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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-27 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes5 8„ I N OF. ..t. 11 VV 1: 3 "I' 88..i- H A V E N i_1 E T A I\A A R A f;, F 1- 0 R i I^) A 33321
TELEPHONE (305) 122-5900
April 22, 1981
..-T-*. 7.0 S Wri -5wiJEF,
There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Council on Monday, April 27,
1981 at 9:30 AM in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 5811 N. W. 88th
Avenue, Tamsrac, Florida
The purpose of the Workshop is for discussion on Committees,
The City Council may consider such other items as may come before it.
The Public is invited to attend.
?ursuant to Chapter 80-10F pf Moricla-Law, Senate Bill'No, 368:
if a son decides to appeal any decision made by the City
Counc' rvrfh respect to any matter egnsidered at such meeting or
hearin f he will need a record the proceedings and for such
purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
APRIL 27, 1981
Mayor Falck called the workshop to order at 9:30 A.M.
on Monday, April 27, 1981, in the Council Chambers at
City Hall.
PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman Irving Zemel
Councilwoman Helen Massaro
ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Arthur M. Birken
Asst. City Clerk, Carol A. Evans
Mayor Falck read the Call of the Workshop meeting into the record. The
Meeting was called for the purpose of discussion of the various Committees
that are in existence in the City and for the purpose of clarification
in order to help the Council in its appointment of Committees for the
following year. Since Councilman Kravitz has been handling a major
portion of the work concerning the Committees, the Mayor asked him to
open the discussion and then Council would participate Mayor Falck also
indicated if there are questions or observations from the Public, the
Council will be very happy to hear them.
Councilman Kravitz explained upon recommendation of the Mayor to review
the Committees reference to appointments and reappointments for the
coming year he felt it was necessary to call in the Chairman of every
existing Committee and in line with that every Chairman was called in
to his office and was interviewed by him. He questioned them with
reference to the number of meetings the previous year and attendance
of Committee members and the Chairman's feeling concerning their re-
appointment. Also, he asked whether the Committees should be larger
or smaller and he sought any recommendations the various Chairmen might
have concerning the Committees.
Councilman Kravitz stated it was through this source he was in a better
position to see what was going on with the Committees within the City
only to the extent that he could make a report to the Mayor and Council.
In the memorandum to the Mayor and Council he gave no recommendations,
or personal feelings, but only the facts and that is what he would do
at the Workshop. That way, he commented, Council can then use their
own judgment and discretion in making the appointments for the year
Councilman Kravitz said one of the reasons he asked for a Workshop is
because he felt there are several things that Council should be aware of.
He added that although he requested the matter be publicized to the
residents of Tamarac, there was one advertisement in the newspaper.
One hundred new applicants have indicated they would be willing to serve
in the City, he said, and he felt that to be encouraging and enlightening.
Councilman Kravitz noted that if an opportunity to serve is offered, the
people are willing to come out and serve the City.
Councilman Kravitz distributed a Chart to Council listing all of the
people who have applied, showing the names and various Committees they
wish to serve on. Councilman Kravitz discussed the fact there are
many people serving on Committees who are doing a good job, and the
question arises as to what they will do with the new people who wish
to serve. He said he feels that new residents should be encouraged to
serve in some capacity. Also, he said he feels that those who have
been serving and doing a proper job should not be dropped. He discussed
various possibilities that can be explored.
Councilman Kravitz indicated he has a list of every Chairman interviewed,
with the result that most of them feel his Committee is doing well and
he wishes to have it left status quo. He said he respects the views
and ideas of the Chairmen, and yet he can see where there is a problem
with all of the people who have applied for Committee appointments.
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Councilman Kravitz stated he brings his comments to Council not as
a recommendation to Council or anything he is suggesting, but to give
Council the facts before any Committee appointments are made.
Councilman Kravitz inquired if anyone from the audience wished to give
input, the Mayor has acquiesed to that, he said.
Carl Alper, member of the Planning Commission and Code Advisory Board
suggested anew Board called the Municipal Code Enforcement Organization.
He said there is a statute which permits such a Board to function and it
is Chapter 166 of the 1980 Supplement to the Florida Statutes.
