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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-09 - City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes5811 N0WT' iVVEST 881'Fi AVENUE TAMARAC, F L0R11)A :33:321
TE.I_.EPHONE (305) 722-5900
June 5, 1981
There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Council on
Tuesday, June 9, 1981, at 10:30 A.M., in the West Con—
ference Room at City Hall, 5811 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss a report by
Mrs. Shirley Blumfield concerning her visit to Kiryat
Tivon, Tamarac's sister —city in Israel.
The City Council may consider such other items as may
come before it.
The public is invited to attend.
Carol A. Evans
Assistant City Clerk
pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No. 368.
if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
atter considered at such meeting or
Council with respect to any m
hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such
purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
June 9, 1981
Mayor Falck called the Meeting to order at 10:30 A.M.
in the West Conference Room at City Hall.
Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman Irving Zemel
Councilwoman Helen Massaro
Carol A. Evans, Asst. City Clerk
Mayor Falck read the official notice of the Meeting which was held
for the purpose to discuss a report by Mrs. Shirley Blumfield concern-
ing her visit to Kiryat Tivon, Tamarac's sister -city in Israel. Mayor
Falck corrected the wording to indicate it is Tamarac's possible
sister -city in Israel.
Mrs. Shirley Blumfield addressed the Council. She explained Kiryat
Tivon is seven miles outside of Haifa. She said she was taken to a
home in Kiryat,'where most of the homes are single-family homes. They
are spread out similar to the homes in Tamarac and look out over the
Valley and to the right is Nazareth. Mrs. Blumfield described the
view as breathtaking.
The people have single-family homes, and they work a great deal as we
do. The height of the buildings is restricted and any apartments that
are built are restricted to three stories. There are a few six story
building which were placed there by the State. In the homes there are
two kinds of elderly citizens. They are placed in these homes by the
State. The State of Israel is thirty-three years old and they now have
for the first time an elderly population and they do not really know
what to do with their elderly, and they could not believe when they
were told 60% of our population is elderly, and what happens here.
Mrs. Blumfield said the problem in Kiryat is that the people are used
to working hard all of their lives and suddenly they have retirement
on a small pension and they do not know what to do with themselves.
Shortly after retirement many of them die of heart attacks.
There is new housing as one enters the town, there are three generations
of development in that area of Pakistans and Persians and eveyone owns
their own home, and there are very few rental areas in the apartment
section. There is a new industrial area that is being constructed for
light industry, and they want no noise in the factories because the
people object to factories there. They do not have much employment in
Kiryat Tivon, the people have to travel into Haifa by bus. At the
extreme tip of Tivon there are shops, for example carpentry. They call
it a Craftsman's Area because they want to make certain the area where
they live is kept for living quarters. The only businesses in town
are the department stores, and the population is 13,000 as compared to
Tamarac's 35,000 population. The City has a Mayor and twelve Council -
people. The people in Kiryat found it difficult to believe Tamarac is
run by a Mayor and four Councilpeople. They also could not believe the
salary of Tamarac's Mayor, their Mayor receives $800. a month. The
twelve Council people do not receive any payment, they are hard-working,
conscientious people. Mrs. Blumfield said one of the gentlemen who sat
next to her, a leading agronomist, told her that politics does not
play too much in every day municipal affairs. Once elected, members
work together for the benefit of the entire community. Differences
of opinion are always valued, for in the settlement of the solution is
progress. Mrs. Blumfield said she wrote that down verbatim.
Mrs. Blumfield noted that the people have strong feelings about their
City, just as we have about Tamarac. She said it is a very clean place
and all of the streets are named for plants or trees and they are very
conscious of beautification just as we are. They have an area which
is a rememberance area and they have built a light and are building a
a living memorial to the seventy-seven young men who fell in the Yom
Kippur War. A library is being built as a living memorial to these
people. Gradually all of the money has been put together.
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Every public building in Israel has a bomb shelter. The City is a
long City, and there is a problem with maintenance. There is a National
Police Department and Israel provides Kiryat-with-police. There is a
union of cities which provides fire protection, however it takes a long
time for them to get to Kiryat Tivon in the event of a fire, which is
one of their problems.
