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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-22 - City Commission Regular Meeting Minutesr
P, 0. Box 25010
9:30 A.M.
this time will announce those items which have been given a speci-
fic time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council
members to table those items which require additional research.
Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent natu
which have come to Council's attention after publication.
1. Utility Revenue Bonds - Temp. Reso. #1891 - Discussion and
possible action to amend Bond Resolution R-79-251 to correct
the rate covenant debt service coverage percentage from 125%
to 110%.
2. Slud e Farm Lease - Discussion and possible action concerning
future development of this property.
3. Budget Amendment - Discussion and possible action to transfer
funds from the Chemicals Account to the Mains and Accessories
(4/22-pgs.1, 2)
to communicate
& 14)
4. Employee Service Award - Presentation by Laura Stuurmans, (4/22 pg'2)
Acting City Manager, of a Five -Year Pin to Frank Knapfel of Tabled
the Fire Department.
5. Charter Board - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a Certificate (4/22 pgs.2,3)
of Appreciation to Mr. Richard Entin and Mr. Barry Eden, former
members of the Board.
6. Children of the Holocaust - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a
Proclamation declaring Sunday, May 3, 1981, as "Day of Remem-
brance of the Children of the Holocaust".
7. National Hospital Week - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a
Proclamation declaring the week of May 10 -- 16, 1981, as
"Hospital Week in the City of Tamarac".
(4/22--pg. 4 )
8. Consent Agenda - Items listed under Item #5, Consent Agenda, (4/22-pgs.3,13
are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be & 13)
enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be a), b), c),
no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is de- e) thru j)
sired, then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda Approved; d)
and will be considered separately. Rem'd. &
k)Rem'd. &
PArF. TW().
a) Minutes of 3/11/81 -- Regular Meeting -- Approval recommended
by the City Clerk.
b) Minutes of 3/17/81 - Special Meeting - Approval recommended
by the City Clerk.
c) Minutes of 3/25/81 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended
by the City Clerk.
d) Mitchell Ceasar -- Grants Consultant - 4/13/81 - $1,250.00
Retainer, and 4/3/81 - $21.14 Expenses Total $1,271.14 -
Approval recommended by Acting City Manager.
e) Shailer & Purdy - Special Counsel for Moyer vs. Tamarac,
and Yockey vs. Tamarac - 4/1/81 -- $90.67 - Approval recom-
mended by City Attorney.
f) Alexander Grant & Co. - Auditors -- Data Processing Proposal
Evaluation - 3/27/81 - $3,000.00 - Approval recommended by
Finance Director.
g) Blackburn Welding, Inc. - T.U. West - Jet Rodder Truck
Repair -- 4/3/81 - $430.00 - Approval recommended by City
h) Triple R Paving, Inc. - 1980 Storm Drainage Augmentation -
McNab Road and N.W. 88th Avenue - 3/31/81 - $10,724.85 -
Approval recommended by City Engineer.
i) Triple R Paving, Inc. - 1980 Storm Drainage Augmentation -
N.W. 103rd Avenue Outfall - 3/31/81 - $12,216.60 - Approval
recommended by City Engineer.
j) Lanzo Construction Company - 1980 Drainage Augmentation -
N.W. 81st Street Outfall - 3/31/81 - $88,227.00 - Approval
recommended by City Engineer. (tabled from 4/8/81)
k) Toll Development - Authority to reimburse fees overpaid in
connection with Water and Sewer Developers Agreement for
oodmont Tracts 68 and 77.
9. Bid Award - T.U. West - Temp. Reso. #1892 - Discussion and (4/22-pg.5)
possible action to award a bid for a burster/decollator.
10. Bid Award - Public Works Building - Temp. Reso. #1893 - Dis- (4/22-pgs.5,6)
cussion and possible action to award a bid for electrical key 5O.81-77
control to monitor gasoline.
11. Bid Award - Council Chambers - Temp. Reso. #1894 - Discussion (4/22-pgs.6,7)
and possible action to award a bid for moveable (operable) 5O.81-78
12. Bid Authorization - Caporella Park - Discussion and possible (4/22-pg.9)
action to allow the City Manager to go to bid for improvements utha. Appd.
in this Park.
13. Self -Insurance Fund - Discussion and possible action to expand(4/22-pg.9)
existing fund by fransferring Accident Medical Expense In- DENIED
surance covering participants in the Summer Recreation Program.
14. Community Development Block Grant Program -- Discussion and (4/22-pg.10)
possible action to appoint a City representative to this /M Disraelly
program. pptd-
15. Summer Program_ -- Recreation Department - Review, discussion (4/2 2-pgs. 8, 9)
and possible action relating to this Program, ppd.,outside of
Tiny Tot Program
16. Markham Park Zoo - Temp. Reso. #1895 - Discussion and possible(4/22_pg,8)
action to urge Broward County Commission to grant financial RESO.81-79
assistance to continue the operation of the Zoo.
17. Publication of Future Agendas_ - Discussion and possible action� send
18. City Boundaries - Legal Descri tion - Temp. Ord. #871 - Dis- (4/22-pg.12)
cussion and possible action to amend Ordinance 76-4 by cor- ORD. 81-17
recting an error in the legal description of the City bound-
aries. Second Reading. n
19. Reserve Units -- Land Use Plan - Temp. Ord. #874 - Discussion (4/22-pg.12)
and possible action on establishing procedure whereby dwelling ORD.81-18
units on a parcel of land may be increased. Second Reading.
20. F & R Builders, Inc. - Rezoning Petition #5-Z-81 - Discussion (4/22-pg.12)
and possible action to rezone the west recreation parcel of ORD.81-19
Tamarac Gardens located at the southwest corner of McNab Road
and N.W. 98th Avenue from R-4A to S--1, by Temp. Ord. #872.
Second Reading.
21. F & R Builders, Inc. -- Rezoning
Petition #6-Z-81 - Discussion
and possible action to rezone
the recreation
parcel located
adjacent to Westwood Boulevard
West on the eastern part of
Tamarac Gardens subdivision from R-4A to S-1,
by Temp. Ord.
#873. Second Reading.
22. Commercial Plaza, Inc. - SuretY
Bond - Temp.
Reso. #1896 -
Discussion and possible action
on rescission
of Resolution
81-71, calling this bond which
was posted to
provide a
positive drainage system.
Special Exception Applications - Temp._Ord. #870 - Discussion
on 1st
and possible action on amending Section 28-198 of the Code to
require that concept site plans accompany an application for
Special Exception when no approved site plan exists.
Sodium Vapor Streetlights -- Temp. Ord. #880 - Discussion and
Appd. on 1st
possible action to amend Section 24-22 of the Code to permit
the installation of Sodium Vapor Streetlights in the City.
g., as amende,
Limitation of Certain Discussions at Council Meetings -
Temp. Reso. #1890 - Discussion and possible action to impose
a limit of five (5) minutes for each item within a report by
each Council Member, City Attorney and City Manager.
Colony West Golf Course - Discussion regarding an agreement
for purchase or lease by the City of the Executive Golf Course.
Committee to b
Lakeside of Tamarac -- Discussion and possible action on:
a) Site Plan Appd.with cond.
b) Plat -- Temp. Reso. #1887 RESO.81-82
c) Landscape Plan noted
d) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement Appd.with cond.
(located on the west side of State Road 7 north of
Commercial Plaza)
28. Burger King - Bond Release - Temp. Reso. #1897 - Discussion (4/22-pg.18)
and possible action to release a performance bond posted for Tabled
public improvements.
29. Sands Point - Phase 5 - Buildings T, U and V - Discussion and 1(4/22-pgs•17,18
possible action on a revised site plan for a sun canopy. Ippd.
