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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-07 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE a TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321
TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900
March 25, 1982
Please be advised that the City Council will hold a
Workshop Meeting on Wednesday, April 7, 1982 at 10:00 A.M.
in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 5811 N. W. 88th Ave.,
Tamarac, Florida.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss a proposed
Burglar Alarm Ordinance, Temp. #728.
The City Council may discuss such other items as may
come before it.
The Public is invited to attend.
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Carol A. Evans
Assistant City Clerk
I�ur�tiaitit ko Chapter "$Q=1b5'�f' Ioride La�,v;:Senste -BiH 36.9:
ICI a� pikion decides to appeal 'any >decision made by the City
Couricil'with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or
hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such
p(4ame.,6', may need to ensure that a verbatimi're�ori ;incfajes
4*-,1e5fi4m�i�''and-evidence upon which the appeal is to be 6ased'
APRIL 7, 1982
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Walter Falck called the meeting to order at
A. -on Wednesday, April 7, 1982, in the Council Chambers.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Helen Massaro
Pape Councilman Irving M. Disraelly
1 Councilman David Krantz
ABSENT AND EXCUSED: Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
PRESENT: Laura Z. Stuurmans, City Manager
Christine Carsky, Asst.City Attorney
Patricia Marcurio, Secretary
Mayor Falck read into the record the official notice of the workshop
meeting which was called for the purpose of discussing the proposed
Burglar Alarm Ordinance Temp. Ord. #728.
Mayor Falck said that the Burglar Alarm Committee has finished their
discussion concerning this Ordinance and it was Council's feeling that
this should be discussed at a Workshop Meeting so that it could be
Agendized for disposition one way or the other. C/M Disraelly clarified
that the Ordinance being discussed is the last revision dated 4/l/82.
V/M Massaro .said she has been serving as liaison to this Committee and
asked Alan Bernstein to proceed reviewing the Ordinance with Council
section by section.
Mayor Falck said by reviewing this section by section they can address
some comments raised by the Police Department. Council received a
report from Sgt. Harmuth and his comments are to be reviewed also.
Alan Bernstein, member of the Ad Hoch Burglar Alarm Committee said
that Section 1 of the Ordinance is basically routine and contains only
definitions. Section 2 has not substantially changed from what was there
before except it requires that there be a Company's Competency Qualifier.
In other words, one technically competent man who takes the responsibility
for the kind of work done by everyone in the organization. C/M Disraelly
commented that the thrust of this whole ordinance is to prevent false
alarms and Mr. Bernstein concurred.
C/M Disraelly said there are certain penalties described in the Ordin-
ance and he asked if there were only this one section for the Ordinance
would this not satisfy the requirements of the City? Mr. Bernstein said
absolutely not, it would not be legal and the whole thrust of this
revision is to cut down false alarms in a number of ways. One way is by
outlawing certain devices that have been used in early burglar alarms
which have been responsible for many false alarms. Secondly, is an effort
to hold Burglar Alarm Companies in effect responsible for their work.
C/M Krantz said as far as one person in each company being qualified, who
determines the extent of the qualification? Mr. Bernstein said they are
licensed by Broward County as to their qualifications. V/M Massaro said
they must have a written certification from Broward County.
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Mr. Bernstein said under Section 2 there were supposed to be corrected
forms distributed. C/M Disraelly pointed out that on Page 4, Line 29
the spelling should be corrected to read "license". On Page 5, Line 22,
should have the words "or servicing" inserted between"installation" and
"of". Mr. Bernstein said they have settled upon licensing alarm businesseE
they are not,under this Ordinance,requiring a license for an installer
serviceman. What they are doing is requiring that a serviceman installer
carry an ID card which would certify that the people carrying this card
have no prison convictions, etc. V/M Massaro pointed out an error on
Page 1 in the title, 12th line, the word "providing" is misspelled.
