would like the proposed substation to have good beautification V/M Hoffman asked if the roads could go into the substation one way and Mayor Abramowitz said there were ways to make the area beautiful and less detrimental Page 11 4/19/90-pw Attorney Huebner said Florida Power & Light recognized the Position Tamarac was in and the diligence they took along the course He said Florida Power & Light wanted to be good neighbors and worked very hard with the various Cities td make the area compatible with their surroundings Attorney Huebner said the last substation he sited was in the City of Parkland He said the City Council and staff were welcome to contact that City to see how Florida Power & Light worked with them Mayor Abramowitz asked where the substation was located 4n the City of Parkland and Attorney Huebner said the substation was on Holmberg Road west of State Road 7 He said the substation was before City Hall of Parkland Mr Hernandez said the substation was next to homes that were selling for approximately $600 000 00 He said the Director of Planning for the City of Parkland visited the site and informed him that he was amazed with the quality of the job Mayor Abramowitz said the minimum standards would not apply to this site and he asked City Manager Kelly to inform MO Carpenter about this matter City Manager Kelly said Ms Carpenter worked on this matter under personal and professionally stressful times He said Ms Carpenter dealt with the matter by playing the parts of everyone He said the Ordinance was one the most comprehensive utility Ordinances and the City would be benefiting by it He thanked Ms Carpenter for her effort-s With no further business Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting at 10 45 A M C ROL �AEVe-, CITY CI tRF I "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $58 26 or $7 28 per copy to inform the general public public offidea:s and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac " 1 Page 12 4/19/90-pw