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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-08 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the workshop to order on Monday, June 8, 1998, at 10:30 a.m., in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joseph Schreiber, Commissioner John E. McKaye, Commissioner Karen L. Roberts, and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ABSENT AND EXCUSED: Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager, Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney, Tim Hemstreet, Assistant to the City Manager, Stanley Hawthorne, Assistant City Manager/Finance Director, Susan Sinclair, Risk Manager, Mike Woika, Utilities Director, Mark Greenspan, Public Works Operations Manager, Kathy Margolis, Director of Parks and Recreation, Chris King, Planning and Zoning Manager and Carol Gold, City Clerk Tape 1 1. Broward Alliance. Representatives Howard Kusnick and Bill McGowan gave a presentation on the Alliance and addressed Commission questions. Tamarac's investment upon becoming a member is estimated at $12,500.00. 2. Lobbyist Report. Mitch Ceasar, City Lobbyist, gave an update on his activities relative to procuring grants for the City. 3. Commission Agenda -June 10, 1998. Mayor Schreiber questioned the release of performance bonds. Mr. Hawthorne responded. There was discussion of exploring recovery of funds for Item #5, Public Hearing - Motion To Adopt Temp. Reso. #8277 authorizing settlement of the Paul Ferdinand Workers' Compensation claim for $125,000, providing for approval by the Judge of Compensation Claims. Mike Woika addressed questions on items #9g, Motion To Adopt Temp. Reso. #8230 authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute Addendum No. 98-02 to contract with Hartman And Associates, Inc., to provide engineering services with regard to a Wastewater Capacity Study in an amount not to exceed $50,500, authorized by Resolution R-96-163 and approved funding from Utilities CIAC account, and Item #9h, Motion To Adopt Temp. Reso. #8263 authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute Addendum No. 98-01 to the contract with Hazen And Sawyer to provide engineering services to prepare a Water and Wastewater Condition and Hydraulic Assessment Study for Tamarac East, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00, in City Commission Workshop June 8, 1998 Page 2 accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution R-96-163 and approve funding from the appropriate Utilities operational accounts. Mayor Schreiber questioned the bidding process for Item #9j, Motion To Adopt Temp. Reso. #8231 authorizing the appropriate City officials to award Bid No. 98-19B to Clark Waste Systems, Inc., for construction of a recycling truck and authorizing an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $100,875. Mark Greenspan explained, as he did on Item # 9k, Motion to Adopt Temp. Reso. #8281, authorizing the purchase of two (2) new vehicles; utilizing the State's Department of Management Services purchasing agreement; authorizing an expenditure in an amount not to exceed $40,828. On Item #91, Motion To Adopt Temp. Reso. #8259, accepting a Quit Claim Deed from Broward County, Florida, of County -owned property, acquired by Broward County, by virtue of the property being delinquent ad valorem tax payments lands, there were questions as to the location of the property and the maintenance of the lake. Mr. Greenspan responded. Commissioner Sultanof asked Chris King, Planning and Zoning Manager, to explain Items 9m, Motion To Adopt Temp. Reso. #8286 amending the previously approved Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for lands commonly known as the McNab Marketplace Shopping Center and legally described as the University and McNab Plat, Parcel "A", located at 7015 North University Drive, Case No. 13-P-97, as well as Item # 9v, Motion To Adopt Temp. Reso. #8265 awarding a three-year contract between the City and Community Redevelopment Associates, Inc. to perform State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Grant Administration for the City's SHIP Fiscal Years 1998-1999, 1999-2000, and 2000-2001 which commence each July 1 and end on June 30. This contract would be consistent with the City's SHIP Local Housing Assistance Plan, a three-year plan establishing the housing programs the City will implement. Program Administration funds will be derived from the annual grant allocation; no additional funds required of the City's General Fund. Case #14-MI-98. City Manager Noe explained Item #9t, Motion to Adopt Temp. Reso. #8283, supporting Broward County Board of County Commissioners to levy an additional one (1) cent motor fuel tax and designate the equivalent amount of Broward County general funds now used for transportation to be used exclusively for homeless services. Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop at 11:50 a.m. to reconvene at 2:30 p.m. *********************************************************************************************************** The Workshop Meeting reconvened at 2:35 p.m. with everyone in attendance except Commissioner McKaye. City Manager Noe announced that Senator Campbell will be at the Commission Meeting of June 10tn City Commission Workshop June 8, 1998 Page 3- City Manager Noe announced that Senator Campbell will be at the Commission Meeting of June 10tn The was discussion of the referendum issue and Jay Moore, Public Information Officer, made a presentation, estimating the cost for an information and education campaign would be between $31,000.00 and $33,000.00. Carol Gold, City Clerk, is to get additional information from the Supervisor of Elections regarding the timing and cost of a referendum. Mr. Noe and Parks and Recreation Director Margolis asked for clarification of the signage to be placed at Caporella Park. Mayor Schreiber reported that the Broward Superintendent of Schools indicated that he will build a school in Tamarac if the land is available. He also expressed concern about traffic safety and speeding and asked about the status of the possible return of water and sewer deposits. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. 4- , r�' Carol Go,CMC/AAE City Clerk 1