HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-15 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesMAIL REPLY TO: P.O. BOX 25010 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33320 5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE TAIMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 SPECIAL MEETING ELECTIO14 RESULTS CITY COUNCIL TAMARAC, FLORIDA March 10, 1983 Please be advised of a SPECIAL MEETING of the CITY COUNCIL to be held on Tuesday, March 15, 1983, at 10:00 a.m., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 5811 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321. The Council will take action on the following items: 1) Charter Board Members - Election Results - Temp. Reso. 1,1,2646 - Discussion and possible action to declare the results of the voting for Charter Board Members for District 1, District 3 and At Large Member. 2) Charter Amendments - Election Results - Temp. Reso. f2647 - Discussion and possible action to declare the results of the voting for Amendments to Sections 6.03, 8.01, 8.02(a), 8.02(c), 8.02(d) and 11.01 of the Charter. 3) City Council - Election Results - Temp. Reso.J2648 - Discussion and possible action to declare the results of the voting for Council Members for District 1 and District 3. 4) Swearing -in of new Charter Board members and Council Members. 5) Appointment of Vice Mayor for a one-year term. The Council may consider such other business as may come before it. The public is encouraged to attend. Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill No. 368: if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, Carol A. Evans Assistant City Clerk CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING ELECTION RESULTS March 15, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Walter W. Falck called the Special Meeting to order on Tuesday, March 15, 1983, at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Falck read the notice of the meeting into the record. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Helen Massaro Councilman Irving M. Disraelly Councilman Philip B. Kravitz Councilman David E. Krantz ALSO PRESENT: City Manager, Laura Z. Stuurmans City Attorney, Jon M. Henning Assistant City Clerk, Carol A. Evans Secretary, Sally Spiegel 1. Charter Board Members - Election Results - Temp. Reso. #2646 - Discussion and possible action to declare the results of the voting for Charter Board members for District 1, District 3 and At Large Member. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED declaring RESOLUTION NO. R -93-j� PASSED. Alice K. Norian, Melanie K. Reynolds and Sydney _2 M. Stein elected for two year terms. Jon Henning read the Resolution by title and C/M Krantz MOVED APPROVAL of Temp. Reso. #2646 which declared the results of the General Election for Charter Board positions for District 1, District 3, and At Large. SECONDED by C/M Kravitz. VOTE : ALL VOTED AYE 2. Charter Amendments - Election Results - Temp. Discussion and possible voting for Amendments to 8.02(d) and 11.01 of the action to Sections Charter. declare the 6.03, 8.01, Reso. #2647 - results of the 8.02(a), 8.02(c), SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED. RESOLUTION NO. R-.F.:27-6p PASSED. All proposed amendments of Charter defeated. Jon Henning read the Resolution by title and C/M Krantz MOVED the ADOPTION of Temp. Reso. #2647 which declared the results of the General Election voting on Amendments to the City Charter. SECONDED by C/M K r a v i t z . VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 3. City Council - Election Results - Temp. Reso. #2648 - Discussion and possible action to declare the results of the voting for Council members for District 1 and District 3. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. R —PASSED. declaring Philip B. Kravitz,-Dfstrict I and Jack Stelzer, District 3 elected for two year terms. Jon Henning read the Resolution by title and C/M Krantz MOVED the ADOPTION of Temp. Reso. #2648 declaring the results of the General Election for City Council, Districts 1, Philip B. Kravitz and District 3, Jack Stelzer. SECONDED by C/M Kravitz. VOTE : ALL VOTED AYE 3/15/83 /pm Melanie Reynolds asked that the results of the election be read in order to be part of the minutes. Mayor Falck said the election results have been posted and are Part of the Resolutions that have been adopted. A gentleman from the audience said it was urgent and necessary that the election results be part of the minutes. Jon Henning said the results are specified in the Resolutions and the numbers are there for the record, He read the res ul ts into the record: CITY COUNCIL - DIS7KCr 1 I-JAIM.4 A. VOTES PHMIP B.. ]KRAVITZ- VOTES CITY COUNCIL - DIS7KCr 3 IRVING M. DISRAEILY 3,121 JACK STELZER 6,539 VOTES CHA= Bom Disma 1 M UUMN 2,779 VOTES AIJCE K. NDRIAY� 6,316 VOTES CHARTER BOAM - DISTRICT! 3. EWWW A. MOSS 3 432 VOTES 111�E K. VOrES awz=BGA10 AT IARGE syrm Ff. -STEMT— 6,689 VOTES VIRGIM K. Iftil"Z. 2,711 VOTES L01754-08QW ON QL=ON 2 YES 150 VOTES NO 6,973 VOTES �@ �:g 0 � M I YES 2,337 VDTES NO .6,860 VOTES QL)ESTION 4 YES 11615 VOTES NO VUM QUESTION 5 YES 2,189 VOTES NO .7,072 VOTES QUEST'ION 6 YES 1,813 VOTES NO 7,354 VOTES QUESTION 7 YES 1,078 VOTES NO 8,191 VOTES - 2 - 3/15/83 /PM 4. Swearinq-In of New Charter Board Members and Council Members SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: The City Manager administered the swearing -in. City Manager, Laura Stuurmans swore -in the newly -elected Charter Board members: Sydney M. Stein, Melanie K. Reynolds and Alice K. Norian. She then swore -in the newly elected Council members: Philip B. Kravitz and Jack Stelzer. C/M Disraelly said it was his pleasure to be the author of many Ord- inances which helped improve the City. He thanked those who worked and served with him as well as his friends. He further stated he was enriched by the experience of serving the City and hoped to be considered a good public servant. C/M Disraelly stepped down from the dais and the newly -elected Council people took their seats as designated by Mayor Falck. C/M Krantz said he worked with Irving Disraelly only one year on Council and found him to be a very diligent person and wished him well in all his future endeavors. V/M Massaro expressed her gratitude to Mr. Disraelly for his work and contributions towards making Tamarac the great City it is today. Mayor Falck added his thanks and appreciation to Mr. Disraelly and said his contributions will continue long after he leaves Council. 5. Aopointment of Vice Mayor for a One -Year Term SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: V/M Massaro appointed. C/M Stelzer nominated C/M Kravitz for Vice Mayor and C/M Krantz nominated Mrs. Massaro for Vice Mayor. VOTE: C/M Stelzer: Kravitz C/M Krantz: Massaro C/M Kravitz: Kravitz Mrs. Massaro: Massaro Mayor Falck: Massaro Helen Massaro will retain her position as Vice Mayor for one year. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A.M. ASSISTANT CITY CLERK This public document was promulgated at a cost of $5ZY3 or er copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City Counci] of the City of Tamarac. - 3 - 3/15/83 /pm CITY OF TAMIA AC APPROVED AT MEETING OF 'In - — =ii