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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-09 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes,3`311 N01 "I"HWES-! 13�3`TFI AVENUE TAfVIAFSAC, FLORIDA ;:�Mr?1 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 June 24, 1981 N 0 T T C F. BUDGET WORKSHOPS CITY COUNCIL OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA Please be advised the Mayor and City Manager have set the following dates for Budget Workshops to be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 5811 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida. The purpose of the Workshops is to discuss the 1981-1982 Budget for the City of Tamarac. ✓Tuesday, July 7, 1981 Thursday, July 9, 1981 Friday, July 10, 1981 Wednesday, July 15, 1981 iday, July 24, 1981 C'MC�j� `Tuesday, July 28, 1981 \ Thursday, July 30, 1981 1.130 to 4:00 PM 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM 1:30 to 4:00 PM 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM The City Council may consider such other items as may come before it. The Public is invited to attend. Pursuant to Chapter 80405 of Florida Law, $@nave till No: 168: If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony aVd evidence upon which the appeal is to be ba 4 Naftlyn Beftholf, City C er /lc 6/24/81 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP July 9, 1981 The Meeting was called to Order at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, July 9, 1981, in the West Conference Room in the City Hall. PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck Vice Mayor Irving M. Disraelly Councilman Philip B. Kravitz Councilwoman Helen Massaro Councilman Irving Zemel ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Laura Stuurmans Finance Director Steve Wood Public Works Director R. Thissen Chief Bldg. Official Al Miller TAPE Mayor Falck explained the Workshop is a continuation of the Budget Review #1 for the Fiscal Year 1981-82. PUBLIC WORKS: City Manager Stuurmans explained the Budget represents four divisions of Public Works. In the overall summary sheet Public Works is projected upwards only in the general building maintenance area and that is primarily due to the addition of one maintenance person, in the amount of $8,000. Also, it reflects increases in the amount of money anticipated to be paid for gas and diesel next year and an increase in the electricity costs and utility services. A par cost is projected for outside services, which is janitorial services for City facilities. Office supplies have been projected upwards. In other areas the projected costs have been reduced. Building maintenance was reduced as much as 50%. The capital expenditure projected would be three modular units, 12 x 25' at an estimated cost of $2,500. each, which the Public Works Director intends to use for bays to house storage supplies; for painting of vehicles within the City fleet; and for storage of chemicals. Councilman Kravitz questioned the items of travel to meetings, a copying machine, and a question of outgrowing the existing building. He asked Councilman Zemel for input, since he is liaison between Council and Public Works. Councilman Zemel noted the Public Works Director is coordinator of the Public Works Divisions in Broward County and is Past President of the Organization, which requires travel and other expenditures. Also, they must have qualified people who attend schools, and there is an expense for that. Councilman Zemel indicated there is a need for a new copying machine and more space is needed. He stated the Public Works Director is very conservative in those items. The City Manager said the General Buildings Maintenance area was budgeted at $200,460. Next year the City Manager recommends an allocation of $208,595. She explained an amount of $4,000. is added for Workman's Compensation. The City Manager's recommendation on the request for a copying machine has zeroed out the request to purchase, and in lieu of that she has recommended rental equipment in that facility, since the City has had good experience with the rental equipment used in other departments. The contract for maintenance is $17,000, and that will be going out to bid. That is for inside janitorial services. There is a decrease from $12,000. to $6,000. on the item "Buildings", since it is not anticipated more than that amount will be spent in this fiscal year. The City Manager explained that the Canal Division projection for the coming year is 11.85% less that for the present year, which amounts to $13,216. During the present year it was funded at $111,540, and next year it is projected at $98,324. One of the reasons is that they have moved out the mosquito activity and have placed that into the Streets and Grounds area. That will better (1) 7/9/81 /lc project actual canal maintenance cost to tie into the mmnies that the City tells the State they are expending toward aquatic weed control, for matching fund purposes. It gives better fiscal control to have the division as canal maintenance only. The Canal Spraying amount has been reflected at an upward amount based upon indications made to the City by the present contract holder. That will be another bid package to be let in the month of August. A provision has been made for uniforms within the Public Works Budget which is new, amount budgeted is $1,638. Vice Mayor Disraelly suggestedthe number be rounded out to $1,600. or $1,650. The Sho2 Division shows a decrease of 6% or $10,400. They were funded or the present year at $155,580. and the City Manager's projection for next year is $145,179. No increase is shown in Personnel. The Finance Director indicated there was a continuation amount projected in Public Works for Auto Parts, and Public Works would buy auto parts for everyone's vehicle and charge them to their department. They are now using an inventory system where the part is charged to an inventory and then when it is taken from inventory it is expensed out against the user department. The current year amount is $28,000. and for six months they have not spent $2,000. Everything is inventoried as an asset and only charged off when used. The Amount requested for salaries for the 1981-82 fiscal year is $113,006 which is an increase over the previous year figure of $79,500. The Finance Director explained the figure of $113,006. contemplates every position being filled during the 52 weeks of the fiscal year. The $79,500. figure is based upon the actual experienceincurred plus what is projected based upon the current employees for the balance of this year. Streets and Drains: Budgeted this year at $474,280, next year the City Manager is recommending $428,728. A decrease of 9.60 %. A major factor is the elimination of an allotment of $100,000. that had been provided for an this year's budget for drainage purposes. Next year no allocations are funded for drainage purposes, as a result of consulting the City Engineer and Public Works director. The City Manager recommended to Council that as they draw close to the end of the fiscal year they allocate that $100,000. into one of the drainage funds so it will have a purpose in the future. Salaries, under Streets and Drains, for the 1981-82 fiscal year is $233,428, an, increase of $78,000. over the previous year's figure of $155,507. In this particular budget a person who was in the Canal's Division has been moved into the Streets and Drains area. In addition, there are two others a foreman and maintenance man. Also, there are lapsed savings because of turnover. The City Manager said there is also a build -in for merit increases for any employees who might be entitled to receive such increases. Outside Services, for 1980-81 was budgeted at $64,700. Fiscal Year 19 1- is udgeted at $86,400. which is an increase of $22,000. City Manager Stuunman.s indicated that was expected to cover increased contractual obligations to perform the maintenance of medians in Southgate, McNab Road west of Knob Hill, N.W. 80th Street, 81st Street, and Commercial Boulevard from 64th Avenue east to Prospect Road. BUILDING DEPARTMENT: City Manager Stu rrmans explained that the Building Department Budget, after revisions, is allocated $351,700 for the present fiscal year and is allocated $350,898 for the 1981-1982 fiscal year. This is a reduction of $12,006 from the initial recomnmdat=ion for this year. Supplies and printing costs show an increase, and equipment rental is due to an additional typewriter rented for the Permit Department. Also, an additional employee is picked up only to the extent the employee was taken from the City Clerk's office and is now allocated to the Building Department and is not an addition to the overall City Budget. Also, the Inspection Division has been reduced one inspector. -2- July 9, 1981 /lc F Also, one clerk -steno has been added, which is a transfer from the City Clerk's Staff to the Building Department Staff. There was a request for new vehicles, however the new vehicles were taken care of out of the previous year's budget, the City Manager explained. The amount for Auto Repairs is to be reduced to $1,000. and the amount for Auto Parts is to be looked at to see if a reduction can be made. The Meeting was adjourned at 11:25 A.M. Carol A. Evans mm Asst. City Clerk This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ Ye—(6 - or $ ;-; 7 G per copy, to inform the general public and publicofficers and employees about recent opinions and consideration by the City Council of the City of Tamarac. -3- 7/9/81 /lc