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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-28 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
7525 Northwest 88 Avenue Phone (305) 722-5900
Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 R Fax (305) 722-4509
October 25, 1991
There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Council on Monday,
October 28, 1991, at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room #1, Tamarac,
City Hall, 7525 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
The Purpose of this meeting is:
1. DISCUSSION on proposed Charter Amendments.
2. DISCUSSIOg regarding the sale of the old City Hall.
3. DI3CUg,SI on sale of the old Public Works site.
4. PIMLIC PARTICIPATION - Any member of the public may speak
to any issue which is on this meeting notice. Speakers will
be limited to three minutes during this item and at public
hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time
limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up
in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation.
The City Council may consider such other business as may come
before it.
In the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will
be available to the public at the City Council meeting.
Pursuant to Chapter 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person
decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with
respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he
may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which
the appeal is based. _
� a -Asa'
*arl A. Evans
City Clerk
City Council Workshop Meeting
Page 1
CALL TO Q UM: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to order on
Monday, October 28, 1991 at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room #1 of
Tamarac City Hall, 7525 Northwest 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
Mayor Norman Abramowitz
Councilwoman Diane.Glasser (entered at 9:45 a.m.)
Councilman Henry Schumann
Councilman Irving Katz
Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender
John P. Kelly, City Manager
Dina McDermott, Assistant City Manager
Alan F. Ruf, City Attorney
Carol A. Evans, City Clerk
Karen Jackson, Secretary
3. DISCUSSION on sale of the old Public Works site.
City Manager Kelly said the parcel that was closed on October 2,
1991, covered the bulk of the land where the Chevron site is
located. He said the site was divided into two parcels; one was 6
acres (Parcel A) and the other was 4 acres (Parcel B). He said
Parcel A was closed on.
City Manager Kelly said the City had asked for 2.7 million dollars
for the entire parcel and they made that offer but divided it into
two parcels. He said Chevron had an option that upon closing
Parcel A, they would decide whether or not they were going to
pursue Parcel B.
City Manager Kelly said Mr. Berkowitz has opted not to pursue the
closing of Parcel B, which means that he will forfeit the
downpayment that he had posted with his attorney in the amount of
approximately $85,000.
City Attorney Ruf said there is approximately $98,000 in that
account at this time because it was to be invested in an interest -
bearing account and if the purchaser went forward with the
purchase, he would get the benefit of the interest and if he did
not go forward with the purchase, then that money would become
part of the liquidated damages. He said there are some charges
against that where Mr. Berkowitz is telling the City that he is
not going to go forward and exercise his option to purchase Parcel
B; therefore, the City is entitled to the money.
City Attorney Ruf said there are some offsets for real property
taxes for the Year 1990, which he wants to hold in escrow and he
has provided the City with a letter which acknowledges that he is
cancelling his option to purchase and that they are going to pay
the City an amount of money less the estimated taxes due and when
the tax bill comes, it will be corrected.
C/M Schumann asked why Mr. Berkowitz is responsible for real
property taxes if he is not going to take his option on Parcel B
and City Attorney Ruf said these are real property taxes on the
corner parcel which included the Public Works site.
Mayor Abramowitz asked when this property tax is due and City
Attorney Ruf said the tax bills come out in November, a discount
is received by paying them early and the City is earning the
interest. Further discussion was held regarding this.
City Council Workshop Meeting
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C/M Schumann asked what options are open to the City on Parcel B
and City Manager Kelly said all options are open.
City Manager Kelly said the City will pay the prorated taxes.
City Attorney Ruf said the City holds the title and as soon as the
City signs the Letter of Agreement, the City can receive the
City Manager Kelly suggested a Resolution be drafted and a Special
Council meeting be scheduled to finalize this agreement and Mayor
Abramowitz agreed.
2. DISCUSSIQN regarding the sale of the old City Hall.
City Manager Kelly said Council should have received a copy of the
Revised Final Draft of the executed agreement. He said if Council
is willing to agree to this revised agreement, it will be executed
with the $525,000 sale price, with $100,000 downpayment and with a
6 month money mortgage.
C/M Schumann asked if this is to be a one payment balloon and City
Attorney Ruf said, yes, which includes interest due in 180 days.
City Manager Kelly said the Fire Department, Community Development
and the Building Departments reviewed this and most of their
concerns are not substantive. He said he met with the
representatives of the Jehovah's Witnesses and they will give the
Staff's comments to their architect. Discussion was held regarding
the various comments.
C/M Katz asked if they need a variance for anything and City
Manager Kelly said that is a possibility, such as for the masonry
wall and the waiving of the fencing.
C/M Katz asked if there are any proposed changes in the
configuration of the building and City Manager Kelly said the
plans are complete.
C/M Schumann asked if they are going to place the minister's
residence in there and City Manager Kelly said, yes.
City Attorney Ruf said the City has a signed contract and a
Resolution is needed authorizing the City to execute the contract
on behalf of the City. He said this is a contract without
contingencies and the purchasers do understand that although they
have removed the contingencies from the contract, it has been on
the representation of the City and Staff that they will be able to
do what they want to do there, providing it conforms to the Code
of the City.
C/M Katz said the City gave away the fees or taxes in lieu of the
$25,000 and from now on, whatever is required of any other
developer is required of the purchaser.
City Attorney Ruf said if the City has given breaks to other
religious organizations, they would be looking for the same thing.
City Manager Kelly said three months ago, Broward County made a
proposal for a project on Commercial Boulevard in Tamarac, near
the Sun Bank. He said the City supplied the County with the permit
requirements at the time; however, the permit orders were ignored
and work has begun. He said the City Staff had to stop the work by
the County. He said the problem is that the Contractor did not
include the cost of the permits in his bid of $11,000, which is
the City's permit cost.
