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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-12-21 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesCITY OF TAMARAC
Monday, December 21, 1998
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Schreiber called the workshop to order on Monday,
December 21, 1998, at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room #1 of Tamarac City Hall, 7525
NW 88t" Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
PRESENT: Mayor Joe Schreiber, Commissioner Karen L. Roberts and Commissioner
Marc L. Sultanof.
ABSENT AND EXCUSED FOR CAUSE: Vice Mayor Larry Mishkin and Commissioner
John E. McKaye
ALSO PRESENT: Robert S. Noe, Jr., City Manager, Mitchell S. Kraft, City Attorney,
and Marion Swenson, Assistant City Clerk.
1. Personnel Issues: City Manager Noe introduced the presentation as a
State of the City message, not in the traditional sense of dealing with financial
issues, but rather on how government operates at the department level, based
on good government which is open, honest, professional and fair. In response
to the Commission's concerns regarding staff turnover and promotions, Maria
Swanson, Personnel Director gave a presentation. Mike Woika, Utilities Director,
Kathleen Margoles, Parks and Recreation Director, Jim Budzinski, Fire Chief and
Raj Verma, Public Works Director, also gave presentations.
2. 12/23/98 Aaenda Items:
(a) Postal Service: Item 5c, Temporary Resolution #8445, approving Postal
Center International, Inc. for the citywide mailing services utilizing the Broward
Governmental Co-op RFP contract #582-8053 effective September 7, 1998
through September 6, 2001. Marion Swenson, Assistant City Clerk, and
Margaret McGarrity, Finance Director, gave a presentation.
(b) Cameron Gardens Pump Station: Item 6, Temporary Resolution #8479,
authorizing the appropriate City Officials to authorize the construction of
Wastewater Pump Station #33 by a Contractor of Archstone Communities, the
Developer of the Cameron Gardens, and to authorize the appropriate City
Officials to repay Archstone Communities for the project cost in conformance
with the Water and Sewer Developer's Agreement, as amended, from the Utilities
Fund and CIAC Accounts for a total project cost not to exceed $260,161;
approving two budget transfers totaling $60,000. Utilities Director Woika gave a
(c) Fee Waivers: Item #7, Temporary Resolution #8461, approving a
request from St. Malachy Catholic Church to waive all permit fees for the
construction of their school extension; providing for conditions of approval. City
Manager Noe said his position was not to waive fees at all. Paul Gioia, Building
Official, gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber asked if other churches have had
fees waived and Building Official Gioia responded. Commissioner Sultanof said
that since this was for building a school, some exception should be made, not
necessarily a full waiver. There was discussion about whether a precedent would
be set by waiving the permit fees.
Item #8, Temporary Resolution #8467, approving a request from the American
Red Cross to waive all permit fees for their new resource center location;
providing for conditions of approval. Building Official Gioia gave a presentation.
Mayor Schreiber questioned item 5e, Temporary Resolution #8481, authorizing
the appropriate City Officials to refund Traffic Signalization Impact Fees paid to
the City by Sutter Construction Co., Inc. in the total amount of $10,000.00. City
Attorney Kraft and Finance Director McGarrity responded.
Mayor Schreiber questioned item 5f, Temporary Resolution #8484, authorizing
the appropriate City Officials to refund Traffic Signalization Impact Fees paid to
the City by McNab Associates Ltd., in the total amount of $40,000.00. City
Attorney Kraft and Finance Director McGarrity responded.
Mayor Schreiber questioned item 5g, Temporary Resolution #8487, authorizing
the appropriate City Officials to enter into an agreement with Broward County
pertaining to the maintenance of medians on Pine Island Road between McNab
Road and Commercial Boulevard. Public Works Director Verma responded.
Mayor Schreiber questioned item 5h, Temporary Resolution #8476, authorizing
the design/build services for the Caporella Park Florida Recreation Development
Assistance Program Grant Improvements by Recreation Design and
Construction, Inc., utilizing Broward County Agreement RLI#042095-RB in an
amount not to exceed $121,000.00, approving funding from the appropriate
grants fund account. Parks and Recreation Director Margoles responded.
City Manager Noe requested the addition of Temporary Resolution #8494 to the
December 23, 1998 Commission agenda. Temporary Resolution #8494,
authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for school crossing guard
services within the City of Tamarac. Cindy Diemer, Code Enforcement Manager
gave a presentation. Mayor Schreiber expressed concern about being able to
get a vendor to take over the service at such short notice, and Ms. Diemer
assured him the City would have a vendor. Commissioner Sultanof questioned
whether the new vendor would rehire the people presently working in Tamarac
for Alpha, and Ms. Diemer said they would be rehired.
City Manager Noe said the City has been through the process to select an
architect for the Senior and Community Center, and Parks and Recreation
Director Margoles gave a presentation.
Mayor Schreiber called at recess at 11:40 a.m. The Commission Workshop
reconvened at 11:50 a.m., with everyone present.
City Manager Noe said that due to time constraints the Commission may want to
go ahead and discuss item No. 4, H.B. 3075, and place the rest of the items on
the first workshop meeting in January, 1999. Mayor Schreiber, Commissioner
Sultanof and Commissioner Roberts agreed.
4. H.B. 3075: Mayor Schreiber explained that H.B. 3075, which was vetoed
by Governor Chiles, would require local municipalities to amend their pension
plans to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 185, F.S., and if passed
would financially impact Tamarac's police and fire pension plans, increasing the
average compensation used in pension calculations. City Manager Noe said this
is an issue of Home Rule, and the Commission can oppose the Bill. Mayor
Schreiber asked the City Attorney to prepare a resolution opposing H.B. 3075, to
be discussed at the January 11, 1999 Commission Workshop meeting.
City Manager Noe said, with the Commission's consent, a ribbon cutting event
will be held on January 7, 1999 at 11:30 a.m., at the Mainlands 9 Clubhouse, 58t"
Street and 71St Avenue, for the street paving project.
City Manager Noe said the first recipient of the SHIP housing fund will be moving
into her house on December 30, 1998. An event is tentatively scheduled for
January 5, 1999 at 2:00 p.m., and directions to the house will be forthcoming.
City Manager Noe wished everyone a happy holiday.
Mayor Schreiber adjourned the workshop meeting at 12:05 p.m.
Marion Swenson`
Assistant City Clerk