HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-09 - City Commission Special Meeting Minutes7525 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321-2401 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 RECORD OF COUNCIL ACTIONS/DISCUSSIONS SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA There will be a Special Meeting of the City Council on Friday, June 9, 1989 at 9:45 a.m. in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. The purpose of this meeting is discussion on the B.S.O. Contract. FINAL ACTION: Discussion was held by the City Council. There will be a Special City Council meeting on Monday, June 12, 1989 • at 7:30 P.M. for a Public Hearing and further discussion on the B.S.O. j All meetings are open to the public. Carol A. Evans City Clerk 'r9 '; .)a n a: to Section 2Gr:6.0105, Merida Statutes dl:Sides to ap11;eal ,:any d2clsion made by the City etlily' : �word Of the ^rc ^cd611 s and for HC? r'-14Y ri&�Od iJ enzure that a Varbatim record 111�iEi i', frw'ri noisy and a:vid'ance upon v�hich ttlW ysEa a6 is to b:) b= AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER POLICY OF NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF HANDICAPPED STATUS "qq CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING FRIDAY, J UNE 9, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to Order on Fri ay, June 9, 1989 at 9:45 A.M. in the Council Chambers. EDITATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Abramowitz called for the r ledge of Allegian e followed by a Moment of Silent Meditation. PRESENT: ALSO PRESENT: Mayor Norman Abramowitz Vice Mayor Jack Stelzer Councilman Dr. H. Larry Bender Councilman Bruce Hoffman Councilman Henry Rohr John P. Kelly, City Manager Carol A. Evans, City Clerk Nick Navarro, Sheriff of Broward County Mike Woodruff, Finance Director for Broward Sheriff's Office Pauline Walaszek, Special Services Secretary The purpose of this meeting was regarding the proposed Broward Sheriff's Office Contract. Mayor Abramowitz thanked the City Manager for negotiating with the Broward Sheriff's Office. He said the Contract was ready to be' reviewed by the City Council, City Manager and the Broward Sheriff's Office. Mayor Abramowitz announced that there would be a second Public Hearing held for the residents on June 12, 1989, at 7:30 P.M.; however, this meeting was for discussion by the City Council only. City Manager Kelly said the Contract was nearly in final form; however, there were questions raised by the City Council and residents regarding the finances of the Contract. City Manager Kelly said he met with Mike Woodruff, Finance Director for the Broward Sheriff's Office, regarding the finances of the Contract. He said there were concerns regarding the need for five Receptionists in the Contract and during the meeting with the Broward Sheriff's Office, it was discussed that the Broward Sheriff's Office would be implementing a new "Deferential Response Program", which would provide training to Community Service Aides (CSA's) to expand the services presently provided by the CSA. He said the services would be applied to those calls that did not need a certified Police Officer; however, it was agreed that the existing CSA personnel could be positioned in the five Receptionist areas. City Manager Kelly said the Contract would provide vast improvement in the level of service in the City with a cost savings and containment for the future. Page 1 6/9/89 C/M Hoffman said he had concerns about the Contract which he expressed to the City Manager such as the need for five Receptionists, the rental contract for the Police Facility and receiving the credit for the equipment presently in the Police Department. He said he would like to see the credit returned to the City some way during the renewal of the Contract. He said if the City decided to continue with the Broward Sheriff's Office after the 5 year contract, it seemed evident that the City intended to retain the services of the Broward Sheriff's Office indefinitely; therefore, the City should be reimbursed for the equipment at some point. V/M Bender said the City Manager received the City Council's concerns and he asked that the Broward Sheriff's Office respond to those concerns. Nick Navarro, Sheriff, said all of the information obtained during the negotiations could be expressed by the City Manager. Mayor Abramowitz suggested that the concerns of the City Council be addressed by City Manager Kelly and he asked Sheriff Navarro to interrupt if there were any matters that he would like to comment about. City Manager Kelly said the Broward Sheriff's Office did not object to the elimination of five Receptionist positions. He said the cost savings would be approximately $150,000.00; however, the CSA would be doing the reception. He said the CSA received more wages than the Receptionists would but less wages than the Police Officers. Mayor Abramowitz said the services to the residents would not be diminished because the CSA's would be receiving additional training and City Manager Kelly said when the five Receptionist positions were eliminated the CSA would be filling those positions; however, the CSA's would be taken from their street services. City Manager Kelly said there would be additional training provided for the CSA. Sheriff Navarro said the Deferential Response Program was a new program being implemented by the Broward Sheriff's Office; however, the program was presently operating in other Police Agencies. He said the program would allow the CSA personnel to answer calls that did not require a Certified Police Officer such as, a stolen garden hose. He said this program would allow Certified Police Officers to patrol and handle matters of an emergency nature. Mayor Abramowitz asked if this program has been successful and Sheriff Navarro replied, yes. Mayor Abramowitz asked if C/M Hoffman suggested that the five Receptionist positions be eliminated and C/M Hoffman replied, yes; however, if at a later date the City and the Broward Sheriff's Office felt that the five Receptionists were needed, the matter could be renegotiated. C/M Stelzer suggested that Police Chief Joseph McIntosh address the City Council regarding the elimination of the five receptionists. Page 2 6/9/89 Joseph McIntosh, Police Chief, said the existing CSA personnel were trained to handle non -emergency calls and they have been doing so. He said the i::SA's were also trained to handle accident investigation within the City and were presently providing these services. He said this allowed the Police Officers to handle emergency calls. Chief McIntosh said the reason he requested the five Receptionists was because when the Police Station was opened it would be operating 24 hours per day. He said the video monitoring system would be in the reception area and the Receptionists would be required to monitor the facility, calls and radio system. Chief McIntosh said when the City Manager discussed this matter with him, he informed the City Manager that the five Receptionists could be eliminated; however, five CSA personnel would be taken off of the street and the CSA were paid more than the Receptionists would be paid but less than the Police Officers. He said this would leave 3 CSA's to patrol the area. Chief McIntosh said the Police Department presently received 25,000 calls per year or approximately 2,000 per month. Mayor Abramowitz said there would be a difference in the amount of Police Officers patrolling the City if the merger with the Broward Sheriff's Office was implemented. He said the City Council understood Chief McIntosh's concerns; however, he understood that the services to the residents would increase even though the five Receptionist positions were eliminated. He said the Contract indicated that if further services were required, further negotiations would take place between the City and the Broward Sheriff's Office. C/M Rohr said merging with the Broward Sheriff's Office would increase the Police services in the City and he asked if eliminating the five Receptionist positions would affect the Police services in the City. Chief McIntosh said the Police services would not be affected because, if the City merged with the Broward Sheriff's Office, the Police patrol would be increased. Mayor Abramowitz said he would not be pleased if the Department Heads did not express concern when they felt they were correct; however, staff was not the ones who had to make the final decisions. He said the City Council made the final decisions in the best interest of the City. C/M Stelzer asked Chief McIntosh if he agreed with five Receptionist positions being eliminated and Chief McIntosh said the five Receptionist positions were not necessary. Sheriff Navarro said when this matter was brought to his attention, his first response was not to allow the five Receptionist positions to be eliminated; however, he realized that all of the areas would be covered by the Police Officers and the remaining three CSA would be sufficient for the City. He said if there were any problems with this arrangement, further negotiations could take place. C/M Stelzer asked the City Manager to discuss the Budget of the Contract. Page 3 6/9/89 City Manager Kelly said before the rental of the Police Facility was deducted, the entire Cor�.r act would be $4,962,644.00. He said when the rental of the Police Facility was deducted, the cost would be $4,722,644.00. C/M Hoffman said the original Contract indicated the