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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-17 - City Commission Workshop Meeting MinutesF--� 5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 March 10, 1981 WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, March 17, 1981 at 3:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 5811 N. W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. The purpose of this Workshop is to meet with Lake Colony, and it will include Evan Cross, City Planner; Laura Stuurmans, Acting City Manager; Larry Keating, City Engineer; and Al Miller, Chief Building Official. The City Council may consider such other items as may come before it. The public is encouraged to attend. M rx yn ert , City r r /lc CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING MARCH 17, 1981 MEETING WITH LAKE COLONY Mayor Falck called the meeting to order at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 17, 1981, in the Council Chambers at City Hall. PRESENT: Mayor Walter Falck Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly Councilman Philip B. Kravitz Councilman Irving Zemel Councilwoman Helen Massaro ALSO PRESENT: Mayor Falck read the official notice for the purpose of meeting with Lake City Manager, the City Engineer, the Official. Asst. City Mgr. Laura Stuurmans City Engineer Larry Keating City Planner Evan Cross Chief Bldg. Official Al Miller of the workshop meeting which was Colony, and included the Assistant City Planner and the Chief Building The Mayor said the reason for the meeting being called is that he had met previously with Mr. Parker and Mr. Brown who were introduced by John Dow who was formerly City Manager of Coral Springs and who is now connected with the firm handling the Lake Colony project. Mayor Falck said they had indicated an interest in meeting the Council and staff. Mr.G.Darby, Darby and Way, representing Lake Colony, introduced Mr. Dick .Brown who will be handling most of the marketing on the project. Mr. Darby said there is a construction trailer on the Site right now, they have been working with the County to incorporate the entrance into the project so that the construction is done at one time and so they don't have cut and patch work on McNab Road. Further, the two lanes east -west are being put in on the north side of the median and the county requested at the time of construction a right -turn deceleration lane be installed and the modifications have been made on the plan and the County will construct the road and Lake Colony will pay for it. This will be located on McNab Road. Mr. Darby said they are also having two lanes constructed at the entrance into the project to insure, there will be no asphalt break into the project and the County has agreed to do that at the time of construction at Lake Colony's expense. It will be done to County and City specifications, he added. Additionally, Mr. Darby said the construction trailer for all coordina- tion will be —on -the sxt_e__. The design forathe model complex is being finalized. Mr. Darbv then placed the Site Plan on the Board for viewing. Council approved the project about three months previous, Mr. Darby said, and the Plat has been approved by the County Commission and is scheduled to be recorded within a week or two. Agreements for the impact fee and recordation are being prepared. The model complex will be located by the recreation building. Mr. Darby pointed to a four -unit building on the plan and said it will be constructed as a model complex. Mr. Darby explained they are presently in the process of preparing the Site Plan and requirements for the model permit which is going to be part of the Ordinance for model permitting. The bond will have to be posted, etc. for that and asphalt parking areas will be put in according to the approved site plan. When the site plan was made they incorporated the parking area in the overall site plan so it can be designed as a model bank and once the models were finished it can be utilized for the units. Mr. Darby said that will be the overall model area. The entry wall will be put up simultaneously with the construction, -1- 3/25/81 /lc Mr. Darby commented. He said this will give identity_along McNab Road. All of the bids have been obtained for the earth work and underground contracts and they are being analyzed now at the main office. Mayor Falck asked how many units there will be in the project, Mr. Darby replied there will be 201 units, which is far below the minimum density allowed. In reply to questions from Vice'Mayor Disraelly, Mr. Darby explained the lake will consist of three acres and the work will be -done at one time, including the clearing, grubbing and filling. All underground work for the main backup system will be done at one time and the road put in so there will be no cutting and patching. The inside road will be a dedicated right of way. In response to a question from Vice Mayor Disraelly Mr. Darby said the recreation area is a private area and will not be dedicated. He also said there will be a meeting room. -Mr.