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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-09 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes11 CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the workshop to order on Monday, November 9, 1998, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin, Commissioner John E. McKaye, Commissioner Karen L. Roberts and Commissioner Marc L. Sultanof ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager, Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney, Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager and Carol Gold, City Clerk. Mayor Schreiber reported that he received a communication from the Broward League of Cities requesting help for hurricane victims. There was discussion and the City Manager is to inquire whether or not cash donations are acceptable. 1. B.S.O. - Chief Goldstein — Presentation: BSO Chief Goldstein gave a presentation and answered questions addressing items brought forward by the Commission at their last workshop. 2. November 10, 1998 City Commission Agenda a. Settlement - unpaid guaranteed revenues - Cypress III at Woodmont Project. Director of Utilities Woika and City Attorney Kraft explained that after negotiating with the parties involved, they recommended settling for the City's out-of-pocket expenses, $4,000, for billing costs. Consensus was favorable. 8. City Attorney Kraft and Utilities Director Woika explained Temporary Resolution #8415, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to accept and approve a proposal from Government Services Group, Inc. ("GSG"), to develop a Utilities System Improvements Assessment Program for the northern half of Land Section 7 in the amount of $27,600.00. b. Pension change for Administrative Employees. City Manager Noe and Assistant City Manager Hemstreet explained Temporary Ordinance #1830,, to be heard on first reading, amending Chapter 16, Pensions and Retirement, Article 111, Pension Plan, Section 16-191(a)(4), participation, to provide Administrative Category Employees the option to participate or not participate in the Tamarac Employees Pension Plan. Mr. Hemstreet said the fiscal impact to the City would be less than it is now. c. Manager/Designee — Contracts. City Manager Noe asked this item be tabled. 7d. Mayor Schreiber questioned whether item #7d, Temporary Resolution #8409, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a Public Utility Easement with Parkwood at Colony West, Inc., for the Parkwood at Colony West Project, located on the south side of Lagos De Campo Boulevard between NW 84t" Terrace and South Colony Circle, to allow a legal access by Public Utility Personnel for installing, maintaining, and operating various Public Utility Systems, had been already approved. Utilities Director Woika said it had not and explained the different easements for this project. 7g. Mayor Schreiber questioned what had changed on the legal description for Temporary Resolution #8427, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to accept and execute a First Amendment to the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement with McNab Joint Venture for the McNab Marketplace (Winn -Dixie) Project, located on the northwest corner of University Drive and McNab Road, changing the legal description of the project site. Utilities Director Woika responded and Mayor Schreiber asked that the legal description be incorporated in the resolution. 7i. Mayor Schreiber questioned the necessity of Temporary Resolution #8399, authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute a supplement to the agreement between the City of Tamarac and Harward Technical Enterprises, Inc. (HTE), for a report generator program at a cost of $4,835.00. MIS Director Sucuoglu explained. Commissioner Roberts asked if 2 days of training is enough. Mr. Sucuoglu said it is. 10. Mayor Schreiber asked if equipment purchased under the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant belonged to the City. Mr. Hemstreet responded in the affirmative. The following items are listed pursuant to Mayor Schreiber's request: 3. Tower on 61 St — discussion. Commissioners agreed that property owners on the south side of the proposed site be notified about the tower. 4. Veterans Memorial — discussion. Public Works Director Verma responded to Commission questions regarding the Veterans Memorial. 5. Assistant to the City Manager - discussion. Mayor Schreiber questioned the necessity of this position. Consensus of Commissioners was in agreement that this position had already been approved. 6. Elevators in 3 story buildings — discussion. Mayor Schreiber requested that the City pass an ordinance requiring elevators in private residential buildings. Building Official Gioia explained and said that the City could present this to the Board of Rules and Appeals. Discussion of handicapped parking spaces followed. 7. Cable Franchise — discussion. Mayor Schreiber questioned the necessity of retaining Counsel to represent the City during negotiations with MediaOne. City Attorney Kraft indicated that this is a very specialized area. Walter Coghlan, 4806 NW 49 Court, cautioned the Commission to be careful when negotiating. Assistant City Manager Hemstreet responded to questions. 8. Fire Inspection Fee — discussion. Mayor Schreiber reported that he has received complaints about fire inspection fees. Fire Chief Budzinski addressed 2 1 the issue. It was agreed that the public should be made aware of how tax money is utilized, perhaps as an insert with the water bills. 9. Personnel situation — discussion. Mayor Schreiber expressed concern about personnel turnover in the City. Personnel Director Swanson and City Manager Noe responded. City Manager Noe reported on the Community Center financing options, indicating that a bank qualified bank loan, closing in December 1998, was his preferred choice. Commissioners were in agreement. Mr. Noe reported on an inquiry from Sam Morrison, Broward County Library Director, regarding a partnership involving the City's donation of a site for a library if the library were to fund construction. Commission direction was for Mr. Noe to send a letter to Mr. Morrison indicating the City will seriously consider donating an acceptable site. Mayor Schreiber said that bleachers used for the Tamarac Soccer Club need backing to avoid falls and possible injuries. Commissioner Sultanof asked that the reviewing stand to be used on Southgate Boulevard for the Veterans Day Parade be checked for safety. There being no further business, Mayor Schreiber adjourned the Workshop at 12:40 p.m. Lv Carol Gold, CMC/AAE City Clerk 3