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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-13 - City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes5811 NOR 1-HWE`"I" TH AVENUE: a FAMARAC, FLORIDA 3332.1
TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900
May 11, 1981
The regular City Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday,
May 13, 1981 will be recessed at approximately 5:30 P.M. for
dinner and will reconvene. at 7:00 P.M.
At approximately 9:30 P.M. the Meeting will be recessed and
will reconvene on Thursday, May 14, 1981, at 9:00 A.M.
The Public is encouraged to attend.
Pursuant to Chapter 80.105 of Florida Law, Senate pill No, 368E
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
Council with respect to any matter considered et each meeting of
hearing, he will need a record the pro"eAllp and for weh
purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbs% G00W lftdW41
Ih1t Ilst1!nony a(d lvidanca w9n which the appow it N be k864
Carol A. Evans; City Cler
7p .
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P. 0. BOX 25010
this time will announce those items which have been given a speci-
fic time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council
members to table those items which require additional research.
Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature
which have come to Council's attention after publication.
1. Tamarac Elementau School - Student Government Day -
(5/13-pgs. 1, 2)
a) Presentation of Student Elected Officials by Mayor Falck.
b) Oath of Office by Student Officials, and presentation of
Certificates of Election by the Acting City Manager,
Laura Z. Stuurmans.
2. Fifth Grade - Drug Awareness Education - Presentation of awards
by Chief McIntosh to five (5) Poster Winners and three (3)
Essay Contest Winners.
3. Veterans Alliance Day -- Presentation of a Proclamation by
Mayor Falck declaring May 29th as Veterans Alliance Day.
4. Consent Agenda - Items listed under Item #4, Consent Agenda,
are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted
by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no
a) thru h)
separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired,
then the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and
will be considered separately.
a) Minutes of 4/8/81 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended
by the City Clerk.
b) Minutes of 4/22/81 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended
by the City Clerk.
c) Alan F. Ruf - Consulting Attorney - 5/8/81 - $1,440.00 -
Approval recommended by City Attorney.
d) Alexander Grant & Co. - Auditor - 5/5/81 - $600.00 - re:tax
research and arbitrage on fire station loan - Account #1-106
e) The Equitable Life Assurance Society - Pension Plan --
4/21/80 - $2,844.00 - Approval recommended by Finance
fa Mitchell Ceasar-Grants Consultant-5/7/81- $70.86-Approval PACE TWO
recommended by City Manager.
g) American Video Franchise Fees - Recommended to be removed
from the agenda - Acting City Manager.
h) Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan - Summary acknowledge-
ment by Council of receipt from Acting City Manager,
pursuant to Charter.
5. Data Processing System - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Bid Award - Temp. Reso. #1900.
b) Alexander Grant & Co. -- Authorization to engage services
of auditor to negotiate the contract with the computer
c) Temp. Reso. #1921 - For Software
6. Bid Award - Tamarac Utilities West - Temp. Reso. #1898 - Dis-
cussion and possible action to award a bid for a centrifugal
7. Bid Award - Public Works - Temp. Reso. #1899 - Discussion and
possible action to award a bid for a 2-post lift for the
vehicle repair area.
8. Civic Center - Discussion and possible action.
9. Northwood II - Westwood 6 - Drainage Improvement Program -
Discussion and possible action to reimburse the Harlon Group
for the City's participation in this program.
10. 1980 Storm Drainage Improvements - N.W. 81st Street -
sion and possible action to authorize payment of No.2
Lanzo Construction Company for this project.
(5/13--pgs . 23-25 )
(5/13-pgs. 2, 3)
(5/13=pg.3) 5/27/81
to 5/27/81
11. Bid Authorization - Fire 2ppartment - Discussion and possible (5/13-pg.3)
action to authorize the City Manager to go to bid for an unIO.C.Mgr. to
automobile for this department. TO BID.
12. Water Conservation - Discussion and possible action.
13. City Manager Position - Discussion and possible action.
- - - -14- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
14. Biscayne Federal Sayin s and Loan Association - Discussion
and possible action on Petition #7-Z-81ffor a limited waiver
to parking requirements of Chapter 18 of the Code - proposed
location at the southwest corner of University Drive and
McNab Road -- Temp. Reso. #1901.
15. Special Exception Applications - Temp. Ord. #870 - Discussion
and possible action on amending Section 28-198 of the Code to
require that concept site plans accompany an application for
Special Exception, when no approved site plan exists. Second
16. Sodium Vapor Streetlights_ - Tem Ord. #880 - Discussion and
possible action to amend Section 24-22 of the Code to permit
the installation of Sodium Vapor Streetlights in the City.
Second Reading.
(5/13-pgs.4,5 &
L4) 5/27
WPD. on 2nd
17. Cummings Plat - Discussion and possible action to approve this (5/13--pg.3)
plat by Temp. Reso. #1866 (located on north side of McNab Road PESO.81-36
east of N.W. 80th Avenue).
18. Cypress III & IV - Woodmont Tract 68 & 77 - Model Sales
Facility - Discussion and possible action concerning waiver of
300 foot distance requirement for Certificate of Occupancy
19. Pines III -- Woodmont Tract 54 - Model Sales Facility - Discus-
sion and possible action on a request to permit a model sales
facility and a waiver of the 300 foot distance for Certificate
of Occupancy requirement.
20. Mission Lakes - Model Sales Facility - Discussion and possible
action concerning a waiver of the 300 foot distance require-
ment for Certificate of Occupancy.
5/13-pgs. 8, 9)
APPD. with
(5/13--pg . 9 )
Lake Colony - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Model Sales Facility
b) Easement and Option Agreement
Concord Village - Discussion and possible action concerning
reimbursement of interim development fees.
Concord Village - Discussion and possible action concerning
renewal of the model/sales facility.
1 LD•
Tamarac Gardens - Discussion and possible action on a revised
site plan for recreation facility enlargement.
Riverside Memorial Cha2el - Discussion and possible action on
a revised site plan for a wall on the east property line.
Vanguard Village - Discussion and possible action on a revised
site plan for a storage room addition at the clubhouse.
Westwood Section 23 - Discussion and possible action on a
revised site plan for installation of a fence.
University Community Hosjital - Discussion and possible action
on a revised site plan for a building addition.
McDonald's Restaurant - Discussion and possible action on a
revised site plan for a playground.
Tamarac Jewish Center - Discussion and possible action on a
revised landscape plan..
Tamarac Town Square - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Site Plan
b) Landscape Plan
c) Plat - Temp. Reso. #1907
RESO.81-87 APPD.
d) Developer's Agreement
e) Water Retention Agreement
(located on the southwest corner of Southgate Boulevard and
Pine Island Road)
32. Golf View Plaza - Discussion and possible action on: (5/13-pg.16)
a) Plat - Temp. Reso_ _#1908 TBLD.
b) Development Review Agreement TBLD.
33. Inter City Auto Stores - Discussion and possible action on a (5/13-pg.12)
request for waiver of the sign ordinance to permit an addi- RESO.81-96 APPD.
tional wall sign on the west side of the building, by Te� M. WITH COND.
Reso. #1909.
34. Easement Abandonment - Woodlands Section 5.- Temp. Reso.#1910- (5/13-pg.1)
Discussion and possible action to release a portion of a REMOVED FROTI
utility easement on Lot 11, Block 25. AGENDA.
35. Brookwood Gardens - Canal Reservation Release - Temp. Reso.
#1911 - Discussion and possible action to release a canal
reservation at this location on PZcNab Road.
36. Sunflower Drainage Modifications - Discussion and possible
action concerning unanticipated expenditures for equipment and
37. Drainage Improvements - Western area of the City - Discussion
and possible action.
(5/13-pg.13 )
22) TBLD.
(5/13-pg.12) 5/27/81
38. Board and Committees - Selection of Officers - Temp. Ord. #879 (5/13-pg.16)
Discussion and possible action to mandate that officers of APPD. on lst
Boards and Committees be selected annually by its membership. Rdg.,as AMENDED
First Reading.
39. Department of Parks and Recreation - Temp. Ord. #883 - Discus- is
sion and possible action to establish this Adninistrative 7) APPD. on ls-1
Department. First Reading. AMENDED.
40. Desecration of Property - Temp. Ord. #884 - Discussion and (5/13-pg.17)
possible action to provide for parental responsibility for TPD. on 1st
acts of vandalism committed by their children and adoption of g. as AMENDED.
F.S.S. 741.24 - recovery of damages. First Reading.
41. Liti ation Participation - Temp. Reso. #1897 - Discussion and (5/13-pg.12)
possible action to authorize participation in litigation to SO.81-89
challenge the Broward County Plat Ordinance. APPD.for PAY=j
42. Site Plan Review Fees for Signs - Temp. Reso. 41902 - Discus- (5/13-pg.17)
sion and possible action to provide a fee for sign site plans. 1RESO.81-90 as
43. Parking In Medians - Temp. Reso. #1903 - Discussion and pos- (5/13-pgs.17,
sible action to provide for restricted parking in certain 18) RESO.81-91
medians east of State Road 7.
44. Council Position on Anti-Semitism and Bigotry - T
Discussion and possible action to express City's�
to acts of anti-semitism and bigotry.
emp.Reso. #1904 (5/13-pg.18)
indignation RESO.81-92
45. Leadership Land Dedication - Parcel 11 - Discussion and pos-
sible action to accept this property by Temp. Reso. #1916.
