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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-22 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321
TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900
March 15, 1982
Please be advised that the City Council will hold the rescheduled
Workshop Meeting for the purpose of discussing Cypress Commons
Project on Monday, March 22, 1982 at 9:30 A.M. in Council
Chambers at City Hall, 5811 N. W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
The City Council may discuss such other items as may come before it.
The Public is invited to attend.
Carol A. Evans, Asst. City Clerk
Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No, 368:
If a person decides to appeal any decision made 6y the City
Council with respect to any matter considered at ;uch meeting or
plc hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such
3/15/82 purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to he based.
MARCH 22, 1982
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the meeting to order at 9:3.0 A.M.,
Monday, March 22, 1982, in the Council Chambers.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Helen Massaro
Councilman David Krantz
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman Irving M. Disraelly
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager, Laura Z. Stuurmans
Mayor Falck read the official notice of the Workshop Meeting -and said this
Workshop was scheduled as a result of correspondence and other materials
relating to the proposed Cypress Creek Commons.
C/M Disraelly said discussion on this began as early as 1977 and this
remained dormant until he met with members of the South Florida Water
Management District on January 21 of this year. Richard Rubin had advised
him that there might be some funds available for the development
of an area at that location. C/M Disraelly said the first memo,with copies
sent to members of Council, was on December 29, 1981. He said at that time
there was some discussion about this.
C/M Disraelly said this was preceded by a memorandum on December 22, 1981,
this is when Hitch Ceasar spoke about the availability of grants through the
South Florida Management District. Included with this memo was a rough
sketch of what could be proposed for the use of that area along the canal
just east of Pine Island Road. He said in this original memo was discussed
the removal of dirt and making of .terraces.
C/M Disraelly said in January he met with Richard Rubin and representatives
of the South Florida Water Management District discussing the possibility
of grants for that area. They indicated that they thought it could be
handled; they would like as the basis for that, a firm estimate for the
specific proposal, a study in aid of the cost of earth moving, earth
stabilization, the cost of excavation and fill that would be needed, the
creation of terraces, the type of platform, etc...
C/M Disraelly said they discussed an architect and engineering work to be
done. They said that they would have funds available in September if the
City could get proposals to them in July for the creation of this. He said.
Sharon Ellis was also advised and she felt this could be used nicely along
there. She spoke about a floating stage and has contacted someone about this.
C/M Disraelly said he followed this up with a communication to Council on
March 18 and he indicated the uses for this project such as, an open air
theatre, stage presentations, possible Civic meetings, holiday ceremonies,
arts and crafts shows, veterans events, etc. The scheduling of events
could be relegated perhaps to the Recreation Department.
C/M Disraelly said among the other things to be required would be public:rest
rooms and storage area which could easily be handled over there and the
South Florida Water Management indicated that as long as there was stabiliza-
tion and arrangements were waived for none of the sewage to go into the
canal, there would be no problem with this. The City has sewer lines adjacent
to this area that could handle this. In his last memo, C/M Disraelly said,
he tried to indicate what would be maximum costs for the entire area.
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C/M Disraelly said part of this could perhaps include the jogging track
which is planned for that area. It is also possible under certain arrange-
ments to rent this out for organizations in the city that wanted to use
this as a facility.
This could relieve some of the costs if Council sees fit to do this. He
said he indicated that the costs were high because he is not sure that two
maintenance men would be needed two days per month. Electricity, irrigation
and public lights are very high. All of these costs are based, not only
on the payroll,but also the benefits, etc.
Mayor Falck said the only question he has relates specifically to the
figures that C/M Disraelly quoted. He asked if they are in addition to
grant money that would be received and C/M Disraelly said these would be
annual expenses as near as could be projected on the high figure if this
were used for as many as three or four events per month. If there were
fewer events all of these figures would be cut down.
C/M Krantz said there is a total of $9,900 for the annual maintenance pro-
jection, is this a high projection? C/M Disraelly said it was. C/M Krantz
asked what the dimensions for the floating stage would be. C/M Disraelly
said this would be dependent on the size of the structure that was involved.
C/M Disraelly said none of these were dimensioned because this would all be
predicated on engineering studies from the rough sketch. The original
thought was not to have a floating stage but then there would be earth work
C/M Disraelly said, as was indicated in the last paragraph of his memo,
Dick Rubin indicated that if he were assigned the task to prepare the cost
estimates for the entire project, he would agree to do the work and the
City could compensate him from the Grant, if the Grant is received. He said
he would take this as a challenge to get the Grant because one of the things
that would be required by the South Florida Water Management District would
be a cost estimate for the projection and the engineering.
Mayor Falck asked C/M Disraelly if he were asking then that Council authorize
Richard Rubin to proceed with the drafting of the various proposals for an
indication of the total possible expenditures and then if Grant funds are
available that they will then include compensation to him. C/M Disraelly
said he is basically asking if Council is agreeable to this concept and to
proceeding with this project if Grant money can be obtained and have Richard
Rubin do it in order to present the costs to them.
V/M Massaro said Council should explore this a little more. She said the
floating stage could have several problems. She said there are already
problems in this area and the security is not very good. She said there is
more maintenance than this just picking up the rubbish there. She said that
Ralph Thissen said they have two men now cleaning up wnat is dumped there.
