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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-15 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting MinutesMAIL REPLY TO:
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July 8, 1982
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Please be advised the Mayor and City Manager have set the following dates
for Budget Workshops to be held in the West Conference Room at City Hall,
5811 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
The purpose of the Workshops is to discuss the 1982/83 Budget for the City
of Tamarac.
Tuesday, July 13, 1982
Thursday,July 15, 1982
Friday, July 16, 1982
Monday, July 19, 1982
Tuesday, July 20, 1982
2:30 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
11.00 A.M.(following Reconvened
Council Meeting in the Council
2:00 P.M.
10:00 A.M.
The City Council may consider such other items as may come before it.
The Public is invited to attend.
ilyn off
/PM City Clerk
`) irsuant to Chapter 80-105 of Florida haw, Senate Bill No. 368:
if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City
Council with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or
hearing, he will need a record the proceedings and for such
purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record includes
the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
July 15, 1982
The meeting was called to order at 10 A.M. on Thursday,
July 15, 1982, in the West Conference Room in the City
PRESENT: Mayor Walter W. Falck
Vice Mayor Helen Massaro
Councilman Irving M. Disraelly
Councilman Philip B. Kravitz
Councilman David E. Krantz
ALSO PRESENT: Laura 2. Stuurmans, City Manager
Steve Wood, Finance Director
Linda Baker, Deputy Finance Director
Jon Henning, City Attorney
Ralph Thissen, Public Works Director
Marilyn Bertholf, City Clerk
ipe Mayor Falck said this is a.Workshop to review on a preliminary basis.the
proposals relating to the different operations for the Fiscal Year beginning
October 1, 1982.
C/M Kravitz said he would suggest that this be approved at $650 as requested
since there are no changes in this budget at all.
C/M Kravitz questioned the need as projected for $725,000 in the budget
and Steve Wood said the rate changes twice a year because of.gross and the
number of units for which the City is charged increases in the months of
October and April under the contract so there is that impact.
C/M Kravitz said the budget is actually the same as last year with the
exception of Item 810,Area Counsel on Aging,increase of $1.,00.0. The City
Manager said that Mrs. Taylor had raised a point concerning the acquisition
of the second van so that Item 30leGasoline and Diesel and Item 402,Travel-
Other,would be impacted because"of this. Mayor Falck.recommended that
Council consider approving the amount of $4,000 for .Item 810,Area Counsel
on Aging.
The City Manager said in this particular division of Public Works there is
no change in complement of personnel with the exception that was noted in
the Budget Message that they have provided for the last 6 months of the
Fiscal Year to include appropriation for an Assistant Public Works Director
based upon the early announced retirement of the Director in 1984. This
will give an opportunity for someone to learn the existing situations in
the City and to be involved in the budgeting process for the year during
which that individual will be responsible. This individual would start
sometime after April, 1983.
Laura Stuurmans said this area has been affected by increases in health
insurance, Workmens' Compensation, Pension costs, etc. She said they have
provided a continuation of $2,000 for Item 140,Overtime,since this is an
area where overtime would be an anticipated expense. She said Item 290,
Uniforms,has increased based upon the experience of the Fiscal Year, which
includes the shops and the street drainage people as well as building
administration. She said Item 301,Gasoline and Diesel,is budgeted at the
same amount as the prior year and Item 305,First Aid Supplies,has been
increased from $50 to $100.
- 1 - 7/15/82
C/M Disraelly questioned Ralph Thissen concerning Item
307,Paint,as to whether the increase is necessary from $1,000 to $1,500.
Laura 5tuurmans said this is because many of the projects have been
refurbishing type. The City Manager said Item 308,Propane,is a duplication
and should not be in the General Administrative area but belongs in Streets
and Drains. She said Item 340,Other Contractual Services, is a compilation
of the janitorial, the canals and the median Swale contracts.
C/M Disraelly said the cost of lawn maintenance is no longer under Streets
but is now under Administrative and the City Manager said this is correct.
She said the canal division itself has been totally eliminated and put
primarily into the Streets and Drains area with the exception of the
outside service calls here. She said Item 345., Lot
Clearing,is just an old expenditure code and Item 401,Meetings and
Seminars,is going up from $920 to $1,000 and this is just based upon an
anticipated escalation in that cost. She said the benefit to the City
in the Public Works area is the reciprocal arrangements between Public
Works Directors that are able to be developed in those sessions.
The City Manager referred to Item 430,Electricity, which is taking into
consideration the cost of living adjustments; therefore, it is increasing
from $9,400 to $10,000; Item 433,Water and Sewer,is remaining consistent
because it is based upon current actual and the $1,200 is sufficient.