- Dick Brown was introduced to the Council. Councilwoman Massaro told him she wanted to be sure he was aware the City can not require him to have a Clubhouse or a Meeting Room, however if he did have one it would have to be according to City regulations. Mr. Brown replied that he is in the process of going through the ordinances right now to double check everything pertaining to the construction of the project. He noted that he has a legal background and is capable of reading those Ordinances. Councilwoman Massaro said she just wanted to be sure that he did not make plans that would have to be revised. Mr. Brown showed plans of the Clubhouse -Meeting Room with the kitchen and office area,the lavatories, the storage area and screened porch, and the swimming pool. Across the way he said there will be a tennis court and a putting green. Mr. Brown repeated that he will double check all ordinances to make sure they comply with each and every one. Mayor Falck inquired as to the location of the sales trailer. Mr. Brown indicated the sales trailer will be located in the model area. He said there is certain construction they want to get started, such as the wall, and they need the construction trailer. Eventually, in thirty days or less, they will file an application to apply to convert the construction trailer into a temporary sales trailer and it will be located in the same place as the construction trailer is located. Once the models are completed in that area, the sales office will be moved. Mr. Brown said the time schedule is anticipated to be about July 1st for that conversion from the sales trailer to the model sales office. They will operate out of the trailer for pre -construction sales and respond- ing to people's requests and that sort of thing. Mr. Brown pointed out they are not encouraging any traffic at the moment because of the condi- tion of McNab Road. Mr. Brown also mentioned that they will be building a number of specula- tive units before sale., They will not wait for the sales to occur before building the units so the community will be started right away. Mr. Brown indicated they hope to have the lake dug and the road graded by July 1st. He said he hoped to get the models up by July 1st, but the big holdup is going to be water and sewer to the models. That is what takes the time, but he is optimistic. Mr. Brown pointed out that Brookwood Boulevard will not go straight through the project. Even though it is a publicly dedicated street, it meanders through the project and anyone who would try to speed through the area would have a problem. Another security feature about the development, Mr. Brown commented, is the fact there is a wall around it and it is adjacent to the Family Mart which is open 24 hours a day and is patroled by the police constantly. That will assist in the security without placing any burden on the local police force and that will be a preventive measure. spa 3/17/81 /lc Councilwoman Massaro inquired if the drainage will go into the Canal. Mr. Brown explained everything will go into the cana_1 on the east side of the property, nothing is tied in to McNab Road. Mr.Darby further clarified the matter by explaining everything goes to the Lake, which is the main collection point, and then out through the canal system. In reply to another question, Mr. Darby stated the project is to be an adult community. Councilwoman Massaro questioned if there would be too much strain put on the canal system. Larry Keating, City Engineer, showed the canal system on the map and said eventually the water would go to C-14, but there is a north -south canal that separates the City from North Lauder- dale, and the water will run off into that canal, from the Lake. Mr. Keating said the canal is a minimum of 80 feet wide. Also, the canal which runs into it is a minimum of 80 feet and is located in back of Woodlands Methodist Church. Mr. Brown said the main address for mailing at the project will be 7277 McNab Road, and they will have a post office box for mailing purposes. Councilwoman Massaro asked if there was any problem concerning the road that was to be built. Mr. Darby said he believed the contract had been let and the Plat is ready to be recorded and the deed has to be recorded. He said that is moving forward. Bay Colony has said the road will not be used for construction traffic, everything will come off of McNab Road. Bay Colony is the Developer . Dick Brown explained the recording of the deeds and the platting will be in the name of Brookwood Gardens, the name was changed to Lake Colony for marketing purposes. He said they are fully aware they must apprise Council of this and they will be back for that purpose to make sure there is no objection, but it will be platted and recorded in accordance with all of the documents in the files as Brookwood Gardens. Mayor Falck thanked the Lake Colony -representatives for attending the meeting. He said he had received inquiries from people about the project and the meeting enabled Council to have more knowledge and to meet the staff people involved in the development. Mr. Darby said the houses will be single story, semi-detached units with semi -California type architecture. They all have a single -car garage, and the price is in the mid -sixties to seventy-nine thousand. The houses will have a mix of CBS and wood, with wood tops and tile roofs. He said they are attempting to produce an economical, serene and pleasant type of living, with maximum privacy. There being no further discussion, the Meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM. ASST. CITY CLERK This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ Jr,51Y or $ a//rper copy, to inform the general public and pelic officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac. -3- 3/17/81 /lc