HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-28 - City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting Minutes7525 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE 0 TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321.2401
TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900
August 28, 1989
Rev. 8/28/89
for FISCAL YEAR 1989/90
There will be a Workshop Meeting of the City Council held an
* Wednesday, August 30, 1989 at 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room
#1, City Hall, 7525 NW 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida.
The purpose of this meeting is to review the budgets for the
following Departments for Fiscal Year 1989/90:
Charter Board
All meetings are open to the public.
Carol A. Evans
City Clerk
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Abramowitz called this meeting to Order on
Wednesday, August 30, 1989 at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room #1 (City
Clerk's Office).
Mayor Norman Abramowitz
Vice Mayor Dr. H. Larry Bender
Councilman Bruce Hoffman
Councilman Henry Rohr
Councilman Jack Stelzer
John P. Kelly, City Manager
Ken Burroughs, Finance Director
Dina McDermott, Assistant to the
City Manager
Nancy Ramoni, City Clerk's Office
The purpose of this meeting was to review the proposed Budget
for Fiscal Year 1989/90. Items discussed were as follows:
Charter Board
Charter Board Budc�et-Page 26
City Manager Kelly said he suggested to the City Council
that Carla Coleman from FAU/FIU, be contracted to review
the Charter. He said the proposed price was $3,000.00
and this amount was not provided in the Budget. He said
this cost should be placed in the Charter Board Budget
and he recommended that the Budget be increased by
Ken Burroughs said a new line Item would be implemented
and referred to as Account 306 - Special Services.
City Manager Kelly said because of this project there
would be several supplies and copies needed. He
suggested that approximately $700.00 be added to the
Charter Board Budget for Office Supplies.
Mayor Abramowitz said when the City Manager brought the
matter to him, he thought it was a very good idea. He
said he felt that the Charter review could take place
with the Charter Board and an outside non -political
professional. He said he was very pleased if the two
worked together in behalf of the City. He said the cost
for supplies should be $1,700.00 to avoid any problems
with funding in the future for the project.
V/M Bender asked if the total Budget would be $19,420.00
and City Manager Kelly agreed. V/M Bender said this
included $3,000.00 for the contract and $1,700.00 for
** There was an increase of $4,700.00 for the Charter Board Budget.
Page 1
Mayor Abramowitz announced that Zeke Feldman, Charter
Board Chairman, was also present.
Insurance Budget - Page 61
At this time, Peter Mack, Personnel Director, and Susan
Tillman, Consulting Insurance Advisor, ENTERED the
City Manager Kelly said it was recommended to the City
Council that the disability insurance be deleted;
therefore, it was removed from the Budget. He said the
City Council asked Ms. Tillman to review the other
insurance policies of the City and she would be reporting
on this.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council asked that backup
information be provided during the discussions and Ms.
Tillman said she would distribute this information when
each policy was discussed.
Ms. Tillman said the first discussions would consist of
policies that could be eliminated. She said equipment
insurance could be covered under the blanket policy of
fire and extended coverage; therefore, equipment
insurance could be eliminated.
V/M Bender asked if the policy was $3,000.00 and Ms.
Tillman replied, yes.
Ms. Tillman said police professional insurance was no
longer needed. She said medical malpractice insurance
could be covered under the blanket of general liability
insurance; therefore, medical malpractice insurance could
be eliminated.
C/M Stelzer asked what Medical Malpractice Insurance
provided and Ms. Tillman said the Insurance was for
Firefighters for any negligence they caused in their
duties. She said most of the Firefighters were Emergency
Medical Technicians (EMT's).
Ms. Tillman said there was a question at the last
Workshop meeting regarding what public officials
liability insurance was. She said this insurance covered
public officials within the City that served as
managerial staff. She said this coverage was not needed
because it was covered under the blanket of the general
liability iInsurance; however, a Bond was needed for the
Finance Director, which would cost approximately
Mayor Abramowitz asked if this insurance covered
Department Heads as well as elected officials and Ms.
Tillman replied, yes. Mayor Abramowitz asked if
$49,000.00 represented the cost of all the public
officials in the City and Ms. Tillman replied, yes.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if everyone would be covered if
the insurance was eliminated and the Finance Director was
bonded and Ms. Tillman replied, yes.
Ms. Tillman said the elected officials were covered under
the blanket of the general liability insurance, which
would be explained. She said separate insurance was not
Page 2
needed for this type of coverage unless the City wanted
it. She said the acts for which the public officials
would be found liable would be negligence and this was
covered under Sovereign Immunity. She said dollar one
coverage was not necessary when the City would be liable
up to a specific amount.
C/M Hoffman said the City of Tamarac was constantly being
sued and he asked if the City Council would be covered
when this insurance was eliminated if a member of the
Council was sued for something he said on the podium.
Ms. Tillman said she would be proposing a higher
deductible, such as $100,000.00 as opposed to coverage
from dollar one. She said her proposal would include
protection for the City Council as a public official past
the first $100,000.00. She said if the City were to be
sued and $100,000.00 was against the City Council for
some act, the City would pay the first $100,000.00 and
there would be excess insurance available to pay any
costs over that.
C/M Hoffman said he was turned down on umbrella insurance
because he was a public official. He said the insurance
company would not provide this insurance because they
felt that public officials were prone to be sued. He
said he was advised that he should be covered by the
Mayor Abramowitz said Ms. Tillman would be proposing a
Policy to the City Council later in her Report.
C/M Hoffman asked if $49,000.00 should be eliminated and
Ms. Tillman replied, yes. City Manager Kelly said in
terms of a premium, elimination of the insurance was
being recommended.
Mayor Abramowitz said Ms. Tillman would be informing the
City Council of the policies that were not needed and
then propose what should be done.
C/M Rohr asked if $3,000.00 was needed to cover the
Finance Director and Ms. Tillman said $3,000.00 would
come under the next line which was the employee and
official bonds. She said $49,000.00 should be deleted
from Item, 45E.
Ms. Tillman said Item 45F, Employee & official Bonds, has
bonded more than the Finance Director in the past. She
said by Statutes, the City only had to bond the Finance
Director and she recommended that the bond for the
Finance Director be $3,000.00; therefore, the remaining
funds could be eliminated.
The City Council AGREED with this elimination.
Ms. Tillman said fire and extended coverage was a premium
of $10,000.00 and this coverage was for all of the
property owned by the City, which was approximately 14
million dollars. She suggested that property, general
liability, auto liability and excess liability be
combined with a deductible of $100,000.00 and excess
insurance be purchased for claims over $100,000.00.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what the total premiums were for
the four policies and Ms. Tillman replied, approximately
$469,000.00. Ms. Tillman suggested that $150,000.00 be
used to buy excess insurance for additional coverage.
Page 3
Ms. Tillman said she was basing her recommendations on
the City's past history of 10 years. She said past
claims have been very low and she did not feel that the
City needed all of their existing policies. She said she
was proposing that the City establish a loss fund for any
payment of claims.
V/M Bender asked if this pertained to Items 45G, 45H, 451
and 45J and Ms. Tillman agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if Broward County has had a
self -insured liability program for several years and Ms.
Tillman replied, yes, the County had several claims bills
against them.
Ms. Tillman said a claim could not collect more than
$100,000.00 from the City when the self -insured liability
program was active unless the claimant went to the
legislature to file a claims bill. She said Broward
County has had several claims bills in the amount of 2.5
million dollars; however, it took approximately 3 years
for a claims bill; meanwhile, the monies could be
accumulated in the fund loss account. She said the loss
fund was important and should be added to each year to
assist the City in any losses for the coming years.
C/M Stelzer asked if $150,000.00 would be used to buy
excess insurance and Ms. Tillman replied, yes. C/M
Stelzer asked if the savings of $369,750.00 should be
placed in the loss fund and Ms. Tillman said the amount
for the loss fund would have to be discussed.
Mayor Abramowitz said he would like Ms. Tillman to
continue with her proposal and the loss fund could be
discussed later.
Ms. Tillman said the Police and Fire Accident Insurance
had to be provided by the City because it was a Statutory
requirement and Mayor Abramowitz asked if there would be
a savings since the City no longer had a Police
Department. Ms. Tillman replied, yes; however, she did
not know these figures at this time.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what Monies and Securities
Insurance was for and Ms. Tillman said this policy could
be eliminated. Mayor Abramowitz said he wanted to make
sure that the City was covered for these things and Ms.
Tillman said the City would be covered for costs over
$100,000.00 if the proposed general liability
self -insured program was enacted.
Ms. Tillman said the flood insurance was required because
she has been informed that the Federal Government would
not provide aid for the entire City if this insurance was
not available. She said the funding received by Federal
Aid would be higher than the cost of the premium, which
was $8,400.00 per year; therefore, she recommended the
City retain this insurance in case of a flood.
Ms. Tillman said the City was presently covered by the
Sovereign Immunity Act, which meant that the City could
not be sued for more than $100,000.00 for a negligence
act. She said there were three exceptions to this rule,
which were 1) a person could file a claims bill against
Page 4
the City through the Legislature, 2) a person could file
Federal actions against the City or, 3) a person could
file out of State actions against the City for more
Ms. Tillman said she was proposing the City buy excess
insurance for these three exceptions in the amount of
$150,000.00. She said she was proposing a high
deductible on property insurance, which would cover the
City after the first $100,000.00 up to the total value of
its property which was approximately 14 million dollars.
