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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-07-06 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MONDAY, JULY 6, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the workshop to order on Monday, July 6, 1998, at 9:30 a.m., in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joseph Schreiber Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin Commissioner John E. McKaye Commissioner Karen L. Roberts Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney Tim Hemstreet, Assistant to the City Manager Carol Gold, City Clerk Tape 1 1. Report from County Commissioner Norman Abramowitz Broward County Commissioner Norman Abramowitz and Broward County Engineering staff Dick Brossard, Public Works Director, Henry Cook, Engineer and Bill Fowler, Engineer, gave a presentation, addressed questions on the McNab Road widening project and requested support from the City Commission for the project. Consensus of the Commission was favorable. 2. 7/8/98 Commission Agenda Items — discussion a) BellSouth — presentation Levent Sucuoglu, Director of MIS, and Ken Fichter, Bell South representative, gave a presentation and answered questions regarding Items 6c, 6d and 6e of the Consent Agenda relative to expanding'the City's telephone system. b) Community Center There was discussion relative to naming the Community Center. Kathleen Margoles, Parks and Recreation Director, and Jeff Miller, Community Development Director, addressed questions. Consensus of the Commission was to name it a Senior/Community Center. The resolution is to be revised reflecting the change. Mayor Schreiber asked that item 6b, Temporary Resolution #8302, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute an Engineering Agreement with Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., to provide preliminary design, final design, bidding services and construction administration services for the construction of a two million gallon water storage tank and associated necessary improvements at the Water Treatment Plant site for a proposed amount not to exceed $198,800.00, and approve funding from the appropriate Utilities Operational and CIAC accounts, be removed from the Consent Agenda and heard as a regular Agenda item. It was noted that the resolution in item 61, Temporary Resolution #8324, accepting the 1998 Florida Legislature appropriation of $25,000 and authorizing a match from the City in the amount of $25,000 to provide enhancements to the Veterans Memorial Park Project; approving an interfund transfer from the General Fund to the Grants Fund in the amount of $25,000; amending the Annual Grants Fund Budget of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures in the amount of $50,000, be corrected to amend the Annual Grants Fund Budget of Estimated Revenues and Expenditures in the amount of $25,000, Mayor Schreiber questioned item 6j, Temporary Resolution #8318, vacation of easements and rights -of -way (R.O.W.) within the Woodmont/Bonaire Environmentally Sensitive Land (ESL) located at NW 80 Avenue, north of McNab Road; specifically a Portion of "Woodmont 74 and 75". Mr. Miller responded. Vice Mayor Mishkin questioned the terms of the agreement in item 6k, Temporary Resolution #8320, authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute an agreement between the City of Tamarac and the Woodlands Homeowners' Association, Inc., a Florida corporation, to provide for maintenance of public waterways within the Woodlands subdivision. Mr. Miller and City Attorney Kraft responded. Mayor Schreiber asked for an explanation of item 8, Motion to adopt Temporary Ordinance #1825, amending Chapter 12, "License and Business Regulations", by amending Article 11, "Occupational Licenses", by amending Section 12-39, "Amount of Fee" to modify Occupational License Fees for the classifications for Storage Facilities; establishing equity between license classifications and license fees and establishing additional license classifications for the classifications for storage/warehouses, and amending the language for insurance companies to establish parity. Mr. Miller responded. Vice Mayor Mishkin asked that the prices charged by the Storage Company is monitored. 3. Board and Committee Appointments — Vice Mayor Mishkin Vice Mayor Mishkin asked that a cut-off date of July 15th be established for receiving applications for Board vacancies. Commissioners agreed. A Special Meeting of the City Commission was set for 10 am, Wednesday, July 24, 1998, for the purpose of making Board appointments. 4. Establishing new committees — Mayor Schreiber Mayor Schreiber asked Commissioners to consider establishing new committees such as Hospital, Beautification, Traffic Safety and Architectural Review. There was discussion relative to members serving on multiple boards. Committee liaisons are requested to forward minutes of meetings to all Commissioners. 5. Municipal Official of the Year Award - discussion After discussion, consensus of Commissioners was to nominate Plantation Mayor Frank Veltri . A letter will be sent to the Florida League of Cities reflecting the nomination. 5. City Investment Portfolio — discussion City Manager Noe requested Acting Finance Director Abrahams and Investment/Finance Analyst Perrone to address the issue of the General Fund balance relative to the City's investment portfolio. There was discussion. City Manager Noe introduced a report prepared by Raj Verma, Public Works Director, on the Road Resurfacing Program. At 11:20 am Mayor Schreiber recessed the meeting for a 10- minute break. Meeting reconvened at 11:30 am with everyone present except Commissioner McKaye. Mr. Verma presented his report and addressed questions. City Manager Noe reported the Chamber of Commerce wishes to use the Commission Chambers for election events. He's to get additional information. Vice Mayor Mishkin referred to an article in the morning newspaper regarding former City employees working at the Broward County Library. There was discussion of utilizing an AARP program at City Hall and liability issues. Mr. Noe reported that State Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz will speak at the July 81h meeting. There was discussion of Senator Campbell's visit. Mayor Schreiber noted that Channels 6 and 10 did not publicize the City's 4th of July event. He spoke of the article in the Forum stating that Home Depot is coming to North Lauderdale. Mayor Schreiber suggested ordinances be considered relative to elevators for three story buildings and prohibition of parking on lawns. The Mayor suggested the Tamarac Tomcats be recognized for their performance in Lakeland and he asked that the janitorial service be reminded to shut off lights when they leave the building. Mayor Schreiber asked staff to examine extending the Commissioners' life insurance policy for life. Commissioner Roberts said the Forum did not recognize certain City officials and staff at Hiatus Road groundbreaking. Vice Mayor Mishkin apologized to City Attorney Kraft for the oversight of not seating him on the raised platform at that groundbreaking. Cara old City'Clerk r 1