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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-17 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes5811 NORTHWEST 80TH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321
TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900
March 9, 1981
Please be advised of a SPECIAL MEETING of the CITY COUNCIL
to be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 1.7, 1981, at 10:00 A.M. in the
Council Chambers of City Hall.
The COUNCIL will take action on the following items:
ITEM 1: Charter Board Members - Election Results -
Temp. Reso. #1862 - Discussion and possible action
to declare the results of the voting for Charter Board
Members - for Group 3, Group 4 and Group 5.
ITEM 2: Charter Amendment - Election Results - Temp.Reso.#1863
Discussion and possible action to declare the results
of the voting for the Amendment to Section 4.04 of
the Charter.
ITEM 3: City_Council - Districts 1 and 3 -- Election Results -
Temp. Reso. #1864 - Discussion and possible action to
declare the results of the voting for the Council
representatives for District 1 and 3.
Council may consider such other business as may come before it.
Marilyn Bertholf
City Clerk
MARCH 17, 1981
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the Special Meeting to order on
Tuesday, March 17, 1981 at 10:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Helen Massaro
Councilman Irving M. Disraelly
Councilwoman Marjorie Kelch
Councilman Irving Zemel
ALSO PRESENT: Laura Stuurmans, Acting City Mgr.
Arthur M. Birken,City Attorney
+ Carol A. Evans,Assistant City Clerk
1. Charter Board Members - Election Results - Temp. Reso. #1862 --
Discussion and possible action to declare the results of the
voting for Charter Board Members - for Group 3, Group 4, and
Group 5.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Temp. Reso. #1862 Passed.
Edward A. Gross, Group 3; Muriel Davis, Group 4;
and Virginia Taylor, Group 5declared to have been
elected to the Charter Board for a ,period of two
The City Attorney read the Resolution, Temporary #1862, in full.
Councilman Zemel MOVED ADOPTION of Temp. Resolution #1862, declaring
the results of the General Election for the Charter Board.
Councilwoman Kelch SECONDED the Motion.
The Chair entertained a MOTION to AUTHORIZE the Acting City Manager to
administer the Oath of Office to install the'newly elected Charter Board
Councilman Zemel SO MOVED.
Vice Mayor Massaro SECONDED.
The Oath of Office was administered by the Acting City Manager,Laura Stuurmans.
Edward A. Gross, Muriel Davis and Virginia Taylor were installed as
members of the Charter Board.
Mayor Falck officially congratulated the three new members of the Charter
Board. He made note of the fact that the City of Tamarac is the only
municipality in the State of Florida which has a Charter Board that sits
regularly. The Mayor commented that he, along with a number of other
persons, helped to frame the present Charter. Further, he said he was
pleased, while attending a conference in Orlando, to have the City of
Tamarac singled out for discussion and some of the comments about what
can be achieved were of special interest to him, and the manner in which
the City was singled out paid credit to the citizens of the City of
Tamarac. Mayor Falck told the new members of the Charter Board that
there are many things that can be done and the challenge is to get out
and do them.
2. Charter Amendment - Election Results -- Temp. Reso. #1863 - Discussion
and possible action to declare the results of the voting for the
Amendment to Section 4.04 of the Charter.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: .Temp. Reso. #1863 Passed,
Section 4.04,of the City Charter amended. RESOLUTION NO.R- gPASSET
The City Attorney read Temporary Resolution #1863 in its entirety.
Vice Mayor Massaro MOVED ADOPTION of Temporary Resolution #1863.
Councilwoman Kelch SECONDED the Motion.
3. City Council - Districts 1 and 3 - Election Results -
Temp. Reso. #1864 - Discussion and possible action to
declare the results of the voting for the Council repre-
sentatives for Districts 1 and 3.
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Temp. Reso. #1864 passed.
Philip B. Kravitz, District 1, and Irving M.
Disraelly District 3 declared to be elected. RESOLUTION NO.R--PASSED
The City Attorney read Resolution #1864 in its entirety.
Councilwoman Kelch MOVED ADOPTION of Temporary Resolution #1864.
Councilman Zemel SECONDED the MOTION.
Mayor Falck recognized Councilwoman Kelch by presenting her with a plaque
in recognition of her devoted service to the City of Tamarac.
Councilwoman Kelch expressed her pleasure and appreciation for the
presentation, saying she will treasure the plaque.
Councilman Disraelly noted the Council will miss Marge's quips and the
"funnies" that she comes out with from time to time. He said she makes
sense with the "funnies" and she has done a lot good work for the City
in the last two years and the Council will miss her.
Councilman Zemel expressed his pleasure in having worked with Marge Kelch
during the past year.. He said she is a woman who if she feels something,
she always says it; and she said what she meant and he admires people who
have the courage of their own convictions.