30. Mission Lakes (Southgate Gardens East) - Discussion and possibl�4/22-pg.18)
action on:
a) Revised Site Plan
for temporary entrance drive.
ppd' with no
b) Request to permit
a model sales facility. (tabled from
4 / 8 / 81)
Versailles Gardens (Colony Club) - Model Sales Facility -- Dis-
cussion and possible
action on a request to permit a model
sales facility and a
waiver cif the parking requirements.
& then
(tabled from 3/25/81)
6 mos.with con
Drainage Improvements
- Reports, discussion and possible
(4/22 pgs.18,1
report req.
of C.Engr.
City Council
City Manager
& 20)
35. City Attorney
City Council may consider such other business as may come before it
R-4A = Planned Apartments
S-1 Open Space/Recreation
Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No. 368:
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council
with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing,
he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he
may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which
the appeal is to be based.
Carol A. Evans
Assistant City Clerk
36. Israel Bond Sabbath - Presentation ny Mayor Falck of a Procla- 4/22,Pg.1,
mation declaring Saturday, May 9, 1981, as "Israel Bond Cons..
Sabbath". P .4 Pres.mad(
37. National Volunteers Week - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a by Cons.Pg.4,
Proclamation declaring the Week of April 27th through Play 3rd Pres:. made.
1981, as "National Volunteers Week". 4/22,Pg.1,Agei
by Cons.,Pg.l`.
38. Christmas and Chanukah Committee - Discussion and possible Held for 4/27
action on the reappointment of 1980 Committee. Workshop.
APRIL 22, 1981
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Walter Falck called the meeting to order on Wednesday,
April '22, 1981, at 9:30 A.M., in the Council Chambers.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice -Mayor Irving M. Disraelly
Councilwoman Helen Massaro
Councilman Irving Zemel
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Manager, Laura Z.Stuurmans
City Attorney, Arthur M. Birken
Assistant City Clerk, Carol A. Evans
Clerk/Steno., Mimi Reiter
MEDITATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Falck called for a Moment of Silent
Meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Falck reviewed the schedule of items on this day's Agenda.
36., Israel Bond Sabbath -- Presentation by Mayor Falck of a Proclamation
declaring Saturday, May 9, 1981, as "Israel Bond Sabbath".
(See page 4)
37. National Volunteers Week - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a Proclamation
declaring the Week of April 27th through May 3rd, 1981, as "National
Volunteers Week".
(See page 4)
V/M Disraelly MOVED to AGENDIZE BY CONSENT, Item #s 36 and #37, namely,
Israel Bond Sabbath, and another for National Volunteers Week, per-
taining to hospitals, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
38. Christmas and Chanukah Committee - Discussion and possible action on
the reappointment of the 1980 Committee.
(See page
C/M Kravitz MOVED to AGENDIZE BY CONSENT consideration of reappointing
the 1980 Committee, and C W Massaro SECONDED.
1. Utility Revenue Bonds - Temp. Reso. #1891 - Discussion and possible
action to amend Bond Resolution R-79-251 to correct the rate covenant
debt service coverage percentage from 125% to 110%.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1891, and indicated that as re-
quired by Resolution 79-251, this was published in the Bond Buyer on
March 16 and 23, 1981, and is the 3.0 day period. The requirements of
the resolution, he said, have been satisfied, but involves a clerical
error. He further stated that the Bond Counsel has prepared the resolu-
tion and recommended its adoption.
V/M Disraelly MOVED to ADOPT Temp. Reso. #1891, and C/W Massaro
2. Sludge Farm Lease - Discussion and possible action concerning future
development of this property.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: City Attorney authorized to
communicate with the responsible party.
Mr. Birken said that two items were requested by Leadership Housing
or the Marmon interest, before consideration of this matter by them,
which were outlined in his memorandum to Council,dated January 19, 1981.
He said they requested a letter from the City that the use and deposit
of the sludge would not be detrimental to the property. Also, that it
would not preclude the development of the property at some future date,
by the owners.
He further stated that Council received a copy of a letter from Michael.
T. Hermesmeyer, Project Engineer .for Williams, Hatfield & Stoner, dated
3/9/81, and indicated that he could not foresee damage to the land by
chemical or bacteriological means from the deposition of sludge. lie
would recommend Council take action, authorizing the staff to communicate
to Leadership Housing, that the two items which they raised, are not
problems, also, requesting terms they would impose, as a pre -requisite
to renewals on the sludge farm lease.
C/W Massaro MOVED that Council authorize the City Attorney to communicate
with the Marmon Corp. or Leadership Housing, or the responsible party,
in the affirmative, because it was not detrimental to their property,
which would not preclude them from utilizing it for further development
at a later date. Also, the decision is based on reports from the Con-
sulting Engineers, Williams, Hatfield & Stoner. V/M Disraelly SECONDED
the motion.
5. Charter Board - Presentation by P7ayor Falck of a Certificate of Appre-
ciation to Mr. Richard Entin and Mr. Barry Eden, former members of the
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation made by
Mayor Falck to Barry Eden, Richard Entin
was not available at this time.(See page 3)
Mayor Falck presented the Certificate of Appreciation to Mr.Barry Eden,
for his work as a former member of the Charter Board. Because Mr.Entin
was not available at this time, such presentation would be awarded at
a later date.
39. Ort Day in the City of Tamarac - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a
Proclamation. �
(See page 4)
V/M Disraelly MOVED to AGENDIZE BY CONSENT a Proclamation declaring
Ort Day in the City of Tamarac, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
4. Employee Service Award - Presentation by Laura Stuurmans, Acting City
Manager, of a Five -Year Pin to Frank Knapfel of the Fire Department.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to future meeting.
V/M Disraelly MOVED to TABLE Item #4 for a future meeting, and C/M Zemel
8. Consent Agenda
a) Minutes of 3/11/81
City Clerk.
b) Minutes of 3/17/81
City Clerk.
c) Minutes of 3/25/81
City Clerk.
- Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by the
- Special Meeting - Approval recommended by the
- Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by the
d) Mitchell Ceasar - Grants Consultant -- 4/13/81 - $1,250.00 Retainer,
and 4/3/81 - $21.14 Expenses - Total $1,271.14 - Approval recommended
by Acting City Manager. (later changed to $20.73 expenses, with a
total of $1270.73)
e) Shailer & Purdy - Special Counsel for Moyer vs. Tamarac, and Yockey
vs. Tamarac - 4/1/81 - $90.67 - Approval recommended by City Attorney.
f) Alexander Grant & Co. - Auditors - Data Processing Proposal Evalua-
tion - 3/27/81 - $3,000.00 - Approval recommended by Finance Director.
g) Blackburn Welding, Inc. -- T.U. West -- Jet Rodder Truck Repair -
4/3/81 -- $430.00 - Approval recommended by City Engineer.
h) Triple R Paving, Inc. - 1980 Storm Drainage Augmentation - McNab Road
and N.W. 88th Avenue - 3/31/81 -- $10,724.85 - Approval recommended
by City Engineer.
i) Triple R Paving, Inc. - 1980 Storm Drainage Augmentation - N.W. 103rd
Avenue Outfall - 3/31/81 - $12,216.60 - Approval recommended by City
j) Lanzo Construction Company - 1980 Drainage Augmentation -- N.W. 81st
Street Outfall -- 3/31/81 - $88,227.00 - Approval recommended by City
Engineer. (tabled from 4/8/81)
k) Toll Development - Authority to reimburse fees overpaid in connection
with Water and Sewer Developers Agreement for Woodmont Tracts 68 and
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a), b), c), e) through j)
Approved; with d) and k) being Removed for
separate discussion. Item d) was changed to
$20.73 expenses, totaling $1,270.73, and Approved.