She said Item 462 Building Repairs.was budgeted last year at $10,000 and
has now been projected at $18,000 on the basis that they have almost
depleted the City Hall renovation account that was reserved a few years
Laura Stuurmans referred to Item 46r Office Equipment Repairs projected
from $3,200 to $4,000, Item 464,Machinery Equipment Repair,is only $500
since most of the heavy equipment is reflected under Streets and Drains.
She said Item 467,Material,has been eliminated and Item 497, Outside
Services,would have been the janitorial contract and is now included in
Item 340,Other Contractural Services. Item 510, Office Supplies is going
up from $3,000 to $3,500, Item 520 Janitorial Supplies is going up from
$1,000 to $2,000. Item 529,Minor Tools,is remaining constant at $500;
Item 5301Tool Allowance,provides for $300 which would be a $100 payment
to the City's electrician, plumber and carpenter for the use of their own
special tools.
The City Manager said Item 542,Dues and Membership,is up from $50 to $300
since Mr. Thissen intends to join a few additional associations as well as
his Assistant. Item 641,Office Equipment,is not being budgeted.
The City Manager said Item 120,Regular Salaries,have been increased because
it does provide for the addition of two Maintenance Worker I and the
transfer of two Maintenance Worker II. Item 306,Special Supplies,remains
the same at $1,200 which includes such things as a pump when needed, etc.
Item 307,Paint,is referring to street paint; Item 340,Other Contractual
Services,was proposed at $10,000 for special needs such as a heavy piece
of equipment to do a special job and since this is rare,this was not
included in the budget. Item 436,Propane Gas,is increased from $3,000 to
$3,500; Item 440,Rentals and Leases,is the same at $1,800; Item 464, Mach-
inery and Equipment Repairs,has been raised from $9,400 to $12,000 to main-
tain the existing heavy-duty equipment.
The City Manager referred to Item 467, Material, which has been consolidated
into Item 538,Street Supplies. Item 497 ,Outside Services,which included
the,median and swale maintenance has gone into the General/Administrative
area of the budget. Item 525, Mosquitoes, has remained constant at $5,000.
Item 527,Chemicals,has gone up from $1,200, Mr. Thissen requested an increase
to $1,500. The City Manager allowed this and they removed $7,500 from the
canal division, which"has been discontinued for the total of $10,000.
Item 529,Minor Tools,was budgeted at $2,000 and Item533,Asphalt Paving,,is
budgeted at $25,000.
- 2 - 7/15/82
The City Manager referred to Item 534,Barricades,which is maintained at
$500; Item 535,Beautification,is budgeted for .$5,000 as it was last year.
Item 5361Signs,is a continuation of last year at $500 and Item 538rStreet
Supplies,is raised from $7,000 to $10,000 since Item 467,Material,has been
consolidated into this Item.
Laura Stuurmans said Item 539,Parks/Maintenance,was not allocated in the
budget last year and, although Sharon Ellis has some provision for main-
taining the parks, Ralph Thissen has suggested $10,000 for Public Works
support of park maintenance functions. item 620,Buildings,concerns two
buildings that Ralph Thissen has requested; one for Tract 27 for storage
of the equipment necessary for the maintenance at Tract 27 and the other
is for Tamarac Park.
The City Manager said Item 631,Drainage Improvements,,has had nothing
budgeted for this year because they felt this should come from the
Drainage Improvement Fund. Item 640,Vehicles,is for a Tandem truck and
Mr. Thissen agreed that this could be eliminated at this time. Item 643,
'ape Capital Machinery and Equipment,with $63,800 allotted would be for a
2 replacement backhoe, a curb machine for $5,000, a mosquito sprayer for
$5,000 and an end -loader bucket for $3,800.
The City Manager said there is the same amount of personnel in this area
with one exception being the hiring of a general maintenance person.
She said on Item 302,Tires, the amount has been increased from $1,500 to
$3,000 based upon experience and last year's budget was not as extensive
as it is now since the acquisition of surplus vehicles from the utilities.
Item 303,Grease and Oil,was budgeted at $1,550 and they are raising this
to $1,600. Item 306,Special Supplies,has been increased from $810 to
$1,000 based upon this year's expenditure level. Item 307,Paint,increased
from $750 to $1,500, this is for auto paint and supplies for the City's
auto body repair shop.