46. Florida State Tax - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Temp. Reso. #1917 -- Increase in sales tax to 5 () percent.
b) Temp. Reso. #1918 - Increase in gasoline tax.
47. Beautification Committee - Discussion and possible action to
appoint five (5) regular and two (2) alternate members by
Temp. Reso. #1883.
48. Planning Commission - Discussion and possible action to appoin
two (2) regular and two (2) alternate members by Temp. Reso.
49. Board of Consumer Affairs - Discussion and possible action to
appoint twelve (12) regular members by Temp. Reso. #1905.
50. Public Information Committee - Discussion and possible action
to appoint eight (8) regular members by Temp. Reso. #1906.
51. Board of Social Services -- Discussion and possible action to
appoint six (6) regular members by Temp. Reso. #1912.
(5/14-pg.7) 5/27/81
52. Code Advisory Committee - Discussion and possible action to
appoint four (4) regular members by Temp. Reso. #1913.
53. Recreation Board -- Discussion and possible action to appoint
seven (7) regular members by Temp. Reso. #1914.
54. Citizens Advisory Committee for the Community Development
Block Grant Program - Discussion and possible action to
appoint three (3) regular members by Temp. Reso. #1915.
55. Parks Commissioner -- Discussion and possible action to appoin
a parks commissioner and set forth the duties thereof.
56. Fishing Commissioner - Discussion and possible action to ap-
point a fishing commissioner and assistant.
(5/14-pgs. 7, 8)
(5/14-pg.9) 5/27/81
57. City Photographer - Discussion and possible action to appoint (5/14-pg.9)
a photographer and set forth the duties thereof. ITBLD. to 5/27/81
58. Welcome Committee - Discussion and possible action to autho- (5/13-pgs.20,21)
rize the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance establishing tailed outline
this committee and setting forth the functions and duties o be submitted.
59. Christmas and Chanukah Lighting Committee - Discussion and (5/13-pgs.19,20)
possible action.
60. City Council
61. City Manager
62. City Attorney
City Council may consider such other business as may come before
Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill N0.368:
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or
hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such
purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro-
ceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evident
upon which the appeal is to be based.
Marilyn Bertholf
City Clerk
63. Golf Course Reconsideration for -the' —Appointment of the 5/13,Pg.1 Agen.
Liaison and Feasibility Committee by Cons.,Pg.18,
Prior action
64. Proclamation for Acknowledgment of Police Appreciation Week 5 13P-g-•1-3+ Cons.,
wk.of 5/11 for
Natl.Law Enf.
Wk., 5/15 as
Law Enf. Day.
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MAY 13, 1981
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Walter Falck called the meeting to order on Wednesday,
May 13, 1981, at 9:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice -Mayor Irving 12. Disraelly
Councilwoman Helen Massaro
Councilman Irving Zemel
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
City Manager, Laura Z. Stuurmans
City Attorney, Arthur M. Birken
Assistant City Clerk, Carol A. Evans
Clerk/Steno., Mimi Reiter
MEDITATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Falck called for a Moment of Silent
Meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Falck reviewed the schedule of items on the Agenda, indicating the
meeting will be reconvened to Thursday, May 14th, 1981, at 9:00 A.M., after
this day's evening recess.
63. Golf Course Reconsideration for the Appointment of the Liaison and
Feasibilitv Committee. — '
(See page 13)
C/W Massaro MOVED to AGENDTZE BY CONSENT the item of the Golf Course
Liaison and Feasibility Committee, and C/M Kravitz SECONDED.
34. Easement Abandonment -- Woodlands Section 5- Tem . Reso. #1910 - Dis-
cussion and possible action to release a portion of a utility ease-
ment on Lot 11, Block 25.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Removed from the Agenda,
due to lack of release from FP&L or Southern Bell,
as indicated by the Engineering Department.
C/W Massaro MOVED to REMOVE Item #34 from the Agenda, because a re-
lease has not been submitted from Florida Power & Light or Southern
Bell, which was indicated by the Engineering Department. V/M Disraelly
SECONDED the motion.
3. Veterans Alliance Day - Presentation of a Proclamation by Mayor Falck
declaring Play 29th as Veterans Alliance Day.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Proclamation read and presented
by Mayor Falck, which was accepted by Mr. Ken Drown.
Mayor Falck read the Proclamation, and presented it to Mr. Ken Drown,
President of Veterans Alliance. He also advised that memorial services
would be held on Friday, May 29th, the Tamarac Veterans Pemorial Park
will be formerly dedicated, at the C-14 Canal, on Southgate Boulevard.
Mr. Drown indicated there will be a band and chorus at the ceremony,
which will be held at 10:00 A.M.
C/M Zemel welcomed Commander George Baldwin of the American Legion,
and Ray Baade, who has been active with the Veterans.
1. Tamarac Elementary School - Student Government Dav --
a) Presentation of Student Elected Officials by Mayor Falck.
--1- 5/13/81
b) Oath of Office by Student Officials, and presentation of Certi-
ficates of Election by the Acting City Manager, Laura Z.Stuurmans.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) Certificates of Election were
read and presented by Mayor Falck; and b) Oath of
Office was given by the City Manager.
a) Mayor Falck presented the following Student Elected Officials,
and the City Officials they
would be representing
Jeff Marchitto
Chris Tomsey
Billy Goyette
Belynda Holt
Shelly Reiman
(C/W Massaro)
Jeff Gordy
David Vizzi
(C/M Zemel)
Grace Ann Canora
(Police Chief)
Chris Altimari
(C/M Kravitz)
b) Oaths of Office
were administered by the City Manager,
Laura Z.
2. Fifth Grade - Drug Awaremess Education - Presentation of awards by
Chief McIntosh to five (5) Poster Winners and three (3) Essay Contest
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presentation to Poster and Essay
Contest Winners were made by the Chief of Police.
Chief McIntosh presented Certificates of Commendation and passes for
"goodies" at McDonalds, to the following five Poster Winners:
Karen Shain, David Anderson, Jeff Gordy, Michael Bradley and
John Johnson; also, awarding the same to the three Esser Contest__
Winners: Lisa Farin, Troy Mills and Jennifer Steward, who were re-
quested to read their essays.
Chief McIntosh introduced Judy Kitograd, the Juvenile Counselor of
the Police Department, who was instrumental in instituting this pro-
gram on drug awareness, in the form of posters and essays.
6. Bid Award - Tamarac Utilities West - Temp. Reso. #1898 - Discussion
and possible action to award a bid for a centrifugal pump.
Service Industrial Supply Co., Inc., in the
amount of $8,467.
Jeff Marchitto read Item #6, for the Mayor.
Ms. Stuurmans advised that recommendations were received from the
City Engineer's office, with the award to be granted to the low
bidder complying with the specs. She further stated that the resolu-
tion was prepared based upon the City Engineer's recommendations, with
$12,800 having been budgeted in the General Reserve Fund - Machinery
and Equipment of the Utilities West budget. The purchase, she said,
was under the budgeted amount.(ATTACHMENT #1)
Belynda Holt read Temp. Reso. #1898, by title only, for the City
V/M Goyette MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #1893, and C/M Vizzi SECONDED,
indicating this was a very good buy for the price.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz --
Altimari -
C/M Zemel -
Vizzi -
C/W Massaro -
Reiman -
V/M Disraelly-
Goyette -
Mayor Falck -
Parchitto -
7. Bid Award - Public Works - Temp. Reso. #1899 - Discussion and possible
action to award a bid for a 2-post lift for the vehicle repair area.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved; with an award
to Vehicle Service Equipment Corp., in the
amount of $3,888.25.
� r r
Belynda Hoyt read Temp. Reso. #1899, by title only, for the City
C/M Vizzi MOVED for the adoption of Temp. Reso. #1899, awarding a
2-post lift, and C/M Altimari SECONDED. (140 VOTE TAKEN)
The City Manager, Chris Tomsey stated that the City budgeted $6,000
with the bid award being $3,200 less, in round figures.
V/14 Goyette RESTATED the MOTION, to include the award to Vehicle
Service Equipment Corp., in the amount of $3,888.25, and C/M Vizzi
VOTE: C/M Kravitz
- Aye
& C/M
Altimari -
C/M Zemel -
& C/M
Vizzi -
C/W Massaro -
& C/M
Reiman -
V/M Disraelly -
& C/M
Goyette -
Tape Playor Falck --
& C/M
Marchitto -
Mayor Falck advised Council that a Workshop on the City Hall space problem,
and possibly the. Civic Center, to be held with Michael Shiff & Associates,
on Wednesday, May 20th,at 10:00 A.M.
8. Civic Center - Discussion and possible action.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 5/27/81 meeting
C/W Massaro said that because the plans have not been submitted by
Mr. Shiff, and because a workshop has been established, that this
item should be tabled to the next regular meeting of May 27th, and
C/M Reiman SO MOVED, with a SECOND by C/M Altimari.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz
- Aye
- Aye
C/M Zemel
- Aye
- Aye
C/W P4assaro
- Aye
- Aye
V/M Disraelly
- Aye
- Aye
Mayor Falck
- Aye
Marchitto --
11. Bid Authorization -- Fire Department - Discussion and possible action
to authorize the City Manager to go to bid for an automobile for this
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: City Manager authorized
to go to bid.
C/M Zemel noted that the Fire Chief presently has an automobile which
is deteriorating, and is an emergency vehicle, requiring availability
at all time. He further stated that the Shop Superintendent,Dlr.Giordano,
submitted a report, indicating that this vehicle is no longer usable.