cost to be $5,042,000.00, which included the rental of the Police Facility. He said the original Contract has been reduced by approximately $500,000.00 with the elimination of the five Receptionist positions and the cost for the rental of the Police Facility. C/M Stelzer asked C/M Hoffman to explain this matter and C/M Hoffman said cost of the original Contract was $5,042,000.00 after the reduction of the rental for the Police Facility. He said the City would have been responsible for the Debt Service of the Police Facility in the amount of $250,000.00 and C/M Stelzer said the City would remain responsible for the Debt Service of the Police Facility. C/M Hoffman said $250,000.00 was being deducted from the Contract; therefore, the actual cost of the Contract would be approximately $4,700,000.00. Mayor Abramowitz said the Contract was simplified so that the everyone could understand it. He asked the City Council to express their interest in eliminating the five Receptionist positions. C/M Stelzer said providing Chief McIntosh did not object to the five Receptionist positions being eliminated, he approved and all AGREED. C/M Stelzer asked how much the Contract cost would be reduced with the elimination of the five Receptionist positions and City Manager Kelly said the Contract cost of $4,722,644.00 included the elimination of the five Receptionist positions. C/M Stelzer said the original Contract cost was $5,042,000.00; however, the Contract was reduced by $80,000.00. He said $240,000.00 was reduced for the rental of the Police Facility; therefore, the cost of the Contract should be $4,722,644.00. He said this did not include the five Receptionist positions because they could not have been deducted from the Contract since they were not being considered. He said the Contract calculations did not seem to be correct. Mike Woodruff, Finance Director of the Broward Sheriff's Office, said $5,282,644.00 was the original Contract cost. He said the cost after the rental of the Police Facility was deducted in the amount of $240,000.00 would be $5,042,644.00. He said the amount of $150,000.00 for the five Receptionist positions would be eliminated which would bring the Contract cost to $4,842,644.00. He said the maintenance cost of the Police Facility would be deducted leaving the total cost of the Contract to be $4,722,644.00. C/M Stelzer said the maintenance provision was not in the Contract; therefore, the maintenance costs did not have anything to do with the Contract between the City and the Broward Sheriff's Office. He said he understood the Page 4 C E 1 6/9/89 1 Ll TAPE 2 maintenance, which would be done by the City's Public Works Department, would be handled by a separate Contract. Mayor Abramowitz said the maintenance cost would be included in the Contract costs so that it could be understood clearly. He suggested that C/M Stelzer and Mr. Woodruff meet after the meeting to discuss this matter. C/M Rohr asked that City Manager Kelly send a memorandum to the City Council regarding the outcome of the meeting between C/M Stelzer and Mr. Woodruff. City Manager Kelly said C/M Hoffman expressed his concerns regarding the credit for the equipment of the existing Police Department. He said after negotiations with the Broward Sheriff's Office, it was decided that this matter could be negotiated at the time the Contract was up for renewal. Mayor Abramowitz announced that Sheriff Navarro had to withdraw from the meeting and he asked Sheriff Navarro if he had any comments to make. Sheriff Navarro said the Broward Sheriff's Office and the City of Tamarac worked very hard to define some of the fine points of the Contract and there was an improvement of service to the City provided in the Contract. He said the proposed Budget for the Police Department this year was 8.2 million dollars, which did not include salary increases; however, the Contract provided a total cost to the City of 4.7 million dollars, which was a benefit to the City. He said he would be happy to visit the City and discuss any concerns with them in the future. At 10:30 A.M., Sheriff Nick Navarro WITHDREW from the meeting. C/M Rohr said there were several questions asked by the residents at the June 5, 1989 Public Hearing meeting and he asked that these questions be answered at the June 12, 1989 Public Hearing meeting. He said it was obvious that there would be more services and a great savings provided to the City by merging with the Broward Sheriff's Office. C/M Hoffman said he did not want to commit himself for or against the proposed Contract until after the June 12, 1989 Public Hearing meeting; however, he was very pleased that the City Council's concerns were addressed. He said Item 15 of the Contract indicated that the Broward Sheriff's Office had an option to renew the lease of the Police Facility. He said he would like to have a provision that made the lease mandatory as long as the City contracted with the Broward Sheriff's Office. He said he would prefer to keep a Broward Sheriff's Office station located in the City. C/M Stelzer said C/M Hoffman's concerns were addressed on the first Page of the lease and C/M Hoffman suggested that the City Attorney review the Contracts to insure this matter. V/M Bender said Article 5, Page 8 of the Contract indicated the Pension obligation of the City. He said there would be several questions regarding the transfer Page 5 6/9/89 of monies from one Pension Plan to the other; therefore, an Addendum regarding this matter should be provided with the Contract. He suggested that information regarding the funds that would be transferred as well as how the funds were calculated be provided to the City Council and residents. C/M Stelzer said the matter regarding the Pension Funds was presently being investigated by the Actuary and Attorney for the Pension Plan and he suggested that the City Council wait to receive notice regarding this investigation. V/M Bender said he agreed with C/M Stelzer; however, he was informing the City Manager to provide this information to the City Council and residents when it was available. City Manager Kelly said the Florida. Retirement Service (FRS) would not discuss the Pension matter until after a Contract with the Broward Sheriff's Office was approved. He said the FRS would meet with the Representatives of the Unions regarding the Pension transfer when a Contract was enacted. He said the City of Dania recently transferred to the Broward Sheriff's Office and it took them approximately 2 months to resolve their Pension matters. He said the City of Tamarac was very fortunate because the necessary documents were being drafted to expedite the Pension matters. V/M Bender suggested that an Addendum be added to the Contract indicating what City Manager Kelly just stated. Referring to Page 18, V/M Bender said the credit for the equipment should have a time certain in which it would be returned to the City. He suggested that the Contract contain a provision that indicated the credit could be returned to the City in subsequent Contracts. C/M Rohr suggested that the City receive 1/5th of the credit each year of the Contract. He said the credit returned could be placed in a separate Account for future consideration as to its expenditure. Mayor Abramowitz said he compared this Contract with existing Contracts of other Cities. He said the City of Tamarac stood by itself and he wanted to make sure that the City received the best they could. He said there were many of benefits to the City that were not listed in the Contract such as savings in insurance. He said he would be receiving information regarding the insurance savings which he would forward to the City Council. Mayor Abramowitz said there would also be a savings in the Public Works Department because the Broward Sheriff's Office would be maintaining their own Police equipment and vehicles. He said this would allow the Public Works Department to handle other matters that had been neglected in the past such as the Social Service vehicles. Mayor Abramowitz announced that there would be a second Public Hearing held on June 12, 1989 at 7:30 P.M. and he asked the City Manager to have the specific changes in the Contract available for the residents and City Council for this meeting. Page 6 6/9/89 C/M Rohr suggested that the questions of the residents at the June 5, 1989 Public Hearing meeting be answered at the June 12, 1989 Public Hearing meeting. C/M Rohr announced that he received a request from the Broward League of Cities for the City of Tamarac to propose a Resolution establishing that June 23, 1989 be proclaimed as "Medi-Van Week". He submitted this information to the City Manager for placement on the next City Council Agenda. C/M Stelzer suggested that a Financial Statement be made available to the City Council and residents at the June 12, 1989 Public Hearing meeting. C/M Rohr suggested that the proposed Budget of the Police Department, which included the Labor Negotiations, Pension, etc., be made available to the City Council and residents for the June 12, 1989 Public Hearing meeting. With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this meeting at 11:00 A.M. NOR N ABRAMOWITZ, MAYOR 6 CAROL A. EVANS, CITY CLERK "This public document was promulgated at a cost of $90.60 or $11.33 per opy to inform the general public, public officers and employees of recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of Tamarac. 1 CITY Y OF TAMARAC APPROVED AT MEETING OF �� 1 City Clerk Page 7