(See page 13)
V/M Disraelly MOVED to REMOVE Items d) and k), for separate discus-
sion, with all other items being APPROVED, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
d) V/M Disraelly called attention to Mr. Ceasar that tax on phone calls
is 20, and not 4%; and MOVED to pay the $1,250 Retainer, and $20.73
in Expenses, which would total $1,270.73. C/M Zemel SECONDED.
3. Budget Amendment - Discussion and possible action to transfer funds from
the Chemicals Account to the Mains and Accessories Account.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved; with a request
for the City Manager to obtain a report from
Mr. Emmer of Alexander Grant & Co.(See Page 13)
Mr. Keating responded to a question by V/PZ Disraelly, as to the journal
entry of $2,635, by stating that it was required for bills encumbered
in the previous fiscal year, but was paid out of this year's budget
funds. Additionally, he said, the bills which came in 30 days before
the end of the fiscal year, were held for the following year's budget.
Mayor Falck suggested that a report be received from Steve Wood, to
-the City Council, for clarification.
Mr. Keating indicated that approval of the budget amendment is necessary.
to which the Mayor stated this item will be further considered after the
lunch recess, or held to the next regular meeting. Mayor Falck further
stated there should be no problem on the purchase of needed materials.
5. Charter Board - Presentation by P4ayor Falck of a Certificate of Appre-
ciation to Mr. Richard Entin, who was previously not available.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation by Mayor Falck
to Mr. Richard Entin. (See page 2)
Mayor Falck made the presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to
Mr. Richard Entin, for his work as a former member of the Charter Board.
7. National_Hospital Week - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a Proclamation
declaring the week of May 10 - 16, 1981, as "Hospital Week in the City
of Tamarac".
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation made by Mayor Falck
to Christine L. Woodall, Director of Public Relations
at University Community Hospital.
V/M Disraelly read the Proclamation, and Mayor Falck made the presenta-
tion to Christine L. Woodall.
36. Israel Bond Sabbath - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a Proclamation
declaring Saturday, May 9, 1981, as "Israel Bond Sabbath".
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation by Mayor Falck,
with a request for the City Clerk to submit this
to the proper people. (See page 1)
V/M Disraelly read the Proclamation; with a request from Mayor Falck
to have it presented to the proper people, by the City Clerk.
37. National Volunteers Week - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a Proclamation
declaring the Week of April 27th through May 3rd, 1981, as "National
Volunteers Week".
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation made by Mayor Falck,
to Christine L. Woodall. (See page 1)
V/M Disraelly read the Proclamation, which was then presented by Mayor
Falck to Christine L. Woodall.
6. Children of the Holocaust - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a Proclama-
tion declaring Sunday, May 3, 1981, as "Day of Remembrance of the
Children of the Holocaust".
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation made by Mayor Falck,
to George Baer and Abe Meltzer.
V/M Disraelly read the Proclamation, which was then presented by Mayor
Falck to George Baer and Abe Meltzer, Co --Chairman of the Holocaust
Committee of the Tamarac Jewish Center.
39. Ort Day in the City of Tamarac - Presentation by Mayor Falck of a
Proclamation. y�
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation by Mayor Falck,
with a request for the City Clerk to submit
this to the proper people; with corrections.
(See page 2)
V/M Disraelly read the Proclamation, with a request that the City Clerk
submit this to the proper people. It was further suggested that correc-
tions be made in the Proclamation.
22. Commercial Plaza, Inc. - Surety Bond Temp. Reso. #1896 - Discussion
and possible action on rescission of Resolution 81-71, calling this
bond which was posted to provide a positive drainage system.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1896, and indicated that Council
received a copy of the Continuation Certificate, and the memorandum
of April 15th. Mr. Birken requested that a Report of Council Action
be mailed to Travelers Indemnity Co.
Mr. Birken also indicated receipt of a communication from the Attorney
for Commercial Plaza; which was forwarded to the City Engineer.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for the ADOPTION of Temp. Reso. #1896, and
23. Special Exception_A2plications- Temp_. Ord. #870 - Discussion and
possible action on amending Section 28-198 of the Code to require that
concept site plans accompany an application for Special. Exception when
no approved site plan exists.
-4- 4/22/81
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved on 1st Reading.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #870, and said
keeping ordinance, and does not require a concept
approved site plan is involved.
that it was a house -
site plan, when an
C/W Massaro MOVED the ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #870, on first reading,
and C/M 2emel SECONDED.
C/W Massaro indicated that she has questions on this item, and that
prior to second reading on May 13, 1981, she would discuss this with
the City Attorney.
25. Limitation of Certain Discussions at Council Meetings - Temp. Reso.
#1890 - Discussion and possible action to impose a limit of five (5)
minutes for each item within a report by each Council Member, City
Attorney and City Manager.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1890.
C/W Massaro felt this resolution should be attempted, but indicated
that Council could not be restricted on a particular amount of time.
She MOVED to ADOPT Temp. Reso. #1890, and C/M Kravitz SECONDED.
C/M Kravitz said the resolution was self-explanatory, and unless an
issue is special, it should not take more than five minutes on any
Tape one topic, but could be waived if Council deems it necessary.
The City Attorney concurred that the time period for an issue could
be raised at any time.
9. Bid Award - T.U. West - Temp. Reso. #1892 - Discussion and possible
action to award a bid for a burster. decollator.
award to the Burroughs Corp. in the
amount of $3,368.
Mr. Birken read Temp. Reso. #1892.
Mrs. Stuurmans indicated that it was the recommendation of staff to
award the bid to the lowest bidder, for the Burroughs Corp. Model
T-7051, at a cost of $3,368. She further stated this equipment could
be utilized with any type of computer system that the City will even-
tually acquire on a permanent basis. Also, she requested Council ap-
proval of the use of funds budgeted within the Utilities General Reserve,
under the Administrative and General area, for the purchase of the
burster/decollator, in lieu of the electric cash register that had
been initially contemplated. The Acting City Manager said the register
will not be procured this fiscal year.
V/M Disraelly said this equipment was necessary to perform the billing
functions at the Utilities, and MOVED to AWARD the bid to Burroughs
Corp., for Model T--7051, in the amount of $3,368, and C/W Massaro
10. Bid Award - Public Works Building - Temp. Reso. #1893 - Discussion and
possible action to award a bid for electrical key control to monitor
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved; with an
award to Sanchez Hose & Equipment, in
the amount of $2,642.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1893.
Mrs. Stuurmans said that staff has indicated that only one bid was
received, which was from Sanchez Hose & Equipment, in the amount of
$2,642. She recommended waiving of one point, because the Supply
Schedule was not signed, but there were signatures on the overall bid.
V/M Disraelly MOVED to ADOPT Temp. Reso. #1893, awarding the bid to
Sanchez Hose & Equipment, in the amount of $2,642, and C/M Zemel
C/W Massaro inquired as to a determination of value, to which the
Acting City Manager responded that this was the second time for bidding,
with a different parameter being considered previously. The Utilities
operation, she said, was bid the first time, but this was a day -time
operation which was attended at all times. Mrs. Stuurmans further
advised that the quantity will not be controlled, but the key is for a
means of recording the gasoline used in each vehicle.
The Council members concurred that this method would track the car
mileage and permit some control on gas consumption.
Hyman Fox said that gas pumps should not be open all night; also,
that a camera could be placed in the area, to take a photo of the
license number of the vehicle.
Don Perlman discussed monitoring of gas in the City of Margate, which
he was involved with.
11. Bid Award -- Council Chambers - Temp. Reso. #1894 - Discussion and
possible action to award a bid for moveable (operable) walls.
award to Don Works Modernfold, in the
amount of $4,846.50 net.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1894.