He requested approval of this item for an automobile for the Fire Chief
of the Tamarac Fire Department, also, stating that this is an unbudgeted
C/M Zemel MOVED that the City Manager be authorized to go to bid for
the purchase of a vehicle for the Fire Chief of the City of Tamarac.
Ms. Stuurmans said that her Administrative Report indicates that Chief
Simon has revised his projection in the area of fire apparatus, repairs
and maintenance, for this fiscal year, which was budgeted in the amount
of $15,300. Currently, she said, there is a balance of approximately
$12,000 left in the account, and Chief Simon felt that an intradepart-
mental transfer could be made from that area, in order to support the
purchase of an additional automobile.
She further advised, that since her Administrative Report was submitted
to Council, an instant determination was made, that did not value.
the recently damaged car, as totaled. Ms. Stuurmans said that at this
time, they are requesting one vehicle.
C/M Reiman SECONDED the MOTION, to go to bid.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz
- Aye
- Aye
C/M Zemel
- Aye
- Aye
C/W Massaro
-- Aye
- Aye
V/M Disraelly
- Aye
- Aye
Mayor Falck
- Aye
- Aye
12. Water Conservation - Discussion and possible action.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: To be held later in the
day, for preparation of an ordinance by the
City Attorney; and input by the City Engineer.
(See page 14)
Mayor Falck indicated there is a serious problem of water shortage
and conservation, due to the Everglades fires, and lack of rain. He
further noted that the South Florida Water Management District has
recently enacted a ruling that the water must be conserved, with a
reduction in usage, by 10%. The Mayor advised that unless there is.
a substantial change in rainfall within the next few days, it will be
necessary to increase the water reduction to 250.
C/M Vizzi indicated that water has to be conserved by not washing the
cars too often, and the lawns, because there will be a shortage in
drinking water.
C/M Reiman stated that people have to be made aware of the water
shortage, and conserve to the best of their ability. It was also noted
that what may seem a little to some people, might be "a lot", if there
is no drinking water.
V/M Goyette said that he would like to adopt the order of John R.Maloy,
dated May 6, 1981, as a means of conserving water, for the City of
Mr. Tomsey, the City Manager, said that everything possible will be done
in order for the utilities to conserve water.
Mr. Birken indicated that the proposed ordinance from the South Florida
Water Management District was received by Council, which was presently
being typed for consideration by the City of Tamarac. He felt that
recommendation should be obtained by the City Engineer, prior to such
Mayor Falck said this item will be held in abeyance, until the City
Attorney has presented the ordinance, as proposed; with input from the
City Engineer.
C/W Massaro said that her counterpart has expressed her feelings on the
C/14 Kravitz felt the various methods of conserving water have stated,
but said that it should be publicized, in order to give the residents
the opportunity to assist in this conservation of water.
C/M Zemel said that an important factor in water shortages, as the
water table drops, is that salt or the saline solution gets into the
potable drinking water. He felt that using and wasting too much water,
results in an influx of the saline solution coming out of the faucets.
V/M Disraelly said that his counterpart's statement to adopt the order
of John R. Maloy, Executive Director of the South Florida Water Manage-
ment District, spells out the items which should be included in the
ordinance being prepared for the City of Tamarac. Fie further stated
that water pressure has been reduced in Tamarac, which would assist in
such conservation.
C/W Massaro suggested that the audience should be heard, as to water
saving methods.
Various students of Tamarac Elementary School suggested the use of
public transportation, in order to avoid using water in the automobiles;.
also taking short showers, not watering gardens for a long period of
time. It was also suggested that water could be conserved by drinking
'1--an0Unx is--tXf trater--from fountains, and not-washizig-sidewa-1Rs, drive-
ways, porches., or other outdoor surfaces, cars or trucks, and the filling
of swimming pools. Another student recommended that containers of sealed
water should be stored in the refrigerator, shutting off faucets, after
using water, and not playing with water balloons.
Mayor Falck stated that the item of Water Conservation would be heard
later in the day, when an ordinance has been prepared by the City
Attorney, with recommendations to be made by the City Engineer.
The Mayor thanked the children for coming, and also the representatives
from Tamarac Elementary School.
The City Attorney indicated that Item #6, a Bid Award for a centrifugal
pump, was not to the lowest bidder, but regulations did require a state-
ment for placing the order elsewhere, and shall be prepared by the City
Manager or a designated employee.'.
C/W Massaro i4tated that the City Engineer's memo of May 7, 1981 indicated
the reason for the bid choice, and should be made a part of the minutes.
Ms. Stuurmans felt that the City Attorney addressed a bid offered to the
City, which was lower than the recommended one, but involved an exclusionary
clause that indicated installation of unit does not include air -lines, elec-
trical if any permits, or any other hidden costs. She further stated there
was a small difference in the price.
4. Consent Agenda
a) Minutes of 4/8/81 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by the
City Clerk.
b) Minutes of 4/22/81 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by the
City Clerk.
c) Alan F. Ruf - Consulting Attorney - 5/8/81 - $1,440.00 - Approval
recommended by City Attorney.
d) Alexander Grant & Co. - Auditor - 5/5/81 - $600.00 - re: tax
research and arbitrage on fire station loan - Account #1-106-514--310.
e) The Equitable Life Assurance Society - Pension Plan - 4/21/81 -
$2.,844.00 - Approval recommended by Finance Director.
f) Mitchell Ceasar - Grants Consultant -- 5/7/81 - $70.86 -- Approval
recommended by City Manager.
g) American Video Franchise Fees - Recommended to be removed from the
agenda - Acting City Manager.
h) Five -Year Capital Improvement Plan - Summary acknowledgement by
Council of receipt from Acting City Manager, pursuant to Charter.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) through h)-Approved
d) In response to a question by C/M Kravitz, the Mayor advised that
a recommendation was not made on the Alexander Grant & Co. item of
the fire station loan, because he personally researched it, and
then approved payment of $600.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for approval of Items a) through h), on the
the Consent Agenda, and C/14 Zemel SECONDED.
In response to a question by Melanie Reynolds, the City Attorney
stated that litigation reports were received by the City Council,
which involved payment of bills to Alan F. Ruf.
9. Northwood II - Westwood 6 - Draina e improvement Pro ram - Discussion
and possible action to reimburse the Harlon Group for the City's par-
ticipation in this program.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Payment approved for
reimbursement, in the amount of $19,125;
with monies being taken from the drainage fund.
C/W Massaro MOVED for approval of payment to reimburse the Harlon Group
for the City's participation in the program, with the monies to come
from the drainage fund. V/M Disraelly SECONDED, and indicated this
would involve Resolution 80-257 of November 1980.
- 5 --
� � r
10. 1980 Storm Drainage Im rovements -- N.W. 81st Street - Discussion and
possible action to authorize payment of No. 2 to Lanzo Construction
Company for this project.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Payment with -held; and
item tabled to 5 27/81 meeting, pending
report from the City Engineer.
Ms. Stuurmans stated that the City Engineer advised her that the
contractor picked -up the initial bid prices, rather than the final
contract executed prices, in the pay estimate sheet, which requires
that revised sheets have to be submitted. She added that it has not
been received at this time.
C/W Massaro felt that payment should not be made at this time, to
which the City Manager concurred.
C/M Zemel said this area involved the Section 23 drainage improvement,
and advised that the people whose homes have been disrupted, were not
satisfied with the landscaping. Also, the trees that were removed and
died, were not replaced, he said, with the paving being inadequate.
He said that it was brought to the attention of the City Engineer and
City Manager, and would not approve payment, until a response has been
received. lie also noted there were many days when the contractor or
the men are not on the site.
The City Manager noted that a request for payment was made in the
amount of $50,340.15.
V/M Disraelly said he received several complaints, which involved
cutting through of the driveways, where water is stagnating, and does
not flow into the gutter, which is provided between the swale and the
roadbed. He further stated that when the lawns are sprinkled, the
water remains in the driveway; and patching of the driveways were done
very poorly. V/M Disraelly felt that sufficient funds should be re-
tained, in order to use this, if repairs are required.
C/M Zemel felt that a report should be received from the City Engineer,
as to inspections having been made, and acceptable, to which C/W Massaro
Harold H. Newman, President of Westwood Community 5 Association, did
concur with the Council members, and withholding of payment, due to
the inferior work that was performed.
V/M Disraelly indicated that the contractor has been approached, who
stated that the subcontractor will be advised, who does the work, but
nothing has been followed through.
C/W Massaro MOVED that the 1980 Storm Drainage Improvement payment
be withheld, and the item tabled to the next regular meeting of May
27th, pending a report from the City Engineer. C/M Zemel SECONDED.
13. City Manager Position - Discussion and possible action.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Laura Z. Stuurmans, the
Acting City Manager, was hired as City Manager.
Mayor Falck said that following the last meeting, he indicated that
he would make contacts about the various applicants for the City
Manager position. He read into the record some comments that he re-
ceived,and felt they were not satisfactory.
V/M Disraelly indicated that many applications were received, with
some good resumes, and interest in working in the southern area. Also,
he said, some were not aware of the needs of a City Manager. Ile further
added that after hiring someone, based on a personal interview, would
still have to prove himself; with additional references being required.
V/M Disraelly said that learning the problems of the City, especially
the drainage, is unique, and the Court orders for Land Sections 4,5,
and 6, and sectionalization of Tamarac.