City Attorney Arthur Birken noted that Council has discussed the Code
Enforcement Board in the past and they know what it is and they have
received a copy of the Statute and the Attorney General's Opinions on
that Statute. Commissioner Alper said his own idea on the subject is
that Code Enforcement is one of the most important duties of the Cities.
He commented that worthwhile laws are passed, but not enforced because
there is not enough help. However, a volunteer citizens board would
concern themselves with where the Code has been violated and also with
the enforcement of the Code. Further, he said the Statute gives them
great powers to enforce the Code.
Commissioner Alper commented the Planning Commission is an Advisory Board,
but their advice_ is not received by Council many times because the Minutes
containing the advice are often received by them subsequent to their
having to deal with the work which the Planning Commission has completed,.
which it hopes the Council would receive. He said he felt it would be
appropriate that the Planning Commission get its advice to Council before
Council rules on a subject which they have considered, and the only way
he knows of doing that is to get the Minutes to Council before they
consider the item.
Commissioner Alper said he also sits on the Code Advisory Board. The
Board reviews Ordinances after they have been passed and often there are
some conflicts and inappropriate sections. He suggested that the Code
Advisory Board work with the City Attorney before Council gets the
Ordinance, rather than have the Code Advisory Board review the Ordinance
after it has been passed.
Commissioner Alper stated he is in favor of getting a Municipal Code
Enforcement Board which would bring intelligent and capable people to
work for the City free of charge; and to permit Council to receive the
Minutes of the various Commissions in a more timely fashion; and to
have the Code Advisory Board look at the Ordinances before they are
finally passed by Council.
Melanie Reynolds indicated there are three Boards mandated by Charter
which she thought limited the City Council. She said the City Council
has the liberty to appoint as many Committees as it wishes, whereas
if they are mandated in the Charter they must be part of the different
Committees. Ms. Reynolds commented she has found that only the Consumers
Affairs Board has followed what she believes the Boards are supposed to
Commissioner Schoenfeld, Planning Commission, discussed advice to the
Council regarding Planning Commission actions. He commented he had
spoken many times before the Planning Commission concerning that he
thought their advice should get to Council and their thinking should get
to Council. Commissioner Schoenfeld noted that basically the Commission
is an advisory committee and their thinking is as important as the vote
results. The Minutes can not reach Council before they take action on
an item and Commissioner Schoenfeld suggested incorporating any state-
ments and explanations concerning action on an item, in the Report of
Action which is distributed to Council.
Councilwoman Massaro stated it is impossible to get verbatim minutes,
but she felt often they do not get the minutes in time, and it is
important for Council to get the thinking of the Planning Commission,
who is supposed to do the research to assist Council in its' thinking
on a subject. Councilwoman Massaro stated she thought pertinent thoughts
should be reflected in the Minutes so that Council can decide who is
giving the best information for them to deliberate on. However, she
stated unless the Council gets the Minutes before their meeting, the
Planning Commission is "spinning their wheels".
Vice Mayor Disraelly commented that very frequently at the pre -Agenda
Meeting on Thursday they agendi.ze the following Wednesday an Item that
has been discussed at the Planning Commission the day before, and by
that time the Minutes have not been transcribed. Vice Mayor Disraelly
indicated possibly their procedure is speeding the process too fast
and suggested that Council should have the comments, as indicated,
since even though it may be a minority opinion of a member of the
Planning Commission,very frequently the minority opinion has been
expressed by a member of Council and a change has taken place at that
point. If Council has these opinions it is beneficial; he pointed out
when there has been a two weeks delay between the matter before the Planning
Commission coming to Council it helps immeasurably and perhaps they are
speeding the process too fast in approving an item one week after the
Planning Commission does so. Commissioner Schoenfeld said he thinks the
most important factor would be including the information in capsule form
on the Report of Action that comes to Council following the Meeting of
the Planning Commission. Councilwoman Massaro concurred with the suggestion.
Councilwoman Massaro commented she thought that each member should have
the use of the Secretarial Staff to communicate by memo to Council if
a member of the Commission feels strongly that his input has not been
considered properly.