Mayor Abramowitz asked Ms. Tillman to explain the
exception of out of State action and Ms. Tillman said the
exception pertained to a City employee who went out of
State on City business and committed an negligent action
against someone.
Ms. Tillman said if this occurred, the City would be
subject to the laws of the State that the negligent act
was taken in, which may not have a Sovereign Immunity
Mayor Abramowitz asked City Manager Kelly if employees
often went out of State on City business and City Manager
Kelly said the Firefighters went out of State often for
Mayor Abramowitz asked Ms. Tillman what the policy cost
would be and Ms. Tillman replied, $100,000.00. She said
if the insurance companies knew that the City did not
have massive coverage, there would probably be few
lawsuits taken against the City. She said the bottom
line cost for insurance in the budget at this time was
$447,440.00 per year; however, her proposal would bring
the bottom line cost to approximately $233,000.00.
Mayor Abramowitz asked Ms. Tillman to explain what the
other exceptions were and Ms. Tillman said a federal
action was a suit filed against the City in the Federal
Courts, which was not subject to State laws; therefore,
the City could be sued for more than $100,000.00.
Ms. Tillman said the City presently had a self -insured
Workers' Compensation program that worked in the same way
that the self -insured general liability program would
work. She said the total cost of $233,000.00 included
the self -insured Workers' Compensation program.
C/M Hoffman asked if the cost for the self -insured
Worker's Compensation program was listed elsewhere in the
budget and Ms. Tillman replied, yes.
C/M Hoffman asked if the other line item could be
deducted since it was included with $233,000.00 and Ms.
Tillman replied, yes; however, she did not know if this
was the way the budget process was handled.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if $233,000.00 included the
Workers' Compensation premium and Ms. Tillman said the
premium for the self -insured Workers' Compensation
program was $60,000.00. She said this cost should be
added to the bottom line figure of $447,440.00 and then
$233,000.00 should be subtracted to find the total
Page 5
Mayor Abramowitz said the bottom line figure would be
$507,440.00 if the self -insured Workers' Compensation
program was added.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if there were reserve dollars
budgeted for the loss fund of the self --insured Workers'
Compensation program and Ms. Tillman said the Finance
Director informed her that there was approximately
$449,000.00 in the loss fund for the self -insured
Workers' Compensation program.
C/M Hoffman asked if this much was needed in the loss
fund and Ms. Tillman said the City's history indicated
that approximately $200,000.00 per year was paid within
the last 4 years. She said a Workers' Compensation claim
had a life span of 10 years; therefore, the history
advised her that there should be at least $200,000.00 in
the loss fund.
City Manager Kelly said there were a few claims pending
that the City was responsible for and Ms. Tillman said
the City's loss history has not been massive; however,
there could always be a very large claim filed in the
Mr. Burroughs said he was involved in this type of
program for approximately 15 years and the practice has
been to keep double the amount of the claims history in
the loss fund. He said this would mean that the City
should keep $400,000.00 in the loss fund if their claims
experience has been $200,000.00 per year.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if one loss fund could be provided
for both of the self -insured programs and Mr. Burroughs
said one reserve could be used to encumber all of the
policies in the City.
Mayor Abramowitz said his experience has proven that all
actuaries in insurance have based their fees on past
history. He said past history could change tomorrow;
however, because of the recent merge of the Police
Department with the Broward Sheriff's Office, the City's
loss experience could be much lower.
Mayor Abramowitz said having insurance policies was a
business judgement and the past history of the City was
very important to him when making his decision.
C/M Hoffman asked what the reserve should be for both of
the self -insured programs and Ms. Tillman said the City
should build the reserve on a yearly basis.
Ms. Tillman said the City of Pompano recently had a
reserve containing approximately 3 million dollars and
the City of Hallandale had a reserve containing
approximately $800,000.00.
Ms. Tillman said Tamarac's past history in general
liability claims has been approximately $19,000.00 per
year. She said if the City wanted to adopt the procedure
recommended by Mr. Burroughs the reserve should contain
approximately $40,000.00 per year. She said the City
could probably use the existing amount in the
self -insured Workers' Compensation loss fund; however, in
Page 6
future years, the account should be in the area of one
million dollars to allow the City to become their own
insurance company. She said the City would be secure by
having a high reserve fund.
Mayor Abramowitz said he did not favor the City going
into the market naked. He said the past history
indicated that in 10 years, $3,100,000.00 was spent for
premiums and the payouts were only $179,000.00. He said
he was informed that the City was once sued for 4 million
dollars; however, during that time the City was not
covered by Sovereign Immunity and Ms. Tillman agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz said based on the past history of the
premiums and claims, he would not object to having a high
reserve for self -insured programs. He said there should
be a self' -insurance program implemented in the City that
encompassed all of the policies.
Mayor Abramowitz said since Ms. Tillman was hired by the
City there were very few doctors who wanted to talk to
her and Ms. Tillman said there were three employees who
returned to light duty work, which had been collecting
total disability.
Ms. Tillman said if the City was going to embark on a
general liability self -insured program, she would
recommend that a strong safety program be implemented in
the City. She said this type of program would assist the
City in making the self -insured program successful. She
said funds would have to allocated to provide experts,
training and proper equipment for the safety program.
She said the employees should be trained about safety on
a monthly basis and given incentive rewards for providing
a safe environment.
Mayor Abramowitz said if a safety program was needed, he
did not object to seeing that it was provided.
C/M Hoffman said the City Council needed to decide what
amount the loss fund should contain. He said there would
be a savings of approximately $260,000.00 by going
self -insured and he asked if $60,000.00 should be added
to the existing loss fund.
Ms. Tillman said that she felt the addition of $60,000.00
to the existing loss fund would be a safe amount. She
said the first year of a self -insured program seemed to
be very good because it took approximately one year for a
claim to be filed and heard; therefore, there may not be
claims paid out the first year.
C/M Hoffman said the City would be covered for all claims
that occurred before October 1, 1989, because premiums
were paid out for those claims and Ms. Tillman agreed.
V/M Bender suggested that the reserve fund contain
$400,000.00 for the self -insured Workers' Compensation
and general liability programs and Mayor Abramowitz said
he did not feel that $49,000.00 should be deducted from
this fund.
C/M Hoffman suggested that the reserve fund receive
$60,000.00 for both programs. He said the fund would
then have $509,000.00 in reserve. He said this would
leave a total savings to the City of approximately
Page 7
C/M Rohr asked how much was needed for a safety program
and C/M Hoffman said some of the funds from the savings
could be used to start this program.
Mayor Abramowitz said when he was approached about Ms.
Tillman being hired he was not pleased because of the
financial situation of the City; however, he knew now
that he was wrong. He said he was informed that due to
Ms. Tillman's background, she was able to settle claims
as opposed to going to litigation. Ms. Tillman and City
Manager Kelly agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz said he was very concerned with the
Pension Fund in the City. He said every Friday, he was
asked to sign computer payouts and he has become very
involved with the Pension Plan.
Mayor Abramowitz said there were several things he could
not understand regarding the Pension Fund and, after
further investigation, he found that there were some
employees receiving a Pension that was higher than the
wages they earned. He said he became concerned and
wanted to see the procedure tightened up; however, he was
informed that Pension business was not the City's
business. He said he felt this was incorrect because the
City paid the expenses of the Pension Board. He asked
that Ms. Tillman become involved in the claims for the
Pension Plan.
Referring to Item 45L, Monies and Securities, V/M Bender
asked what this policy covered and Ms. Tillman said this
policy covered anyone in the City that was in a Fiduciary
position because they handled the City's money. She said
this coverage was in case these people stole monies from
the City while in that position. She said based on the
City's past history, this policy was not needed.
V/M Bender asked if this policy only covered theft and
Ms. Tillman replied, yes. V/M Bender asked if the City
had a policy that covered cases involving securities,
such as the Comark matter.
Ms. Tillman said she was not familiar with this matter
and V/M Bender asked if there was a possibility the City
was covered by this type of claim. He said if so, maybe
the City could be reimbursed for some of the monies
already expended for this amount.
Mr. Burroughs said the public officials bond would cover
the Comark matter and C/M Hoffman said the City would
have to place a claim against the public officials that
served in office during that time.
Mayor Abramowitz said the concern on this matter was who
was at fault, such as the Finance Director, Mr. Burroughs
said the Finance Director and public officials as well.
V/M Bender suggested that this be investigated and Mayor
Abramowitz said this matter did not pertain to the
budget; however, it could be investigated.
Mayor Abramowitz said C/M Hoffman suggested that an
additional $60,000.00 be placed in the existing reserve
account to cover both self -insured programs. He said the
total amount of the reserve would be $509,000.00. He
asked what was needed for the safety program.
Page 8
Ms. Tillman recommended that $5,000.00 be allocated;
however, she was not sure that this amount was
appropriate. She said she would like to identify the
areas that are a concern in the City and ask the experts
to review the problems and create a safety program. She
said she would propose a safety program to the City after
there was a basis for the program.