The Vice -Mayor said there is someone on --board who has grown up with
the employees; and the City is aware of the faults and good points of
the Acting City Manager, and what could be corrected. He further
Tape noted that she has been handling the City's matters for the past four
#3 months, and has always listened to faults that were pointed out,with
credit being given for good features. The Vice -Mayor said the affairs
of the City,in the past four months,were not involved in any crises or
major serious problems, but has been handled in a satisfactory manner.
He indicated that the situation with the Utility, which problem would
have occurred with any other person in the position of City Manager,
because of computer problems. The Finance Officer, he said, was also
involved, but was solving this together. V/M Disraelly personally
would approve of and highly recommend hiring Laura Z. Stuurmans, to
the position of City Manager.
C/M Zemel indicated there were approximately 80 applications from
people who desired the position of City Manager in Tamarac. After
reviewing them, he ascertained that three of the applications were
worthy of his attention, which individuals were interviewed in his
He also realized during the seven years that he has been coming into
the City Hall, and was aware of the change in custom of "management
by crisis, administration by smoke -screen, and administration by
putting out fires, as they arise". C/P1 Zemel said that in the past
four months there has not been management by crises, which has pleased
him. Without any reservation, he would certainly stand-up for a person
who came to work in the City about twelve years ago, as a Clerk, and
then promoted to Secretary to the PZayor, then on to the position of
City Clerk; and further to the position of Assistant City Manager.
He felt the slot was wide-open, waiting for her to come in and sit down
as..permanent City Manager,and was in favor of offering the position
to Laura Z. Stuurmans.
C/W Massaro said that it was no secret that she advocated getting a
City Manager with a great deal of experience. She did have lots of
respect for Ms. Stuurmans, and also her ability to learn quidkly,
is a hard worker, and applies herself. C/W Massaro indicated that
she would have no reservation with the projection that Ms. Stuurmans
be made City Manager, providing there is a six-month probationary
The City Attorney advised,that under the Charter, the City Manager
was entitled to a hearing, and a probationary period could not exclude
the right to a hearing, if requested.
Mayor Falck felt that it was not the intent to exclude anyone from a
hearing, and would not change the probationary period.
C/W Massaro further added that her objection has always been that the
lack of experience has been costly, but was willing to give Ms.Stuurmans
a chance. She did not want to put her down, but felt that Ms.Stuurmans
would reach out when information and assistance was necessar-,-.
C/M Zemel concurred with C/W Massaro, but felt that his educated
opinion is that a good Chief Administrator has the ability to surround
himself with the best talent as Department Heads. Success in itself,
he.s=ai.d, would also involve selecting, bringing -in or keeping the
people with the best expertise, in the various departments. He further
advised that 200 people do not work for the City Manager, but seven,
eight or nine do, and thq balance -work for them. C/M Zemel said that
a good Administrator will see that the seven, eight or nine do their
Fie felt that Ms. Stuurmans was one of the persons who he has met and
known over the years, and has that ability.
V/P2 Disraelly confirmed the fact that the City Manager serves at the
pleasure of the Council, which he felt was spelled out in the Charter,
to which the City Attorney responded it was "more or less", but be-
cause of a "hearing", it is not totally true. Mr. Birken further ad-
vised that the City Attorney serves totally at the pleasure of the
Council, and is not entitled to a hearing.
-7- 5/13/81
V/M Disraelly indicated that the Mayor always granted hearings, and
would permit this for the City Attorney and City Manager, to which
Mayor Falck concurred.
V/M Disraelly MOVED to hire Laura Z. Stuurmans, to be City Manager,
at a salary of $30,000.00, retroactive from January 4, 1981 to
May 13, 1981; and $33,000.00 per annum, effective this date. C/M Zemel
C/W Massaro said that the portion of the motion involving salary being
retroactive, was out -of -line; also, feeling that lots of learning has
to go into this position.
V/M Disraelly said that he recalled at the time Ms. Stuurmans was
hired as Acting City Manager, there was an indication that Council
would not leave her at the salary she was earning, as Assistant City
Manager. The City Council did state that she should be given considera-
tion at a future date, for the work she was doing as Acting City Manager,
rather than Assistant City Manager. He further added that his recom-
mendation was based on this. The Vice -Mayor said that when there was
a request for an experienced City Manager, it was his feeling that
he did not know who was more experienced than Ms. Stuurmans, who is
aware of every department in any City. The Vice -Mayor also indicated
that some people may be experienced, but it does not mean they are
good City Managers, regardless of their previous title.
Mayor Falck recommended the inclusion of the probationary period;
with it automatically being removed at the end of the six --months.
- Aye
- Aye
- Nay
- Aye
Mayor Falck
- Aye
At the request of the City Attorney, and for the record, Mayor Falck
inquired of Ms. Stuurmans, as to the offer being acceptable to her;
to which she responded in the affirmative.
17. Cummings Plat - Discussion and possible action to approve this plat
by Temp. Reso. #1866 (located on north side of McNab Road east of
N.W. 80th Avenue).
'execution of a water retention agreement. T
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1866, and did suggest that a
water retention agreement be signed. Fie also stated that he was
aware of a check being submitted to the City Clerk.
C/W Massaro MOVED that because the retention has not been paid, that
the plat be APPROVED, subject to execution of the water retention
agreement, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
18. Cypress III& IV - Woodmont Tract 68 & 77 - Model Sales Facility -
Discussion and possible action concerning waiver of 300 foot distance
requirement for Certificate of Occupancy requirement.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with conditions.
Evan Cross, the City Planner, said this item was tabled a few weeks
previous, and indicated that Mr. Toll did present a letter, as to
new unit owners not objecting to living within the 300 foot distance
of the model sales facility.
The City Attorney indicated that Versaille Gardens was ordered to
not reoccupy apartments,once they were evacuated; plus Vanbots was
previously turned -down upon such a request.
V/M Disraelly recalled that Vanbots has two buildings, and were not
constructing the third and fourth, because the second one was not
completely sold. They were turned -down, he said, and told that they
have to use their old sales office. He felt, as indicated by the
City Attorney, that a format has to be established; and, in turn, have
Vanbots resubmit their petition, in order to institute consistency.
C/W Massaro felt that everything should be done to help the sale of
units, and would not object to this, to which V/M Disraelly reiterated
that the City should be consistent, especially with the mortgage rates
constantly climbing.
C/W Massaro MOVED that Cypress III and IV, Woodmont Tracts 68 & 77,
waiver for the 300 foot distance be approved, and the requirement
for units in the model building, can be occupied. It is also re-
quested that letters continue to be obtained from the unit owners,
that they are aware of construction in progress, which Mr. Toll is
to keep on file, for examination by the City, when necessary.
V/M Disraelly SECONDED the MOTION.
19. Pines III - Woodmont Tract 54 - Model Sales Facility - Discussion and
possible action on a request to permit a model sales facility and a
waiver of the 300 foot distance for Certificate of Occupancy require-
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled for submission
of a site plan.
Evan Cross, the City Planner, felt the agenda listing of this item
was incorrect, because the Cypress III location was to be used, at
this time, for selling Pines III. Fie also noted that Pines III will be
a single-family subdivision, but does not have an approved site plan
and plat. He further stated that the waiver requirements should be
150 feet, if a model sales facility was necessary.
V/M Disraelly informed Mr. Cross that Council did not have back-up
documentation on Pines III, and would request that submission of the
site plan to Council, be accomplished, prior to consideration of this
He MOVED to TABLE Item #19, for submission of the site plan, and
20. Mission Lakes - Model Sales Facility - Discussion and possible action
concerning a waiver of the 300 foot distance requirement for Certifi-
cate of Occupancy.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Model Sales Facility approved
for 6 months, with conditions.
Mr. Cross indicated that Mission Lakes was identical to the Cypress
III item, with a request for the 300 foot distance requirement and
use of the model building, for residency at this time. He further
stated that a revised site plan was approved for the relocation of
the temporary driveway on 71st Avenue, which has since been moved
further south.
V/M Disraelly MOVED to APPROVE the model sales facility for Mission
Lakes, for a period of six (6) months, permitting occupancy in the
building which is used for model sales. Also, that letters from the
unit owners are to be on file, indicating they have no problem with
the waiver of the ordinance. Further, he said, the 300 foot distance
requirement to be waived. C/W Massaro SECONDED the motion.
V/M Disraelly requested that the City Clerk inform Vanbots that they may
submit another request for a model sales facility, to which C/W Massaro
indicated there should be no fee if it is reconsidered.
22. Concord Village - Discussion and possible action concerning reimburse-
ment of interim development fees.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Refund of $9,166.66 approved
to University Housing - Concord Village Condominium #2.
V/17 Disraelly advised that he discussed this item with the City
Attorney and Victor DeSousa, indicating that Mr. Birken was satisfied
that closing statements were received from at least one unit owner,
as to the interim fee being paid to University Housing Corporation.
He further stated that proof of a tax bill was submitted showing pay-
ment of the City of Tamarac and County tax; and felt that it would be
indicative that the fee was paid twice to the City.
C/W Massaro felt the money should be refunded, because everyone in
the building paid the full tax.
V/M Disraelly MOVED that the refund of $9,166.66 of Interim Service
Fees be repaid to University Housing - Concord Village Condominium
#2, and C/W Massaro SECONDED the motion.
23. Concord Village - Discussion and possible action concerning renewal
of the model/sales facility.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled, pending discussion
with City Attorney, regarding the Title Company.
Mr. Birken advised Council of one illegal use on these premises,
that involved a Title Company,which was referenced in his memorandum
of April 13th, as to use exceptions. He further stated that it is
a business use in a residential district, and there is no occupa-
Tape tional license.