The Acting City Manager said it was staff's recommendation to award
a bid to Don Works Modernfold, in the amount of $4,846.50 net. She
advised that regardless of the..fact that the net bid was $146.50 higher
than the other bid which was received,but was more responsive to the
City's critical needs. She felt it would expedite some relief to the
City's space problems, and was the appropriate choice. It was further
noted by the Acting City Manager that payment would be made from the
City Hall Renovations Construction Fund for such procurement.
In response to a question by the Vice -Mayor, the Acting City Manager
stated that there will be no desks involved, but a telephone will be
V/M Disraelly MOVED for the ADOPTION of Temp. Reso. #1894, awarding
a bid to Don Works Modernfold, who is the lowest fully responsive and
responsible bidder, in the amount of $4,846.50 net. C/M Zemel SECONDED.
C/M Zemel felt this bid award was essential to the City's needs, and
would promote better management, and the division of the Chambers, as
required, for various meetings.
C/W Massaro did not approve the necessity for such an expenditure;
especially since plans are to be submitted by Mr. Shiff,as to construc-
ting a new Police Department building, where the City.Hall complex
would eventually be constructed. She did not advocate spending $5,000
for a partition that divides a room.
V/M Disraelly indicated that various workshops which are held in the
West Conference Room of the Council area, does disrupt the Consumer
Affairs Board, on a daily basis; and, also the Veterans Counseling
group, on Thursday mornings. He additionally felt this would create
a proper working atmosphere for the Council members, also, permitting
adequate space for the various committees.
Mayor Falck felt the expenditure will be justified for the period of
time it will be used.
Marjorie Kelch said moveable walls are not soundproof, but were
always a constant remaining asset, with subdivision of a room, for
various meetings. She felt it would have permanent value, with good
VOTE: C/M Kravitz
- Aye
C/M Zemel
-- Aye
C/W Massaro
- Nay
V/M Disraelly
- Aye
Mayor Falck
- Aye
24. Sodium Vapor Streetlights - Tem . Ord. #880 - Discussion and possible
action to amend Section 24-22 of the Code to permit the installation
of Sodium Vapor Streetlights in the City.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on lst Reading,
as amended.
Mr. Birken read Temp. Ord. #880, and recommended a correction to the
ordinance, on line 14, by striking out the words "mercury vapor";read--
ing a minimum of 4500 lumen lights.mounted on concrete poles.
V/M Disraelly said that discussion at the previous meeting resulted
in a decision to use sodium vapor lighting in all new developments.
Also, where subdivisions could be changed, all the lighting would be
from mercury to sodium vapor, with 4500 to 5800 lumens. Fie addi-
tionally stated that it was the City Attorney's recommendation to
not indlude the 5800 lumens in the ordinance. But, at the same time,
he said, it would not preclude installation of sodium vapor lighting
in new sections or areas.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for the ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #880 on first
reading, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
Members of the public, namely, Mort Student, Arthur Gottesman and
Emil Beutner, indicated they were in favor of such lighting.
Mr. Arlington of FP&L said they cannot light public parking areas.
31. Versailles Gardens (Colony Club) - Model Sales Facility -- Discussion
and possible action on a request to permit a model sales facility and
a waiver of the parking requirements. (tabled from 3/25/81).
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 5/13/81 meeting,
but recalled later in the day. (See page 10)
Jim Palermo, an Attorney, represented the developer, with an applica-
tion to permit a temporary sales office, on the conversion from Colony
Tape Club to Versaille Gardens condominium, for a period of six months.
C/W Massaro said that she was not prepared to take action on this item,
especially since the City Engineer has not reviewed the report on
Versailles Gardens.
Mr. Palermo cited Florida Case Law, and indicated that based upon a
conversion in the Florida Statutes;als.o,simply changing the form of
ownership, without construction of additional buildings,.they should
be entitled to use of a sales office. He requested that Council permit
this sales office for a period of six months, in order to determine a
resident program, which might not be feasible. He further stated that
re -rental of units in this particular building would be discontinued,
thereby allowing eight (8) additional parking spaces.
In response to a question by V/M Disraelly, it was stated by Mr.Palermo
that Building 18 has 20 units, with 16 being occupied for rentals.
Mr. Birken advised that Council was provided with his memorandum of
--7- 4/22/81
2/26/81, with the Florida Statutes, a case referred to by Mr.Palermo,
and an article relating to condominium conversion, with the legal
requirements -attached. He said ownership of a complex or building
changing, cannot be the basis for different treatment, if the type
of ownership had remained the same. He further stated that Council
discussions should be legally based upon the merits of the application.
Mr. Birken said that Section 28-216, should and does properly apply
to condominium conversion; and whether such use is proper at the loca-
tion. The City Attorney informed Council there has been an office at
the present location, under rental conditions.
Mr. Palermo confirmed the fact of a rental office and model in this
Mr. Birken said a question arises as to whether the use predates the
ordinance, because he is not aware of consent by Council, for such
use by the prior owners.
V/M Disraelly felt he would prefer adequate time to review the report
with the City Attorney; and for research as to the rental office and
model.area use.
Mr. Palermo advised the Council of an occupational license for use of
the offices, to which the Vice -Mayor said this would involve a question
of a business office in a residential area.
C/M Kravitz MOVED that this item be TABLED to the next regular meeting,
and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
16. Markham Park Zoo - Temp. Reso. #1895 - Discussion and possible action
to urge Broward County Commission to grant financial assistance to
continue the operation of the zoo.
V/M Disraelly read Temp. Reso. #1895, and C/M Zemel MOVED for its
ADOPTION, with a SECOND by C/M Kravitz.
15. Summer Program - Recreation Department - Review, discussion and possible
action relating to this Program.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with exception of
the Tiny Tot Program, which is to be considered
at a future time.
Sharon Ellis, the Recreation Director, advised that a seven (7) week
program would begin on June 22nd, ending August 7th, 1981, with hours
from 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. She said the children were invited to
bring their lunch, and stay all day, for special events, arts and
crafts, plus sports. Mrs. Ellis said they were proposing a staff of
nine people.
Additionally, she said a new program concept was proposed from ages
3 to 5, to be called a "Tiny Tot program", for the younger children,
permitting relief for the mothers. She further stated they could
accommodate 90 children for two -week sessions, being encouraged to
either attend a morning or afternoon session.
C/M Zemel felt the Tiny Tot program could be very involved, due to
the age of the youngsters; and would require mothers to participate.
Mrs. Ellis indicated the present recreation groups were from completed
kindergarten groups to age 12. She noted the area for the Tiny Tots
would be in the portable at the south -end of Tamarac Elementary School.
She said that numerous calls have been coming in since February of
this year; also, requests for family programs, which would recognize
more than one child, with a special fee involved.
-8- 4/22/81
The Recreation Director said that special events are an option, and also
involve a burden for households with more than one child participating.
It was her feeling that the expected quota of 255 will be met this year.
Mrs. Ellis said there was a budgeted request for 12 staff members, but
this year's request would be for 9 members, with anticipated cooperation
by many mothers. She felt that they were able to accommodate up to 300
children; and, were also receiving calls from people who were willing to
pay the non --resident rate, from the Lauderhill area, just south of the
Public Works Department building.
Mrs. Ellis responded to a question by Mayor Falck, by stating that special
supervision was to be provided for Tiny Tots, with three staff people for
a maximum of 15 children at any one session. She further stated that
encouraging the parents to participate would not give adequate room in
the portable trailer.
C/W Massaro concurred with C/M Zemel, as to the Tiny Tot Program, by not
considering it at this time.
C/M Kravitz MOVED for APPROVAL of the summer recreation program, with the
exception of the Tiny Tots Program, to be considered at a future time.