Mrs. Blumfield described the home for children. She said there are
300 culturally retarded children, twelve to fourteen years of age. She
said children are a very important item in Israel and they have taken
these children and are teaching them. They are kept for two years, and
there is a 70% success rate and after two years they go into the regular
school system, depending upon their age level.
On the first Saturday evening of her visit, Mrs. Blumfield met with the
Mayor and other people and she was on a social basis with the people and
they were a marvelous, warm group and they could not conceive what we
have here could possibly be. Mrs. Blumfield explained when these people
buy a home they are not given the advantage of a mortgage. They are given
land and allowed to build for themselves. The municipality helps by
providing sewerage and all other amenities needed in order for people
to build their own homes. Another way people obtain a home is to have
the full amount of the home. The prices of homes equivalent to the kind
of living she would be used to in America cost $250,000., Mrs. Blumfield
said. She noted that this is a big problem for the young people in
Kiryat Tivon is not interested so much in What Tamarac can offer them as
what Tivon can offer Tamarac. Mrs. Blumfield read what she had written
down that Tivon can offer Tamarac. First, a direct contact with Israel.
Any Tamarac citizen would be hosted by the Israelies and would get to
know what Israel is really like. It would not be an abstract feeling,
there would be direct contact. Also, they could send youth here to
help in Tamarac summer camps which would give the children of Israel
a chance to know Americans and our children here, and to teach them
folk dancing, music, language, and create an interest in Israel. The
Jewish Agency sends children from Israel to Summer Camps in America
and Kiryat Tivon could ask for Tamarac. Mrs. Blumfield said a different
program and different culture could be offered the children of Tamarc.
Mrs. Blumfield then discussed what Tamarac could offer Tivon. She said
they are terribly worried about their elderly population and not too
much is being done in Israel for their elderly population. They are
interested in Tamarac helping with their elderly population because
they are already a twin -city with Braunschweig Germany, and mostly
there it is youth they are interested in. One percent of the population
is elderly. In Kiryat Tivon they have three percent of their population
as elderly. They don't have centers and they could not fathom what we
have. Mrs. Blumfield told them of Tamarac's program for adult education
and they couldn't believe elderly could participate in anything such
as that. They want to know how to plan for the elderly population,
especially in retirement. They are hoping Tamarac would show the State
of.�Israel how to go about planning for the elderly. Delegations are
needed to teach recreational programs and to teach life after retirement.
The local Senior Citizens do not know how to become involved in community
affairs and to remain active after retirement and they would appreciate
Tamarac showing them how to accomplish this. The change involves no
expenditure of funds by Kiryat Tivon or Tamarac. It involves love,
care and attention, and it would be an interchange. Kiryat Tivon will
not be Tamarac's Sister City unless they contribute as much as Tamarac
is contributing. They will not ask for funds, however if children come
here they will ask that they be housed with Tamarac residents.
Mrs.Blumfi.eld.stated she came away from Kiryat Tivon with the feeling
that the City of Tamarac should take Kiryat Tivon as a Sister City.
Mayor Falck inquired if there are any newsletters or a way of keeping
in touch with their people. Mr. Blumfield said there are. She commented
while she was there she noticed there are the same problems and the City
is run with the same amount of feeling for the City that we have. There
are Boards and Committees which work very hard and are very active. The
only thing, Mrs. Blumfield said, is that the older people are not
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Councilman Kravitz commented he noted they are active with the Rotarians
and they have an Exchange Group of Rotarians and he was sure if they
contacted the Rotarians they could get the Israeli students to come
here, and our students to go there as exchange students. As a project
from Tamarac that could be looked into. Housing would be given through
the Rotarians. Mrs. Blumfield suggested that point be made if a letter
is written to Kiryat. Also, she commented that if the children come
here they will be making a contribution just as our children would by
going there. Most of all, Mrs. Blumfield stated, Kiryat Tivon is
not looking for financial help of any kind and they insisted that be
made clear to Tamarac, since it is necessary there not be that kind of
relationship between the two cities.
With regard to living conditions in Kiryat, the homes are not like ours.