Mayor Falck recommended that the item be tabled for discussion with
the City Attorney.
V/M Disraelly MOVED to TABLE Item #23, and C/W Massaro SECONDED the
Mr. Birken did not recommended closing the office, but if this item
is not resolved by the following meeting, it would have to come back
to Council for some direction.
26. Vanguard Village - Discussion and possible action on a revised site
Galan for a storage room addition at the clubhouse.
V/M Disraelly indicated that this item involves an enclosure of an
open area, that is under an existing roof, at the west end of the club-
house in Section 15. This, he said, will be for a storage area, with
access from within the clubhouse through the existing door, and does
not involve roof changes, but enclosure of three sides.
C/W Massaro MOVED to APPROVE the revised site plan, and V/M Disraelly
27. Westwood Section 23 - Discussion and possible action on a revised site
plan for installation of a fence.
Mr. Cross said this revised site plan involves a six (6) foot fence
in the pool area.
V/M Disraelly MOVED to APPROVE the revised site plan, and C/M Zemel
Harold Newman, of the Westwood Community 5 Association, explained
the need for the six (6) foot fence around the south pool, and that
it will be directly across from the newly planned Tamarac Town Square
Shopping Center. Fie further stated there have been violators on the
property since their inception, and additional intrusions were antici-
pated with the opening of the high school.
28. University Community Hospital - Discussion and possible action on a
revised site plan for a building addition.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled for Staff review
of data not previously submitted; along with
engineering plans, 5% retention, and upgrading
of the drainage system.
Mr. Cross advised that this revised site plan was for three proposed
additions; 2 one-story additions and a two-story addition on the north
side. The overall need, he said, would be for the one --story addition
to be for storage and loading, and would require removal of the tem-
porary trailer. Also, the two-story building would modify the emer-
gency room, and increase the number of beds in the intensive care unit.
The City Planner indicated that in seeking to comply with the proposed
Site Plan Review Ordinance and the Land Use Plan, development review
findings are being given on all site plans and revised site plans. It
was felt, he said, by Staff and the City Attorney, that a review would
be required of information not previously submitted, as to engineering
reviews of drainage, water and sewer,and amendment to the developers
agreement. Ile indicated that a memorandum was submitted from the City
Attorney, with a recommendation to table this item.
C/W Massaro concurred that several requirements were necessary, prior
to consideration of the revised site plan, site drainage and 5% reten-
tion of $130 an acre for upgrading the drainage system, has not yet
been addressed. She also indicated that the engineering plans have
not been submitted.
C/W Massaro MOVED to TABLE the item for completion of the various
items, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
29. McDonald's Restaurant - Discussion and possible action on a revised
site plan for a playground.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with
Evan Cross stated that McDonald's proposed the addition of a playground
area in the southwest corner, which would be placed in an area of two
parking spaces, that is going to be relocated. The Planning Commission,
he said, does require a location sketch and dumpster identification, and
one fire hydrant on Commercial Boulevard, which should be indicated on
the site plan. Fie also stated that a memo from Staff shows that the
only development review criteria affected is the possibility of the
site drainage involved. Mr. Cross also added that the City Engineer
felt he would like to review the plan, as to on -site drainage improve-
ments, but approval is recommended for the revised site plan.
Mr. Cross further added that five (5) additional feet of paving was
being proposed, as an addition to the 75 feet of paved loading zone
and two parking spaces, with the curbing to be moved.
C/W Massaro MOVED for the APPROVAL of the revised site plan, subject
to review by the City Engineer of the engineering plan, and V/M Disraelly
Mr. Cross said that one of the Planning Commission members felt these
figures would be an illegal display of logo signs, but Staff and rep-
resentatives of McDonald's indicating this would be located within the
playground, and surrounded by landscaping and hedges.
C/W Massaro AMENDED HER MOTION TO INCLUDE, 1) the location sketch,
2) show the fire hydrant, and 3) the dumpster identification, to which
-11- 5/13/81
V/M Disraelly, as the SECOND, concurred.
30. Tamarac Jewish Center - Discussion and possible action on a revised
landscape plan.
C/W Massaro felt the revised landscape plan was according to Code,
and so MOVED its APPROVAL, with a SECOND by V/M Disraelly.
33. Inter City Auto Stores - Discussion and possible action on a request
for waiver of the sign ordinance to permit an additional wall sign on
the west side of the building, by Temp. Reso. #1909.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1909.
V/M Disraelly noted that this item was submitted to the Beautification
Committee. Fie indicated there is a sign on Commercial Boulevard; and
the ordinance requires that if a sign other than normal locations are
involved, it must be presented to the City Council, with action that
was taken by the Beautification Committee.
He also stated that the original request was for the verbiage at
Inter City Auto to be painted on the building, which is in violation
of the business districts.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for the APPROVAL of the sign on the west wall of
Inter City Auto Stores, provided that the lettering is on background
material, affixed to the wall, as required by the City's Ordinance,
that it not be painted on the wall. The background material, he said,
could be painted, with the same color as the building, with a ruled
border edging in the same color as the lettering. The lettering, he
added, should be identical to that on the north side of the building,
in color and design. C/W Massaro SECONDED.
37. _Drainage Improvements - Western area of the City - Discussion and
possible action.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 5/27/81 meeting.
C/W Massaro MOVED to TABLE the item to the next regular meeting of
5/27/81, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
41. Litigation Participation - Tem Reso. #1897 - Discussion and possible
action to authorize participation in litigation to challenge the
Broward County Plat Ordinance.
of $1,000.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1897, and V/M Disraelly P40VED for
its APPROVAL, in the amount of $1,000, and C/P2 Zemel SECONDED.
-12- 5/13/81
64. Proclamation for Acknowled ment of Police Appreciation Week
See page 19)
C/M Zemel MOVED to AGENDIZE BY CONSENT, that a proclamation be
prepared for the acknowledgment of Police Appreciation Week, and
V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
21. Lake Colony - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Model Sales Facility
b) Easement and Option Agreement - Temp. Reso. #1920.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) Temporary facility
approved not exceeding a period of 6 months,
with waiver as to paving requirements at the
sales center; b) Approved RESOLUTION NO.R-i—� Off PASSED.
a) Mr. Cross indicated that a trailer was being requested for use as
model sales, with the site plan meeting the applicable ordinances.
V/M Disraelly inquired whether the road would be paved from the
median into the parking area, to which Mr. Cross concurred.
Greg Darby of Darby & Way, indicated this model center would be
installed on a temporary basis, for approximately 90 days, until
completion of the models. He further stated the project location to
be on McNab Road, near the Family Mart, to the east, and indicated
on the plan where the model sales facility would be situated, which
construction should take 120 to 150 days. He indicated they were
presently requesting a temporary facility, which would basically be
an information center, with a waiver for the asphalt parking lot,
being sufficient to last for the 120 days. This, he said, would
be with the proviso that it be an interim facility.
The City Attorney indicated that the Code states "that the Council
shall have the right to provide such waiver, terms and conditions,
as it shall in its sole discretion, being proper in the granting
of such temporary use, be it for the original six (6) month period
or for a renewal period".
C/W Massaro said that if the area is used for a longer period than
six months, then paving would be required, to which Mr. Darby con -
C/W Massaro MOVED that the plan be approved, as indicated, and the
waiver be given, as to a requirement for paving at the model center;
not to exceed a period of six (6) months. V/M Disraelly SECONDED
the motion.
b) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1920, and C/W Massaro MOVED
for its APPROVAL, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
35. Brookwood Gardens - Canal Reservation Release - Temp. Reso. #1911 -
Discussion and possible action to release a canal reservation at this
location on McNab Road.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1911, and V/M Disraelly MOVED for
its adoption, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
12. Water Conservation - Discussion and possible action - Temp. Ord. #887.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 5/27/81 meeting
with a Special Meeting to be called if specific
action is required. (See page 4)
Tape The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #887, and indicated that the most
#5 violations would be involved in the area of sprinkling, watering or
irrigating of shrubbery, as noted on page 2, line 19. He said it
was suggested by the County, that the City of Tamarac adopt their
proposed ordinance.
V/M Disraelly felt that modifications should be made in subparagraphs
A and B, as to water being drawn from secondary canals, for sprinkling
purposes.He said that a Section could not be watered in two hours, from
4:00 to 6:00 A.M.
Mr. Keating indicated that theoretically, the restrictions apply to
not only the City's system, but wells, canals, lakes, or anywhere that
water is drawn. He further added that in South Florida, it comes from
the ground, for all purposes.
Mayor Falck recommended that the item be tabled to the next meeting.
C/W Massaro MOVED to TABLE to the next meeting of 5/27/81, with a
Special Meeting to be called, if specific action has to be taken.
V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
Mr. Keating said that he was not able to determine the time period for
the ordinance, and felt that the City Attorney could include restric-
tions in the standard water and sewer regulations; leaving the time
subject to the City Council.
Mr. Birken felt that when considered, the City Council could re-enact
it if necessary.
14. Biscayne Federal Savings and Loan Association_ - Discussion and possible
action on Petition #7-Z-81 for a limited waiver to parking requirements
of Chapter 18 of the Code - proposed location at the southwest corner
of University Drive and McNab Road - Temp. Reso. #1901.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Limited waiver approved,
as amended by the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO.R- PASSED.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1901.