C/M Zemel further stated that the Tiny Tot Program was excellent, and
Tape would help children to share experiences with others; but would urge a
#4 survey to be taken, instituting participation by the parents.
12. Bid Authorization - Caporella Park - Discussion and possible action to
allow the City Manager to go to bid for improvements in this Park.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: City Manager authorized to
go to bid; with a request for a report to be
submitted from the City Manager or City Planner,
as to basis costs, prior to bid approval.
Mrs. Stuurmans said that Council was aware of approved funding for
Caporella Park, in the eastern portion of the City; also, that a bid
package was submitted for review.
V/M Disraelly confirmed the fact that it involves State funding, which
is 100g, to which C/W Massaro said she has not reviewed this information.
Mr. Birken said during the waiting period of bids, an addenda could be is-
sued to modify the specifications, which could be discussed at the next
C/W Massaro said that she would like to be assured that the monies
would take care of the vital parts of the park; She felt that a state-
ment should be submitted, showing the costs of grading, landscaping and
the essential items, prior to fishing docks. It was her request that
such a report be submitted from either the City Manager or City Planner
as to the basic costs for the essential portions of this passive park,
prior to bid approval, for additional analyzing.
C/M Kravitz MOVED to AUTHORIZE the City Manager to go to bid for improve-
ments on this park, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
13. Self --Insurance Fund -- Discussion and possible action to expand existing
fund by transferring Accident Medical Expense Insurance covering partici-
pants in the Summer Recreation Program.
Mayor Falck indicated that a communication was previously submitted to
Council, as to the proposed charge of approximately $1,000 for accident
insurance. But, he said, that due to the efforts of Judy Deutsch,
Personnel/Insurance Technician, a $250 insurance rate was obtained,and
since it is self-sustaining, he would recommend this.
C/W Massaro MOVED to DENY the Self --Insurance Fund Program, and C/M Zemel
-9-- 4/22/81
14. Community Development Block Grant Program - Discussion and possible
action to appoint a City representative to this program.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: V/M Disraelly was appointed
as City representative.
Mayor Falck indicated this was handled by V/M Disraelly in the past,
and advised of an organizational meeting being scheduled.
C/W Massaro felt there should be continuity, and does take time to be-
come acquainted. She MOVED to APPOINT V/M Disraelly to continue as the
representative, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
The City Attorney distributed additional back-up material on Item #27,
Lakeside of Tamarac; was an outline indicating how each of the Develop-
ment Review criteria has been satisfied.
31. Versailles Gardens (Colony Club) - Model Sales Facility - Discussion
and possible action on a request to permit a model sales facility and
a waiver of the parking requirements. (tabled from 3/25/81)
for further discussion. (See pages 7,8 ,11 & 12)
C/M Zemel MOVED that Item #31, Versailles Garden, be TAKEN OFF THE TABLE
for further discussion, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
C/M Zemel said this request was being made due to a discussion held with
the City Attorney, subsequent to the morning recess, plus the legal facts
which were presented.
26. Colony West Golf Course - Discussion regarding an agreement for purchase
or lease by the City of the Executive Golf Course.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Committee to be established
to study the feasibility of a lease or purchase
of a City owned golf course.
C/M Kravitz advised that he spoke to Sid Workman, President of Property
Ventures, Inc., and requested submission of the last audit, in order to
determine income and expenses.for the golf course. He was informed that
it would be available within three (3) weeks.
V/M Disraelly indicated that the letter from Michael J. Salomone, dated
April 15, 1981, states that,"given the complicated nature of the financing
requirements for the Club, this proposal shall terminate forty --five (45)
days from the date of this letter". Because necessary information may
not be submitted for approximately 21 days, it would only allow a short
period of time for discussions and analysis, he said. Also, the Vice -
Mayor said approximately one year previous, a pro forma statement was
given to Council by Colony 'West, wiiicn" figures were iiut definite, as
computations were not broken-down between the two golf courses. He did
feel that such figures should be separated, and would like a longer period
for discussion and review.
C/W Massaro felt this proposal was the first step in writing, because
many of the golf course have gone into private ownership. She said the
City could give the residents golfing at a rate which is satisfactory
to everyone. She said that no decision could be made until final certi-
fied figures have been obtained. C/W Massaro indicated that she has
been involved in negotiating, and would like to Chair a Feasibility
Committee, for the analysis of figures, by people who are golf oriented
and financially schooled, and expert accountants. If, she said, the
time element is feasible, an extension could be requested. This Commit-
tee would have to work under the Sunshine Law at all times, with adver-
tised meetings.
V/M Disraelly and C/M Zemel concurred with the establishment of a Feasi-
bility Committee, with financial and accounting experts being involved.
C/M Zemel felt that a Council person should not Chair this Committee, but
be a liaison member,.stating there were many residents in the City who
have been Controllers and Certified Public Accounts. Also, individuals
who were related with the architectural and golf course businesses, would
be capable and willing to Chair such a Committee. He would approve a
member of Council being a liaison member to this Committee, with the
Chair person being a citizen of the City.
C/W Massaro said that reaching this point in time with obtaining a
lease or purchase of a golf course, has been quite difficult; and felt
that she could be the liaison person, and definitely a member of this
Committee. She was interested in having a golf course owned by the City,
which would permit accessibility by all concerned citizens, and become
a reality.
C/M Zemel MOVED that the City Council AUTHORIZE the immediate establish-
ment of a Committee to study the feasibility of the lease or purchase
of a City owned golf course facility. The Committee, he said, would
consist of a liaison member of Council, and three (3) members of the
public; with one member being, either actively or who has been actively,
a Certified Public Accountant. The selection of the other two (2) mem-
bers, he said, may be in other fields, as decided by Council; with all
appointments to be made by majority vote of Council.
V/M Disraelly requested an AMENDMENT to the MOTION, for a five (5)
member Committee, with one being a financial advisor, because a funding
structure would be involved.
C/M Zemel suggested that the amendment not be accepted at this time,
until a report has been submitted as to the Committee formation, and
the various individuals who are interested in being a member.
S yd Bass felt that C/M Zemel's motion was proper, and did request that
C/W Massaro be considered for pursuit of this Committee, and Chair this
group; because, her motivation will definitely assist in the City obtain-
ing their own golf course.
C/W Massaro requested that the Council liaison be submitted for the
next Council meeting of May 13, 1981.
31. Versailles Gardens (Colony Club)- Model Sales Facility - Discussion and
possible action on a request to permit a model sales facility and a
waiver of the parking requirements. (tabled from 3/25/81)
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Use of same office and model
sales approved for six (6) months, with conditions.
(See pages 7,8,10 & 12)
C/M Zemel advised of a lengthy discussion with Mr. Birken, during the
lunch recess, and the City's legal position, which involved case law.
He then MOVED to approve the same use of the units at Versailles Gardens
for offices and model sales, for six (6) months from this date; also,
that a minimum of eight (8) parking spaces be provided, and as people
vacate the units of the building, containing the office and model sales
facility, they shall not be re -occupied. He further indicated that the
-11- 4/22/81
E _1
applicant prohibit on -street parking for this complex, which is to be
included in the condominium documents which are being prepared.
18. City Boundaries - Legal Description - Temp. Ord. #871 - Discussion and
possible action to amend Ordinance 76-4 by correcting an error in the
legal description of the City boundaries. Second Reading.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd
and Final Reading.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #871.
Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public.
Melanie Reynolds inquired as to the changes in Ordinance 76-4, and what
the legal background is for changing the boundaries which appear in the
Charter, to which Mr. Birken advised of a State Law provision, Chapter
166, which anticipates problems arising, and permits changes by ordi-
Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further
comments received.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for the APPROVAL of Temp. Ord. #871 on second and
final reading, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
19. Reserve Units -- Land Use Plan - Temp. Ord. #874 -- Discussion and possible
action on establishing procedure ^whereby dwelling units on a parcel of
land may be increased. Second Reading.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd
and Final Reading.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #874, and noted that this ordinance
implements language in the City's Land Use Plan, with a determination
that no amendment to the Plan is necessary to enact same; but,wi.11 give
the City flexibility and direction for the handling of reserve units.
Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because
there were no comments received.
C/W Massaro MOVED that Temp. Ord. #874 be APPROVED on second and final
reading, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
Mr. Birken responded to a question by C/W Massaro, by stating that the
ordinance requires that the applicant for reserve units advise of his
exchange offering; which decision would be evaluated by Council.
20. F & R Builders, Inc. - RezonLna Petition #5-Z-81 - Discussion and possible
action to rezone the west recreation parcel of Tamarac Gardens located
at the southwest corner of McNab Road and N.W. 98th Avenue from R-4A to
S-1, by Temp. Ord. #872. Second Reading.
and Final Reading.
Tape The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #872.
Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because
there were no comments received.
C/M Zemel MOVED for the ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #872, on second and final
reading, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
r r r
21. F & R Builders, Inc. - Rezoning Petition #6-Z--81 - Discussion and possible
action to rezone the recreation parcel located adjacent to Westwood Boule-
vard West on the eastern part of Tamarac Gardens subdivision from R-4A to
S-1, by Temp. Ord. #873. Second Reading.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd ORDINANCE NO. 0- g'l c,-9 0 PASSED
and Final Reading.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #873.
Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because
there were no comments received.
C/W Massaro MOVED to ADOPT Temp. Ord. #873 on second and final reading,
and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
8. Consent Agenda
k) Toll Development - Authority to reimburse fees overpaid in connection
with Water and Sewer Developers Agreement for Woodmont Tracts 68 and
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, as submitted.
(See page 3)
C/W Massaro said this item is correct, with a difference of one month
from the time the agreement was written, and the amount of money was
changed. She said it was correct at the old rate of $900 less the
amount contributed and paid to the Marmon Group, by the developer.
C/W Massaro MOVED to approve Item 8-k),as submitted, and V/M Disraelly
3. Budget Amendment - Discussion and possible action to transfer funds from
the Chemicals Account to the Mains and Accessories Account.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, as noted.
(See page 3)
Mrs. Stuurmans indicated that Steve Wood, the Finance Director, was at
the Utility Plant this day, but advised that while the City has become
accustomed to the encumbering and reserving of General Fund operations
or enterprise operations, it is not the encumbrance date, but the expense
date which affects the budget; which is the normal accounting practice.
She said that V/M Disraelly requested that a call be made to Bert Emmer,
in order to determine if the same system could be applied, from the General
Fund to the Utilities Operation, in the future. She further stated that
$2,635 was expensed against the current fiscal year budget of the Utility
operation. Mrs. Stuurmans said this does justify Mr. Keating's rationale
for needing the change.
V/M Disraelly said that he was not aware of this being handled differently
as to the funding and budget for the Utility. He did request that the
City Manager contact Mr. Emmer, of Alexander Grant, for a determination
of the proper method, with a table to be established for payment under
the old year, rather than carry it into the,mew year. But, he said, that
because it was handled in such a manner, for last year's funding, he would
be in agreement with the transfer of funds, in order to allocate them,
which is presently in a credit balance.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for APPROVAL of $4,000 from line item Account #425-
367-535-523 of the budget named Utilities West Wastewater Chemicals be
transferred to line item Account #425-364-533-464 named Utilities West
Water Treatment Mains and Accessories. The balance in the account from
the monies are transferred was $17,309.93 prior to the transfer, and
$13,309.93 subsequent to the transfer. The amount of money in the account
to which the monies are to be transferred was ($693.53) prior to the
transfer, and $3,306.47 subsequent to the transfer. He further requested
r � �
that the City Manager obtain a report from Bert Emmer of Alexander Grant
& Co., as to the accounting and proper procedure for such handling in
the future.
C/W Massaro SECONDED the MOTION, as long as the Accountant has indicated
it is correct, but felt it was not proper procedure for the future.
V/M Disraelly said it has never come to Council's attention, because
there was never a credit balance.
C/W Massaro said that Mr. Emmer work under the same procedures that the
City is now operating under. She felt that it was riot feasible to have
monies spent, without budgeting, to which Council concurred.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz - Aye
C/M Zemel - Absent from dais
C/W Massaro - Aye
V/M Disraelly - Aye
Mayor Falck - Aye
17. Publication of Future Agendas - Discussion and possible action.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: City Manager authorized to
send letters relating to City Council and Planning
Commission Agenda availability.
Syd Bass referred to the Broward Times rescinding publication of the
City Council and Planning Commission Agendas, he felt the only route to
be taken was by mailing copies of the agenda, along with the Newsletter.
Mr. Bass, the Chairman of the P.I.C. Committee, further stated that this
Newsletter embraces discussions and actions of Council, to all leaders
of various subdivisions, and members of Committees. Dissemination of
information by the Legislative body of Tamarac, is through the submis-
sion of the Council Agenda, as well as the Newsletter.
Mrs. Stuurmans indicated that this item was placed on the Council agenda,
at the request of C/M Kravitz; with research in the cost of bulk -rate.
mailing versus the cost of advertising the Agenda and the P.I.C. News-
letter, is extremely prohibitive. She advised that the City Clerk and
she discussed, at staff level, the possibility of publishing a note,
which would indicate the meetings of the City Council and the Planning
Commission; with agendas being available on the Monday prior to the
meeting date. This, she said, would be a means of compliance with the
Sunshine Law regulations, and information.
Mrs. Stuurmans indicated there is the possibility of mailing, which is
the general procedure utilized by other cities, on a subscription basis;
with a"no-charge"to other governmental agencies and press services. But,
she said, there is a reservation to cost and utilization of current per-
sonnel, which is of some concern. Additionally, she stated, the City
Clerk's office has reduced the amount of mailing for the past few years,
and bulk -mail was not the proper .method.
Mrs. Stuurmans said it was their proposal that the meetings be "Noticed"
for City Council, Planning Commission, Beautification Committee and the
Board of Adjustment; with the agenda being available from the City Clerk's
C/M Zemel felt consideration should be given to clubhouses, for the
posting of agendas, by notifying each of the community leaders, for
space to be designated on the bulletin boards. The Community Aides,
he said, would post these on the bulletins, plus other dissemination of
information,throughout the City.
Mrs. Stuurmans advised that outside of the news media, only paid subscrip-
tions of $15.00 each, are being mailed..currently.
C/W Massaro felt the agendas should be mailed to the Presidents of the
clubhouses, with the understanding that they post it on their bulletin
board. She also said that all the Chairmen of the various Committees
should have agendas mailed to them.
V/M Disraelly suggested a subscription basis of $15 or $20 per year, which
would include the agendas and a report from the Public Information Commit-
tee Chairman, which is the synopsis of action taken at both the City
-14- 4/22/81
Council and Planning Commission meetings.
volved, he said, if it was picked -up at the
would only be on a paid subscription basis.
There would be no cost in -
City Hall, but mailings
C/M Zemel recommended that letters be sent to the section Presidents,
advising that the cost has become prohibitive; that the agendas will be
available every other Monday, prior to Council or Planning Commission
meetings. Or, he said, as an alternative, a subscription is available
for the mailing of the agendas, to which Mayor Falck concurred.
V/M Disraelly MOVED that the City Manager be AUTHORIZED to send a letter
to each Condo Association, section, subdivision, and the various medias,
utilities, banks and business firms, indicating there will be an agenda
for the City Council and Planning Commission; together with a bi-weekly
report of Council action available to them, by subscription, at a fee
of $20.00, to cover the cost of mailing and handling. He further noted
that if they do not want to subscribe, there would be copies available
of each week's agenda, after 8:00 A.M., on Mondays preceding the meetings,
at the City Hall. C/W Massaro SECONDED THE MOTION.