C/M Disraelly asked how this protects the homeowner any more so than a
non -capable alarm business? Mr. Bernstein said this would be explained
later. Mr. Bernstein said Section 3 is routine; Section .4 states that
any alarm business wishing to do business in the City shall be licensed
by the City of Tamarac. V/M Massaro said if they have a license and
their business does not originate in the City they do not have to pay a
license fee but they still need a license to do business in the City but
do not pay anything. They will require an Occupational License if it is
Mr. Bernstein said Section 5 would have a partial answer to C/M Disraelly15
nuestion concerning how this would protect the homeowner. Mr. Bernstein
said the main reason they want to license these companies is that under
the appropriate conditions they car.. revoke that license. The grounds for
this revocation would be misrepresentation, fraud, failure to correct
deficiencies in leased or rented equipment within thirty (30) days after
notice of same from a law enforcement officer or within a reasonable time
if the deficiencies cannot be corrected within the said thirty (30) days.
Mr. Bernstein referred to Section 5(8) which states that if the same
company is responsible time after time for certifying that an alarm
system is good and then there are false alarms due to equipment failure
that is cause for revocation of license. C/M Disraelly asked what a
homeowner would do in this case and V/M Massaro said the only recourse
would be to change companies. Mr. Bernstein said they are trying with
this Ordinance, to protect the residents from being victimized again and
again by the same company.
Sgt. Walter Harmuth of the Police Department asked how it is determined
that repeated false alarms are due to the equipment failure? He said
there were 56 false alarms in a one hour period at the Woodmont Country
Club. They have 4 alarm models and the alarm company was called. They
said the equipment is fine but there is a telephone workman in the area
and the alarms are hooked up to the telephone lines and this is what is
causing this. Sgt. Harmuth said you cannot blame the alarm company for
the failure when it could be something else. He said this happens many
times especially in the Woodlands.
Alan Bernstein said it is impossible on the day the alarm is given to say
what the cause is but it is very rare that tampering with the telephone
lines will cause a false alarm. V/M Massaro said there is no point in
discussing this because the telephone company will still be doing this
and the City will still have the problem. Some things will have to be
worked out as they go along.
C/M Krantz referred to Page 8, Line 18 which says "no alarm business shall
be revoked, or other disciplinary action taken, until a hearing is held by
the Law Enforcement Officer". Would this be the Law Enforcement Officer
only or would there be a committee assigned for a hearing ? Mr. Bernstein
said this problem has not come up but he would designate
someone to have a hearing. V/M Massaro said this is a valid question and
will be looked at further. Chris Carsky pointed out that further down
on Page 8(3) it stipulates that the Law Enforcement Officer would make
recommendations to the City Manager and if the party is not satisfied
with the decision they have the right to appeal it. On Page 9, Lines 6
through 15 the rights of appeal are spelled out and Council has the final
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Alan Bernstein said on Page 9, Lines 33 through the balance,which calls
for the posting of $150 bond by every alarm business, the purpose of
which bond is to have available some cash in the event that they fail to
comply with provisions of the ordinance and particularly as covered on
Page 9, Lines 25 through 29. This means if an alarm business is closed
for any reason they must notify their customers because otherwise their
customers are stranded. This portion of the Ordinance says if they do
not notify their customers, the City will notify the customers for them
and the City will deduct the cost from that $150 bond.
Mr. Bernstein said Section 6 is Alarm User Permits and is self-explana-
tory. C/M Disraelly referred to Page 11, Line 10 "any alarm user who
installs a system, etc." the word "personally" should be inserted between
"who" and "installs". C/M Disraelly said on Line 13, Page 11 the words
"licensed alarm" should be inserted between the words "such" and "business".
C/M Disraelly said a resident might install an alarm himself; if
there were a false alarm the City would then charge him $50 fee but
unless there is a false alarm there is no way to control this. Mr.
Bernstein said it is spelled out very clearly in the Ordinance that
everyone has to get a license.
Sgt. Harmuth said a resident could buy an alarm system from a local
merchant. How can the City require this resident to get a license?
V/M Massaro said they would definitely be required to have a license.
Sgt. Harmuth said the individual's rights are being pushed if he purchases
an outside alarm system and the City forces him to have an alarm business
inspect it and send the City a letter. Sgt. Harmuth asked if there
were a legal question concerning this.
Chris Carsky said the question is would the burden to the
resident who installed the local merchant's device be so great that it
outweighs the good to the rest of the community by having him under
these regulations; and the answer is 'no'. C/M Disraelly said on Page 11,
Line 29 "every alarm user shall be required to have the alarm system
inspected at least once every five (5) years";if this is installed by the
resident himself how will this be enforced?