Mr. Cross indicated that Biscayne Federal is on the corner of University
Drive and McNab Road, which property is surrounded by Concord Village,
and was rezoned by the City Council, from R--4A to B-5, in order to per-
mit a two-story office building -to be constructed. He said that a plan
was submitted for a one-story bank building, with approximately 4.850
square feet, and a requirement of 26 parking spaces. Mr. Cross noted
that 10 of the parking spaces are in the right-of-way dedication on
University Drive, and is excess parking, which would be for a frontage
road in the future. The City Planner indicated that Staff recommends
approval of the limited waiver.
Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public.
Mort Student questioned the fact that the area would not permit adequate
parking for employees, the public, and beautification. He felt there
should be a two --story bank building erected, which would permit addi-
tional parking and landscaping.
Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further
comments received.
In response to a question by the Vice -Mayor, the City Planner stated
that the air-conditioning unit would be placed on the roof of the
building, in order to permit additional parking spaces. He further
added that the waiver was for 90 degree parking.
Mr. Birken said that dedication of the right -of --way should be to the
public or the City, to which C/W Massaro stated that the County would
not accept dedication to the City.
The City Attorney further stated that the resolution should become
effective upon the granting of the right-of-way, either by plat accep-
tance by the City Council, or receipt of the executed deed. He also
recommended a change in the language for Section 1;
"That the application for limited waiver to Chapter 18 of
the Tamarac City Code to allow BISCAYNE FEDERAL SAVINGS &
LOAN ASSOCIATION at the southwest corner of University Drive
and McNab Road is hereby approved for 900 parking, and such
limited waiver would not be detrimental to the public safety,
health and welfare of the citizens of the City. Approval is
conditioned upon submission and approval by Council of a site
plan for a savings & loan association of 4,852 sq. ft. maximum".
Lorraine P. Maass, Attorney for Biscayne Federal Savings & Loan, felt
that the resolution should not become effective upon the dedication,
to which Mr. Birken responded that the regulations require a hardship
for a limited waiver.
Mr. Birken indicated the following additional language be included
in Section 2, lines 4 and 5; "of the property or approval of a plat
by the City Council showing such dedication".
C/W Massaro MOVED for APPROVAL of the limited waiver, as specifically
written and read by the City Attorney, in Temp. Reso. #1901, and
V/11 Disraelly SECONDED.
15. Special Exception Applications - Temp. Ord. #870 - Discussion and
possible action on amending Section 28-198 of the Code to require that
concept site plans accompany an application for Special Exception, when
no approved site plan exists. Second Reading.
and final reading. rv'
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #870.
Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because
there no comments received.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #870, on second and
final reading, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
16. Sodium Vapor Streetlights - Temp. Ord. #880 -- Discussion and possible
action to amend Section 24-22 of the Code to permit the installation
of Sodium Vapor Streetlights in the City. Second Reading.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd
and final reading.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord.-#880.
Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because
there were no comments received.
C/M Zemel MOVED for the ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #880, on second and
final reading, and C/M Kravitz SECONDED.
r � �
25. Riverside Memorial Chapel - Discussion and possible action on a revised
site plan for a wall on the east property line.
Arthur Grossberg'of Riverside Chapel, indicated they would like to
put up a fence on the east side, because of the construction that is
taking place. He said it would be a concrete fence,which does not dis-
V/M Disraelly said this fence is indicated to be built differently,
and the sketch shows a reinforcing tie in the center; also, it is not
up -against the parking lot. He MOVED that the revised site plan for
a wall on the east property line, be APPROVED, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
32. Golf View Plaza - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Plat - Temj2. Reso. #1908
b) Development Review Agreement
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) and b) Tabled; with
applicant to be contacted, as to required
submission of documentation, prior to action.
a) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1908, and indicated that
Item b), the Development Review Agreement should not be entered into
by the City, because the County will be doing an independent review,
at the time of platting. Approval of the plat, he said, would be
with further understanding of development review analysis, at the
time of site plan, if the property is developed. He additionally
stated that Mr. Cross has submitted a memorandum relating to this.
Mr. Birken said that approval should be subject to entering into a
water retention agreement.
C/W Massaro said that checks have to be submitted for retention and
upgrading of the drainage. She then MOVED to TABLE this item, and
the applicant be consulted, as to required submission of documenta-
tion, prior to Council action. V/M Disraelly SECONDED the motion.
38. Boards and Committees - Selection of Officers - Temp. Ord. #879 -
Discussion and possible action to mandate that officers of Boards and
Committees be selected annually by its membership. First Reading.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved on 1st reading,
as amended by City Attorney, in Section 1.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #879, and recommended the following
language, beginning with line 11; "Said selection shall occur at the
next regular meeting after Council action to reappoint or replace
members whose normal term has expired".
V/M Disraelly MOVED for the ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #879, on first
reading, as amended by the City Attorney, in Section 1, and C/M Zemel
V/M Disraelly recommended that memos be sent to the various committees
as to their selection of the Chairman and Vice -Chairman.
39. De artment of Parks and Recreation - Temp. Ord. #883 - Discussion and
possible action to establish this Administrative Department. First
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted, on 1st reading,
as amended, in Section 1.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #883.
-16- 5/13/81
Mr. Birken suggested that under Section 1, lines 10, 11 and 12, read
as follows; "A Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby created
within the administration of the City. Said Department shall be under
the supervision of the Director, etc.".
C/M Kravitz said this would combine the Recreation and Parks Department,
under the same budget, to which V/M Disraelly indicated that the area
of Parks, is under the Public Works Department at this time.
C/M Zemel clarified the fact that personnel would still come from
the Public Works Department, under the jurisdiction of the City Manager,
with no major change.
C/M Kravitz indicated there would be no budget change, because it
would still remain in the recreation and Public Works Department for
parks, but would just be a title change.
C/W Massaro MOVED for the ADOPTIO14 of Temp. Ord. #883, on first reading,
as amended on lines 10 through 12, and C/14 Zemel SECONDED.
40. Desecration of Property - Temp. Ord. #884 - Discussion and possible
action to provide for parental responsibility for acts of vandalism
committeed by their children and adoption of F.S.S. 741.24 - recovery
of damages. First Reading.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved on lst
reading, as amended.
The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #884.
V/M Disraelly recommended the addition of the word "a", at the end
of line 22, prior to Court of competent jurisdiction; also, the dele-
tion of a comma, on line 28, after the word association. He then
MOVED for the ADOPTION of Temp. Ord. #884, on first reading, and
42. Site Plan Review Fees for Signs - Tem . Reso. #1902 - Discussion and
possible action to provide a fee for sign site plans.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1902, and indicated a change in
regulations, would be on page 2, paragraph 3; "Where a Site Development
Plan has been previously approved by the City Council and a proposed
revision is only to add or to move a sign required to be shown on a
site plan, the administrative review fee shall be $50.00".
V/M Disraelly said that he requested this resolution, because people
did come in, on occasion, for new or revised ground and other type
signs. The present minimum fee, he said, is $175, in order to present
the location of the sign to the Beautification Committee, and suggested
the reduction of the fee to $50.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for APPROVAL of Temp. Reso. #1902, and C/W PZassaro
43. Parking In Medians - Temp. Reso. #1903 - Discussion and possible action
to provide for restricted parking in certain medians east of State
Road 7.
parking permitted in medians between
the hours of 5:00 A.M. to 2:00 A.M.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1903, and indicated that the
County would remove their "no parking" signs, and the City could have
the Public Works Department put up new signs, with permissible hours
for parking.
C/W Massaro MOVED for the ADOPTION OF Temp. Reso. #1903, which permits
parking in medians between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 2:00 A.M., and
44. Council Position on Anti-Semitism and Bigotry - Temp. Reso. #1904 -
Discussion and possible action to express City's indignation to acts
of anti-semitism and bigotry.
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1904, and V/M Disraelly MOVED for
46. Florida State Tax - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Temp.__Reso.#1917 - Increase in sales tax to 5(%) percent.
b) Temp. Reso. #1918 - Increase in gasoline tax.
and b) Approved
a) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1917.
C/W Massaro MOVED for APPROVAL of Temp. Reso. #1917, which is in
opposition to this increase, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
In response to a question by Mort Student, the City Attorney stated
that the State Law supercedes a Municipal Law.
b) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1918, and V/M Disraelly MOVED
for its APPROVAL, in opposition to this increase, and C/M Zemel
63. Golf Course Reconsideration for the Appointment of the Liaison and
Feasibility Committee.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Prior action was
rescinded for Ad Hoc Feasibility
Committee and Council liaison.(See page 1)
C/W Massaro indicated her intentions for the possible acquisition of
the Colony West Executive Golf Course, and felt that a formal feasi-
bility committee or liaison was not necessary. She said individuals
on a committee would be required for research, and also accountants
to analyze statements.
She then MOVED to RESCIND prior action of Council, which authorized
creation of an Ad Hoc Feasibility Committee, and official Council
liaison. If this is acceptable, she would continue working on this
matter, and keep Council advised. C/M Kravitz SECONDED the motion.
C/M Zemel said that he was disturbed with information that the news
media has been printing, which indicates the appointment of a committee,
and a C.P.A, for the purchase of a golf course. He did, however, feel
that a committee of citizens would he a great idea.
V/M Disraelly thought that a proposal was offered, and was not aware
that negotiations were involved, with research by the City, and feasi-
bility for acquisition at a total sum of $170,000 for seven years.
Fie also anticipated that from pro formas or statements, and facts,
it would be_further discussed-.witli some people, as to what the City
could do within those parameters.
C/W Massaro responded to the Vice -Mayor, by stating that she started
the procedure, and created an interest on the part of the golf course
management, to sell.