City Manager Kelly said it seems to have been a lack of
communication between the County and the Contractor. He said this
refers to the two lift stations in the area.
City Council Workshop Meeting
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City Manager Kelly referred to the bus shelter proposal. He said
Ray Tomzak, Chairman of the Jaycees, has requested to be placed on
the next agenda for consideration of a bus bench public service
advertising project which could benefit the City by providing the
citizens with the convenience of having bus benches throughout the
City at no cost to the City and will provide the businesses in the
area an inexpensive means for advertising. He said the Jaycees
will be responsible for all necessary insurances needed as well as
placing and maintaining the upkeep of all the benches.
City Manager Kelly said the pity will have the advantage of
receiving revenue from the bus benches placed in the City through
permit fees. He said the Jaycees have been providing public
service benches throughout Broward.County since 1977 and this has
proven to be beneficial to all concerned.
Mayor Abramowitz requested that some of the cities be surveyed
regarding this. Discussion was held regarding the placement and
compliance of the City's rules for these benches.
1. DISCUSSION on proposed Charter Amendments.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City Clerk has provided Council with the
dates whereby the City has three opportunities in 1992 to place
Charter amendments on the ballot.
Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter Board has met and have some
proposals to present to Council; however, the Council has not yet
done so. He said the Charter Board is,ready for a joint meeting
with Council.
Mayor Abramowitz said some of the areas of concern by Council are
as follows: vacation schedule, terms of office, financial
procedures, expenses/compensation, redistricting and capital
C/M Schumann stated that the ballot should not be filled with a
lot of Referendums and Mayor Abramowitz agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz said the vacation schedule and the redistricting
are not priority items; however, capital improvements, terms of
office, expenses/compensation and the financial procedures are
very important issues. He said Council needs to make a decision as
to what is considered important.
Mayor Abramowitz said he understood that the Charter Board feels
the terms of office are a priority but it should not start with
this election but should be for the 1993 election and all agreed.
City Attorney Ruf said he can draft some Ordinance proposals
within 24 to 48 hours based on previous discussion as to what the
Council was interested in having on the ballot. He said one of
which was discussion on the combination of the General Fund and
the Enterprise Budgets, one would exempt water and sewer utilities
from the operation of the Referendum requirement and the other
discussed changing the 2.5% to 5 or 7.5%.
C/M Katz said the increase to 5 or 7.5% may not mean anything
because it may be just as ambiguous unless what the 5 or 7.5% is
going to be is identified, such as if it includes the Utility
Budget or just the General Budget.
C/M Schumann said Carla Coleman had recommended the deletion of
the cap.
Mayor Abramowitz said he would like to have something on the
Referendum that can be understood by everyone.
City Attorney Ruf said the addition to the end of Section 7.13
reads as follows: "The Referendum requirement of this Section
shall not apply to capital projects within the water and sewer
City Council Workshop Meeting
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utility systems of the City nor shall it apply to expenditures
mandated by Federal or State governments."
C/M Katz asked whether the City has the right to advertise for
bids at the percentage if the City is going to accommodate that
portion and divide them into two separate entities and increase
the percentage.
City Attorney Ruf said he would never recommend the separation of
these entities but when this is being discussed it refers to the
combined budgets. He said this is a self-imposed restriction by
the voters and most cities do not have this restriction. He said
Staff would tend to agree with Carla Coleman and have as much
flexibility as possible; however, the voters have to approve this.
Further discussion was held regarding this.
C/M Schumann said the City has a budget, not two budgets.
City Attorney Ruf suggested this discussion be postponed until he
drafts the proposed Ordinances and Mayor Abramowitz agreed.
City Attorney Ruf said he had received the minutes of the Charter
Board meeting of September 24, 1991 and their concerns are the
terms of office and redistricting. He said the Charter Board has
not been concentrating on,the same issues as the Council.
Mayor Abramowitz requested the latest minutes of the Charter Board
meetings be forwarded to Council for review prior to the joint
Council/Charter Board meeting.
C/M Katz asked that City Clerk Evans discuss her suggestion as to
what should be on the ballot in March, 1992.
City Clerk Evans said she feels that none of the items on her
October 4, 1991 memo are priorities but should be done eventually,
such as the Capital Program, advertising on the budget and other
housekeeping measures.
City Attorney Ruf said these items will make it easier to go
through the budget process in 1992 and should be on the March
Mayor Abramowitz suggested placing two items on the ballot that
are critical and two housekeeping items.
C/M Katz referred to the Council vacation issue and said it should
be addressed.
Mayor Abramowitz said the Charter specifies that the City Manager
must deliver the Budget Message by a certain date; therefore,
Council should change their vacation accordingly.
City Attorney Ruf said the budget issue is covered by State Law
and is not needed in the Charter. He said the Capital Program is
now mandated by Section 163 in the State Statutes, which requires
a five year wish list and funding source. Further discussion was
held regarding the various housekeeping measures.
City Council Workshop Meeting
Page 5
4. PUBLTC PARTICIPAZ= - Any member of the public may speak
to any issue which is on this meeting notice. Speakers will
be limited to three minutes during this item and at public
hearings. There will be a thirty (30) minute aggregate time
limit for this item, and speakers are encouraged to sign up
in advance with the City Clerk prior to their participation.
Zeke Feldman, resident and Charter Board member, expressed his
opinion regarding the terms of office.
Melanie Reynolds, resident, said the Charter refers to the General
Fund Budget and does not discuss any other budget unless the other
funds budgets are needed.1
With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting
at 10:10 a.m.
"This public document was promulgated at a cost of $81.14 or $1.80
per copy to inform the general public, public officers and
employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City
Council of the City of Tamarac." -