The City Manager said Item 401,Meetings and Seminars,is dropping from $600
to $500 to allow the Shop Superintendent an opportunity to attend a few
fleet maintenance programs. Item 461,Auto Parts,has been reduced from
$20,865 to $18,000 since most of the improvement work was accomplished
this year. Item 464,Machinery and Equipment Repair,has been reduced from
$6,400 to $5,000 because of this year's improvements. Item 465,Communica-
tions,was reduced from $2,300 to $2,000. Item 497,Outside Services,will
be maintained at $1,000 and Item 529,Minor Tools,is being maintained at
a $1,200 level. Item 530, Tool Allowance,is being raised from $400 to $500
with the addition of a preventive maintenance person, and Item 643,Capital
Machinery,and Equipment is being budgeted for $2,650.
Laura Stuurmans said they have consolidated the part time help into the
regular salaries account and there has been an adjustment made for Item
240,Workmens Compensation,increased in the amount of $945 which will be
the Manager's recommendation for Confidential Managerial Staff. She said
beyond the set personnel costs, Item 402,Travel-Other,has been increased
from $10,200 to $11,000. Item 463,Office Equipment Repairs,will be main-
tained at $200; Item 510,Office Supplies,was increased from $4,300 to
$5,000. Item 542,Dues and Memberships,is being maintained at $5,000 and
Item 544,Library Supplies,will remain $100.
Laura Stuurmans said this budget allows for a continuation of the existing
number of personnel which includes a half time clerical person and a half
of a secretary designated to this department along with a Planning Techniciar.
Item 310,Professional Services,is maintained at $28,200; Item 401,Meetings
and Seminars,is being carried at $450. Item 402,Travel Other,is carried at
$300 and Item 463,0ffice Equipment Repairs,was reduced to $150 because of
the experience. Item 470,Printing and Binding,remains $100 and Item 510,
Office Supplies,remains $750. Item 516,Maps,is budgeted for $50 and
- 3 - 7/15/82
Item 540,Books, Publications, Subscriptions and Memberships,is constant
at $150. Item 542,Dues and Memberships,is maintained at $100.
C/M Kravitz said there are several items that are listed that are not
used and he questioned whether these items should be budgeted at all.
V/M Massaro said these items should be budgeted since there may be a need
at some future time and they will be allocated within the budget.
Laura Stuurmans said Item 120,Regular Salaries,takes into account
the City Manager, an Administrative Secretary and a Secretary that is
shared between the City Manager and the City Attorney. Item 310•Pro-
fessional Services,is the Account for the services of Mitch Ceasar
and this has been raised from $16,700 to $17,200. The City Manager said
she will reduce this to the $16,700 rate and she will inform Council as
to what this amount consists of.
The City Manager referred to Item 401,Meetings and Seminars,which is being
reduced from $1,000 to $500. Item 402,Travel-Other,is being maintained at
$3,500 because a portion of Mitch Ceasar's expenses should be attributed
to that amount when he is out of town and the City Manager does hope to
attend some outside functions with the International City Manager Associa-
tion. V/M Massaro said she would like to know how much of this amount is
Mitch Ceasar's travel expense expenditures.
Laura Stuurmans continued with Item 463,Office Equipment Repairs,which is
being maintained at $200 for contracts for maintenance of typewriters and
taping equipment. Item 510,0ffice Supplies,will continue at $1,850; Item
540,Books, Publications, Subscriptions and Memberships,is continuing at
$500. Item 542.Dues and Memberships,is being continued at $500. Item 641,
Office Equipment,is maintained at $750 which will help to purchase some
storage cabinets and filing equipment.
Jon Henning said they are trying to continue,basically, on the same budget
as last year. Mayor Falck questioned the continuation of the amount of
$59,600 for Item 310,Professional Services,as to whether this amount would
be adequate and Jon Henning said he is uncertain at this time. Mr. Henning
suggested a budget for Settlements as a separate item. V/M Massaro said
this needs some thought. C/M Disraelly questioned Item 340,Other Con-
tractual Services,is opposed to Item 310,Professional Services,and the
City Manager said she would get an answer on this item.
Jon Henning said there may be a change in the Word Processing area. He
said they will probably not purchase the present word processing system
and will probably go to a city-wide system but this should be evaluated
further. Mayor Falck said what is needed is a staff report with a
Laura Stuurmans referred to Item 641,Office Equipment,noting an increase
from $1,390 to $109,000 which is the Phase II of the Data Processing
improvement program that the City scheduled for itself which includes an
expansion of the computer memory at $12,000, two additional terminals at
$5,000, a system for the Police Department for $40,000, a Fire System at
$25,000 and a Public Works inventory system for $25,000; generally, for
equipment that may be necessary in the computer system that is a $2,000
The City Manager said these items follow the study that was performed by
the City prior to the time a computer system was obtained as to the second
phase of development of computerization for the City. C/M Disraelly asked
Steve Wood if this would require upgrading of the hardware and Steve Wood
said just the expansion of the memory which will be $12,000. He said the
disc paks will have to be expanded within a year or so for the Police and
Fire Departments.