Counciman Zemel agreed with Councilwoman Massaro that memos should be
sent by various members of various committees when they have a particular
point that they would like to make to emphasize their thinking. However,
he asked who would make the determination as to what information is to
be given to Council on the Report of Action. He indicated he is afraid the
(buncil may be "snowed under" by memos, and the Secretaries might not be
able to get those memos to Council because of the press of other work
in those few days. Councilman Zemel said he thought the most important
thing is that Council may be inclined to hurry in their desire to cooper-
ate with developers and other people. He suggested that perhaps they
should give themselves a little more time to digest the information and
let the information get to them;and not put the items on the Agenda the
day after the Planning Commission meets.
Councilwoman Massaro explained that the Community Development person
puts out the memorandums, as secretary to the Commission, so that is no
problem. Secondly, she said she does not think there is any point in
the Planning Commission sending Council a memorandum if the input is not
important, and if there is duplication by various Commissioners,that can
be stopped. However from time to time, she indicated,there are things
that never appear in the Minutes that are meaningful to her in making
a decision and she thought that should be considered very seriously.
Commissioner Schoenfeld stated that he thought each member, after a vote,
can have the opportunity of making a statement which would appear on the
Report of Action of the Planning Commission, which is distributed to
Council. He said he did not think it necessary to go through a lengthy
procedure, as mentioned. Councilman Zemel said the Council does not set
up the rules and procedures of the Planning Board and this is something
the Planning Commission can do by itself.
Mayor Falck indicated a matter which required prompt action should be
expedited. He discussed using a method where items could be picked up
during the Meeting and be transcribed immediately. Councilwoman Massaro
commented that was exactly what she was saying, that only the pertinent
matters are concerned and Evan Cross would know what those are if there
is an issued that is going to be on the Agenda. Councilwoman Massaro
said she thought some of the help has fallen into a routine whereby too
much time is allowed and as far as procedures are concerned, a great deal
of thought should go into that. Mayor Falck said he did not feel they
should delay matters that can be handled by a modification of existing
procedures. He suggested a review of procedures in order that they may
better be understood by all concerned.
Commissioner Alper said he wished to make it clear that Council does
get the thinking of the Commission very succinctly by the conditions
set down by Mr. Cross in the Motion when a vote is made, and Council,
does get that. Commissioner Alper stated he was concerned with the
"No" Vote, and the thinking of a person who votes "Nay", which can be
done by adding to the Report of Action which goes to Council.
Mr. Ray Baade, Chairman of Beautification Committee, mentioned the
primary purpose of the Workshop is to consider appointments to the
various Committees. He explained the input from the Beautification
Committee regarding recommendations for appointments. He said during
the year he evaluated the performance of each member of the Beautification
Committee in terms of ability and their concentration on the homework
that is required before a meeting. Also, their input at the meeting
concerning Agenda items and ability to arrive at a decision and their
ability to express themselves positively or negatively regarding an
Agenda item. Further, he canvassed each member to obtain their desires
as to whether they wished to continue on the Committee or not. He then
considered the people with regard to their contribution to the Committee
and its functions, and then wrote a recommendation to Council. Mr. Baade
said he interviewed the applicants for alternate and his selection was
based on the same criteria as that for members, and those recommendations
were contained in a memo to Council.
Mr. Baade indicated that following the swearing in of the members of
the Beautification Committee, the next item of business is the election
of a Chairman. He stated every member is given an opportunity to serve
as Chairman of the Committee.
Councilman Kravitz stated there should be a liaison from Council to each
Committee. Also, when Council makes appointments An attempt to follow
the Charter and have one member from each of the City's Districts,
wherever possible, should be made.
Councilman Kravitz discussed the various Committees. He felt the Committee
on Christmas Lighting should be continued, and suggested to Council it
be agendized to appoint a Chairman and give the Chairman the opportunity
to appoint a Committee he or she can work with. Councilman Kravitz
pointed out his term as Park Commissioner will terminate in the month
of March, and it would be a conflict for him to continue as Commissioner.