-1$- 5/13/81
- Aye
- Nay
- Aye
- Nay
Mayor Falck
- Aye
64. Proclamation for Acknowledgment of Police Appreciation Week
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved for week of
May TT to May 17t , to be called National
Law Enforcement Week; and May 15th to be
Law Enforcement Day. (See page 13)
C/M Zemel indicated that the Congress of the United States designated
the week of May llth to May 17th, as National Law Enforcement Week,
and May 15th, as Law Enforcement Day. Ile then MOVED that a Proclama-
Tape tion be prepared honoring the Police Officers of Tamarac, as well as
#7 the National Officers. V/M Disraelly SECONDED the MOTION.
C/M Zemel requested to be excused for approximately 20 minutes.
24. Tamarac Gardens -- Discussion and possible action on a revised site
plan for recreation facility englargement.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Held for attendance
of City Engineer. (See page 20)
Evan Cross indicated the revised site plan is for enlargement of the
recreation facility on the west side of the canal, to include a full
clubhouse. Ile further stated that the required parking and building
conforms to the Code. Mr. Cross said that his Development Review
Analysis memo indicates approval, subject to review by the City Engineer,
for possible effect on water and sewer.
C/W Massaro felt this should have been reviewed by the City Engineer,
prior to its presentation to Council, and not be approved subject to
Julian Bryan, representing F & R Builders, said that nothing has
changed on the engineering plans, and probably did not require further
review by the City Engineer.
Items was held for attendance by the City Engineer.
45. Leadership Land Dedication - Parcel 11 - Discussion and possible action
to accept this property by Temp. Reso. #1916.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved for dedication RESOLUTION NO.R- &— ?,� PASSED.
of Parcel 11, as outlined in tax map. -'
The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1916, and indicated this is essen-
tially canals. He indicated receipt of a fully executed and notarized
Quit Claim Deed copy, with copies of checks which were sent to the
County. It was his suggestion for Council to enact the resolution,
and felt this was the last parcel from Leadership.
C/W Massaro MOVED that Temp. Reso. #1916 be APPROVED with the dedica-
tion of Parcel 11, as outlined on the tax maps that was submitted to
the City by Leadership Housing, and V/12 Disraelly SECONDED.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz - Aye
C/M Zemel - Absent from dais
C/W Massaro -- Aye
V/M Disraelly - Aye
Mayor Falck - Aye
59. Christmas and Chanukah Lighting Committee - Discussion and possible
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: C/W Massaro is to make
arrangements for the Christmas Festival of
Lights, with no official committee desig-
C/M Kravitz MOVED that the same committee be in effect as the previous
year, and start operating towards the same function of the Christmas
and Chanukah lighting, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
V/M Disraelly said they should be appointed in the same manner as
other appointees, with the designation of the Festival Committee,
by resolution. He also said that Council should be aware of their names.
C/W Massaro felt that a committee should not be created at this time,
but said the people will meet with her, when they can, and she is
free, on an informal basis.
C/M Kravitz named the people who were on the committee for 1980; namely,
Helen Massaro, Chairman, Helen Sobel, Norman Karr, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Russo,
and himself.
C/M Kravitz MOVED to have C/W Massaro make arrangements for Christmas
Festival of Lights, and C/W Massaro SECONDED.
VOTE: C/M Kravitz
- Aye
C/M Zemel
- Aye
C/W Massaro
- Aye
V/M Disraelly
- Nay
Mayor Falck
- Aye
24. Tamarac Gardens - Discussion and possible action on a revised site
plan for recreation facility enlargement.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Revised site plan approved,
which would also include extended shrubs and
additional trees.(See page 19)
Mr. Cross said that the City Engineer indicates no problem with the
plan, and there would be no need for any more ERCs, with no effect
on the drainage. It was his recommendation this revised site plan
be approved.
V/M Disraelly MOVED for APPROVAL of the revised site plan for Tamarac
Gardens recreation area, with extended shrubs and three additional
trees, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
58. Welcome Committee - Discussion and possible action to authorize the
City Attorney to prepare an ordinance establishing this committee and
setting forth the functions and duties thereof.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Council's recommendation
that C/M Kravitz prepare a detailed outline,
as to the operation of this Committee.
C/M Kravitz felt that new residents should become familiar with the
City Hall, and its operations; with the appointment of residents who
are applying for committee positions, where there are none available.
He also indicated that twice a month, on the second and fourth Wednesday
the Committee would call in from the various sections of Tamarac, to
invite the new residents to the City Council meetings. After an hour,
the Committee would take them on a tour of the various department in
the City Hall; and approximately 12:00 Noon, sandwiches, coffee and
cake could be served.
C/M Kravitz said this would serve a definite purpose, and responded
to a question by Mayor Falck, by stating that a simple system could
be used in obtaining the names of new residents when they register
for water use; also, Council would appoint the people to serve on
this Committee, with appointment thereafter of a Vice -Chairman and
Chairman, and establish ground rules. lie additionally stated that
names of new residents could also be obtained from the utilities and
tax rolls, along with numerous other methods.
C/M Kravitz responded to a question by C/W Massaro, by stating that
expenses would be minor, which might involve 22 meetings in one year
for attendance by new residents. It would be merely serving a sand-
wich, coffee and cake, helsaid, which could possibly total $200 to
$300 for the year. Gifts, he said, could be donated by banks, and
would not be a City expenditure; but could be a budgetary item, which
action could be taken by Council.
V/M Disraelly said that the Public Information Committee does get to
the various condominiums, and explains the great features of the City.
He realized that mileage would have to be considered for the Committee
members, who travel around and meet and greet the new residents. It
was his feeling that all the items should be spelled -out, with the
potential budget, and presented to Council.
C/W Massaro discussed an area of Connecticut, and the welcome committee
which..was sponsored by JCs or a similar organization, with gifts being
donated by the various businesses. She further added that the new
residents would be given a basket of various donated items.
V/M Disraelly indicated that the last cities where he lived up north,
and the stores he was associated with, were sponsors of the Welcome
Wagon. He added that there is an internation organization, called
Welcome Wagon, Inc., with gifts being given to the woman who repre-
sented them, but the residents were required to come into the store
to pick up the gifts. It was, he said, a means of introducing the
store to the individual., and was a private enterprise.
C/M Kravitz felt that the money was not the problem, but Council did
have to determine whether the creation of such a committee has merit.
C/M Zemel inquired whether the City and the Chamber of Commerce could
put this feature together, to which C/W Massaro stated that it was
being presented for a City function.
Tape Mayor Falck felt that additional detail should be submitted.
Marjorie Ketch advised Council of a functioning Welcome Wagon, which
has been in existence for the past few years. She indicated that a
woman procures PIC pamphlets from her, and distributes them to the
people, along with other goodies. Mrs. Kelch stated this is a formal
international organization, which is sponsored by sufficient merchants.
Mort Student was in favor of the creation of such a committee, which
was in effect in New York City, and consisted of donations by various
merchants. He felL1. this should emanate from the City Hall.
Morris Glicksman, a former Councilman, said the City of Tamarac is
unique, with 63 active associations. He further stated that new
residents are welcomed by Civic Associations, and the information is
already being distributed.
C/M Zemel said that at least 50% of the people in his community of
329 families, are not aware of the location of the City Hall, with
80% of them not able to name at least three Council persons.
Mayor Falck suggested that a workshop session be held on this item.
C/W Massaro MOVED that C/M Kravitz prepare a summary on his desires,
with procedures outlined, plus the functions involved in the formation
of this committee. V/M Disraelly SECONDED the motion.
36. Sunflower Drainage Modifications - Discussion and possible action con-
cerning unanticipated expenditures for equipment and material.
-21-- 5/13/81
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled, for a memo from
the City Engineer, as to research on easements,
and required documentation.
Mr. Keating said that the request for additional monies was to reim-
burse the City's cost, which are over and above normal maintenance
items which are required to render these systems operational. There
was a request approximately two meetings previous, for an expenditure
of $5,000, which included improvements to one portion of the drainage
facilities that serve the Sunflower project. He further added that
the work was completed, except for drag -lining in the area of the lake
itself, which would clear the outfall.
The City Engineer indicated that a drawing was prepared, which shows
four additional systems which is being proposed, to be handled in the
manner as the last one. It is anticipated, he said, that the expen-
ditures would also include bulkheading at the outfall of the pipes,
probably modifications to the culverts in the streets, plus drag -lining
for clearing of the silt in the outfall area. lie additionally stated
that Ralph Thissen did a cost estimate, and it would be easier for the
City to authorize a one --shot deal, for the necessary monies. Every-
thing, he said, would be treated on an individual basis, with recom-
mendations being made to the City Manager, in order to coordinate these
Ms. Stuurmans advised that phase 1 represents the initial $5,000 worth
of work, which was discussed at a previous meeting; with phase 2 being
the balance of the exploratory and clean --up work to be accomplished.
Mr. Keating said the phasing concept was developed, in order to promote
a better procedure in completing one item at a time, which was separa-
ted into four little projects for working purposes. He erroneously
indicated that this money would include some culvert modifications,
but after viewing the memorandum from Mr. Thissen, he realized that
it relates to construction of the outfalls in the lake area.
The City Manager explained that her memorandum addresses those expen-
ditures, which in total, would require a bid under normal circumstances,
but due to the advent of the rainy season, she suggested approval of
the total expenditures.