V/M Massaro said originally they had set a time of 2 years but then they
decided that this was too soon and decided on 5 years. By this amount of
time the systems should be inspected to prevent false alarms. They felt
that the burden on the owner of paying for an inspection every five years
was more than offset by the false alarms that would be eliminated. V/M
Massaro said as time goes by if they feel it should be changed, the
Ordinance could be amended.
Chris Carsky said she has a drafting question on Page 11, Line 31," the
alarm business licensed in Broward County that performs the inspection
is this an alarm business licensed by Broward County or could this be any
business in Tamarac? Mr. Bernstein said Ms. Carsky picked up a point that
should have been corrected, the word "in" should be replaced by the word
by .
"ape Mr. Bernstein said on Page 12, Line 2 the word "furnished" should be
2 changed to "prescribed". On Line 6, Page 12 it should read "user permit
until condition has been corrected and until such proof has been provided".
On Page 12, Line 24, it should read Section"7" not Section "3". On Page
12, Line 33 the word "can" should be changed to "may" C/M Disraelly said.
Mr. Bernstein said Section 8, is self-explanatory. Section 9, Alarm
g Standards would prohibit a whole variety of things which can
cause tr
ouble but which should be taken care of with the proper install-
ation. Mr. Bernstein said on Line 22, Page 14(3)"Systems using a digital
communicator reaching the Police Department via a telephone line must have
an isolation means to permit connecting the digital communicator to the
telephone line only during alarm conditions", the technical reason behind
- 3 - 4/7/82
which is that whenever there are electrical storms there are surges
over the telephone line. They are not bad enough to burn out a lot of
equipment but if a digital dialer is connected to the telephone line
at that time it can very well be affected. After the storm occurs,
the digital dialer sends in alarms without proper identification and
this is called a "Runaway Dialer".
Mr. Bernstein said on Item(4) Page 14,Line 26 should read "recessed
button type and must require 2 buttons be pressed at the same time to".
The word "to" should be added between "buttons" and "be". This is
dangerous because as far as the Police are concerned, there is a crime
in progress or this alarm would not have been activated. On Page 14,
Item (5) "Systems shall not cause a false alarm to be sounded because
of a power line failure of less than 4 hours duration", Mr. Bernstein
said there is no excuse for a storm causing problems; there should be
back-up batteries there that would be capable of carrying the system.
Mr. Bernstein said Section 10, Intentional Activation of Alarms Prohibited
If A Crime Is Not Bein Perpetrated, Page 14, Line 34 the words
"provided that" should be inserted between "equipment" and "advance!'
Also on Line 34, the words "has been given" should be inserted between
the words "notice" and "to".
Alan Bernstein said Section 11 covers False Al
what is in the present ordinance. On Page 16
should be transposed in order to be clarified.
(8) sets up the Burglar Alarm Committee:
arms and is substantially
Paragraphs ( 3 ) and ( 4 )
On Page 17, Paragraph
a) no less than 4 members of the public to serve at the pleasure of the
City Council
b) one Council member selected by the City Council.
d) The Police Chief or his designated representative shall be present at
all meetings of this committee.
C/M Disraelly asked if the Police Chief or the Council person has voting
power. Mr. Bernstein said the Council person does but not the Police
Chief. V/M Massaro said there are not many controversial items dis-
cussed at the committee and everything is discussed thoroughly and the
faults are brought out and everyone discusses them.
C/M Krantz said since the Police are so vitally concerned with this
problem shouldn't they have the right to vote? Everyone concurred that
this should be so. Police Chief McIntosh said that the City Attorney,
Arthur Birken,because of a legal possibility of litigation felt that
the Police Chief or any City employee, City Attorney or the City Manager,
should not be voting on certain items. V/M Massaro said this will be
brought up with Mr. Ruf when he returns.
C/M Disraelly said Item (c) on Page 17, "All meetings of this Committee
shall be open to the public" does not belong in that area and should be
on Page 18 as a last item before Section 12.
Mayor Falck said on Line 14, Page 17 this sentence should be stricken.
V/M Massaro said this is a Committee that requires its members to have
expertise. There is no need for alternates if there is not an established
number of members to the committee. Mr. Bernstein said on Page 18, Item
9 states "if the alarm user has signed a statement holding the City
harmless, in the form prescribed by the City Attorney, the Law Enforcement
Officer shall accept a telephone cancellation of an alarm". In other
words, if someone phones the Police Department and says they set their
alarm off by accident and he gives the code number the practice has been
for the Police Department to accept the cancellation. The files must be
checked to varify the code. The new aspect is about trying to protect
the City more assuring that the City is protected if there were grounds
for a lawsuit against the City for not responding. However, this type
of statement would only help the City avoid problems.
