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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-14 - City Commission Special Meeting MinutesDecember 10, 1981 N 0 T T r F SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL Please be advised that the City Council will hold a Special Meeting on Monday, December 14, 1981 at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 5811 N. W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. The purpose of this Meeting is: 1. Federation of Public Emplo ees - White Collar Bargaining Unit eement - T Reso. DIscussion and Possible Action to approve a t ree-year contract previously ratified by the bargaining unit. 2. Salary Recommendations - Discussion and Possible Action on other salary recommendations by the City Manager. The City Council may discuss such other item as may came before it. The Public is invited to attend. Carol A. Evans, st. City Clerk /l.c 12/10/81 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 14, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Falck called the Special Meeting to order on Monday, December 14, 1981, at 10:00 A.M., in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice -Mayor Irving M. Disraelly Councilwoman Helen Massaro Councilman Irving Zemel a Councilman Philip B. Kravitz ALSO PRESENT: City Manager, Laura Z. Stuurmans City Attorney, Arthur M. Birken Assistant City Clerk, Carol A. Evans Mayor Falck read the Notice of the Meeting. . . I .. 1 1. Federation of Public Employees - White Collar Bargaining Unit Agreement - Temp.,Reso. #2120 - Discussion and Possible Action to approve a three-year contract previously ratified by the bargaining unit. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED RESOLUTION I.1O. R-- or - PASSED. Attorney Birken read the Resolution by title. Ile said this contract was approved unanimously by the members of the Federation on Tuesday night and it is a three-year contract with the same pay increments as Council approved for the Blue Collar. There are provisions in the Resolution which are tighter than language in the Blue Collar Contract. A labor consultant was used to .review the Management's Rights Article and to provide suggested language which was presented to the Federation and accepted by the Federation in Management Rights, which is different from the Blue Collar Contract, There is also language in Article 33 which is prohibitive against reopening negotiations which essentially is giving the City the option to reopen if there is any Federal or State legislation which would create a hardship on the City in the area of collective bargaining, Such as, limitations on millage increases. Maybe a stop in revenue sharing would be something that would allow the City to reopen if it chose to. These were matters that were bargained on strenuously by both sides and the bargaining team would recommend to Council that the Agreement be approved and that it is tighter and there are no benefit increases that are ofldollar types that are in this contract.that are new. V/M Disraelly said there were lengthy discussions on Article 33 after everything else had been clarified. There are no additional vacation benefits other than extension after ten years of service which was in the other contract. It calls for retroactive to October 1, 1981 and the V/M therefore, MOVED to ACCEPT Resolution #2120 accepting the Agreement and providing for proper City Officials to execute the ADOPTION. SECONDED by C/M Zemel. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 2. Salary Recommendations - Discussion and Possible Action on other salary recommendations by the City Manager. SYNOPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED. - 1 - 12/14/31 /pm The City Manager said that Council has received a memo from her dated December 11 recommending three other types of salary increases, which could be handled by one motion in three parts. These salary increases would be the equivalent of the corresponding bargaining unit in each case. a) Confidential/Exempt below the rank of Department Head, other than certified police officers and fire fighters: the City Manager recommended a 9% salary increase retroactive to October 1. b) Confidential/Exempt Certified Police Officers below the rank of Department Head: the City Manager recommended r a 10o salary increase retroactive to October l.c) Confidential/Exempt Certified Fire Fighters below the rank of Department Head: the City Manager recommended a 10% salary increase retroactive to October 1. The City Manager said she dirk indicate in her memo that Department head wages would be addressed at a subsequent date by revised nay plan. She also indicated that these monies were budgeted. V/M Disraelly said that it has been customary whenever the City signs agreements and contracts with Departments --White Collar, Blue Collar, Police and Fire, that those persons who are Confidential and Exempt have been given the same increases each year that have been granted to those who are covered under the contract. It seems that they should be entitled to that same degree of pay increase as those who have been exempted by PERC at the request of the City and they should not be deprived of the same increases. V/M Disraelly MOVED that the recommenda- tions of the City Manager as expressed in the memorandum of December 11 be ADOPTED. SECONDED by C/M nemel. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE Playor Falck said he reported back to the Council some weeks ago that as a result of negotiations that the City had with the insurer of our Workmens' Compensation Insurance that our premium for the ensuing year would be reduced in total somewhere, around $50,000. Also, the Playor indicated that he had succeeded in getting our annual audits advanced to the place where those audits could tell the City specifically what the overpayment was for the year ending September 30, 1981. Mayor Falck said he is happy to say they have received the checks for a total. of $16,432.00 and he does feel that this is quite a significant improvement. Last year our audit actually took place in February and the Mayor was not satisfied. Our refunds last year which were about the same, around $17,000.00, were paid around the latter part of June. This year the audit has already been completed and the City already has the rloney. Also, the fact that the reduction in premium will begin showing up in January statements, amounting to between 25% and 30% less. Mayor Falck said he was in attendance yesterday at the dedication of the library. He said Dr. Morgan had made comments.about the increase in Sales Tax. Mayor Falck said he personally does not believe that this will keep one person from coming to City Hall next October complaining about the fact that their taxes have increased. They are discussing a split arrangement whereby the County and Municipalities will split whatever Sales Tax they agree on. Mayor Falck recommended opposing the request by adoption of a Resolution and he said, if Council is interested in discussing this at this meeting, he would like it agendized. V/M Disraelly MOVED to Agendize by Consent for discussion. SECONDED by C/W Massaro. VOTE: ALL VOTED AYE 3. Additional 1� Sales Tax - Discussion and Possible Action. SY14OPSIS OF ACTION: APPROVED RESOLUTION NO.R — �/^ , PASSED. Temp. Reso. ##2121. 2 12/14/81 /pm V/M Disraelly said what particularly bothers him about this is that no one says what they are going to do with this 1G Sales Tax. Fie said there was an article in the newspaper yesterday that if this 1G Sales Tax goes into effect, a portion of it is to be used to fight crime. That means that the Sheriff's Department is going to be involved. Thev also mention courts. V_/_M _nisaraelly said until it is stipulated what is going to happen to it, how it is going to be used, and who it is ara: na to,h(- used for, there is no sense in putting this into effect. The original concept was supposed to be the reduction of ad valorem taxes. C/M Zemel said he is really not opposed to an additional Sales _Tax providing the money is accountee for. C/W Massaro asked when the Browarcl League endorses this, as they appear to be doing now, what basis do they use? Mayor Falck said these items are supposed to be brought to the Board of Directors and preferrably, the membership. It should have been brought to the membership at the November meeting, but unfortunately, the November meeting was cancelled. C/M Kravitz suggested bringing this up for discussion at the Thursday meeting that is scheduled with the Broward League. Arthur Birken read Resolution ##2121. V/M Disraelly MOVEEI)the ADOPTION of the Resolution as presented by the City Attorney. SECONDED by C/W Plassaro. VOTE: C/M Kravitz TRAY C/M zemel AYE C/W Massaro AYE V/M Disraelly AYE Mayor Falck AYE Mayor Falck adjourned the meeting at 10:30. MAYOR ATTEST: A SISTAN CITY CLERK This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ / -7, Y' , or $ a /� per copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent opinions and considerations by the City Council of the City of. Tamarac. _ 3 12/14/81 /pm APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON