HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-05-13 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesL
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MAIL REPLY TO: May 6, 1983
P.O. BOX 25010
Please be advised that the City Council will hold a
Special Meeting in lieu of the previously announced
Workshop Meeting, on Friday, May 13, 1983 at 1:00 P.M.
in the West Conference Room.
The purpose of this meeting is for discussion and possible
action on the architect proposals received concerning the
proposed Municipal Complex and to determine the future
course of action.
The City Council may discuss such other business as may
come before it.
The Public is invited to attend.
Carol A. Evans
Assistant City Clerk
Pursuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida Law, Senate Bill rlo,
If a person decides to appeal any decision made by
Council with respect to any matter considered at such
hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and ir,
purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record i .
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is io ba <•s c�.
MAY 13, 1983
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the Special Meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.
on May 13, 1783,1n the West Conference Room.
ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Helen Massaro
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman'Jack Stelzer
ABSENT & EXCUSED: Councilman David E. Krantz
City Attorney Jon Henning
Police Chief Joseph Mc Intosh
City Manager Laura Sty n yrman s
Mayor Falck read the Notice of the Special Meeting of the City Council, which was for
the purpose of discussion and possible action on the architect proposals received
concerning the proposed Municipal Complex and to determine the future course of
SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: Approved selection of Police Facility as first
priority and renovation of present City Hall to be included in
planning and financing; City to interview and select an architect.
Prior to commencing the discussion, Mayor Falck reported that he had attended a
meeting concerning the gas tax during the morning. The meeting continued until
noon and everyone seems ready to make a recommendation at 65% County and 35% Muni-
cipality. In addition to that, the current funding of the Road and Bridge Tax will
not change or be modified. This has not been finalized by the County of Municipalities,
but that is the way the recommendation will be developed. In addition to that, Mayor
Falck said an effort is being made to try to get the municipalities to agree to drop
the current road and bridge tax litigation, and Mayor Falck indicated he is not in
favor of that at the present time, however he will need additional discussion .
Mayor Falck said that he was concerned at the latter part of the discussion because
there was a feeling the municipalities ought to go it alone, and he explained that
his personal feeling has been the only reason they are where they are now is because
the municipalities stuck together.
Vice Mayor Massaro inquired what the 35% would be based upon, Mayor Falck said it
would be based upon the sales tax formula.
The discussion returned to the proposed Municipal Complex. Mayor Falck said he hoped
that Council could begin to resolve the following items:
1. What is to be built. 2. When it is to be built. 3. How that building will be
Mayor Falck indicated his thoughts concerning the Municipal Complex. He said he would
propose to build a new Police Facility. He said his reason for that is he feels the
City needs a free-standing building with modern equipment and modern techniques in
order to better protect the residents. Mayor Falck said there are many innovations
which have encouraged municipalities to build free-standing buildings to provide for
their police operations.
Secondly, Mayor Falck stated that tied in with that proposal, if that is what Council
decides, would also be the complete renovation of the present City Hall. He said he
felt from personal observation if the present building is renovated after the Police
Department is relocated, there should be ample facilities for the next ten years.
Mayor Falck stated that he is convinced the procedures and techniques in place at
the present time, or coming into place very rapidly, will reduce the need for signi-
ficant increase in Staff; and said he believed the present space would be sufficient.
He said that keeping up with modern concepts of doing business will enable the City
to not keep hiring greater numbers of people over the next ten years.
Third, Mayor Falck proposed that Council consider building a Community facility, with
emphasis on out-of-doors. He said indoors it would house the parks & recreation offices
and have an auditorium to seat approximately 300 people, and it would not have fixed
seats, but chairs. There would be a stage, and storage of chairs underneath the stage, -
there could also be limited storage facilities for storage of other things, such as
sliding doors used for separating areas, There could also be limited cooking
facilities, although most food would be carry in type.
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Mayor Falck commented he also visualized indoor conference rooms that could accommodate
25 or 35 people; and outdoors a paved area for games and possibly where the portable
stage could be used for concerts and outdoor activities. Also, adjacent to the paved
area there could be a semi -paved area that could be used for Fairs and Art Shows, and
various activities. He pointed out that this would minimize expenses such as air-
conditioning, shower rooms, dressing rooms, etc. Mayor Falck said he has indicated
things that they can think about and he discussed facilities recently which had
semi -outdoor types of activities;.
Mayor Falck suggested that the Council discuss the police facility first, and he hoped
some understanding about that could be arrived at.