Vice Mayor Massaro said the words "sincere" and "dedicated" really
explain Marge and her activities during these years. The Vice Mayor
stated there never was a more sincere and dedicated person who really
wanted to do the best she could for the City of Tamarac.
Councilwoman Kelch said she will never forget what she has learned from
the Council members and just working with them has been a real experience
and wherever she goes she will carry the memory of these years with her.
Mayor Falck asked the Acting City Manager to swear into office the two
newly elected Councilmen. He stated that Mr. Kravitz will take Council-
woman Kelch's chair immediately after the swearing in.
The Oath of Office was administered by Laura Stuurmans, Acting City
Manager. Councilman Philip B. Kravitz and Irving M. Disraelly took
their seats on the Council.
Oscar Tucker, Concerned Citizen, expressed to the Council on behalf of
the overwhelming citizenry of this community their wishes for a
continued happy and successful administration.
Mayor Falck officially welcomed Councilman Disraelly and Councilman
Kravitz, and extended his sincere congratulations and very best wishes
to them. He offered to be of any assistance that might be helpful or
meaningful to them.
5. Appointment of e Mayor by Motion of the City Council for
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a one-year term.
Consent. Councilman Disraelly
appointed as Vice Mayor.
Councilman Zemel MOVED TO AGENDIZE the appointment by City Council
Members of a Vice Mayor for the current electoral year,
Vice Mayor Massaro SECONDED the MOTION.
-2- 3/17/81 /lc
Councilman Zemel stated inasmuch as he has always been a firm believer
that the Vice Mayor's seat should be a rotating honor among Council
members he took this privilege of nominating Councilman Irving M.
Disraelly as Vice Mayor for the current electoral year.
Mayor Falck inquired if there were other nominations. There were
Vice Mayor Massaro SECONDED the Motion.
Vice Mayor Disraelly stated he will try to work as Council always has,
and he thanked Council for th% honorary position to which he has been
elected. He said he has always worked well with the Council and he
knows they will continue to work well.
Councilman Zemel took the opportunity to say to Helen Massaro that
she is one of the most brilliant, hard-working persons he has met in
his life. He further commented that her load has been great, and
she has carried a tremendous load throughout the time she has been
Vice Mayor for the Council. He said the Council is proud of her, but
it is time for the rotation and he knows she will be with them when-
ever they need her. Councilman Zemel thanked Councilwoman Massaro
for the past and for the future.
Mayor Falck officially extended his congratulations and best wishes
to Vice Mayor Disraelly and assured him he would be happy to be helpful
to him in any way he can.
The Mayor also acknowledged the tremendous contributions made by Council-
woman Massaro. He noted that he had worked with members of both sexes
over his lifetime and he had worked with many dedicated people, but he
honestly and sincerely felt the efforts she had put forth, not only on
behalf of the Council, but on behalf of all of the citizens of the City
have been unsurpassed in any and all exposures he has personally had
throughout his lifetime. The Mayor said he has always counted upon
her and looked to her for guidance and assistance. Further, he told
Councilwoman Massaro she is a dedicated person and one who has contri-
buted so much to her fellow men that those contributions will be remem-
bered in the future. Mayor Falck pointed out that the City has grown,
and become the beautiful City of Tamarac, mainly through her efforts.
Councilwoman Massaro told the Council it has always been a pleasure
working with them and she will still be here. She said she had done
the best she knew how and will continue to do that as long as she sits
in the Council seat.. She said it made no difference whether she is Vice
Mayor or a Council person, she is the City's servant and she never
forgets that.
Alan Bernstein, resident of Tamarac said over all of the years of contact
with Councilwoman Massaro he has never met a public official as dedicated
and hard-working and who had given so much of herself to the City in
which she resides, and he felt the whole City of Tamarac owes her a debt
of thanks.
Vice Mayor Disraelly noted this is the first time there has been a special
meeting for the swearing in of the City Council and the Charter Board and
it is great to see the number of people present. He said there has been
a great deal of work done by the Council and in the four years he has been
involved with the City he has always tried to treat the people of the
City with the same respect as was given to Vanguard Village five years
ago when the shopping center was being built adjacent to them and the
concern of that Council and consideration for its residents impressed
him. Vice Mayor Disraelly said one of the members of that Council at
that time was Vice Mayor Massaro who helped with that particular project.
Since that time, he said, this Council has always followed the precept of
working for the citizens of the City of Tamarac and no one has done that
better than Helen Massaro and he knows she will continue to do so. Also,
he will do everything in his power to maintain the respect of the
citizens of the City so they can continue to do as well as they have,
he stated.
There being no further business to come before Council, the Special
Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 A.M.
Assistant City Clerk
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ ee�- or
$ -�-3 © per copy, to inform the general public and public
officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations
by the City Council of the City of Tamarac.