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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-22 - City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes7A u [ MV P. 0. BOX 25010 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33320 CALL TO ORDER: CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY. JULY 22, 1981 9:00 A.M. FIRST CLASS MAIL ANNOUNCE14ENT OF TIME ALLOCATIONS - MOTIONS TO TABLE - The Chair at this time will announce those items which have been given a speci- fic time to be heard, and will entertain motions from Council members to table those items which require additional research. Council may agendize by majority consent matters of an urgent nature which have come to Council's attention after publication. TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST 1. Sludge Farm - Temp. Reso. #1977 - Discussion and possible acti to extend the lease for the Sludge Farm. 2. Surplus Scrap - T.U. West - Discussion and possible action to permit the City Manager to negotiate for the sale of surplus scrap. 7/22 RES0.81-145 Pg.2,Approved 7/22 Pg. 3,CityP7gr. to go to re- bid. 3. Bid Authorization -- T.U. West - Discussion and possible action 1122 to allow the City Manager to go to bid for bulk pebble quicklime Pg.3,CityMgr. and liquid chlorine. to go to re- bid. PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS 4. Social Seryices_Pr_ogram - Presentation by Mayor Falck of Certificates of Appreciation to contributors to this Program in recognition of their services. 5. Emjlo�ee Service Award - Presentation by the City Manager of a Ten -Year Pin to Betty Haislip of the Police Department. 6. Employee of the Month -- Presentation of awards by the City Manager to the "Employee of the Month" for the months of Play and June, 1981. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 7/22 Pg.9,Certif. were presente by Mayor. Pg.3,Tabled to 9/9/81 Pg.4,CityMgr. to P.Nash,Pub Wks(May),B. Vitrofsky(Jun 7/22 7. Beautification Committee - Acceptance of resignation of Pg.3,Resig. Richard S. Rubin, and announcement of vacancy of this regular accept.,annou one-year term. ncement of vacancy made. 8. Recreation Board -- Acceptance of resignations of Platt Lyons and 7/22 Nancy Lyons, and announcement of vacancy of these 2 one-year Pg-3,Resig. terms. accept.,annou ncement of 9. Consent Agenda -- Items listed under Item #9, Consent Agenda, are vac.made viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by Pg.4,5-a)-h) one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate approved,i.) discussion of these items. If discussion is desired then the removed for - - sep.discussio tabled-9/9/31 7/22 item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. a) Minutes of 6/4/81 -- Special Meeting - Approval recommended by the City Clerk. b) Minutes of 6/24/81 - Regular Meeting - Approval recommended by the City Clerk. c) Alan F. Ruf - Consulting City Attorney - 7/13/81 -- $460.00 - Approval recommended by the City Attorney. d) Mitchell Ceasar - Grants Consultant -- 7/9/81 - $1,250.00 Retainer -- and 6/18/81 - $287.21 Expenses - Total $1,537.21- Approval recommended by City Manager. e) Muller, Mintz Kornreich, Caldwell & Casey, P.A. - Special Counsel concerning Fire Department - 7/15/81 - $289.00 - Approval recommended by City Attorney. f) Midland Insurance Company - City Insurance Carrier per -- twining to Miske Case - 6/18/81 -- $2,422.94 - Approval rec- ommended by City Attorney. g) Campanella Corp. - 1980 Drainage Augmentation - 83rd Street Outfall (Westwood Community 5) -- 6/26/81 - $9,337.50 - Approval recommended by City Engineer. h) Wellens Furniture Store Addition - Revised Site Plan - Ex- tension of tabling action from the meeting of 7/8/81, as requested by the applicant. i) Acceptance of contribution from Amvets Post #2 toward pur- chase of Van for Social Services to the community; and authorization to issue payment to Florida Department of Transportation for acquisition of Van for Social Services. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL 10. CiL /County Relations - Temp. Reso._#1959 - Discussion and pos- sible action endorsing the creation oftheposition of Assistant County Administrator, to improve relations between the County and Municipalities. 11. Revised Personnel Manual - Temp. Reso. #1936 - Discussion and possible action to approve a revised Personnel Manual.(tabled from 7/8/81) 12. Consulting City Planner - Temp. Reso. #2008 - Discussion and possible action to approve a contract with Richard S. Rubin to perform planning services on a consulting basis. 13. Finance Department - Personnel - Discussion and possible action to allow the City Manager to employ a temporary Accounting Cler I for inventory purposes. 14. Data Processing System - Discussion and possible action on: a) Sid Award for Computer - Temp. Reso. #1900 b) Sid Award for Software - Temp. Reso. #1921 (tabled from 5/27/81) 15. Bid Award - Finance Department - Temp,., . #1974 -- Discussion Reso and possible action to award a bid for two (2) Statistical Multiplexers for use with the Data Processing System. RESO.81-153 16. Surplus Vehicles - Public Works Department - Discussion and possible action on a bid to purchase surplus vehicles- Temp-Reso #1975. PAGE TWO. Pg.5,Approvec 7/22 RESO.81-146 Pg.6,Approve( as amended. RESO. 81-147 7/22 Pg.6,Approve( 7/22 1ES0. 81-148 7 22 Pg.6,Approve( to 9/30/81. 7/22 Pg.7,a),b), c) and d) - Nroved. 0.81-149 RES0.81-150 RESO.81-151 RES0.81-152 Pg.9,Approve( Networks Inc $10,200 less 2%-10 days prompt paymen Pg.10,Reject bid-J.Gennari City at riiyiiebt uffe: after receip informal bids. 7/22 17. Bid Award - City Clerk De artment - Temp. Reso. #1970 - Discus- sion and possible action to award a bid for multi -year rental o a Duplicator/Copier. 18. Fire Station #2 - Performance Bond - Temp. Reso. #2010 - Discus- sion and possible action to release a bond posted by Construction Company to guarantee construction of Fire Station #2. 19. international Year of the Disabled Person - Temp. Reso. #2009 - Discussion and possible action to urge the United States Post Office to issue a commemorative stamp honoring the handicapped. 20. Tamarac Soccer Club - Discussion and possible action on addi- tional soccer fields in the City. 21. Beautification - Discussion and possible action to fully enforce the Beautification Ordinance. 22. Utilj.ty Permits - T.U. West - Tem Reso. #2012 - Discussion and possible action to designate the appropriate City Official authorized to sign utility permits for the Florida Department of Transportation, pertaining to the construction of a water main under University Drive. RESO. 81-157 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 2 : 0 0 P.M. 23. Budget Amendment - Temp. Ord. #898 - Discussion and possible action on an amendment to the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1980/1981. Second Reading. PAGE THREE. RE • 1-15 Pg.10,Approve to I:odak, 3yr. $1,240/mo. 7/22 P 11,Appprove ASO. 81-155 7/22 RESO.81-156 g- Approve copy to P.M. Gen.& munic. Brow.Ct . Pg.31, be in writing design for field-C. P1anr. Pg.11,No acti on-enforcemer of ordin.7/22 Pg.12,ApprovE Sec.1-C.Engr. indicate autr orization to execute utili ty 2permits Pg. ,Adopter on 2nd-final reading. 7/?? 24. City Rezoning Petition #9-Z-81 -- Temp. Ord. #901 -- Discussion Pg.20,Adoptec and possible action to rezone the lands occupied by the Tamarac 2nd-final Fire Station #2 at 4801 W. Commercial Boulevard from B•-1 to reading. I-1. Second Reading. ORD. 81-39 25. Motor Vehicle Parking Restrictions - Temp. Ord. #896 - Discus- sion and possible action to amend Section 15-4 of the Code to prohibit parking on Woodlands Boulevard. Second Reading. 26. Limited Agricultural (A-1) Zoning District - Temp. Ord. #885 - Discussion and possible action to amend Section 28-171.2 of the Code to permit distributor transformer stations and setting forth conditions for such use within this district. Second Reading. 27. Bruce Egan - Rezoning Petition #3A-Z-81 -- Discussion and pos- sible action to rezone lands on the east side of University Drive extending southward from N.W. 64th Street to St.Malachy Church property from R-3 to B-2 by Temp. Ord. #906. First Reading. M0 29. 30. 7/22 Pg.21,Adoptec 2nd-final reading. ORD. 81-40 Pg.21,Tabled 7/22 7/22 Pg.21,Tabled to 9/9/31, review C.Plar ner-pro.rezor ing. 7777 Bruce Egan - Rezoning Petition#3B-Z-81 - Discussion and pos- Pg.23,Tabled sible action to rezone lands on the east side of University to 9/9/81. Drive extending southward from N.W. 64th Street to St.Malachy Church property from R-3 to RD--7 by Temp. Ord. #905. First Reading. 7/22 Bonaire Associates, Ltd. - Rezoning Petition #10-Z-81 - Discus- Pg.23,ApprovE sion and possible action to rezone lands in the proposed 1st reading Woodmont Tract 74 and 75 project located south of N.W. 78th review by Street between University Drive and N.W. 80th Avenue, from R-3U City planner to S-1 by Temp. Ord. #904. First Reading. 7/22 John H. Detrick - Rezoning Petition #11-Z-81 - Discussion and Pg.24,Adoptec possible action to rezone lands located on the southwest corner 1st reading of McNab Road and N.W. 88th Avenue by Temp. Ord. #903. First w/conditions Reading. r � � PAGE FOUR. 31. Mission Bell. Office Plaza -- Petition #12-Z--81. -- Discussion and possible action to grant a limited waiver to parking require- ments of Chapter 18 of the Code for a business located at 4600- 4620 W. Commercial Boulevard, Tamarac, by Ten . Reso. #1973. pprovc 7/22 g.25,A /conditionstions RESO. 81-158 7/22 32. Tamarac Professional Building, a/k/a West Tamarac Professional Building - Petition #13--Z--81 - Discussion and possible action t grant a limited waiver to parking requirements of Chapter 18 of the Code for a business located at 6208 N.W. 57th Street, Pg.26,Approvc /conditions. RESO. 81-159 Tamarac, by Temp.#1971. _Reso. 7/22 33. Sabal Palm Plaza (formerly Burkard Office Plaza)- Petition #14-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action to grant a limited waiver to parking requirements of Chapter 18 of the Code for a business located at the southeast corner of Rock Island Road Pg.27,Approvc /conditions RESO. 81-160 and W. Commercial Boulevard, Tamarac, by Temp._ Reso. #1972. - _ 7/22 34. Chef Onecio Gourmet Restaurant - Petition #15-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action on a request for Special Exception to allow on -premises consumption of alcoholic beverages for a business located at 6455 W. Commercial Boulevard, Tamarac (Commercial Garden Mall), by Temp. Reso. #1976. Pg.29,Approvc /2a.m. clos. ing time,lic- ense non -tray sferrable. RESO. 81-161 LEGAL AFFAIRS 35. 36. KID 38. 39. 40. 41. 7/22 _-.r- Temp. #861 - Discussion and possible action pg..12,Adoptec Pension Plan n IV Of the Retirement Plan to. allow ,.Firefighters to amend Section 2nd and final to voluntarily increase their retirement ages. Second Reading. reading. (tabled from 7/8/81) ORD. 81-37 Enforcement of Zoning Re ulations - Tom. Ord. #886 - DiscussionNo7Dis cussior and possible action to designate the official authorized to see 7/27/81 enforce the zoning regulations within Chapter 28 of the City Code. Second Reading. (tabled from 7/8/81) 7/22 Emer enc Ordinance - Unpaved_ Public Right -of -Way Maintenance - Pg.18,Adoptec Temp. Ord. #902 - Discussion and possible action to amend lst-2nd read - Ordinance 80-115 whereby certain public property abutting paved ing as correc public rights -of -way may be maintained by the City. First ted. Reading. ORD. 81-36 NonconforUses - Temp. Ord. #894 - Discussion and possible Pg�/l ming q,Adoptec action to amend Section 28-212 of the Code by providing a pro- lst reading, cedure whereby permits can be issued for additions, extensions 2nd reading or alterations to nonconforming buildings or structures in ex- 9/9/81 istence on or prior to February 2, 1972. First Reading. 7/22 Site Plan and Development Review Regulations - Tem Ord. #878 No discussior Discussion and possibleactionto amend Article II of Chapter 7 see 7/27/81 of the code to provide procedures for the development of and improvements to real property in the City. First Reading. 7/22 Site Plan/Plat Review - Temp. Ord. #714 - Discussion and pos- pg.13,Denied. sible action to prohibit review of site plans not accompanied by plats. Second Reading. (tabled from 10/22/80) Broward County Traffic Engineering - Temp. Reso. #1969 - Discus- 7/22 Pg.4,Approvec sion and possible action to oppose the funding of traffic engi- RESO. 81-144 neering in the Broward County General Fund rather than in the County Transportation Trust Fund. 42. Tenure of the Vice Mayor -- Temp._ Reso. #1967 -- Discussion and possible action to provide for a specific term of office for a Council member to serve as Vice Mayor. 43. Increase of Court Costs - Temp. Ord. #907 - Discussion and possible action to increase Court costs to be assessed in Broward County Courts to be used for Police education and training. First Reading. 7/22 Pg.13,Approvf RESO. 81-162 Pg.14,Approvc 1st reading as amended. 44. Yockey vs. City of Tamarac - Discussion and possible action on possible settlement. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PACE P7VF_ 7/22 Pg.14,ApprovE settlement $3,000-Police Salaries Func 45. Concord Village II - Discussion and possible action on: 7/22 Pg.2,No a) Request for extension of final site plan. discussion, see 7/24/81 b) Parks and Recreation Agreement. c) Other outstanding items pertaining to this project, includ- ing Water and Sewer Developers Agreement. 7/22 Pg.2,No 46. H.L.R., Inc. - RezoningPetition #47--Z-80 - Discussion and pos-- sible action to rezone lands located south of McNab Road at see discussion ussion N.W. 70th Avenue from R-1B to R-3, by Temp. Ord. #_834. First 7/24/81 Reading.' 47. H.L.R., Inc. - Rezoning Petition #48-Z-80 - Discussion and pos- 7/22 sible action to rezone lands located south of McNab Road at Pg.2,No N.W. 70th Avenue from R-lB to R-4A, by Temp. Ord. #835. First --- discussion see 7/24/81 Reading. 48. S rin lake II -- Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible 7/22 Pg.2, Tdo action on a revised site plan for the Recreation Area. discussion 49. Easement Vacation- Woodlands Section 5 - Tem . Reso. #1910 - see 7/24/81 Pg.2, No discussionsee Discussion and possible action to vacate a portion of a utility easement on Lot 11, Block 25. (tabled from 6/10/81) 7/24/81 22 7/7/2, 50. Woodlands Country Club - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and pNo possible action on a revised site plan for the tennis Pro -Shop discussion replacement. see 7/24/81 51. Woodmont Country Club - Temporary Trailers - Discussion and 7/22 Pg.14,Approve possible action to extend the term to permit the use of trailers for various functional purposes. for 6 mos.7/22 7722 52. F & R Builders - Discussion and possible action on a request to vacate two(2) road rights -of -way pertaining to Stipulation #9: Pg. Nodiscussion a) Vacation of 60-foot road right--of-way on N.W. 106th Avenue- see 7/27/81 T(Ia. Reso. #1983. b) Vacation of 60-foot road right-of-way on N.W. 103rd Avenue - Temp. Reso. #1984. 53. F & R Builders - Discussion and possible action on: 7/22 Pg.1,Agendiz, a) Approval of Stipulation #10 - Temp. Reso. #1985. ed by consen! b) Approval of Agreement relating to canal rights -of --way on i,7, and k see 7/27/81 Tracts 12, 13 and 13A - Temp. Reso. #1986. c) Acceptance of Temporary Canal Access Easement on Tract 12 - Temp. Reso. #1987. d) Acceptance of Temporary Canal Access Easement on Tract 13 - Temp. Reso. #1988. e) Acceptance of Temporary Canal Access Easement on Tract 13A- TemE. Reso. #1989. f) Acceptance of Easement for Canal Maintenance on Tract 12 -- Temp. Reso. #1990. g) Acceptance of Easement for Canal Maintenance on Tract 13 - Temp. Reso. #1991.. h) Acceptance of Easement for Canal Maintenance on Tract 13A - Tem . Reso. #1992. 7/22 54. F & R Builders (Kings Point) - Model Sales Facility - Discussior 110 discussioi. and possible action on a request to use the model sales facility see 7/27/81 at Tamarac Gardens. 7/22 55. Northwood II - Model Sales Facility - Discussion and possible No discussiot action to permit a model sales facility. see 7/24/81 L PA(;F STX_ 56. Colony West Country Club - Discussion and possible action on: -Io discussi( 4ee 7/24/81 a) b) Site Plan Landscape Plan c) Water and Sewer Developers Agreement d) Acceptance of a golf cart easement - Temp. Reso. #1979. e) Acceptance of a Water and Sewage Line Easement - Temp. Reso. #1980. f) Acceptance of a Drainage Easement - Temp. Reso. #1981. g) Acceptance of Easement for Flowage Rights - Tem .Reso.#1982. 57. United Federal Savings & Loan - Temporary Access Road - Discus- No discussi( lion and possible action on: see 7/24/81 a) Revised Site Plan b) Request for waiver to the platting requirements pursuant to Section 20-4 of the Code by Temp. Reso. #1993. c) Landscape Plan y 58. Woodmont Tract 72B (Timber Point) - Temp. Reso. #1732 - Discus- 7/22 sion and possible action to accept a —ill of Sale for the water P9.151 and sewer distribution and collection systems. (tabled from Approved. 