Vice Mayor Massaro inquired if it is the intention of the Council to have an architect
design the full complex first so that they know whatever is wanted in the future will
have room provided for it. Mayor Falck replied that he did think they would talk
about design., there are schematic plans where things will be located. He said there
would be no point designing the buildings which may not be needed for 25 years, and
the concept might change significantly and they would have to be redesigned.
Vice Mayor Massaro questioned if the intent was to ultimately have a City Hall at the
area where the Police Department and Fire Department and Community Center are to be
located. The Mayor replied that he did not know, however there is adequate room for
it; that was indicated to Council by Mike Shiff who had indicated a layout of how these
things could be accomplished.
City Manager Laura Stuurmans said there was a projection for a City Hall, Community
Facility and Police Station on the Fire Station site, which gave the basic square
footage needed for each facility .The City Manager said it was felt the proposal was
larger than actually needed for the ultimate size of the City. She said the matter
of the City Hall was not delved into since it was anticipated that would be a project
several years dawn the road, Also, the Comn miry Facility that was projected is
larger; therefore, she said there is sufficient allocation of ground area
for the square footage needs.
Councilman Stelzer asked the amunt of space available at the Park; the City Manager
replied there is no land available with the recreational facilities. Councilman_
Stelzer stated that he was 100% in favor of the Police facility, he said they are
cramped for space presently; there is no holding area and the communications center
is cramped and he felt the layout that the Chief of Police has in his possession is
very good. Reference to the renovation of the City Hall, he said that fits in the
same as planned many times. He said if the Police facilities are removed and the
area renovated it will give ample room for everything, all of the arts and crafts and
conference and meeting rooms, and there is no problem there, and it will be good for
at least ten years. Councilman. Stelzer said he felt the Community facility should
be at the Parks & Recreation park. He said there is no point putting an office
half a mile from where the activities take place. He suggested building something
for parks and recreation in that area. As far as an auditorium is concerned, Councilman
Stelzer cued he saw no need for it, since 90% of the residents have a recreational
facility and an auditorium and he saw no reason for them to came to such a facility for
a presentation. Councilman Stelzer indicated he is not against an outside paved area
for basketball, or the portable stage, it could be a good idea, and not tooexpensive
for the paving. However, he said he could not see a need for an auditorium with a
cooking facility. Councilman Stelzer stated that he would go along with the Police
facility, the renovation of City Hall, a Parks & Recreation office.at the Tamarac Park
and an outside paved area as large as they wanted to make it.
Mayor Falck said the reason he included the auditorium is because of the amount of
interest at certain levels, although there are people who do not show up for the
various affairs. Councilman Stelzer indicated that if the auditorium was placed on
a referendum it would not pass, since people would not want to spend money as they
already have an auditorium in their recreation area clubhouses.
Vice Mayor Massaro questioned what is being done about the teen-agers who wish to do
more than play basketball. She asked if their need is being answered, and she said
she thought that was one of the matters to be addressed. Mayor Falck said he felt
that whatever facilities are provided are for all of the people and he did
not believe facilities for -any particular group of people can be justified. Mayor
Falck pointed out that many of the teen-age prop_rams that he has witnessed have had
very poor attendance. Mayor Falck also discussed the poor attendance at Concerts
that have been provided for the people.
Mayor Falck said he had visualized an indoor type of auditorium with a stage for various
affairs , without fixed seats, which could be used for other purposes, also.
Councilman Stelzer spoke of the expenses involved in having an auditorium and he said
if it is used infrequently it would be feasible to pay the temple and have groups use
the temple and let the City pay for it. He commented that would be less expensive.
Councilman Kravitz noted that they are diocuoslYm, specifics and he said he would
like to discuss the matter from the standpoint of priority. He stated the Police
facility should be given priority, in his opinion they should discuss what has to
be done in order to comnence with the Police facility. if the Council feels the
Civic Center is the second priority, that should be discussed reference to size
and other specifics, after it is determined that is a priority. Then if the City
Hall can be used after the police are relocated, and if the present setup can be
renovated they would discuss that. Councilman Kravitz said he would prefer not to
go into the matters of a stage or fixed chairs. He explained they should first
determine what they want to work on, whether they are concerned with the Police first,
or do they wish to take everything as one package.
Vice Mayor Massaro pointed out that the Police facility would have to go to referendum,
however the Civic Center would not. Councilman. Kravitz said the Civic Center could not
be built for less than $215,000, and would have to go to referendum. He said before
money is spent, Council should determine the priority and then go into specifics.
Vice Mayor Massaro said it had already been determined that the priority would be the
Police Department, that has been stated each time there has been discussion. Councilman
Kravitz suggested that a Motion be made that the Police Facility get started. He
said there has been a Committee working on the Civic Center for many years and there
have been many architectural reports, and field trips to see other types of civic
centers, but nothing was ever formalized. He suggested staying with the Police Facility
at the present time, and then go on to referendum on the Civic Center if they feel
they want to go into a new civic center. Further, he said if they feel the present
City Hall can be utilized, then they should forget about a new City Hall momentarily
and devote their time to the other priorities.
Mayor Falck stated if a Police facility is to be constructed, they have no choice but
to tie in the renovation of the present City Hall facility. He said he felt it would
be a serious-m-Lstake not to completely renovate the City Hall which would be ample
for the next ten years. They could then decide the matter of the Conn -unity facility.
Vice Mayor Massaro said the first thing that should be done after the Police Department
is moved and the area renovated, would be to bring the Building Department back into
the City Hall. building. She noted that the conditions in the Engineering Department
are disgraceful; and there is no way that something else can be brought into the
Syd Stein stated that he concurs wholeheartedly with the concept of the Police facility
packaged together with the renovation of City Hall. He asked what the cost of the
Police facility and the Renovation of City Hall would be. Mayor Falck said it was
his personal estimate that it would cost around $3,000,000. He said that was a ball-
park estimate. He said the Police facility would cost approximately $1,800,000. to
$2,000,000. The remainder would be for the renovation in City Hall. Mayor Falck
pointed out the building needs work done, but it does not require a great deal of
With reference -to the auditorium, Mr. Bernie Hart said that eventually it will. he wantF�d.
However less than 1% of the people of the City would fill the auditorium and he said
he would not agree that was a priority item. He said he agreed with the Police facility
being constructed and the renovation of City Hall -being tied in with that. He com<mnted
that some day the City may be able to build -a-large auditorium.
Alice Norian commented that things should not be done so hastily that the City loses
sight of the overall picture. She said the City has purchased ten acres of land and
has plans that were purchased for $12,000. for the complex that was to be built in
three stages. She said the figure was $3,000,000. and the three stages could be
built with no loss of money. Miss Norian said the land owned by the City has
appreciated in value, to the benefit of the City. She said the City should have the
beautiful complex as originally planned, which was to be built with a police department,
City Hall and Civic Center and the Fire Department. Miss Norian pointed out the
Public Works department is no asset to the City in its present location.
Vice Mayor Massaro said the plans referred to are only schematic drawings, and could
not be utilized today. She said that hopefully the land owned by the City will pay
for the City Hall complex at sometime in the future. However, she said it is much
too valuable for a Public Works location which is no asset in the heart of the City.
Vice Mayor Massaro said she did not think the City would want to build anything that
they could not be proud of, and whatever is erected should be a source of pride to
the people.
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Melanie Reynolds stated that she thought the land on 88th Avenue was meant for a park
and not for a municipal building. Vice Mayor Massaro said that in the actual
documents that were given at the time it very graphically indicates the land is
for municipal purposes -- parks, or buildings. All of the land is for municipal
purposes, other than that on Southgate Boulevard where Florida Power and Light
would not permit buildings.
Syd Stein inquired the number of pieces of property owned by the City and what is
the availability for future expansion. Mayor Falck said the City has an inventory
of land.
Laura Sfuurmans, City 1lanager, said the City owns the site where the parking lots are
located; ten and one-half acres on 88th Avenue and Commercial Blvd.; the site where
the Fire Station is located, which is 14 acres; Tract 27 which is 24 acres which has
been contemplated for recreation and utility purposes; Also, the Southgate Boulevard
site where Florida Power & Light would not permit buildings, and that is 60 acres;
Caporella Park, on Prospect Read and 28th; also a small area between Lakes 1 and 2
which was the Borrow Pit and is being developed into a Wild Life Preserve.
Councilnn Stelzer pointed out that at Vanguard Village there are dancing classes,
painting classes, etc. and 50% of the participants are outsiders. Vice Mayor Massaro
conuented that the problem is when someone wants a regular date, most Club Houses
do not want to do that because it limits their own activities.
Councilman Stelzer NDVED to select a Police Facility as first priority, and that the
renovation of the present City Hall be included in the planning and financing; also,
that the City Manager arrange to have architects come in to be interviewed to enable
the City to select an architect to plan this.
Vice Mayor Massaro SECONDED the 1,VfION.
Mayor Falck requested that the City Manager prepare a recommendation on financing
as part of the total planning.
There being no further business to discuss, the Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.
y 10, A'. MAYOR
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ '/' or �o _
per copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about
recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of Tamarac.
5/13/83 /lc
City Clerk ;'