City Manager Kelly said the Safety Advisory Board has
been trying to do this for several years; however, they
were only allowed approximately $400.00 per budget year.
He said nothing could be done with the monies
appropriated to them.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City was a member of the
National Safety Council who was very interested in
assisting the City in a safety program. He said the
National Safety Council indicated that the City has never
asked them for assistance.
Ms. Tillman said the National Safety Council and
Gallagher & Bassett would provide free films and videos
for the City to use. She said she would like the
employees to be shown a video on safety every month. She
said the funds would provide training for the employees,
especially the new hires. She said an employee should
not be placed in a position without knowing the safety
precautions for that position.
C/M Hoffman suggested that $5,000.00 be allocated for a
safety program.
City Manager Kelly asked the City Council how they wanted
Mr. Burroughs to allocate all of the changes.
Peter Mack, Personnel Director, said there was a fund
available for the Safety Advisory Board and the
additional funding could be placed in that budget.
Mr. Burroughs said this would not be appropriate. He
said the entire budget would have to be changed to
provide for a general liability self -insured program. He
recommended that a self-insurance budget be provided for
all of the insurance services, which would eliminate
Pages 60 and 61. He said these items would be eliminated
from the General. Fund budget. He said the funds for the
safety program could be placed in this account as well.
He said the General and Utilities Fund budget would be
backcharged for their share of the expenses.
The City Council AGREED with this type of appropriation
Workers' Compensation Budget - Pages 123 and 124
Mr. Burroughs said $37,500.00 was interest earned for
this budget and $226,120.00 was what the Departments were
back charged for the Workers' Compensation insurance.
Mr. Burroughs said Pages 125, 126 and 127 were the
expenses for this budget.
C/M Hoffman asked where the reserve fund was listed in
the budget and Mr. Burroughs said a reserve fund was not
a budgeted item. Mr. Burroughs said this fund could be
listed in the budget as a beginning and ending budget.
Page 9
C/M Hoffman said the fund should be listed somewhere in
the budget and Mr. Burroughs said this would be done.
Mr. Burroughs said the State Statute required the
Workers' Compensation fund to be separated from the other
insurance coverage and he suggested that the reserve for
this fund be a separate fund.
Mayor Abramowitz said previously, he asked if the reserve
funds for the general liability self -insured program and
the Workers' Compensation self -insured program could be
in one fund and he was informed that this could be done.
Mr. Burroughs said the Workers' Compensation funds could
not be co -mingled with the other funds and Mayor
Abramowitz asked what the Statutory requirements were for
the reserve fund.
Ms. Tillman said she was not sure; however, in the past,
she established separate reserve funds for each
self -insured program. She suggested the City do this.
C/M Hoffman asked if the funds could be taken from the
self -insured Workers' Compensation reserve fund to
provide for needs in the general liability self -insured
program and Ms. Tillman replied, yes.
Mayor Abramowitz said he would
like one
reserve fund for
each self -insured program, which would
begin this year in
the amount of $509,000.00. He
said the
City could
allocate money each year to this fund based
on a specific
Ms. Tillman said this could be
done and
Mr. Burroughs
agreed. Ms. Tillman suggested
that the
different amounts
be specified in the budget.
Referring to Page 126, Excess Liability, Mayor Abramowitz
asked if $33,000.00 would be backcharged to the
Departments and Mr. Burroughs said this Page would not
change under Ms. Tillman's program.
Mr. Burroughs said Page 127 was budgeted and backcharged
to the Departments. Mayor Abramowitz asked if a specific
line item could be eliminated from the budget without
complications and Mr. Burroughs replied, yes.
C/M Stelzer asked how the expenditures could be deducted
on Pages 61 and 126 and Mr. Burroughs said the City
Council passed an Ordinance several years ago regarding
this procedure; therefore, the City Attorney may have to
advise the City Council on how this was done.
Mayor Abramowitz asked the City Manager to inform the
City Attorney of this matter when he returned from his
C/M Hoffman said C/M Stelzer's question was valid
because, at this point, approximately $200,000.00 would
be deducted from the expenditure budget.
Mayor Abramowitz thanked Ms. Tillman and Mr. Burroughs
for their assistance on these matters. He asked Ms.
Tillman if the backup she submitted included the City's
past insurance history and the proposed general liability
self --insured program and Ms. Tillman replied, yes.
Page 10
Mr. Mack said he was very pleased that the City would be
embarking on a safety program and he felt that the
program would be successful if it was monitored by Ms.
Mr. Burroughs said he would adjust the budget
appropriately; however, he would submit a memorandum to
the City Council regarding the adjustments to insure they
were correct.
C/M Hoffman said he has been tabulating the decreases in
the budget and he asked if it would be appropriate to
recap the entire budget at this time to find the actual
Mr. Burroughs said the deductions recently approved were
changed in the budget; however, the provisions for the
new self -insured program would require several changes
and recalculations.
Mayor Abramowitz suggested that Mr. Burroughs send a
memorandum to the City Council regarding the changes so
they could be confirmed.
Ms. Tillman and Mr. Mack WITHDREW from the meeting at
this time.
TUE Budget - Page 133
At this time, Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED the meeting and
RECONVENED with ALL PRESENT. Bob Foy, Director of
Utilities/Engineering, was present.
Mr. Foy said Page 133 was the estimated revenue for the
TUE Budget. He said TUE was a stable area; therefore,
the revenue next year was expected to be about the same
as this year.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how much of $353,910.00 was
revenue and Mr. Foy replied, $83,000.00.
C/M Stelzer said $90,000.00 was used last year and Mr.
Foy said this amount was used for capital improvements in
the area.
C/M Hoffman asked what the surplus would be used for and
Mr. Foy said there were several improvements needed in
the area, such as the replacement of two lift stations;
however, the funding for this improvement was not in the
Mr. Foy said there were sewer lines that needed to be
replaced in the area, which would be very costly. He
said the Utilities Department was pecking away at these
improvements; however, there were several areas that have
not been touched. He said there were areas with
insufficient fire flow and he was requesting that
$25,000.00 be appropriated for these improvements.
C/M Hoffman asked if $80,000.00 was the only surplus for
TUE and Mr. Foy said there was only $83,000.00 in
surplus. Mr. Burroughs said $83,000.00 in surplus was
carried over from last year's budget.
Page 11
Mr. Burroughs said the fund equity increase was
$114,000.00; therefore, the reserve was being increased
by $30,000.00 for next year based on projections. He
said all of the funds being collected would not be spent.
Mayor Abramowitz asked Mr. Foy to identify the
expenditures that would be from CIAC fees throughout the
budget because he wanted to make sure that the revenue
funds were not being used for projects that CIAC funds
could pay for.
C/M Hoffman asked what unclassified funds were and Mr.
Burroughs said these were the items appropriated on Page
Mayor Abramowitz asked why the Water Purchase Fund was
increased and Mr. Foy said he was not advised that Fort
Lauderdale would enact a rate increase; however, he
appropriated funds in case it occurred. He said the City
could use more water this year than last year.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the costs were increased if the
water usage was increased and Mr. Foy replied, yes;
however, he could not use the revenue funds and he had to
identify the expenditures.
Mr. Burroughs said the budget indicated an increase in
the surplus without the rates being increased. He said
the revenues exceeded the expenditures.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if Mr. Foy budgeted $12,000.00
because more water may be needed and Mr. Foy replied yes.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if this was implemented in the
revenue account and Mr. Foy relied, no.
Mayor Abramowitz suggested that $74,600.00 be reduced by
$10,000.00 and C/M Hoffman suggested that the revenue be
increased as opposed to the expenditure being decreased.
C/M Stelzer asked what the benefit would be by doing this
and Mr. Burroughs said if $10,000.00 was reduced from
this account it would increase the year end surplus from
$114,000.000 to $124,000.00; therefore, nothing would be
Mayor Abramowitz said C/M Hoffman's suggestion seemed
feasible and he asked that the intended revenue be
increased by $10,000.00. Mr. Foy said if the
expenditures were used, there would be more revenue.
C/M Stelzer asked if it was anticipated that Fort
Lauderdale would be increasing their water rates and
Mayor Abramowitz said Mr. Foy would know if Fort
Lauderdale was anticipating a rate increase.
Mr. Foy said this matter would be known in September,
1989, when Fort Lauderdale reviewed their water rates.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the residents would be required
to pay higher water rates if Fort Lauderdale increased
their rates and Mr. Foy replied, no. Mayor Abramowitz
asked why and Mr. Foy said there was a surplus available
to provide for the increase.
Mayor Abramowitz said he did not want the expenditures to
reflect a surplus at the end of the year. He said the
budget was being reviewed to bring it into realization.
Page 12
C/M Hoffman said recently, it was discussed that the
surplus was needed for improvements; however, now, Mr.
Foy was indicating that the surplus would be used to
accommodate an increase in water rates.
Mr. Foy said the budget provided for improvements in the
amount of $25,000.00. He said $200,000.00 was budgeted
for a backflow prevention program which would accommodate
the meter exchange program. He said these were the only
improvements being done.
C/M Hoffman asked why the surplus was not used to replace
some of the water lines and Mr. Foy said other accounts
would be providing the funds for the improvements.
V/M Bender had concerns regarding why the residents were
not being charged for an increase in water rates and Mr.
Foy said this could be done; however, there was no need
to increase the residents rates at this time.
Mayor Abramowitz suggested that $10,000.00 be added to
the revenue account and Mr. Burroughs said this would
increase the surplus which would cause an unbalanced
Mr. Foy said income had to be estimated low; however, the
expenditures had to be estimated by what may occur.
Mayor Abramowitz said it was indicated that so much would
be spent and collected for water usage. He said he did
not care how the accounts were handled providing the
revenues reflected the expenditures.
C/M Stelzer said the income had to be reviewed carefully
so that the income was not inflated. He suggested that
the revenue remain the same because Mr. Foy budgeted the
possibility that Fort Lauderdale would be increasing
their water rates. He said the expenditures were always
an estimate in hope that there would be a surplus at the
end of the year.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City was not in the profit
making business. He said the City was supposed to be in
a factual business. He asked Mr. Burroughs how he would
suggest the matter be handled.
Mr. Burroughs said if the revenue was increased on Page
133 by $10,000.00, the ending surplus on Page 136 had to
be increased by $10,000.00. Mayor Abramowitz suggested
that this be done.
C/M Stelzer suggested the expenditures be decreased and
Mr. Burroughs agreed.
The City Council AGREED that $74,600.00 would be
decreased to $64,600.00.
Mr. Foy suggested that a contingency account be created
for the $10,000.00 decrease.
C/M Stelzer asked where the funds would come from if Fort
Lauderdale increased their rates and Mayor Abramowitz
asked if the surplus funds could be used. Mr. Foy
replied, no.
V/M Bender said the budget process was an estimate of
what was needed and Mr. Burroughs said there were certain
legal restrictions that had to be followed.
Page 13
Page 141
C/M Stelzer asked why the City Council wanted to increase
the surplus as opposed to providing a $10,000.00
contingency account and Mayor Abramowitz said he did not
feel that a contingency account would be appropriate
because it was not factual, which may result in a
Mayor Abramowitz asked what the Wastewater Agreement was
for and Mr. Foy said Fort Lauderdale took care of TUE's
wastewater. He said the City bought water from Fort
Lauderdale and then returned it.
Mayor Abramowitz said he was concerned with the
Department Heads feeling that they had to use what they
budgeted to avoid losing it in the future. He said the
City Council was trying to present a factual and honest
budget this year.
Mr. Foy said the repairs for next year may not be as
expensive as this year and Mayor Abramowitz said Mr. Foy
indicated that money may be spent and he accepted this
City Manager Kelly said there was not much that could be
deducted from the TUE budget and Mayor Abramowitz said
staff did a great job in tightening their budgets;
however, the City Council and staff may have different
opinions about the expenditure of the funds.
Mr. Foy said there were approximately 100 homes in the
TUE area that still have septic tanks. He said a few
years ago, funds were going to be allotted to allow the
replacement of these tanks with gravity sanitary sewer
lines; however, the City Council decided that this
project would not be done. He said there was nothing
that could force the residents to change from septic
C/M Hoffman asked if the homeowners were responsible to
pay for sewer hookups. C/M Hoffman asked why the City
should consider paying for this type of project and Mr.
Foy said the City would be doing the project. He said
either the residents could be charged in one lump sum or
the City could allocate funds for the project and charge
the residents over a specific time period. He said he
was not suggesting that this project occur next year;
however, he wanted the City Council to be aware that this
had to be done. He said the project had to be done
because it was a deficiency in the system.
C/M Hoffman asked how much this project would cost and
Mr. Foy said approximately $250,000.00.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many new residents were in the
City and Mr. Foy said there were approximately 760 new
units in the City this year. Mayor Abramowitz said the
water sales for last year were $1,753,360.00 and Mr. Foy
said this was an estimated figure.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the new residents generated
approximately $35,000.00 and Mr. Foy said the estimated
collection from the residents was $1,753,360.00.
Page 14
V/M Bender asked if the estimated column was a full year
and Mr. Burroughs said the estimated amount was for 12
Mayor Abramowitz asked if only $35,000.00 was the
estimated increase for last year and Mr. Burroughs said
this was a lot of money for 760 new units. He said
during a rainy season there was very little water bought
and this played a big part in the estimated costs.
V/M Bender said Kings Point had a lot of new units and
Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council was recently asked
for funding for two new lift stations. He said the lift
stations were required because more capacity was needed
for the Lennar Homes development and Mr. Foy agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz said if the development was on the tax
rolls for the coming year, he thought that there were
residents residing there and Mr. Foy said when the
development received its Certificate of Occupancy, it was
included on the tax rolls; however, residents may not be
residing in the units.
Mayor Abramowitz said $35,000.00 seemed to be very little
for the recent development in the City and C/M Hoffman
said there were other line items that should be
calculated together, such as the multi -family water
sales, in order to make the determination for next year.
Mr. Foy said the revenue was anticipated to be increased
by 3% next year and Mr. Burroughs said there may be a
problem in meeting last year's estimated revenue.
Mr. Foy said the overall increase was approximately 3%,
which was based on the history of the last two years.
Mayor Abramowitz said the general reserve was $356,360.00
and Mr. Burroughs said this was his computation. He said
the TUW budget expenditures exceed the revenues by
$256,360.00. He said this amount should be $656,360.00
because it was recently determined that there was one
item that was not included in the budget at a cost.of
Mayor Abramowitz asked if this was the Rock Island Road
Project and Mr. Burroughs agreed. Mayor Abramowitz said
this matter would be discussed later.
V/M Bender asked why the salaries were increased and City
Manager Kelly said there were two positions in last years
budget that were split between the Utilities and
Engineering Departments; however, these positions would
be located in the Utilities Budget and deleted from the
Engineering Budget.
Mr. Foy said there was half a secretary position
decreased from the salaries.
C/M Hoffman said there was approximately 1.5 million
dollars in salaries which seemed to be a lot and Mr.
Burroughs said there were no increases in salaries.
Mayor Abramowitz asked why $12,000.00 was anticipated in
overtime pay and Mr. Foy said this account was for the
part-time employees.
Page 15
V/M Bender asked why there was a difference in the
part-time employee wages and Mr. Foy said there was an
employee in the Engineering Department that was
transferred into the Utilities Department.
C/M Hoffman asked how many employees were in the
Utilities Department and Mr. Foy replied, 70.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the benefit options were actual
amounts as opposed to estimates and City Manager Kelly
replied, yes.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if gasoline and diesel
accounts were increased and Mr. Burroughs said gasoline,
diesel, tires and auto parts were in other accounts;
however, Mr. Foy suggested that these items be placed
into one account. He said the following Pages would
indicate a --0- amount in those accounts.
V/M Bender asked why there was an increase in postage
rates and Mr. Foy said the Customer Service and City
Clerk's Office recently discovered that the Utilities
Department was not paying for its postage.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what rental and leases included
and Mr. Foy a copier and 12 beepers.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if beepers were needed since
radios have been provided and Mr. Foy replied, yes, the
beepers were for the employees who were at home and on
City Manager Kelly said he did not approve of the
employees taking $2,000.00 radios home.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if 12 people were always on call
and Mr. Foy said more than 12 people were on call.
V/M Bender said last year $464.00 was used for repairs on
machinery and equipment and he asked why $1,200 was
budgeted this year.
Mr. Foy said there were two old air conditioning units
that would be needing repair and V/M Bender asked if
these units had service contracts. Mr. Foy said the
units were very old and V/M Bender suggested that this
matter be investigated because it may be cheaper to have
service contracts.
C/M Hoffman asked how old the units were and Mr. Foy
replied, approximately 6 years. He said he would
investigate the possibility of having a service contract
for the units; however, he did not feel that the cost for
those contracts would be $1,200.00 or less.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the Workers' Compensation
account would be reduced and Mr. Burroughs said this
account would be reduced accordingly.
Referring to Item 527, Chemicals, V/M Bender asked why
there was an increase of approximately $83,000.00 and Mr.
Foy said this was for petroleum which was expected to
increase in cost.
Page 16
8/30/ 89--pw
V/M Bender said $83,000.00 seemed to be more than what
was needed and Mr. Foy said the funds had to be available
to accommodate the increase. He said $83,000.00 may not
be required; however, funding had to be available.
V/M Bender said a more realistic figure could be
implemented and, if more funding was needed during the
year, the City Council could be informed of the matter.
He said these costs should not be padded.
City Manager Kelly said he did not feel Mr. Foy was
padding the costs and V/M Bender said the figures seemed
to be over estimated.
Mayor Abramowitz said if there were funds in the budget
that were not realistic, he wanted to decrease them and
Mr. Foy said the funds would not be spent if they were
not needed.
C/M Hoffman said in government, it was felt that
appropriated funding would be spent and City Manager
Kelly said since he became City Manager, this philosophy
was not being followed. He said he reviewed the
expenditures and required the Department Heads to submit
an explanation as to why the expenditures were needed.
C/M Hoffman said City Manager Kelly did a great job in
holding back expenditures; however, the City Manager
should not be responsible for denying the expenditures
when funds were available. He said the City Council
reviewed the budget to make it realistic so the City
Manager would not have this burden.
Mayor Abramowitz said there were several occasions when
Mr. Foy came before the City Council for funding that was
not available in his budget and the only expenditure the
City Council ever denied was the cutting of the trees.
Mr. Foy said the problem with the trees still existed and
Mayor Abramowitz suggested that Florida Power & Light be
asked to come and cut the trees again. Mr. Foy said if
he owned the Australian Pine trees he would make sure
that they were eliminated.
Mayor Abramowitz said Mr. Foy could bring items to the
City Council in the future for funding if it was not
available in the budget. He said the budget should be as
close as possible to the actual expenditures.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if there was an excess of
$25,000.00 in this budget and Mr. Foy said he did not
V/M Bender suggested that $30,000.00 be eliminated from
this budget and Mayor Abramowitz suggested that
$10,000.00 be reduced. V/M Bender said this would
provide a cushion of approximately $20,000.00.
The City Council agreed with this reduction.
4 Mr. Foy asked if $7, 500.00 of the $10, 000.00 reduction
could be used for employee certification.
Mayor Abramowitz said if this was allowed, it would seem
like the City Council was granting this Department an
increase in wages. He suggested that this matter be
brought back to the City Council at a later date.
Page 17
Page 146
Mayor Abramowitz asked why there was an increase in dues
and memberships and Mr. Foy said this item included the
American Water Works Association (AWWA), which required
approximately $650.00 for membership.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if this membership was needed and
Mr. Foy said the AWWA was the bible authority of the
water plant. Mayor Abramowitz asked if this membership
assisted the Department and Mr. Foy replied, yes, the
latest technology was provided through this membership.
C/M Hoffman said this cost was not in the estimated costs
of last year and Mr. Foy agreed. C/M Hoffman asked how
much the estimated cost should be increased and Mr. Foy
said by approximately $650.00.
Referring to Item 641, Mayor Abramowitz asked why office
equipment was increased by $23,214.00 and Mr. Foy said
this item included a backup terminal screen in the amount
of $7,700.00. He said there was only one screen
available and, if it malfunctioned, the entire system
could not be monitored.
Mayor Abramowitz said he loved equipment that took the
place of people; however, the Utilities Department has
been operating without this equipment for several years.
Mr. Foy said the screen was placed in the facility
approximately 1 year ago because of the water plant
expansion and now, because it was depended on heavily, a
back up was needed.
C/M Hoffman asked if both screens would go out together
and Mr. Foy said the monitor was of concern.
V/M Bender asked if this system was a self-sustaining
unit and Mr. Foy replied, no.
V/M Bender asked if there were two units needed or a
backup screen and Mr. Foy said a backup screen was
City Manager Kelly said there was a backup tape unit
needed and Mr. Foy said this equipment would cost
$19,000.00. City Manager Kelly said there was only one
terminal controlling the entire water plant.
V/M Bender asked how old the equipment was and Mr. Foy
said approximately 1-1/2 years old. V/M Bender asked if
the equipment ever failed and Mr. Foy replied, no.
City Manager Kelly said a backup system was needed in
order to prevent loss and Mr. Foy said it took
approximately one week to backup data.
V/M Bender said if there were two screens and lightening
struck both units would be interrupted. He said this
equipment would not provide backup.
Mr. Foy said he would not set up both terminals at one
time to allow both of them to fail. He said the backup
terminal would be used if the other terminal failed.
Page 18
Mayor Abramowitz asked if this was the most feasible way
of handling the matter and Mr. Foy said in his opinion,
Mayor Abramowitz said V/M Bender was an Engineer and he
did not want to doubt his concerns; however, he did not
want items.eliminated from the budget that were necessary
for the Department to operate. He said he did not want
to allow the funds to be used for toys this year either.
Mr. Burroughs asked what would happen if the unit was
interrupted and there was no backup terminal and Mr. Foy
said if there was no backup, the water plant operator
would not know what was occurring on Tract 27.
Mr. Burroughs asked if the operator would have to go to
the site personally and Mr. Foy replied, yes; however,
the operator was the only person at the facility.
C/M Hoffman asked if another terminal would provide the
information if the entire system was damaged and Mr. Foy
replied, no.
C/M Hoffman asked if it was possible for one screen to go
out without harming the other screen and Mr. Foy said the
extra terminal would not be plugged into the system until
the other screen failed.
Mayor Abramowitz said he did not object to this purchase
and he asked Mr. Foy to investigate this matter further
to see if there was another way to back the system up
without spending this much money.
Mr. Foy said he would have to come to the City Council
for approval of the use of the money during the year.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what Transmission and Distribution
was and Mr. Foy this was for the water distribution
system, which included water mains, fire hydrants and
storage tanks.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many employees were included
in this budget on Page 143 and Mr. Foy replied 14.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many employees were included
in Item 363 and Mr. Foy replied, 13.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many employees were included
in Item 364 and Mr. Burroughs replied, 18.
Mayor Abramowitz asked why there was an increase in
overtime on Page 147 and Mr. Foy said overtime was for
emergency calls, etc.
Abramowitz asked if
there were any employees that
not paid by the hour
and Mr. Foy replied, no, there
no exempt employees.
Abramowitz asked if
the Pension contributions were
on salaries and Mr.
Burroughs replied, yes, 8.32%
of the
gross salary.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the money paid by the City was
vested to each employee and Mr. Burroughs said the City's
contributions were placed in the Pension Plan.
Page 19
Mayor Abramowitz asked Mr. Burroughs what he meant by
this and Mr. Burroughs said all of the City's
contributions were placed into the Pension Fund.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City contributed $90.00 to
an employee working overtime, if that employee only
received the City's contributions.
Mr. Foy said his paycheck informed him of the total he
contributed to the Pension Plan.
C/M Stelzer said when an employee retired, all of the
contributions were calculated and Mayor Abramowitz asked
if an employee was vested with all of the contributions.
C/M Stelzer said the actuaries calculated the employee's
yearly salary including overtime, longevity, etc., when
the employee retired.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the employee that had no
overtime received anything from the employees who did.
C/M Stelzer said an employee only received what he
Mayor Abramowitz asked how long an employee had to work
before he was vested and Mr. Foy replied, 5 years;
however, an employee could take his own contributions
with him if he left the City before 5 years.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what happened with the balance of
the City's contributions and City Manager Kelly said the
contributions remained in the Pension Fund.
Mr. Burroughs asked if this was general practice for a
Pension Plan and City Manager Kelly replied, no.
C/M Rohr asked if the City's contributions for an
employee remained in the Pension Plan if the employee
terminated with the City before he was vested.
C/M Hoffman said the City's contributions remained in the
Pension Fund for the vested employees.
C/M Stelzer said the vested employees would not be
receiving the funds contributed by the City to an
employee who withdrew from the Plan before being vested.
He said an employee's Pension was based on his earnings
by the City.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what was done with the extra funds
and C/M Stelzer said the fund remained in the Pension
Fund as a reserve.
C/M Rohr said he did not agree with the City's unclaimed
funds remaining in the Pension Fund as a reserve and
Mayor Abramowitz said there were other things about the
Pension Fund that were much worse.
C/M Rohr said the City Council should investigate the
Pension Plan after the budget review and Mayor Abramowitz
V/M Bender said the funds should be returned to the City
and Mr. Burroughs said the funds were used to keep the
future City contributions low.
Page 20
Mayor Abramowitz said the Pension Plan was very
interesting and would be discussed in the future.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what Repairs, Water Mains and
Accessories were and Mr. Foy said this budget contained
three items, which were 468, 504 and 505.
Mr. Foy said one item was reduced; however, the other two
increased. He said the total increase of the three items
was $15,000.00 and these items included the repairs and
service of the water mains. He said the increase was
caused by a needed valve replacement and markers for the
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the funds were needed
immediately for the repairs and Mr. Foy said the funds
would be needed next year for the repairs; however, he
could not identify all of the repairs to be done next
Mayor Abramowitz said he previously asked Mr. Foy to
identify the projects that could be done with CIAC funds
and Mr. Foy said there were no projects discussed so far
that could be done with CIAC funds.
C/M Hoffman said a new tank was recently purchased to
facilitate new development at Tract 27. He asked if the
CIAC funds could have been used to purchase the tank.
Mr. Foy said the tank was a backup for
system and C/M Hoffman said the tank would
not have been
purchased for the system if it was not
the increased
C/M Hoffman asked if the entire system
have been
charged to the CIAC funds and Mr. Foy
the project
and a portion of the telemetry system
Tract 27 was
done with CIAC funds.
C/M Hoffman said additional equipment was not being
purchased with CIAC funds and Mr. Foy agreed. C/M
Hoffman asked why and Mr. Foy said the ground rules for
using CIAC funds was that replacement or repairs of an
existing system could not be done with CIAC funds.
C/M Hoffman said the existing equipment was for future
development in the area and Mayor Abramowitz asked if
CIAC funds could be used to paint the new tank.
Mr. Foy replied, no, because painting the tank would be
considered a maintenance project of the existing
Mr. Foy said once the equipment was purchased and
installed, the repairs were considered a maintenance
project because the existing customers were using it.
C/M Hoffman asked if CIAC funds could be used to replace
the existing tank with a larger one because it was not
enough capacity for the area.
Mr. Foy said this was considered an expansion of the
existing system and CIAC funds could be used for
expansion for new customers; however, if the new
customers participated in the expansion, they would have
to pay their fair share of the costs.
Page 21
C/M Rohr asked if the system was being used to supply
water to customers at this time and Mr. Foy replied, yes.
C/M Hoffman asked if the system would have been built if
there were no customers in the area and Mr. Foy said he
felt that the system would have been needed. C/M Hoffman
Mayor Abramowitz asked why the system would have been
built if it was not needed and Mr. Foy said he felt that
the system was needed. He said there were customers
existing in the area; however, a 2 million gallon tank
may not have been needed right away. He said a 1 million
gallon tank could have been used.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if CIAC funds could have been used
to buy a larger tank in the future and Mr. Foy replied,
yes, if expansion was needed.
Mayor Abramowitz said he would not disapprove of
maintenance work in the future; however, he would like
CIAC funds used for the appropriate projects.
Mr. Foy suggested that the City Attorney be asked to
review the usage of the CIAC funds and report back to the
City Council with his findings.
C/M Hoffman asked Mr. Foy why he did not check with the
City Attorney about using the CIAC funds for projects
before bringing the projects to the City Council for
Mr. Foy said he felt that he has made the appropriate
decisions in the past and Mr. Burroughs said it was not
possible to not use all of the CIAC funds.
Mayor Abramowitz said there were projects this year that
could have been done with CIAC funds and C/M Hoffman said
the City Council felt that CIAC projects should be done
with CIAC funds as opposed to tax dollars.
C/M Rohr suggested that the City Council receive a legal
opinion from the City Attorney regarding the use of the
CIAC funds so that the City Council could direct the use
of those funds.
Mayor Abramowitz said he discussed this matter with Mr.
Foy several times and there were remarks made regarding
profit making. He said the Utilities Department and City
were not in the profit making business; however, they
should not lose money either. He said the Department
should pay for itself and the function of the elected
officials was to bring an intelligent, professional and
truthful tax rate to the residents.
C/M Hoffman said
there were
several funds sitting in the
CIAC Account that
were not
being used and Mr. Burroughs
said by 1990, there
will be
very little funds in the CIAC
C/M Hoffman asked
how much
was in the CIAC Account at
this time and Mr.
replied, approximately 2
million dollars.
C/M Rohr asked why the funds would be used by 1990 and
Mr. Foy said the expansion of the water treatment plant
would have to be completed. He said within the next few
Page 22
months, he would be before the City Council for approval
to contract for the expansion of the plan. He said the
project would be done with the CIAC funds.
C/M Hoffman asked how much the expansion would cost and
Mr. Foy replied, approximately 1.5 million dollars.
C/M Hoffman asked how much CIAC fees would be generated
in the next few years and Mr. Foy said approximately
Mayor Abramowitz said he was aware of approximately 2
million dollars which was earmarked for projects but
could not be used and Mr. Foy said these funds dial not
pertain to the Utilities Department. Mayor Abramowitz
Mayor Abramowitz said he discussed this matter with the
City Manager and City Attorney. He said if the money was
not used, it would have to be returned.
City Manager Kelly asked if Mayor Abramowitz was
referring to the escrow funds and Mayor Abramowitz
replied, yes.
C/M Hoffman said he would like to find out if there was a
legal defense that would allow the City to use these
funds. He said this matter was constantly discussed but
never pursued.
City Manager Kelly said this matter was investigated and
there was no legal way to defensively use the funds. He
said the funds belonged to someone else and, after 7
years, the City would have to return them. He said the
City was collecting interest on these funds.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City has suffered and had the
reputation of developers not wanting to come into the
City because of past actions. He said he was pleased
that this was changing; however, he would like a study
done to see if the City could legally use the money.
C/M Hoffman said this had nothing to do with the
Utilities Budget; however, there were several things that
the City needed because of future development and the
funds should be used for these needs.
At 12:15 P.M., Mayor Abramowitz RECESSED this meeting and
P^ age 147
Mayor Abramowitz asked why Item 270, Benefit Options
increased and Mr. Burroughs said there were no employee
changes. He said the benefit options should be $4,300.00
per employee.
City Manager Kelly said an employee was not entitled to
benefit options if they were not with the City for the
first or last six months of the year.
PAGE 147
Page 23
Mr. Foy said this budget included the Rock Island Road
water line project. He said $300,000.00 was not included
in this budget; however, it should have been. He said
the City Manager was recommending that the funding be
Mayor Abramowitz said this matter was discussed and it
was asked if the County was mandating this project. He
asked if the widening of the road was for future
Mr. Foy said the widening of Rock Island Road was
probably for existing and future conditions.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if CIAC funds could be used for
this project and Mr. Foy said water and sewer CIAC funds
could be used for the expansion of future utility
Mayor Abramowitz said the County was mandating this
project and he asked what would happen if the City did
not allocate $300,000.00 for this project.
Mr. Foy said he understood that the County would do the
project if the City did not have the funding and bill the
City for the costs. He said the City would have to
provide the reimbursement in the Utility Revenue budget.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City could repay the costs
over a period of years and Mr. Foy said this occurred
with the project on Commercial Boulevard.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how long the City was given to
repay that project and Mr. Foy said this did not occur
during his tenure; however, he knew that the project was
recently paid off.
Mayor Abramowitz asked Mr. Foy to contact the County
regarding the exact costs for the Rock Island Road
project and Mr. Foy said he contacted the County
regarding this matter. He said the County informed him
that they were not sure of the roadway costs, let alone
the costs for the utilities.
Mr. Foy said the costs had to be allocated for the
project and the County usually estimated the costs per
mile based on their experience. He said the construction
would begin August, 1990, and the Utility Companies would
be contacted about the problems as soon as the
preliminary plans were available.
Mayor Abramowitz asked when the funds would be needed and
Mr. Foy said the project would begin August, 1990;
however, the Utility Department had to have the water and
sewer project completed before the County began the
widening of Rock Island Road.
Mayor Abramowitz said as soon as the City Attorney
returned, he would be calling a workshop meeting
regarding the use of the CIAC funds. He said there were
several things that had to be discussed and investigated.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City Manager and
Utilities/Engineering Director gave their
interpretations; however, he would like a legal
interpretation regarding the use of the CIAC funds. He
Page 24
said he would be pleased if the City could release some
of the financial burden of the residents for future
Mayor Abramowitz said the City appeared before the County
Commission to have NW 64 Street taken off the Trafficways
Map because it was no benefit to the City. He said the
City would have been obligated to this street in the
future at a cost of approximately 1.2 million dollars.
He said he did not know how the County could mandate the
City to do projects that would not benefit the City in
the future.
C/M Rohr asked what section of Rock Island Road would be
widened and Mr. Foy said the road would be widened from
Oakland Park Boulevard to south of Commercial Boulevard.
Mr. Foy said the County felt that the City had facilities
in their right-of-way that did not meet their standards.
He said the County did not want the substandard material
that existed creating problems once the project was
City Manager Kelly asked Mr. Foy what the existing
material was and Mr. Foy replied, asbestos piping.
C/M Rohr said the City did not have to pay for the
widening of University Drive and Mr. Foy said the City
spent approximately 1 million dollars for that project.
C/M Rohr asked where the money came from and Mr. Foy said
most of the funds were from bonds and revenue and a small
portion was taken from CIAC fund for the expansion of
future growth.
Mayor Abramowitz asked where the bonds came from and Mr.
Foy said from the 1986 Bond Issue. Mayor Abramowitz
asked if there were any more funds available from this
Bond Issue and Mr. Burroughs replied, approximately
$500,000.00; however, the funds were earmarked for the
Nob Hill Road project.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what this project was and Mr. Foy
said the facility for the Utilities Administrative and
Maintenance Departments. He said the Utilities had to
move their Maintenance Department and chemicals from the
Building on NW 61 Street three years ago. He said they
were temporarily located at the TUE building until the
proposed facility at Land Section 7 was built.
Mr. Foy said the County would be inventorying the
facility to see what hazardous materials existed and a
containment area would have to be provided by the
Utilities Department.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if Mr. Foy knew what this would
cost and Mr. Foy said he did not know what the cost would
be at this time because he found out about the inventory
approximately two days ago.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what the County requirements were
for chemicals and Mr. Foy said a containment area was
required to prevent contamination by spills.
Page 25
Mayor Abramowitz asked how much hazardous material
existed at the facility and Mr. Foy said a facility twice
the size of Conference Room #1 was needed to store the
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the construction of the
facility would cost $500,000.00 and Mr. Foy said the
facility would cost approximately $100,000.00 to build.
Mayor Abramowitz asked when the facility at Land Section
7 was proposed to be built and Mr. Burroughs said the
plans included the Public Works Department as well.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the funds for the proposed
facility would come from a Bond Issue and Mr. Burroughs
replied, yes.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if TUW had their share of the
funds for the facility and City Manager Kelly replied,
yes; however, the City Council would have to decide what
they would like to do about a facility for the Public
Works and Utilities Departments.
C/M Hoffman asked how much the facility at Land Section 7
for the Utilities Department would cost and City Manager
Kelly said the City Council would have to discuss this
matter during a workshop meeting.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the Utilities Department could
build a facility and rent it to the Public Works
Department and Mr. Burroughs replied, yes, providing the
facility was big enough.
Mr. Foy said he would not be pleased if the Utilities
Department used the bond money to build the facility and
not occupy the facility but rented it out to the Public
Works Department.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what could be done with the bond
money if the entire amount was not used for a new
Utilities facility and Mr. Foy said the legal use of the
funds had to be determined.
Mr. Burroughs said the balance would have to be expended
for TUW projects, transferred to the sinking fund or to
retire bonds.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the funds could be used for
Utility projects, such as Rock Island Road and Mr.
Burroughs said he would assume that this could be done.
City Manager Kelly said the owner of the south portion of
Land Section 7 had to be considered in this matter as
well and Mayor Abramowitz said the City would have to
negotiate with that owner on stipulations of acreage.
City Manager Kelly
holding a workshop
the proposals for
C/M Hoffman asked
the Bond issue and
would be submitted
said the City Council should consider
meeting in the near future concerning
Public Works/Utilities Administration
how much money was in the balance of
Mr. Burroughs said this information
C/M Hoffman suggested that the funding for the Rock
Island Road project be placed in the budget, which would
make the bottom line figure of this budget $1,121,610.00.
Page 26
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many employees were included
in this budget and Mr. Burroughs said there were 7 full
time employees and 1 part time employee.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the Utility bills were being
sent bulk mail and Mr. Burroughs said the bills have
always been sent pre-sorted postage.
City Manager Kelly said he received several calls and
complaints regarding the late penalty charge. He said
there were so many complaints, he left change on his desk
for those residents that came to his office to complain.
Mr. Burroughs said there would be a proposal in the near
future to change the penalty rate and Mr. Foy said the
postage was being considered because the Utilities
Department was losing revenue.
Mayor Abramowitz asked when the water cut off was after a
second notice and Mr. Burroughs said when the customer
received a second notice, their water was cut off two
weeks later if they did not pay.
V/M Bender asked if it would be cheaper to hand deliver
the bills and Mayor Abramowitz said the electric
companies did this.
C/M Hoffman said the City provided a bi-monthly bill;
however, the residents were not pleased with this billing
system because the bills seemed to be too high.
Mr. Foy said he would prefer a bi-monthly billing system
because it would save costs.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the budget could be changed
without problems if the City Council received a favorable
legal opinion regarding the use of CIAC funds.
Mr. Burroughs said the City
tax rate at the first public
exceed the amount submitted
Office. He said the rates
the second public hearing.
Page 151
Manager would announce the
hearing, which could not
to the County Appraiser's
could only be reduced during
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many employees there were in
this Department and Mr. Foy replied, 13.
C/M Rohr asked what Other Contractual Services included
and Mr. Foy said 100 hours was used by a mechanic to take
care of the telemetry system. He said in-house training
was taking place to eliminate the need of outside
Mayor Abramowitz suggested $5,000.00 be eliminated and
the City Council agreed.
V/M Bender asked why Item 430, Electricity, was increased
by $10,000.00 and Mr. Foy said the electric was used for
lift stations. He said the flow this year was less than
the last 4 years because the rainfall was low.
Page 27
V/M Bender suggested that this matter be investigated
because the rate structure may need to be changed. He
suggested that $10,000.00 be eliminated from this budget
and the City Council agreed.
V/M Bender said Item 500, Repair on Lift Stations,
reflected a very large increase and he asked why there
was an increase in the amount of $12,000.00.
Mr. Foy said this item included the maintenance and
repair of the lift stations and Mr. Burroughs asked how
many lift stations there were.
Mr. Foy said there were 70 lift stations and V/M Bender
suggested that this item be reduced by $8,000.00.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City Council never denied the
Departments funding for projects if it was available
throughout the years, except the tree -trimming funds. He
said the requests for funding had to be brought to the
City Manager before they were submitted to the City
V/M Bender asked why Item 508 increased and Mr. Foy said
this item was was under warranty until two months ago.
V/M Bender asked if an extended warranty could be
purchased and Mr. Foy said a one year warranty would cost
approximately $18,000.00, which would not include
lightening coverage.
V/M Bender asked when the warranty expired and Mr. Foy
replied, April, 1989.
Page 152
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the new items listed were
needed this year, such as Item 6PL and Mr. Foy said the
lift station program was a continuing rehabilitation
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the projects were preventative
maintenance and Mr. Foy said the existing lift stations
were older than 15 years, which was the expected life of
the stations. He said there was electrical equipment and
pumps that had to be rehabilitated.
C/M Rohr asked how many lift stations were older than 15
years and Mr. Foy said 11 lift stations needed to be
rehabilitated. C/M Rohr asked if 4 lift stations were
repaired each year and Mr. Foy replied, yes; however, the
work had to be contracted out.
V/M Bender asked if the cost included a complete repair
of the stations and Mr. Foy replied, yes.
V/M Bender asked if the important repairs could be done
immediately and the minor repairs could be done at
another time.
Mr. Foy said a partial repair may not be appropriate and
V/M Bender suggested that 50% of the repairs be
allocated. Mr. Foy said the electrical components,
pumps, wet wells and check valves had to be repaired.
Page 28
Mayor Abramowitz said it seemed to be better to reduce
the number of lift station repairs this year than to
partially repair them and V/M Bender suggested this item
be investigated to determine what was actually needed.
C/M Hoffman asked if fewer lift stations could be
repaired this year and Mr. Foy said the lift stations
were important because they eliminated the sewage from
the water.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how much it would cost for new
lift stations and Mr. Foy said for Land Section 7,
approximately $170,000.00. He said this cost included a
force main and the cost would be approximately
$100,000.00 without the force main.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if it would be cheaper to replace
the stations rather than rehabilitate them and Mr. Foy
said when the repairs were done, the only old items that
remained were the wet wells.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if revenues were the only funds
that could be used for these repairs and Mr. Foy replied,
yes, because the existing lift stations wore the lift
stations out.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what Item 6PN, Fire Main
Replacement included and Mr. Foy said a force main broke
6 months ago on NW 58 Street, east of University Drive.
He said sewage was seeping into the street; therefore,
the replacement was needed.
Mayor Abramowitz asked what the relocation of sewage line
was for on Rock Island Road and Mr. Foy said this was the
replacement of the asbestos cement lines. He said the
County would do this work and bill the City.
C/M Hoffman said this type of billing may be better for
the City if the City could pay the bill back over a 10
year period. He suggested that the repayment period be
Mayor Abramowitz asked what the sewer service for
Veterans Park included and Mr. Foy said a grant was
expected for this project, which would be used to pay the
City back for this cost.
Mayor Abramowitz said so far, it was costing the City
approximately $60,000.00 for a $30,000.00 grant.
City Manager Kelly said restrooms were constantly being
requested for Veterans Park; however, they were
constantly being vandalized.
Mayor Abramowitz said he never heard a resident complain
regarding lack of restrooms at Veterans Park and C/M Rohr
had concerns with vandalism costing the City more money.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if there was a time limit for
using the grant funds and Dina McDermott, Assistant to
the City Manager, said every grant had a specified time
limit for its usage, which was usually one year.
Mr. Foy said the Public Works Director informed him that
the grant funds had to be used by December 1, 1989. He
said the project was presently out to bid.
Page 29
Mrs. McDermott said if the grants funds were not used by
the specified time, the monies as well as the interest
earned on the funds had to be returned to the State.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the restrooms would be open 24
hours per day and City Manager Kelly said the Parks and
Recreation Department would make this determination.
Mayor Abramowitz said the restrooms would have to be
maintained and he did not agree that they should remain
open 24 hours.
City Manager Kelly said the restrooms could be closed at
a specific time; however, personnel would have to be
assigned to maintain them. He said the City had a
reputation for not using State allocated funds and he
would like to see this change. He said the City has
been denied needed funds in the past because of this
Mayor Abramowitz said he wanted to see the City being
more selective of the grants they were accepting. He
said he was more concerned with the maintenance and
operations of the restrooms at Veterans Park than he was
with receiving grant monies for the project.
C/M Rohr said he was concerned that the facilities would
not be treated appropriately and City Manager Kelly said
there have been health concern regarding people using the
canal as a restroom.
Mayor Abramowitz said if a restroom was provided, a
person in a boat would not be getting out of it to use
the facility.
C/M Hoffman said if he would have known about the added
costs for the restrooms, he would never approved the
acceptance of the grant; however, the project should be
completed since it went this far. He said the restrooms
should be open only when the park was open.
C/M Rohr said the City would be incurring large costs for
the maintenance and operation of the restrooms and this
concerned him because not many people used the park.
C/M Hoffman said the City Council should have considered
this matter before accepting the grant for the restrooms
and C/M Rohr said he would agree to giving the grant
monies back if it was going to cost the City more than
the grant was worth.
Mayor Abramowitz said he would vote against the project;
however, he did not want the City to be refused future
State grants and C/M Rohr said if the City had a
legitimate reason for the use of the grant monies, the
State would not refuse them in the future.
Mayor Abramowitz said the City of Lauderhill was very
upset with Tamarac because Tamarac was not fulfilling its
agreement of the joint fund.
Mr. Foy said the Fire Department has been trying to get a
fire hydrant on that side of the street and Mayor
Abramowitz asked if CTAC funds could be used for part of
this project. Mr. Foy said there were no future
customers in the area.
Page 30
C/M Hoffman asked why a fire hydrant was needed in the
area and Mr. Foy said the Fire Department wanted the
hydrant available in case there was a fire. C/M Hoffman
suggested that the project be completed and Mayor
Abramowitz suggested that this matter be reviewed
Mayor Abramowitz said the budget contained several items
involving telemetry systems and pump stations and C/M
Hoffman said this budget would complete the capital
expenditure for the telemetry system for the remaining
lift stations.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how the City was operating without
the system and Mr. Foy said there were operators sent out
every day to monitor the lift stations. He said the
telemetry system would assist the Department by allowing
the existing operators to do other needed projects.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the personnel costs would
decrease when the telemetry system was installed and Mr.
Foy said not immediately because the existing personnel
would be used for other projects that were not presently
being done.
Mayor Abramowitz asked how many lift stations received
the telemetry system last year and Mr. Foy replied that
the City Council approved 20 installations when they
approved the purchase of the radios. He said the project
was expected to begin very soon.
Mayor Abramowitz said he was not in favor of providing
things that were not needed for 15 years and he asked if
the project was absolutely necessary this year.
Mr. Foy replied, yes, because it gave the Utilities
Department the ability to appropriately monitor the
stations. He said the project would also assist in
preventing sewage from flowing onto the streets.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if sewage would be on the streets
without the system and Mr. Foy said there was no
guarantee that the system would prevent this; however,
the probability was that it would not occur with the
Mayor Abramowitz recommended that this item be eliminated
from the budget because the City was not in a position to
do the project within two years. He said this project
should be allocated over several years.
Mr. Foy said he would prefer doing half of the project as
opposed to none of it and C/M Hoffman asked if more
monitoring systems would be needed for the expansion.
Mr. Foy said the existing monitors would be used for the
Mayor Abramowitz suggested that half of the project be
done this year; therefore, this budget would be reduced
from $34,000.00 to $42,000.00.
Page 153
V/M Bender asked why Item 442, Treatment Capacity Fee was
increased and Mr. Foy said this was for the leased
capacity in the County's 201 program.
Page 31
Mayor Abramowitz asked how much the City paid for the
capacity and Mr. Foy said he did not have this
information available.
Mayor Abramowitz
asked that information be submitted to
the City
regarding the amount
the City paid in
the last
5 years
and Mr. Foy said the
County's rates
by 10%.
Mayor Abramowitz
asked if Last year's
expenditures were
and Mrs.
McDermott said for
Fiscal Year 1987/88
the costs
were $903,303.00.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if 10% should be added to this
cost and Mr. Foy said the rate for transmission was
increased by 24% and the rate for treatment increased by
Mayor Abramowitz suggested that this item be reduced by
$40,000.00 and the City Council agreed.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City was going to be
considered this year for capacity and Mr. Foy said in
1991, the City would own 7.04 MGD capacity; however, a
square one payment would be required.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the payment would be for
Deerfield Beach and Fort Lauderdale and Mr. Foy replied,
yes. He said the City leased 2 million gallons of
treatment from Pompano Beach and 1 million gallons of
treatment and 1 million gallons of transmission from
Deerfield Beach. He said Pompano Beach received more
money than Deerfield Beach. He said the CIAC funds were
used for a portion of the capacity.
Page 154
Mr. Burroughs said this was a backcharge for projects of
TUE and Mayor Abramowitz said V/M Bender informed the
City Council that Florida Power & Light owed the City
money for work the Utilities Department did for them.
Mr. Foy agreed.
Mr. Foy said V/M Bender submitted four invoices and one
was several years old. He said the City Attorney was
asked to investigate this matter to see why Florida Power
& Light was not paying their bills. He said the Finance
Department has tried to collect these fees from Florida
Power & Light several times but has been unsuccessful.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the City was required to do
Florida Power & Light's work and Mr. Foy said Florida
Power & Light cut through the City's sewer lines, which
had to be repaired.
Mayor Abramowitz asked if Florida Power & Light needed
to work in the City and
Mr. Foy replied, yes.
C/M Hoffman
asked if the City
could request a bond from
Power & Light before
they were given a permit and
Mr. Foy
said the City had an
agreement with Florida Power
& Light,
which provided that
there would be no charge for
Mayor Abramowitz asked if the residents would have their
water supply turned off if they did not pay their bills
and Mr. Foy replied, yes. Mayor Abramowitz said the
Page 32
Utilities Department should act on this matter to get
Florida Power & Light to pay their outstanding bills.
Mr. Foy said the outstanding bills were approximately
$500.00; however, the City could deny Florida Power &
Light a permit until their outstanding bills were paid.
C/M Hoffman said he did not want to detain Florida Power
& Light from doing their job; however, he did not want
the City waiting 3 years to receive their monies from
Florida Power & Light. He suggested that this matter be
investigated to see if the City could require a bond from
Florida Power & Light for their projects.
Mr. Foy said he was not aware the Florida Power & Light
was not paying their bills; however, future permits could
be denied until they paid their outstanding bills.
Page 156
Mr. Burroughs said this budget was transfers, which were
required because of bond indentures or agreements with
various agencies.
C/M Hoffman asked if $50,000.00 could be eliminated from
this budget and Mr. Foy said the funds were needed for
V/M Bender said the City Council could approve the funds
at the time of the emergency and he suggested that
$50,000.00 be eliminated from this budget. The City
Council agreed.
At this time, the City Council agreed to hold a workshop
meeting tomorrow (August 31, 1989) at 1:00 P.M.
City Manager Kelly said the City Clerk informed him that
there was a misunderstanding in the budget concerning the
Employee SunDial. He said there was approximately
$1,850.00 needed for the SunDial and he felt that it was
needed for the employees. The City Council agreed to
allocate $1,850.00 for this item.
With no further business, Mayor Abramowitz ADJOURNED this
meeting at 4:30 P.M.
"This public document was promulgated at a cost of $302.20 or $37.78 per
copy to inform the general public, public officers and employees of
recent opinions and considerations of the City Council of the City of
Page 33
L -1
John Kelly, City Manager
Susan M. Tillman, Risk Management Consultant
August 29, 1989
After reviewing the City of Tamarac's loss history over the
past ten years, it is apparant that claims have been low and
the proportionate amount of premiums paid compared to claims
paid is extraordinary.
The claims referred to are general liability which include
claims filed against the City for the negligence of its
employees, auto liability claims and excess liability claims
(claims for catastrophic losses) .
From 1979 to 1989, $179,000 was paid out by the City for the
above mentioned type claims. Of that $179,000, $59,000 were
police liability claims.
Since the City no longer maintains a police force, it is fair
to subtract out those police claims from the above picture
and figure that over the past ten years, the City has paid an
average of $12,000 in claims per year.
During those years, the City probably paid between $200,000 to
$350,000 per year in premium dollars. On the low side, the
City paid out $2,000,000 in premiums over the past ten years.
On the high side, the City may have paid out $3,000,000 in
premium dollars for general liability claims. Out of that
amount, only $179,000 was actually paid in claims.
It appears reasonable, in view of the above, that the City of
Tamarac seek alternate methods to preserve its own assets in
the process of insuring the City against losses.
Governmental entities are governed by sovereign immunity per
Florida Statute 768.28. Per this statute, a governmental
entity can only be liable up to $100/200,000 for torts. In
order to collect more than this'statutory amount, an individual
must get a claims bill through the legislature or obtain a
judgment from Federal Court.
A claims bill or a federal judgment would probably take between
two to three years to obtain.
u.w F�.a .�.;ww;•: w;. ..
Fire and Extended
General Liability
Police and Fire Accident
Money and Securities
Flood Insurance
Gallagher Fee
Workers' Comp. Premium
Gallagher Bassett Fee
Workers' Compensation
State Assessment
Total Insurance Cost
Amount Budgeted for
Insurance 1989-90
Utility Contribution
Tb Insurance Fund
August 29, 1989
Page 2
It is therefore recommended that the City of Tamarac begin a
loss fund for general liability. There is presently $449,000 in
the Workers' Compensation loss fund. Workers' fund losses have
averaged $220,000 for the past four years., $50,000 more is
budgeted this year to be put into this Workers' Compensation
fund. That would bring the Workers' Compensation fund to
If $250,000 of the Workers' Compensation fund was transferred
to a general liability loss fund, from which claims could be
paid, then the City of Tamarac could look to save approximately
$292,000 this year from its present insurance budget.
Below is an explanation of same:
Equipment Insurance $3,000
Police Professional 5,700
Medical Malpractice 49,000
Public Officials 45,000
Employees and Officials Bond 8,540
2,500 2,500
550 0
8,400 8 400
$447,000 163,900
0-Inc. under fire
and extended
0-incl. under
general liab.
0-incl. under
general liab.
approx. $3,000
-233,900 (insurance cost)
The above reductions in premiums were accomplished by increasing the
City's deductible amount in each line of coverage. General liability
camaz�.$100,000. One million dollars,in coverage was then purchased
above the $100,000. Fire and extended coverage deductible was also
raised from $2,500 to $100,000.