7/28/80) RESO. 81-163 59. St. Malachy Church - Tem . Reso. #1957 - Discussion and possible action to accept a Quit Claim Deed offered by the Archdiocese of g-15, 7/22 Miami for a road right-of-way for N.W. 61st Street. Approved. RESO. 81-164 60. Jack Lalanne Health Club (Woodmont Plaza) - Discussion and pos- sible action on: a) Request to permit a sales trailer. b) Approval of Easement and Option Agreement by Temp. Reso. #1994. Pg. 31, 7/22 pproved w/ conditions. RESO. 81-165 61. Sunmark Tndustries (Sunny Sunoco Service Station) - Tem.- Reso. #1995 - Discussion and possible action on a request for waiver No disucssic of platting requirements pursuant to Section 20-4 of the Code. 7/24/81 62. Medical Office Building(BigP2ax Plat Teri Reso. 1 - Discussion and possible action to accept a Bill of Sale"968 . p p l o . for water and sewer distribution and collection systems. Pg.lS, 7/22 Approvedd RESO. 81-166 RESO. 81-167 Pg.l5, Approved. 63. Canal Reservation Release - Temp. Reso. #1996 - Discussion and possible action to release a canal reservation on Tract 22 in Land Section 7, in the area of the proposed Everglades Express- way. 7/22 64. Canal Reservation Release - Tem . Reso. #1997 - Discussion and possible action to release a canal reservation on lands located on the west side of University Drive north of N.W. 82nd Street. S0 R . 81-168 'g.15, Approved. 7 22 RESO. 81-169 65. Canal Reservation Release - Temp. Reso. #1998 - Discussion and possible action to release a canal reservation on Tract 24. Pg.15, 7/22 Approved. 66. Marshall's Department Store (Tamarac Shopping Plaza, 7501 N.W. 57th Street) Sign Waiver - Discussion and possible action on a request for waivers of the sign ordinance pertaining to: fabled until 9/9/81 7/22 a) Color of sign on the face of the building - TeM'.Reso.#2001. b) Color and style of lettering on a sign on the west side of the plaza at University Drive - Tem . Reso. #2002. 7/22 67. Marshall's Department Store - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for widening a concrete pad. Tabled 9/9/ permit for interior work approved. 68. Drainage Improvements - Western Area of the City - Discussion and possible action. Pg.15,Tabled 9/9/81 meetin 7/22 PAGE SEVEN. 69. Travel Talk (Shops of Tamarac) - Sign Waiver -- Temp.Reso. #1999_ P'j.20,DteYlied Discussion and possible action on a request for waiver of the 7/22 sign ordinance pertaining to style of lettering. 7/22 70. Carlone's Cuisine Restaurant (Commercial Garden Ma11) -- Sin Waiver - Temp. Reso. #2000 - Discussion and possible action on a request for waiver of the sign ordinance to permit an additional. Pg.16►App- roved. RESO. 81-170 RESOS.81-171 wall sign on the west side of the building. 71. Woodmont Tract 58 - Discussion and possible action on: A, a) Request for release of warranty bond posted for public 81-172 Pg.16, a),k,) approved. 7 `` improvements -- Temp. Reso. #2003. b) Acceptance of Bill of Sale for water distribution and sewage collection system improvements -- Temp. Reso. #2004. 72. Woodmont Tract 60 - Discussion and possible action on: Pg•16,a),b) approved. a) Request for release of performance bond posted for public RESOS. 81-173, improvements subject to receipt of a warranty bond - Temp. 81-174 7/L2 Reso. #2005. -- b) Acceptance of Bill of Sale for water distribution and sewage collection system improvements - Temp. Reso.-#2006. 73. Woodmont Tracts 47, 48 and 50 - Temp Reso. #2007 - Discussion and possible action to call this bond which was originally posted for culvert crossings. Pg•17,No action requi red,bond renewed. 74. Southgate Gardens - Bond Release - Tem . Reso. #2011 - Discus- P9.17, 7/22 sion and possible action to release a performance bond posted Approved. for sidewalks subject to receipt of a warranty bond. RESO. 81-175 7/22 Pg.17,Appro� 1 yr Certif. Deposit or Cash Bond wi 75. Mainlands Center (N.E. corner of University Drive & N.W. 58th Street) - Discussion and possible action on a request to ex- change a cash bond, currently posted for public improvements, with a Certificate of Deposit. remain 76. Tamarac Gardens - Performance Bond -- Temp. Reso. #1978 - Discus -No sion and possible action to call four Letters of Credit posted discussic see 7/24/81 for public improvements. No discussic see 7/24/81 77. Versailles Gardens (formerly Colony Club)- Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for two spas, three additional shuffleboard courts with trellis covers, handball court, sidewalks and two gatehouses. 78. Fairways of Tamarac -- Buildings C & D - Revised Site Plan -- Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for a No discussic see 7/24/81 sidewalk to N.W. 84th Terrace and revised -parking layout. REPORTS 79. City Council See 7/27/81 80. City Manager See 7/27/81 81. City Attorney See 7/27/81 Council may consider such other business as may come before it. Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No.368: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF TA14ARAC CAROL A. EVANS ASSISTANT CITY CLERK PAGE EIGHT. For informational purposes, following are the residential and commercial zoning districts in the City: R-1 - Single Family Residence R-IB & R-lC - One -Family Dwelling R-2 - Two -Family Dwelling RD-7 - Two -Family Dwelling R-3 - Low Density Multiple Dwelling R-3U - Row House RM-10 - Planned Apartment R-4A - Planned Apartment B-1 - Neighborhood Business Center B-2 - Planned Community Business B-3 - General Business B-5 - Business District B-6 - Business District PUBLIC HEARINGS/SPECIAL MEETINGS WORKSHOPS 1981-1982 Bud et Workshops Friday, July 24, 1981 - Thursday, July 30, 1981 - Cancelled 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Tuesday, July 28, 1981•-.1:30 P.M. Space & Community Building Project Workshop Tuesday, July 28, 1981 - 10:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. - Budget Workshop 82. Tamarac Jewish Center - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for a fence. 7/22,Pg. 1, Consei Pa.18.APPVD. 83. Montwood, Inc. - Review of site plan and request to waive fees and bonds 7/22,P9. 1, for the sidewalk. Consen 17/27,Rg.5, APPVD. 4-foot sidewalk fees not waived. 84. Beautification Committee - Temp. Reso. #2019 - Appointing members to 7/27,Pg. 6,Age� this Committee. l; By Cons. 7/31,Appointmt: made. 85. Mainlands 16 - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible action regarding request to provide a sun shelter. 86. Tamarac Utilities West - Purchase of Capital E ui ment - Discussion and possible action concerning three requisitions for Tamarac Utilities West, 87. Tamarac Utilities West - Emergency_ Repair = Discussion and possible action concerning emergency action taken by City Manager for the repair of one Hoffman Air Blower, in the amount of $5,084.00. 7/31,Pg.1,Agen by Cons. Pa. 6.APPVD. 7/31,Pg. 1,Age. by Cons. P s. 6& 7 A v 7/31,Pg. 1,Age by Cons. Pg. 6,Appvd. 88. Lanzo Construction Co. - 1980 Storm Drainage Au mentation. Discussion and 7/31,Pg.1,Agen possible action concerning approval of payment in the amount of $16,229.70 by Cons. to Lanzo Construction Co. Pg. 8,Appvd. 89. Tamarac Gardens - Model Sales Facility - Discussion and possible action con 7/31,Pg.2,Acgen cerning approval of extension of building permit for a period of six months by Cons.,Exten for the first building. sion granted fc 6 months. CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 22, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Walter Falck called the meeting to order on Wednesday, July 22, 1981, at 9:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Irving P1. Disraelly Councilwoman Helen PZassaro Councilman Irving Zemel Councilman Philip B. Kravitz ALSO PRESENT: City Manager, Laura Z. Stuurmans City Attorney, Arthur 11. Birken Assistant City Clerk, Carol A. Evans Secretary, PZimi Reiter MEDITATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PZayor Falck called for a Moment of Silent Meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Falck reviewed the schedule of items on the agenda. 82. Tamarac Jewish Center -- Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for a fence. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: AGENDIZED BY CONSENT ( See page 13 ) V/M Disraelly MOVED to AGENDIZE BY CONSENT an item relating to the Tamarac Jewish Center, on a revised site plan for a fence. Ile further stated that the Board of Health advised the Center that the fence would have to be erected, or the school could not open in September. C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 83. Montwood, Inc. -- Review of site plan and request to waive fees and bonds for the sidewalk. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: AGENDIZED BY CONSENT (See Minutes of 7/27/81) C/W Massaro indicated there was a request from Montwood, Inc., that the site plan for the sidewalk required for the school children, be reviewed, prior to the September school opening. She further stated this involved 7200 feet of sidewalk, and was necessary to be resolved at this session of Council. She MOVED that the item of site plan review, and request for considera- tion of waiving the fees and providing bonds for the sidewalk, as requested by Montwood, Inc. be AGENDIZED BY CONSENT, and V/P7. Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 53. F & R Builders,- Subsections a) through h) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: AGENDIZED BY CONSENT Subsections i), j) and k) (See Minutes of 7/27/81) C/W Massaro stated that the City Attorney requested additional subsec- tions be agendized, relating to deeds for the canals to be excavated. She then MOVED to AGENDIZE BY CONSENT the following subsections: i) Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed for Canal in Tract 12 - Temp.Reso.#2016. j) Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed for Canal in Tract 13 - Temp.Reso.#2017. - AND - k) Acceptance of Quit Claim Deed for Canal in Tract 13A-Temp.Reso.#2018. VIM Disraelly SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. -1- 7/22/81 mr/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 45. Concord Village II - Discussion and possible action on: a) Request .for extension of final site plan. b) Parks and Recreation Agreement. c) Other outstanding items pertaining to this project, including Water and Sewer Developers Agreement. 46. H.L.R., Inc. - Rezoning Petition #47--Z-80 - Discussion and possible action to rezone lands Located south of McNab Road at N.W. 70th Avenue from R-IB to R-3, by Temp. Ord. #834. First Reading. 47. H.L.R., Inc. - RezonipE Petition #48-Z-80 - Discussion and possible action to rezone lands located south of McNab Road at N.W. 70th Avenue from R-lB to R-4A, by Temp. Ord. #835. First Reading. 48. Springlake II - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for the recreation area. 49. Easement Vacation - Woodlands Section 5 - Temp._ Reso. #_1910 - Discussion and possible action to vacate a portion of a utility easement on Lot 11, Block 25. (tabled from 6/10/81) - A14D - 50. Woodlands Country Club - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for the tennis Pro -Shop replacement. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 7/24/81 C/W Massaro MOVED to table Items ;f45, #46, 047, Jk48, Jk49 and 1�50, to the reconvened meeting of 7/24/81, and V/P1 Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE/FIP4ANCIAL 14. Data Processing System - (Subsections a) and b) SYNOPSIS OF ACTIO14: AGENDIZED BY CONSENT Subsections c) and d) -(See page 7) V/M Disraelly said the City Attorney called attention to the fact that the following subsections be AGE14DIZED BY CONSENT, and so 'PZOVED: c) PZicrodata License Agreement - Temp- Reso. #2013. d) Microdata Maintenance Agreement - Temp. Reso. #2014. C/W Massaro SECONDED the motion, for discussion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST 1. Sludge Farm - Temp; Reso. #1977 - Discussion and possible action to extend the lease for the Sludge Farm. SYNOPSIS OF ACTT014: Approved RESOLUTION ITO.R- g/--/J�PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1977, and C/W Massaro MOVED for its approval, and V/PZ Disraelly SECONDED. Mr. Birken indicated that a memo was distributed on Tuesday, July 21st, as to additional sites, and the cost of moving it, if there was a problem with the existing lease. He further noted that Leadership requested a written response from the City within a 90 day period. Mayor Falck suggested that the City Manager contact the City Engineer, in order for discussion to be held at the first meeting in September. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. - 2 -- 7/22/81 mr/ C 1 77] 2. Surplus Scrap - T.U. West - Discussion and possible action to permit the City Manager to negotiate for the sale of surplus scrap. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: City Manager authorized to go to rebid. Mrs. Stuurmans advised that because no bids were received, the City Manager was to negotiate. She determined that the firms solicited were not plumbing contractors or other utilities, and requested a rebid on these items. C/W Massaro MOVED that the City Manager be authorized to go to rebid, and C/M Kravitz SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 3. Bid Authorization - T.U. West - Discussion and possible action to allow the City Manager to go to bid for bulk pebble quicklime and liquid chlorine. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: City Manager authorized to go to bid. Mrs. Stuurmans indicated that Council was aware that these items were essential in the operation of the utility. She additionally stated this was for the annual supply which would be required for 1981-1982, and bids and equipment will assist in budgeting for the utility. V/M Disraelly MOVED that the City Manager be authorized to go to bid for bulk pebble quicklime and liquid chlorine, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 7. Beautification Committee - Acceptance of resignation of Richard S.Rubin, and announcement of vacancy of this regular one-year term. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Resignation accepted, and announcement of vacancy made. C/P4 Kravitz said there was a suggestion to solicit additional names for the Committee, in September, and would submit a memorandum to Council. He further MOVED to accept the resignation of Richard S.Rubin, who was appointed to the special position of Consulting City Planner, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 8. Recreation Board - Acceptance of resignations of Matt Lyons and Nancy Lyons, and announcement of vacancy of these 2 one-year terms. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Resignations accepted, and announcement of vacancies were made. AGENDTZED BY CONSENT - 8a) Appointments to Recreation Board C/M Kravitz MOVED to accept the resignations of Matt and Nancy Lyons due to their inability to attend meetings, and V/PZ Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. a) Appointments to Recreation Board C/12 Kravitz noted that it was the request of the Recreation Director that appointments be made immediately, and stated that three nominees have applied. Fie MOVED to AGENDIZE BY CONSE14T the appointments for the Recreation Board, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED. Mayor Falck indicated that action should be deferred to Monday, July 27, 1981, at the request of the City Attorney. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS 5. E_mployee Service Award - Presentation by the City Manager of a Ten -Year Pin to Betty Haislip of the Police Department. -3- 7/22/81 mr/ SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 9/9/81 Mrs. Stuurmans indicated that the employee is unable to attend, and requested the item be tabled. V/Fl Disraelly MOVED to table Item #5 to the next regular meeting of September 9th, 1981, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 6. Employee of the Month - Presentation of awards by the City Manager to the "Employee of the Month" for the months of may and June, 1981. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Presented by City Manager to Paul Nash, Public Works Department for Play; and Belle Vitrofsky, City Clerk's Office for June. Mrs. Stuurmans reminded Council that this award is voted upon by an Employee Committee,with recommendations from the various Department Heads. But, she said, this Committee is not aware of the names of the individuals that are being reviewed. She indicated that for the months of Play and June, there are two em- ployees that have served the City for three years. The City Planager felt that the Committee selected employees who were well thought of and respected by fellow employees; namely, from the Public Works De- partment, she called Paul Nash, for the month of May. Mrs. Stuurmans further indicated that Belle Vitrofsky is the employee of the month for June, and was the wife of the "man with the hat". She noted that the plaque will be posted in the reception area of the City Hall, and additionally presented Certificates, along with "dinner for two" at Triggs Restaurant. LEGAL AFFAIRS 41. Broward County Traffic Engineering - Temp_. Reso. #1969 - Discussion and possible action to oppose the funding of traffic engineering in the Broward County General Fund rather than in the County Transportation Trust Fund. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO. R-! _PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1969. V/M Disraelly said the County has been discussing changes in the method of funding for the cities, which would involve the take-over of these fundings, and require other means of replacement by the cities. Ile was in favor of this resolution, which was in opposition to such funding methods. V/M Disraelly MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #1969, with copies to be sent to the Broward County Administrators office, the Broward County Commis- sion, and all the municipalities of Broward County. C/W Massaro SECONDED the motion. Mayor Falck advised that he would be in attendance at the hearing, which will be held on Thursday, July 23, 1981, and felt that members of Council could be present at 10:00 A.M. Ile confirmed the fact that it related to the road and bridge tax, which was a State law. Mr. Birken stated that the law indicates the County may assess up to one (1) mill, but the County advises they will assess less than the maximum. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 9. Consent Aaenda a) Minutes of 6/4/81 - Special Meeting - Approval recommended by the City Clerk. b) Minutes of 6/24/81 -- Regular Fleeting - Approval recommended by the City Clerk. c) Alan F. Ruf -- Consulting City Attorney - 7/13/81 - $460.00 - Approval recommended by the City Attorney. MUM 7/22/81 mr/ d) Mitchell Ceasar -- Grants Consultant - 7/9/81 - $1,250.00 Retainer - and 6/18/81 - $287.21 Expenses - Total $1,537.21 - Approval recom- mended by City Manager. e) Muller, Mintz Kornreich, Caldwell & Casey, P.A. - Special Counsel concerning Fire Department - 7/15/81 - $289.00 - Approval recom- mended by City Attorney. f) Midland Insurance Company - City Insurance Carrier pertaining to Miske Case - 6/18/81 - $2,422.94 - Approval recommended by City Attorney. g) Campanella Corp. - 1980 Drainage Augmentation - 83rd Street Outfall (WestWood Community 5) - 6/26/81 - $9,337.50 - Approval recommended by City Engineer. h) Wellens Furniture Store Addition - Revised Site Plan - Extension of tabling action from the meeting of 7/8/81, as requested by the applicant. i) Acceptance of contribution from Amvets Post #2 toward purchase of Van for Social Services to the community; and authorization to issue payment to Florida Department of Transportation for acquisition of Van for Social Services. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) thru h) - Approved, with i) -- Removed for separate discussion, and tabled to the 9/9/81 meeting. V/M Disraelly MOVED to approve items a) through h), as presented, but requested that item i) be removed for separate discussion, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. i) V/M Disraelly indicated that C/M Zemel, Mayor Falck and he have been involved in this item, and requested that a statement be made, for clarification. Mayor Falck requested that acceptance of the remittance be denied, with authorization to be given him for further investigation of this matter. He further stated that on July 17th a recommendation of necessary action was submitted to Council, on acceptance of this generous gift from the Amvets. But, he said, the entire concept of reporting has changed, whereby an annual report was filed covering the activities. The Department of Transportation, he noted, was presently involved, and many pages of reports are required to be filed daily, weekly and monthly, with a special agreement to be signed for such handling. lie also felt it would require the employ- ment of two extra people, in order to maintain this operation, and felt that the contribution should be graciously returned to the Amvets Post #2. The Mayor requested that he be authorized to come up with an alternate or better plan. V/M Disraelly said he was shocked at such a revelation by the Mayor, to which Mayor Falck stated that his memo revealed that a representa- tive attended the meeting which was held on Tuesday, July 21st, and was originally felt to be routine matters. But, he said, it did in- volve special reports, and the City was no longer permitted to use volunteer drivers, unless they have chauffeur licenses. Fie further added that an alternate proposal could be submitted for the September meeting, and anticipated that Council would support him for a service that is needed in the City. C/W Massaro MOVED that Mayor Falck be authorized to return the check, with thanks, and the item be tabled to the September 9 meeting, when other proposals will be presented, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Harry Play of Amvets of Tamarac -- Post #2, felt if the contribution could not be effected, then they would move through the Veterans Administration. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL 10. City/County Relations - Temp. Reso. #1959 - Discussion and possible action endorsing the creation of the position of Assistant County Administrator, to improve relations between the County and Munici- palities. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- g%����a PASSED. -5- 7/22/81 mr/ r � � The City Attorney read Temp. Reso.#1959. C/M Zemel indicated that this resolution was proposed at the previous Council meeting, but he called attention to the fact that it was ad- vertised improperly. But, at this time, he MOVED to approve Temp. Reso. #1959, supporting creation of a position of Assistant County Administrator, to improve relations between the County and 12unici- palities. C/W Massaro SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 11. Revised Personnel Manual - Temp. Reso. 4,1936 - Discussion and possible action to approve a revised Personnel Manual.. (tabled from 7/8/81) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, as amended. RESOLUTION NO. R- Sn ZJL47 PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1936, and recommended additional language to be included at the end of Section 1; "an official copy of this manual shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk". V/M Disraelly MOVED to approve Temp. Reso. #1936, as amended, and C/M Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 12. Consulting City Planner -Temj2. Reso. #2008 - Discussion and possible action to approve a contract with Richard S. Rubin to perform planning services on a consulting basis. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION PIO.R- PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. 42008. Mayor Falck advised that discussions were held on this item last week, and the routine was followed, as prescribed by the City Attorney; also, indicating that the contract and resolution was prepared. V/M Disraelly said the contract relates to everything discussed at the meeting, and MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #2008, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 13. Finance Department - Personnel - Discussion and possible action to allow the City Manager to employ a temporary Accounting Clerk I for inventory purposes. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved to 9/30/81. The City Manager said her Administrative Report indicates that the initial stage of the physical inventory was completed, for City property. But, as a result of the review of current Auditor's General Regulations, it is noted that the requirements have changed, she said, and those items which must be included in the inventory, are those with a value of $50 and more, rather than $100 and more. She said those items have to be picked -up between the $50 and $100 amount, plus there is a require- ment that any bound volume, with a value of $25 or more, also be included. Mrs. Stuurmans requested to re-engage someone in the Accounting I posi- tion, for the balance of the fiscal year, to pick-up these items for the inventory. She further added this would be going back to the November 1, 1980 date, which is the period of time when the requirements changed by the Auditor General, which employment would be to September 30, 1981. Mayor Falck stated that C/PZ Kravitz has turned over the completed in- ventory to him, and felt this would give the City the opportunity to proceed with the establishment of the expanded self-insurance fund. He also stated that information would be available for Council's considera- tion, at their reconvened meeting in September, on the proposal. C/W Massaro MOVED to approve the personnel request by the City Manager, and C/14 P.ravitz SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 7/22/31 mr/ I 14. Data Processing System - Discussion and possible action on: a) Bid Award for Computer - Temp. Reso. 41900. b) Bid Award for Software - Temp. Reso. #1921. c) Microdata License Agreement - Temp. Reso.#2013. d) Picrodata Maintenance Agreement - Temp. Reso.#2014. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a), b), c) RESOLUTION NO.R-_Jr�^��% PASSED. and d) - Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- g/ /,15�Q PASSED. RESOLUTION IJO.R- �,/�/ ,/ PASSED. RESOLUTION NO. R- g/- /,,,.Z PASSED. a) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1900. Steve Wood, the Finance Director, informed Council that the project has been lengthy, for approximately one and a half years. lie noted that contracts have been submitted, which were prepared by the City Attorney,and the firms of Microdata and 1114S. Fie felt that execution of the contracts would permit the City to proceed in a development computer system, which would take it through the forthcoming years. In response to a question by C/W Massaro, it was stated by PZr.Wood that at the present time, and in cooperation with the computer, only the PSC program is being released. Fie further stated that the Utility West billing is also being done. Prior to this, he said, an outside service bureau was being paid $35,000.00 per year, but part of the Tape cost will be paid by the utility. From this period of time, he stated, #2 until the end of the contract with Burroughs, involves $800 per month. This will stop at the first of the year, and another contract would have to be re -executed, he indicated, if it is to be continued. Mr. Wood noted that the new system would permit payroll personnel and some personnel reporting. Ile indicated that at the present time, it takes an employee two weeks to prepare the payroll for 270 employees, which is due to the system being used, and their assistance could be productively used in other areas. Ile felt the institution of the new system would hopefully prevent the need for acquiring additional personnel. Another function of the system, he said, would be for general accounting, budgetary accounting, purchasing functions, on- line encumbering of funds, which will immediately determine the avail- ability of funds. The current machine, Per. Wood said, gives an ac- counting report at the end of the month, with all the information being developed manually, that is being typed off ledger cards. C/W Massaro said the purpose of the present machine was for permanent inventory, to which Mr. Wood responded that the computer is a magnetic ledger card machine. This machine, he said, requires a mag-stripe on the side of the ledger card, in order for information to be available to the machine. An inventory program could be developed, but each item would require its own ledger card, and would not be a cost ef- fective method. Mr. Wood stated that the new equipment is data based,and permits development of files that are used for a multitude of purposes, and would eliminate the ledger card system. He further stated that the new equipment could also be applied for a tickler system on the fee collection for developers agreements, to which C/W Massaro did not concur. C/M Zemel said that he studied the system with his basic layman's knowledge, and visited Coral Springs and Mr. Chorba; removing physical modules frori their machine to determine construction. The components he said, were of the highest caliber, but he was concerned with the small organization involved in the software provision group. He requested information of Per. Kramer of Alexander Grant, for backup organizations for the software, and,also field service technician: groups who could service this machine. Ile advised Council that he is a graduate electronic engineer; designed computer modules, and was speaking with authority. The information, he said, that was received from Mr. Kramer and Mr. Chorba, of Coral Springs, has satis- fied him of the amount of backup groups in the area, or in Phila- delphia, as well as the backup systems in other municipalities. The inventory, he said, could be perfect with the proper components, modules and software, in order to add or delete; also, monitoring -7- 7/22/81 mr/ the expiration of a bond, or time period for use of a model sales temporary facility. C/M Zemel said there is also reverse video use, which indicates repetition of particular verbiage. C/M Kravitz inquired of Mr. Wood as to this not supplementing the water utility billing, to which the Finance Director responded that it would be brought in on a gradual process, in order to avoid delay in receipt of utility bills. Ile further responded that the process would be in effect from four to six months, after delivery; also, after testing the utility package. C/M Kravitz also asked if the system was necessary, and whether the City could manage with the present setup, to which Mr. Wood stated they could, but the current piece of equipment would mechanically break down; with no backup available. Mr. Wood indicated that the present system will not process the utility bills for Utility West, which would require continuation of leasing the Burroughs System, or buying another computer system, in December of 1981. Ile additionally stated that the current system leasing was approximately $2800 per month, and was inferior to the recommended equipment, but was basically leased for the FSC refunds. Mr. Wood responded to questions by C/M Kravitz, by stating that it would be cost effective and provide more efficiency to the City, to purchase this system. He would prefer such a system be purchased by borrowing the money, and buying it outright, and felt it was the best investment the City could make. C/P1 Zemel said that the Burroughs L-9000 is a magnetic striped system, which is impossible. IIe inquired whether the new computer system work would be paralleled for a period of time, to which Mr. Wood said the the utility billing would be, but not the financial system, because it would be easier to operate under the newer equipment, than the "L". Mr. Wood also stated they would parallel at a larger level, until the new equipment has been proven. In response to questions by V/11 Disraelly, the Finance Director stated that everything would be put on printed material, if the program calls for a daily or on an as -due basis. Mr. Wood proposed that the City borrow the money from a commercial bank, such as Century Bank, which had a 9.9% interest rate on Tuesday, July 21st. He further stated that the City has sufficient cash resources to purchase the equipment today, but it would be advisable to invest those monies in an 18% interest yielding fund. Gordon Kramer, of Alexander Grant, said the third party will install the software on a computer, at the Microdata office, and put in ter- minals at the City, on a temporary basis, in order for the people to learn how to use the system. The initial package being purchased from MMS, would be delivered and installed on the Microdata computer, with free use of two or three terminals, for a few months, until their machine is installed, to the Microdata Computer Center, in Miami. He further stated that the modems were approximately $500 each. Ile also said the modems were $35 per month rental for each terminal. Mr. I:ramer said the software vendor would commence the performance of their work, which involves the changes, in order to convert the soft- ware on the system. At the time the computer is physically installed at the City Hall, the software would be moved out of the Microdata computer center, and move it into the City's computer. Mayor Falck inquired of the Finance Director, as to not taking the route of new equipment, where the City would be by this time next year, and the year thereafter; relating to billing, payroll and in- ventory. Mr. Wood indicated they were experiencing difficulties with manual operations that presently exist, which were difficult to keep up- dated. Without a system, he said, things will get progressively worse with the deterioration of information, that is presently occur- ring. Continuing to rent the Burroughs system, he said, for the next five (5) years, would cost approximately $168,000, which would specifically do the utility billing; and, is more than the purchase of the new equipment and the various functions it involves. -8- 7/22/81 mr/ r r C/M Zemel said that many people have forgotten the expansion factors in this new equipment, with slots for cards, as an example. V/M Disraelly indicated that it was almost 11 months to the day, that discussion was started on computer bids, namely, September 19th, 1980; which process has been lengthy. C/M Rravitz inquired whether "time was of the essence", and did this equipment have to be accepted at this time, or would it hinder the City, if it were tabled to the September meeting. Mr. Wood advised that a letter was submitted from Microdata, with prices through this month, and was not aware whether it could be extended through September. Ile said the payroll has to continence at the start of the quarter, and was not advisable to change payroll systems in the middle of a quarter, because it has to be reported to the State and Federal Government. C/14 Zemel MOVED that Temp. Reso. #1900, awarding a contract for com- puter and operating software, be approved, and V/P'I Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. b) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1921. C/M Zemel MOVED for the adoption of Temp. Reso. #1921, authorizing the engagement of Municipal Management Systems, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. c) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2013. V/M Disraelly MOVED for the adoption of Temp. Reso. #2013, and C/P1 Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. d) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2014. V/M Disraelly MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #2014, and C/M Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS 4. Social Services Program - Presentation by Mayor Falck of Certificates of Appreciation to contributors to this Program in recognition of their services. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Certificates were presented by Mayor Falck. Mayor Falck advised of Virginia Taylor, recognized: Martin Groupp Alice Z. Leiderman Herman Lacoff Adolph Fonfa Sol Karp Hyman Sklar Florence Franzman Manny Slade that Helen Sobel has taken over during the absence who has been ill. The following individuals were henry Gottlieb Armond Gruenfeld Jekome Jacobs Max Herfield Mike Wilson Sam Isaacson Al Del Vecchio Max Junghaendel and William Damsky GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL Murray Averack Mitchell Iiecht Irving Cooperman Bernie Sims Gertrude Bernhardt Jerry Heller Mary DiCandia Shirley Herman 15.Bid'Award -- Finance De artment - Temp. Reso. #1974 - Discussion and possible action to award a bid for two (2) Statistical Multiplexers for use with the Data Processing System. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved to Networks, Inc. for $10,200, less 20 discount for 10 days prompt payment. -9- RESOLUTION NO.R- gl -- l PASSED. 7/22/81 mr/ The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1974. Mrs. Stuurmans said that by using the multiplexers, it was not necessary to have as many modems for the lines, to transmit the information between facilities and offices. She further stated that one line could be used, with branches that reach to five different locations or lines. The City Manager said that the Finance Director recommended the award to the lowest bidder, namely, Networks, Inc., for two (2) multiplexers, at a cost of $5100 each, which totals $10,200.00. It was her request that it include the statement of less 2% discount for 10 days prompt payment. C/W Massaro MOVED to approve Temp. Reso. #1974, awarding the bid to Networks, Inc. at $5,100 each, with a total of $10,200.00, less 2% discount for 10 days prompt payment. C/M Kravitz SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. . Surl'_lus _ -- T._ vehicles Public Works Department - Discussion and possible .. ._".hicl action on a bid to purchase surplus vehicles - Temp. Reso. #1975. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Council moved to re- ject a bid from Joseph B.Gennaro; autho- rizing City Manager to negotiate a sale at the highest offer, after receipt of 3 informal bids. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1975. Mrs. Stuurmans advised that there were eight (8) vehicles to be sold as surplus, with one bid being received, from Joseph B. Gennaro, in the amount of $231. She felt the metal itself has more value. The Shop Steward was requested to obtain informal bids, and they were above the amount received by formal bid process. It was requested that Council re- ject the bid from Joseph B. Gennaro, in the amount of $231, and autho- rize the City Manager to negotiate a sale, at the highest offer, after receipt of three (3) informal bids. C M Zemel SO MOVED to reject the bides and_ V P1_._Di.s_.r.aelly .SECONDED.. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 17.Bid Award - City Clerk Department - Temp. Reso. _#1970 - Discussion and possible action to award a bid for multi --year rental of a Duplicator/ Copier. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved to Kodak, RESOLUTION ITO.R-- PASSED. or a 3-year period, with a base amount of $1,240 per month. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1970. Mrs. Stuurmans advised that a report was received from the City Clerk, who indicated that she delayed a recommendation to Council, until a review was made of equipment offered by the Xerox Corporation. She noted that Kodak machinery is presently in --house, and a bid was also received from IBM. The City Clerk, she said, did recommend an award be approved to Kodak, for a three-year period of time. The City Manager concurred with the suggestion of the City Clerk, and stated that the service and caliber of copy work has been excellent.from Kodak; also, the pricing package is the best offer, with a continuing rental. V/M Disraelly said he discussed the various machines with the City Clerk, and determined that one of,the other machines was quite noisy, with the IBM machine requiring removal of the paper, in order to accomplish two- sided copying. V/M Disraelly MOVED that the bid be awarded to Eastman Kodak for a three-year period, in the amount of $1,240.00 per month, to which the City Attorney indicated it should be indicated "in the base amount of $1,240.00 per month". V/M Disraelly A14EIlDED HIS MOTION to concur with the suggestion of the City Attorney, and C/11 Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. niter. 7/22/81 mr/ 18. Fire Station #2 - Performance Bond - Temp. Reso. #2010 - Discus - Tape sion and possible action to release a bond posted by Apelquist #3 Construction Company to guarantee construction of Fire Station #2. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- g���s5 ^PASSED. The'City Attorney. read Temp. Reso. #2010. The City Manager said the resolution reflects that the Chief Building Official has found the work to be satisfactorily completed. There was a question as to the release of the bond, and a request was made for input by the City Engineer; also, comments by the. Fire Chief. The recommendation, she said, was not to hold the bond any further. C/M Zemel MOVED that Temp. Reso. #2010 be approved, and V/PZ Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 19. International Year of the Disabled Person - Temp. Reso. #2009 -- Dis- cussion and possible action to urge the United States Post Office to issue a commemorative stamp honoring the handicapped. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with copies RESOLUTION NO.R- PASSED. to Postmaster General of the U.S., and municipalities of Broward County. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2009. C/M Zemel felt this part of the country, and also in this community, there is a great percentage of disabled persons, who find the time, effort and strength to participate in government and social organi- zational work. Ile felt this was a worthwhile resolution, and MOVED for approval of Temp. Reso. #2009, and V/P1 Disraelly SECONDED, with the suggestion that copies be sent to the Postmaster General of the United States, and municipalities of Broward County. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 21. Beautification - Discussion and possible action to fully enforce the Beautification Ordinance. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: No action taken as to enforcement of the Ordinance. C/W Massaro indicated her concern on beautification within project development, with many instances of neglect and deterioration, and felt there was a need of enforcement. She said the people should be contacted, which would make them aware of this, but also felt an effort should be made to enforce the Beautification Ordinance, or eliminate it completely. Florence Bochenek, the Vice Chairman of the Beautification Committee, said this has been a concern of hers for a period of time. She also stated that landscaped plans were approved by this Committee, which were to be carried out, as approved, but was never certain as to the responsible person for such enforcement. She further said that many of the developed properties in the City look disgraceful, and again questioned who was responsible, and the manner for such en- forcement. Mrs. Bochenek requested direction. V/PZ Disraelly said that when he attends Beautification Committee meetings, it is frequently pointed out that various areas are in disrepair. He is cognizant of the situation that prevails, and upon tours of the City, he submits reports to the City Manager, as to ob- servations, which are followed through. The Vice Mayor said this past week, he indicated to the City Manager, that the sprinkler heads in the Publix Shopping Plaza have been destroyed, which resulted in grass that is dying, unkempt and has not been swept. He was in favor of a uniformed Code Enforcement Officer, but could only be handled by "observations", and reports submitted to the City Manager. C/M Zemel was also in favor of uniformed Code Enforcement Officers, -11- 7/22/81 mr/ and inquired about Lindsley Lumber, and the violations involved on their property.. Ile also discussed the dumping which has been occurring in residential areas, which are not visible from the road. C/W Massaro also indicated that some people do not bag the cut grass,_ but just dump it, and should be cited for such a violation. She also noted that Lindsley Lumber has an agreement, whereby they have certain rights about their sign, but was not aware of the beautification. She felt that the Code Enforcement Officer has not been enforcing beautifi- cation, because the daily work log does not indicate this. C/W Plassaro said it was the responsibility of the City Manager to follow through on reports; and inquired on her memo relating to the Family Plart. Mrs. Stuurmans said that a report was distributed by Chief McIntosh, which was copied to her. # Melanie Reynolds discussed the Duffs Restaurant parking, and the con- crete stops being turned in various directions, which should be anchored to which the City Attorney responded that prior to additional C.O.s, restriping was to have been done. le action o designate U. West -- Tema. Reso. #2012 - Discussion and pos- sible 22• sibUtiletactioo_n_ito T-the appropriate City Official authorized to sign utility permits for the Florida Department of Transportation, per- ta,ining to the construction of a water main under University Drive. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with Section 1 to indicate authorization to execute utility permits by the City Engineer. RESOLUTION NO.R- V— e,. PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2012, and involved a Utility Permit Application. V/M Disraelly said that in order to get the water from the new wells being constructed, which is in the rear of the 6000 Complex and St. Malachys, for the potable water to the utility, it would require execution by either the City Manager or the City Engineer. Mrs. Stuurmans said Section 1 should read, "the City Manager or his designee" which would be the City Engineer, or in his absence, she would sign it. She further stated it could be designated for the Consulting Engineer, in the absence of the City Engineer. V/M Disraelly inquired whether this pertained to the cut in the road for the 20 inch pipe, and establishing the fact that no lines are cut for the other utilities. The City Attorney concurred that Section 1 should indicate authorization and execution by the City engineer. V/M Disraelly indicated that Section 1, read as follows: "The City Engineer is hereby authorized to sign for the Florida DOT", and MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #2012, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: LEGAL AFFAIRS ALL VOTED AYE. 35. Pension Plan -- Temp. Ord. #861 - Discussion and possible action to amend Section IV of the Retirement Plan to allow Firefighters to voluntarily increase their retirement ages. Second Reading. (tabled from 7/8/81) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. O-_a: Z PASSED. The City Attorney noted that a Public Hearing was previously held, and the ordinance was read by title. C/W Massaro MOVED for adoption of Temp. Ord. 4361, on second and final reading, and V/11 Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. -12- 7/22/81 mr/ 38. Nonconformin2 Uses - Temp. Ord_. #894 - Discussion and possible action to amend Section 28-212 of the Code by providing a procedure whereby permits can be issued for additions, extensions or alterations to non- conforming buildings or structures in existence on or prior to February 2, 1972. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 1st reading, with 2nd to be held on September 9, 1981. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #894, and advised that this ordi- nance was requested by C/W Massaro in her memorandum of June 19th. He indicated the change involves "grandfathering in", as to certain nonconformities, if it is proven through a survey. But, if it not, then it would be necessary to come before the Board of Adjustment. C/W Massaro said the only requirement is that the ordinance exists on the books, but a survey has to be provided to prove the point. The City Attorney noted that some of the structures were erected after 1972, with the five (5) foot setback, and this ordinance is neces- sary at this time. C/W Massaro said it would not be necessary for presentation before the Board of Adjustment, if a survey is submitted showing that the nonconformity was there before 1972. C/W Massaro MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #894, on first reading, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Mayor Falck noted that second reading will be held on September 9th. 40. Site Plan/Plat Review - Temp_. Ord_. #714 - Discussion and possible action to prohibit review of site plans not accompanied by plats. Second Reading. (tabled from 10/22/80) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Denied The City Attorney said it was Staff's recommendation that this be denied. He also indicated that the Public Bearing was previously held. C/W Massaro MOVED that Temp. Ord. #714 be DENIED, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 42. Tenure of the Vice Mayor - Temp. Reso. #1967 - Discussion and possible action to provide for a specific term of office for a Council member to serve as Vice Mayor. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- ASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1967. C/M Zemel felt that everyone should have the opportunity to serve on the City Council, in the capacity of Vice Mayor, which is by appoint- ment of the members. Ile said it was a good training ground for those who are ambitious, and have the ability, also, aspiring to be the Mayor. C/M Zemel MOVED that Temp. Reso. #1967, pertaining to the Tenure of the Vice Mayor, be limited to two consecutive terms, be approved. C/W Massaro did not agree with this, because the Vice Mayor's position is very important, and not a training ground. She felt he has to be prepared to step into the shoes of the Mayor, if illness occurs, or he desires to vacate the office. Additionally, she said, the people who wrote and voted for the Charter, gave Council the prerogative, to enable them to make this choice. C/W Massaro stated that this was not a good ordinance, but felt the decision of Vice Mayor and his re- appointment should be left to the Council. C/M Kravitz felt that a specific term is indicated in the resolution, -13- 7/22/81 mr/ L L and Council would still have the prerogative to elect the Vice Mayor, but was not in conflict with the intent of the Charter. Fie then SECONDED the motion, for such adoption. Mayor Falck also felt that Council was aware of determining who was best suited to serve in the capacity of Vice Mayor, and did not object to the rotation. C/M Zemel said that previously there was an ordinance which placed the Vice Mayor into such a position, for the second highest amount of votes during an election. VOTE: C/M Kravitz - Aye C/M Zemel - Aye C/W Massaro - Nay V/M Disraelly - Aye Mayor Falck -- Aye 43. Increase of Court Costs - Temp. Ord. #907 - Discussion and possible action to increase Court costs to be assessed in Broward County Courts to be used for Police education and training. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, on 1st reading, as amended. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #907, and advised that Staff recom- mended adoption. V/M Disraelly suggested that additional language be included on line 18, after the words, said monies; "shall be returned to the City". He then MOVED for adoption of Temp. Ord. #907, as amended, on first reading. C/M Kravitz SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 44. Yockey vs. City of Tamarac - Discussion and possible action on possible settlement. yy SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved for settlement of $3,000, to be taken from the Police Salaries Fund. Mr. Birken advised that a memorandum was distributed to Council, also, a copy of a communication from the Special Counsel, Mr. Shailer, to the Attorney for Mr. Yockey. Ile further stated that a proposal was made to resolve this matter in the amount of $3,000.00, with the new status, which immunity was granted by State Attorney's office to Mr. Yockey. He recommended settlement in the amount of $3,000.00. V/M Disraelly MOVED to accept the recommendation of Shailer & Purdy, for the sum of $3,000.00, to be paid to Officer Yockey, as suggested, and because of the conditions that prevailed at that time, for the funding to come from the Police Salaries Fund. C/W Massaro SECONDED. Mayor Falck felt the manner of handling this situation by the City Tape Attorney, has been very productive, and kept under control. #4 V/M Disraelly AMENDED HIS MOTION to include that the Settlement Stipula- tion, Case 80-3538, be signed in behalf of the City, to which C/TV Massaro concurred. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 51. Woodmont County Club - Temporary Trailers - Discussion and possible action to extend the term to permit the use of trailers for various functional purposes. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved for a period of six 6j-Months. C/W Massaro MOVED that the renewal permit be approved for a period of six (6) months, and C/M Kravitz SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 7/22/31 -14- mr/ 58'. Woodmont Tract 72B (Timber Point) - Temp. Reso.#1732 - Discussion and possible action to accept a Bill of Sale for the water and sewer dis- tribution and collection systems. (tabled from 7/28/80) SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION 140. R-- g/� l PASSED The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1732, and C/W Plassaro MOVED for its adoption, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 59. St, Malachy Church - Temp. Reso. #1957 - Discussion and possible action to accept a Quit Claim Deed offered by the Archdiocese of Miami for a road right-of-way for N.W. 61st Street. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- g�.1/(p PASSED The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1957. V/M Disraelly indicated this item was discussed at the previous meeting, which was held for this day. Ile also said the Quit Claim Deed will be used for the widening of 61st Street, and installation of a traffic light. He then MOVED for the adoption of Temp. Reso. #1957, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 62. Medical Office Building (Big Max Plat) - Temp. Reso. #1968 - Discus- sion and possible action to accept a Bill of Sale for water and sewer distribution and collection systems. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- �6 PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1963, and C/W Massaro MOVED for its adoption, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 63. Canal Reservation Release - Temp. Reso. #1996_ - Discussion and possible action to release a canal reservation on Tract 22 in Land Section 7, in the area of the proposed Everglades Expressway. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO. R- f/ -(p PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1996. C/W Massaro MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #1996, and C/M Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 64. Canal Reservation Release - Tem . Reso. #1997 - Discussion and possible action to release a canal reservation on lands located on the west side of University Drive north of N.W. 82nd Street. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO.R-_g.1- ! 6 r ^PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1997, and V/PZ Disraelly MOVED for its adoption, with a SECOND by C/W Massaro. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 65. Canal Reservation Release - Temp. Reso. lk1998 - Discussion and possible action to release a canal reservation on Tract 24. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION ITO.R- PASSED. VOTE: The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1998, and C/W Massaro MOVED for its adoption, with a SECOND by C/M Zemel. ALL VOTED AYE. 68. Drainage Improvements - Western Area of the City - Discussion and possible action. -15- 7/22/81 Mr/ SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 9/9/81 meeting. C/W Massaro said that it was suggested by the City Engineer to table this item to the September 9th meeting; and was a continued item. She so MOVED, and C/M Kravitz SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. C/W Massaro indicated that publicity should be given for the recreation parcel in the Heathgate--Sunflower area, or they will not get drainage improvements. She felt it could be handled through the Public Informa- tion Committee or the news media, in order to give the innocent people some form of relief .. C/M Zemel concurred, because there were a small number of people making decisions for the Heathgate-Sunflower group, with complaints still coming in on drainage and flooding problems. Fie also felt that some form of informational publicity should be instituted, in order to resolve the problems, because the City is prepared to start the work. The City Manager said when the City Engineer prepares the documents on the new easements that will be required for the work, and has submitted a final report to Council, then it could be considered. 70. Carlone's Cuisine Restaurant (Commercial Garden Mall) - Sign Waiver - Tem . Reso. #2000 - Discussion and possible action on a wall sign on the west side of the building. SYNOPSIS OF ACTIO14: Approved RESOLUTION NO. R-- I--1717 _PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2000. V/M Disraelly informed Council that an additional wall sign was re- quested by Carlone's, and presented to the Beautification Committee on July 6th, 1981. This petition, he said, was denied, which followed the procedure of the Code; and was followed by a waiver, that was heard earlier this week. At that time, the Beautification Committee recom- mended approval by the City Council. This sign, he noted, was to be placed on the west wall, for visibility to the people in the parking lot, indicating the building. The colors, he said, conform to the criteria of the center, and recommended approval. He then MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #2000, permitting a wall sign on the west side of the building, which was SECONDED by C/W Massaro. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 71. Woodmont Tract 58 - Discussion and possible action on: a) Request for release of warranty bond posted for public improvements - Temp. Reso. #2003. b) Acceptance of Bill of Sale for water distribution and sewage collec- tion system improvements - Temp. Reso. #2004. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) and b)- Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- FZ-I & PASSED. RESOLUTION NO.R-ffl / 72 PASSED. a) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2003, and C/W Massaro MOVED for its approval, with a SECOND by V/PZ Disraelly. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. b) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2004, and V/P1 Disraelly MOVED for its approval, with a SECOND by C/PZ Zemel. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 72. Woodmont Tract 60 -- Discussion and possible action on: a) Request for release of performance bond posted for public improve- ments subject to receipt of a warranty bond - Temp. Reso. #2005. b) Acceptance of Bill of Sale for water distribution and sewage collec- tion system improvements - Tem . Reso. 42006. -16- 7/22/81 mr/ L SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) and b)-Approved RESOLUT1014 NO. R-- V- %% PASSED. RESOLUTION NO. R-- Q/—/ZZ PASSED. a) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2005, and C/W Massaro MOVED for its approval, with a SECOND by V/M Disraelly. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. b) V/M Disraelly read Temp. Reso. #2006, and MOVED for its approval, with a SECOND by C/W Massaro. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 73. Woodmont Tracts 47, 48 and 50 - Temp. Reso. #2007 - Discussion and pos- sible action to call this bond which was originally posted for culvert crossings. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: No action required, because bond has been renewed. The City Attorney advised that he was in receipt of a letter from the Gateway Insurance Agency, which indicates that the bond has been renewed, and would require that no action be taken. 74. Southgate Gardens - Bond Release - Tem . Reso. #2011 -- Discussion and possible action to release a performance bond posted for sidewalks subject to receipt of a warranty bond. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved RESOLUTION NO.R- PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2011. V/M Disraelly indicated that the cost of the improvements was greater than the original bond, and the one-year warranty bond is 250 of the higher figure, rather than the amount of the original warranty bond. Additional fees, he stated, have been paid to the City. He then MOVED for the adoption of Temp. Reso. #2011, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 75. Mainlands Center (N.E. corner of University Drive & N.W. 58th Street) - Discussion and possible action on a request to exchange a cash bond, currently posted for public improvements, with a Certificate of Deposit. SYNOPSIS OF ACTIO14: Approved, for a one --year Certificate of Deposit, or the Cash Bond will remain. Mr. Birken said that because there is cash -in --hand, he felt that Staff would not recommend cutting a check, and approval could be given. C/W Massaro said she would not object to an exchange for the Certificate, which is for a six-month period, to which the City Attorney suggested that the length of the bond be approximately equal to the construction period, as previously required. C/W Massaro recommended that the C.D. be for one year, or the cash bond remain, to which the City Attorney quoted "that he assigns his right to the C.D., together with all monies due, and to become due thereon, in- cluding principal and interest or dividends". Per. Birken further ad- vised that Council could approve the C.D. for a one-year period. C/W Massaro MOVED that Mr. Cassas be permitted to exchange the Cash Bond for a Certificate of Deposit, provided it is for one year, unless the job is completed before that time, and the City releases it, otherwise the Cash Bond will remain. C/M Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: C/M Kravitz. Aye C/M Zemel - Aye C/W Massaro - Aye V/M Disraelly - Nay Mayor Falck - Aye -17- 7/22/81 mr/ 82. Tamarac Jewish Center - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for a fence. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved (See page 1) V/M Disraelly indicated that the Jewish Center was informed that in order to open their nursery school in September, the County or State ordinances require that the playground provision, be "X" number of square feet per nursery child". The original site plan, he said, does show a play area in the center of the site plan, with a fence, in the area marked "new addition". The Vice Mayor said the play area was pre- sumed to be large enough, but the County requested additional play area. He said there is a grassed area enclosure, to the north, which is 35 feet by 15 feet, which will provide sufficient area for the number of nursery children, which has to be erected prior to school opening in September. The Vice Mayor also said there is to be a four (4) foot high cyclone fence to be erected by Sears. V/M Disraelly MOVED that the revised site plan be approved, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. MEETING WAS RECESSED TO 1:30 P.M., FOR LUNCH. MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER, ROLL CALL TAI:EN, AND ALL PRESENT. 37. Emergency Ordinance - Unpaved Public Right -of -Way Maintenance - Temp. Ord. #902 - Discussion and possible action to amend Ordinance 80-115 Tape whereby certain public property abutting paved public rights -of -way #5 may be maintained by the City. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 1st and ORDIIIAI4CE NO.O- $`/--�,?Z� PASSED. 2nd Reading, as corrected. C/M Zemel read Temp. Ord. #902, in its entirety, and indicated that he introduced the ordinance amendment. Ile also stated that various areas of the City have rights -of -way fronting on streets where Australian Pines were planted by developers; which purpose was for diminishing traffic noise and privacy to the rear of the affected homes. With the existing ordinance, he said,the homeowners were required to keep the swale areas manicured and in proper aesthetic condition. C/M Zemel said that many of these homeowners are elderly, and cannot afford the price of commercial lawncutting, or pulling the lawnmowers across the front to the rear of their homes, where the swales exist. He then MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #902, an Emergency Ordinance, amending Ordinance 80-115, on first reading, and V/M Disraelly SECONDED, because he was also concerned with this problem, in certain areas of the City. But, he felt that specific areas should be defined. C/W Massaro felt this subject has been discussed many times, as relates to swales, which necessitated the ordinance, because the City always maintained that it was not their function. She recognized that some people do have a problem that should be addressed. She also discussed this with certain developers who are going to create projects along Southgate Boulevard, because sidewalks have been requested in the area. But,prior to completion of negotiations, she anticipated removal of certain Australian Pines by the developers, because of inability to mow the swale area, and poor visibility beyond these trees. C/W Massaro felt that something has to be created which will be equitable to all the people, but the City Council meetings will be recessed during the month of August. She said that C/I1 Zemel indicated that there may be problems with the growth, which should be properly mowed. It was her suggestion that the City Manager be authorized to have someone from Public Works open up the areas where lawnmowers are not able to come through. She MOVED to TABLE this item to the first meeting in September, with the City Manager authorized to provide access for anyone that finds they are not able to get through to mow their swage area. mum 7/22/81 mr/ r MOTION TO TABLE DIED, :DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND. C/M Zemel discussed an article written in this day's Miami Herald, which indicates that Dade and Broward County has the worst mosquito infestation since 1976. This, he said, was noted to be caused by the high grass and breeding grounds,which the moisture causes when it hits the grass. C/W Massaro said the effort to be rid of the Australian Pines is important, because they are also mosquito breeders; and, would be to everyone's benefit. V/PZ Disraelly confirmed the fact that maintenance would be only in the areas where unreasonable access problems for cutting are involved. He said once sidewalks are installed, then unreasonable access would be eliminated. C/P'! Zemel said if the City Manager is authorized to grant the permits for cutting particular swale areas by the City, then, at the same time she could also be given the power to rescind, where the area is accessible to the homeowners. V/M Disraelly said the request should be in writing to the City Manager, which will be handled on its merits. Florence Bochenek of Section 21, indicated that her home is on the corner of McNab and Nob Hill Roads, and was unaware of this original ordinance. She discussed the growth of the grass and lawn height, and felt that an emergency measure should be taken, and the City Manager should be empowered to have the Public Works do the cutting.. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #902, for second reading, and noted a change in the title, "to permit the Cit Mana er to designate public property abutting paved public rights -of -way", by _removing or Council on line 3. Also, removing the last word on line 11, which is to. C/M Zemel MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #902 on second reading, as corrected in the title, on line 3, removing the words "or City__Council: Also, the last word on line 11 is to be deleted, namely,"to." V/M Disraelly SECONDED the motion. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Irving Brody of 92nd Avenue and McNab Road, indicated an individual claims to have fallen on his property, and a suit was filed. He said his property consists of 2000 square feet of land on McNab Road, which is owned by the City of Tamarac. Ile was advised by the attorney representing Allstate Insurance, that should he or his gardener work this strip of land, he would be held liable for damages sustained by the plaintiff. Mr. Sawyer said that his backyard runs on Nob Hill Road, and indicated that his wife is not able to go out because the grass is the height of a hay field. He felt that the swales should be cut. Sam Fleischman, a resident of Section 21, said that he is on McNab Road, at the last canal, and has to travel 3/4 of a mile each way in order to get his lawnmower there. He also said the height of the Australian Pines are maintained, and enjoys the privacy it affords. He felt that cutting down the Pines would permit people to take a shortcut across his property to the mainroad and the clubhouse. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. C/M Zemel said the ordinance indicates that a procedure will be established by the City Manager or the City Council, as to a written request to have the grass cut, because of unreasonable access. -19- 7/22/81 mr/ COMMUNITY DEVELOPME14T 69. Travel Talk (Shops of Tamarac) - Sign Waiver - Temp. Reso. #1999 -- Discussion and possible action on a request for waiver of the sign ordinance pertaining to style of lettering. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Denied The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1999. MAYOR FALCK CALLED FOR A TWO-PIINUTE RECESS. V/M Disraelly said that Travel Talk appeared before the Beautification Committee two weeks ago, and requested a sign in the Shops of Tamarac. The Committee denied this, because the City Ordinance requires that all signs within a shopping center shall be of one design and one color; and, did not conform to the center's criteria. Fie further added they were asking for lower case instead of block letters. The Vice Mayor informed Council that they appeared before the Beautifica- tion Committee last Monday, and requested a waiver for the style of lettering that was used. The Committee made a motion for the waiver petition to be presented to the City Council, but it was denied because it did not meet with the established criteria lettering style. V/M Disraelly MOVED to DENY Temp. Reso. Jf1999, because it does not con- form to the requirements. Fie said that every sign in the shopping center, since the adoption of the ordinance by the City, has had yellow block letters. C/M Zemel SECONDED the motion. Luis Alvarez of Triple A Signs, represented Travel Talk, and said this company has four or five different stores, and their logo was very im- portant to them. He said there were other signs in the center, that did not have block letters. V/M Disraelly responded that the stores which came in since the adoption of the Sign Ordinance, have changed their signs to conform, This is yellow lettering on a brown background, with block letters, and the height of the top line not to exceed 18 inches, with other lines to be 6 inches. Fie further stated this was indicated for the shopping center on October 20, 1980, by Barry Eden, the General Manager. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. PUBLIC IIEARI14GS 23. Bud et Amendment - Temp. Ord. #898 - Discussion and possible action on Tape an amendment to the General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 1980/1981. #6 Second Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd ORDINANCE 140.0-�&_ I Jr PASSED. and final reading. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. 1[898. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because there were no comments received. V/M Disraelly MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #893, on second and final reading, and C/11 Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. - g #, 81 - Temap. Ord_. #901 - Discussion and pos- sibleRezoning action to rezone the lands occupied by the Tamarac Fire Station #2 at 4801 LET. Commercial Boulevard from B-1 to I-1. Second Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd ORDT14AIJCE NO.0- 8 f PASSED. and final reading. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. '.001. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because there were no comments received. C/M Zemel MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #901, on second and final reading, and V/P1 Disraelly SECONDED. &A1]= 7/22/81 mr/ r r r VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 25. Motor Vehicle Parking Restrictions - Temp. Ord. #896 -- Discussion and possible action to amend Section 1.5-4 of the Code to prohibit parking on Woodlands Boulevard. Second Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 2nd and final reading. ORDINANCE NO.O- PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #896. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because there were no comments received. C/M Kravitz MOVED to adopt Temp. Ord. #896, on second and final reading, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 26. Limited Agricultural (A--1) zoning District - Temp. Ord. #88.5 - Discus- sion and possible action to amend Section 28-171.2 of the Code to permit distributor transformer stations and setting forth conditions for such use within this district. Second Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #885. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Rich Arlington of FP&L, said this particular station is at the 8400. block of Southgate Boulevard. V/M Disraelly explained that this item refers to the transformer stations, but, if such a station is built, this City will require a seven (7) foot high fence, with minimum setbacks of 25 feet from any property; And, in addition, will require landscaping of at least one (1) tree planted every 25 feet around the perimeter of the station. This would be in accordance with the City's Code; with a continuous hedge to be placed around the outside perimeter of that enclosure instead of the chainlink fence. He suggested that concrete blocks be constructed with an orna- mental design, rather than a chainlink fence, which would be beautiful. Mr. Arlington reiterated that it would be located on 84th Avenue, in the golf course on Southgate Boulevard. Martin Sager of Woodmont, inquired as to other locations that could be used for this transformer station; objecting to the designated location. Mr. Arlington said that electric substations are now permitted in R-1 zoning, and did not want to rezone this property to that status, but were requesting a variance on A-1. This would be a substation, and not a plant, he said. lie said this is not next to a residential area, and is on the golf course, but a site plan still has to be submitted. for consideration. C/W Massaro felt that blanket permission to build in an A--1 area would not meet with her approval, and would prefer to table this item. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. C/W Massaro MOVED to table the item, and C/M Kravitz SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 27. Bruce Egan - Rezoniaa Petition #3A-Z--81 - Discussion and possible action to rezone lands on the east side of University Drive extending southward from N.W. 64th Street to St. Malachy Church property from R-3 to B-2 by Temp. Ord. #906. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 9/9/81, after review by the Consulting City Planner, as to the proposed rezoning. -21- 7/22/81 mr/ r- The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #906. Paul Young, with the firm of Goldberg, Young, Goldberg & Borgson, represented the petitioner,Bruce Egan. Ile said they appeared before the homeowners Association, on the property immediately east of the proposed site, and the Planning Commission. A recommendation was made, he said, to change the property from R-3 to B-2. Mr. Young indicated that the site on this item and the next item on the agenda, encompasses ten (10) acres of property. Mr. Young further stated that Item #27 involved rezoning the property from R-3 to B-2, and would be appropriate. Ile also noted that the rear portion of the property, which abuts the present residential area, would involve the creation of a buffer zone. Ile additionally stated that the dimensions from the rear property line are 150 feet from the residential area, and would require rezoning from R-3 to RD--7. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Melanie Reynolds said she inquired at the Planning Commission meeting, as to why this property could not be rezoned to B-1, rather than B-2, because there are more limited uses involved. Mr. Young said that he advised the Planning Commission there would be no difficulty with B-1, but that B-2 was adequate. Mr. Birken explained that the Planning Commission was to approve or deny rezoning to B-2, with recommendations to be submitted to the City Council. Ile also said that Council has the authority to rezone to a more restrictive category than requested, and could approve the B-1 zoning. Saul Messinger of Vanguard Village, said they were reluctant to encourage additional commercial development in Tamarac, but the homeowners on the property adjacent to this plot, felt this may be a solution, rather than having the density created by two-story condominiums. Ile inquired as to RD--7 permitting two-family dwellings, but does not specify single story. C/W Massaro said it involved duplexes only, but does not limit it to single story. Mr. Messinger said the two items on the agenda involved two separate rezonings, and would like to make the first contingent on the granting of the second; which was previously accomplished on the Shell property. He requested that the City Council safeguard the residents, by con- sidering Items 27 and 28 together. Nat Kornreich of Vanguard Village, said he attended the last Planning Commission meeting, and at their level, they considered this be re- zoned to B-1. He inquired whether this would be connecting duplexes, with one-story buildings, or could it go to two-story. C/M Zemel said if it is rezoned, then the developer has the right to do this, to which Mr. Young said he presented this to the Planning Com- mission, as to not going over the one-story building, with a covenant to be placed on the land, to that effect. Mr. Young said the people who reside immediately behind the project, are aware that the present zoning would permit more than one-story buildings. Ile also noted, that the land was split to two petitions, in order to establish the buffer zone, and have the frontage commercially zoned. Mr. Young responded to a question by C/W Massaro, by stating that it would be restricted to adults, which is similar to what is presently in Vanguard Village. lie reiterated that a covenant would be placed, which is a recorded document indicating that nothing else could be done. Mr. Birken explained that this involves a deed restriction, which they will place, and indicates particular things they can and cannot do. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. V/M Disraelly said he reviewed the plan, and felt it was good, but now felt it would be creating more strip zoning. Ile referred to the -22_ 7/22/81 mr/ r r � City of Davie, and the moratorium they were placing on University Drive for all building, because of limiting the strip stores, and re-evaluating what has been done. Fie also felt that additional strip stores were not necessary, and because University Drive is a principal highway, many people want to live there and be close enough to walk to shopping centers, banks and churches. The Vice Mayor said good bus routes do -exist run- ning north and south, to the major shopping centers. He was terribly concerned about the homes that could be built adjacent to Vanguard Village, because it would be facing a shopping center fence, that is six feet high in the front yard, and no amenities for recreation, but 14 isolated homeowners. He said they could have individual swimming pools, but nothing that could involve a group or community, and would be difficult to sell. It was his feeling that the total concept should be reviewed, not only for those homeowners, but those abutting in Vanguard Village. Richard Rubin, the Consulting City Planner, indicated that he has not had the opportunity to review this application in-depth, but did note that four years previous, when the Land Use Plan was adopted, there was time spent in reviewing the land along University Drive. It was the Planning Commission and City Council's intent at that time, to not have strip commercial along the entire length of University Drive. If, he said, Council is in favor of the application, he would like to review the proposed rezoning, and bring positive findings for the next reading. V/M Disraelly MOVED to table the item to the September 9th meeting, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Mr. Rubin indicated that the applicant requested that Item #28 be tabled. 28. Bruce E an -_Rezoning Petition #3B-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action to rezone lands on the east side of University Drive extending south- ward from N.W. 64th Street to St. Malachy Church property from B-3 to RD-7 by Tem . Ord. #905. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 9/9/81. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #905. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Nat Kornreich said he was in favor of a covenant being submitted. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. V/M Disraelly MOVED to table the item to the first meeting in September, and C/W £7assaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 29. Bonaire Associates., Ltd. - Rezoning Petition #10-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action to rezone lands in the proposed Woodmont Tract 74 and 75 project located south of N.W. 78th Street between University Drive and N.W. 80th Avenue, from R--3U to S-1 by Temp. Ord. #904. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved on lst reading, with review by the Consulting City Planner. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. #904. Candy Mehling, Project Coordinator for Keith & Schnars, represented Bonaire Associates, displayed the plan, and discussed the location for the pool and restroom facilities for the residents of Tract 74 and 75. She further stated that the rezoning was mandated by Council, at the time of site plan approval. She also responded to a question by V/M Disraelly, by stating that the items to be located there will not change. V/M Disraelly said that the site plan has been approved, and inquired -23- 7/22/81 mr/ J as to what portion of the 19 feet is in the "S" zoning. Mr. Birken said this could be checked prior to second reading, to which Mr. Rubin responded that additional information would be presented to Council, prior to second reading. Ms. Mehling said the development involved three-story condominium, with a total of 800 units, which has been approved. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because there were no comments received. C/W Massaro MOVED that Temp. Ord. .4904 be approved on first reading, and the Consulting City Planner check for adequate S-1 zoning assigned to the property, in order to accommodate what is going on. C/PZ Zemel SECONDED. V/M Disraelly inquired whether it is applicable to the recreation area, as to the fee, to which C/W Massaro responded that the required fee has been paid, but would be required to maintain the proper setback, and would have to enlarge the S-1 area if there is not adequate space. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 30. John Ii. Detrick - Rezoning Petition 011-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action to rezone lands located on the southwest corner of McNab Road and N.W. 88th Avenue by Tern . Ord. ##903. First Reading. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Adopted on 1st reading, with conditions. The City Attorney read Temp. Ord. ##903. Tape ##7 Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. George Platt represented the Greens Condominium Apartments, Inc., which association is for two condominiums that are adjacent to the property. Ile said a meeting was held with the representatives of Coral Gables Federal, in order to determine the concerns expressed by the Planning Commission, as relates to the commercial development adjacent to the residential. Mr. Platt requested that two conditions be placed on the rezoning; 1) that they agree to the recordation of a covenant, to the satisfaction of the City Council, because the use would be for a one- story drive-in facility. C/W Massaro said that Mr. Kepshire indicated that inclusion in the covenant would state that should the use be abandoned, that the zoning would revert to the present status. Mr. Platt said that the City Attorney has a copy of the seller's attorney's recommendations. Ile suggested different verbiage, but it basically involved a one-story drive --in facility, and also felt that the landscaping buffer would exist between the commercial and residen- tial area, at the time of site plan submission. C/W Massaro said at the Planning Commission, the applicant,for-Mr.Kepshire did indicate they would voluntarily agree to the beautification required by the residents. Bernard Kepshire, Senior Vice President of Coral Gables, said that a statement was made that the landscaping would conform to the City's requirements, and embellish it to a reasonable extent. Mr. Platt reiterated that such a statement be an implicit condition of the City's approval, to which Mr. Rubin noted that the Planning Commis- sion indicated that they meet with the Consulting City Planner, for an amicable landscaping design. Mr. Kepshire said that because of the time factor, he would like an addition of a bypass being made on the one going east, which would be within the requirements. Ile said in other locations, and in some com- munities, landscaping is instituted in lieu of a wall. This, he said, would be more costly to them, to put in landscaping, due to the mainten- ance. -24- 7/22/81 mr/ V/M Disraelly said the Code indicates, "solid stucco and painted", as relates to the wall, and felt they could arrange for some beautification on the exterior of the wall. Mr. Kepshire said the purpose of the petition is to sell Coral Gables this property, for use as a drive-in facility, which they have agreed to use as a single -story building, but would request a reverter in the deed, if such use is not desired. Mr. Birken stated that a covenant and zoning are different, and re- sponded to a question by V/M Disraelly, that there is no wall require- ment. Mr. Platt felt that the Association and Coral Gables could agree that a nice buffer would be adequate, in order to avoid the wall. Fie said it is the desire of both parties, that if the property ceases to be used for the one-story drive-in financial facility, that it revert back to the residential designation, instead of commercial. Mr. Birken said the B-5 district was expanded to permit many uses other than retail. Milton Meyer, of The Greens, inquired whether approval of the zoning to B-5 could be made conditional, as to reverting to R-4A, to which the City Attorney responded that it could not. But, Mr. Birken said that the covenant could indicate use, and if not constructed within a period of time, that such use shall be limited to residential. C/W Massaro confirmed the fact that covenant could be written, if the particular use is abandoned, then it could revert to residential use. Mort Student said the area being discussed is quite small, but felt that it would be satisfactory for a drive-in one-story facility, with landscaping involved. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. C/W Massaro MOVED that the B-5 zoning petition be permitted, which is based on a voluntary stipulation from the petitioner and prospective owner; that this covenant will be.prepared between first and second reading,for Council's satisfaction, also, the residents adjacent to the property. Also, if the bank does not build the drive-in, that it would revert to residential use. Mr.Barnard, the Attorney for John Dietrich, said that a covenant was proposed for the land, with such intention, and would provide the City with such copies; which was similar to the one prepared by Mr. Platt. V/M Disraelly SECONDED the MOTION. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 31. Mission Bell Office Plaza - Petition #12-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action to grant a limited waiver to parking requirements of Chapter 18 of the Code for a business located at 4600-4620 W. Commercial Boulevard, Tamarac, by Temp. Reso. #1973. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with conditions RESOLUTION NO.R- 1-- r PASSED. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1973, and indicated that a memo was provided to Council relating to this item. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Robert DiStefano said that he was petitioner, and indicated that a memo was sent to the Council members, as to the difference between 105 to 108 spaces for parking. He also realized that the handicapped spaces were omitted, but has been clarified. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. V/M Disraelly inquired whether Mr. DiStefano was aware of the report -25- 7/22/81 mr/ and recommendation by the Planning Commission, as to granting relief for six spaces, but would go to eight spaces. Ile was aware that the City Attorney sent a letter on July 8th, which indicated the intent of the Council members, in order to ultimately effect confirmity in the year 2000. Mr. DiStefano said that he objected to this, and advised that there were 99 parking spaces at Mission Bell, with the legal square footage being 19,050, and did require 93 spaces. He stated that 17,400 square feet were leased, and required 87 parking spaces. Additionally, he said, a survey was submitted to Council, and was made from April 27th through May 8th, which was a fair representation of the actual parking. After two weeks of reviewing the parking, he determined that no more than 70 spaces were used at one period of time, which left 30 spaces vacant. Ile committed himself, by stating that no other waiver will be requested, but will remain with 108 parking spaces. Also, he said, that if a doctor leaves, he would not want to state that it could not be rented to another doctor. Mr. DiStefano responded to a question by C/W Massaro, by stating that Mission Bell is completely filled, and advised that one office has dual occupancy. C/W Massaro said this piece of property has always been a credit to the City, and never noticed a parking problem in the area. The Consulting City Planner said he reviewed the parking standards for doctors, at the request of the City Attorney, which memo was dated July 21st. He felt that the City's standards are reasonable, but some of the other cities are less or more stringent. Ile further advised that the City adopted an ordinance, for parking, in 1976 or 1978.And,indi-- cated that all applications for occupational license shall be reviewed, in order for an owner of a shopping center to avoid leasing more intense space, that a parking lot would permit, he said. Mr. Rubin did agree that Mission Bell Center was attractive, and if Staff determines that there is no hardship at that site, even if there is a problem with the amount of parking spaces, then a limited waiver be permitted. However, the applicant did agree to not lease any new space to doctors, which would create an additional hardship. But,should the doctor move, then he should conversely agree to lease it back at the original standard, to retail use, he stated. The petitioner did not concur with the second portion of ter. Rubin's statement. Mr. Birken did believe that a document should be signed by both parties, to be publicly recorded. Also, he said that at least one member of Council felt there should not be restrictions, as relates to a doctor moving out, and permission to rent to another doctor. C/W Massaro said the parking is for new construction coming in, and the waiver is for consideration of the other buildings. Tape 48 Mr. Birken said if carte blanche is given, then it would be impossible for the City Attorney's office to defend any denials. Mr. DiStefano said that as a landlord, he would not be motivated to cause a problem by overloading the parking lot. V/M Disraelly MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #1973, with granting of the . limited waiver, whereby not more than five (5) suites currently occupied by six (6) doctors, will be at any time devoted to doctors, and all other spaces shall be on a 1 to 200 basis. C/k1 Zemel SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 32. Tamarac Professional Building, a/k/a lest Tamarac Professional Building - Petition 13-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action to grant a limited waiver to parking requirements of Chapter 18 of the Code for a business located at 6208 N.W. 57th Street, Tamarac, by Temp. Reso. #1971. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with conditions. RESOLUTION NO. R- Y/— /��J'_PASSED. -26- 7/22/81 mr/ r The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1971. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Barry Eden, the Attorney for the petitioner, indicated that the building under discussion was built in 1972,which was a medical complex. fie re- quested a review be made of the parking ordinance, because there is no overflow parking; and the owners would work with the City. Ile further stated that a list of the doctors in the building was submitted to the City. Mr. Eden said that the City Attorney prepared an agreement, which he concurred with. V/M Disraelly said some areas have problems, while others do not, but the parking ordinance was rewritten one year ago, with copies submitted to Mr. Eden, and also the Chamber of Commerce. Many changes were made, he said, based on input, with adjustments that were necessary, but might still require additional review. Mr. Eden reviewed the various suites, and the occupants therein; 1) and 2) - Dr. Kugel; 3)-Dr. Saltzman; 4)-Dr. Rosenkranz; 5)-United Southern Realty; 6) -Dr. Edelson and Dr. Heiffeerman, dual dentists; 7) -- Dr. Ri45,. which is a medically related office for polyographs, but was treated as retail; and 8) - is vacant, but was Dr. Sandso He reiterated that the parking ordinance should be reviewed, and recom- mended the following suites be considered for medical use, namely, suites 1 and 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8, with 5 and 7 to not have doctors. Peter Weinstein, with the law firm of Weinstein & Zimmerman, was repre- senting Doctors Heifferman and Edelson. Ile noted that Dr. Edelson has been in the same building for approximately seven years. originally, he came into the suite with a partner, which suite was one of the largest in the building, and could accommodate two doctors, Mr. Weinstein said. Ile further stated that Dr. Ieifferman does not have an occupational license, but would comply,and conform to the City's requirements. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. C/W Massaro MOVED to approve Temp. Reso. #1971, with five single occu- pancies and one dual occupancy, for doctors; also, two suites to be occupied as business offices. C/M Kravitz SECONDED the motion. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 33. Sabal Palm Plaza (formerly Burkard Office Plaza) - Petition #14-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action to grant a limited waiver to parking re- quirements of Chapter 18 of the Code for a business located at the southeast corner of Rock Island Road and W. Commercial Boulevard, Tamarac, by Temp. Reso. #1972. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, RESOLUTION 140.R- 0 PASSED. with conditions. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1972. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public. Steven Kellough, the Attorney representing the petitioner, requested a waiver for twenty (20) spaces. He said there are presently three vacant bays, which cannot be rented, under the applicable parking re- quirements. At the time of purchase, in 1978, he said the bays were completely occupied. The City's ordinance, he said, does require 109 spaces, but there are 94 spaces at the shopping center. Mr. Kellough said that various occupational licenses have been denied by the City, due to excess parking requirements under the ordinance. Ile reiterated that they were requesting a waiver of twenty (20) spaces, and stated that in the proposed stipulation prepared by Mr. Birken, it was recog- nized there was no physical space for the extra space. Mr. Kellough advised that his client was losing approximately 200 of the rental revenues, with a loss by the City of revenues it would derive, if the property was completely rented. Again, he said, they were re- questing 20 spaces over and above the 94 which were presently there, with permission to rent the bays to whoever they desire, as long as 7/22/81 -27- mr/ the limit of 114 parking spaces is not exceeded. Ed Sinz, an occupant of the Sabal Palm Plaza, and also the immediate past President of the Sabal Palm Business Association, indicated that the owners of the various businesses were recommending the granting of additional parking spaces; because parking is available. V/M Disraelly inquired as to the square footage of the entire plaza, to which Mr. Rubin responded that it was 19,670. The Vice Mayor said he had a total figure of 19,586, which involved 98 spaces, on a 1 to 200 basis, plus two handicapped spaces. The requirement, he said, should then be 100 spaces based on square footage. Mr. Kellough, who represents the Shopping Center, indicated there was a question of computing the medical area, which involves Dr.Pdorensberg and his wife; who is a marriage counselor. The petitioner was re- questing a waiver of twenty (20) spaces, or a total of 114, which would include the handicapped spaces. Pedro Tetro, the Manager for the Shopping Center, stated that the walk-in traffic is approximately 700, with 50 spaces usually available. Ile also noted that 209 of the stores were empty. Mr. Kellough indicated that units 2, 3 and 4 were presently vacant, and based on the number of present spaces, and the vacancies that exist, it was imperative they have a twenty (20) space waiver. Ile further stated that if they are given six (6) spaces, then only one store could be rented. Mr. Kellough said that the last perspective applicants have been doctors, and twenty (20) spaces would permit rental of two or three units, which would generate a profit in this business. C/W Massaro said this is a different situation, as to location of the golf course, and the general area, because many of the stores do not use many spaces at one time, or have a multitude of people. She felt they were entitled to the twenty spaces, until such time that a problem has been found. Mr. Rubin inquired whether the stores would be leased for retail use only, to which Mr. Kellough said that restricting the lease to particu- lar business, was limiting the rentability -of stores. lie further noted that the nature of the center has not changed since it was purchased. Mr. Kellough also stated that the center has not had retail applications but medical, for the vacant stores. C/M Zemel confirmed the fact that if a retail tenant moves out, then they would be able to rent to doctors, but to never exceed the addi- tional twenty (20) spaces. V/PST Disraelly said.that the two -previous pi--tltions were not handled by numbers of spaces, and did not want to be locked -in by a number. C/W Massaro said recognition has to be given to the fact that this building has been empty many times, because other areas have different situations. She further stated that as long as they do not exceed the allowable spaces, then they should be permitted to do so, and rent, as they are able to. Mayor Falck closed the public hearing, because there were no further comments received. C/M Kravitz said he was familiar with the center, and always found more than ample parking spaces. He then MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso.#k1972, granting twenty (20) additional spaces, but with a proviso, that if the City Council encounters problems as to use, a new determination will be made. C/W Massaro SECONDED the motion. Mr. Birken inquired as to the standard to be applied for the parking as constructed, the way it is today, or the standard in effect at the time the occupational license is applied for. C/M Kravitz felt that when an application is made, then the standards would be used, which would include the twenty (20) additional spaces. Pedro Tetro, the applicant, concurred with the Council's decision. _28_ 7/22/81 mr/ VOTE: C/M Kravitz Aye C/M Zemel - Aye C/W Massaro - Aye V/M Disraelly -- Nay Mayor Falck - Aye 34. Chef Onecio Gourmet Restaurant - Petition #15-Z-81 - Discussion and possible action on a request for Special Exception to allow on -premises consumption of alcoholic beverages for a business located at 6455 W. Commercial Boulevard, Tamarac (Commercial Garden Mall), by Temp. Reso. #1976.� SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with 2:00 A.M. RESOLUTION NO.R-, ZZ I(ol PASSED. local closing time, for on -premises con- sumption of alcoholic beverages; which license is non -transferable from the applicant. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1976. Mayor Falck opened the discussion to the public, and closed it because there were no comments received. V/M Disraelly MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #1976, with 2:00 A.M. local closing time, for on -premises consumption of alcoholic beverages; which license is non -transferable from the applicant. C/M Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 66. Marshall's Department Store (Tamarac Shopping Plaza, 7501 N.W. 57th Street) Sign Waiver - Discussion and possible action on a request for waivers of the sign ordinance pertaining to: a) Color of sign on the face of the building -- Temp. Reso. #2001. b) Color and style of lettering on a sign on the west side of the plaza at University Drive - Temp. Reso. #2002. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: a) and b) - Tabled to the September 9, 1981 meeting. The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #2001. Albert Myers represented Marshall's Department Stores, which is a chain of 89 department stores throughout the United States; with four stores to be opened in south Florida. fie also said they have taken over the area of three Treasury stores that have closed,namely, in Hialeah, Hollywood and South Dade. Mr. Myers further indicated they have a store in Altamonte Springs, and one in Jacksonville,`Florida. Tape The chain, he said, was operating with 80 employees, and moving into #9 the Tamarac Shopping Center, would involve the employment of local people. There would be local advertising in the news media, on radio and TV. Mr. Myers further stated that Marshall's has projected through- out the United States, a particular type of sign lettering. He pre- sented photographs to Council., for viewing. Mr. Myers said the store under consideration in Tamarac, does not face University Drive, but into the parking area of the shopping center. He also displayed two letters, namely, one from the landlord, who did not object to the colors of the shopping center; also, one from Marshall's, permitting Mr. Myers or the Melwebb Sign Company to appear before the City Council. Mr. Rubin said the site plan usually shows location, and inquired about the ground sign, to which Mr. Myers clarified the inquiry, and stated there is an existing sign, which indicates "entrance". The Consulting City Planner also advised that the minimum setback for a ground sign is ten (10) feet from the property line, to which Mr.Myers concurred. Also, Mr. Rubin inquired as to the recommendation of the Beautification Committee, to which Mr. Myers said the item was denied, because it was not within their jurisdiction. OW031 7/22/81 mr/ Mr. Rubin said the Beautification Committee was concerned with poles, and inquired whether they would agree to put a planter on the base of the sign, in order to hide the poles; to which Mr. Myers concurred. V/M Disraelly inquired about one ground sign being permitted in a shopping center, which is usually the name of the center, and not a particular store. Based on this premise, he said, what would occur if all the other tenants want ground signs. Mr. Birken said that it was the prerogative of the owner of the center to permit this; namely Vordermeier Management. Edmund Farrell, Manager of the Tamarac.Shopping Center, said that the Vordermeier Company does manage the property, and the only discussion of the sign, was for the face of the building. lie said permission was given, in writing, to use a different color, with the approval of the City Council. But, he said, they would not permit a ground sign in the Tamarac Shopping Center, and would not give up this right. Mr. Myers said he was not informed of this, but would rescind the ground sign request. V/M Disraelly said that Publix has 150 odd stores throughout the State of Florida,and locating the second store,.in the City of Tamarac, on Southgate Boulevard. He further stated that the second store will not have a Publix logo on it, with green lettering, and felt that the colors were designated to be white. Other shopping centers in the area, he said, have designated coloring and types of lettering; which the tenants have complied with. The Vice Mayor said that having quality merchandise is of utmost importance, and the sign is not the determining factor. He also said the City has established an ordinance; with the Vordermeier people having established a criteria for the entire shopping center, and called this to Mr. Myers attention. C/M Kravitz inquired whether the applicant would consider tabling this item to a meeting in September, in order to clear everything with their Building Manager, to which Mr. Myers said they are preparing to open the store, and felt that holding the item to the September meeting, would not give them adequate time. Mr. Myers said they would agree to have both Items a)and b) tabled to the next meeting in September. C/M Kravitz MOVED to table Item #66 a) and b) to the September 9th, 1931 meeting, and C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. 67. Marshall's Department Store - Revised Site Plan - Discussion and possible action on a revised site plan for widening a concrete pad. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Tabled to 9/9/81 meeting, but permit approved for interior work. Mr. Birken inquired whether Mr. Farrell was involved in the submission of the revised site plan, to which he indicated that he was not aware of this, and could not give permission for this. The City Attorney said what was submitted did not meet the criteria which has been established for site plans and revised plans, with items being incorrect, such as parking. He additionally advised that the approved site plans have lapsed, which involved a Court order, as to the site plans being valid through June of this year. He felt that they might come back with an amended site plan, and work with the people from Marshall's. What is before Council, he said, at this time, is clearly insufficient, and should not take action to approve it. V/M Disraelly MOVED to table Item #67 to the September 9, 1981 meeting, and C/M Zemel SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. Fred Humphrey, the architect for the proposed alterations to Marshall's, was not aware that the minor modifications to the structure would require --30- 7/22/81 mr/ revised site plan approval. This involved, he said, placing a trash compacter in the rear of the store, and would require the installation of a triangular pad, which will be approximately 12 or 15 feet long, and 6 feet on the base,and against the building. C/W Massaro said the Manager of the store has to discuss this with the Vordermeier Company, and requested that a site plan be submitted which would meet the requirements. This, she said, could be presented and discussed with Mr. Rubin or Mr. Birken. Mr. Humphrey said they would lake to begin construction, and if it me.nt the elimination of the trash compacter, at this point, they they would withdraw it, and not have any site work. V/M Disraelly said in reviewing and measuring the area of the compacter, there would be three spaces involved, whereby automobiles are not able to back out. Also, he said, the parking spaces in the rear, are paral- lel, and not as indicated in the site plan. He said it was difficult to determine the relationship to the compacter, because nothing is right about the plan. He reiterated that the site plans be reviewed, because the City Attorney did indicate the site plans have lapsed. C/W Massaro felt they would want to help Marshall's, and inquired whether there was anything that Council could do, prior to the August recess of their meetings. Mr. Farrell said there is no restaurant involved, but is purely retail which deals with clothing, but the compacter could be eliminated from their scope of work. Fie felt the owner of the shopping center would not object to the interior work being done at this time, to which the City Council concurred that such a permit could be obtained. C/W Massaro reiterated that Mr. Birken or Mr. Rubin be contacted, in order to guide them for the preparation of the September meeting. 60. Jack Lalanne Health Club (Woodmont Plaza) - Discussion and possible action on: a) Request to permit a sales trailer. b) Approval of Easement and Option Agreement by Tem Reso.#1994. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Item held for meter in the day (See page 33) The Consulting City Planner advised that he reviewed the revised site plan for the sales trailer location, with Mr. Barry Eden. Ile said there are no Code violations involved, but there is a better solution as to location, whereby landscaping, hedges and trees could be included, in order to have the trailer conform to overall beautification in Tamarac. It was Mr. Rubin's request that Council permit him to work with Mr. Eden to determine the best plan for beautification; with a location in the 17 foot setback area on McNab Road. The Council members concurred. Mayor Falck advised that Item #60 would be called later in the day, due to the absence of Mr. Barry Eden. GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL 20. Tamarac Soccer Club - Discussion and possible action on additional soccer .fields in the City. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Recommendation to be submitted, in writing, with design for the field by the Consulting City Planner, for multiple recreational use. James Lew, President of the Tamarac Soccer Club, and Secretary to the Parks and Recreation Committee, indicated he has an extensive back- ground in soccer. He also noted his participation in soccer, at a college in New Jersey, and semi -pro soccer in a German -American Soccer League in New York and New Jersey. Fie further stated that he has been with Tamarac soccer for four years; and was the assistant coach, when -31- 7/22/81 mr/ starting. Originally, he said, there were only 150 children playing on the teams, with the season running from October to March. But, the City has expanded to football and little league, with the soccer season being compacted into November 15th to sometime in February. Mr. Lew said that since his election as president, he has received requests for all --girl soccer teams, and under 19 soccer clubs, which is not possible, due to the lack of fields. Ile suggested that Council possibly consider additional fields somewhere in Tamarac. Last year, he said, there was a team that played in the Presidents Club, but was. required to "beg" for fields. Also, they were invited to an interna- tional tournament that was held by the FC United Soccer Club, and their recreation team did beat one competitive team in the tonrnar+p+ent. Mr. Lew said the registration at this time involves 324 children, with the majority of the better soccer players leaving the Tamarac.are.a, and playing in Coral Springs, North Lauderdale, Margate, and areas where there are competitive teams, and facilities. He also stated that this week, the Vice President of the Soccer League, Bill Payne, and he went to a meeting with the Broward County Soccer, where a request was made to play an English team; Ile said they had to respond that they do not have a field. Ile said the amount of children involved would be the registered 324 Plus the ones that have gone to other cities. Also, he indicated, the parents would be willing to help construct the fields, or do whatever is needed. In response to a question by C/M Kravitz, Mr. Lew stated that the majority or 97% children come from the City of Tamarac. C/W Massaro said that Council does recognize the need for more soccer fields, and felt that the area will be used for recreational purposes, but felt that Mr. Rubin should design the type of fields for soccer, tennis and baseball. Mr. Rubin said a comprehensive plan was designed for the Tamarac Park, which was excellent, and requested that the Recreation Committee work, with him, in order to avoid moving the area in the future. He felt that Sharon Ellis could assist him in this capacity. Mrs. Ellis said that Council could approve the placing of the soccer field, with the location being determined, because practice starts in September, and the games begin in October. It would be necessary, she said, to accommodate 324 children. C/M Zemel said that prior to approval, the projected cost was important, which could not be accomplished overnight. Bob Washburn, a resident of Tamarac for the past seven years, was in- volved in the Coral Springs Soccer Team for six years. fie also noted that he is a licensed coach and referee,and was directly involved in the layout of the sporting facilities, at Mullins Park, in Coral Springs He displayed a layout of the projected soccer fields on the board, which would involve three fields, and additionally used for football, with minor lines to be added. One field, he said, would be sodded, and the other two would be seeded, and could be rotated for playing. He was willing to contributE? his expertise, which involved Coral Springs and other areas, includincl Miami. Mr. Washburn said the having all three sports playing there, which includes baseball, football and soccer. lie felt a rough layout could be designed for the tennis courts, that could be implemented at a latex date. As a soccer club member, he could state that they would participate in light labor and fund raising, in order to assist in promoting this project. The following items, he said, would be involved in all three fields; 1) light fill, 2) sodding costs, 3) leveling and 4) well and drainage. The parking area could be cleared and leveled off, with a rough cost of $10,000.00. He said they would have to rely on the City for heavy labor, with machinery oriented labor. Mr. Washburn felt they could handle the laying of the pipes, and.sodding; with a Pdovember lst deadline, and work to be accomplished through the month of August. Ile also felt they -32-- 7/22/81 mr/ would want to work out an equitable arrangement and share all possible expenses, in order to play soccer for this coming year. He discussed the Coral Springs team and the boys being awarded college scholarships, with grants involved. He felt this type of activity is a result of 4 or 5 years of competitive play, and involved part-time money during the school season, learning to referee, and also refreshing; which sport participation is for 16, 17, 18 and 19 year olds. Ile further stated that girls under 14 could participate, but was important to invite other teams, and -play on good facilities. Mayor Falck said that proper method of procedure would be to have Mr. Rubin start with a plan layout, and would agree that expenses should be determined. Mr. Birken said it may have to be platted, if paving is involved, to which Mr. Rubin responded that a new ordinance was being proposed in the County, to waive the platting. C/W Massaro requested that a letter be submitted, as recommended by Mr. Washburn, in order for Council to be aware of everything involved, for the September meeting. Mr. Rubin said if Mrs. Ellis does a layout of the site, it would assist him in accomplishing the plan, along with a survey. C/M Zemel said the cost of maintenance is of utmost importance, to which C/W Massaro added that all recommendations should be submitted, in writing. Mr. Washburn indicated that lighting was not required at this time, because they were able to obtain a field for night games. He additionally stated that some of the fields were built by the City of Coral Springs, Tape with others being built by participants. The cost of the program there #10 is very expensive, and the budget being handled by the Soccer Associa- tion is over $150,000, which involves 160 teams. It would be important to design a facility for the needs of the Tamarac children. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 60. Jack Lalanne Health Club (Woodmont Plaza) - Discussion and possible action on: a) Request to permit a sales trailer. b) Approval of Easement and Option Agreement by Temp. Reso. #1994. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved, with RESOLUTION NO.R- $r/--,/4-95 PASSED. conditions. (See page 31) The City Attorney read Temp. Reso. #1994. a) Barry Eden said this situation involved a temporary sales office b) for Jack Lalanne, with a sketch having been submitted from the architect. He also said that Mr. Rubin and he have suggestions, which would be helpful to the developer, as far as not requiring the elimination of the asphalt. Mr. Eden proposed approval, subject to Mr. Rubin and he reviewing and meeting the landscaping require- ments. Ile also agreed that the trees could be installed in the front. Mr. Eden presented a check in the amount of $2,000, which was required, and said the opening of the sales trailer would be based on receipt of approval from the State of Florida, for this location. V/M Disraelly MOVED to adopt Temp. Reso. #1994, approving the execution of an easement and option agreement, which was offered by Barry Eden, with use of the sales trailer to await approval by the State, for Jack Lalanne, as a health center. Ile also added that the placement of the trailer, together with the beautification, to be approved by the Consulting City Planner. C/W Massaro SECONDED. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE. MEETING WAS RECESSED AT 5:30 P.M., TO FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1981, at 8:30 A.M. =1915 7/22/81 mr/ 1 M ATTEST: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK M �(; a 0 t 'I \ 3 ' I R This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ �3 b, % , or per copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac. APPROVE QY CITY COUNCIL ON / --34- 7/22/81 mr/