She referred to C/M Disraelly's memo where he says "we should look for a
gravelled parking area for about 120 cars" and asked what he meant by that.
C/M Disraelly said if people attend there must be parking supplied.
C/M Disraelly said they are working on a concept and until they know whether
the Grant money is available and until there is something specifically pre-
pared this is merely speculation. He said Sharon Ellis's recommendation of
a floating stage was not part of the original concept. He said the original
concept called for digging this out so that a stage would be created.
C/M Disraelly suggested not tearing this apart and just create the concept.
V/M Massaro said she is talking about the concept because if Richard Rubin
is to be authorized to start working on this he must know what he is working
on. Mayor Falck said Council should come up with recommendations. He said,
there are three different alternatives: first, the so-called floating stage
which he said most of Council is pretty much in agreement is not very practical
Second, the digging -out aspect as is indicated on the sketch and third, is
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to have this solid but this must come as a result of a recommendation.
Mayor Falck said Council is just being asked to authorize the exploration
of Grant possibilities and if those Grant possibilities do exist then Dick
Rubin would present to Council some kind of package that would in essence
be a total proposal. Mayor Falck said all Council is being asked for now
from C/M Disraelly is whether or not Council feels the concept in total has
possibilities. If there are no Grant possibilities the whole project as
such would die. Secondly, if that is the approach that Council takes and
Richard Rubin is agreeable to doing this on the basis that he will eventually
get paid because of Grant funds being available, then and only then is it
up to Council to make a determination as to whether or not this is practical
to explore.
V/M Massaro asked whether these figures were compiled with the cooperation
of Ralph Thissen. C/M Disraelly said then were not. V/M Massaro said Council
should explore the kind of problems they may or may not be having on the
Golf Course at Woodmont. She said at one time they had many problems with
the rest room facilities; this vandalism should be explored for solutions.
She said security is a definite problem there.
Mayor Falck said the difference between Woodmont and what the City might
experience is that they were not connected to sewers., There was a septic
tank arrangment that did not prove to be satisfactory.
V/M Massaro said she was referring to the vandalism problem. She said it
would be good for C/M Disraelly to check with the City Engineer to determine
what type of costs are attached to hooking this up to the sewer. C/M
Disraelly said the details of this will follow later. He said as far as
Ralph Thissen having to pick up rubbish along that entire one mile strip,
this should have no effect on this project.
C/M Krantz said he would like to have the traffic picture cleared up. He
said the shopping center will be coming in across the street on the south
side and the people coming from Section 23 and 24 that want to go into this
amphitheatre would have to go along Southgate Blvd. and then make a U-turn
to come into it. He said there will be some entrances to the shopping area
on Southgate Blvd.; how will this be handled concerning the traffic flow?
C/M Disraelly said this will be east of them and the shopping center is on
the west side of 88th Ave.; therefore, there should be no traffic problem.
The exact location has not been determined yet.
C/M Disraelly said this roadway was specifically designed so
that the Water Management vehicles that they use along the canals would be
left there for them to get in and out. He said the Water Management said
the stabilization should not be a problem.
V/M Massaro asked what they mean by the stabilization? C/M Disraelly said
so that nothing will give, that it is solid below it. V/M Massaro asked
what they are looking for when they say that, are they looking for piling
or what. C/M Disraelly said as to whether it be piling or seawall will be
determined. V/M Massaro asked whether the City Engineers are going to be
used for the engineering of this so that there is no expense involved. C/M
Disraelly said there should be no expense.
C/M Disraelly said the reason that the Water Management District was amenable
to this is the fact that it is the first thought of that sort that has been
presented to them for this type of use along the waterway. Mayor Falck said,
to summarize.Council feels that this does have possibilities and the procedure
then would be to try to finalize the recommendation that will eventually come
to the Council based on Grants that are available, not possible, but are
available;that the necessary work in here would be done through Dick Rubin's
office with the understanding that in the event that Grant funds are available
that compensation to him would then be included in those Grant possibilities.
The proposal to the Council will indicate such things as concepts for a stage,
whether it be a floating stage or a fixed stage, the details relating to the
rest rooms and other engineering possibilities should be included with a
full proposal to be considered by Council as soon as all details have been
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V/M Massaro said the last thing she wanted to state with the review of the
concept would be that there is no expense to Dick Rubin unless it is approves
and he gets it out of the Grant.
C/M Kravitz said in the event that the Grant is available to the City would
there be any expenses to the City at that time whether it be Dick Rubin or
anyone else? He asked if Council was obligating themselves to anyone should
Council feel they do not want to proceed further?
Mayor Falck said he would think not. C/M Kravitz said Richard Rubin might
feel that even if a Grant were not given he is entitled to a fee for the
work done. V/M Massaro said it is important to raise this question.
C/M Krantz asked how many years this project has been in the works. C/M,,
Disraelly said this concept since January of this year. The whole project
has been going on for four or five years.
The workshop meeting was adjourned by Mayor Falck at 10:10 A.M.
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ r� 6 Aor $ 3, .:,Z
per copy to inform the general public and public officers and employees about
recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac.
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