C/W Massaro said that she would not approve this, until the work area
has been designated. She also stated there were questions in the Sun--
flower--Heathgate area, with claims of trespassing onto people's prop-
erty, without rights, and no easements. She felt this should be
clarified, prior to expending monies.
The City Attorney said that she reached Mrs. Mascola, of the Associa-
tion, and was informed that they definitely want the work done, but
were unsure as to whether there was an easement through their park
areas to the lake. She further stated that when the Public Works
Department did the work, in the first instance, they did not follow
the easement line. Ms. Stuurmans said that Plat Book 72, page 79 of
the Broward County records, indicates the easement line; and that the
Association would be advised of the nature of the work.
Mayor Falck felt that full details should be submitted to Council,
with a determination to be made thereafter.
Mr. Keating indicated that the original work was in the area of 82nd
Street and 74th Avenue, with the outfall running down 74th Avenue,
south to 81st Street, and then out through the park area to the outfall.
He said the additional request of $10,000, is for the balance of the
system in that general vicinity, and along 74th Terrace and 79th Street.
Mr. Keating recommended tabling the item, until the necessary documenta-
tion has been prepared for a future meeting, and would have this as
soon as it is physically possible, because it will require research
on the easements. He anticipated submitting a memorandum in one week
relating to this item.
C/W Massaro MOVED to TABLE the item, awaiting a memorandum from the
City Engineer, and C/M Zemel SECONDED.
5. Data Processing System - Discussion and possible action on:
a) Bid Award - Temp. Reso. #1900
b) Alexander Grant & Co. - Authorization
auditor to negotiate the contract with
c) Temp. Reso. #1921 - For Software
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) Tabled to 5/27/81;
b) Authorization approved to Alexander Grant
& Co. to negotiate contract at total cost not
to exceed $900; and c) No action taken.
to engage services of the
the computer vendor.
a) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1900, and said there were two
separate awards; namely, one for the hardware, and another for the
software. He felt that Council was aware of the evaluations of
proposals submitted by different vendors, and recommendations made
by Alexander Grant.
He said the question was on the method of procedure, and there were
two resolutions, which enables the City to move forward. Mr. Birken
said it was the opinions of Mr. Emmer and Mr. Kramer, that the soft-
ware was a professional service, and also a sole source item, with
no bidding being required.
C/M Zemel inquired about the fourth Whereas, in the resolution, and
asked if it could noted on line 12 1/2 to insert the word "expert"
wherever the word consultant appears.
Steve Wood, the Finance Director, said that this day intermediary
quotes were received from local institutions, and also a lease pur-
chase on American Bankers Leasing. He further stated that the best
rate was 9.2%, which is on a five-year loan, pledging occupational
license revenues, with equal monthly installments. On Tuesday, he
said three institutions were contacted, in order to determine the
rates of interest to be obtained on the City's funds, for 18% on
30 days with Coral Gables Federal, and 17.75% for 90 days, but 17%
with American Savings.
Mr. Wood said rather than take the money from the Appropriated Fund
Balance to be used towards the purchase of the computer system and
software, it would be more economical to borrow the monies, at a
lower interest rate, from a bank. It was his recommendation to handle
it in this manner.
Mr. Wood indicated that Microdata Corporation, in their extension
of contract prices, stated if contract were to be made by the 15th
of this month, a 10% discount could be obtained, rather than the
8.5% normal discount. A deposit would also be provided by the City,
on the tentative contract agreement by the 15th, which difference
would give $10,175, against the $8,648.75 discount.
Mr. Birken felt that Microdata should indicate as to acceptability
to them, for the 10% discount, and whether enacting this resolution
would be sufficient. If a deposit was required, then Council might
have to give this further consideration, but also stated that a con-
tract could not be signed and finalized by Friday, for something of
this magnitude. The City Attorney felt that the discount would not
affect the recommendation, to which Mr. Wood concurred.
Jeff Chorba of Microdata, advised that the company was seeking a
10% deposit. He also said they were attempting to give an extension
on the contract negotiations 60 days prior, which would supply the
City with the best agreement. Mr. Chorba felt they might possibly
extend this for seven or 10 days, in order to permit review of the
contract by the City Attorney and City Council. Mr. Chorba concurred
that the extension would be granted for two weeks, to the 5/27/81
meeting of Council. He further stated that a signed contract would
be required at that time, and the 10% deposit, in order for them to
proceed, and give the full discount.
C/W Massaro said if at that time Council does not like the contract,
then they will not move forward, but the City Attorney has to be
-23- 5/13/81
Mr. Birken felt that this item should be tabled to the next meeting,
which was concurred by Mr. Corba, of Microdata, and that no action
on the resolutions should be taken this day. Also, they would present
a contract to Council prior to the meeting date.
c) Mr. Birken also felt they should seek time limits on the software pro-
posal, which is good through June lst.
Mr. Emmer said the resolution expresses the intention of Council to
acquire the specified equipment, which contains language that it is
subject to the City entering a contract with Microdata. He recommended
Tape adoption of the resolution, to indicate they are going along with it,
#9 subject to execution of the contract, to which the Council members did
not concur.
Mr. Birken said that Temp. Reso. #1900 is operating software, and applica-
tion software is involved in Temp. Reso. #1921.
Mr. Emmer indicated that operating software is the responsibility, and
is developed by the hardware manufacturer, which are programs necessary
to make things move, and computer function on an engineering standpoint.
The application software, he said, will produce the utility bills, and
do the accounting.
C/M Zemel felt that Temp. Reso. #1921, line 19, indicates a sole source
package, which he did not concur with, to which Mr. Emmer responded
that C/M Zemel was correct. But, he said, Microdata would guarantee
the performance, and deliver the software, if MMS cannot.
C/M Zemel was also concerned with times for production not being held
firm, to which Mr. Emmer stated that when the contract is drawn, there
will be specific performance standards indicated, with stipulation of
payments, for delivery.
Mr. Chorba said that Picrodata will guarantee the application software,
within a limited period of time.
Mr. Birken said that the resolution will have to be modified, once
the contracts are reviewed by Council, in order for negotiations to be
George Wagner, with Sperry Univac Corporation, inquired why a computer
was being purchased, and felt the City of Tamarac should lease one for
either a 5 or 7 year lease plan, which is renewable, and would not re-
quire an outlay of thousands of dollars. Also, he said the software
that goes with the computer, would do the utility billing, budgetary,
and all related applications. Mr. Wagner said that Sperry Univac has
40% of their gross volume dedicated to local government, and are pres-
ently located in Temple, Texas, and have the software. They are now
installing the logus government accounting package, which is a proven
system, and available to all the cities, namely, Sunrise and Margate.
The software, he said, is supported by Sperry Univac, a company of
91,000 people, and is the type of support needed.
Also, he said, that the City of Tamarac was interested in hiring a
Data Processing Manager, and did not understand why a turn -key operation
is necessary. Mr. Wagner indicated that Mr. Dale Gessing is at the
City of Sunrise, who is the Data Processing Manager; and taking the
installation and putting in each application, which is very successful
for their requirements. After speaking with C/M Kravitz, he said they
could have a seminar in the Council Chambers, showing their applications
with the new System 80. Mr. Wagner stated that Sperry Univac did submit
a bid package.
Mr. Emmer said, that their professional opinion on in-house development
programs, did become a more expensive process. He also said there has
been a large number of failures, and the time for the implementation is
much greater, and takes a substantial amount of staff. He further added
that the trend has been, in the Data Processing industry, to take a
package that runs and performs, and is tested. It was, he said, an
important criteria that was used in the evaluation process of responses.
Ile also noted they were in the process of doing this for the City of
-24- 5/13/81
Gordon Kramer of Alexander Grant & Co., said that the City of Margate
has the process continuing, and Sperry Univac is another bidder.
Margate, he said, has given a position order, and if they decide to go
with Sperry, they can get their machines slightly faster. But, at this
time, Mr. Kramer said there is no contractual obligation between Margate
and Sperry.
Mr. Emmer advised that the reason the City of Sunrise made their decision
was for the ease of the conversion from their existing computer systems,
to the Sperry Univac Computer system, which was a different set of cir-
cumstances than Tamarac has. Sunrise will convert those programs, but
will be the same system, and then they will undertake a developmental
effort to develop software in-house.
a) C/W Massaro MOVED to TABLE this item to the next regular meeting of
May 27, 1981, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED.
b) Mr. Birken discussed the fee of Alexander Grant, which was proposed at
$800 to $1000, but was based on an hourly basis, to assist the City
in negotiating the contract with Mlcrodata and MMS. He felt there was
no problem in getting their assistance, and recent experience in this
field, would warrant that this money was well -spent. The City Attorney
indicated that a time -frame was involved, and there were a lot of loop-
holes with vendors. He also felt that there may be some dollar savings
obtained through the expertise of Alexander Grant & Co.
C/M Zemel felt that he could not disagree with technical terms and
conditions, and expert consultants, because the City Council is going
to make the final decision.
Mr. Emmer said that he would split the figure, and make it $900, as the
upset number, but on an hourly basis the figure would be approximately
$70 to $75 per hour.
V/M Disraelly MOVED that Alexander Grant & Co. be authorized to nego-
tiate the contract for the computer vendor, with the total cost not
to exceed $900, and C/M Zemel SECONDED..
MEETING WAS RECESSED AT 5:30 P.M., to THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1981, AT 9:00 A.M.
- 6e��' d�F�
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ 37�. 7D
$ / per copy, to inform the general public and public officers
and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City
Council of the City of Tamarac.