Marjorie Kelch, the Civic Representative for Mainlands 1 and 2, said
that mailings were generally delayed, but an interested resident in the
area might want to subscribe, for purposes of relaying the information.
C/M Zemel suggested placing racks outside of the City lull, with agendas,
where they could be obtained.
Mort Student was in favor of agenda information being made available to
the public.
Melanie Reynolds indicated that the County Commission publishes their
agenda each week; and further suggested that the President's Council
cooperate with distribution of these agendas.
27. Lakeside of Tamarac - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Site Plan
b) Plat - Temp. Reso. #1887
c) Landscape Plan
d) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement
(located on the west side of State Road 7 north of Commercial Plaza)
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) -Approved, with condi-
tions; b)--Approved; c)-Approved, as noted; RESOLUTION NO.R-�� gam, PASSED.
and d)-Approved, subject to appropriate fees
being paid.
Julian Bryan represented Lakeside, and indicated that the initial fee
was paid under the Water and Sewer Agreement, in September of 1980, at
Tape $130.00 per acre, for drainage improvements, but had difficulty finding
#G evidence of the check. He said the developer submitted a check for the
full amount, in lieu of deferring the park fees. Mr. Bryan further stated
that the developer submitted the site plan and plat for processing, prior
to enactment of the Land Development Ordinance, to the County. It was,
he said, approved approximately one month previous, with everything being
a) V/M Disraelly indicated that discussion was held at the previous
meeting, relating to the site plan, as to the right--of-way.
Mr. Bryan stated that the north property line was originally reflected,
but after discussion, a determination was made to not vacate the right-
of-way. This decision, he said, was based on not being necessary
from an acreage point of view, set --backs or open space.
V/M Disraelly confirmed the fact that the
with the dotted line becoming solid, and
line; also, the lake maintenance easement
site plan.
plat line was being changed;
the deletion of the other
will be removed from the
The City Engineer indicated there is a possibility of relieving
the problem with the Commercial Plaza Shopping Center, through
the public drainage facilities, that are in the right-of-way on
this project. He noted that the Plaza was built with an overflow
connection, and was approximately 80 feet from the intersection.
He additionally stated, that if it was necessary to construct facili-
ties for that project, then the bond amount might not be sufficient.
Mr. Keating also advised that 80 feet of storm drain lines,with an
overflow,was less expensive than the original plans to construct
the facilities that run to the Treehouse complex. He would prefer
that the developer indicate that he does not object to this overflow
connection into the right-of-way. The City Engineer said it is a
dedicated road right-of-way, with the outfall going into the private
C/W Massaro indicated that a flow -through easement was required for
Commercial Plaza, within the portion that goes through their property.
She further stated that retention cannot be private, unless they pay
for it.
Mr. Birken said it could be private, and is so designated, but could
be used for retention.
Mr. Bryan informed Council that they have not sought credit for the
recreation facility, for which they are paying $93,000. Also, they
did originally show this as a public body of water, with a mainten-
ance easement around it. But, it has been removed from the site
plan and plat, at the request of Mr. Keating, because of the size,
location and limited access;and,that it should be private. Ile further
noted that the HLR - Tract 36, has a private lake, because it is
wholly contained within the parcel, with retention.
Hugh Davis of Davis Associates, said that he discussed this with
Mr. Keating, and, as long as it is an overflow, it would not be a
Mr. Keating advised that it would be an overflow connection, as
designated by the South Florida Water Management District. The City
Engineer stated that when Commercial Plaza was built, their drainage
system terminated at a point 80 feet south, where a future road -tie
is indicated_ It was, he said, intended through the bond, to extend
it south and west, over to Treehouse, approximately 300 to 400 feet.
At this time, it was determined to only bring it 80 feet to the north,
and tie --it into a new catch basin, which will be constructed as part
of the Lakeside project. The easement will, he said, drain west to
the roadway into the lake, and then to the outfall on Commercial
Boulevard. He indicated that it was a percolating system in the City.
C/W Massaro said the retention area is required by the City, and
a covenant would have to be placed, in order for it to remain as a
retention area; that they cannot build on it, and will maintain it.
Mr. Bryan said that if Mr. Birken could draft it, they would approve
it, and attach it as Exhibit "A", to which C/W Massaro added that
a separate document has to be prepared for Commercial Plaza to permit
this overflow.
Mr. Bryan further stated that they had no problem with the overflow,
but would want to be certain of the language in the easement agree-
ment, as to location of the overflow, to which C/W Massaro said ap-
proval would be subject to furnishing of the document and additional
V/M Disraelly MOVED for ACCEPTANCE of the site plan for Lakeside of
Tamarac, which was received 3/11/81., with the following conditions:
The removal of the words "15 foot right-of-way to be vacated on the
north", and the "20 foot lake maintenance easement" notation at the
west. Also, the stipulations that were discussed regarding the
drainage from Commercial Plaza through this property, will be pre-
pared by the City Attorney.
The City Attorney included the following language in the MOTION:
That the Development Review criteria established in both the
Tamarac Land Use Element, the Broward County Land Use Plan and
Broward County Plat Ordinance, appeared to have been complied
with, as follows:
1. If payment for the one month of water and sewer, has not been
paid, that it be done;
2. If the units are not all C.O.'s at the time of expiration of
the City's garbage franchise, that it be conditioned upon entry
into a new contract for removal of garbage;
3. That it also be conditional upon the adequacy of the regional
transportation network, and determined by Broward County for
proper road dedication, access to trafficways, and the ability
of adjacent roadways to maintain levels of service "D"; and
4. Subject to a covenant being prepared and placed on the property,
showing retention areas to remain as water bodies, and that the
unit owners will be responsible for such areas.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz - Aye
C/M Zemel - Absent from dais
C/W Massaro - Aye
V/M Disraelly - Aye
Mayor Falck - Aye
b) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1887, and C/W Massaro MOVED
for its APPROVAL, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz - Aye
C/M Zemel - Absent from dais
C/W Massaro - Aye
V/M Disraelly - Aye
Mayor Falck - Aye
c) V/M Disraelly said that prior to the beautification requirement,
the Planning Commission recommended placing the addition of Note #8,
for a hedge along the handicapped spaces, in the guest parking area,
adjacent to Lakeside Drive; plus two additional trees at the turn -in
to the guest parking. He then MOVED the ACCEPTANCE of the Landscape
Plan, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
C/W Massaro inquired about the water being rust -free; and whether
it was their intent to use the water from the lake, or sink a well,
to which Mr. Bryan felt it would be better to draw from the lake,
as it would create movement and circulation in the body of water.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz - Aye
C/M Zemel - Absent from dais
C/W Massaro - Aye
V/M Disraelly - Aye
Mayor Falck - Aye
d) V/M Disraelly MOVED to APPROVE the Water and Sewer Developers Agree-
ment, subject to appropriate fees being paid, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz - Aye
C/M Zemel - Absent from dais
C/W Massaro - Aye
V/M Disraelly - Aye
Mayor Falck -- Aye
29. Sands Point - Phase 5 - Buildings T, U_and V - Discussion and possible
action on a revised site plan for sun canopy.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with the sketch
to be made a part of the original site plan,
for future reference.
George Layton, President of Sands Point Coordinating Committee, said
this recreation is common to all phases, and is under the jurisdiction
of this Committee. He further advised that the developer failed to put
up a sun -shade at Pool #3, on Lagos DeCampo, but is in existence at
Pool #s 1 and 2.