He recommended the Parks and Recreation Committeesbe combined into one
Committee. One of the duties to be included is to work towards a Civic
Center, he said. He commented that is one of the most important matters
and he hoped during his term of office he can see it accomplished.
Councilman Kravitz said he feels that the City should have a photographer.
Although a Committee is not needed, he suggested appointing a person who
is capable. Councilman Kravitz noted that one of the applicants for
several Committees had made a notation on her application that she is
a professional photographer. Councilman Kravitz recommended that she
be named professional photographer for the City, her name is Ellen D.
Hochhauser, a resident of Shaker Village.
Councilman Kravitz discussed the matter of the Fishing Commissioner and
said the necessary Ordinance should be written creating a Fishing Com-
missioner. He said a letter had been received from Bermuda Club,
signed by Bob Sokol, asking that there be an Assistant Fishing Commissioner.
Irving Epstein stated he has applied for the position of Fishing Com-
missioner. He discussed the responsibilities of that position.
Councilman Kravitz indicated he had sent a memo to Council concerning
a new Committee he was proposing. He said the purpose of the Committee
would be to invite new residents of the City to come to City Hall at a
day when Council is in Session, and the Committee would take the new
residents into Chambers to listen to Council in order for them to become
familiar with the way the City works and after an hour or so they could
be given a tour of the City and be informed about the various departments.
At lunch time they would be served sandwiches, coffer and cake and possibly
the banks could be asked to donate gifts to the new residents. The
purpose, he said, is to make the people feel that they are part of the
City and to feel free to call upon the City for service. Councilman
Kravitz felt that this should be considered on the Agenda.
Muriel Davis indicated she would like to serve on the Recreation Board
as well as being a member of the Charter Board. She questioned if there
is a conflict of interest involved. She indicated that Councilman Zemel
had said that would be a conflict of interest. Councilman Zemel replied
he does not recall ever discussing anything with any_Councilperson_at all. -
regarding the selection of any members of any Committee or anything else
that goes on in the City.that is official business. He said that
Mrs. Davis had been misinformed.
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Mayor Falck indicated if there is a question, it should be resolved
at a Council. Meeting.
Commissioner Alper questioned what conclusions, if any, Council has
made concerning the Municipal_ Code Enforcement Board. He asked if the
idea had been dismissed. He stated- that Coral Springs has such a Board
and it is functioning.
City Attorney Arthur Birken said he did not recall whether Council had
discussed a Code Enforcement Board at a formal meeting or not, although
he believed that they did. He stated it is his understanding Council is
not interested in a Code Enforcement Board at the present time. Further,
he said the City Attorney has recommended against it in memoranda to
Council. He said he had received a formal opinion from Attorney General
Smith as to certain questions concerning the function of these Boards
and there are a large number of problems. The City Attorney pointed out
if a Code Enforcement Board is created, the City loses the option of
prosecuting a violator in the County Court. Tf the Board is created,
he said, it would appear that if the Board rules against the City the
City has no right of appeal.
Melanie Reynolds inquired if the 100 applications received are new appli-
cants, Councilman Kravitz said approximately 50 would be new people
Councilwoman Massaro stated she wanted a public statement from the City
Attorney reference to whether there is any reason why a member of
Council can not Chair an appointive committee. Mr. Birken replied it
depends on the Committee; he said there is no problem with Ad Hoc
Mayor Falck noted that a question had been raised about the Social
Services Board, and he said he thinks Council is following the concept
of the Social Services Board as set forth in the Code. Mayor Falck
indicated that the Committee has been given the duties and responsibilities
as outlined in the Code. The City Attorney explained that the Charter
language says there shall be a Committee and an Ordinance was enacted
implementing the Charter language which was amended in 1979, and it is
within Council s prerogative to make changes within the Code itself,
The Charter language is broad, and standards have to be set implementing
the Charter language.
Mayor Falck announced that Committee appointments will be made at the next
Council Meeting, May 13, 1981.
Councilwoman Massaro thanked Councilman Kravitz for a very fine report.
The Meeting was Adjourned at 11:00 A.M.
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ 0/'�,0 0 or $
per copy to inform the general public and public officers and emp oyees
about recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the
City of Tamarac.