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Alan Bernstein read Item 9 Lines 6 through 9 which states, "providing
such a cancellation occurs before an investigating officer is dispatched
to the scene, the alarm shall not be counted as a false alarm, but there
may be a penalty set by resolution". He said the thought here is that
they will go entirely by experience. V/M Massaro said there might be
reason at some time if there were a cost to the City to be reimbursed
through this.
Mr. Bernstein continued with Section 12 Application. C/M Disraelly
asked if there are any alarms being handled in the unincorporated sections
north of Commercial Boulevard and Mr. Bernstein said 'no' and Section 12
and Section 13 are routine. C/M Disraelly questioned Line 16, Page 18
"if payment is not made within 30 days of date of notice thereof the
alarm system shall be disconnected". Would this just be on the Board here?
Mr. Bernstein said this is one of the points that was raised by the
Police Chief and he has a proposed Disconnect Form.
Mr. Bernstein read the Disconnect Notice Form:
"You are hereby notified that you are in violation of City of Tamarac
Ordinance Temp. 728 for the reason listed below and I am hereby ordered
to disconnect your alarm system in accordance with Section 8 of that
Ordinance within 72 hours:. There are three boxes, the first box is
Operation Without A Proper License Or Permit, second box is Failure To
Have Your S stem Ins ected By A Licensed Alarm Company With Certification,
third box is Failure To Take Proper Corrective Action After A False Alarm,
fourth box is three .lines to be filled in if there is another reason for
ordering a disconnect. Failure to comply with this order would constitute
a separate violation of this ordinance. If you have any questions contact
the Police Department, 722-5990. Such contact does not relieve you of
the responsibility to comply with this order".
V/M Massaro said all of these forms should be submitted to Council for
review. She said a false alarm is the only way to know when there is
a violation. Mr. Bernstein said Section 14, Page 18 the title should be
changed to read "Decoder Board (Receivers)". He said Sections 15 through
19 are just routine.
C/M Krantz said he has before him a memo of April 2 from Police Chief
McIntosh where he designated Sgt. Harmuth and he wrote several objections
to the Ordinance and he requested Sgt. Harmuth's comments on the over-all
situation. Sgt. Harmuth said as stated in the original memo concerning
the short form version of the Ordinance, some of the items do not coincide
with this new form. C/M Krantz said many objections were because some
of the provisions are unenforceable. Sgt. Harmuth said the only real way
is voluntary enforcement. If there is a false alarm and they are warned
and there is another false alarm they must be penalized with a false
alarm fee, violation of their notice to disconnect and it is questionable
as to how they should serve this notice.
Mayor Falck said he prefers using the Certified Mail service and the
person would still receive it even if they were up north. If he were
to refuse it then it could be sent first class mail and if it does not
come back it went to the right address and the City is covered. V/M
'ape Massaro said the main objective of this Ordinance is to do away with
3 false alarms and there are some problems yet. Sgt. Harmuth agreed with
V/M Massaro that even if the false alarms are cut only 15% it is still
a tremendous help.
C/M Disraelly said this is the best Ordinance that they have devised in
the past five years. Mayor Falck asked Sgt. Harmuth to take this Ord-
inance and the memo he wrote and review this memo with this current form.
V/M Massaro said when Sgt. Harmuth responds to the long form it would be
most helpful to have constructive criticism so that they will be able to
enforce this better.
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C/M Disraelly asked Sgt. Harmuth to coordinate the Sections and Lines
with the Ordinance. Mayor Falck commended Sgt. Harmuth for putting his
memo together because it helps Council to take additional looks at the
Ordinance. V/M Massaro suggested to Sgt. Harmuth that he not say that
"we cannot enforce this" because Council has put down the best that they
can to act as a deterrent if nothing else.
Mayor Falck adjourned the meeting at 11:40 A.M.
Carol A. Evans,
Assistant City Clerk
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ F7, qr2. or
$ 7, 8,7, per copy, to inform the general public and public
Officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations
by the City Council of the City of Tamarac.
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