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The City Manager said that Item 641,Office Equipment, under "Budget"
column,the amount of $1,390 was appropriated for this year's budget
and included such items as typewriters, calculators, etc. V/M Massaro
said she would like more definite information on this item. C/M Disraelly
questioned the increase on Item 260,Education,from $500 to $1,000 and
the City Manager said the increases are primarily due to the computer
system itself. Item 403,Automobile Allowance,covers a flat fee re-
imbursement of $50 per month to the Director and $50 per month to the
Assistant Director and $35 to the Purchasing Officer for travel to and
from Utilities West.
Laura Stuurmans said Item 463,Office Equipment Repairs,has been increased
from $14,600 to $19,400 because of computer costs and contractual obliga-
tions. Item 470,Printing,and Binding has been budgeted at $2,400 for the
Financial Report as well as Accounts Payable checks and Purchase Orders.
Item 510,Office Supplies,has been increased in proportion to the expenditure
level from $4,300 to $5,000. Item 518,Computer Supplies,is being increased
from $4,800 to $6,000 since more paper will be needed to cover the add-
itional systems. Item 521,Other Operational Supplies,is at a continuing
rate of $200; Item 540,Books, Publications, Subscriptions and Memberships,
is being raised from $250 to $300.
The City Manager said Item 542,Dues and Memberships,is increasing from
$150 to $200 which is reasonable in view of the cost of joining these
Associations. Steve Wood referred to Item 641,Office Equipment,and said
the $109,000 assumes that the devices proposed are added and the monthly
maintenance would have to be paid on this. He said it also includes the
cash registers, typewriters, etc. C/M Kravitz asked if it would not be
a better accounting practice to charge those departments that need that
service rather than the Finance Department. Steve Wood said since they
are all in the General Fund it would not matter. Mayor Falck said he
will work with the City Manager and make a recommendation to Council as
to how this would be further considered.
The City Manager said the budget does not provide for any addition to the
personnel and,generally, this is a continuation budget. V/M Massaro noted
the difference of $42,000 in the wage increases and the City Manager said
that there are two people in the department that are part time workers.
She said, at one time, part time workers were budgeted separately from
full time workers but this year there has been a merger with Item 120,
Regular Salaries. She also mentioned the 9% raise that was given to the
white collar workers as being a factor, and this year's figure includes
the 9.5% increase that the white collar workers will receive.
Marilyn Bertholf, City Clerk said there may be a need in the future to
replace one recording machine and the recording machines are between eight
and ten years old. She said the cost of this could be approximately $500
She mentioned that since the Occupational License program will be done
"in house" she questioned where the printing costs for the forms will be
provided for. Steve Wood said this would come under the City Clerk's
budget and; therefore, a line item should be provided for this.
Laura Stuurmans referred to Item 301,Gasoline and Diesel, reflected from
$350 to $400 based upon expenditures. Item 306 Special Supplies,is up
from $200 to $300; Item 401,Meetings and Seminars,is up from $245 to $250,'
Item 402,Travel-Other,is from $400 to $500. Item 440,Rentals and Leases,
increased from $250 to $350 primarily for office equipment, postage meter,
etc. Item 460,Auto Repairs,is being maintained at $250; Item 463,Office
Equipment Repairs,is being increased from $5,000 to $6,000 and this includes
the microfilming equipment and maintenance agreements. Item 471,Duplicating,
is up from $2,437 to $3,000 and item 490,Advertising,is up from $5,000 to
$5,500-which covers all of the City's advertising.
The City Manager mentioned Item 491,Filing and Recording which is maintained
at $1,000. Item 492,Elections,has increased from $10,413 to $12,000 because
of the increased costs involved. Mayor Falck mentioned the need to consider
a better way to handle the reimbursable items as to whether or not they
should be shown on the budget.
- 5 - 7/15/82
The City Manager said Item 494,Photographic,is remaining at $.2.,500 and
Item 498,Minutes-Tapes,is increasing from $2,000 to $2,300 taking into
consideration an escalation of the cost of the cassette tapes. Item
510,office Supplies,is being reduced from $3,055 to $3,000; Item 540,
Books, Publications, Subscriptions and Memberships,is remaining at $200.
Item 542,Dues and Memberships,is maintained at $200 and the City Clerk
has not requested any Capital equipment for the coming year.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 P.M.
This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ A,< V2.or$ ''-3,.� S
per copy, to inform the general public and public officers and employees about recent
opinions and consideration by the City Council of the City of Tamarac.
- 6 - 7/15/82