Any home in Tamarac is far superior, however the homes are adequate.
Further, they are beautifying the area constantly. Councilman Zemel
said perhaps they are wiser than we are, he noted that he has useless
rooms and space in his house and perhaps these people are wiser to build
what they need. Mrs. Blumfield said they have the rooms, but they are
small but the people do not have the need that our people feel they must
have. with the bare necessities.
Mrs. Blumfield said it was surprising how much the people knew about
Tamarac before she arrived, and the questions they asked were most
relevant with regard to their own problems with the elderly. Mayor
Falck commented as feeble as the effort to get people ready for retire-
ment is in this Country, it still has been productive. He noted that
many companies have taken on a project to acclimate an employee to
things he will have to contend with after he has retired, before the
employee is ready to retire. The Mayor suggested since there is already
a group. of people who have retired, somehow Tamarac can assist them to
get programs organized that could bring the people together. There
could be adult education, for example. Mayor Falck said he thought
there are many possibilities.
Councilman Zemel expressed concern that the desire for intellectual
stimulation would be at a person's own initiative and sources of in-
formation would not be coming to these people for the first time from
the United States. Information about how to pursue a fruitful retire-
ment can't be new to these people at this time and he is not sure what
they are interested in pursuing. He noted that educational or adult
courses have been natural with this country from the time the country
was created. He pointed out all school systems have adult educational
programs that permit adults to pursue a course for which they now have found
time. Councilman Zemel questioned what Tamarac can recommend to a
Sister City. Mrs. Blumfield replied that Councilman Zemel is gauging
a Country that is 33 years old against a Country that is 200 years old.
She said she doubted if there are nine adult courses in the State of
Israel. Israel is not prepared for an elderly population and she
pointed out the present generation in our Country is the first generation
to have as many retirees as there are right now. Mrs. Blumfield said
these people in Kiryat really have to be educated to retirement.
Mayor Falck commented that the early sections in Tamarac really had
a big job of providing for themselves. He described how the earlier
residents kept occupied and busy and they contributed to the growth
and development and created a sophisticated interest in the Club House
and each one in his own way made a significant contribution to the area
and community in which he lived, and on into the City. Mayor Falck
stated that he can visualize the people in Kiryat Tivon are where
the people of Tamarac were a number of years ago when the City did
not have a lot of things and had to work to get those things put together
to ultimately have something better for themselves and those who came
in after they did. People who come in to the City now are reaping the
benefits of those who worked from the first day up to now. Mrs. Blumfield
said that is what the people of Israel want to do. She said the people
are organized, but they need direction.
Mayor Falck described the activity directors and publishers of the
Newsletters, and those who wrote articles for the old Tamarac Topics
which had a great deal to do with the growth and development of the
City, even though it was a developers newspaper. He said there is
an opportunity with Kiryat Tivon and he would like to pursue it.
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Councilman Kravitz indicated he believed the concept of having a Sister
City is gratifying both for Tamarac and the United States, as well
as Kiryat Tivon, Israel. He said all of the little lines and details
did not have to be worked out at the present time. The pure gesture
of proclaiming it as such would be helpful. Councilman Kravitz said
he learned many things during the discussion.
Councilman Kravitz pointed out that Tamarac did not start with a finished
diagram, but worked step by step and he felt the same would apply to
Tivon. He commented the people of Tivon have demonstrated a will and
ability that we may not be giving them full credit for.
The people of Kiryat Tivon have made the overture, not Tamarac, he said.
Further, they know where they are going. Councilman Kravitz said he
would question how acceptable the notion of spending money would be..
However,since there is no real money involved and it is a mutual exchange
of knowledge, he thought it would be beneficial to everyone concerned.
Mayor Falck stated that if an atmosphere where people to people relation-
ships can be maintained, it would be an expanded concept of life where
a totally peaceful existence would flourish throughout the world.
The Meeting adjourned at 11:30 A.M.
This ublic document was promulgated at a cost of $ ;5ko, or
$ ,06 _per copy to inform the general public and public
offlicers and employees about recent opinions and considerations
by the City Council of the City of Tamarac.
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