V/M Disraelly said that he spoke to Mr. Rwartowitz last week, who, in
turn worked with Evan Cross and Irene Adams, using his own sketches for
the condominium. He then MOVED for APPROVAL of the sun canopy in this
location, with the sketch being made a part of the original site plan,
for future reference. C/M Kravitz SECONDED.
30. Mission Lakes (Southgate Gardens East) - Discussion and possible action
a) Revised Site Plan for temporary entrance drive.
b) Request to permit a model sales facility. (tabled from 4/8/81)
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a)- Approved; and
b) Approved, with no residency.
a) Gene Toll indicated that the temporary entrance drive was approved
by the Planning Commission, at their last meeting; until that period
of time that the first four buildings have been built, which would
then be abandoned. This discussion, he said, and approval, was re-
flected in their minutes.
C/W Massaro MOVED for the APPROVAL of the temporary entrance drive,
and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
b) Mr. Toll indicated that the model sales facility follows the approval
of the temporary entrance drive use.
V/M Disraelly confirmed the fact that there will be no residency
in the building. Fie then MOVED to permit the Model Sales Facility,
with no residency, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
28. Burger King - Bond Release - Temp. Reso. #1897 - Discussion and possible
action to release a performance bond posted for public improvements.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled, with contact
to be made to the Burger King Corp., as
to the cost of a median cut.
C/W Massaro indicated that this bond should not be released, due to
the deplorable condition of the median, which was concurred by the
Council members.
V/M Disraelly indicated receipt of correspondence, dating back to
February 1980; which related to the median situation, with various
responses from the Burger King Corp.
He noted that a memorandum from Ralph Thissen advised that it would
cost approximately $325 to median -cut 73rd Avenue, with asphalt paving,
if the work was accomplished by the Public Works Department. Also, it
would cost an additional $200, if the median cut was bullnosed. He
further indicated that there are four median cuts on 57th Street, without
C/W Massaro felt the item should be tabled, and contact made to the
Burger King Corp., as to the cost.
C/M Zemel MOVED to TABLE, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
32. Drainage Improvements - Reports, discussion and possible action.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Report by the City Engineer,
with a request by Council for submission of a
memorandum with itemized and factual expenses
to -date.
Mr. Keating discussed the problems in the Sunflower area, with cleaning
of the lines and the outfall; also, structures being uncovered, that
were paved -over previously. He requested that manhole covers be in-
stalled, in order to permit easier maintenance in the future.
Mr. Keating said that in order to pump the system dry, it was necessary
to rent one for that purpose; and, he further requested that Council
Tape authorize expenditure of certain monies from the Drainage Fund, to
#7 cover the City's expenses. Additionally, he said, an end -wall would
have to be built, at the outfall location, for a particular system, to
insure future silting. This area was located behind the recreation
area complex in Sunflower, and the expenditure would not exceed $5,000,
in order to cover current costs and other unanticipated problems.
The City Engineer indicated that new construction is being delayed in
the area, until each and every pipe has been cleaned; and then check
the system, under those conditions.
C/M Zemel suggested that Westwood 5 and 6 be checked, in the area where
the new conduit work for drainage was accomplished, as to the concrete
and blocks that may have been put in the catch basins,to which the
City Engineer responded that the contractor was required to clean this.
He also advised that in older areas of Sections 23 and 24 the valley
gutters were sinking, to which Mr. Keating responded that he would have
it investigated.
Mayor Falck suggested the shared purchase of equipment with other cities,
where specialty items are needed on occasion, to which the City Engineer
indicated that equipment is borrowed from other cities, where necessary,
prior to leasing.
(-'/W'Massaro requested that the City Engineer submit a memo of expenses
to -date, which should be itemized and factual; with the cleaning of
the system and maintenance to be separated, and the modification to be
chargeable against the drainage fund.
38. Christmas and Chanukah Committee - Discussion and possible action on the
reappointment of the 1980 Committee.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: To be discussed at
a Committee Workshop, 4/27/81 at 9:30 A.M.
(See page 1)
C/11 Kravitz indicated that the 1980 Committee was very successful in
organizing the holiday festivities, and would recommend reappointment
for the year 1981. He noted that C/W Massaro and he were members of the
Committee, along with Norman Karr, Helen Sobel., and Ann and Dan Russo,
and would MOVE to APPROVE__ such .reappointment.
C/M Kravitz did recommend that he be eliminated from the Committee, to
avoid any conflict, with two Council members on one Committee.
Mayor Falck advised that a Committee Workshop was scheduled for mondav,
April 27, 1981, at 9:30 A.M., and would recommend discussion be held
at that time.
C/W Massaro felt the Workshop meeting would be the proper time for such
consideration or discussions; also, stating that there was a great deal
of work involved, and this Committee should be appointed and organized
early in the year.
33. City Council.
C,/M Zemel advised that he attended a Veterans Alliance meeting recently,
wherein preference was indicated for a Memorial Service on May 29th, 1981,
because of a conflict with the Jewish War Veterans. He also noted that
the American Legion will hold their Memorial Service either on May 30th
or dispense with it, and visit the various local cemeteries.
He also noted that a sign will be erected indicating "Veterans Memorial
Park", alongside of the Tamarac Park sign.
C/M Kravitz reported on his visit to Utility West, on Monday, wherein
billing was discussed with the proper people. He felt that progress
was being made, and billing will be going out at a much better pace;
but, will submit a report to Council shortly.
C/W Massaro indicated that water and sewer bills are running within a
two month period behind the day of reading; and, should be no more than
10 days. She felt it would be corrected, because of review and research
by C/M Kravitz.
She further noted there was a problem at 49th and 50th Avenues, re-
garding traffic lights, which was incorrectly engineered, but has been
reversed and corrected.
C/W Massaro indicated there should be additional advertising for a
City Manager, because the responses have not been adequate. She felt
such advertising should be held in order to get an experienced City
Mayor Falck felt that a Special P4eeting should be scheduled the following
week, in order to discuss the proposed advertising, along with several
other items.
V/M Disraelly advised that portions of Sections 31 and 32 have been
annexed to Coral Springs, as noted on their Agenda; also, noting that
blasting complaints should be with Westinghouse.
He further indicated that in Lauderhill, south of Sections 11 and 12,
in Tamarac, their zoning will be changed from Parks and Recreation to
Residential. This, he said, is Lauderhill's Section 16, which is across
Commercial Boulevard.
The Vice --Mayor also indicated that the area of Pine Island Road (88th
Avenue) and Commercial Boulevard, will have the left turn signal re-
instated within a three week period. Receipt of a letter from
Mr. Billingsley confirmed this, he said.
He also stated that effective last week, Bus Route #81, has been changed;
which will go north on Rock Island Road, taking care of Sabal Palm Condo-
miniums and The Gate, and then proceed on Bailey Road; and would go
south past Bermuda Club.
Mayor Falck discussed action being taken by the County, as relates to
the library; which will take service away from the people. He said this
was due to the lack of planning, but suggested that a voluntary approach
siioulu ire considerea, for the people wno are interestea in serving.
`2ne riayor also saia that the F.U.P.A. has been attempting assistance
with the ambulance service. He spoke to Mr. Martin of the County,
advising of the upgraded fees, along with the cities not being advised
of changes in service.
Mayor ralck advised that on Wednesday, April 29, 1981, a group of people
will be in South Florida, from South Carolina. This, he said, was at
the request of the Governor, who is impressed with the School Advisory
Program. The Mayor noted that he was requested to speak with the group,
because of their interest in the installation of a similar school system.
Mrs. Stuurmans did not have a report.
Mr. Bi.rken did not have a report.
This public document was promulgated a cost of s20 %Z , or $ 11,03 per copy,
to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent
opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac..